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MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. I A female barber "out West" has retired from business on account of the arrival of a "little shaver." The last instance of modesty is that of a lady who refused to wear a watch in her bosom because it had hands. Hoyle, the apostle of whist, under the old dispensation, is said to have died full of years and honors..N. Y. Evening Post. This is not true. He has merely fallen asleep, waiting for the last trump..N. Y. World. ' Wonder If the grave-digger held a "full hand" of spades?.Louisville CourierJournalI. He doubtless met the deuce with a grim ace..Chicago Evening Post. And is now expecting the angel Gabriel « to order him up..N. Y. Commercial. A cynical old bachelor says that it is tL privilege of hoops to surround the loveliest of all things, among which are girls and whisky. The Indianapolis Sentinel thus relieves itself: "Eighteen souls with nine single thoughts, eighteen hearts that beat as nine, at Evansville last week." % ."Good morning," said a printer in search of female compositors. "Have you any daughters who wouM make good type-setters?" 4'No, but I have a wife who would make a fine devil," said the monster. A Missouri gentleman who owned too mnch of his neighbor's horses was hung while on his way to vote, 44which," remarks a cotemporary, "is calculated to deaden one's interest in town politics." An exchange wickedly remarks: "Tilton says he is agreeably surprised at meeting Cluseret on earth, instead of in. heaven. In case the other meeting occurs, Cluseret will be justified in expressing even greater surprise. A Wisconsin man was taken dangerously sick. He sent for his wife to come at once and care for him. Now, the wife's mother was sick, too, and she sent this dispatch to her languishing husband: "Dear Tim: Mother is sick; I can't leave hpr. Do thft best vou can. If vou die. send your body home." At the late Plymouth Church pic-nic Mr. Beecher was asked why he did not dance. "There's but one reason," he replied."I don't know how. The only dancing I ever did was when my father furnished the music, and used me for the fiddle. I took all the steps then." Ax Object of Charity..The local editor of the Paducah Kentuckian lately attended a party, and, according to his own words, saw nothing towards the close of the evening but "a beautiful billowy ocean of foaming skirts, which in their virgin and uncontaminated purity, rolled and surged and puffed in the gas-lit air." A woman in Rochester heard somebody trying to burglar her premises one night, lately, and she just kept watch. When she saw a hand grasping the window-sill, she quietly chopped off three or four of its fingers, and waited for the chap to put in the other hand, but he didn't conclude to, and went away, mad as thunder. The woman's husband wants to find the remainder of the man to see what he thiuks of the joke. She did it with her little axe .it. The following toasts were "cot off" at a Bachelor's reunion in Sioux City: "Bachelors.First in war.first in peace, and first in the bosoms of their country women." "The two national fowls of America. The Federal Eagle and the Festal Turkey. May we always have peace under the wings of the one, and be able to obtain a piece from the breast of the other." The Deck-Hand and the Mule. The mule stood on the steamboat deck, The laud he would not tread They pulled the halter round his neck, And whacked him o'er the head. But obstinate and braced he stood, As born the scene to rule, A creature of the hold-back brood, A stubborn, stead fas* mule. They cursed and swore.he would not go Until he felt inclined, And though they thundered blow on blow, He altered not his mind. The deck-hand to the shore complained; "The varmint's bound to stay!" And still ujon the critter's hide The sounding lash made play. His master from the shore replied: "The boat's about to sail; As other means in vain you've tried, Suppose you twist his tail! "It's likely that will make him land!" The deck-hand brave though pale, The nearer drew, with outstretched hand, To make tile twist avail. Thou came a kick of thunder sound! The deck-band.where was he? Ask of the waves that far around Beheld him in the sea! A moment, not a voice was heard; But winked the mule his eye, As though to ask to him occurred. "Now, how was that for high?" "Just cut his throat!" t he captain roared, And end the cussed brute!" But the noblest soul who perished there, Was he who tried to do't! / official: 1 QUARANTINE STATION, HILTON 0 Head, S. C., Dec. 17, 1871. In accord- A ance with instructions from His Excellency Gov. Scott, the restrictions imposed by proclamation upon vessels arriving in this port from New York aud Philadelphia, . are removed. Masters of vessels and pilots will however anchor all vessels from h; those ports in the harbor containing sick- 1 ness, until examined, in compliance with . general terms of the Quarantine Law. By order of the Governor, . ; S. B. THOMPSON, M. D. Fe Dec.lS-2t. Quarantine Officer. -j EMANCIPATION." 01 GRAND PARADE AND INSPECTION. ^ Genl. Order No. 4, ) Head Qrs. 3d Reg't., S. C. N. G. } Company commanders will muster their ^ men for parade and inspection, in front of Q] the Arscnel in Beaufort, on Monday, Jan. v let, 1872, at 11 o'clock A. M. Captains jc of companies not uniformed are requested ^ to make effort to obtain uniform coats and caps, for their respective companies. v. By order u P. L WIGGIN, J* Col. Comdg. 