The CDC Sends Lethal Bird Flu Virus Shipments Out To Poultry Farms.pdf

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CDC discovers botched shipment with bird flu, closes down labs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday said it has closed two laboratories and

halted some shipments of dangerous disease samples after discovering new safety breaches, including one

that involved the dangerous avian flu.

The CDC, which is already under fire for safety mishaps involving live anthrax, said samples that were

sent in March to the Department of Agriculture for research were contaminated with the highly infections

virus H5N1.

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Home | Policy | Healthcare

CDC discovers botched shipment with bird flu,

closes down labs



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By Ferdous Al-Faruque - 07/11/14 01:25 PM EDT

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday said it has closed two laboratories and halted

some shipments of dangerous disease samples after discovering new safety breaches, including one that

involved the dangerous avian flu.

The CDC, which is already under fire for safety mishaps involving live anthrax, said samples that were sent in

March to the Department of Agriculture for research were contaminated with the highly infections virus H5N1.

The flu samples from the Roybal Campus in Atlanta were destroyed as soon as the CDC realized the mistake.

CDC Director Thomas Frieden said he didn’t learn about the incident until this week.

“I’m upset, I’m angry, I’ve lost sleep over it,” Frieden said.

The revelation came in a new report where the CDC outlined the findings of a separate investigation into the

mishandling of anthrax last month in Atlanta.

The agency reported last month that up to 80 workers at Atlanta labs might have been infected with the

deadly anthrax bacteria after live samples were mistakenly moved to a lab with lower biosecurity safety


The CDC report says no staff members had become ill from the anthrax exposure as of July 10.

In response to the investigation, Frieden said he has ordered an immediate moratorium on transferring any

biological samples between high-level labs until officials have reviewed all their safety protocols.

The CDC chief has also ordered “appropriate actions” against any worker who knowingly violated safety rules

and failed to report breaches, and has created a new position, director of laboratory safety, that will be filled by

CDC official Michael Bell.

"This was a serious event that should not have happened," the CDC said of the potential anthrax exposure at the

Atlanta lab.

The new safety lapse with bird flu — a virus that scientists have long feared could create a deadly pandemic —

is another embarrassing misstep for the CDC and federal health officials.

The National Institutes of Health this week disclosed it found six decades-old vials of smallpox virus at a

laboratory in Bethesda, Md. Small pox was eradicated decades ago, and the few remaining samples of the

disease are supposed to be tightly controlled.

The Atlanta lab where the most recent anthrax scare happened has also been the site of other contamination

problems in the past decade.

In 2006, the CDC found the lab had accidentally sent anthrax DNA to two outside labs. In the same year, it

accidentally received live Botulism from another lab location. In 2009, the lab was also found to be sending live

Brucella to outside labs to be used for vaccines.

Lawmakers are up in arms about the safety lapses and are vowing thorough investigations.

Sens. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) sent a letter to the Department of Health and

Human Services late Friday asking for more information about the safety breaches.

The new report “necessitates a serious and careful review of HHS’s policies, procedures, and actions with

respect to the appropriate handling of select agents and other serious pathogens,” they wrote.

Meanwhile, a House subcommittee is holding a hearing next week with Frieden, and is likely to bombard the

CDC chief with tough questions about the health scares.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich) called the CDC’s lapses “wholly


“This latest revelation underscores the need for our investigation and the importance of next week's hearing to

review the safety measures and practices at the CDC,” Upton said.

“We will seek to find out why CDC thinks its latest actions will prove more effective than past efforts, and

whether congressional intervention may be necessary,” he added.

Frieden said people are right to raise questions about the CDC's procedures.

“Together I’m sure these events have many people asking and questioning government labs,” Frieden said.

“They may be wondering whether we are doing what we need to do to keep our workers and our communities

safe, and I think it’s fair to raise those questions.”

Still, Frieden stressed the need for the CDC to conduct research with dangerous samples, saying the work is

critical to preventing outbreaks and stopping bioterrorism.

