The Camden weekly journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C · Howcould hestaDd? Howcouldhe Howfot one momentweigh

Post on 23-Mar-2018






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jtttfii fortrt).SB v'*..the Advocate and Home Circle.HTHE RICH MAN'S CHOICE.BY VIRGINIA F. .TOWSStN"He was sad at that saying.and wentawW^"- grieved, for he had great possessions.".Mark

B/ Oh ! had he known that harps were hushed,Araid the angel throng,V* Or heard the strain that would have gushed& These shining chords along ;Of seenJPPIfc wavM^USL.«- " The fadeless andjj^-'fair,IWould lie, within that hour of.strife, /jI. Have stood and pondered there ?p- That fearful hour.that silent kept'UP- \ The seraphs of the sky !S^E With wily care the tempter swept^ His Panorama by ;Before him passed broad lands, and fair,And coffers piled with gold, ;yhvj|But for the gorgeous vision there,Hp.; -Perchance-a soul was sold.How could he staDd ? How could he pSuse?How fot one moment weigh

lV. The things:that should ltave been asstrairsWith Life's long blissful day]%T~' He knew beyond the shining gate,The proffered "treasure" lay,iOh,how could mortal hesitate!'Tie-"sadly toenlmcaii^

'"M':I... / 6n Judah'sbittft'the green and fair,"Is hus^iejMlie voice of-yore,stilKhr tempter spread his snareas itTspread before; 1/ And ye" who earthly riches hold, t/ "And heritages feir, */ Oh, barter not for lands or gold,c

&/Your priceless tf§a£urev there. aNew Haven, Oct. 18&2.. ^v Ji

1j^ftUqnfttkWe are ai admirer of^good 'church music, ofand. though not a per/onggr in that very inter-, ^jy|estiog part f devotion, feet qusldied to suggest evesome tliingt n relation to it Horjftffr'says, eat."A whet-stye is good for sharpening edge tools, theithough it islull." shoi

, We takebr granted that the objectofrelig- he sions service opon the Sabbath is,, to gain a commore intinu: knowledge of thejr£\a£~«*T)c- for ttweemoan id his Mfth^n-atrtrtS^reate -«"» bam, -and that music hj»» much a parolnouWf®11


or us i,l--jkIuUV part of tbeV1®®^^does not c>^ smallVS"«"V "ut of, Pla'>^"ne''plajle<l Si1 such an expnation, wny^rsing? Does theeons£

^ ov«r beforelhjur W&fs, of trombrones and th/tM~^j^4offidi|s and<fireate the least devotion- /fm ai f Iess' ,hat in our way 9C am /its things soiled to any pV ?arden ®Mfcjpamg, Mouse of Worship. It bxJfto Uon8'1 an(* oratorios, halls ^axarlfandangoes."Nell/^® ^ an? can.pnrcl1 B^on/' "First two coop®> forward, industry i5[and the entertaining" ^after a mar- as said beIlade! We are av^r0 lliat there .was even his ii\ priety in this cn^i when the whole family, wi

M .r. po-joined jir&nging, and the tuneor TzK&tibd over thai all mightty 1That reason does not hold now,

a res-V t^c *gLrc4>oits

I cffigr^ MMtrrjri

jgr q| "

ag^giSgBi^»b(i3**amEiit^t1 llit,- House ikI* - i CO

IBM|BaWW . -»»#-. *

maHpaSgBmJt^ns Up.-^Tlia Kayettcville y1mHNraMwjHn uiider^J&id of "Fortune in <1A.S>il.1I-: / IJ. '\VYA

a sa'c tu°k 1' soc in this county rPHK e:

MkMBWBB Ujnonniin.<>V,', about 816.000, of j A .the'jforlmlf tlio mot:- confii>t 0

BKwSljjHRflBr1'* ''U-ids were built through andBconfer no^C1' fub*crik'il a ce',!t l-^jf p'ljj

for pa .siiiy th'.w'rr^ii his ^°>. -. JS *" Eae» st

SSwM^^8s a^~ evt "jny. '27th ^f-^aV J-W.lthe fullowiuir brc- i:»:.<iii ^

KSS|HlraBta!f;d ji* Gran® aud Subordinate J)0- v'

^j, , -1:;jr. ..1)o- ^'1'' ^ficienl 1Mvema~ r>o. w

|i I Instractiui..v\ Grand Master. A Sra!'

