The Babel Conspiracy

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The Babel Conspiracy


The Babel Conspiracy


Michael W. Hoggard


The Babel Conspiracy By Michael Hoggard Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without permission in writing from the author or publisher. All scripture quotations unless otherwise noted are from the King James Version of the Bible. DISCLAIMER: This work makes use of corporate graphics and logos. Each one of them is the copyrighted material of their respective companies and are used for illustrative purposes only. They are not intended to endorse any product or service nor are they intended to cause the reader to divest from any of these products or services.


Dedicated to all who have become the victims of Lucifer’s dark conspiracy



FOREWORD It will forever be burned in our memories; those images of, first, the planes, then the fireball, then the smoke, then the collapse, then nothing. The events of September 11, 2001 shocked the world from the greatest to the least of us here on planet earth. Most of us couldn’t understand exactly what had happened. Most of us couldn’t conceive of someone evil enough to do such a thing. Most of us couldn’t understand what meaning it had, what purpose, what cause. That is, most of us. Was there a conspiracy to attack America in such a brutal fashion? Most certainly. Was a renegade Islamic extremist named Osama bin Laden involved in the attack? More than likely. Was there a clandestine group of unnamed men, called by various names, and formed into various groups that masterminded the conspiracy to attack America? Absolutely. Are these men governed by a conspiracy, a mother of all conspiracies, that has sought to shape and manipulate earth events for a common goal? The answer is an emphatic, “Yes.” And it is that conspiracy that will be unveiled and dealt with in this book. Shortly after 9/11 I received several e-mails from different acquaintances listing how this “mysterious number 11” kept showing up in the events of that day. My background has been deeply involved, for the last several years, in the study of Scripture numerics, Bible prophecy, and numerical patterns in the Bible. Although I was somewhat familiar with the Biblical meaning behind the


number 11, I considered the e-mails that were sent to me to be nothing more than a few coincidences. Be that as it may, not too long afterward I received an e-mail that changed my whole thinking. The e-mail contained a picture of a certain “rap” group blowing up the World Trade Towers in precisely the same locations that the planes struck them on 9/11. The picture was from a CD cover that came out in June, 2001, 3 months before the attacks. At this point, I believed that a very powerful force was at work coordinating the events of 9/11, and that this force had left its fingerprint behind. In this book I will explain exactly what that force is, and shed light on some of the signatures, patterns, and symbols that are associated with it. What you are reading in this book is but a portion of a much larger and more detailed expose’ of this conspiracy and the powers behind it. As I researched these things, it became apparent that this expose’ may take some time to complete. I feel compelled to put forth the information that is most relevant to the 9/11 attack just after its 1 year anniversary so that all who would hear would be aware of the terrible forces at work to create a New World Order, fashioned after the model of the ancient city of Babel, as mentioned in Genesis 11. This book will cover several areas but concentrate specifically on numerics or occult numerology and symbolism. For background study in this field, I encourage the reader to acquire a copy of my first book on the subject, BY DIVINE ORDER: Scripture Numerics and Bible Prophecy. Ordering information may be found at the back of this book.


To the families who suffered a tragic loss on September 11, 2001, this book is not intended in any way to belittle the terrible agony and anguish caused by the terror attack on our nation. On that day, America prayed for you. Many of us have not stopped praying since.


Chapter One

Conspiracy To be sure, there is no lack of conspiracy theories that abound in our world today. The 1963 assassination of President Kennedy gave rise to several theories as to who was really responsible for his death, and what purpose did it serve. Fingers were pointed in the direction of the CIA, the Mafia, the Russians, the Cubans, the Vatican, and even Lyndon Johnson in an effort to finally blow the lid off the mystery and expose it to the whole world. While a paper trail exists that may implicate one or several of these entities, no “smoking gun” has surfaced to confirm any of these theories as 100% valid. It is, as was quoted by one who was investigated by the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office, a “mystery wrapped up in a riddle.” Was there, in fact, a conspiracy to kill an American president in 1963? Almost certainly. We will see, in this discourse who was ultimately responsible for this act. As certain as many are that Oswald was not in fact the “lone gunman” in Dallas on November 22, many are more certain that there will be, in due season, a world government, and a world unifying religion. The list goes into the hundreds and maybe even thousands of books, videos and websites that detail various conspiracies concerning one group or another that is leading the charge to dismantle all the sovereign governments of the world. Many of these also teach that there will be a new religion, modeled after the ancient mystery religions of Egypt and Babylon, which will cause all men to worship a false


Messiah. The list of conspirators in this grand scheme include the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, Roman Catholicism, the Knights Templar, most secret societies especially Freemasonry, and the list goes on. Some even spin a fascinating tale about a race of reptilian aliens from outer space who are attempting to secretly take back control of a planet (earth) that they once dominated hundreds of thousands of years ago. In the minds of many, such fantastic “cloak and dagger” theories are just too fanciful to be true. They argue that any conspiracy of such a large scale must include thousands of people all over the world who are privy to the “world domination” secret, act in perfect accord with others who are in on the conspiracy, and none of them ever reveal the truth behind their clandestine activities. This, they say, is just not possible, so therefore, there is no conspiracy to take over the whole world, and any such idea would make a good cartoon plot, but nothing more. With all that being said, a conspiracy does, in fact, exist. A conspiracy that includes men, but does not originate from men. A conspiracy in which world domination is a means to an end, but is not the end itself; a religion that will truly come from heaven, not as a blessing to mankind, but rather a judgment. It is that conspiracy that I believe governs all the players involved, it alone is what is shaping world events today.


Chapter 2

The Conspiracy Unveiled In this book, we will focus on several key points. First, that a conspiracy does exist to gain control of the earth, that this conspiracy is spiritual in its origin and nature, and that, while this conspiracy may be kept hidden from the eyes of men, it has not escaped the eyes of God, and that He has revealed these dark plans in His Word, the Holy Bible. It is from the Bible that we will gain our insight as to the true nature of this conspiracy and see who is behind it. First, God revealed to the prophet Isaiah the most important and significant aspects of this conspiracy and actually names the head Conspirator.

(Isa 14:12-14) How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! {13} For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: {14} I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

The conspirator is Lucifer, or Satan. God has peered inside his heart and discovered his prideful intentions. He seeks to rule and reign over all of God’s creation; first the angelic host, called “the stars of God”, then over all of God’s people in the “mount of the congregation.” His final


point is particularly revealing, “I will be like the most High.” It is this point that will be discussed further, later in this chapter. God also revealed to the prophet Ezekiel a second witness to this plan, giving us a few more details.

(Ezek 28:12-15) Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. {13} Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. {14} Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. {15} Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

Although the lamentation mentioned here is upon the king of Tyrus, the reference is to Lucifer. He was God’s anointed cherub (an angelic being of high authority) and stood with his wings covering the throne of God. It is this aspect of his duty that became the basis of his wicked desire. He covered this throne until the iniquity mentioned in Isaiah 14 was found in his heart. At this time, God deposed him and removed him from his authority. It is his desire to sit in God’s seat, His throne,


and reign as God. In the first part of Ezekiel 28, a warning is given to the prophet concerning the prince of Tyrus, the son of the King of Tyrus, who I believe is a type, or prophetic picture, of the antichrist. Notice what this warning says.

(Ezek 28:2-3) Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God: {3} Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:

Here, once again, we see a conspiracy taking shape. It involves the seat, or throne of God. Let us look at one last reference, given to the Apostle Paul.

(2 Th 2:3-4) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; {4} Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Now the Bible speaks clearly for itself. Lucifer desires in his heart to rise above the throne of Almighty God and be worshipped as God of all. This is the heavenly aspect of his conspiracy. There is an earthly aspect to this conspiracy; that of enthroning the antichrist, the “child of


The Conspiracy – Satan wishes to enthrone himself and be worshipped as God of all. His son, the Antichrist, will be set up as the Supreme Ruler over the earth, sitting on the earthly throne of God.

the devil”, as God of the earth. This, I believe, is the father of all other conspiracy theories that abound; that Satan wishes to enthrone himself above God in heaven, and that his son, the imitator of Christ, is to be enthroned on the earth as supreme ruler..

Those in the new age movement refer to it as “The Plan”. Those in the secret societies and mystery religions refer to it as “The Mystery.” In Revelation 17, a world church is described as a harlot woman and given a 13 word title. MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH In II Thessalonians 2, the Apostle Paul referred to this conspiracy plan and called it “the mystery of iniquity” that was already at work during his day. This plan to rule over planet earth and totally dominate the minds of men will be no easy task; therefore there is much work to be done to prepare the world for such an event. Mankind must be conditioned to willingly follow, not only the Plan, but the Master of the Plan, Lucifer, and worship him as God. This will be accomplished through a transformation, or initiation, of mankind. There are many references to this planned initiation in various occult and new age writings. In his book Reflections on the Christ, new age author David Spangler writes:


“Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a new age, which is the age of man’s wholeness, each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic initiation, the particular doorway through which the individual must pass if he is to come ‘fully’ into the presence of his light and his wholeness.” (David Spangler, Reflections on the Christ (Scotland: Findhorn Publications, 1977), p. 43-44.)

According to Spangler and other new age writers, a series of events will take place in the world that will bring mankind further to this transformation in which he will accept Lucifer as God of all gods. These stair-step events are similar to the levels of initiation that a Freemason or occultist goes through to reach the higher levels of their respective groups. As the initiate climbs the ladder to the top, he is illuminated to a higher degree than the last, and given more of the secret doctrines that were formerly kept hidden. This is the process that Lucifer and his band of devils are bringing the world through at this present time. Each world event, social upheaval, political change, or natural catastrophe has the effect of changing man’s concept of God and the Christian worldview, to a new paradigm that promotes Lucifer as God. Where the world is currently on this ladder is unknown, but it is certain that we are nearing the end. The Bible speaks of this day of Luciferian transformation. While Satan calls it his day of illumination, God calls it the day of delusion.


(2 Thessalonians 2:11) "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"

The cause mentioned in this verse is given in verse 10. Man, because of his increasing wickedness, does not want to know the truth of God’s love and His gospel. Christ died to set men free from their sins and show them the true light of God’s grace and goodness. But this is exchanged by sinful man for the pleasures of sin. Therefore, God allows Lucifer to finally tell his great lie: “I will be like the most High.” That this conspiracy to exalt Satan’s throne is primarily a spiritual one is not only evidenced in the Scriptures we have seen, but also in the very word itself. According to Webster’s dictionary, the word conspiracy is a composite of two Latin words. Con, meaning with or together, and spirare, meaning breath, wind, and is where the word spirit is derived. Its general meaning can be described as breathing words together or sharing secrets. A more literal meaning would be spirits working together. This is precisely what is happening on planet earth right now. The spirits, Satan and his demon hordes are working together to gain control of the throne of God. The Conspirators As we have seen, the chief conspirator in these matters is Lucifer, or Satan. Working with him are legions of fallen angels referred to in the Scriptures as devils. They are commonly known as demons. Revelation 12:4,9 tells us that these devils were cast out of the presence of God with


The Illuminati – Those men from all over the earth who are consciously aware of the Conspiracy and are Satan’s human agents and facilitators of his evil plan.

Satan. These devils work day and night for their master Satan. Ephesians 6 tells us that they are organized into 4 groups. 1. Principalities 2. Powers 3. Rulers of the darkness of this world 4. Spiritual wickedness in high places

It is through this network of spiritual rebels that Satan, who is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent, seeks to enslave mankind, blind his spiritual eyes, and eventually gather men to do battle with Jesus Christ at the battle of Armageddon, Rev. 19:19. Of men on earth who are involved in facilitating this conspiracy, there are two groups. The first group we will refer to as The Illuminati. These involve men from many different groups, nations, backgrounds, and programs with one cord that binds them all; they are aware of the secret, the conspiracy to enthrone Lucifer. They are the illuminated ones who consciously manipulate the affairs of men and governments to bring the rest of mankind into this new age religion of Satan worship. It is difficult, if not nearly impossible, to say who is in this group. They would never openly identify themselves nor reveal secrets that they are privy to. There are those who would speculate as to their identity, but the issue will not be dealt with here.


The second group we will refer to as The Initiate. These are those men and women all over the world that make up the various groups, organizations, societies, and political groups that follow blindly their respective causes. While actively promoting the conspiracy in various ways, they are, for the most part, oblivious as to its true nature and source. Some of these may graduate to the level of the Illuminati, but most never do. After all, a secret as big as the one they deal with can only be entrusted to a few people. Those who follow the New Age movement are Initiates. Those involved in secret societies such as Freemasonry and the Skull and Bones Society (such as are two presidents named Bush) are initiates. Those who follow the teachings of Rome are initiates. Whether willingly or unwillingly, they are being deceived by their Illuminati masters into believing that what they are doing is for the good of humanity or will bring them salvation in some way. But the god of this world, Satan, while promising to enlighten them and expand their understanding, has blinded their eyes so that they cannot see the hidden truth that lies beneath. Your “Uncle Bob” who is a 32nd degree Mason while also being a member of the local Baptist church would qualify as an Initiate. Remember, he does not knowingly nor willingly promote a plan to destroy America, or cause the ruin of Christ’s church, but his entrance into his local Mason Lodge has compromised his loyalty to his Saviour. Because of the nature of Freemasonry and their blood oaths of loyalty to the Brotherhood, most Masons regard their fraternity to be the highest of earthly causes, higher than his Scriptural obligation to the mission of the local church.