3d Regt. S. C. N. G. £ Brigadier Gen. W. J. Whipper will be a, present to inspect the regiment. Excursion tickets over the Port Royal ft, d.:i.a»/| 4a momtvironf tlio rommpnt. nan . lmluiv/au) w lii^iui^io vi wmv . |g be obtained of the agent, for fifty cents, to q Beaufort and return. dec7,4t. ^ Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Archibald Gilinore, late or Beaufort, will present the same duly attested to W. H. Devlin, administrator, in the town of q Beaufort, S. C., and those indebted will make payment to ® the undersigned W. H. DEVLIN, Dec.l4-4t Administrator. . I Office County Auditor, Beaufort Co., Dec. 13,1871 7b whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that E. L. Dowling, by H. PWeekly, has deposited in tha office of the treasurer of tbi. county, funds for the redemption of a certain piece of a property joining lands of Heape and Weekly, containing 11 188 acres more or less, sold for taxes on the 7th day of t March, 1«71, for taxes for the year 1869.and sold July 3, 'i 1871, for the taxes of the year 187 0. J A. F. HALL, a Dec.14-2. Auditor, Bft. Co. ""notice to liquob dealers" 1 JJAVING BEEN INFORMED THAT " several parties are selling liquor without hav- tl ing purchased a County License, notice is here- A by given that unless they attend t* this duty o immediately, proceedings will be instituted V against them for violation of the law. n The penalty for selling without a license is a £ fine equal to the amount of the license. Any party procuring a conviction of offend- ^ ers against this law before a Trial Justice is entitled to one-half of the fine levied. F. E. WILDER, Nov.30-Cw. Treas. Bft. Co. a x e. McGregor.. : b House, Sigti arid Carriage a a Glazing and Paper Hanging promptly £ attended to. u Office corner of C and Seventh street, BEAUFORT, S. C. si FOR SALE. rjMIE RESIDENCE OF MRS. EDMUND RHETT, corner of B. A 10th street, together yith vacant lot in front on Bay street are offered for sale. For terms, -| apply at the residence. Dec.l4-8t. J DOOUS, ~~ " SASHES, s BLINDS, n Wood Mouldings, Stair Rails, Newels, &c., L Enammelled, Embossed, Ground AND CUT-GLASS. A large and well assorted stock of the above goods constantly on hand at the lowest rates. Order work promptly attended to. Builders and owners will find it to their advantage to gee our estimate neiore purvnasiug. ."-jieviai attention given to Black Walnut and other FirstClass work. Estimates and Price Lists furnished on application. WHITLOCK A CO.. Apl. 22-ly 254 A 256 Canal St. New York. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY Tirtuc of sundry writs of executions to ine directed w I will sell at public out-cry in front of mv office in the town of Beaufort on the first Monday in January next. (1872), being the 1st day of said month, between the legal hours of sal the following property to wit: J. NEWTON EVANS, vt. W. W. MARPLE. All the right title and interest of W. W. Marple, in and to all that plantation or tract of land situate, lyingand being in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, known as "Clarendon," bounded north bjr lands of B. W. Pierce, east and south by lands of S. I). Gilbert, and west by Whale Branch Creek, containing three hundred and forty-one (341) acres more or less. Also the following personal property, to-wit: One steam engine. " t. One saw mill. * Two saws and shafting. U GEO. WATERHOUSE. tt. MARPLE A ROBINSON el All the right title and interest of W. W. Marple and J. It Catherwood Robinson, in and to all that plantation or q. tract of land situate, lying and being in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, known as "Claren- CI don" hounded north hv lands of B. W. Pierce, east and south by lands of S. D. Gilbert,and west by Whale Branch Creek, containing three hundred and forty-one (341; acres more or less. tl Also the following personal property, to-wit: J] One steam engine, . One saw mill, Two saws and shafting. CI also a T. J. S. FARR, ti GABRIELLA MAYES, NOW GABRIKLLA CHANCELLOR. Ol also Ail the right, title and interest of Gabriclla Mayes now "Gabriella Chancellor," in and to all that plantation-or tract of land, situate lying and being in the county and jj State aforesaid, and known as Huntiug Island. Hounded south by lands of James Stoncy, and estate Wra. Pone, . east by Buckingham plantation, south and south east by May River, west by lands ofThaddeus Buckncr, and Dr. Paul Pritchard, containing two thousand eight hundred (2,800; acres, more or less." ALSO SAME w SAME. I One house and lot in the Town of BlufTton. Bounded at north by lot of Dr. Anderson, east by lot of estate of John fe< Cole, south by Mrs Cole's residence," and west by lot of T. wj G. Buckner. Lot containing one (1; acre more or leas, levied upon as the property of Gabriella Mayers, now "Gabriella Chancellor," at the suit of T. J. S. F*arr. b< Terms cash.purchases to pav for stamps and titles. "P.M.WHITMAN, Nov.9-9. Sheriff Bft. Co. ' REFEREE'S SALE. 1eorge Boliver, Citric Court Common Pleas% vs. A. M. Mackay. i. M. Mackay, Administrator of G. C Mackay, vs. W. F. Hutson, Trustee et. aI. I will sell in the first case above statec i the Town of Beaufort, 8. CM on the ret Monday in January next, for on< ilf (with the privilage of paying all ish; the balance on a credit of one year > be secured by Bond and Mortgage urchasers to pay for stamps, papers an< icording, 497 acres of land in the Coun r of Beaufort, divided into two (2) farms ae bordering on the Tulifinny and th< ther on the Pocotaligo river. And with second case on the same termi ae tract next below the one above de .iv.j 1_ I kIM.nlrav)! ;nueu UUUlUJUUIjr &uunu aa mavnai bint," at the junction of Coosawhatchi* ad Pocotaligo rivers wberethey unite U irm Broad river, containing four bun red and eighty-seven (487) acres; twenty e acres, being at the extreme point, wil e sold in twelve (12) separate building >ts, and the rest of the tract in three (3 trms. These lands are at the head of steam oat navigation, ^and are six (6) or eigh 5) miles from the junction of the Savan ah and Charleston and the Port Roya ail Roads. They are first-quality cottoi nd provision lands with great facilities >r manuring with marsh and marsh mud nd are perfectly healthy. For particu irs address Messrs. ilulson & Legare a rangeburg, S. C., or the undersigned a ocotaligo, S. C. C. J. C. HIJTSON, dec-7-4t Referee. REFEREES SALE. outh Carolina, ] > Common Pleas. Beaufort County, j V. F. Hutson, Trustee of Prcscott Fund vs. Mrs. Sarah Mole, et. al. Bill for Foreclosure and Sale. By virtue of a Decretal order in th bove case, made on the 11th of April 371, by Hon. Zephaniah Piatt, Circui udge, I will sell on the first Monday ii anuary, 1872, the foil wing property t< it: All that tract of land situate in St .ukes' Parish, County and State afore lid, near Coosawbatchie, bounded as fol >ws: North and Northeast on lands o ie estate of Theophilus Sauls, and J. V lorrison, South and Southeast on land i the estate of Mrs. E. A. Giilison, am Vest on the tract assigned by the Com lissioners in dower to Mrs SaraJ Mole lontaining eleven hundred acres more o ?88, and being two-thirds of the whol ract formerly the property of J. J. Mole also, The remainder of the estate in dower ssigned to the said Mrs. Sarah Mole, a foresaid, containing five hundred and fift; a* iaoo dnnn/loil vakik k I'lCB IUU1C U1 iroo. JUUUUUCU Iiuibu u inds of estate of Theapliilus Sauls, Eay the tract of estate ioif J«. J. Mole, Soutl nd Southwest by lands of Cbaries Wileo: nd Thos. Farr and others. '' ' ' cash, balance on redit of twelve months, secured by th ond of the purchaser, and mortgage o he premises sold, (with interest from dat f sale,) and covenant of re-sale on bread f .condition. Purchasers paying fo lamps and papers. C. J. C. IIUTSON, Dec.7.4t Referee. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS, 70R THE ACCOMMODATION 01 ie Taxpayers of Beaufort County, Taxes du >r the year 1871, will be received on fovember 27, at Gillisonville, 44 28, 44 Grahamvillc, 44 29, 44 Ennis X Road, ov. 30, & Dec. 1st, 44 Brighton, >ecember 2nd, 44 Stafford X Road 44 4th & 5th, 44 Lawtonville. 44 6, 44 Beach Branch, 44 7, 44 Richardson, 44 8, 44 Crocketville, 44 9, 44 Hickory Hill, 44 1 1, 44 Whipper's Store 4 12, 44 Pocotaligo, 44 13, 44 Gardners'Corner! 44 18, 44 Sav. Sheriff's Offlc 44 19, 44 Hardeville, " 20, at E. M. Seabrook, New liivei " 21 at John E. Wall's Stor " 22, at creven Ferry " 23, at Bluffton. All persorr not having paid taxes for 187C ill please attend to the same at the abov me and places of appointment. F. E. WILDER, Nov.27-4t. Treas. Bft. County. FROBATE NOTICE. Stat;e of South Carolina, ) Beaufort County. J By R. II. Qleaves, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, Fredrick Watson, of Ladie sland made suit to me, to grant him let ;r8 of Administration of the estate of am [Tect8 of William Watson, late of Ladie iland, these are therefore to cite and ad ionish all and singular the kindred am reditors of the said William Watson de jased, that they be and appear, befor le, in the Court of Probate, to be held a le town of Beaufort, on the 18th day o lecember, 1871, after publication hereol 111 o'clock in the forenoon, to shov luse, if any they have, why the sail dminiatratinn should not be granted. kV* . o Given under my hand, this second da; fDecember, Anno Domini, 1871. It. H. GLEAVES, J udge of Probate. Published on the 7th«day of December 571, in the Beaufort Republican. " PROPOSALS. Office County Commissioners, ) Beaufort, S. C., Nov. 21, 1871./ PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVE! this office until the 27th day of December next, fo ading the Couuty Poor, as per present contract ; whic ill expire on the 31st of December, 1871. Said proposal ill be opened and contract awarded on the 27th Decen sr, 1871. JOHN HUNN, Nqv.23-4. Chairman. OFFICIAL. Office of Auditor of State. i ; Columbia, S. C., November 10th, 1871. i 9 It having been reported in some of the papers in this State, that a promise had ' Seen made by His Excellency Governor R. " K. Scott to the late tax payers' Convention, a to extend the time for the collection of J taxes for 1871; I would say for the information of all concerned, and for the pur- [ pose of doing away with any ill effect j which such a report might induce; and at the same time to leave no excuse for non- ? payment at the proper time; that in confer- ' ence with nis Excellency this morning, he informed me that he made no such ^ general promise as has been ascribed to him. j His Excellency informs me that the j committee of the Tax-payers' Convention g who waited upon him in reference to matters relating to the collection of taxes, af1 - Jionnooi'nn nf V>a siihiopf. IVC1 a UIOU UOOIV/U Vi vuv UUWJVVV) V4VWK.WM t that November was the proper time for £ collection of taxes in the upper counties; but that in those counties where sea island cotton is grown, payment could not be made until March, without sacrifice. His Excellency, therefore, ngreed to suspend the collection from those upon the seaboard until that time, where they were unable to pay sooner. Persons desiring to avail themselves of the benefits of this promise will be rcquir- !, ed to file a petition with the County Auditor previous to the time at which the penalty attaches, accompanied by affidavits that returns from crops had not been received; such petitions will be considered. The public will, therefore, place no reliance upon the report referred to, as I am assured by His Excellency that no extensions of time other than those mentioned, will be granted. '* The collection of taxes for this fiscal " year will commence on the 20th instant, "n and continue until 15th of January next;. after which time the penalties proscribed by law, will attach, and be strictly en fore! ed. County Treasurers will proceed at once to enforce the collection of all delinquent ' taxes for previous years. I EDWIN F. GARY, State Auditor. Greenville Enterprise. Laureusville Herald, Union 'firms, Carolina Spartan, > Pickens Sentiuel, Keowee Courier. York8 ville Enquirer, Winnsboro News,. Chester y Reporter, Lancaster Ledger, Chesterfield y Democrat, Beaufort Times, and Republi£ can copy. EXECUTOR'S lOTICPi. e All persons having claims against Edmund Martin, late or the county of Beaue fort, in th£ State of South Caro ina, deh ceased, are hereby notified to present r statements thereof, to Messrs. Davant, attorneys at Law, at Gillisonville, or to the subscribers, qualified executors, at Brighton, S. C.. as the law in such case requires. [ Alfred M. Martin, Dec.7-3. Abram A. Martin._ F TAXES! TAXES! TAXES! County Treasurer's Office, e Beaufort, South Carolina, November C, 1871. J^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT this office will be opened for the receipt of STATE ANI) COUNTY TAXES for the year I, 1871, on the 20th day of November, instant. Taxes not paid on or before the 15th day of January will be liable to a penalty of twenty per cent. All taxes remaining unpaid on the first day March, 1872, will be liable to be collected by >, distress. The tax assessed on all real and personal property is: g For State purposes, 7 mills, For County purposes, 3 mills, For support of Poor, 1 mill, g Poll tax per capita, 1 dollar. The school tax assessed by the townships is ' as follows: St. Helena, one mill, and one dollar for each ' legal voter. e Beaufort, ono half mill, and one dollar for each legal voter. Bluffton, one mill, and one dollar for each legal