'-''' ^,1M- 'V ' M'aiden.V laH'OKT, (. 'raiB.l (J'ni|>iaiii. J A Stoic*

i£||^^K, Gnft Ti e;ts

BB K--SO.V, jB*

H;acoll-S* pv^'ainIB H A./ lasox, | Jr G beacon" r*Nl

»?FKAKKir, GrBi;,] MarsI^!,. ,/ Nov 2.

.jmi g; ; ; i

IB j high, nil

n. pr- v .j HitchariiMS;t* T " .forward,14 f.%tcm of ai

ami iin- ^O.M>LTjaiown fact XejilPILLS ho bi*!on

W/LNL"f* entiro to comeKr ot^1® awav.I pe^lethcal Dee. 1

la few, modiclno a

IptiOQj n0(,]iing. ero';_JS. C., and _ȣL_:

R*^l>55hok |:J0"froCity, amt * cofI,Pose'1 0

AU»rnedihvation,lossrrthement of Dee. 1

5, j. attention of \}[?1 0 Hirorrler* ari- r\ r\ /

% ^uwofU,e 20(J Uobenaafk's sale t>y

Jtha. earh ha*fl^ENSACK, as C. O. W

r y{ by the Rev. C'

.ier, of Fair-te<JlIOMPSO\, of!" It



x, ^woll'call a good gardfen on farm*. The eSc\»^ ^11 ^ ^ ^11^ ^ ^^ S

^Hppropriatea 1to>^QCt.gardt;n^wjH.j5e 'niore profitable to tb^lfarrtter than any o|b#r ten acres of the. farm. IThe.jntereBts of 'theyfanner, the comforts of 1his family, theVgoodftcooditioii and. health oflbis whole household, require on 1every farm in the country. it.'jfhould be Ia garden, not a mere excuse Tor one, a mere |weedy patch. It should begone, so managed 11and arranged, that every vegetable of .a yhole- 1some quality for human tood should be raised 1in it, in.perfection, and at the"earliest season. 1After a wiriter's Hiet oh solid

animal rood, th«\ human constitution required Jthe deterging operations of free vegetable and Ifruit diet; and as a general rule no pile ta"n Idispense with it sa ely. Besides this, the natu- "8ral appetite calls (or it, and there are few plea- Isures that may be so safely and even beneficial- flly indulged in. In the latter part of winter 8and early spring, measures should be taken to- 8secure early vegetables of all;kinds cnprble of Bvery early cultivation. ' Details will not be ex-pected here ; there are. other books and papers flippropriated to Bucsh information ; but I cannot;J8eelp saying, that wh^o 4 am at a farm house, *flit a season \vh$f>'wrly peas,.beans, cabbages, 81ucnmteiras^dMtoeSj green I"®'re proptfiy season* an(^* "n" none ot^wese i jHi*xhes on the table, nothing but the blue beef;AJlilt pork, and beans or potatoes of winter, I j.jMr» free to say I do not envy that farmer's life,it his family their enjoyments. These very£]Hople'are fond enough of such things wuen?y go to the city, and it is not therefore want14Mtaste.-' It is simply the fault of negligence^liy tnav not every farmer in the. state hfe ^VMrv kind of-early vegetables on his UJfaisely as any gardener near the citie^hy heThere is not a single rea^rany whyaMtoid^thilc there are a gi#incur a very s .

j|Iiould.manure J\.siderable expense in warmer haS%i^his ofheir hot beds, whitar has evervthing^jta,yard. The ga^considerable distance,Itase, and drajro nothing to buy. Thei the farmpfumber required is probablyquantij^femises. It would only be a .3C sjkdusement during winter for him toythe frame of a hot bed, and prepare FAS^Jure and bed for use. HavingHm| "l *fliVrl. -Q Ul/llC l>n]Sy ^^^Bpiams in a thrifty state, be can in^Hime, when the season arrives, get his .VIground in order f.nd inake his planta- SBtnd then he will have all these vegotaiesas early as any of his town friends ,/JHiiasethera. It only requires a littlequi attention to accomplish this, and, v OibjHfore, his enjoyment, his health, and ^iterest, as well as the comforts of hisU be benefitted by it. >


Vo^WjIlTOlTSPIS,r \®TniC JClCE, prcfcartdfnjn no..