“We wish we didn’t have to do research like this but the fact is anthrax has been used as a weapon and there’s a

risk is will be used as a weapon,” he said. “In fact the project that led to the potential exposure [of anthrax] was

a project to figure out a quicker way to diagnose anthrax.”

— This story was last updated at 4:57 p.m.


Lethal Bird Flu Cocktail Sent Out Of Lab Accidentally, Went Unreported – CDC

A scientist with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declined to tell superiors that a worker

had mixed a lethal strain of bird flu with a more benign one, even though that mixed strain was shipped

out to another laboratory.

According an internal investigation into the matter, the dangerous bird flu cocktail was then administered

to chickens as part of a US Department of Agriculture (USDA), in which all of the chickens ended up dying.

As a result, USDA officials took another look at the bird flu samples in May and notified the CDC that a

deadly strain of the virus was detected inside.

No people fell ill due to the bird flu strain, the Associated Press reported, but it apparently remained in

circulation for months – it was originally concocted in January – before scientists picked up on what was


After the CDC confirmed the USDA’s findings, the team member in charge chose not to notify those higher

in the chain of command, reportedly because “the viral mix was at all times contained in specialized

laboratories and was never a threat to the public.”

However, when another lab reported similar problems – a Maryland facility reported that more than 300

vials containing influenza, dengue, and other pathogens were discovered in an unused storage room – the

team leader brought the dangerous bird flu strain to the attention of more senior officials.

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Lethal bird flu cocktail sent out of lab accidentally, went

unreported – CDC

Published time: August 16, 2014 04:34

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Accident, Biology, Health, Medicine, Science, Security, USA

A scientist with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declined to tell superiors that a worker

had mixed a lethal strain of bird flu with a more benign one, even though that mixed strain was shipped

out to another laboratory.

According an internal investigation into the matter, the dangerous bird flu cocktail was then administered

to chickens as part of a US Department of Agriculture (USDA), in which all of the chickens ended up dying.

As a result, USDA officials took another look at the bird flu samples in May and notified the CDC that a

deadly strain of the virus was detected inside.

No people fell ill due to the bird flu strain, the Associated Press reported, but it apparently remained in

circulation for months – it was originally concocted in January – before scientists picked up on what was


After the CDC confirmed the USDA’s findings, the team member in charge chose not to notify those

higher in the chain of command, reportedly because “the viral mix was at all times contained in specialized

laboratories and was never a threat to the public.”

However, when another lab reported similar problems – a Maryland facility reported that more than 300

vials containing influenza, dengue, and other pathogens were discovered in an unused storage room – the

team leader brought the dangerous bird flu strain to the attention of more senior officials.

Although it’s unclear exactly how the bird flu strain was created, the report did clarify a couple of things.

The lethal strain was supposed to be handled separately from the less dangerous one, and the entire

process should take at least 90 minutes. The scientist involved, however, completed his work in only 51

minutes in order to rush to a meeting, meaning that it’s very likely “shortcuts” were taken. The CDC told

the AP “it’s possible the scientist worked on both strains at the same time.”

This revelation comes in the wake of previous reports about lax safety at CDC laboratories. As RT reported

in June, about 84 scientists were potentially exposed to anthrax after employees failed to properly sterilize

the deadly bacteria. Although no one became sick and no reports of exposure have been filed, the eye-

opening incident sparked an investigation that revealed multiple failures in safety protocol.

“These events revealed totally unacceptable behavior,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said at the time. “They

should never have happened. I’m upset, I’m angry, I’ve lost sleep over this, and I’m working on it until the

issue is resolved.”

Both the flu lab and the anthrax lab have been closed, and the anthrax lab director has since resigned.

Another investigation, meanwhile, found that dangerous microbes and “unidentified materials” were

transported between labs in plastic Ziploc bags – containers which fail to meet the CDC’s “durability”

requirement. In some cases, anthrax samples were found to be missing and had to be tracked down, while

others were placed in unlocked labs not authorized to store the deadly bacteria.

“An internal investigation found serious safety lapses, including use of an unapproved sterilization technique

and use of a potent type of anthrax in an experiment that did not require a live form of the germ,” the

Associated Press reported in July.