voter, Hilton Head, one mill and one dollar for each legal voter. Yemassee, one mill, and one dollar for each legal voter. Peoples, one dollar for each legal voter. Pocotaligo, one mill, and one dollar for each g legal voter. Coosawhatchie, one mill, and one dollar for , each legal voter. Robert's, one mill, and one dollar for each 8 legal voter. ; F. E. WILDER. <* Nov 30-Gw Treas. Bft. Co. I REFEREE'S SALE. f Jos. H. Mellichamp, et. ujr. vs. Jos. Ii. \ Seabrook, et. al. £ Orangeburg County, In Equity. Under orders of Court made in this case, y I will sell in the Town of Beaufort, in the County of Beaufort, on the first Monday in January next, the "Buck Island" plantation, the property cf James Pope, de. ceased, containing 710 acres more or less. ' Situtae in said County, and now or form. erly bounded nroth by lands of John W. Kirk, east by lands of R. II. Kirk, deceased, and W. P. Guerard, deceased, south by May river, and west by lands of N. P. Crowell and J. P. Guerard. ) half cash, balance in one year, secured by bond, with interest from h date, and mortgage 01 tne property, wiiq a / covenant for resale on breach of bond, j. Purchaser pajing for papers, stamps and recording. WM. ELLIOTT, dec-7 4t Referee to sell. SHERIFF'S SALEli. C. Daniels, cs, the Linden Park Land £ Company, et. al. Warrant of Attachment. ft. G. Whitaker, ps. The Linden Park Land Company, eU al Warrant of Attachmenl George Opdyke, et. aZ. ts. The Linden Park Land Company. Warrant of Attachment. By virtue of an order of the Hon. R. P. Graham, Circuit Judge in the above etated case, to me directed, I will well at public outcry in front of my office in the Town of Beaufort, on Monday, January the first, (1st) 1872, the following persona) property, to wit: Lighty (80) pairs shoe*, five (5) pair® boots, eleven (U) Balmoral skirts, eight (8) coats, seven (7) pairs pants, three (3) wool hats, eight (8) straw hats, six (6) linen coats, three (3) linen vests, one (I) pair pants, eight (8) pairs drawers, four (4) shirts, thirty-two (32) yards drill, fifteen (15) colored handkerchiefs, twenty-two (22) white handkerchiefs, twenty-two (22) yards muslin, fifteen (.15) yards flannel, ten (10) pairs gloves, forty-one (41) yards Print, eight (8) pairs half hose, sixty-five Bnnnla throad half dnipn filp* piorht yvj's j ujyvviu buivuvi^ UMM »*vv^ viguv (8) pocket knives, six (6) smoking pipes, ten (10) purses, ten (10) papers needle*, fourteen (14) card hooks, two (2) dozen paper pins, two mirrors, nine pieces braid, forty-three bottles medicines, twelve boxes salve, one dozen pencils, half dozen pass books, half gross tea spoons, half gross table spoons, half dozen lamps. If dozen tumblers, fifteen yards bagging, fifty lbs. seed cotton,,one roll 12 inch belting, one letter press, fifteen yards jean, one double inch block, one single 1$ inch block, half dozen planters' hoes, twelve gallons lard oil, twenty galloas molasses, oyster tongs, one bbl. soda biscuits, seven wooden pails, one lot tin measures, three pairs scales, one and one-quarter dozen rim locks, one double bit axe, seven plow points, nine pad locks, three dozen butts, one gross screws, one bash scythe, one h»i . ' hasps and staph s, twenty lbs starch, fifty lbs. soap, one lot paper bags, one gross matches, one dozen strap hinges, thirty- three papers tacks, sixty-three bowls, two pitchers, ten cans jnilk, thirty lbs. soda, one bung borer, one tobacco cutter, four gates and faucets, twenty-five cords wood, one store desk. One lot of Manufactured hrmber, estftimated at two hundred and fifty thousand (200,000) feet; four band red (400) saw Inula /pAtimafprl i nttnrhprf the nrnnprtv \vvw * ) / i J of the above named Liaden Paik Land Company, at the suit of R. C. Daniels, eL a I. Terms cash.Purchasers to pay for necessary paper 8. P. M. WHITMAN, Shflf. Bft. Co. fi^For the accommodation of parties wishing to inspect the lumber and log*, the steamer Gen Scott, will leave Beaufort for Linden Park, Saturday morning Dec. 30.1871, and return to Beaufort same J day. Passage free. "SHERIFF'S SALE. South Carolina, j I In Common Pitas. Beaufort Counly. j W. F. llutson, Trustee rf Children C. C. Gregorie, rs. Wm. J. Jenkins. Fill for Foreclosure and Sale. By virtue of a Decretal order in the above case, made by Chancellor H. D. Lesesne, on the 14th February, 1808, directing the Commissioner in Equity, then in office, to sell the mortgaged premises in the above case, described on sale day in April, 1808, or first convenient sale day thereafter, I, P. M. Whitman, Sheriff of the County aforesaid, as successor of the said Commissioner, and in puisuance of the said Decretal ordel*, will sell on the first Monday of January, 187*2, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: All that plantation in Prince William** Par^h, Beaufort County, known aa 4'Warren's," containing nine hundred acres more or'less. Bounded north by Saltkehatchie River, East and Southeast by lands of J. H. Screven, South and J^outhwest by Union Road and West by road from Pocotaligo to Saltkehatchie Bridge. cash, balance on a credit of twelve months secured by bond of purchaser with interest from date of sale, and mortgage of premises sold, with covenant of re-sale on breach ot condition. Purchasers paying for stamps and papers. P. M. WHITMAN, . dec.7.4t Shff. Bft. Co. SHERIFFS SALE. ' Philip T. Pearce, administrator, Estate of Isabel Murray, deceased, rs. John Murray, etal.. Under order of court made in this case, I will sell at public out-cry in tront of my ntVir»p in t.ho town of Beaufort, on the first Monday in January next, (1872), being the first day of saia month, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: All that lot in the town of Beaufort, designated as lot 4,E" block <*72," bounded north, by lot "A," east by lot "D," south by Beaufort River, and xcest by lot "F:" Terms. one third cash, balance in one and two years secured by the bond of purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Interest payable annually. P. M. WHITMAN. dec.14.3t Shlf. Bft. Co. NOTICE. All persona having claims against the estate of Stephen A. Kittles, late of Beanfort county, South Carolina, will present the same duly attested to John E. Kittles, Administrator, Mathews' Bluff, aDd those indebted will make payment to the undersigned. JOfIN E. KITTLES, dec 114 Administrator.