»«^*TOHAClI OF TUK ok- nft^f ^^"^f,vVoJl L113B1G, the Krcatjl h^ of crthcleM the. >Nj S\.110UGUT0X.%si'icI U PJf.. a'Nvoldcrfulf^'iAoxtpL!** I lcr to p- £

j£i' . ''4 i ^s value, fimit«!ied'bMngcute gratis. Setfno- chaser to pay I

: the meuical adimrtjjienieiuts. ,

ITlbcsVilOtf Porfxti

LLEGUTE INSTITUTE. * T":J. V. HUDSON. Ex,.. President. Likkxesb ofS.... vr s max:.cngrnvi

v/ t> , i A. II. Ritchie,eurrv I Professors. , 0f tl.e likone,

* ' ' paglierreotT'p(sercisesHjIIliis Institutionwill, be resumed on nounced the b;,7 th Jnr.ojiy next The Scholastic j-ear well graving. withtwo Sussi'nis. offive mouths c*h. [by 23 inches.

TERMS: - >.' kuporinr to a:

and Tuitiolujer jeftiicn L $87.00 j:''VCT.v M'3' u''

in advaneS.. 1.... 75.0C P?l^ 1

Lectures il Cfimistry and Nftural Itwullbesc

pliy, (extra;I.M 10.0* Vo\hrsudent ljoard hg in the iii^titutioi ?Kill furnish v10 lPt ol

icl, lights, tjiishing. sheets and towels, endlent who oqhimes his chamber during tlnjfurnish his opiibedcluthcs. r~ Dee. -1. 1m

RMS FC&'DAY-SCHOLARS.ind Spelling Mr session $H>.0( A LL pejsoiilh Writitig/ild Arithmetic v 12 0(j ^.Y. .fmnes 13itli Knglislij^ftunntnr and Geograplrf. lS.Ot' tested withinitli Jhiok-lfgMng 18.09 sons indebtedjok, Algcb2» (iconictry % 25.09 nient tofor SchooljWks \ i>] Oct. 22.n in Frencfm1*15.01

, ,, , . , , I.. , MRS. C1IJjnt will be vwaved at any time, and Will bjt the same ra*Trom the time he enters, lo tin BOAElDje"Session; Initio deduction will be tradfcaves before tl^ cud of it nor for time l«it by jfo jg ^iior expulsion.. \ ,/ fwVjp i;rr.t is probibita! from having guns and dopy, I *, .

11 bo expellee if it is known that lie hai a *- of

lis possession. V . I hilly instructei

ioro, Jan. 4 1 1-Jt 'iS-1 creation,\ Dancing and I

:« i-wmttv jnred ea&£2< .asawsi, ^ ot'ipioclioii:n fcgi^aB jsvu^i. -B&42& toil onlheprci

/" * "

the de|»>rtnicn1 after the 1st. Icjvember, tbo Passetiger aid: n!lj eonihrt.nam wjirrcaib| inu \s«iiuuvii i/vpt ^^

lock, A. M.V ; II : ' ' '

S' D" 3AXLKY' surpa%et sal"1

iT«"JUl '"»;> 0; Kershaw T>Liiic*.~i»| .'

rro Fellow, nooTit 25 years of age, six fivij Must!?'lined ili'iX, who ays lie belongs to John!ri~Mll'i S*.:thI, of Florida. The: ,vncr i:; requested to come Ji clarc»iiprove proj>efty, j v excuses and take hitn KjU'TY Cli,*

M. COLLIER,' Jailor. ttity SouthuYiin, Dec. 2N, 1852, '-.Wo time, a

I1TTKD to the Jal of Kershaw District. a \>fl) TWJ'wrro Soy, who calls Is name NKD, and say?. pHa nt thon!ps to James D: Rekl] The owner is requested; \jfflio Headforward, comply wit the law and take hinij dilatock linvi