Initiates also include supporters of socialist political groups, or socialistic political candidates and elected officials. These can be found in nearly any political party. Initiates can be found in decision-making positions in most corporations around the world. They control Madison Avenue, Wall Street, Hollywood, Nashville, and Motown. Some are even in key positions of what used to be Bible believing denominations and ministries. These have abandoned the fundamental doctrine of the inspiration and preservation of the Holy Scriptures, in exchange for new “enlightened” ideas. Almost all of the ancient religions throughout the world were “mystery” religions and followed this same scheme. The high priests (the Illuminati) were the ones who knew all the secret doctrines, and hid their true meaning behind symbols and rituals that only they knew the truth of. The initiates and the masses were told that the symbols and rituals meant something entirely different. This is why they were called mystery religions. Former Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, said it this way in his book Morals and Dogma.

“Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it.” (From Decker, J. Edward,


Jr., The Question of Freemasonry, Free the Masons Ministries.)

Rituals, Symbols, and Numerology

In this chapter, we are going to become slightly familiar with a few of Satan’s conspiratorial devices. The first of these devices is that of symbolism. In the previous section we learned that Satan has a secret agenda, a secret doctrine. The illuminated ones, or Illuminati, are consciously aware of this secret doctrine, but usually the Initiates are not. They only learn or see what is intended for them, nothing more. The masses, those not involved in the Plan, are usually not aware that these symbols exist. Symbolism is the practice of concealing a secret doctrine from the masses that may be revealed to the initiate through a symbol of some sort. In the case of Lucifer’s mystery religion, only the adepts (the Illuminati) learn the true nature of any symbol and can recognize them for what they are intended to reveal. The masses are given a false explanation or definition of a symbol, or none at all. The true nature of symbols can best be expressed the following way:

“Symbols…have two meanings, the esoteric and the exoteric. The esoteric meaning was the true and original meaning, understood by only a few and closely guarded by them. The exoteric meaning was the invented, or modified, explanation intended for the many. The sacred mysteries, which are often mentioned in connection with many ancient religions and which were closely guarded by the


initiate, concerned esoteric meanings in the religions of previous times.” (Burns, Cathy; Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pg 7)

The ancient religions referred to here are those mystery religions that existed as far back as time itself, and are what Paul referred to as the “mystery of iniquity” that “doth already work” (II Thessalonians 2:7). These mystery religions originated in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3, we find the story of the serpent and his attempt at gaining control of the mind of man with his subtlety. His methods were simple; attack and cast doubt on God’s Word. The process ends up with Satan planting in Eve’s mind that God had a secret knowledge that was not contained in His Word to Adam. Notice what he says.

(Genesis 3:5) "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Notice that, as he reveals this alleged “secret doctrine” (“For God doth know..”), that with this secret doctrine comes the promise of illumination, “then your eyes shall be opened.” The attempt here was in trying to get Eve, then Adam, to eat of the fruit that God forbade them to eat from. Tradition has always symbolized this as an apple. Notice the same symbol here from a popular computer company.


It is no secret that one of the founders of this company follows the beliefs of the New Age movement. Whether he is Initiate or Illuminati is unknown. I do know that when the very first version of their computer came out on the market, the suggested retail price was $666. All religions have some sort of prescribed ritual. These are religious ceremonies that incorporate the use of symbols, including numerology, which convey a higher spiritual meaning. In all of the ancient and modern mystery religions, as well as all secret societies, many of these rituals come in the form of initiation ceremonies, designed to bring the Initiate to a higher level of understanding the mysteries. Each initiation level comes with a new set of symbols and rites, and a new understanding of the mystery. In my research I have found that the true meaning and nature of these mystic symbols and numbers is revealed through the pages of the Holy Bible, and are often mockeries or mirror images of true Biblical ideas and doctrines. Allow me to illustrate this principle. The American Humanist Association uses a symbol as their official logo called “the happy man.” It is pictured here below.


We will see more of this same symbol in the next chapter, and understand its true meaning. For now, we see a connection between this symbol, the happy man, and the philosophy, or rather religion, of humanism. Humanism worships man as his own god, and teaches that man has evolved, and will continue to evolve into a higher form. Many humanists believe that man’s next stage of evolution is just around the corner. This philosophy is closely associated to the day of illumination that Satan has planned for mankind. The use of the happy man symbol is associated with the concept that man is happiest when he comes to the realization of his own true self, that man is his own god and therefore chooses his own destiny. Now notice a few passages of scripture that directly contradict this notion.

(Job 5:17) "Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth.." (Psalms 144:15) "Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD." (Psalms 146:5) "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:" (Proverbs 16:20) "…whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he." (Proverbs 29:18) "…he that keepeth the law, happy is he." (1 Peter 4:14) "If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye…"


According to the Bible, true happiness in a man comes from being obedient to Almighty God, and trusting always in Him. Humanism is, no doubt, a mockery of this Biblical concept. Thus, the symbol of the happy man, seen often and understood little, seeks to mock and detract from God’s ways. The Scriptures are true when it was revealed to Paul that in the last days, “…men shall be lovers of their own selves…” II Timothy 3:2. This symbol has a more sinister meaning behind it that we will see in the next chapter.


Chapter 3

Satan’s Five Point Plan and the Pentagon Ritual As we have seen, the Scriptures plainly reveal to us a sinister, diabolical plan to exalt Lucifer as God of all creation. Isaiah 14 shows us that this plan has 5 specific directives to it, henceforth referred to as Satan’s 5-point plan. Let’s take a closer look at the specific components of this plan. 1. I will ascend into heaven 2. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God 3. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north 4. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds 5. I will be like the most High The breakdown of this plan is as follows: 1. “I will ascend into heaven” This represents his desire to, once again, gain access to the highest heaven where God sits on his eternal throne, Revelation 4:1-2. As we saw in Ezekiel 28:14, this was his former abode until his plan was discovered. 2. “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God” In Biblical language, stars represent angels, Job 38:7, Daniel 8:10, Revelation 12:4. In order for Satan to take dominion of the throne of God, he must control the legions of angelic beings that fill the entire creation of God. Revelation 12 tells us of a war in heaven where Michael and his angels fought against Satan. In this battle, Satan is “cast down” to


the earth along with 1/3 of the angels (called “stars”) of heaven. 3. “I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.” The Bible refers to the gathering of God’s people as the “congregation.” His act of sitting upon the mount of the congregation, I believe, refers to the Temple Mount area of Jerusalem, currently, the most hotly contested piece of real estate in the entire universe. It is here that a new tabernacle or temple will be erected, and the place where the antichrist will “sit as God.” In doing so, he will have accomplished the goal of transforming all the religions of the world, including Christianity, to his new religion, modeled after the ancient mystery religions. There is much evidence to show that the transformation of Christianity is already well underway. This topic, however, will not be discussed in much detail here. 4. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.” On the day of the rapture of the church, our Saviour Jesus will descend to the heights of the clouds and call both departed saints and living saints to meet Him in the air, II Thessalonians 4:16-17. Lucifer wishes to prevent Christ from appearing in the clouds, Revelation 12:4, and seeks to devour him at His glorious appearing. This is because Christ’s appearing signals the beginning of the end of Satan’s dominion over the earth. 5. “I will be like the most High.” This title is given to God in the Authorized version of the Bible exactly 49 (7x7) times. In this statement, Lucifer is revealing his secret plan to sit “as God”, becoming the counterfeit God, with his son, the antichrist, being the counterfeit Christ on earth. Satan and his legions are busy on this earth corrupting both the true word of God and the minds of men in


preparation for the day when mankind is ready to accept him as God, II Thessalonians 2:11. In Ezekiel 28:2, as well as II Thessalonians 2:4, we see the use of the capital “G” in Satan’s desire for divinity. I believe that this is the true, hidden meaning behind the enigmatic capital “G” featured so prominently in Freemasonry.

The letter “G” is the seventh letter in the English alphabet. Satan’s 5th premise contains precisely

7 words, “I will be like the most High.” Both Satan and the beast of Revelation 13 are described as having 7 heads, Revelation 12:3, 13:1. We can already see here how Lucifer is attempting to take on God’s own number for perfection, in his quest toward becoming like God.


The Pentagram Throughout the centuries, there has been one prevailing symbol that is universally recognized as the Devil’s own mark; it is the pentacle, or pentagram, a 5 pointed star, shown below in various forms.

As you can see, the pentagram displays in symbolic form the 5 point conspiracy of Lucifer as mentioned in Isaiah 14. The pentagram is the image of a 5 pointed star, stars being symbolic of angels in the Bible. The pentagram is often seen in two forms, either with the apex pointed up, or pointed down. These can be seen as representing his attempt to ascend to heaven, pointing up, and his subsequent fall back to earth, pointing down. The


ascending star can be seen in the following logo advertising the new European currency, the Euro.

Notice here the relationship between the currency (Revelation 13:17), the rising star pentagram, and the right hand (Revelation 13:16).

It is also interesting to note that “Satan”, a five letter word, is mentioned precisely 55 times in the King James Bible. Now notice what is mentioned in Revelation chapter 9 concerning the falling star Lucifer.

(Revelation 9:1) "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit."

It would appear that John is describing the fall of Lucifer (How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer) to the earth, and it is associated with the 5th trumpet sounding, and a star. This falling star was given the key to the bottomless pit, but for what reason? The following verses of chapter 9 tell us that he releases a horde of demonic creatures who torture the planet for exactly 5 months. These demons have a king over them that rises out of the pit with them named Abaddon. I believe this Abaddon is the same beast of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17:8, “The


beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit…” In 1984, a motion picture was released in theaters all across America called “Starman”. Pictured below is the promotional poster for this movie.

Contained in this film is the precise theme that we have focused upon so far. An alien (angelic being) falls to the earth (How art thou fallen from heaven) and mates with a human woman. This union produces a child in the woman, and the Starman, played by Jeff Bridges, tells her that this child will become a great teacher on the earth (the antichrist, son of Satan). Even the movie poster contains the image of a falling star.

There was another film, released in the mid-90’s that depicted this same event titled City of Angels. This movie features Nicholas Cage playing an angel named Seth. The name “Seth” is a form of the name “Set” which was the ancient Egyptian god of evil. This is none other than “Satan” himself. In this movie, Seth falls in love with a human woman (Meg Ryan). Seth inquires of a former angel-turned-mortal, a man named John Messenger (II Corinthians 12:7), how he may mate with this human woman. Mr. Messenger informs him that he must “fall”, and this he does.


And then there is the infamous, mid-1970’s motion picture depicting the birth of the antichrist/son of Satan on the earth called The Omen. In this movie, the antichrist is depicted as a 5 year old child. Also, there are 5 people in this movie who discover the true identity of young Damien and are subsequently murdered. This is a depiction of a murdered Christ who was pierced 5 times on the cross. It is the last name given to the young son of perdition that is most revealing, for he takes on the name of his adoptive father, Thorn. Thorns are symbolic of the curse of sin (Genesis 3:18, Numbers 33:55) and a symbol for the antichrist. Jesus was given a crown of thorns before being crucified. “Thorns” are mentioned 50 times in the King James Bible! The antichrist is referred to by this name exactly 5 times in the Scriptures, I John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, II John 1:7. The pentagram is by the far the most powerful of all satanic symbols. Since, as we have seen, it is symbolic of Satan’s quest for total power, the use of the pentagram in Satanic, occult, or mystery religion ceremonies and rituals is meant to invoke Satan’s blessing and dominion. According to former Satanist and Mason Bill Schnoebelen, the pentagram “has one use only, and that is to call up the power of Satan and bring the Kingdom of the Devil into manifestation on earth.” (Burn, Cathy. Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated (Sharing, Mt. Carmel, PA) In witchcraft, the pentagram is referred to as the “Great Rite.” (Burns, Kathy: Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pg. 43.) According to witches Janet and Stewart Farr:


“The Great Rite invocation specially declares that the body of the woman taking part is an altar, with her womb and generative organs as its sacred focus, and reveres it as such…The High Priestess then lays herself down towards the altar, and her arms and legs outstretched to form the Pentagram.” (Burns, Kathy: Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pg. 43)

In this Great Rite invocation ceremony, the High Priestess is form the symbol of the previously mentioned “happy man”, a stylized form of a pentagram. This symbol tends to show up in quite a few ominous places.

At you will find information about a company called Cingular Wireless.

Their logo is “the happy man.” This symbol is associated heavily with humanism. Humanism is a philosophy that embraces man as his own deity, and constantly looks for opportunities in which man can better himself. Humanism is at the core of evolution, which teaches that as man has evolved in the past to a consistently better state, he will evolve in the near future to a state or level higher than he is now. This is also a central theme of the new age movement, the future transformation of humankind. This logo is also the logo for several other organizations, including the American Humanist Association.