REPORT: CDC scientist kept quiet about bird flu blunder....ONLY




Thread: Why is the CDC giving the public, & airline personnel different info on Ebola Transmission?

These idiots are in charge of managing the diseases that have the potential to rub out mankind???

(Sign of the times)

[link to]

- A government scientist kept silent about a potentially dangerous lab blunder and revealed it only after

workers in another lab noticed something fishy, according to an internal investigation.

The accident happened in January at the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

in Atlanta. A lab scientist accidently mixed a deadly strain of bird flu with a tamer strain, and sent the mix

to another CDC lab and to an outside lab in Athens, Georgia.

No one was sickened by bird flu. But unsuspecting scientists worked with the viral mix for months before it

was discovered.

CDC officials have called the incident the most worrisome in a series of lab safety problems at the

government agency, long regarded as one of the most respected public health agencies in the world.

Earlier this summer, a lab mishandled anthrax samples and both the bird flu and anthrax labs were shut


"We all feel horrible this happened," said Dr. Anne Schuchat, who oversees the CDC's Influenza Division -

which includes the lab where the bird flu accident took place.

More in link



Submitted by IWB, on August 15th, 2014

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NEW YORK (AP) — A government scientist kept silent about a potentially dangerous lab blunder and revealed

it only after workers in another lab noticed something fishy, according to an internal investigation.

The accident happened in January at the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in

Atlanta. A lab scientist accidently mixed a deadly strain of bird flu with a tamer strain, and sent the mix to

another CDC lab and to an outside lab in Athens, Georgia.

Read more:



Home > Health > Report: CDC scientist kept quiet about flu blunder

Report: CDC scientist kept quiet about flu blunder

By The Posh Report News Staff on August 15, 2014

NEW YORK (AP) — An investigation into a potentially dangerous blunder at a government lab found that a scientist

kept silent about the accident and revealed it only after other employees noticed something fishy.

Officials on Friday released the results of an internal probe into the accident, which happened in January at the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

A deadly strain of bird flu was accidentally mixed with a tamer strain. The mix was sent to another CDC lab in

Atlanta and to an outside lab in Athens, Georgia.

No one was sickened by bird flu. But unsuspecting scientists worked with the viral mix for months before it was


CDC officials have called this the most worrisome in a series of lab safety problems at the government agency.


CDC Scientist kept Flu Blunder under wraps

NEW YORK (AP) -- A government scientist kept silent about a potentially dangerous lab blunder and revealed it only

after workers in another lab noticed something fishy, according to an internal investigation.The accident happened in

January at the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. A lab scientist accidently

mixed a deadly strain of bird flu with a tamer strain, and sent the mix to another CDC lab and to an outside lab in Athens,

Georgia.No one was sickened by bird flu. But unsuspecting scientists worked with the viral mix for months before it was

discovered.CDC officials have called the incident the most worrisome in a series of lab safety problems at the

government agency, long regarded as one of the most respected public health agencies in the world. Earlier this

summer, a lab mishandled anthrax samples and both the bird flu and anthrax labs were shut down."We all feel horrible

this happened," said Dr. Anne Schuchat, who oversees the CDC's Influenza Division - which includes the lab where the

bird flu accident took place.Because of employee privacy rules, she said she could not name the lab scientist or the

leader of the scientist's team, who were both faulted in the investigation report released Friday. She said disciplinary

actions are taking place, but she did not provide any details.CDC's release of the report is one of many signs the agency

is trying to make things right, said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University. But he

added that the CDC should at least disclose any disciplinary measures, to reassure the public that the agency is taking

the matter seriously.According to the report, the lab scientist was doing work with both bird flu strains - the deadly form

and a tamer version. Lab rules call for them to be handled separately, and the tasks should take at least 90 minutes.The

CDC investigation found the work was completed in 51 minutes. That's a clear indication the scientist took short-cuts,

Schuchat said.The lab scientist told investigators that the work was done in the proper sequence, but noted being

rushed to finish the job and attend a meeting. CDC officials say it's possible the scientist worked on both strains at the

same time.In February, some of the mixed virus sample was sent to another CDC lab in Atlanta. In March, a shipment of

it went to a U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratory in Athens. For a study, the bird flu virus was given to chickens.

