The Alphabet-Pronunciation Fluency Exercises-Rules o

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JOS . F . BALUTA, B . A.














B y The Polish B ook Importing Co., Inc.


The fact that there is quite a demand for a prac

tical book of the Polish language , has induced the

author to prepare! the present volum e . There are

som e three m illion Poles in the United States. They

m ay be found in all walks of life . Many of them

speak English , but a great number do not . Per

sons dealing with the latter experience difficulty in

making themselves understood . The design of the

present volum e is to furnish for the use of English

speaking people a handy means for putting them

selves in communication with their Polish fellow

citizens . With the help of this manual the author

hopes it will be possible to issue necessary instruc

tions to workm en,servants

,etc. , to carry on buy

ing and selling transactions , and also to carry on

sim ple conversations on such m atters as health ,tim e

,weather, war, etc .

The book is divided into five parts . The first

part deals with the alphabet and the rules for ao

cent . The attempt has been made to represent each

sound as tru ly and phonetically as possible in Eu

glish . All use of diacritical marks has been avoided

for th e sake of simplicity . Th e greatest difficulty

will be experienced in establishing the correct pro

nunciation of the'

nasal vowels a, e , the consonants

n, l, r, 2 , and the compound consonants cz, dz

, dz, sz,rz, and szcz . This difficulty m ay be somewhat over

com e. by asking a native Pole to produce the sounds

slowly and then carefully imitating him .

The second part deals with the so- ca lled Fluency

Exercises . The schem e is explained in detail in th e

introduction to the series . Th e author believes thata complete and thorough mastery of this section will

help the learner to establish a correct pronuncia

tion and accent of Polish words, and at the same

tim e acquaint him with some of th e grammar in a

practica l way .

Gram m ar is the subject of the next divis1on .

Here no attempt has been made to give an exhaust

ive treatise on Polish grammar, but ra ther som e

condensed inform ation about the principal points of

it . This part m ay be well used in conjunction with

the Fluency Exercises .

Perhaps the most useful section of the manual

m ay be found in th e fourth part . A glance at the

table of contents will show the number of practical

phrases and conversations which have been em

bodied here . Care has been exercised to include

nothing but practical subjects . The language used

is the language of everyday life . It is. true that all

the possible subjects were not included, — the limits

of the book did not permit of that,— yet there will

be found here enough m aterial to meet all ordinary

occasions .

The vocabulary at the end of the book contains

a comprehensive list of words in daily use .

J. F. B .

Brooklyn, N. Y. , January, 1915 .

C O N T E N T S .

Part I .The Alphabet pp . 2-10

Rules for AccentExam ple for Pronunciation

P art II.Fluency Exercises,Description of

Sentences 1 to 10

Part III.


VerbConcerning Fam ily Nam es

P art IV.

Com m on Phrases and Practical ConversationsSim ple expressions

To refuse , to excuse oneselfTo give and receive thanksTo consult, deliberate , decideTo affirmTo denyProbabilityDoubt

,surprise , adm iration

Contentm ent, joy

AfflictionAnger, reproaches

Tim e , Days, Months, Seasons, HolidaysThe WeatherBreakfast, Dinner, Supper

Buying and Se lling, Consulting,At the Bakery

Book StoreButcher’s, Fish StoreCigar Store


Dry Goods StoreFish Store


Fruit Store,Grocery

Furniture Dealer’s


Shoem aker’s, Shoe Store

Watchm aker’s, Jewelry Store

At the Barge Office


I n the Car, Street

Labor Bureau

p .









12 7



















p .

p .



At the Post OfficeRailway StationRenting Room s , Flats, Apartm entsTelegraph OfficeTelephone

Engaging a Servant p . 2 16

Washerwom an, Servant p . 2 18

Directions to Servants p . 223

Cleaning a Room , Putting a Room in Order p . 228

Looking for WorkAt the OfficeI n the Shop ,Machinist

,directions to, tools, etc p . 234

Carpenter,directions to

,tools , etc p . 240

Mining, tools, etc p . 243

Ra ilroad Hand p . 249

The Day Laborer p . 252

The Farm Hand p . 254

War Express '


Various Signs, pub ic and otherThe Num bers

Part V.

Vocabulary p . 269



NOTE —I n the pronunciation colum n— ah a in father ;eh e in m et ; ih = i in pin ; aw : aw in law ; oh : 0 in hole ;0 0 z oo in pool ; gh g in good ; final ly ly in quickly ; anapostrophe shows (a ) a slight suspension ; as , z

’daw’m oo,

or (b ) that the letter or syllable following the apostrophe is

Letters Polish Nam e .Polish Word Pronunciation

A, a Ah yab'yawEh-oo-raw’pah

A, Q Owng kshowndz


E , e

E: Q Ehng


G, g G’yeh




to b e separately pronounced but not detached from the rest

of the «word ; as, zboj, pronounced zboo’ee zbooy . All other

com binations of letters to be . pronounced as in English ; as,rajz— rigb y m ej— m ay

Translation Rules and Exceptions

Like ts in the word hats ; before i likech in cha ir

Like ch in chin and chewcare

As in English

Always like e in bet and m et

Always like g in leg

As in English ; never silent

The Polish A, a is a lways pronouncedas in the English words father, arm

Nasa l, very m uch like ong in songand tongue without the fina l gsound . Like French on in the wordb on

B , b sounds like the English b

Nasal, very m uch like ang in the

word hang,without the fina l g 1

sound . Like a in in the French wordpa in

As in English

Letters Polish Nam e Polish Word





_ 5 _

Translation Rules and Exceptions




lam pletter, epistle

m acaronipostage - stam pnose As in English ; before i like n in new


stone Like 11 in new or ii in cafion . Neverto dance used before i

Like 0 in order

Like 0 0 in cool

As in English

Like q in question ; usua lly replacedby kw ; used only in words of for

eign origin, m ostly Latin

Like ee in b ee ; never like 1 ln fire , ori in fish

J , j always like y in yes ; never likej in English jaw, juice , etc .

K a lways sounds as in king ; it is never m ute a s in knee , knowledge , etc .