The Cingular logo is a stylized form of the five-pointed pentagram. The variant spelling of the word “singular” in their company name comes from the word “cinque” which Webster’s dictionary defines as “a five, or five pointed figure.” The aim of Cingular Wireless matches the symbolism behind their logo; that they are “dedicated to self-expression” and “determined to promote the individual to a new level. We believe human expression, if given the chance, can change the world.” This information comes from their own website. Now that we have seen the high occult symbolism behind the pentagram let us look at the September 11 attack on the Pentagon. Here is a diagram from of the

Pentagon building. The statistics on the Pentagon building are as follows: 5 sides, 5 sections per side, 5 floors per section, a 5 acre courtyard


highlights the inner structure. As you can clearly see, the courtyard layout is a perfect model of the “happy man” logo, and is what is portrayed when the High Priestess of a witch coven lays herself out in the form of a pentagram. In fact, the Pentagon building itself forms the inside center of a pentagram. On September 11, an initiation ritual was performed. This ritual was designed to bring the American people into the New World Order plan to control the entire world, allowing Lucifer to sit on God’s throne and get away with it. As with any Satanic ritual, the pentagram must be used in order to invoke Satan’s blessing and power. If I may be a little graphic without being obscene, the use of the pentagram in a ritual is heavily associated with the worship of the sex act. As the High Priestess sprawls herself in the form of the pentagram, the High Priest then begins to couple with her. This is depicted in this picture, taken from a kid’s comic book.

It does not take much imagination to see how a jet airliner (male symbol) being thrust into the side of the Pentagon building perfectly illustrates this abominable act, thus the ritual receives the full blessing of the Father of Abominations, Satan. From the map of the Pentagon we saw earlier, we see that the plane that struck the Pentagon flew in from the west, traveling toward the east. This is the


“sacred” direction that all rituals in the Masonic Lodge move in, from west to east. The moon travels in this same direction. In Genesis 1, God describes the moon as the “lesser light that rules the night.” This is a symbolic description of Lucifer, the prince of darkness. There are some interesting ironies concerning the Pentagon ritual that, once seen in the light of the Holy Scriptures and the occult world, are more than just mere coincidences. They reveal the deliberate nature of this ritual. On September 11, 1941 a groundbreaking ceremony took place, and subsequent construction began on the Pentagon building. Exactly 60 years later to the very day, the Pentagon ritual took place. You have already seen the connection between the building and Satan’s 5 point plan, which I believe to be deliberate, not coincidental. There is also another symbolic signature to the Pentagon building that is more than coincidental. According to the Pentagon’s own website,, the exact height of the Pentagon building is 77 feet. It is no mere coincidence that American Airlines flight 77 was selected as the instrument of this ritual. If you were to look at an atlas of the Washington D.C. area, you would find that our nation’s capitol lies precisely on a line of longitude called the 77th meridian. Again, another “coincidence” that looks more deliberate than anything. In Washington D.C., on the 77th meridian lies Meridian Park. At the entrance of Meridian Park is a statue of the famous Joan of Arc, a woman claiming to hear directly from God during the 12th century. Joan of Arc was tried and executed by the Catholic church for heresy, but


was later acquitted of this crime in 1456. The date of her acquittal was July 7, or 7/7.

Washington D.C. was planned and built by Freemasons. When designing or building a structure, Freemasons are deliberate about certain things such as location (street numbers, geography, etc.), because everything they do in the name of their religion must have a symbolic meaning attached to it. This philosophy comes from their belief concerning the god of Freemasonry, whom they refer to as the “Great Architect.” Thus, their reliance on sacred geometry and symbolic structure is a manifestation of their occult-like belief system. The influence of this twisted theology can be seen in other places but is not widely realized. One of the most powerful men in this present, electronic world we live in today is Bill Gates, founder and chairman of Microsoft, who now simply goes by the title of “Chief Software Architect.” In the blockbuster movie series “The Matrix” it is learned that the mind behind the computer generated reality that supposedly everyone lives in is a master computer program referred to as the Architect. Getting back to our previous point, when we see a mystical symbol or number being used so prominently in an event such as the Pentagon attack, a 77 ft. tall building on the 77th meridian being attacked by flight 77, we can see that there is truly a design, an architecture if you will, to this event. For more insight on this we will turn to the Bible for help. The Scriptures mention this number 77 in two different places. The first is found in Genesis 4:24. In this passage Lamech, the 7th in the lineage of Adam through the cursed line of Cain, boastfully declares that his murder of a


young man will be avenged 77 times. The second place this number appears declares who the avenger of wicked Lamech would be. In Luke 3, a lineage of Jesus Christ is given, tracing his line all the way to God the Heavenly Father. There are 77 names in this lineage, Jesus being the 77th from God. In the 77th chapter of the Bible, Exodus 27, instructions are given to Moses for the construction of the altar of burnt sacrifice. This altar and its sacrifices serve as a prophetic picture of Christ as the ultimate sacrifice, and the one who defeated his enemies on the cross, thus fulfilling the revenge upon Lamech the murderer. Exodus 27 is part of the law of God given to Israel at Mt. Sinai. This law was given on tablets of stone and referred to in the Scriptures as the Ten Commandments. In a remote field just east of Atlanta, Georgia, right on highway 77, sits a mysterious monument known as the Georgia Guidestones. On these stones are inscribed, in various languages, a set of ten “new” commandments for mankind, intended to be a replacement of the traditional ten commandments. These new commandments promote a world government, a new religion for mankind, and a reversal of the curse given by God in Genesis 11 by encouraging mankind to adopt a new common language for all mankind. The significance of this will be seen in later sections of this book. In a previous conspiratorial event, the number 77 shows up as a constant and prominent feature. On April 19, 1993, Federal agents stormed the Branch Davidian compound just outsided of Waco, Texas, setting the compound on fire and killing 82 people including innocent women and children. Waco, TX lies along U.S. Highway 77. Two years later, again on April 19, the Murrah Federal


Building in downtown Oklahoma City was exploded. Oklahoma City lies along U.S. Highway 77. The prime suspect, Timothy McVeigh, was arrested in Perry, Oklahoma, which also lies along U.S. Highway 77. Days later, his alleged accomplice in the crime, Terry Nichols was also arrested. Terry Nichols lived in Herrington, KS, also along U.S. Highway 77. According to the government report, McVeigh and Nichols rented a “Ryder” truck in Junction City, KS, also on U.S. Highway 77. They then drove to Geary State Fishing Lake, Geary County, KS to put the bomb together, this also right along U.S. Highway 77. There is little doubt that all of these catastrophic events have had the effect of bringing the American people, those who highly regarded personal freedom and liberty, closer to a one-world government, by convincing them to exchange freedom for safety. Little is heard about the ill-fated flight 93 that crashed in a remote section of Pennsylvania. It has been reported by more than one source that its primary target was to be the White House. It is assumed by most people that the evil men behind this attack wished to kill President George Bush. However, I believe that the White House was chosen as a target for the same reason the Pentagon was chosen. In the 1780’s, architect and Freemason Charles L’enfant was commissioned to design the street layout for a new city that was to be built called Washington, D.C. He deliberately incorporated into this layout secret masonic and occult symbols, one of which was the pentagram. The position of the White House in this pentagram layout is seen on the following page.



Chapter 4

The Birth of the New World Order and the 9th Month On the back of our $1 dollar bill is the Great Seal of the United States, obverse and reverse. The reverse of the seal is shown below.

This enigmatic seal features an “all-seeing” eye capstone on top of a pyramid structure. We will look more closely at the symbolic nature of this monetary “tower of Babel”, but for now we will concentrate on the strange logo that encircles the pyramid. ANNUIT COEPTIS NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM The literal translation of this Latin phrase is “He favors the birth of a New World Order.” There have been countless statements and much information presented on


this New Age New World Order that will not be replicated here. Suffice it to say that the phrase “New World Order” is the official title of the plan for world dominance. This plan includes several key aspects. First, there must be a reconditioning of human thought, philosophy and perspective. The common man must be trained or conditioned to accept this new order without putting up a fight. One thing that the Illuminati knows is that while they possess the money and the knowledge, the common man possesses the multitude. You cannot dominate the world through brute force alone, there are just too many people to fight. So you must condition man to go along with your plans because “they are in his best interests.” This format for control is known as the Hegelian Dialect. To bring about any change in man, you first introduce chaos, a government scandal, a building blowing up, a hole in the ozone, etc. Man is easily manipulated when threatened with disaster. Once the chaotic scheme is accomplished, you then magically produce a solution to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. An example of this would be in having a plan to eliminate private gun ownership. You call it an anti-terror law to divert attention away from its true focus. Knowing full well that most of the masses would never go along with such a plan, you either cause or allow to happen an event so horrendous in the mind of the masses that they will gladly accept your new proposal. A building is bombed and innocent children lose their lives, and the government officials are on the scene almost instantly to assure the public that they have a plan to ensure the peace and safety of all.


Secondly, a new religion must be introduced. This religion is an all-embracing religion to which the old religion (Bible Christianity) must give way. This religion worships “the One God called by many names” (actually they are worshipping Lucifer, they just don’t know it). Religious intolerance will be done away with, and all religions will be accepted as true. The means for introducing this new religion, again without a single fight, is by using new music, new worship paradigms, new bibles, and by using the so called “Christian leaders” to proclaim the message that we are all worshippers of the same God, we just call him by different names. The seeds of this plan were planted years ago, but have sprung up rapidly with the events of September 11, 2001. Although Islamic scripture and experience has proven this religion to be a religion of terror and warfare, it is being presented as a “religion of peace.” This mantra is being repeated by religious leaders across the world, including Pope John Paul II, Billy Graham, Robert Schuller and many others, as well as political leaders including President George Bush. “All religions worship the same God,” is the new creed of this new world order religious system whose ultimate end will be to enthrone Lucifer as God of all. In the 9th degree of Freemasonry, this new paradigm of religious tolerance is symbolized. According to the Washington D.C. Scottish Rite website ( it calls “ignorance, error, and intolerance” the “great enemies of mankind.” They later say “Religious toleration means that we must allow others the same right to freedom of worship we demand for ourselves, even if we find their practices wrong or repugnant.” When a Mason enters the 9th degree, he is “born again” into a new religion of


tolerance. It is this new birthing process that is spoken of in the motto on the Great Seal of the United States.

The Scriptures reveal to us that the number 9 represents fruitbearing. In Galatians, the 9th book of the New Testament, 9 fruits of the spirit are listed as being manifest in a person’s life who is truly born again, Galatians 5:22-23. This is preceded in the same chapter by 18 (9x2) works or fruits of the flesh such as witchcraft and adultery. In Deuteronomy 18:10-11 we find 9 forbidden practices that are signs of Satan’s religion, which also includes witchcraft.

(Deuteronomy 18:10-11) "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, {11} Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer."

These 9 are in direct contrast to the 9 fruits of God’s

Holy Ghost in a person’s life. A woman bears the fruit of her womb for 9 months and then gives birth. In the occult world, 9 represents a new birth of knowledge and understanding of the occult arts. In her book Rays and Initiations, occult writer Alice Bailey, channeling through a devil known as Djwhal Khul, says that the number 9 is the number for initiation – initiation into a new age religion that centers around a coming world messiah. ( This is not the Jesus of the Old and New Testament. It is the antichrist of the last days.

Of this initiation, Bailey goes on to say:


The Birth Initiation will condition human thinking and aspiration everywhere. (

The key phrase in the above quote is that of conditioning human thinking. For the New World Order/Illuminati plans to succeed in America, there must be a radical change in the thoughts of Americans. They must learn to value safety over freedom or individual rights. In order to accomplish this, a series of either natural or planned disasters must occur creating chaos in the normal routine of American life. From this chaos, order or control is restored, but with a substantial loss of freedom. The disaster that took place on the 9th month of 2001 was part of the planned conditioning of the American mind. Namely, to get Americans to accept more government intrusion into their private lives in exchange for personal and financial safety. So far the plan has worked very well. The theme of control over chaos made its way into American television during the 1960’s. The show was titled Get Smart, a cryptic, yet fitting title considering the plan to condition human thinking. The show featured two secret government agents working for an agency called Control. Their job was to thwart and overcome the efforts of the evil spy agency called Kaos. One of the secret Control agents was known only by the number “99”. This number is produced when you multiply 9 and 11, 9/11. It was on the 99th day of the year, in 1865 that the civil war ended in the United States. And, seemingly according to a pre-designed cue, this day, April 9th, is the


exact day that the world watched as U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens tore down the statue of Saddam Hussein as Baghdad celebrated the end of his regime, bringing into the ancient land of Babylon a new order. In the Disney feature cartoon, Aladdin, also known as the Thief of Baghdad, as Aladdin and Princess Jasmine ride on a magic carpet they sing the movie’s theme song, whose lyrics include… A whole New World A new Fantastic point of view… Like a shooting star…

As with everything in Satan’s list of things to do, the New World Order is mockery of the New Heaven and New Earth that God is going to be created after the millenial reign of Christ.

(Revelation 21:1-4) "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. {2} And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. {3} And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. {4} And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."