The chickens died, prompting USDA staff to take a hard look at the sample and detect the deadly strain.The USDA lab

notified the CDC lab in May, and the CDC lab confirmed the finding.But the CDC team leader didn't report what

happened to supervisors or anyone else, reasoning that the viral mix was at all times contained in specialized

laboratories and was never a threat to the public, the investigation report said.CDC officials were only notified in June

after the second CDC lab reported a problem with its sample. Two weeks later, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden was

notified.Frieden ordered the flu and anthrax labs closed, an internal review and other steps. The anthrax lab director

resigned last month.



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The cause of the zombie apocalypse we’re all waiting for might just be lapses in safety procedure. The

CDC had to close two labs this week after some mishaps involving live germ samples, and it has decided

to stop shipping deadly bacteria and viruses from lab to lab. The Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, which is tasked with disease research and preventing said zombie apocalypse (seriously), has,

in recent months, faced crises involving diseases no less than anthrax, bird flu, and smallpox. Closing

some labs is the least they could do.

The debacle began back in March, when a CDC lab (one of the two that have been shuttered) sent some

fairly benign flu samples to the Department of Agriculture for research — samples that were contaminated

with H5N1, otherwise known as avian flu, otherwise known as a superscary disease that was in no way a

fun surprise to receive in the mail. The samples were destroyed once the Atlanta-based lab noticed the

serious oversight. But the fact remains that the lapse happened. What’s more, nobody ever reported it,

leaving CDC Director Thomas Frieden to finally find out this week during investigations of a different

safety lapse. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s four months between horrifying potential

calamity and the report.


CDC Closes Labs After Anthrax, Bird Flu, Smallpox, and Who Knows What Else Escape



07.13.2014 NEWS

Mark Wilson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The cause of the zombie apocalypse we’re all waiting for might just be lapses in safety procedure. The CDC had to

close two labs this week after some mishaps involving live germ samples, and it has decided to stop shipping deadly

bacteria and viruses from lab to lab. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is tasked with disease

research and preventing said zombie apocalypse (seriously), has, in recent months, faced crises involving diseases no

less than anthrax, bird flu, and smallpox. Closing some labs is the least they could do.

The debacle began back in March, when a CDC lab (one of the two that have been shuttered) sent some fairly benign

flu samples to the Department of Agriculture for research — samples that were contaminated with H5N1, otherwise

known as avian flu, otherwise known as a superscary disease that was in no way a fun surprise to receive in the mail.

The samples were destroyed once the Atlanta-based lab noticed the serious oversight. But the fact remains that the

lapse happened. What’s more, nobody ever reported it, leaving CDC Director Thomas Frieden to finally find out this

week during investigations of a different safety lapse. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s four months

between horrifying potential calamity and the report. “I’m upset, I’m angry,” Frieden said during a teleconference on

Friday. “I’ve lost sleep over it and I’m doing everything I can to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

The investigation that brought to light the avian flu debacle involved another frightening disease that’s been in the

news the last few years: anthrax. That particular incident involved a high-security lab — which is the other location

shut down this week — sending samples of the deadly bacteria to a lab with fewer biosecurity safeguards. Needless to

say, the ostensibly dead samples were very much alive. Per Bustle:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (which took over the investigation from the CDC to avoid conflict of interest)

believes it has found multiple protocol breaches, from the unexpected to the obvious. The high-security workers

were trying a new method of inactivating the anthrax by using chemicals instead of radiation. Since the method is a

fairly new development, unexpected things were likely to happen. Which is why workers were supposed to wait 48

hours before sending off any samples that looked dead. In a spectacular oversight, the Bioterror Rapid Response

scientists only waited 24 hours.

Of the over 80 workers who were potentially exposed in that case, none ended up being infected. And three other

such incidents in the past decade, none of which apparently resulted in infection, were also detailed in this week’s

report. Next time, though, lab workers might not be so lucky. Such egregious safety lapses are no small concern for

the high-end labs that deal with some of the world’s most deadly viruses.