More liquid than English 1; nearestapproach is 11 in billiards and m illion ; is never m ute a s in would ,ta lk

,etc ; is m ade by contact of the

tip of th e tongue with the teeth

Alm ost th e sam e as English 1; al

ways sounded ; m ade by contact of

th e point of the tongue with the


As in English ; never silent


L i

Polish Nam e

0 0



In'ay- lawnor Ee’grehk




(now writtenKsawery)





Rules and Exceptions

crabto wash (clothes)

sisterstore, cellar

spittle, salivaplumtrayyes

seething, boilingwater




get off

More rolling and m ore audible thanthe English r . The point of the

tongue must vibrate

As in English ; before i like sh in

sh irt

Like sh in m esh ; never found before i

As in English

Always like 0 0 in tool or cool

Like v in vine ; usually replaced byw ; used

only in words of foreignorigin, m ostly Latin ; is not rea llya part of the Polish a lphabet

Always like v in vine . Never used as

a vowel .

X ks . Som etim es x 2 h ; as, XeresSpanish wine . Very few

Polish words conta in this letter . Itis invariably found in words of for

eign origin

Like y in slowly, or 1 ln pin. If foundin words of foreign origin it soundslike y in yes ; as, yard (yard), 9.


Like z in zone ; before i like z in seizure

,or in azure

Like z in a zure . Never used before i.This sound is m ade between tongueand palate at a place farther backthan z

Letters Polish Nam e Polish Word Pronuncia tion

zh ah’bah

Com pound Consonants

Ch, ch Tseh hah

Cz, cz Tseh zeb t czas chah ss

or Tscheb

drozdze drawzh’jeh

S z, sz Ess zebt m ysz

Letters Polish Nam e Polish Word Pronunciation

Rz, rz Er zeht wierzy v’yeh


S zcz Ess zeb t tseh szczaw

zeb t szczur

The alphabet : a, a, b, c , oz , 6, d , dZ , di . di , e, 9,

t,u (the letter 6 has the same

Beware of pronouncing

A any other way than a in father ;

ts ha ts (except before i ,

when it is pronounced like ch in chin)

G , any other way than g in go ;

I ee see, or i in machine ;

W v vale .

Beware of suppressing, in the pronunciation of

words,the letters k, l and w, which are sometimes

mute in English (knowledge , folk, who)

To establish the correct pronunciation of the

difficult letters a, e, l, n, r, 2 , oz, dz, dz , sz, rz and


it would be best to imitate them from 9. Pole .


0 . p . r . 8 . sz , S ,

sound as u) , w, y, z, z (r : rz) , 2

Rules for the Accent.

I . In words of more than one syllable the stress

a lmost a lways fa lls upon th e syllable before th e

la st, - the penult ; as, wo’da , p1s

’mo, wyli’czaé .

II . The accent falls upon the antepenult, or the

third syllable from the end, of most words borrowed

from other languages and naturalized ; as, arytm e’

tyka , mu'zyka .

III. In words combinedWith and enclitic— a word

which loses its own accent and is pronounced as if

it were a part of the pré‘

cedingj word— the a ccent

falls upon th e third syllab le from the end ; as, ro’b il

bym , robi’lism y . This rule need not be observedtoo strictly .

IV . When the enclitic has two syllables, the ao

cent fa lls upon the fourth syllab le from the end ;as, jéze

’libysm y, powiedzie’libyscie .

V. The last component part of a compound word

Rules and Exceptions

Nearest approach is z in azure . Madeby tongue and palate , but a way

backZ ( z ), z ( zh ), z ( zh ), rz ( zh ) z : 2

Com bination of st and cz ; pronouncedin succession

usua lly receive s the accent ; as, Bialystok’, pedzi

wiatr' .

Exam ple for Pronunciation.

Jesli b ieg wypadkow dziejowychYesh’lee b

’yeg vih—pahd

’koof j eh -




When the course of events historica l

zm usi jaki narod do zerwania

zm oo’shee yah

’kee nah’root daw zer- vah '


com pels som e nation to dissolve

wezlow po litycznych laczacych go

ven- zloof paw- lee-tltch 'nih

’h lone- chone - tsih

’h gaw

the bonds political connecting it

z innym narode‘

m 1 do zajecia

zeen’nim nah -raw

’dem ee daw zah -


with another nation and to assum e

poérod m ocarstw swiata odrebne

paw’shood m aw’tsahrstf shv


’tah awd—rem b -neh '

among the powers of the earth th e sepa

go stanowiska na réwni z innem i,

gaw stah -naw -vees

’kah nah roov’n’yee zean-neh’m ee ,

rate position on a plane with others ,

stanowiska do ktorego upowaz

stab -naw-vees’kah daw ktoo-

reh’gaw oo-


a position to which entitle

nieje go prawa przyrodzone i

n’yah -

yon gaw prah’vah pshi-raw-dzaw’neh e e

it the'

laws natural (ofnature ) a nd

- 13

Boze— szacunek naleiny rodza

Baw’zheh— shah-tsoo’nek nah -lezh’nih raw-dzah

of God— a respect decent

jowi ludzkiem u nakazuje mu

yaw'vee loots-k


’m oo nah -kah -zoo

’yeh m oo

to mankind requires it

przedstaw m i wyjasnié swiatu

pshed—stah’veetch ee vih-yah sh

’n’yeetch shv



to declare and explain to the world

powody jakie go sklaniaja do


vaw’dy yak’y’eh gaw sklah -nyah

’yoh daw

the causes which it impel to

podobnego kroku

paw-dawbneh’gaw kraw’koo

such a step


Fluency Exercises.

The Fluency Exercises are employed here to

deve lop the power of using th e idom atic forms of

th e language a s fluently and prom ptly as those of

the m other- tongue .

This schem e requires tha t long idiomatic sen

tenoes shall be divided into very short sections , and

shall be accom panied by their Variations in both

languages Th e beginner is to commit the sentences

and their variations very thoroughly to memory .

The foreign variations exhibit the constructions

which are lying latent in each sentence .

The English variations are designed to convey

th e exact power of each of the foreign variations,and to show th e different senses in which th e in

dividual foreign words and combinations can be em

ployed .

The variations of each lesson are to be m astered

before a new one is undertaken. The slightest hes

itation in the use of a word in any of the variations,absolutely disqualifies the learner from advancing

to a new lesson .

Every sentence, with its variations, will be found

to exemplify some of the rules of syntax , and to

contain many inflections ; and it will not require a

great number of sentences to incorporate them all.