Chapter 5

Babel Restored 11 is the biblical number for confusion, chaos and disorder. This emphasis is given to us in Genesis 11. This is the story of that famous city, Babel, or Babylon. In this story, a New World Order system arises and attempts to build a city and a tower that reaches to heaven. This represents man’s way, led by Satan, of attaining what can only be gained by the grace of God. A similar New World Order system is being built today, and this number is its quintessential symbol. It appears that this number points to the ultimate restoration of Babel; a new age New World Order world empire. This number is also the base of the wisdom numbers in the occult, such as 22 and 33. It points to the beginning of occult knowledge and enlightenment. In the wildly successful HARRY POTTER book series, Harry, a budding sorcerer, is 11 years old when he discovers (enlightenment) that he has magical powers. In 1776, just over two months before the Declaration of Independence was signed, a Bavarian Jesuit turned deist named Adam Weishaupt formed a secret society originally titled the Order of Perfectibilists, which he later named The Illuminati, or Illuminated Ones. Their goal was to create a new world order based upon a one world government system. Whether Weishaupt was aware of the connection or not, his plans precisely followed the model set forth in Genesis 11. The date of the formation of this secret order was May 1. This particular day seems fitting for such a grand scheme seeing that it is the 121st (11x11) day of the year.


There is an abundance of evidence that this continuing plan to bring in a New World Order follows the ancient Babel model. We first turn our attention to the activities of the new European state; an economic, military, and political unification of various independent countries in the European continent. The European Union became an official entity when, in 1958, the Treaty of Rome went into effect. 1958 is a year that is evenly divisible by 11 (11x178). It was also in 1958 that the European Monetary Agreement went into force, paving the way for a common European currency. It was precisely 44 (11x4) years later in the year 2002 that all the member nations in the E.U. adopted the Euro as their standard and legal currency. The 1958 birth of the E.U. was facilitated precisely 11 years earlier in 1947 by President Harry Truman’s plan for restoring war torn Europe called The Truman Doctrine, later to be named The Marshall Plan. This 1947 agenda was to help stabilize a Europe that had been decimated by 2 world wars, beginning precisely 33 years earlier in 1914 with World War I. One of the first visible Babel marks upon the European Union comes in the following form:

(Genesis 11:1) "And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech."

Prior to the event at Babel, the whole earth spoke one common language, probably Hebrew, the language of God and of the Old Testament. Many etymologists agree that all the tongues of the earth can be traced to a common mother tongue, and that this mother tongue was prevalent about 5,000 years ago; placing it right at the time of the


tower of Babel. Because of their attempt at bypassing God’s way to heaven, and for their arrogant humanistic philosophy in trying to better themselves without the grace of God, God confused their languages, causing an interruption in the building of their famous tower. It is the goal of the E.U. to overcome this language barrier and unite once again for the purpose of building a new world government. Their motto states “Europe: Many Tongues, One Voice.” It will interest the reader to know that in the European Parliament, the meeting place of its currently 15 member nations, all speeches and communications between parliament members are translated into 11 languages. This number has not changed, although the number of current and prospective member nations has increased beyond 11. In January of 2002, Pope John Paul II met with religious leaders from all faiths in an ecumenical plea for world peace. At their meeting place in Assisi, Italy, solemn commitments to world peace were read in 11 languages. ( In Genesis 11, the scriptures also record the following:

(Genesis 11:4) "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."

The emphasis given here is on two things; the building of a city, which in Bible language represents a unified nation, and a tower. The seeming purpose of the tower is to connect man with the heavens, wherein lies the realm of devils, and Satan, the “prince of the power of the


air” (Ephesians 2:2). Although not precisely known, the tower built was supposed to have been a ziggurat; a form of a pyramid. Many artist renderings have been made over the years, including this most famous work, pictured below.

Once again, this is the common rendering of the tower built in Babel, although it may not be historically accurate. Compare the above familiar image of the ancient tower to the banner released by the European Union, containing its revealing motto.


So far, it seems that the E.U. is a dead ringer for ancient Babel, right down to the 11 pentagrams that hover over the tower. It is amazing that most Europeans seem to have never considered the implications of their leaders’ “city” building efforts, but not surprising that most Americans know nothing of this venture. In 1992 final approval was given to begin construction of a new European parliament building in the city of Strasbourg, France. Several architectural firms were


hired for this monumental task. However, their design scheme seemed destined from the start. Here is a news clipping showing a photograph of the proposed parliament building.

The building itself has now been completed, according to the above design. The official website of the European parliament building is found at The history, purpose, and technical data of the building are detailed here. On the top of the page that gives you information about the history of the building and how the concept was conceived, there is a page header that simply reads “Genesis”. From this website we find no overt mention of its resemblance to the Babel of Genesis 11. What we do find are clues such as the fact that it is referred to as “a city”. In describing the


interior design of the “city”, it is stated, “The play of horizontals….with their own logic and their combinations…produces the ‘disorder’ necessary to the dimension of the city…”( Aside from the outward appearance of the structure, it is the “dimension”(s) of the city that are equally as revealing. Its inescapable relationship to the number 11 is evident. Again, these figures are taken from the official website.

Total building surface area 220,000 m2 (a multiple of 11) Total cost of work 1.98 billion francs (a multiple of 11) Total number of offices 1133 (a multiple of 11) Number of official languages spoken 11 As was mentioned earlier, the Babel model for building a New World Order requires a connection with the heavens, making them a part of man’s world. In the book of Revelation, John describes God’s plan for bringing this about.

(Rev 21:2-3 KJV) And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. {3} And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,


and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

It is indeed God’s ultimate plan to bridge the gap between heaven and earth, and He will do so with a holy city called New Jerusalem. This city descends from heaven and touches the earth. In the Genesis 11 description, it is man that is attempting this same bridge, his attempt being from the ground upward in order to touch the heavens. This is typical of Satan’s mockery and antithesis of God’s holy ways. This brings us to the modern space program, and a famous heaven-reaching effort called Apollo 11. The entire Apollo program was designed to land man on, and thus conquer the moon, a part of the heavens. The program was named for the mythical character Apollo. According to the Greeks, Apollo was the son of the King of the gods, Zeus, and was called the god of light, or the sun god, thus making him a god of illumination. Of the Apollo 11 mission, famed New World Order proponent and author of the revealing book ATLAS SHRUGGED, Ayn Rand described the lift-off as, “…a pale cylinder with a blinding oval of white light at the bottom, like an upturned candle with its flame directed at the earth.” ( It is apparent that she understood the enlightening potential that Apollo 11 symbolized, and in the same article she later called it, “…the story and the demonstration of man’s highest potential.” It was man’s potential that caused God to scatter mankind in Genesis 11, for we read, (Gen 11:6 ) “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now


nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” This concept was even apparent in Neil Armstrong’s now famous statement, “…one giant leap for mankind.” Soon after the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin received an unprecedented telephone call from then President Richard Nixon. In this call, President Nixon reveals the true purpose behind Apollo mission number 11.

“Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man’s world. As you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to Earth.” (

The patch worn by the Apollo 11 astronauts reveals yet another tantalizing clue as to the true nature of the moon mission. It is featured below. The symbolism is that of an eagle carrying a branch or twig and placing it on the lunar surface. When birds of any type are seen carrying a branch, we know they intend on using this branch in their nest building efforts. God, however, has a stern warning to these new age heavenly nest builders; their efforts will be in vain.


(Oba 1:4) Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

In the mid ‘70’s a group called The Eagles recorded a hit song entitled Hotel California. This song was a veiled reference to Anton LaVey’s First Church of Satan, located on California Street in San Francisco. A portion of the lyrics are as follows Then I asked her, “Please bring me my wine”

She said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since 1969.” Wine is often a biblical symbol of God’s Holy Spirit. Notice the proclamation of the absence of this Spirit since 1969. This year is also the year in which LaVey published his essay on mondern Satanism, called The Satanic Bible. The year 1969 is also the year that a pop singing group called The 5th Dimension released a song called The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. In New Age talk, this is a reference to the end of the astrological piscean age, the age in which the Church was born and flourished, and the beginning of a new age of world harmony and peace. This is interesting in that in the world of astrology, the signs of the zodiac are always numbered 1-12. In every chart, Aquarius is designated as number 11. The symbol for the age of Aquarius is shown below.


This symbol has made many appearances, but it most notably shows up in the logo of Charter Communications.

At Charter Communications’ website you will find that they are a company specializing in a “Whole new world of digital services.” Charter is owned by Paul Allen, one of the founders of Microsoft. Allen owns another company called Capstone Industries. This company makes commercial generators. Their premier model is the Model 330 (see the chapter on the number 33). Also from their website is a graphic of a person touching an illuminated television screen or possibly a computer monitor. This symbol has its roots in the Michaelangelo painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Depicted is


on the mural is his rendering of God giving life to Adam by use of the contact of their fingers.

In the Steven Speilberg movie, E.T. this symbol is obvious. This movie is also about an alien who falls from the sky, dies, is resurrected to life again, and ascends back up into the heavens again, but not without leaving his friend Elliot with a little illumination.

From 1969, we move forward 11 years to 1980. In this year, a former CIA director and Skull and Bones member, George Bush, was

elected as Vice-President. It was also in 1980 that New Age writer Marilyn Ferguson published a book called The Aquarian Conspiracy. In this large volume work, Ms.


Ferguson goes into huge detail about how the conspiracy to bring about a new age new world order was already in place. The plan was to infiltrate all areas of society including the church, all over the world in order to bring about the necessary changes on planet earth. Noticeably visible on the front cover of this book is a mysterious symbol known as the triquetra. This symbol is also visible all throughout the book as well. The triquetra appears in the form of a Masonic initiation where the alleged “sacred” name of the God of Freemasonry is spoken. Notice the three headed serpent forming the triquetra at the top of the graphic.


The Royal Arch degree is a transformational degree in which “light” is received by the initiate and God’s “sacred” name is given to him, JAHBULON. This name is a blasphemous mixture of Jehovah, Baal, and Osiris.

The triquetra is heavily associated with New Age philosophy as well as a popular symbol among witches.

The above image is from new ager Lorna Roberts website. She specializes in arranging travel to supposedly “mystic” places around the world. As I scanned other places on the internet for more information concerning this symbol, I noticed that it was a popular logo on many ouija boards.

The ouija board pictured here made of all wood is from a popular television show called

Charmed. This show is about three witches who discover a magical book in their attic called The Book of Shadows. This


symbol is featured prominently on the opening credits of the show, as well as the Book of Shadows.

A trip to your local bookstore will reveal that many books you find on witchcraft and the wicca religion will use this symbol or a variant of it. In witchcraft it represents the united power that three witches can have. This symbol was also a favorite used by the ‘70’s rock group Led Zeppelin. The groups lead singer, Jimmy Page, was a known occultist and student of master warlock Alleister Crowley. Crowley designed a set of tarot cards (used for divination) with the triquetra symbol featured on the following card.

This card is known as the heirophant. In the ancient mystery religions, the heirophant was a priest of initiation. From one website on tarot cards I found the following information.


“He teaches matters of faith, religion, belief, and morality. He is a wise teacher, full of esoteric and occult knowledge. He aids in understanding the occult mysteries. He holds the keys to transformation. He oversees the initiation of people into the mystery religions of ancient Babylon.”

Notice that the heirophant in the card is holding the triquetra as the key to transformation. This correlates with the use of the symbol in Marilyn Ferguson’s book and the subtitle “personal transformation.” Satan must transform governments, institutions, societies and churches in his evil quest to reign on God’s throne. Notice also in the four corners of this card are four creatures; a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. These are representations of the four cherubs that bear about the throne of Almighty God according to Ezekiel chapter 1. Thus, the Heirophant, Lucifer, seemingly achieves his goal of sitting onf God’s throne. What a blasphemy!

Of the conspiracy to dominate the church as part of the transformation process, Alice Bailey said this.

“There is no question that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church. Because the Christ is the Hierophant of the first and second initiations, he will administer the first initiation in the inner sanctuary of the Church.”


Maybe this is why a supposedly “Christian” rock group called Avalon uses this symbol as the logo for their latest album.

For those not familiar with the lore of King Arthur and his counselor Merlin the Magician, Avalon was the name given to a mystical island that served as the bridge between earth and the underworld. The question that must be asked is, why does a supposedly Christian entertainment group use as the name for their group a place that is the bridge to hell? By now, you have probably recognized the triquetra symbol from a new version of the Bible called the New King James Version. Arguments against this corrupted bible will not be given here. Suffice it to say that it falls far short, and in many places disagrees with its namesake, the Authorized King James Version, including a noticeable deletion of God’s personal name, Jehovah. Thomas Nelson Publishers, who holds the copyright to the NKJV explain their use of the triquetra symbol this way.

“The triquetra is an ancient symbol for the Trinity. It comprises three woven arcs, distinct yet equal and inseparable, symbolizing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three distinct yet equal Persons and indivisibly One God.”


According to them, the triquetra is merely an artistic way of showing the triune Godhead. This, in spite of God’s warning against such a thing.

(Acts 17:29) "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device."

The New King James Version of the Bible carries a copyright date of 1980, the same year that Marilyn Ferguson’s book first appeared. 11 years later, in 1991 now President George Bush, delivers before a joint session of Congress his now famous New World Order speech. In his State of the Union Address, February 18, 1991, he said:

It’s a big idea, a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause…only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up.

The speech was in reference to an American led, United Nations war against Iraq. This too is interesting for it is in Iraq that the ancient Tower of Babel was first built. It is also a matter of fact that the Iraqi dictator had been rebuilding the ancient ruins of Babylon. The location of these rebuilt ruins and the capitol city of Baghdad has a more interesting significance that we will see later on in this book.