And not to be left out of the fun, the National Institutes of Health had its own lapse this week when workers at that

agency’s Bethesda headquarters found six old vials of the smallpox virus just lying around in an old storage room.

After some investigation, two of the vials were found to still contain live samples. The samples will all now be

destroyed — in full view of World Health Organization officials, just to make sure everything is done right this time.


GMO chicken

I saw something about a trucker and clearing of chickens in Iowa. Did a quick search and this was from april but never heard anything of it .. I do however remember a few months back the photos of the GMO chicken... Could this be to replace regular chickens with GMO?? Here's a link and they blame it on bird flu?

My response This is becoming quite a topic now. Ever wonder why KFC always packs that unidentifiable piece? KFC has launched a lawsuit against chinese web sites that have stated that KFC chicken is GMO and that they have six wings and 8 legs. Hmm . . . insect and spider DNA all in one chick? Sounds like a rumor but I have no doubt GMO chicken is real and that it is very possible this washing out of populations via "avian flu" may have a clandestine purpose of getting rid of natural chickens. I would not be surprised at all.

I won't hesitate to eat KFC chicken, (I think it is legit) but there is no way on earth that chicken I shot a video of was natural and now THE SAME STORE HAS IT HALF PRICE, and I mean HALF the already unbelievably cheap price that I encountered during that video. So it seems people are not buying it . . . . . must have spooked more than just me.

I think we are in the middle of a revolution now, where all of our foods are going to be genetically modified to produce prozac and other antidepressants and have that embedded in the food so either submit to medication or starve . . . . . for what other reason could GMO's possibly be getting pushed so hard? Things were perfectly fine before GMO, WHY THIS? And I think the drought in California, which is obviously engineered is partially being done to kill off all legacy orchards so they can be

replaced with GMO, as soon as they are all gone there will be a sudden end to the water shortage . . . . .

The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS, Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu



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United States


09:17 AM

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The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS, Chronic

Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

All of these diseases:



Gulf War Syndrome


Chronic Fatigue

Bird Flu

Swine Flu


are real and were deliberately genetically modified and inoculated into key areas of the

world-- while being wrapped up in lies and propaganda.

Ebola is also real, and it too is being wrapped up in lies.

The EBOLATARD VS. EBOLAHOAXTARD debate is a classic distraction.



User ID:


Hong Kong


09:18 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

u speak of Craig Venter and DARPA funding?



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United States


09:21 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know Lyme was dreamed up by us army and Dr Eric taub a project paperclip Nazi

relocate to plum island only ten miles away from Lyme Connecticut


Coward (OP)

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United States


09:22 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

u speak of Craig Venter and DARPA funding? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 63972198

Hmm.. I don't know anything about Craig Venter--- I will have to research him--- but

DARPA is most likely a player in all this-- as is the USAMRID and Fort Detrick...

TPTB have been spreading diseases via the military since the Spanish Flu.


Coward (OP)

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United States


09:30 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know Lyme was dreamed up by us army and Dr Eric taub a project paperclip Nazi relocate to plum island only ten miles away from Lyme Connecticut Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Yep---Traub lived in Long Island and worked at the Rockefeller Institute before he began

working for Heinrich Himmler at the Insel Reims biological weapons facility under Hitler.

After the war, he came back to America under project paperclip.

One of the research projects at the island of Insel Reims involved infecting reindeer

herds in Russia with a brain destroying microbe from africa. Bioweaponeers have been

doing this crap for quite some time.

The upshot: most of these diseases are naturally occurring--- but they are being

manipulated by science for nefarious political purposes.


User ID:


United States


09:32 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

All of these diseases:



Gulf War Syndrome


Chronic Fatigue

Bird Flu

Swine Flu


are real and were deliberately genetically modified and inoculated into key areas of the

world-- while being wrapped up in lies and propaganda.

Ebola is also real, and it too is being wrapped up in lies.