Beaufort Republican (Beaufort, S.C.).(Beaufort, S.C.) 1871 · %."Goodmorning," said a printer in search of female

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Page 1: Beaufort Republican (Beaufort, S.C.).(Beaufort, S.C.) 1871 · %."Goodmorning," said a printer in search of female

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. IA female barber "out West" has retired

from business on account of the arrival ofa "little shaver."The last instance of modesty is that of

a lady who refused to wear a watch inher bosom because it had hands.

Hoyle, the apostle of whist, under theold dispensation, is said to have died fullof years and honors..N. Y. EveningPost.This is not true. He has merely fallen

asleep, waiting for the last trump..N. Y.World. '

Wonder If the grave-digger held a "fullhand" of spades?.Louisville CourierJournalI.He doubtless met the deuce with a grim

ace..Chicago Evening Post.And is now expecting the angel Gabriel

« to order him up..N. Y. Commercial.A cynical old bachelor says that it is

tL privilege of hoops to surround theloveliest of all things, among which are

girls and whisky.The Indianapolis Sentinel thus relieves

itself: "Eighteen souls with nine singlethoughts, eighteen hearts that beat as

nine, at Evansville last week."%."Good morning," said a printer insearch of female compositors. "Haveyou any daughters who wouM make goodtype-setters?" 4'No, but I have a wifewho would make a fine devil," said themonster.A Missouri gentleman who owned too

mnch of his neighbor's horses was hungwhile on his way to vote, 44which," remarksa cotemporary, "is calculated todeaden one's interest in town politics."An exchange wickedly remarks: "Tiltonsays he is agreeably surprised at meetingCluseret on earth, instead of in. heaven.

In case the other meeting occurs,Cluseret will be justified in expressingeven greater surprise.A Wisconsin man was taken dangerouslysick. He sent for his wife to come at

once and care for him. Now, the wife'smother was sick, too, and she sent thisdispatch to her languishing husband:"Dear Tim: Mother is sick; I can't leavehpr. Do thft best vou can. If vou die.send your body home."At the late Plymouth Church pic-nic

Mr. Beecher was asked why he did notdance. "There's but one reason," he replied."Idon't know how. The onlydancing I ever did was when my fatherfurnished the music, and used me for thefiddle. I took all the steps then."

Ax Object of Charity..The localeditor of the Paducah Kentuckian latelyattended a party, and, according to hisown words, saw nothing towards the closeof the evening but "a beautiful billowyocean of foaming skirts, which in theirvirgin and uncontaminated purity, rolledand surged and puffed in the gas-lit air."A woman in Rochester heard somebody

trying to burglar her premises one night,lately, and she just kept watch. Whenshe saw a hand grasping the window-sill,she quietly chopped off three or four of itsfingers, and waited for the chap to put inthe other hand, but he didn't conclude to,and went away, mad as thunder. Thewoman's husband wants to find the remainderof the man to see what he thiuksof the joke. She did it with her little following toasts were "cot off" at a

Bachelor's reunion in Sioux City:"Bachelors.First in war.first in peace,and first in the bosoms of their countrywomen.""The two national fowls of America.

The Federal Eagle and the Festal Turkey.May we always have peace under thewings of the one, and be able to obtain a

piece from the breast of the other."

The Deck-Hand and the Mule.

The mule stood on the steamboat deck,The laud he would not tread

They pulled the halter round his neck,And whacked him o'er the head.

But obstinate and braced he stood,As born the scene to rule,

A creature of the hold-back brood,A stubborn, stead fas* mule.

They cursed and swore.he would not goUntil he felt inclined,

And though they thundered blow on blow,He altered not his mind.

The deck-hand to the shore complained;"The varmint's bound to stay!"

And still ujon the critter's hideThe sounding lash made play.

His master from the shore replied:"The boat's about to sail;

As other means in vain you've tried,Suppose you twist his tail!

"It's likely that will make him land!"The deck-hand brave though pale,

The nearer drew, with outstretched hand,To make tile twist avail.

Thou came a kick of thunder sound!The deck-band.where was he?

Ask of the waves that far aroundBeheld him in the sea!

A moment, not a voice was heard;But winked the mule his eye,

As though to ask to him occurred."Now, how was that for high?"

"Just cut his throat!" t he captain roared,And end the cussed brute!"

But the noblest soul who perished there,Was he who tried to do't!


Head, S. C., Dec. 17, 1871. In accord- Aance with instructions from His ExcellencyGov. Scott, the restrictions imposed byproclamation upon vessels arriving in thisport from New York aud Philadelphia, .

are removed. Masters of vessels andpilots will however anchor all vessels from h;those ports in the harbor containing sick- 1

ness, until examined, in compliance with .

general terms of the Quarantine Law.By order of the Governor, . ;

S. B. THOMPSON, M. D. FeDec.lS-2t. Quarantine Officer. -jEMANCIPATION." 01


Head Qrs. 3d Reg't., S. C. N. G. }Company commanders will muster their ^

men for parade and inspection, in front of Q]the Arscnel in Beaufort, on Monday, Jan. v

let, 1872, at 11 o'clock A. M. Captains jcof companies not uniformed are requested ^to make effort to obtain uniform coats andcaps, for their respective companies. v.

By order u

P. L WIGGIN, J*Col. Comdg. 3d Regt. S. C. N. G. £

Brigadier Gen. W. J. Whipper will be a,present to inspect the regiment.Excursion tickets over the Port Royal ft,

d.:i.a»/| 4a momtvironf tlio rommpnt. nan .

lmluiv/au) w lii^iui^io vi wmv . |gbe obtained of the agent, for fifty cents, to qBeaufort and return. dec7,4t. ^

Notice.All persons having claims against the estate of ArchibaldGilinore, late or Beaufort, will present the same duly

attested to W. H. Devlin, administrator, in the town of qBeaufort, S. C., and those indebted will make payment to ®the undersigned W. H. DEVLIN,

Dec.l4-4tAdministrator.. I

Office County Auditor,Beaufort Co., Dec. 13,1871

7b whom it may concern:

Notice is hereby given that E. L. Dowling, by H. PWeekly,has deposited in tha office of the treasurer of tbi.county, funds for the redemption of a certain piece of a

property joining lands of Heape and Weekly, containing 11188 acres more or less, sold for taxes on the 7th day of t

March, 1«71, for taxes for the year 1869.and sold July 3, 'i1871, for the taxes of the year 187 0. J

A. F. HALL, a

Dec.14-2. Auditor, Bft. Co.

""notice to liquob dealers" 1


several parties are selling liquor without hav- tling purchased a County License, notice is here- Aby given that unless they attend t* this duty o

immediately, proceedings will be instituted Vagainst them for violation of the law. nThe penalty for selling without a license is a £

fine equal to the amount of the license.Any party procuring a conviction of offend- ^

ers against this law before a Trial Justice isentitled to one-half of the fine levied.