The Sacrifice Like me, most Americans remember where they were and what they were doing on September 11, 2001. This was the first day of classes at our church-owned private school. That morning, during student orientation, my secretary interrupted my lecture to give me news that two planes had just crashed into the World Trade Towers. Immediately I knew that this was terrorist activity. As the day unfolded, we had those terrible images burned into our memories of those planes being swallowed up by the towers, of those two towers falling, of the firemen’s emergency buzzers screaming through the dusty air immediately afterwards, of the flaming Pentagon, and the seeming never-ending smoke rising up to the heavens. What is even more tragic to consider is the idea that these innocent people were not just slain by a clandestine group of Islamic terrorists as a retaliation for bad foreign policy. The symbolism behind the attack shows a direct correlation between the buildings chosen for this ritual sacrifice and the aims and goals of the Illuminati and their evil master Lucifer. First, let’s look at the symbolism of the buildings that were attacked and their apparent connection to Lucifer’s plan. As was first mentioned in the chapter on the number 5, the Pentagon building resembles the inward part of a pentagram, the quintessential Satanic symbol. Remember, the Devil and his band are notorious for leaving their mark upon all their evil doings. This is similar to a serial killer who leaves his signature behind in his murderous path. Out of the many buildings in Washington D.C. to choose from, I believe the Pentagon


building was chosen as a sign to the world that this event on 9/11 was part of Satan’s plan to dominate heaven and gain God’s throne. Now let’s look at the World Trade complex and see more of this amazing signature and its relationship to the number 11 and the restoration of Babel. Obvious to most at first glance is that the towers appear as a giant number 11. This may appear to be a casual coincidence to most. Now we will add to that other seeming coincidences and see the deliberateness in them. In their inception, the towers were originally intended to be about 80 stories tall. But for some reason the height of the towers was changed to precisely 110 stories. This turns out to be 11x10. This is “coincidence” number 2, that both the appearance of the structures and their height are both associated with the number 11. To this we add the fact that New York was the 11th state in the Union. Now we once again turn to Genesis 11 to see further connections.

(Gen 11:1) And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

The world before the tower of Babel was a unified world, literally one world. It was this one world system that fostered the idea of collaborating human effort and intellect for the purpose of doing only what God had the right to do. Thus God separated men and confused their languages. However, the current plan is to undo what God did in Genesis 11 and unify man once again into a one world system of government and religion. It is for this reason that the official address of the World Trade Center


plaza, outside of Tower number 1 is One World Plaza. To further symbolize this unified world concept, a sculpture was placed in the center of One World Plaza called simply The Sphere. This Sphere, designed by sculptor Fritz Koenig, was erected there in 1971 as a monument to world peace through unified trade. Incidentally, tower number 1 was hit and destroyed by American Airlines flight 11. Although ground breaking for the Tower site took place in 1966, the construction of the steel frame of the towers did not begin until August, 1968. As if following a movie script, whose plot seems too obvious to be real, the towers were brought down on the 11th day of September in 2001, precisely 33 (11x3) years after their genesis. By order of President Bush, flags around the country were ordered at half-staff to honor the dead and fallen. These same flags were ordered back to full-staff on September 22, exactly 11 days later. To mark the 6 month anniversary of September 11, 2001, a set of two high powered beams of light were erected near the sight of the twin towers to shine upward in the void that was made by the attack. These lights consisted of a total of 88 (11x8) individual lights that, as Arthur Leahy, brother of a fallen New York police officer, said, “…reach up to the skies and into heaven…” (,2933,47576,00.html) These lights, called a “Tribute in Light” were lit each night at sunset and turned off at precisely 11 p.m. They were scheduled only as a temporary memorial, going from March 11 to April 13, exactly 33 days later. These 88 lights were turned on 88 years after the beginning of World War I. There is still more evidence to show that the 9/11 attack was part of a ritual that would help bring the United


States one step closer to the New Babel system of world government. Again, in Genesis 11, there is an association between the tower and the ability to reach heaven. This connection was probably unbeknownst to the writer of the following World Trade Center brochure, issued shortly after the completion of their construction in the early ‘70’s.


Satanic prophecies

(2 Peter 1:19) "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:"

The essential and singular source of knowledge, understanding and wisdom to a born again Christian is the witness of the Holy Scriptures. At the heart of this understanding and wisdom is prophetic understanding. The Bible declares itself to be the one true source of understanding what the future holds, and reveals Gods plan for the ages, past, present, and future. It is a sure word of everything that God will do in the last days. Satan does not have such a book. His misguided prophetic utterances are made elsewhere; the astrologer, the palm reader, readers of animal entrals, etc. And, as we have already seen, his future desires are being seen in films, television shows, advertising, music, etc. To thoroughly examine just the last few years’ worth of movies and tv shows would be the subject of an entirely different book. Suffice it to say that people in this media-frenzied world are being programmed and manipulated with new doctrines of devils in preparation for the dark lord’s ascension to the throne of God. Let me now show you just a few examples of how Satan’s prophecies are revealed in various ways. All of these examples depict the various events of September 11, and were manifested prior to that date.


Earlier, we examined a tarot card called the Heirophant. We saw how the meaning of this particular card was being carried out in the real world, i.e., the transformation of the church. In light of this, let’s look at another card from the major arcana of tarot called THE TOWER.

If you are like me, you get the idea, after seeing these images, that the attack on New York City was conceived long before Osama bin Laden came on the scene. These cards, from three different artists, show the following details: a tall tower, a strike at or near the top of the tower, the tower on fire, bodies falling from the tower, and ultimately the tower collapsing. What is seen in the third picture is the image of a new tower rising up in its place. It need not be mentioned that the tarot card system and their meanings pre-date the September 11th attack. Here is the explanation given for the meaning behind this card. First, from

“The Tower shows us a basic fact of spiritual life – the power of the Gods can strike unexpectedly to


break down all the long-established patterns and assumptions that we have taken for granted for so long. Sometimes our limited vision of reality blocks our understanding and perception of truth. We begin to believe that the Tower – which we have been building higher and higher in order to reach the Gods – is the only reality. A cataclysmic force is needed to destroy this fantasy so as to allow us to recognize the powers which surround us. When this happens we must react with hope, letting go of our fears. The highest truths can now be realized.”

The Tower card deals with old patterns, systems, religious beliefs, and government structures being violently torn down, so that a new and supposedly better system may arise in its place. You will notice from the highlighted portion the association between the Tower card, and the tower of Babel scenario given to us in Genesis 11. From another website devoted to tarot understanding we find the following, similar explanation.

“A beautiful city rises in elaborately constructed towers, representing plans and projects, things that are established, ordered, and controlled. A violent storm sweeps over the city, striking the tall towers with sudden bolts of lightning. A jester maniacally pops up, echoing the shock and surprise of the lightning…


Old structures are changing, like it or not… You are being blasted from one reality to the next, and the way is being cleared for transformation. Change is in the air, crackling in the atmosphere like summer lightning…”

Those who have been in the New Age movement or have studied its methods and plans will recognize the similarities of the Tower Card explanation, and the New World Order plan to bring the world into accepting a new religion and a one world government. History tells us that before any effective and permanent change can take place in a society, catastrophe has to take place, thus showing the need for a paradigm shift to the new order. This is precisely what 9/11 was designed to do. Although the full extent of the desired effect has yet to be seen, we are well on our way to the establishment of a new order. It was shortly after September 11, 2001 that former presidential hopeful Gary Hart, at a meeting of the U.S. Commission on National Security 21st Century made the following, revealing statement.

“There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out…a phrase that his father used only once…and that is a New World Order.”

In June of 1999 the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, issued a training manual to law enforcement and fire department officials on terrorism. A chapter in the manual dealt with how to define and


recognize a potential terrorist. From page 23 we find that potential terrorists are defined as:

“…issue oriented groups (including animal rights groups, extremist environmental groups, extremist religious groups, anti-authority, anti-abortionists, etc…”

In today’s current political and social climate, an extreme religious group is generally defined as those who believe in the fundamentals of their particular faith, rather than a liberal, dumbed-down version of it. In Christianity, this would be those who believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, an imminent judgment for wickedness, a Second Coming, a narrow, limited view of who inherits heaven, etc., or simply those who write and read conspiracy books. What is more interesting about this particular manual on terrorism is its front cover, dated June 1999. Notice the crosshairs seem to point directly at the spot of the first plane hit on September 11, 2001.


While some would say that this proves prior government knowledge of such an attack on our country, I simply see it as another eerie demonic prophecy. In May of 2001, Fox television aired a pilot episode of a new program entitled, “The Lone Gunmen.” This show was a spin-off of the popular “X-Files” series. The “X-Files” program dealt with an FBI agent who was assigned to investigate paranormal activities and crimes that were taking place. During this time, the FBI agent, Fox Mulder, discovered evidence of a conspiracy involving plans by an alien race to dominate planet earth. The shows opening credits ended with the phrase “The truth is out there” and the last show aired in 2002, precisely 11 years after the shows character, Agent Mulder began investigating the conspiracy. The final show ended with Agent Mulder discovering incontrovertible evidence that the conspiracy theory was true. “The Lone Gunmen” dealt with a set of characters who made several appearances on “The X-Files.” In the pilot episode, the Lone Gunmen, who got their name from Lee Harvey Oswald, uncover and thwart a plan by certain elements in the government to electronically hijack a commercial airliner and crash it into one of the World Trade Towers. The purpose of this was to cause enough panic to warrant invoking martial law on American citizens.

As final proof of Satanic foreknowledge of the September 11 attack, we focus our attention of the following album cover. This CD was released in June of 2001. The group in question is Coup. A coup is an overthrow of a government or established system. Their title, Party Music, along with the red star, is


commemorative of the Communist Party. You will notice that the groups members are holding what seems to be a detonator in their hand. You will also notice that the explosions on the Twin Towers are nearly in precisely the exact locations that the planes struck on September 11.


Maybe this is why the demons were laughing in the smoke of the two towers.


Chapter 6

THE 33RD DEGREE Of all the evidence that there is a diabolical, controlled conspiracy to dominate earth and its inhabitants, the following evidence seems to be the most compelling. It deals with the symbolic number 33 and Satan’s use of this number in his scheme. First, we need to understand God’s use of this number in His divine plan. In my first book BY DIVINE ORDER, I showed patterns that were associated with this number and the theme of wisdom. Notice these verses and their placement in Scripture.

(Jeremiah 33:3) "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (God as the source of wisdom) (Ezekiel 33:33) "And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them." (fulfilled prophecy being a source of wisdom) (Job 33:33) "If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom."

The book of Proverbs is called the “book of divine wisdom”. The book of Proverbs contains the word “wise” is used 66 (33x2) times. All forms of the word “know” are found 66 times, and all forms of the word “understand” are found 66 times. The Holy Bible has 66 books, 33x2. The whole Bible is a book of God’s wisdom to man. The


book of Proverbs was written by Solomon, the son of David. David was the 33rd descendant from Adam, showing us that after 33 generations, God gave the gift of wisdom to his son Solomon. In the book of Ruth, David is listed as the 10th generation in the line of Pharez. This would make Solomon the 11th in that line. Solomon becomes king of Israel in the 11th book of the Bible, the book of I Kings. It is in I Kings chapter 11, that we find Solomon being swayed away from his God-given wisdom by his 700 wives and 300 concubines. Now Solomon is filled with Babel-like confusion. It was Solomon, 11, who built the first temple in Israel. The false religion of Freemasonry seems to be based upon the many tales and legends concerning the building of Solomon’s temple, thus their connection with the number 11. Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, was 33 years old when He died on the cross of Calvary. The scriptures tell us that on the cross, Jesus made an open display of his enemies, Col. 2:15. This means that as Sampson defeated his enemies in his death, so did our Saviour, at the age of 33. It will interest you to know that the Bible uses the term “the beast” in the New Testament exactly 33 times! All of these are in reference to the antichrist beast that arises in the last days as a false messiah. The first reference is in Acts 28:5 where the Scriptures record that Paul had a serpent (Genesis 3) on his hand and he shook the beast into the fire. The 33rd occurrence is in Revelation 20:10.

(Revelation 20:10) "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."


Please keep all of these symbolism’s in mind as we proceed throughout this chapter. As we discussed earlier, in the movie THE OMEN, the antichrist was depicted as a 5 year old child. In the sequel to this movie DAMIEN: THE OMEN II, the young antichrist is depicted as a 13 year old boy. The number 13 is the biblical number for rebellion. That is also a number that is uniquely associated with the United States with its 13 colonies, 13 stripes on its flag, and there are multiple 13’s on the back of the dollar bill. The final OMEN movie, OMEN III: THE FINAL CONFLICT, depicts the defeat of the antichrist at age 33. In the world of occult numerology, the number 33 is referred to as a master number.

“Beyond the spectrum of normal man are the Master Numbers 11, 22, 33. These numbers deal with genius, mysticism, spirituality, the psychic, and superior accomplishments.” (

Another website on occult numerology calls the number 33 “the number of the avatar.” ( An avatar is a wise master who teaches occult wisdom and illumination. These master numbers of 11, 22, 33 are arranged in a cabalistic form. 33 11 22


The formation here is that of a capstone on top of a pyramid. This design appears as the illuminated eye of the great seal of the United States of America. It is this design that is most heavily associated with the number 33.

Every year, the leaders of the worlds top 8 economic powers meet together to further the cause of global government and global economics. The members of the “G-8” summit are seen here, seated around a table with the illuminated eye as the centerpiece.