The EBOLATARD VS. EBOLAHOAXTARD debate is a classic distraction. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25267989



User ID:


United States


09:34 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

You know it, it is obvious what they think about us, as we can see how they handled




User ID:


United States


09:34 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know I've had chronic Lyme for almost 20 years now and I still kind fucked up and

three 21 day rounds of iv antibiotics and many oral Lyme hard to treat not many drugs

can break the blood brain barrier that's need to kill spiroketes



User ID:


United States


09:37 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

op Did you know Lyme has a patent give us government for use as a weapon read book

lab 257 all about plum island biolab



User ID:


United States


09:46 AM

Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

so it is not because they are stupid, so there has to be another reason, and that reason

is not in the common peoples favor. It always goes back to follow the money and you

find the source for all of this.

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United States


12:07 PM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know I've had chronic Lyme for almost 20 years now and I still kind fucked up and

three 21 day rounds of iv antibiotics and many oral Lyme hard to treat not many drugs

can break the blood brain barrier that's need to kill spiroketes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Get Triphala, liposomal vitamin c and methionine.

No more lyme.


User ID:


United States


12:24 PM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

When the shet hits the fan the only task of the cdc is to prevent it from hitting the

political elite. They could care less about the useless eaters. The cdc is run by

Democratic political appointees, Ebamabots. Their take on obola so far is to say, what

problem, so as to not have any bad light thrown on Ebama.


Coward (OP)

User ID:


United States


08:41 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know I've had chronic Lyme for almost 20 years now and I still kind fucked up and

three 21 day rounds of iv antibiotics and many oral Lyme hard to treat not many drugs can break the blood brain barrier that's need to kill spiroketes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Me too.. I have had it for about 23 years. It sucks.

And all we get four our tax dollars is LIES from the CDC and the IDSA.

The US military researched "disabling" biological weapons extensively in the 1970s--

under the same Chief of Staff who cooked up Operation Northwoods.

Lyme disease is a disabling weapon.. The military had a stupid theory that disabling a

population is a better form of warfare than just killing the population because many

more resources have to go into caring for the disabled..


Coward (OP)

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United States


08:46 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know I've had chronic Lyme for almost 20 years now and I still kind fucked up and

three 21 day rounds of iv antibiotics and many oral Lyme hard to treat not many drugs can break the blood brain barrier that's need to kill spiroketes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Get Triphala, liposomal vitamin c and methionine. No more lyme. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 53881305

Thanks for this tip. I have not heard of Triphala being used for Lyme. I have been

making my own liposomal vitamin C--- Swanson had 1 pound of the Vit C powder on

sale for about $5. I will definitely check into the triphala since I have taken every other

herb known to mankind and spent thousands.


Coward (OP)

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United States


08:58 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

op Did you know Lyme has a patent give us government for use as a weapon read book

lab 257 all about plum island biolab Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Thanks--- EVERYONE needs to read that book--- LAB 257.

Offensive Biological weapons development is the biggest threat to mankind that has

ever existed. It is also illegal.

The United States has 400 poorly supervised biological weapons labs across this

country--- and many around the world, especially in Africa..


Coward (OP)

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United States


09:05 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

When the shet hits the fan the only task of the cdc is to prevent it from hitting the

political elite. They could care less about the useless eaters. The cdc is run by

Democratic political appointees, Ebamabots. Their take on obola so far is to say, what problem, so as to not have any bad light thrown on Ebama. Quoting: cdcTask 63997748

Yes... the US biological weapons research labs have cures for all of these diseases which

the elite probably already have.

The CDC (Center for Disease Creation) has been crooked and corrupt under BOTH


The Medical industrial complex is OWNED AND CONTROLLED by the offshore banking

elite-- who own and control BOTH political parties, and who desire population reduction,

and a new world order.



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09:10 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I agree with you 100% op...



User ID:




Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

Revelation 18:23 for they were great men of the earth by their Pharmaceuticals were all

nations deceived.

09:11 AM

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this is why God completely destroys mystery babylon.



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09:13 AM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

this should be pinned.


Coward (OP)

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United States


07:10 PM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

Revelation 18:23 for they were great men of the earth by their Pharmaceuticals were all

nations deceived.

this is why God completely destroys mystery babylon. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 63956633

Excellent scripture.