Method of Procedure .

l st Lesson — The learner should begin by utter

ing the last two words in Section I . , then the l ast

- 15

bination he should repeat it loudly and in rapid

succe ssion for a shortWhile . Then he should read

the litera l translation and all the Polish variations

of th e first section .

2ud Lesson — Section I . and all its variations

should to be read in irregular succession a num ber

of times . Then the pupil should a lternate ly read

the Polish and translate the English variations one

by one . He should‘

also point out, on the English

page , each variation as he utters it . During this

exercise, he is not to read each English variation

aloud before he translates it .

3rd Lessonz— Th e learner should repeat the

above exercise until he can translate th e variations

into Polish as. rapidly as he can read them in En

glish . If h e can translate them”

all without hesita

tion, or error of any kind , he m ay commence an

other section .

The same method should be used in learning

each new section



D laczego nie chcesz isé ze Inna jutro do mego

przyjaciela , ktory m ieszka nie daleko stad ?

N o. I.

D laczego (ty) nie chcesz .

Dlah -

cheh’gaw (tih) u’y

eh h tsesh .

Why (you) not want

1 . Chcesz . Ty chce sz . Chcesz ? Chcesz ty ?

2 . N ie chcesz . Nie chcesz ?

3 . Gzy chcesz ?

4 . Gzy nie chcesz ?

5. D laczego chcesz ?

6 . Dlaczego nie chcesz?

N o. II.




zé infig jutro .

ee shtch zeh m noh yoo’traw .


go with m e to-morrow

Gzy chcesz isé ze m na?

Ty chcesz isé jutro .

D laczego nie chcesz isé ze Inna?

Gzy chcesz isé jutro ?

Gzy nie chcesz isé ze m na?

D laczego nie chcesz isé ze Inna jutro ?

do brata mego przyjaciela .

daw brah’tah m eh’gaw pshi-yah -

cheh’lah .

to-th e brother of-m y

18 . a

1 . Ty chcesz isé do brata . Chcesz isé do brata ?

D laczego chcesz isé do mego przyjaciela ?Dlaczego nie chcesz ise zé Inna do mego brata ?

4 . N ie chcesz isé do przyjaciela mego brata ?5. Dlaczego nie chcesz isé ze m na jutro do brata

mego przyjaciela ?

No. IV.

ktory m ieszxa nie daleko stad .

ktoo’ry m’yesh

’kah n’yeh dah—leh 'kaw stoned .

who resides not far hence

Ty chcesz ise do przyjaciela ,ktory m ieszka na

nastepnej (nah -stem p’na y) ulicy .

D laczego nie ch cesz m ieszkaé na tej (tay) ulicy ?

Gzy chcesz isé jutro na Essex ulice ?

D laczego chcesz isc’

: jutro ?

Ktory m ieszka na tej ulicy ?

D laczego nie chcesz iéé ze m na do brata mego

przyjaciela , ktory m ieszka na tej ulicy ?

— 19

You want to go to your brother. Do you want

to go to your brother ?

Why do you wish to go to m y friend ?Why do you not wish to go with m e to my

brother ?Do you not want to go to my brother

’s friend ?

Why do you not wish to go with m e to-morrow

to my friend’s brother ?

N o. IV.

who lives not far away from here .

1 . You wish to visit the friend who lives on the

next street .

Why do you not want to live on this street ?

Do you wish to go on Essex Street to-morrow ?

Why do you wish to go to-morrow ?

Which (one) lives on this stree t ?Why do you not want to go with m e to my

friend’s brother who lives on this street ?


1 . Ty ( tih) is the familiar form of the per

sonal pronoun of the second person . It corresponds

to the English thou It m ay be omitted, as the verbending shows what person


is meant

2 . Gzy (chih) is not translated unless it means

whether It simply denotes the interrogative formof the sentence

3 . The interrogative form of the sentence m ay

be inferred by the tone of the voice ; as, Chcesz .



N ie m am nic przeciwko tem u , a i ebyé mu towarzyszyl ; bylebys tylko predko powrocil .

N o. I.

N ie m am nic przeciwko tem u .

N’yeh m ahm n

’yeets psheh


cheef’kaw teh’m oo .

N ot I -have nothing aga inst

N ie m am nic .

Przyjaciel mego brata nie m a nic .

Mam brata .

N ie m am brata .

Gzy nie chcesz nic ?

N ie m am nic przeciwko temu .

Gzy m asz (m ah sh ) co (tsaw) przeciwko memu

przyjacielowi (psh ih -yah -cheh—law’vee)

N o. II.

azebys mu towarzyszyl .

ah -

zheh’b ish m oo taw-vah -

zh ih’sh ill .

that-you him accompanied .

Ja chce (htseh ) aZebyé mu towarzyszyl .

Gzy chcesz towarzyszyé memu (m eh’m oo) przy


Dlaczego m asz cos przeciwko niem u

On (awn) mu towarzyszyl .

Ja nic nie mu to

warzyszyl intro


I have nothing against your going with him, pro

vided you return soon .

N o. I.

I have nothing against it .

I have nothing .

My brother’s friend has nothing .

I have a brother .

I have no brother .

Do you not wish anything ?

I have nothing against it .

Have you any objection to my friend ?

N0 . II.

tha t you should accompany him .

1 . I want you to accompany him .

2 . Will you accom pany my friend ?

3 . Why have you som ething against him ?

4 . He accompanied him .

5. I have nothing against your accompanying h imto-morrow .


N o. III.


s tylko predko powrocil

bih’leh -bish till’kaw prent’kaw pawvroo


provided-you only soon returned

1 . On powrocil predko .

2 . CzyZes (ch ih’zh esh ) predko powrocil cd brata ?

3 . Ja chce, azebys predko powrécil .

4 . Gzy chcesz isé tylko do (daw) brata ?

5. N ie m am nic przeciwko temu , azebys mu towarzyszyl, bylebys tylko predko powrocil .


To nie hyla nasza wina , Zespan spéznil sie na po

ciag ; m owilism y panu , Ze pociag ranny odchodzi okwadrans na dziewiata .

No. I.

To nie hyla nasza wina .

Taw n’yeh bih

’lah nah’shah vee’nah .

That not was our fault .

1 . Gzy to byla nasza wina , zes nie powrocil?

2 . To hyla nasza wine .