This symbol is an ancient symbol that represented the illumination of the gods, and is heavily used in Freemasonry. There is a biblical connection to the meaning of this illuminated eye. In Genesis 3, we see the Serpent (Satan) trying to coerce Eve into eating of the fruit that God has forbidden. The 33rd word that he says to Eve is the word “eyes”, “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Notice it in the symbol for the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, the highest level in the Scottish Rite.


In this symbol you can see the illuminated 33 in the capstone along with a field of 33 stars. This capstone symbol can also be seen in a number of corporate logos. Here are just a few.


This image can also be seen in the opening scene of the movie The Mummy, and in the Jet Li film The One, the movie’s lead character ascends a pyramid structure to take his place at the top, as he declares himself to be the leader of a world called Hades, (hell.)

In 1968, Stanley Kubrick’s screen adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey made its debut in theaters. The story line of this still famous movie centered around a mysterious black monolith that first appears on earth millions of years ago, when mankind was supposedly still running around in his monkey suit. According to the film, it was the mysterious powers of the monolith that enlightened prehistoric man and caused him to craft weapons of war. This was a new stage in man’s alleged evolution. In the following clip from the motion picture you will see the illuminated capstone imagery that appears in this scene.


The film moves ahead from this point to the year 2001, when the monolith appears once again to illuminate the mind of man into the next phase of his inescapable evolution. This is symbolized at the end of the movie by an enigmatic space embryo, symbolizing man’s new birth. It is no doubt, therefore, part of Lucifer’s grand design to see that the year of the movie’s release, 1968, and it’s projected fulfillment, 2001, covers a span of precisely 33 years.

At the United Nations building in New York, itself a monolith shaped building, is a modern-day temple of Baal called the Meditation room.

This room is designed in the shape of a pyramid lying on its side, with a bizarre yet revealing mural as its capstone. The focal point of the mural is an eye shaped image that is almost a dead ringer for the CBS logo. The room contains a single light shining on a 6 ½ ton (13,000 pound) monolith shaped altar, at the entry to the room there are 11 chairs. At the dedication of the Meditation room, UN Secretary-General


Dag Hammarskjold said this monolith represents “the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.” ( This “God” of course would be Lucifer himself.

In December, 2001, it was reported by the Daily Southtown ( that the president of the Illinois Division of the United Nations Association, Edward Widmer, told a local Rotary Club, “Within 10 years times, you’re going to see the beginnings of an embryonic world order.” This is an interesting choice of words. Seen below is the final scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey showing this same imagery.

It should also be noted that there was a sequel made to 2001 titled 2010: Odyssey Two. This movie concludes the saga of man’s next evolutionary stage, and the time frame complies perfectly with Mr. Widmer’s above quoted time frame of “within 10 years time.”

Even in movies as seemingly innocent as children’s cartoons, these magical symbols can be seen, and they seemed to be used as programming tools to enlighten a generation of people. In 1957, Warner Bros. Released a cartoon called The Three Little Bops. This was jazzed up


version of the three little pigs, with the wolf trying to get involved in the pig’s nightclub band by playing the trumpet. After blowing down the straw nightclub and the wood nightclub, the pigs move to a new place. The rap narrator describes it as a house “made of bricks, built in 1776.” The cartoon shows the cornerstone to the building with the date May 1, 1776. This is the same day that the Illuminati was formed. The house is made of bricks and cannot be destroyed. Remember, according to Genesis 11, Babel was also made of bricks. The cartoon continues with the wolf being killed while trying to blow up the house of bricks. He descends into hell, whereupon his trumpet playing abilities improve. At this point, he ascends back out of hell where he joins the happy pigs in their music.

The 2002 movie Hey Arnold: The Movie is a screen adaptation of the popular Nickelodeon cartoon series. The main character of the movie has a sidekick who wears a jersey with the number 33. This may not sound like much to go on, however, the movie has some pretty revealing details. The plot concerns a big corporation that wants to tear down the buildings in Arnold’s neighborhood between 33rd street and 39th street, (39 is 13x3), a total of 6 blocks. Washington D.C. lies directly on the 39th parallel. The head of this corporation declares that “Change is good”, and “I have seen the future. It’s time for a New World.” The address for the corporation is 66613, and is a dead ringer for the Tower of Babel. In ritual magic, witchcraft, new age teachings, and in Freemasonry, the number 33 seems to have highest of significance. I believe that it is because this number points to the enthronement of The Beast, and the start of a new age religion with Lucifer as the supreme god.


One of the highest of occult holidays occurs each year on February 2. This is the 33rd day of the year. The holiday is referred to as Imbolc and it’s focus is on the womb of a woman and the birth process. Catholicism calls the day Candlemas and calls it a celebration of light (illumination). In the occult, new age, and secret societies, light is always a symbol of a new awareness, the opening of the third eye as it were. In the early 70’s Marvel Comics produced a series of comic books called The Son of Satan. The “hero” of the story was a man who was literally the seed of Satan who had mated with a human woman. This is the theme of the cult classic Rosemary’s Baby, featuring none other than Anton LaVey as Satan. The Son of Satan’s name is Daimon Hellstrom and he lives in a mansion on the shores of Fire Lake (lake of fire). Every night, Daimon Hellstrom turns into the fiery chariot riding Son of Satan, and every morning, at precisely 5 a.m. turns back into a man of God. He calls this his transfiguration. This antichrist character was born on February 2, the 33rd day of the year. Many people will remember February 2nd as Groundhog Day. There was a movie released in the mid 1990’s called Groundhog Day. The movie featured Bill Murray as a cranky, self absorbed tv weatherman sent to Punxatawnie, PA to cover the yearly groundhog day ceremony. At the end of the day, Murray finds himself trapped by a blizzard in Punxatawnie and must stay the night at a local inn. Awaking the next morning at 6:00 a.m. he finds that he is reliving Groundhog day all over again. Each night, Murray goes to sleep, only to find that the cycle has been repeated and he must relive February 2nd all over again. However, as each day passes, his knowledge increases and slowly but surely he becomes a better person


as each night he dies, and each day he is born again. The movie ends when Murray is finally enlightened to the full realization of the meaning of his life and remarks that Groundhog day is a reminder to us all of the “cycles of life” we all face. The theme of this movie follows the eastern mystical doctrine of reincarnation, right down to the opening of his third eye, all taking place on the 33rd day of the year.

All occult groups use numerology and symbolism in their rituals, their chants, and their ceremonies to invoke Satan, or the force that governs the universe, and bring about his kingdom on the earth. This is an understanding that is essential to the belief that certain major events that have happened in the last 100 years or so are not random but, in fact, have an organized structure and a highly symbolic meaning to them. Let us now look at some of these events and see the symbolism. Reach for the Heavens We have already seen from the previous chapter how that the current space program seems to be more than just space exploration, especially in the case of the Apollo missions. The very first manned Apollo mission into space was designated as Apollo 7. This flight took off at 11:02 on October 11, 1968. It landed at 7:11 p.m. on October 22, exactly 11 days later. The Apollo missions were named after the Greek god, Apollo. Apollo is the god of light, and the god of prophecy. Apollo was able to tell the future by way of an oracle at Delphi. The Delphi corporation is a major technology company specializing in mobile


communications, and the Oracle company boasts itself as the software company that “powers the internet.” The oracle was a prophetess named Pythia, who, under Apollo’s influence, spoke her prophecies in an unknown tongue. The priests at Delphi would then interpret these for the general public. This practice is at the very heart of all mystery religions. In Greek, the name Apollo means to destroy. In the book of Revelation, there is a description of one who is the “king of the bottomless pit.” His name is Apollyon, whose name means destroyer. He is mentioned in Revelation 9:11. The 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Towers took place 33 years after the first manned Apollo mission in 1968. Current Space Shuttle missions, while previously landing in California, now land at the Kennedy Space Center, on runway 33. Many current space shuttle missions are dedicated to the International Space Station. The first module was a Russian craft named Zarya, which means rising sun. Remember Isaiah’s title for Lucifer was son of the morning (Isaiah 14:12). This module was launched on November 20th, 1998 from pad 333 at Kazakstan’s Baikonour Cosmodrome. The Space Station orbits the earth at 333 km above the earth’s surface. Once again we turn to the mystical tarot card to see another prophecy of Lucifer that has come to pass. Pictured here is the Star card, slightly modified for the sake of decency.


You will notice a large star surrounded by 7 smaller

stars. You will also notice a small dove near the end of the tail on the left side of the woman. The truth behind this card centers around the worship of Lucifer, symbolized by the large star. The smaller 7 stars gladly give up their glory to the One Star, Satan. As with the other cards we have seen, a ritual that follows this scenario must take place. It did, in 2003.

On February 1, 2003 many Americans woke up that Saturday morning to see the image of the wreckage of the Space Shuttle Columbia falling into earth’s atmosphere, glowing as if they were falling stars. The majority of the breakage and debris field was over the Ft. Worth, Texas area. The Shuttle was just minutes away from landing on runway 33 at Kennedy Space center. The Shuttle was traveling from west to east, as all Masonic rituals do. Although the date in America was February 1, the Shuttle actually entered earth’s atmosphere on the other side of the International Dateline, in the Pacific Ocean. This means that the actual date of its descent was February 2, the 33rd day of the year. It’s break-up took place directly over the 33rd parallel. The Shuttle derives its name, Columbia, from the Latin term for dove. In honor of the 7 astronauts who lost their lives in this tragedy, 7 asteroids (stars) were named after them. Unbelievable! 1933 It was in 1933 that a young German politician named Adolph Hitler was named Prime Minister of


Germany, second in power only to the German president, Paul von Hindenburg. In February of 1933, Hitler’s Nazi henchmen burned down the German Reichstag, or parliament, building and blamed it on the communists. Under the guise of this disaster, Hitler persuaded President von Hindenburg to sign a law which stripped German citizens of their individual rights. The people were told that these new laws were for the “protection of the people and the state.” This is the same thing that American citizens are being told about the Patriot Act and the new Homeland Security Department after 9/11. These new laws give the government and its agencies broad new spying abilities on “suspected terrorists”, but there are no real limitations on these laws to keep the government from spying on nearly all American citizens. By the time President von Hindenburg died in August of 1934, Hitler had made himself dictator over all of Germany, calling himself Furher (leader). This complete domination lasted 11 years. Hitler referred to his new government as THE NEW ORDER. It was also in 1933 that 33rd degree mason president Franklin D. Roosevelt had placed on all $1 bills the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, with its all seeing eye capstone and the words ANNUIT COEPTIS, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. Terror in the Midwest We have already seen in this book the plan and method of operation that Satan and his Illuminati network are using to bring a new world order to America. With each catastrophe, freedom loving Americans are initiated


to a new level of global dominance. September 11 was not the first time a large-scale initiation was performed in the United States. Before the terror attacks on 9/11, there was the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. There is ample evidence to support that fact that Timothy McVeigh was one of the perpetrators of this terrible and tragic event. There is also ample evidence to support the fact that he and Terry Nichols were neither alone in this conspiracy, nor were they the master-minds behind it. Those of us who remember watching the news accounts distinctly remember both the presence of other bombs in the building that had to be removed from the building before rescuers could continue their work, and we will never forget that enigmatic, middle-eastern man referred to as “John Doe #2.” Both of these inescapable memories are now being denied as ever happening by the official government reports. But was there a Satanic conspiracy behind the OKC bombing? Let’s look at how Satan has left his cloven hoof print behind. First, the building, named after former Federal judge, Alfred P. Murrah. Alfred Murrah was part of that “good ‘ole boy network”, a 33rd degree Freemason. Next, according to a published report by a former military demolitions expert, Gen. Benton K. Partin, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building was supported by a total of 33 columns, several of these columns were said to have explosive charges attached to them. ( Here is where it gets interesting. Despite the fact that the forensic investigation into the building blast was still going on and incomplete, and despite the horrendous


fact that there were still bodies that had not been recovered, the remainder of the building was ordered demolished. On May 23, 1995, using less than 150 pounds of dynamite, the eerie shell that once was a tribute to an enlightened Mason was demolished. It is interesting to note that the number 23 is the biblical number for death and sacrifice, pointing directly to the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is much more interesting to note that the partially destroyed building was left standing, and its ghostly image burned into the minds of Americans, for a period of exactly 33 days before it was torn down on the following morning! Despite mounds of evidence to the contrary, Timothy McVeigh, as almost a “lone gunman” was tried and convicted of exactly 11 federal crimes. His sentence; the death penalty. The execution of his sentence was scheduled to be carried out on May 11, 2001. However, as if this date was not quite suitable for the sacrifice of a ‘scapegoat’, the execution was delayed. The reason? Thousands of pages of ‘never before seen’ new documents that the defense attorneys did not have access to. The execution date was then postponed to June 11, 2001. The symbolism behind these two dates is obvious after all that we have seen in this book so far. What is more amazing is the fact that the date of McVeigh’s execution falls precisely 23 days after his 33rd birthday! A pure mockery of the sacrifice of the true scapegoat, Jesus Christ. This mockery is evidenced in both the location of McVeigh’s execution and the method. Terre Haute, Indiana was the chosen place. Terre Haute boasts itself as being the crossroads of America, where Interstate highway 41 and Interstate highway 40 intersect in the heart of the city to form a


perfect cross. The method is that of lethal injection, death being caused by suffocation, similar to crucifixion. Below is an actual photograph of the cross that McVeigh was slain on.