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United States


07:20 PM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu




User ID:


United States


08:37 PM

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Re: The CDC has lied about Morgellons, Lyme, Gulf War Syndrome, AIDS,

Chronic Fatigue, Bird Flu Swine Flu

I know I've had chronic Lyme for almost 20 years now and I still kind fucked up and

three 21 day rounds of iv antibiotics and many oral Lyme hard to treat not many drugs can break the blood brain barrier that's need to kill spiroketes Quoting: Anonymous Coward 51957054

Get Triphala, liposomal vitamin c and methionine. No more lyme. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 53881305

I know someone with chronic, debilitating lyme (he used to be an activist. i wonder if

they were targeting specific groups?)

did you use the abovementioned products for lyme? triphala is amazing; i'll do more

research on it and see if i can find anything related to it's use in lyme.

Here's why killing 3.8M Iowa chickens gets national


By Laura Nichols

OSCEOLA COUNTY, Iowa —The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Monday that the bird flu virus has

been found at a farm in Osceola County, which holds nearly 10 percent of Iowa's egg-laying chickens.


Kyong-Jin Yoon, professor at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine, says there's no way to stop the main source of the bird




The U.S. Department of Agriculture says up to 5.3 million hens must be destroyed.



This year the fair runs August 13-23.



How will the mounting problem impact prices at your grocery store?



Iowa is the leading producer of eggs in the nation, so now many are asking how the bird flu outbreak will affect

prices at local grocery stores.

The story is drawing national media attention to Iowa.

The H5N2 virus is highly infectious and deadly, meaning up to 3.8 million hens must be destroyed at Sunrise

Farms near Harris in Osceola County. An earlier estimate put the number at 5.3 million.


The farm is a division of Sonstegard Foods Co., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. A company statement said routine

tests confirmed the virus in its flock.

A quarantine area of about 6 miles is established around affected farms and all poultry in the area is tested,

including backyard flocks and other commercial operations. Experts said this will create of a loss of tens of

millions of dollars.

Crews washed down trucks leaving Sunrise Farms on Tuesday.

"Make sure their workers either shower in, shower out of the facility. Maybe keep dedicated boots for particular

barns. Certainly disinfecting all available equipment,” Olson said.

One turkey operation in Iowa was confirmed as affected last week. Experts said they're hopeful we're near the

end of the outbreak.


The outbreak is already underway in Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Kansas where two million birds

have been destroyed. Minnesota has had the outbreak confirmed at 28 turkey farms.

Kyong-Jin Yoon is a professor at the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine. He said the virus just kills birds.

"It does cause the severe respiratory problems and then leading to the death of the bird," said Yoon.

He said the influenza is carried by wild birds. Yoon said egg producers have put biosecurity measures in place,

which is helping to stop the spread, but no one can completely put a halt to wild birds.

"At this point, no one knows how you know what's going to happen and no one really can make a prediction

whether or not this is it or it cannot be further spread," said Yoon.


"You're going to get some kind of price response, it's automatic. You're going to have a reduction in supply, you're

going to have an affect some place," said Dave Swenson, an Iowa State University economist.

He said he expects egg prices to rise.

"It's not just that you have a sharp reduction, but you also have a period of time before you can rebuild those

herds back up," said Swenson.

Swenson said the economic impact will stay regional for now, unless the bird flu spreads. He said 97 percent of

Iowa's egg production comes from just 40 farms.

"So it's highly concentrated. So if it gets into those large farms, you have huge impacts on the inventory of laying

hens," said Swenson.


"It's important to know that there will be fewer eggs produced in the state of Iowa,” said Randy Olson, of the Iowa

Poultry Association and Iowa Egg Council.

Iowa leads the nation in egg production. It's unclear exactly how much this hit will affect egg prices at the grocery


“Right now, we don't see the losses so far that we are seeing an increase on prices, but we don't know how this is

going to play out,” Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey said.

The deadly bird flu does not affect humans, but flock owners are taking drastic measures to prevent it from

spreading to other birds.

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