F. E. WILDER,Nov.30-Cw. Treas. Bft. Co. a

x e. McGregor.. :b

House, Sigti arid Carriage aa

Glazing and Paper Hanging promptly £attended to. u

Office corner of C and Seventh street,BEAUFORT, S. C. si

FOR SALE.rjMIERESIDENCE OF MRS. EDMUNDRHETT, corner of B. A 10th street, together yith vacantlot in front on Bay street are offered for sale. For terms, -|apply at the residence. Dec.l4-8t.J

DOOUS,~~ "



Wood Mouldings, Stair Rails, Newels, &c., L

Enammelled, Embossed, Ground

AND CUT-GLASS.A large and well assorted stock of the above goods constantlyon hand at the lowest rates. Order work promptlyattended to. Builders and owners will find it to their

advantage to gee our estimate neiore purvnasiug. ."-jieviaiattention given to Black Walnut and other FirstClasswork.Estimates and Price Lists furnished on application.

WHITLOCK A CO..Apl. 22-ly 254 A 256 Canal St. New York.

SHERIFF'S SALE.BY Tirtuc of sundry writs of executions to ine directed w

I will sell at public out-cry in front of mv office in thetown of Beaufort on the first Monday in January next.(1872), being the 1st day of said month, between the legalhours of sal the following property to wit:

J. NEWTON EVANS, vt. W. W. MARPLE.All the right title and interest of W. W. Marple, in and

to all that plantation or tract of land situate, lyingandbeing in the County of Beaufort and State of South Carolina,known as "Clarendon," bounded north bjr lands ofB. W. Pierce, east and south by lands of S. I). Gilbert, andwest by Whale Branch Creek, containing three hundredand forty-one (341) acres more or less.

Also the following personal property, to-wit:One steam engine.


t.One saw mill. *

Two saws and shafting. UGEO. WATERHOUSE. tt. MARPLE A ROBINSON el

All the right title and interest of W. W. Marple and J. ItCatherwood Robinson, in and to all that plantation or q.tract of land situate, lying and being in the County ofBeaufort and State of South Carolina, known as "Claren- CIdon" hounded north hv lands of B. W. Pierce, east andsouth by lands of S. D. Gilbert,and west by Whale BranchCreek, containing three hundred and forty-one (341; acresmore or less. tlAlso the following personal property, to-wit: J]One steam engine, .

One saw mill,Two saws and shafting. CI



Ail the right, title and interest of Gabriclla Mayes now"Gabriella Chancellor," in and to all that plantation-ortract of land, situate lying and being in the county and jjState aforesaid, and known as Huntiug Island. Houndedsouth by lands of James Stoncy, and estate Wra. Pone, .

east by Buckingham plantation, south and south east byMay River, west by lands ofThaddeus Buckncr, and Dr.Paul Pritchard, containing two thousand eight hundred(2,800; acres, more or less."


SAME w SAME. IOne house and lot in the Town of BlufTton. Bounded at

north by lot of Dr. Anderson, east by lot of estate of John fe<Cole, south by Mrs Cole's residence," and west by lot of T. wjG. Buckner. Lot containing one (1; acre more or leas,levied upon as the property of Gabriella Mayers, now"Gabriella Chancellor," at the suit of T. J. S. F*arr. b<Terms cash.purchases to pav for stamps and titles.

"P.M.WHITMAN,Nov.9-9. Sheriff Bft. Co.


REFEREE'S SALE.1eorge Boliver, Citric Court Common

Pleas% vs. A. M. Mackay.i. M. Mackay, Administrator of G. CMackay, vs. W. F. Hutson, Trusteeet. aI.I will sell in the first case above statec

i the Town of Beaufort, 8. CM on theret Monday in January next, for on<ilf (with the privilage of paying allish; the balance on a credit of one year> be secured by Bond and Mortgageurchasers to pay for stamps, papers an<

icording, 497 acres of land in the Counr of Beaufort, divided into two (2) farmsae bordering on the Tulifinny and th<ther on the Pocotaligo river.And with second case on the same termiae tract next below the one above de

.iv.j1_ I kIM.nlrav)!;nueu UUUlUJUUIjr &uunu aa mavnai

bint," at the junction of Coosawhatchi*ad Pocotaligo rivers wberethey unite Uirm Broad river, containing four bunred and eighty-seven (487) acres; twentye acres, being at the extreme point, wil

e sold in twelve (12) separate building>ts, and the rest of the tract in three (3trms.These lands are at the head of steamoat navigation, ^and are six (6) or eigh5) miles from the junction of the Savanah and Charleston and the Port Royaail Roads. They are first-quality cottoind provision lands with great facilities>r manuring with marsh and marsh mudnd are perfectly healthy. For particuirs address Messrs. ilulson & Legare a

rangeburg, S. C., or the undersigned a

ocotaligo, S. C.C. J. C. HIJTSON,

dec-7-4t Referee.

REFEREES SALE.outh Carolina, ]

> Common Pleas.Beaufort County, j

V. F. Hutson, Trustee of Prcscott Fundvs. Mrs. Sarah Mole, et. al.

Billfor Foreclosure and Sale.By virtue of a Decretal order in thbove case, made on the 11th of April371, by Hon. Zephaniah Piatt, Circuiudge, I will sell on the first Monday iianuary, 1872, the foil wing property t<it:All that tract of land situate in St.ukes' Parish, County and State aforelid, near Coosawbatchie, bounded as fol>ws: North and Northeast on lands o

ie estate of Theophilus Sauls, and J. Vlorrison, South and Southeast on landi the estate of Mrs. E. A. Giilison, amVest on the tract assigned by the Comlissioners in dower to Mrs SaraJ Molelontaining eleven hundred acres more o

?88, and being two-thirds of the wholract formerly the property of J. J. Mole

also,The remainder of the estate in dowerssigned to the said Mrs. Sarah Mole, a

foresaid, containing five hundred and fift;a* iaoo dnnn/loil vakik k

I'lCB IUU1C U1 iroo. JUUUUUCU Iiuibu u

inds of estate of Theapliilus Sauls, Eaythe tract of estate ioif J«. J. Mole, Soutlnd Southwest by lands of Cbaries Wileo:nd Thos. Farr and others. '' ' ' cash, balance onredit of twelve months, secured by thond of the purchaser, and mortgage ohe premises sold, (with interest from datf sale,) and covenant of re-sale on breadf .condition. Purchasers paying folamps and papers.