The 33rd parallel Just as all the many events that we have seen have a mystical symbolic significance, so do a line of locations that stretch literally around the globe. These locations fall on or very near 33 degrees north latitude. There is a similar line at 33 degrees south latitude, but these locations do not seem to have much significance, seeing that Satan’s plan involves sitting “on the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.” (Isaiah 14:14) The first place we will look at is Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston is the location of what is referred to as the Mother Lodge of American Freemasonry. Charleston lies almost directly on the 33rd parallel. It was at Fort Sumter, near Charleston, that the first shots of the Civil War were fired back in 1861. The conspiracy behind this war was intended to destroy Union of the United States, a fledgling nation that literally was the


spiritual backbone of the world. After the war began in Charleston, 11 states in the south formed the new Confederate States of America. Charleston is also the location of a fictional news drama program that aired on CBS in the early 80’s that depicted a group of middle-eastern terrorists who had acquired a nuclear bomb. This bomb eventually detonated, destroying the city of Charleston, on the 33rd parallel.

There is another, more diabolical, event that occurred in Charleston in 1963. According to Malachi Martin, in his book, The Windswept House, it was in a Catholic church in Charleston that a high occult ceremony took place. This ceremony was conducted jointly by telephone between celebrants in Charleston and St. Paul’s cathedral in the Vatican. The ceremony involved an animal and a young girl (for obvious reasons.) The ceremony was entitled The Enthronement Ceremony of the Fallen Angel Lucifer. Martin, a former Jesuit priest, detailed a conspiracy inside the Vatican among a group of bishops linked with the P2, an Italian Masonic organization. It is these bishops who wish to control the Catholic church and eventually install a new pope; one who has been primed to lead the world into a new religion with Lucifer as god.

In 1978, Pope Paul died and his office was given to Italian Bishop Albino Luciani. John Paul, as he called himself, was seemingly someone of no great significance as far as Vatican politics was concerned. He seemed to be more of a compromise candidate between the various factions within the Vatican. He was not expected to make much of a stir. According to investigative journalist David


Yallop in his book In God’s Name, Luciani discovered not only the names of those behind the Enthronement Ceremony, but also the embezzlement of millions of dollars from the Vatican bank accounts. Luciani was preparing to fire several key men in the Vatican, including his own Secretary of State, Cardinal Villot. He was found dead the next morning, allegedly of ‘natural causes’, however, no autopsy was performed. His tenure as Pope lasted exactly 33 days. As we travel westward along the 33rd parallel, we come to a seemingly insignificant small town in Arkansas known as Hope. This is the birthplace of former president and Freemason Bill Clinton. It was during the Clinton administration that the first bombing of the World Trade Centers took place in 1993. It was during the Clinton Administration that Attorney General Janet Reno ordered the raid and ultimate destruction of the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Tx. It was during the Clinton Administration that the Murrah Federal Building a year later. It was the Clinton Administration that allowed Osama bin Laden to build his terror organization, which eventually led to the attack on 9/11. Straight west of Hope, Arkansas, still following the 33rd parallel, lies Dallas, Texas. It was here that an American President, John F. Kennedy, a non-Mason, was assassinated in 1963. The place chosen for this was Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza was the former site of a Mason lodge in Dallas. As you can see from the map below, the street layout of Dealey Plaza forms a small pyramid. This pyramid shape stands at the end of two parallel streets, Elm and Commerce. This entire street structure forms an


obelisk, a Masonic phallic symbol, with Dealey Plaza as its apex.

This obelisk shape points directly toward the Trinity River. In the occult, the trinity does not refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but to an unholy trinity of Lucifer, Antichrist, and False Prophet. The place where Lee Harvey Oswald was supposedly to have shot Kennedy from, the Texas Book Repository, has now been turned into a museum. It is called The Sixth Floor. The 6th commandment says “Thou shalt not kill.” The telephone number for The Sixth Floor museum is 214-653-6666.

To commemorate the place of Kennedy’s assassination, an obelisk was placed on the site of the famous “grassy knoll.” The date for his death was


November 22, or 11/22, an occult way of making the number 33. More recently there was another American President that may have had a new world order price on his head; Ronald Reagan. Reagan was elected in 1980 with the promise to strengthen the economy and military of America. It was more than likely determined early in Reagan’s campaign that he would not follow the globalist NWO agenda, thus the addition of his Vice Presidential running mate, former CIA director and Skull and Bones member, George Bush. In 1981, as President Reagan was leaving the security exit of a hotel in Washington D.C., he and several others were shot by a crazed gunman. This shooting took place on March 30, or 3/30. West of Dallas, in New Mexico, still along the 33rd parallel, lies a sleepy little town called Roswell. Even now, most Americans would never have heard of the town of Roswell if it had not been for an incident that took place there in 1947. It was that year that newspapers all over the country reported that and unidentified flying object had crashed in a remote area just outside of Roswell. This was the official beginning of the UFO phenomenon in this country. Since then, countless UFO’s have been seen. Although many of the sightings have completely logical and plausible explanations, there are many more that remain mysterious and unidentified. This has given rise to the new age philosophy of enlightened beings from beyond our solar system who will come to earth soon and help mankind evolve into his next level of progress. The name Roswell is synonymous with government cover-up, conspiracy, and new age ideas.


The year 1947 is a year that is divisible by 11 and falls 33 years after World War I. It was during WWI that Great Britain seized control of the land of Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. In 1917 The Balfour Declaration dealt with the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It was on November 29, 1947 that the United Nations gave final approval to partition the land of Palestine for the establishment of a Jewish state. November 29 is the 333rd day of the year. The United Nations logo is depicted below. You will notice that the earth is divided up into 33 sections.

In 1945, President Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, gave the final approval to test a new weapon that would forever change the world. It was the world’s first atomic bomb, detonated at White Sands, New Mexico, just west of Roswell, on the 33rd parallel. The site of the blast was called The Trinity Site. With this blast, a new age was ushered in, an age of light. The weapon has, so far, only been used two times in warfare. We will see the significance of the location of these two places shortly.


The states of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado all border each other in an interesting configuration. When seen on a map, their borders form a cross. There is a highway that has its beginnings in Arizona, just below the 33rd parallel. This highway travels in an odd pattern, going north in Arizona, veering east into New Mexico, turning north once again into Colorado, then turning back west again and ending in Montecello, Utah. This highway appears as a writhing serpent, wrapping itself around this cross symbol made by the four borders. This highway has been designated as U.S. Highway 666. Our next stop in our enlightening journey is Phoenix, Arizona, almost directly on the 33rd parallel. This city was named for a mythical bird that was said to kill itself by flying into a fire. From the ashes of this bird would rise a new one in its place. In the occult world, the phoenix is the symbol for new birth or resurrection. Most occultists and secret societies have made use of the phoenix symbol in their rituals and writings. Several miles off the coast of Los, Angeles, California lies Catalina Island. On the southeast corner of the island, there is a town called Avalon. Remembering what we had seen earlier, Avalon is the mythical bridge that links man with the underworld, or hell. Avalon is located on the 33rd parallel. It was 33rd degree Mason Harry Truman who ordered the first atomic bomb strikes on the Empire of Japan. Although many more likely targets could have been selected, the final choice was two, seeming insignificant cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hiroshima lies just north of the 33rd parallel, while Nagasaki lies directly on the 33rd parallel. It is important to remember


that all of these strange events and markings are tantamount to a masonic “secret handshake.” It is the Illuminati’s way of placing their mark on any significant event and using that event to initiate the masses into their New World Order plan without their knowledge. It is interesting to see a pattern of the use of nuclear weapons that has taken place on the 33rd parallel. Interesting in the light of the fact that a place of high prophetic significance lies directly in this westward path, Babylon, Iraq. For the past several years, Saddam Hussein, who refers to himself as Nebuchadnezzar II has been rebuilding the ancient ruins of Babylon. These rebuilt ruins are just south of Baghdad, both of which fall along the 33rd parallel. In 1991, when George Bush made his famous New World Order speech, he was doing so in the context of a military action against Baghdad. Although poised, ready and fully capable, the armed forces of the United States were prohibited at the last minute from toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein by President Bush. Instead, a “no fly zone” restriction was placed on Iraqi fighter jets. That “no fly zone” begins on the 33rd parallel.

Let’s jump forward to 2002. After beginning his “War of Terror” and toppling the former U.S. supported government of Afghanistan, President George Bush II has set his sights once again on Baghdad. In an effort to rally American citizens and the world on the potential threat that Iraq posed, President Bush repeatedly used the phrase “it has been 11 long years”. This in reference to our last war with Iraq. In spite of mediocre backing from the American people, the United Nations (with its 33 section logo, seen earlier) was leaning towards not backing the


effort. On September 15, 2002 President Bush gave his own personal plea to the United Nations to “show some backbone.” It is common knowledge that the human spine contains 33 vertebra. It was shortly after that, in November, the 11th month, that the United Nations finally voted to support the U.S. in its takeover of the ruins of Babylon.

As we mentioned earlier, on April 9th, 2003, the 99th (33x3) day of the year, we saw the image of Saddam Hussein fall, as Baghdad and his regime also fell on that same day. The following month, on May 1st, President Bush, speaking from the aircraft carrier U.S.S Abraham Lincoln, declared an end to hostilities in Iraq, essentially claiming the victory. Then, in a trip that not even his secret service was informed about, President Bush himself made a surprise visit to the 33rd parallel in Iraq, on the 330th day of the year.

Our final stop along the 33rd degree corridor may very well be the key as to why this line of latitude has such an occult significance to it. It is the hometown of the one whom Satan tried to destroy once, and failed. The one whom Satan mocks and will soon imitate in his attempt to reach God’s throne. The one whom I am referring to is Jesus of Nazareth. Nazareth, Israel lies right along the 33rd parallel.


Chapter 7

The Rest of the Story There are two opinions that the reader can form concerning the information in this book. One, you can believe that there is a very big, very dark conspiracy to control planet earth. You can believe most, if not all, the information you have seen concerning this conspiracy and just how far reaching it is. Or, you can believe that only a crazy man would ever sit and dream up stuff like this. The choice is yours, I’m not offended. Either way, it is the Scriptures that must be believed, whether you agree with me or not. As we have seen from Isaiah 14, Lucifer seems determined to rule and reign as God. From Ezekiel 28 we see that his wisdom and ability are far beyond that of mankind. Other places in the Scriptures reveal to us just how subtle and manipulative he can be. He does wish to rule over the earth. He does wish to seduce and control Christ’s Church. He does seek to be worshipped. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. However, he will be stopped. As the Scriptures reveal his plans, so they also reveal his demise. Isaiah 14 was where we first saw this plan, and now we will see God’s plans for him.

(Isaiah 14:14-15) "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. {15} Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."


It seems as if Satan has one small kink in his plan; God is more powerful than he is. The Most High God is the Creator, while Lucifer is just the creation. It was Jesus who revealed to us that Hell was created specifically for the devil and his angels, Matthew 25:41. In Ezekiel 28 we also see God’s wrath poured out upon His anointed cherub.

(Ezekiel 28:16-18) "By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. {17} Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. {18} Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee."

And perhaps the greatest display of God’s victorious defeat of Satan and his minions is to be found in the book of Revelation.

(Revelation 19:11-16) "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. {12} His eyes were as a


flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. {13} And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. {14} And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. {15} And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. {16} And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." (Revelation 19:19-21) "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. {20} And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. {21} And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."

As we have seen throughout this book, the Bible gives us the many details concerning Satan and his plan in the last days, a plan that is even now working on planet earth. It will be the same Bible, the very living Word of


God, that brings about his demise, along with the Beast, False Prophet, and all those initiated into his dark plan. This book has focused on the symbolic use of numbers in regards to the Luciferian Conspiracy, and now we will briefly see how those same numbers in God’s hands bring an end to it. First, we look at the number 11. We saw it’s relationship to the events of 9/11 and the plan to restore Babel in the last days. Let’s take a look at how God dealt with it back in the book of Genesis.

(Gen 11:7) Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

God judged them by confusing their languages and causing disorder among them so that they had to scatter across the face of the earth. The Apostle Paul describes God’s judgment in the last days in a similar fashion.

(2 Th 2:11-12) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: {12} That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

What Satan calls his “day of illumination” God calls the day of delusion. The prophet Isaiah spoke of this in Isaiah 28 verse 11.

(Isa 28:11) For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.