J. Id. COLLII'jB, Jailor, r. willpe ]»aid i

1101 \ tf rcMtt'pflico of

JCTt RECIEIVI*I>T THE WHOLESALE HOUSES, V:0.\"KK BUCKWJIEAi, '> P^800Havana Oranges, Vice, Lard, and Mack- \ 5 I

v, I w aM00RR \\ ¥-i. V V.-AenjForK'S at PrU'vi. rietylif |ort

Elegant HoseVood Caij Piano Forte, direct \m the Manufacture of Suns & Co., New York j; OltlXilSIil will be sold for ,$300.bash, or good paper. UticslosAped if well used. j 1-One second hand PianC Forte, in good style Octisfi-jjt1 tunc, and can Vie lmd f<r $100 cash or good * 1 T

applied for soon to J. P. F. BOONE. > Br.0. 99 ^ jwpftlYhih »ud Or.mhnrgt. tliorelgfJ

i BUNDLES Concord Vrj-n; 30do Mount Dent jew Yak r1>' 1.....,. V.I V,.tr <1

f born (10.; *>V pes. L'l'JVaiu Wbiuumiij;^ xur

W. C. MOOKE. y*

rrn:. |.eo. m. coonwix. * LL||^WITTE & (iOODWIN,OMMISSIOW ni:KjCIIA^TS, frl.vjftttost*


WINES, LIOXFORD, &c. i/Tiirs J92, EAST BAY, CIIAULKSTON, S; CL j I> vont'sl


uir?I^Trwa®!5gpPFl on Mio -west pncrnlyTiip^iPBBHvok, which Wc <jtmveyed by 5. D. ^^"1 Dow J>rr>p- Icto-K&ur^Winly.on outjffzOw April. 1833. 1K i sb' Krirt> 1 c's C 1)fif'tn:n

Qiai&^-and.I" ' ''n^011^ 0^ P1"01"'808- Par- Dec oo 1833


Rcadf-U.Iit Off John . Calhonii! j 4 HANDSOME stockibonfytro preparing for publication and xjL PANTS. Also, Coarly -comjiietrcl n largo Flu. Li:.V0Tii n large assortment of XfiOUTlt C/UtOLI.VA's ILLUSTRIOUS STATE8- | Oct. 15.

' A-fl iii'lhe blgrlicst t»tvlc ofart, on steel, by- r. .:

from on original painting. Tito details If «

is will be linislicd from a celobrated A LL persons indebted> Txak FJtOM life, and which w pro- A account, will take n

est likeness extant. Size of tlio en- to bo mado to the underslsuitable margjn for framing, will be 30 Nance, Assignee. TliensThe style and finish of the work wui bo for settlement. Cost mi}

nv tfeing yet executed in this country. W.ill tip printed in proof style, on extra fine AttViiamfiicturod expressly for the purpose. Nor. 10.

Wj^iuliscnption at the low price of ' ~

1'* °®y. and ready for delivery about . _ 7

miter next. Orders received by H 10 J"° Honda (

jfBACIIIA A Co.rPublishers, } , .J000 Sylra p

Tfc;:-23 Chambers St., New Tork. f,0';^n£n 10 Boxes flno Chewing

^v-Vclltoi'K Police. --.1 f.

is liav^Kilemauds against the estate of ^ VJ CV TI

uskin, Sal will present them duly at-° ^ived a foil

il.o timffebed by law, and all per- £»*? Wniw Cutters

to said mute will make immediate pay- ^.UK,"c., °"

1U «' feSSS***


iNG A3®) DAY SCHOOL, pEiiEN^caS i»E£ YOU^6 tiADIfilS, V_>' purposes; Gypsum <

lliurch StrJet, Charleston, S. C. .turnl purposes, and Stone

'ises of this School will bo resumed onir 7'!-7nr nrt

.fanurv. issMrbumr Ladies are faith- | ;..A \crj-supenorart.eJcc

[1 in all Iliu Ir-jpchcs ot'a eomplcto Eng- jjarcb 9.wilii tlie Ldiigtingcs, Music, Drawing; ' *

'iinc-y \\orks. Patent KxccIrsc* :St'hooltrI.{ooTnfl recently mT 1\ fANUFACTUREDmscs The grcntMl attontion is paid to 31 bus, Georgia. Forit of the pupi.p, as%ell as to their jierso- ' e

The locality is on^of U.o most desirable M& ,perieuit) having proved it to be of un- ». 1


brily. Dea 23.2t. r*,.°^

wi J Store at present

»r.d a::il Dividend. "7.;