3 . Czy to moja (m aw’yah ) wina , ze nie chcesz isé

do brata ?4 . Nie chce wina .

5. Ona byle 11 (oo) brata , ktory m ieszka na Essex

6. To nie byla nasza wina, ze on nie chcial m u to

warzyszyé .


No. 111.

only. provided you return soon .

He returned quickly .

Have you returned soon from your brother ?I wish you to return soon .

-Do you want to go to your brother only ?I have nothing against your accompanying him ,

provided you return soon .


1 Two negatives serve to make the negation

stronger ; as, N ie m am nic, I have not nothing .


It was not our fault, sir, that you were late for

the tra in ; we told you the m orm ng train leaves at a

quarter past eight .

No . I.

It was not our fault .

Was it our fault that you did not return ?

It was our fault .

I s it my fault that you do not want to go to your

brother ?I do not want any wine ( literally, of wine) .

She was at her brother’s who lives on Essex

Street .

It was not our fault that he did not wish to ao

company him


N0 . II.

zes pan spoznil sie na‘

pociag .

zhesh pahn spoozh’n’yeel sheh nah paw

'ch awng .

that you, sir, were late yourself on the-train

1 . Gzy pan sie spoznil ?

2 . To nie moja wina , Zes sie spéznil .

3 . D laczego sie pan spoznil na pdciag ?

4 . Moj (moc’ee) przyjaciel spoznil sie wczoraj

5. Oby pan predko powrocil !

6 . To nie moja wina , zes pan spoznil sie na pociag.

No. III.

m éwilism y panu

moo-vee’leesh -mih pah

’noo .

we-told you-sir .

1 Mowilism y do jego (yeh’gaw) przyjaciela .

2 Mowilism y, ze pan sie spoznil .

3 . Gzy nie m owilism y panu ?4 Gzy nie m owilism y panu , ze on sie spoznil na

pociag ?

5. Moj brat (braht) mowil (m oo’veel) to panu .

6 . Gzy nie m owilism y panu , Ze pan sie spozni ?

N o. IV.

ze pociag ranny odchodzi .

zh eh paw’chawng rahn’nih awd-haw'

gee .

that the-train morning leaves .

1 . To byl pociag ranny .

2 . Gzy pan spéznil sie na pociag ranny ?

Mowilism y, ze pociag ranny odchodzi .

Panie moj brat odchodzi .

Gzy pan j uz (yoozh ) odchodzi ?

To byla nasza wina , Zes pan spoznil sie na ranny

pociag .

No. V.

o kwandrans na dziewiata .

aw kvahn’drahns nah je-v’yone -t .one

at a quarter on nine .

Ten pociag odchodzi za kwandrans .

Pociag ranny odchodzi o dziewiatej -tay)Gzy pan sie spoznil na pociag, ktory odchodzi o

kwandrans na dziewiata?

Tak (tahk) , spoznilem sie.

Pana brat juz odchodzi .

To nie nasza wina , zes pan spoznil sie na pd

ciag; m owilism y panu , Ze pociag ranny od

chodzi o kwandrans na dziewiata .

We said that the morning train is leaving .

Sir, my brother is leaving .

Are you going already ?It was our fault that you were late for

morning train .

No. V.

at a quarter past eight .

1 . This train leaves in a quarter of an hour .

2 . Th e m orm ng train leaves at nine .

3 . Were you late for the train which leaves at a

quarter past e ight ?

4 . Yes, I was late .

5. Your brother 1s leaving a lready .

6. It is not our fault, sir, that you were late for

the train ; we told you that the morning train

leaves at a quarter past eight .


1 . Pan (pahn) is used in polite address . It

means lord or sir . It is usua lly used with the 3rd

person sigular of the verb . Likewise Pani— lady,m adam ; Panna— Miss . It m ay be sim ply translated

by th e English yolu . Pan, pani and panna are veryoften written with capita ls .

2 . For the forms— Zes spéznil sie— That you

were late , and— Ze spozniles sis— Tha t you were

late , see Grammar, No . 167

3 . Note the peculiar construction, 0 kwandrans

na dziewiata, —a quarter on nine a quarter pasteight.

— 28


Moj ojciec dopiero co wyszedl, lecz , spodziewam

sie, Ze wkrétce wréci— nie pozniej jak o dziesiatejwieczorem .

N o. I.

Moj ojciec dopiero co wyszedl . .

Moo'ee oy

’chets daw-


’raw tsaw vih’sh edle .

My father just-now (what) went out .

Moj brat wyszedl .

Czy twoj ojciec wyszedl ?

Dlaczego on wyszedl ?

D laczego twoj ojciec nie chce isé ?

Moj pan d0piero co wyszedl .

Twéj przyjaciel dopiero co wyszedl ze swym bra


N o. 11.

lecz , spodziewam sie .

letch , spaw—jeh’vahm sheh

but I -expect myself .

Spodziewam sie, ze moj przyjaciel wyszedl .

Czy to byla nasza wina , ze on wyszedl ?

Spodz iewam sie, ze pan niech ce isé .

On spodziewa sie cos dostaé (daw’stahtch )

N ie m am nic przeciwko temu , ai ebys z niem wy

szedl .

Lecz pan mu towarzyszyl !

Spodziewalem sie cos dostaé, lecz nic nie dol

stalem .



fath er just went « out, but I expect h e will

soon return— not later than atn ine in the evening .


N o. I.

My father just went out .

My brother went out .

Did your father gd out?

Why did he go out ?

Why doesn’t your father wish to go ?

My master went out j ust now .

Your friend went out j ust now with h is

brother .

N o. II.

but I expect .

I hope that my friend left (went out) .Was it our fault that h e left ?I hope, sir, that you do not wish to go .

He expects to! get something .

I have no objection to your going out with

6. But sir, you accompanied h im !7 . I expected to get something, but I got nothing

No. I I I .

ze wkrotce

zheh vkroot’tseh vroo’chee

that in-

a- short-while he will return .

Spodziewam sie, Ze pana bra t wkrétce wroci 7.

m iasta

Poszedlem na Essex ulice, lecz wkrotce wrocilem .

Mowilism y panu , ze ojciec pana wyszedl .Wyszedl rano o dziewiate jGzy brat pana powréci o dziewiatej rano ?

Tak,panie .