C. J. C. IIUTSON,Dec.7.4t Referee.

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS,70R THE ACCOMMODATION 01ie Taxpayers of Beaufort County, Taxes du>r the year 1871, will be received on

fovember 27, at Gillisonville,4428, 44 Grahamvillc,

44 29, 44 Ennis X Road,ov. 30, & Dec. 1st, 44 Brighton,>ecember 2nd, 44 Stafford X Road

44 4th & 5th, 44 Lawtonville.446, 44 Beach Branch,447, 44 Richardson,448, 44 Crocketville,449, 44 Hickory Hill,

441 1, 44 Whipper's Store412, 44 Pocotaligo,

4413, 44 Gardners'Corner!4418, 44 Sav. Sheriff's Offlc4419, 44 Hardeville,

" 20, at E. M. Seabrook, New liivei"21 at John E. Wall's Stor"22, at creven Ferry

"23, at Bluffton.All persorr not having paid taxes for 187Cill please attend to the same at the abovme and places of appointment.

F. E. WILDER,Nov.27-4t. Treas. Bft. County.

FROBATE NOTICE.Stat;e of South Carolina, )

Beaufort County. JBy R. II. Qleaves, Esq., Probate Judge.Whereas, Fredrick Watson, of Ladiesland made suit to me, to grant him let;r8 ofAdministration of the estate ofam[Tect8 of William Watson, late of Ladieiland, these are therefore to cite and adionish all and singular the kindred amreditors of the said William Watson dejased, that they be and appear, beforle, in the Court of Probate, to be held a

le town of Beaufort, on the 18th day o

lecember, 1871, after publication hereol111 o'clock in the forenoon, to shovluse, if any they have, why the saildminiatratinn should not be granted.

kV* . o

Given under my hand, this second da;fDecember, Anno Domini, 1871.

It. H. GLEAVES,J udge of Probate.

Published on the 7th«day of December571, in the Beaufort Republican."

PROPOSALS.Office County Commissioners, )

Beaufort, S. C., Nov. 21, 1871./PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVE!this office until the 27th day of December next, fo

ading the Couuty Poor, as per present contract ; whicill expire on the 31st of December, 1871. Said proposalill be opened and contract awarded on the 27th Decensr, 1871.

JOHN HUNN,Nqv.23-4. Chairman.


Office of Auditor of State. i

; Columbia, S. C., November 10th, 1871. i9 It having been reported in some of the

papers in this State, that a promise had '

Seen made by His Excellency Governor R."

K. Scott to the late tax payers' Convention,a to extend the time for the collection ofJ taxes for 1871; I would say for the informationof all concerned, and for the pur-[ pose of doing away with any ill effectj which such a report might induce; and at

the same time to leave no excuse for non-? payment at the proper time; that in confer-' ence with nis Excellency this morning,

he informed me that he made no such^ general promise as has been ascribed to

him.j His Excellency informs me that thej committee of the Tax-payers' Conventiong

who waited upon him in reference to mattersrelating to the collection of taxes, af1- Jionnooi'nn nf V>a siihiopf.


tthat November was the proper time for

£ collection of taxes in the upper counties;but that in those counties where sea islandcotton is grown, payment could not bemade until March, without sacrifice.His Excellency, therefore, ngreed to

suspend the collection from those uponthe seaboard until that time, where theywere unable to pay sooner.Persons desiring to avail themselves of

the benefits of this promise will be rcquir-!, ed to file a petition with the County Auditorprevious to the time at which the

penalty attaches, accompanied by affidavitsthat returns from crops had not beenreceived; such petitions will be considered.The public will, therefore, place no relianceupon the report referred to, as I am

assured by His Excellency that no extensionsof time other than those mentioned,will be granted.

'* The collection of taxes for this fiscal"

year will commence on the 20th instant,"n and continue until 15th of January next;.

after which time the penalties proscribedby law, will attach, and be strictly en fore!ed.County Treasurers will proceed at once

to enforce the collection of all delinquent' taxes for previous years.

I EDWIN F. GARY,State Auditor.

Greenville Enterprise. LaureusvilleHerald, Union 'firms, Carolina Spartan,

> Pickens Sentiuel, Keowee Courier. York8ville Enquirer, Winnsboro News,. Chestery Reporter, Lancaster Ledger, Chesterfieldy Democrat, Beaufort Times, and Republi£

can copy.

EXECUTOR'S lOTICPi.e All persons having claims against EdmundMartin, late or the county of Beaue

fort, in th£ State of South Caro ina, dehceased, are hereby notified to presentr statements thereof, to Messrs. Davant, attorneysat Law, at Gillisonville, or to the

subscribers, qualified executors, at Brighton,S. C.. as the law in such case requires. [Alfred M. Martin,

Dec.7-3. Abram A. Martin._F TAXES! TAXES! TAXES!

County Treasurer's Office,e Beaufort, South Carolina,

November C, 1871.

J^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthis office will be opened for the receipt ofSTATE ANI) COUNTY TAXES for the year

I, 1871, on the 20th day of November, instant.Taxes not paid on or before the 15th day of

January will be liable to a penalty of twentyper cent.

All taxes remaining unpaid on the first dayMarch, 1872, will be liable to be collected by

>, distress.The tax assessed on all real and personal

property is:g For State purposes, 7 mills,

For County purposes, 3 mills,For support of Poor, 1 mill,

g Poll tax per capita, 1 dollar.The school tax assessed by the townships is

'as follows:

St. Helena, one mill, and one dollar for each' legal voter.e Beaufort, ono half mill, and one dollar for

each legal voter.Bluffton, one mill, and one dollar for each

legal voter,Hilton Head, one mill and one dollar for each

legal voter.Yemassee, one mill, and one dollar for each

legal voter.Peoples, one dollar for each legal voter.Pocotaligo, one mill, and one dollar for each

g legal voter.Coosawhatchie, one mill, and one dollar for

, each legal voter.Robert's, one mill, and one dollar for each

8 legal voter.; F. E. WILDER.

<* Nov 30-Gw Treas. Bft. Co.

I REFEREE'S SALE.f Jos. H. Mellichamp, et. ujr. vs. Jos. Ii.