&& ^?ph5SSm'AxS A ~ SSJPTS r Share h-r thf last six months, and FOB< ri: l.i.iiroaii IhmU haved'*dared for tho ^ <a cinnr^n ii.Dividend«t 1.43 belonSioS,?, ""Ar y n'::: *ia *°Xn T,0LL,f fcer ofShares will he sold<p KIM'. ChNTS per \Snnro will l>c toVsnid Bank and after the 1st pro* Brokers andI'tideilii/pf Three Dollars and Fiftv Uents p(l(. gjinLo emending Shares in tlw Bank, ^.Charleston CouriersiW after,he l,.t proximo, at the Bu- ^;t nud e-,Ild W1] t& ,tnaCoijipanwto John Street. 3 1

\ TIB iSt^AUiKu^nditor\tAMF«>11(5!mKs! cSller.0' \\ ¥045t faoAv


" I ¥ .lie having been appointed.-fv."jR VOIT riALti^^.- take charge of the assign*

PlXr:, Atili, tickorv. Poplar, ifahogany, Doc. 21.r, Junidr, 131»k Walnut, and every va-


licrn Lonbpr.5 At Prixf Ai s<%1 Likely N ISORO W*i

'OXKSaAd ICE. v.- sale in lots nndqunn- J\ healthy and a

urcbascri Addrtssno fault; tho only object

JOHN U MARTIN, Agent, mont* Al'l»"y to

r» CJiariaton Neck IceHouse.1 Dee.

trry's TrirontentHs.lion for the IIAIR.Vn cheap that n!l can MISSES AND CHILDlland yet bo pojmlaltliat tho elilo every rTMII? subscribers haveUpraised. A frrsilsupply direct IVoin I nient ofMissesandCIfccived and forsale among which are many 11

V J. DullAY'S. Oct. I'd.

Notice, 1 Crortle#.A *

ml indebted to flamuclVenson deceased r!J «'[numotl to call lmmcdintfr and make pay

* """"

nsfjBiavingcluims will rVder them propcc '

torn J. DUXAP, Adm'r "


\ 101 \ tr | LIKELY NEGRO XI

brlat Cost.Also, a hVo lot of Ser- J «'Wthirtyycardofaglioetyor sale low, at ( toNNEY'S.-* * CP * ".

1"' ' Y Doc. 21 tf

11 i'; 11 iin r.cyptp^ti\. iuuNtx. /THk)PE&'3 Shrodcled'.Ir.singIi!«9, now Raisins Al*j _ vJ'mouds, Lemons, Currants, Extract*, and fine *<rie Clom~ Cheese. Jnatopened by IiONNEY.of 00ATS,. VESTS AN17 Received^and Vests for Boys. "With r\^ Consignment, a Lot of CROCKERY WARE,m Just recoiveflit \J consistirigof JUGS. JARS VHURXS, BUTTElt'

.. M. L R. KENNEDY'S. DISHES, &t:. To be sold nt whoK-ralo prices b'v.r- Nov. 9.-90 tf JAMKS'McEWEN.iJr« 0. -- -*^»to John iugroto, by noto o DR1&S «©CDS.* "''*^1ictice that payments artronly. 1Cfr flguro(1 aQd $Ttt *uuIgoed. the Attorney o - J\ Cashniercs end DeLaines. piaiii and printed. V 1<signed iwpcra are M hi ^ largo variety of stiialljpattcni DeLaincs. for children,r tic saved by settling soon. *

alsoM>imnnnrmr oiSTfiV * - - ALSO"

00- swim Colin it, Ghemn-ctteft, .Utjuetvleeves. iliuulkcivhicfc, Ac._T _ With ii law Mi./'mnnriiun. Kid, SiTk andSctring'&ilkOJovo?. Jnst opened at5l(}ABS, Oct, 15. A. M. A R. KENNEDY'S..xnuine Do.


p0Bri^litcv Mil'.TOBACCO.'THE subscriber bus new on hand a very choice lot

W. C. MOORE. of Sperm, Solar and Lard Oil and Burniug fluid, towhich lie invites theattcntionjol' his enstomers. ;jj3cc..The subscribers j)cc. 3. - Z. J. PeIIAY.

issortmcnt of: - Oj Urates Stove*, &c. |j

Sploudid Farlor Grates Smoothing Iron HeatersPlain do. do Iron Bedsteads v b

unmnrr t- mhPFR Cooking Stoves Kgg Boilers . .5jtfcOOW ALL & COOPER. Office do Coffee BegginsviaCTonJ Tea and Coffee Urns. Received by£?JPS£WmM« JK* _ _

tlcPOWALL t COOPKR. ].r Land riastcr. for-turtfcul- »