D laczego nie wyszedl, gdy (gdih ) mu kazales

(kah -zah’lesh )

No. IV.

nie pézniej jak .

u’yeh poozh

’n’yay yahk .

not later than .

Gzy wrocisz jutro'?Tak,


a le (ah’leh ) nie predzej (pren

’dzay) jak o

drugiejGzy pana siostra ( sh aws

’trah ) juz (yoozh ) wro

cila (vroo

N ie, panie, jeszcze (yesh'ch eh ) nie wrocila .

On powroci z m iasta nie pézniej jak o siodm ejwieczorem .

Moja pani spoznila sie na pociag dz1s rano, wiec

pdwrocila do domu

No. III .

that he will soon return .

I hope that your brother will soon return from

the city .

I went on Essex Street, but I soon returned .We told you , s1r, that your father went out .

He went‘

out at nine in the morning

Will your brother return at nine o’clock in the

morning ?Yes, sir .

Why did he not le ave when you told h im to

(when ydu ordered him to) ?

No. IV.

not later than .

1 . Will you return to-morrow ?2 . Yes, but no sooner than at two .

3 . Did your sister return a lready ?

N o, sir, she did not return yet .

He will return from the town no later than at

seven in the evening .

6. My mistress was late for the train this morning

and so cam e home .



- 32

No. V.

o dziewiatej wieczorem

aw dzheh-v’yone

’tay v’yeh

-ch aw’rem .

at nine in-the-evening .

1 . Moj ojciec powroci o dziewiatej wieczorem .

2 . Moja matka powréci o szostej rano .

3 . Moj brat powréci w poludnie (vpaw

4 . Moja siostra powroci po poludniu (paw- lood’

new) .

5. (Ja) powréce 0 pdl (podl) do piatej (pyone’tay)

po poludniu .

6 . Moj ojciec d0piero co wyszedl, lecz , spodziewam

sie, Ze wkrétce wréci— nie poz’niej jak o dzie

siatej godzinie wieczorem .


Sasiad m ojego wuja byl w sklepie i kupil swem u

m alemu synowi ladna czapke .

N o. I.

Sasiad m ojego wuja .

Sone’shahd m aw-

yeh’gaw vo


Th e-neighbor of—m y of-uncle

Sasiad m ojego wuja towarzyszyl mu .

Gzy twoj wuj predko powrocil ?Wuj m ojego sasiada chce isé z toba .

D laczego m asz co‘s przeciwko m ojem u

yeh'm oo) wujowi (voo-

yaw’vee )

Czy twoj sasiad byl w domu (Vdaw’m oo)

Moj wuj mowil mi, ze Pan sie spéznil .

No. II.

byl w sklepie .

bill v skleh 'p’yeh .

was in a-

store .

Moj wuj byl w sklepie wezoraj (vch aw’rye)

Gzy twoj sasiad byl u twego wuja ?

Dlaczego tWéj brat nie chce isé do (daw) mego

sasiada z'

m oj em wujem ?

Gzy pana wuj m ieszka w tym dom u (daw’m oo)

To hyla wina m ojego sa'

siada .

Ja bylem w sklepie m ojego sasiada .

Mojego sasiada sklep jest ladny

N o. III.

1 kupil swem u synowi .

ee koo'pee l sveh’m oo sih -naw’vee .

and bought for-h is for- son .

Co pan kupil swem u synowi ?

Gzy syn m ojego sasiada byl tu (too)Syn pana R . byl w sklepie i kupil cos.

D laczego nie chcesz isé ze synem m ojego wuja ?

To j est (yest) dla twegd syna .

Co chce sz cd syna m ojego sasiada ?

Gzy to jest twéj syn ?N ie

,to j es t syn mego przyjaciela .

Moj przyjaciel kupil dom od (awd) swego se

siada .

Gzy chcesz kupié ten dom

was in a store .

My uncle was in a store yesterday .Was your neighbor at your . uncle’s house ?Why does not your brother wish to go to

nelghbor with m y uncle ?

Does your uncle live in , this house ?

It was m y neighbor’s fault .

I was in th e store of m y neighbor .

My nelghbor’s store is nice .

N o. III.

and bought h is

What did you buy for your son ?Was the son of m y neighbor here ?

Mr . R .

’s son was in the store and bought some

thing .

Why don’t you wish to go with m y uncle’s son ?

This is for your son .

What do you want from my ne ighbor’s son ?

I s this your son ?N o, h e is m y ne ighbor’s son .

My friend bought a house from h is neighbor .

10. Do you wish to'

buy this house?

No. IV.

bardzo ladna czapke.

bar’dzaw lah d’ndh chahp’keh .

a-very m ce cap

1 . Moj brat kupil m i bardzo ladna czapke .

2 . Czyja to czapka ? (Ch ih’yah taw chahp

’kah ) ?

3 . To j est m oja czapka .

4 . Gdzie (g’jeh ) j est moja czapka ,

bracie (brah’

cheh)5. Gzy pan kupil te czapke dla m nie ?

6 . N ie. panie , ta czapka j est dla panskiego ojca .

7. Moj sasiad byl w mojem sklepie i kupil czapka.

8. Moj syn bardzo lubi te czapke, ktora pan mu

kupfl .

9. Dlaczego nie kupiles (koo-

pee’lesh ) tac

(tahk’zh eh ) dla m nie czapki

10. Sasiad m ojego wuj a byl w sklepie i kupil swe

mu m a lem u synem bardzo ladna czapke .

11 . Ta czapka jest za mala dla m uie .

12 . On kupil mi za ma la czapke (m ah'lone chahp"

keh )


Prosze daé dziecku kawalek ch leba z m aslem i

przyniesé mu kubek m leka , poniewaz ono jest bar

dzo glodne i spragnione .

No. I.

Prosze dac dziecku .

Praw’sheh dahtch jets’koo .

P lease give to-the-chi ld .

a very nice cap .

1 . My brother bought m e a very nice cap .

2 . Whose cap is this ?

3 . It is m ine .

4 . Where is m y cap, brother ?

Did you buy this cap for m e, sir ?

N o, sir ; that cap is for your father .

My neighbor was in m y store and bought a cap.

My son likes very m uch th e cap which you

have bought for h im .

Why did you not buy a cap for m e also ?

My uncle’s neighbor was in a store and bought

h is sm all son a very nice cap .

