


This is one original pictures my group and I took on our photo shoot of Sarz. To create what I envisioned I needed to remove the background and just have Sarz. I used the rubber tool, and the magic wand to remove the unnecessary background. Once that was done I went into filter to put an effect on the image.

Here I am playing around with the available effects to see what would work best .

In the end I decided to use the affect on the right as it looked more interesting and dynamic.

On the left is an interesting painting of the London skyline, I found this to be perfect for what I wanted to achieve with the mix tape artwork.

I then added the “RANSOM” on the side. This was to create something different and break conventions of the writing being upright. The style was taken from a website called dafont.

This is the stage where I added the image of Sarz. Here I stuck to a convention I found from rapper Wales album Ambition. The parental advisory was also added as u can see at the bottom right.

Here is the final stage of the cover. All I had to do was use dafont again and create something for the name Sarz. The font I found is reflective of the artisit with the wings. He wishes to fly to the next level in the music industry.

The back cover was not as intricate as the other covers. I just added the track list and information about contacting Sarz. On the right I added an image of Sarz to keep it from being too simple

Back Cover

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