Linie, nil ofgood quality and TT r.\V°\TaavrsT WILL sell on tlio first Monday in Jnnunrr next,

,fWhiteLimo forwhiteww^ befbre tho Cour! llo,uf. ollc ^LI) WATCH. and MC L CHATTEN

' 'otlHjr articles mentioned m lua schedule and assigned? pPj>0'Vf to me-by D. II. SUular. for the benefit of his ereditoiiC "'.sE

Terms Cash. M. NAUDIN, Assignee. " «>r iutiiuc Iinircf>, December U. 100tf7|jj

^ 'i cAHDir BAZAAE." J

W..ANDERSON, Agent. LOOK IS E1KE! LOOK HEKEll :1Lttf TUST received n new supply of WINTER GOODS,ftent, t' consisting of n great variety of Dry-Godds. 1 ewoccupiedbyShaw <t Austin est"styles. Clothing. Bonnets, llats," Boots and Shoes,

W. ANDERSON". Groceries, Hardware and Cuikry, Crockery and ChinaC7tf Ware. Ac., ke. ^

-ATA " : ^*Sclling at Charleston prievs. <*.eed Tobacco, lor Plantation M. DUL'CKKR !< CO.YaS

BONNEY'8, Camden, Nov. 2. astf_ j> "J

. SALE, XitZU'i'.? South Cimlina Rail Bond, A LL persona having demands against the estate ofTown ofCamden. Anynum- -LA. Elijah fc'iil. <Led. will hand them in properly altosuit purchasers. Apply tested, and s.i inueLt :d will make payment toMOFFAT k MOORE,

" Nov. 20..w2m. K. K. SII.l., Adtn'r.Auctioneers, Camden. S. C. .i. 's-s.

...,... "'S<!s5i «a....

,i , T A f AY be had atplease conr until 1st JntiUA- «1,his cilia \" '"'l ' r;,il r-.

BVi-fsi S?:i ! ?-.,5tiC0. E >L.U'lv and f:uu-y t'rnvats,(Moves, of every di-seilf-toF. V.Snidor. arc-requested 1 > tjoti. With a lull si-s.-rlmc-iit id' CXI / //-(7. /l-ayinentto Moreati Xnudiii: TlllSti mul MOMMY. .li:M arrive! ami lor s;d. :.t

by the court as assignee to Oct. la. A. M. A ii. KKXXFhY'S.Quotes and accounts, fife-

_ _Biffgiug and Eopc.

I'RVe A I.AI?«IK .'apply of Funny and I hinder Pny/a £ y

DMAN, IS years of ape, per- * Also, beM Charleston-made Uenip l ersnle v, rypovKMiuu.seServant,noU^for 'L'w- AXlU-.l.r-oX.

LMopl.\t?«a!>r,l^CSt'I 1>ATKXT I*. >! *< «..«*. I* SiiwcMOP J- AI A MOOR ! $ jesters. Vn serve Keith--. Cvltedi: « I.; n *Brokers and Auctioned®. | ......


I(iiiuuU cvw. i en *«!:( .u

Nov. 1G. DONNKY'S...


I.onf nriil Or.sWrf fngar.just received nil assortment! fA BARRELS Crashed Supar, first quality AliWren'sBOOTS and SHOI^i -LU 200 lbs. Loof Sugar. At MOORE'S.iow nii«l bcautilul styles. _*~ ik j'wiv k>b i ( \ c iii/ fl

\I DKV MTTWRAV T T OJ.IHjS f> ^ A fresh SU]>y.iy' Jl 1 cftlilo invar- able remedy lor Dysentery and Di/I flit!W Srrlue.i. 1'occiveil yesterday at /.


Holf-rocking CIIADLES, aro October 12. Z. J. DgFTAY'^' ' TMl>y

r r p-tvttj - J^}«e ami Twine. IVr sal / ! 1C. L. CHATThy. |jj JAMKS Me! \y fygM

\v'*,.!'Vr-f r »-. r-nt.-r J >A IA' P*. 5 2, P. S ' f? '!!" J-OC^ I\vlJ* iirm1c I,!: 1 ^v.rt IWrAIN ' 1

jtfOKFAT. MtiOUK, 12 1-2c.t»Sl. IWned yesterday. , JM>. .I12.Z. /I-;/W

j>ruKPR3 anti Auctioneers. j / i

top related