This cap is tod small for m e .

He bought m e a cap which is too small for m e.


Please give the child a piece of bread and butter,and fetch it a cup of milk

,as it is very hungry and


No. I.

Pleas-e give the child .

Prdsze daé dziecku spac (spahtch ) .

Prosze pana , ja chce swoje dziecko .

Czyje to dziecko ?

To jest m ojego bra ta dziecko .

Maniu ! daj (die) dziecku spokoj( spaw

’kooee)Gzy to dziecko spi (shpee) ?

D ziecko m ojej sasiadki jest b ardzo ladne .

To nie byla wina dziecka .

N o. II.

kawalek ch leb a z m aslem .

kah -vah’lek h leh’bah zm ah ss’lem .

a-piece of-bread with butter .

Prosze dac dziecku kawalek ob leba .

Maniu ! ezy da las (dah’lah sh ) dziecku chleba ?

Prosze dacmi ma sla .

Ja ch ce ch leb a z m aslem .

Moj syn nie chce ob leba .

Dlaczego on me chce jesé (yesh tch )Gzy pan m a swieze m aslo (shv


’zheh m ahfl

slaw)Prosze mi dackawalek chleba z m aslem .

N o. III.

1 przyniesé mu kubek m leka .

ee pshih’n’yeshtch m oo' koo’b ek m leh’kah .

and to-bring him ( it) a-cup of-milk .

1 . Gzy m am (mahm) przym'

esé ch leba taki e ?

2 . Prosze cie (cheh) , przynies dziecku kub ek m leka.

3 . Ja. nie chce te‘

go kubka .

— 39

1 . Please let the child sleep

2 . Please, sir, I want m y child .

Whose child is this ?

4 . It is m y brother’s child ?

Mary , let th e child a lone !

I s this baby sleeping ?

My ne ighbor’s child is very nice .

It wasn’t th e child’s fault .

N0 . II.

a piece of bread and butter .

Please give the child a piece of bread .

Mary , did you give th e child some bread ?

Please give m e som e butter .

I want som e bread and butter .

My son doesn’t want any bread .

Why doe s he not want to eat ?

Have you fresh butter ?

8 . Please give m e a piece of bread and butter

N o. III.

and fetch it a cup of milk .

1 . Am I to bring som e bread also ?2 . Please brlng the child a cup of milk .

3 . I don’t want this cup .

Temu kubkowi (koob-kaw’vee) nic nie brakuje

(brah-koo’yeh)Moj sasiad m a swieze m leko .

Dziecko nie choe jesé ch leba bezmasla .

D aj mu wielki kubek swiezego m leka .

D laczego’twoj wuj nie przyniosl

ch leba ?

N o. IV.

poniewaz ono jest glodne .


’vahzh aw

’naw yest glaw

’dneh .


because it 1s hungry .

Gzy pan j est glodny ?

Tak, jestem bardzo (bar’dzaw) glodny .

Prosze jeéé .

To dziecko jest bardzo glddne .

Moja siostra hyla bardzo glodna wezoraj , ponie

waz nic nie jadla (yah -dlah ) ealy (tsah’ly)

dzien (jane) .

Dlaczego pan nie je ?B o (baw) nie jestem glodny .

B edziesz glodny, poniewaz nic nie je sz .

N ie dawaj (dah’vie) dziecku j uz (yoozh ) wiecej

jesé, poniewaz nie j est tak bar

dzo glodne .


ee sprahg-n’yaw



Ou jest bardzo spragniony .

D ziecko chce m leka , poniewaz jest spragnione .

Daj dziecku kubek wody

Gzy nie m a tu gdzie wody ?Prosze nie dawaé (dah -vahtch ) mu wody .

Gzy to! jest m leko ezy woda ?To jest m leko z woda .

Prosze dac dziecku kawalek ch leba z m aslem i

przyniesé mu kubek m leka , poniewaz ono j est

bardzo glodne i spragnione .


Moj kochany Janie ! Musisz odwiedzié syna tego

dobrego starego czlowieka ; b iedny chlopiec zlam al

sobie prawa noge dwa dui temu .

No . I.

Moj kochany Janie !Moo

’ee kaw-hah 'nih Yah’n


My dear John !

Janie ! ezy idziesz (ee’jesh ) do dom u ?

Czy pan m nie kocha , pame Janie ?Twéj syn musi m nie odwiedzié (m oo


mu’yeh awd

To jest koch ane dziecko !

Gzy kolchasz to male dziecko ?D laczego nie chcesz isé ze m na, Janie ?

Jan spoz’nil sie na pociag i powrocil do domu

Janek jest synem mego sasiada .

Janku ! ezy byles Juz u swego wuja ?

He is very thirsty .

Th e child wants some milk as it is very thirsty.

Give th e child a cup of water .

I s there not so'me water here somewhere ?

Please don’t give h im any water .

I s this m ilk or wa ter ?

It is milk with water .

Please, give the child a piece of bread and but

ter, and fetch h im ( it) a cup of milk, as it

is very hungry and thirsty .


My dear John, you must visit th e son of that

good old m an ; the poor boy broke h is leg two days

ago .

N o. I.

My dear

John, are you going home ?Do you love m e , (Mr.) John?

Your son must pay m e a visit .

That is a dear child !Do you love that little baby?

Why don’t you wish to go with m e, John?

John was late for the train and returned home .

John missed h is train and'

returned home .

Johnm e 1s the son of my neighbor .

Johnnie, were you at your uncle’s' already ?

N o. II.

m usisz odwiedzié pilnego syna .

m oo’sh ish awd-


’geetch pee l-neh

’gaw sih’nah .

must to-visit th e-diligent son .

Syn twego sasiada jest bardzo pilnyN ie m usisz j em u tego dawaé .

Twoj syn m us1 Juz 1se do domu .

Gzy dom j ego syna jest na tej sam ej (sah’m ay)

ulicy ?

Badz pilny, synn .

Czy chcesz odwiedzié ze m na mego sasiada?

D laczego twoj syn nie jest pilny ?

Twoja matka i twoja siostra m usza nas odwie

dzic .

Czy on nie chce odwiedzié swoich sasiadow

(svaw’ee’h sone-sh ah’doof)

Twoj syn nie jest tak pilny jak moj

Gzy nie odwiedzisz m nie ?