On the day of Pentecost, there was delivered to the disciples the gift of unknown tongues. The disciples were speaking in the languages of the Gentiles as they preached according to Acts 2. It was Peter who stood with the 11 (Acts 2:14) who declared that this was a sign of the fulfillment of Joel who declared the “terrible day of the Lord.” This day was to be accompanied by “blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood”. Since these signs were not present in the day of Peter’s sermon, we must understand that it’s perfect fulfillment in the last days, at Christ’s second coming. These signs were spoken of in Revelation 6, at the opening of the 6th seal. It will be on this day that the world sees that the “great day of his wrath is come” (Revelation 6:17). During this time will come to pass that which is written in Revelation 18:2, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen…” Accordingly, it will be the very Word of God, with it’s 66 (11x6) books, typified by a Saviour who was 33 (11x3) when he died to destroy “the beast” who is mentioned 33 times, that will ultimately cause the destruction of the New World Order powers in the last days. Of noted interest in this book was Satan’s relationship with and symbolic use of the number 5. We saw his 5 point plan, noted that his name was mentioned 55 times in the Scriptures, as was the word “devils” and “antichrist” was mentioned 5 times, all in the King James Version of the Bible. It should be noted that in Matthew chapter 4 that Satan himself attempts to defeat Jesus by tempting him to sin. I encourage the reader to go to that passage and count exactly how many words Jesus spoke to


Satan there in the wilderness. He defeated Satan with exactly 55 words, quoting from the 5th book of the Bible, the book of Deuteronomy. To see the significance of this, let us dig a little deeper into the Scriptures and see what Christ’s death on the Cross has to do with Satan’s defeat. The following is an excerpt from my second book on Bible numerics called THE KING JAMES CODE.

In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is given the titles of “Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Hebrews 10:5 tells of what Jesus said when He came to the world. His appearing to the world the first time took place at the beginning of the 5th millenium, or 5th day, from Adam. This was done in order to shed light on a very interesting pattern that is present in Genesis chapter 5. The first thing that is mentioned in Genesis chapter 5 is the genealogy of Adam, given to us in a book called “The book of the generations of Adam.” This is somewhat significant, for it is the first time that the word “book” is mentioned in the Bible. The very first New Testament occurrence of the word “book” is the following.

(Matthew 1:1) "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."

This of course is in Matthew which describes the coming, or birth, of Jesus at the beginning of the 5th millenium from Adam. You will also notice that in Genesis 5:1, it refers to the generations (plural) of Adam, and in Matthew 1:1 the generation (singular) of Jesus. Some would say that this might amount to the biblical equivalent


of “nit-picking”, until we look at a verse that brings these puzzle pieces together and tells us why “every word of God is pure.”

(1 Corinthians 15:22) "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."

In Adam, the need for many generations is obvious; all die. The Old Testament, especially the 5 books of Moses, the law, is a book of death. It is for this reason that Israel is dead in their trespasses and sins, Romans 8:2. By the way, all the mentions of the word “death” including “death,” “deaths,” “die,” “died,” “diest,” and “dieth” total 929 times. There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament. However, in Christ, there is only a need for one generation, the generation of those who live forever and never die. The New Testament with the blood-red words of Christ is the book of life, eternal life. This is the grace of God. Let us look even deeper into these two books and see their relationship to the number 5 and the grace of God. Let us examine the first 5 verses of Genesis 5.

(Genesis 5:1-5) "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; {2} Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. {3} And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: {4} And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: {5} And all


the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died."

Most people, for obvious reasons, generally chose to skip over the various lineage listings that are given in the Scriptures. However, there is a very precise and revealing pattern to these incredible verses. When Adam is first mentioned (in verse 1), it goes without saying that the book of his generations begins the very moment he first came into the world. The second time Adam is mentioned (in verse 2), his name is actually given to he and his wife Eve. This, of course, points us to the general meaning of the number two. The third time Adam is mentioned( in verse 3), Adam’s son, Seth, is born. It mentions that Seth was in the likeness and image of Adam, thus Adam, who will die, is resurrected in a sense in his son, Seth. The fourth time Adam is mentioned, we find that “he begat sons and daughters.” It is through the saving grace of the 4 gospels that God is able to say to us that He “…will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (II Corinthians 6:18) This brings us to the 5th mention of Adam’s name in Genesis 5. It is found in verse 5.

(Genesis 5:5) "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died."

As we examine the entire chapter, we will clearly see that this name pattern is followed precisely on every generation of Adam all the way down to Noah. The only exception is Enoch. We will discuss him later. For now, we concentrate on the fact that death occurs the fifth time


each one is named in Genesis 5. For answers to this mystery we go to the Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ, the New Testament. Naturally, the precise place we would look would almost surely have something to do with the number 5. Let us look in the 45th (5x9) book of the Bible, Romans, chapter 5.

(Romans 5:10) "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life."

This verse is clear in that it tells us that we are reconciled to God by the death of His “Only Begotten Son”, this phrase being mentioned exactly 5 times in the Bible. The 5th time it is mentioned is in I John 4:9 and says, “God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” This is precisely what Romans 5:10 tells us, that we are saved by the death and life of Christ. Yet, the Bible speaks even more amazing things than this as we continue to look at Romans 5.

(Romans 5:12-14) "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: {13} (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. {14} Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come."


The “one man” spoken of in verse 12 is, of course, Adam. Now, it says that death reigned from “Adam to Moses”. Adam died in the first book of the Bible, in the 5th chapter and 5th verse. Moses died in the 5th book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, in verse 5 of chapter 34. Now notice the following verses.

(Romans 5:15) "But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many." (Romans 5:20) "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:"

It is through the offence of Adam that death entered into him and to the rest of the world, even though they did not commit Adam’s sin. The Law entered into the world, by way of the 5 books of Moses, Genesis – Deuteronomy, so that the offence that causes death may abound. Paul calls it in Romans 8:2 the “law of sin and death.” But now, through Christ, who came to fulfill the 5 books of the Law, Grace has abounded to many. For where sin abounded through the 5 books of the Law, Grace much more abounds in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son, who came at the beginning of the 5th millenium, and was pierced 5 times on the Cross. In the previous chapter, we saw how the number 4 was related to the evil world empire of the Beast in the last days. This terrible empire will consume the entire world, and no power on earth will be its equal. Nebuchadnezzar


dreamed that this empire would finally be destroyed by a 5th empire.

(Daniel 2:34-35) "Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. {35} Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." (Daniel 2:44-45) "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. {45} Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure."

Of a surety, this 5th kingdom, established by God Himself, is the millennial reign of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. If you will notice the above passage from Daniel, in verse 45 it says that the stone broke in pieces the iron, brass, clay, silver and gold, 5 things. In our King James Bible, the word “Christ” is mentioned exactly 555 times!


When Jesus presented himself to the world the first time, it was some 4000 years after the creation, at the beginning of the 5th millennium. In one of the most recognized stories of the Bible, that of David’s battle with Goliath, we can now clearly see this illustrated for us. David rejected the armor that was given him by Saul to defeat Goliath. Notice what the Scriptures say David picked as his weapon of choice.

(1 Samuel 17:40) "And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine." (1 Samuel 17:49-50) "And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth. {50} So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David."

Thus Goliath, a type of the Beast, is destroyed by the 5th Stone. It appears that the stone sunk in the exact spot that the Mark of the Beast would be, and when this happens, Goliath, who is facing David (Christ), falls on his face to the earth. Generally speaking, when a person in the Bible falls on their face to the earth, they are doing so in an act of worship. At the final judgement, every knee shall bow before the Mighty Jesus Christ. God seems to have sense of ironic humor.


In I Samuel 5, the 5 lords of the Philistines take custody of the Ark of the Covenant, the throne of God. They take the Ark to the temple of Dagon, a half-man, half sea serpent, figurative of Satan’s power and spirit in the beast of Revelation 13. The obvious indication is that the 5 lords of the Philistines were supposing that the God of the Hebrews would stand before Satan, in the form of Dagon. The end result was just the opposite. (1 Samuel 5:4) "And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him." It is interesting to note at this point that, contained inside the Ark of the Covenant was the 10 Commandments, written on 2 tables of STONE, 5 on one side, 5 on the other. These 5 lords of the Philistines should have learned their lesson from the forefathers. The book of Joshua tells us another story that reveals a few more details of the dominion of the 5th kingdom of Christ. In chapter 10, Joshua and his armies pursue and capture the 5 lords of the Philistines. Notice what is done with these kings.

(Joshua 10:22-25) "Then said Joshua, Open the mouth of the cave, and bring out those five kings unto me out of the cave. {23} And they did so, and brought forth those five kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon. {24} And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of


the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them. {25} And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight."

This is highly reminiscent of the promise in Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." It will be according to Joshua’s words that Christ will conquer all His enemies and dash them in pieces. The Philistines have always been the mortal enemies of God’s people. Once again we see a connection between the Philistines as the enemies of God and the number 5. Joshua commands the captains of the men of war to put their feet on the necks of these 5 kings. This coincides with the promise of Genesis 3:15 and Paul’s blessing for the Church in Romans 16:20. Joshua promises that God will do this to all of the enemies of God’s people, not just the Philistines. What do these 5 Philistine kings represent?

(1 Corinthians 15:25-26) "For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. {26} The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."

As we have already seen from the previous portions of this chapter, the relationship between the number 5 and death under the law is obvious. These 5 Philistine kings represent Death himself who is defeated by Christ. I will


mention at this point the exact word “Philistines” is mentioned 255 times, or 5x51 times in the Bible. The question is now raised, just exactly how does Christ defeat this eternal mortal enemy of God’s people, death? The answer is given to us in the proceeding verses from Joshua 10. Please put on your prophecy glasses and see God’s wonderful plan as you read these verses.

(Joshua 10:26-27) "And afterward Joshua smote them, and slew them, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening. {27} And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day."

It is my sincere hope that the reader can clearly see the absolute precision of the Word of God, and that it has indeed been preserved for our understanding in the last days. The events that we see taking place in the above verses are precisely what took place at Calvary. It was Christ himself who hung on a tree, a curse according to Galatians 3:13. The 4 gospels are careful to record for us that they made sure to take Christ’s body down from the tree before sunset that day. They immediately took His body and placed it in a tomb, literally a cave belonging to Joseph of Arimathaea. A great stone was rolled in place to seal off the cave. The only difference between this story and Christ’s fulfillment at Calvary is the fact that to this day, the stones remain in front of the cave where the 5


kings of death were buried. Christ’s stone was rolled away, signifying the defeat of the great enemy, Death. From this passage we see that Christ defeated Death, and all of our enemies for that matter, by taking them with Him when He died on the Cross. Of this, II Corinthians 5:21 tells us that God made Christ “…to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” The result of Christ becoming sin for us was that when Christ died, sin died as well. When Christ died, death died. When Christ died, He took on all these curses in His flesh so that the curse would die with Him, and so we would be made the righteousness of God in Him. I will also mention at this point as well that as “Christ” is mentioned 555 times in the Bible, so all the forms of the word “righteous” are mentioned exactly 555 times in the Bible. There is yet another story from the pages of our perfect Bible that also involves the “death” lords of the Philistines and their defeat. This Bible type points directly to the idea that although Christ died, He took all His enemies with Him. The story is the story of Samson.

(Judges 16:23) "Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand." (Judges 16:27-30) "Now the house was full of men and women; and all the lords of the Philistines were there; and there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women, that beheld while Samson made sport. {28} And Samson called unto


the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. {29} And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. {30} And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life."

In Samson’s last great effort in defeating the enemies of the children of God, we see Samson reaching out to grab the two pillars of the house of Dagon, extending out his right and left hands as Christ did on the Cross. Thus with his own death, destroying all of his enemies forever. What a magnificent picture our Father has drawn for us in the pages of our Bibles so that we could understand just what He has done for our sakes. By the way, I will point out that in Judges 16 verse 5 the Scriptures reveal to us that these 5 lords of the Philistines paid Delilah 1100 pieces of silver each to entice Samson. This amounts to a total of 5500 pieces of silver that bought and paid for Samson’s death. This perfectly coincides with the fact that we find “Satan” exactly 55 times in the Bible, “devils” is mentioned 55 times, and the Antichrist is mentioned exactly 5 times in the Scriptures. These are all the enemies of Christ that will be defeated in the last days.


Could it be more than a coincidence that Satan’s primary symbol is a pentagram, a 5 pointed star. Christ gave us the promise in Matthew 16:28 that “There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” In fact, this promise is given to us in the Scriptures exactly 5 times, Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, John 8:52, Hebrews 2:9. The 5th place it is mentioned it is mentioned with the grace of God. (Hebrews 2:9) "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." Seeing that Christ’s death on the Cross accomplished the defeat of our enemy, Death, it surely is the signature of Almighty God, the Author of order, when we see what is in the 500th chapter of the Holy Bible.

(Psalms 22:1) "…My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?…" (Psalms 22:7-8) "All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, {8} He trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him." (Psalms 22:16) "…they pierced my hands and my feet." (Psalms 22:18) "They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture."

While Satan may continue to grow in power and strength, and while his diabolical conspiracy continues to


enlarge and consume the peoples of the earth, Christ’s victory on that old rugged cross has already declared his defeat. Of the utmost importance to the reader of this book is whether or not sin and death have been defeated in your life. In order to escape the terrible wrath of God that lies ahead, including hell itself, the Scriptures plainly declare to you that you must be born again. Believe in Jesus and confess him openly (Romans 10:9-10) repent of your sins (I John 1:9) and join with a local, King James Bible believing congregation. God is good, my friend. He will save to the uttermost!


The following materials are available through Prophetic Research Ministry. The Babel Conspiracy – book $12.00 The Babel Conspiracy – video $20.00 By Divine Order - book Scripture Numerics and Bible Prophecy $12.00 The King James Code – book $14.00 The King James Code – 2 video set $40.00 Yea, Hath God Said – video $20.00 Send check to: Bethel Church 1233 American Legion Drive Festus, MO 63028 Please visit our website for more information, and online messages in streaming audio and video.

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