\ Seabrook, et. al.

£ Orangeburg County, In Equity.Under orders of Court made in this case,

y I will sell in the Town of Beaufort, in theCounty of Beaufort, on the first Mondayin January next, the "Buck Island" plantation,the property cf James Pope, de.ceased, containing 710 acres more or less.

' Situtae in said County, and now or form.erly bounded nroth by lands of John W.Kirk, east by lands of R. II. Kirk, deceased,and W. P. Guerard, deceased,south by May river, and west by lands ofN. P. Crowell and J. P. Guerard.

) half cash, balance in one

year, secured by bond, with interest from

h date, and mortgage 01 tne property, wiiq a

/ covenant for resale on breach of bond,j. Purchaser pajing for papers, stamps and

recording.WM. ELLIOTT,

dec-7 4t Referee to sell.

SHERIFF'S SALEli.C. Daniels, cs, the Linden Park Land £Company, et. al.

Warrant of Attachment.ft. G. Whitaker, ps. The Linden Park

Land Company, eU alWarrant of Attachmenl

George Opdyke, et. aZ. ts. The LindenPark Land Company.Warrant of Attachment.

By virtue of an order of the Hon. R. P.Graham, Circuit Judge in the above etatedcase, to me directed, I will well at publicoutcry in front of my office in the Townof Beaufort, on Monday, January thefirst, (1st) 1872, the following persona)property, to wit:Lighty (80) pairs shoe*, five (5) pair®

boots, eleven (U) Balmoral skirts, eight(8) coats, seven (7) pairs pants, three (3)wool hats, eight (8) straw hats, six (6) linencoats, three (3) linen vests, one (I) pairpants, eight (8) pairs drawers, four (4)shirts, thirty-two (32) yards drill, fifteen(15) colored handkerchiefs, twenty-two(22) white handkerchiefs, twenty-two(22) yards muslin, fifteen (.15) yards flannel,ten (10) pairs gloves, forty-one (41) yardsPrint, eight (8) pairs half hose, sixty-five

Bnnnla throad half dnipn filp* piorhtyvj's j ujyvviu buivuvi^ UMM »*vv^ viguv

(8) pocket knives, six (6) smoking pipes,ten (10) purses, ten (10) papers needle*,fourteen (14) card hooks, two (2) dozenpaper pins, two mirrors, nine pieces braid,forty-three bottles medicines, twelve boxessalve, one dozen pencils, half dozenpass books, half gross tea spoons, halfgross table spoons, half dozen lamps. Ifdozen tumblers, fifteen yards bagging, fiftylbs. seed cotton,,one roll 12 inch belting,one letter press, fifteen yards jean, onedouble inch block, one single 1$ inchblock, half dozen planters' hoes, twelvegallons lard oil, twenty galloas molasses,oyster tongs, one bbl. soda biscuits, sevenwooden pails, one lot tin measures, threepairs scales, one and one-quarter dozenrim locks, one double bit axe, seven plowpoints, nine pad locks, three dozen butts,one gross screws, one bash scythe, one h»i .


hasps and staph s, twenty lbs starch, fiftylbs. soap, one lot paper bags, one grossmatches, one dozen strap hinges, thirty-three papers tacks, sixty-three bowls, twopitchers, ten cans jnilk, thirty lbs. soda,one bung borer, one tobacco cutter, fourgates and faucets, twenty-five cords wood,one store desk.One lot of Manufactured hrmber, estftimatedat two hundred and fifty thousand

(200,000) feet; four band red (400) sawInula /pAtimafprl i nttnrhprf the nrnnprtv

\vvw * ) / i J

of the above named Liaden Paik LandCompany, at the suit of R. C. Daniels, eLa I.Terms cash.Purchasers to pay for necessarypaper 8.

P. M. WHITMAN,Shflf. Bft. Co.

fi^For the accommodation of partieswishing to inspect the lumber and log*,the steamer Gen Scott, will leave Beaufortfor Linden Park, Saturday morningDec. 30.1871, and return to Beaufort same Jday. Passage free.

"SHERIFF'S SALE.South Carolina, jI In Common Pitas.

Beaufort Counly. jW. F. llutson, Trustee rf Children C. C.

Gregorie, rs. Wm. J. Jenkins.Fill for Foreclosure and Sale.

By virtue of a Decretal order in theabove case, made by Chancellor H. D.Lesesne, on the 14th February, 1808, directingthe Commissioner in Equity, thenin office, to sell the mortgaged premises inthe above case, described on sale day inApril, 1808, or first convenient sale daythereafter, I, P. M. Whitman, Sheriff ofthe County aforesaid, as successor of thesaid Commissioner, and in puisuance ofthe said Decretal ordel*, will sell on thefirst Monday of January, 187*2, betweenthe legal hours of sale, the following propertyto wit:

All that plantation in Prince William**Par^h, Beaufort County, known aa

4'Warren's," containing nine hundredacres more or'less. Bounded north bySaltkehatchie River, East and Southeastby lands of J. H. Screven, South andJ^outhwest by Union Road and West byroad from Pocotaligo to cash, balance on a

credit of twelve months secured by bondof purchaser with interest from date ofsale, and mortgage of premises sold, withcovenant of re-sale on breach ot condition.Purchasers paying for stamps and papers.


dec.7.4t Shff. Bft. Co.SHERIFFS SALE.


Philip T. Pearce, administrator, Estate ofIsabel Murray, deceased,


John Murray, etal..Under order of court made in this case,

I will sell at public out-cry in tront of myntVir»p in t.ho town of Beaufort, on the firstMonday in January next, (1872), beingthe first day of saia month, between thelegal hours of sale, the following propertyto wit:

All that lot in the town of Beaufort,designated as lot 4,E" block <*72," boundednorth, by lot "A," east by lot "D,"south by Beaufort River, and xcest by lot"F:"Terms. one third cash, balance in one

and two years secured by the bond ofpurchaser and mortgage of the premises.Interest payable annually.

P. M. WHITMAN.dec.14.3t Shlf. Bft. Co.

NOTICE.All persona having claims against the

estate of Stephen A. Kittles, late of Beanfortcounty, South Carolina, will presentthe same duly attested to John E. Kittles,Administrator, Mathews' Bluff, aDdthose indebted will make payment to theundersigned.

JOfIN E. KITTLES,dec114 Administrator.