N o . III.

tego dobrego starego czlowieka .

teh’gaw daw -breh 'gaw stah -reh’gaw chlaw -v’yeh


of-that good old m an .

1 . Syn tego czlowieka jest bardzo dobry .

2 . Gzy ona chce iéé z,tem starem czlowiekieni ?

3 . Gzy twoj, syn powrécil od tego starego calo

wieka ?

4 . Kto jest stary ?5. Co jest dobre ?

6 . Moja siostra nie jes t tak bardzo stara.


N o. II.

you must visit the diligent son .

1 . Your neighbor’s son is very diligent .

2 . You must not give him that .

3 . Your son must go home a lready .

I s th e house of h is son on the same street ?

B e diligent, my son .

Do you want to visit my neighbor with m e ?

Why is not your son diligent ?

Your m other and your sister must pay us a

m a t .

Does he not want to visit his neighbors ?

Your son is not so diligent as m lne .

Won’t you visit m e ?

No. 111.

of that good old m an .

1 . That m an’s son is very good .

2 . Does she want to go with that

3 . Did your son return from that old m an?

4 . Who is old ?

5. What ‘

is good?

6 . My sister is .not so very old .


N ie kaidy (kahzh’dih ) stary czlowiek jest do

bry .

On jest nic dobrego .

Gzy nie m asz cd dobrego w swoim sklepie?

Czy ty m usisz isé do tego starego czlowieka ?

N0 . IV.

b iedny chlopice zlam al sobie prawa noge .


’nih h law’p’yets zlah’m anl saw'b

’yeh prah

’voh naw’geh

the-poor b oy broke for-him self r1ght leg .

Czyj chlopiec zlam al sobie noge ?

Chlopice mego b iednego sasiada zlam al sobie

reke (ren’keh )

Co za b iedny ch lopiec !

I di sobie do domu , m oj ch lopcze .

Jak ty zlam ales swa noge ?

Chlopice, ktory zlam al sobie noge , m ieszka w

sasiednim (vsone dom u .

Gzy dalas cos temu b iednem u chlopcu?

Ci (chee) ch lopcy nie se weale (vtsah’leh ) pil

u i

Czy to moja wina, Ze ten biedny czlowiek zla

m al sobie noge ?

Ktos mi mowil, zes zlam al sobie prawa reke .

Gzy to tak,moj panie ?

D laczego nie odwiedziles swego sasiada?

Gdybys tam nie poszedl, nie zlamalbys nogi?

Tu m ozna (m awzh’nah ) sobie nogi polamaé

Not every old person (m an) is good .

He’s a good for nothing .

Haven’t you som ething good in your store ?

Must you go to that old m an ? Must you pay

that old m an a visit ?

N o. IV .

th e poor boy broke h is right leg .

Whose boy broke his leg .

The boy ( son) of m y poor neighbor

arm .

What a poor boy !

Go hom e , m y boy .

How did you break your leg ?The boy, who broke h is leg,

lives in

neighboring (next) house .

Have you given the poor boy som e thing ?These boys are not diligent at a ll .

9 . I s it m y fault that this poor m an broke h is leg ?

Som ebody told m e that you broke your right

arm .

I s it so, (m y) sir?

Why didn’t you visit your ne ighbor ?

If you had not gone there , you would not have

broken y our leg .

One can break his legs here .

dwa dni temu

dvah dn’yee teh

’m oo

two days ago

1 . Dwa dui temu moj przyjaciel zlam al sobie lewa

( leh’voh ) noge .

2 . Gdzie on byl ?3 . By! u m ojego b iednego ojca .

4 . Widzialem (vee-jah’lem ) go dwa dni temu na

Park ulicy .

5. Czys widzial mego bra ta ?

6. Gzy widziales moja siostre?

7 . Gzy pan widzial, jak on sobie zlam al noge?

8. S zkoda (shkaw’dah ) mi tego b iednego ch lopca .

9 . Co za szkoda !

10. Moj ojciec mowil mi, ze jego dobry przyjaciel

zlam al sobie lewa reke przeszlego tygodnia .

11 . Moj kochany Janie ! Ty m usisz odwiedzié syna

tego dobrego starego czlowieka ; biedny chlo

piec zlam al sobie prawa noge dwa dni temu .

12 . Jeden dzien temu (jane)13 . Siedem dni temu

14 . Szesé tygodni, m iesiecy, lat, wiekow temu .

(Sheshtch tih m’ye- shen’tsih ,

lab t, v’yeh

’koof teh’m oo) .

15. Jeden tydziefi, m iesiac, rok, wiek . (Yeh’den

tih’jane, m’yeh

’shawnts, rawk, v



Chociaz m ysle, ze m am dosyé pieniedzy, by za

ptacié twoj i m oj rachunek, j ednakze daj mi, jezeli

m ozesz , kilka dolarow i troche drobnych .

- 50

N o. I .

mysla ze m am dosyé pieniedzy .

m ih 'shleh zh eh m ahm daw’sitch p’ye

I -think that I -have enough m oney .

Gzy m asz dosyé pieniedzy na dz1s (geesh ) i

(ee) jutro

Mysle, ze m am .

Chociaz m ysle to samo, jednakZe powiedz

bratu , by (bih) przyniosl wiecej

(psh i’n’yoosl

Mysle, ze to jest bardzo ladne .

Chociaz m ysle, ze m am dosyé j edna ksiaZke

jednak powiedz sluZacem u

( sloo -zh one by przyniosl mi druga

Czy ten kubek j est czystyN ie , nie m ysle Ze j est .

Kubek kawy nie dosyé dla muie i mego brata

mysle, Ze chcem y dwa kubki .

Gzy nie m asz dosyé kawy ?

Mam dosyé kawy, lecz ( letch) nie m am dosy'


m leka .

Powiedz sluZacem u,zeby zaniosl wody m ojej

siostrze w tem kubku,ktory kupilem dla niej


Mysle, Ze bedziem y (ben- jeh’m ih ) potrzebowaé

duio pieniedzy

N0 . II.

by zaplacié twoj i moj rach im ek .

bih zah -plah’ch eetch tvoo

e e ee m ooee rah

in -order to-pay your and m y account .

Although I think I have enough money

1 . Have you enough money for to-day and to

m orrow

2 . I think I have .

3 . Although I think so too, te ll your brother to

fetch m ore .

4 . I think this is very nice .

5. Although I think I have enough with one book.

tell th e servant to bring m e another .

I s this cup clean ?N o, I don

’t think it is .

One cup of coffee is not enough for m y brother

and m e . I think we want two .

Have you not enough coffee ?

I have enough coffee , but I have not enough

milk . C lTell th e servant to some water to my

sister in the cup wh bought for her yes


I think we shall need much money

in order to pay your bill and m ine .


Co za dlugi rachunek !

Moj j est o wiele (awe v’yeh

’leh ) mniejsz;r

(m n’yay


shih)Prosze m i dacm ego brata rachunek .

Ja ch ce zaplacié swoj rachunek dzisiaj .

N ie m am dosyé pieniedzy, by zaplacié twéj im ojChce isé do banku po poludniu i przyniesé wiecej

Gzy mesz dosyé, by zaplacié twoj i moj ?Tak,

m ysle, Ze wystarczy (vih

D laczego nie zaplaciles rachunku twej siostry ?

B o nie m ialem dosyé pieniedzy na zaplacenie

swego nawet .

N0 . III.

jednakze daj mi .

yed-nahk’zheh die m ee .

yet give to-m e .

Czy m asz pieniadze ?

Da j mi dwa dolary .

Nie m oge ci nic daé, poniewaz nie m am przy

(psh ih ) sobie

N ie m ysle, Ze bede m ial dosyé na

mego rachunku .

Moge ci dacwiecej , jeZeli (.yeh -zheh’lee) chcesz .

Daj mi ten kubek , prosze cie .

Ohoie l siedem dolarow , chociazmu nie byly po~

trzebne .

Czy m oZesz'


: m ej siostrze pieé (p’yentch )

dolarow jutro ?

What a long bill !

Mine is much smaller .

Please, give m e my brother’s bill .

I want to pay my bill to-day .

I have not enough money to pay yours and

mine .

I want to go to the bank this afternoon and

get more .

Have you enough to pay yours and mine ?

Yes, I think I have enough .

Why didn’t you pay your sister’s bill ?

Because I did not even have enough to pay my

own .

No. III.

Have you any money ?Give m e two dollars .

I cannot give you anything as I have nothingwith m e . I cannot give you any as I havenone with m e .

I don’t think I’ll have enough to pay my bill .

Give m e that cup, please .

He wanted seven dollars, although he did not

need them .

Can you give my sister five dollars to—morrow ?


Dlaczego two! sasiad nie chcial dac'

: czapki m e

mu synowi ?

Gzy m ozesz m i kuplc czapke za jakie dwa do

lary ?

Moj przyjaciel dal pieé dolarow b iednem u czlo

wiekowi,ktorego spotkal ( spawt

’kah l) na

ulicy .

Gzy twéj wa j m a duZo pieniedzy ?

N o. IV.

jezeli m ozesz .

yeh -zh eh’lee m aw’zhesz .

if you-can

Daj mi trzy (tsh ih ) dolary, jezeli m oZesz .

Gzy twoja matka dala ci pieniedzy ?

D laczego twoja siostra nie placi swego ra

chunku ?

Czy ty m yslisz , Ze on m a. pieniadze .

N ie, ja nie m ysle tego .

Ja wiem , Ze m asz pieniadze .

I le pieniedzy macie ?

N ie mamy bardzo wiele przy sobie, lecz w do

mu mamy bardzo wie le .

Gzy to ten wuj , ktory m a tyle pieniedzy ?

Tak, ten sam .

Gzy ty nie widziales czasam i m ojego ojca ?Widzialem go . B yl tu w sklepie przed chwila

(psh ed hvee’lone) i kupil ksiazke dla twej

siostry .

Gzy to twoja ksiazka?

Dlaczego ten sluzacy nie idaic po pieniadze ?

—55 -1

Why did your neighbor not want to give the

cap to my son .

Can you buy m e a cup for about two dollars ?

My friend gave five dollars to a poor m an

whom h e m et on the street .

12 . Has your uncle much money ?

N o. IV.

if you can .

1 . Give m e three dollars , if you can .

2 . Did your mother give you som e money ?

3 . Why doesn’t your sister pay h er bill ?

Do you think he has money ?No, I do not think so .

I know you have m oney .

How m uch money have you?We haven’t much with us, but we have verym uch at home .

I s it the uncle who h as so’much m oney ?

Yes, th e very one .

Did you not see m y father,‘perchance

I saw h im . He wa s here in th e store a m o

m ent ago and”

bought a book for your'

sister .

I s this your book ?

N o,it is m y brother

’s .

Why doesn’t that servant go for th e m oney ?

16. Gzy on m a isé po pieniadze l17. Tak, m a mi przyniesé sto (staw) dolarow z

banku .

N o. V.

kilka dolaréw i troche drobnych

keel’kah daw-lah’roof ee traw’h eh drab-nih’h .

a-few of-dollars and some of-change

Moze mesz troche drobnych ?

Jezeli m asz drobne,to m nie ich daj

Jezeli nie m oi esz mi dacdziesieé ( jeh’shentch )

dolarow, to daj mi chociaz troche drobnych .

Chociazbym mia l , to bym ci nie dal .

Dlaczego nie chcesz mi dackilka dolarow ?

Poniewaz sam ich nie m am .

Czy dalbys mi dolara , gdybys go mial ?

Twoja siostra da mi ten kubek, ktory ty kupi

les dla niejProsze dac tem u panu sto dolarow .

Czy pan nie m a troche drobnych przy sobie ?

Mam , moj panie , ale nikomu je nie dam .

Gzy on rzeczywiscie (zh eh -chih-

veesh 'ch eh ) ui

komu nic nie dal ?ChociaZby chcia l, to nie moze , bo sam nie m a

ani j ednego (yed-neh’gaw) centa

Chociaz m ysle, Ze m am dosyé pieniedzy na za

placenie twego i mego dlugu , jednakze dajm i, jezeli m ozesz , kilka dolarow i troche drob

h ych .



Ktéra godzina jest teraz ? piata ? Nie je

stem pewny . Ty nigdy nie wiesz , ktora godzina

jest .

N o . I.

Ktora godzina j est teraz ?

Ktoo’rah gaw-gee’na h yest teh’rah ss ?

What hour is now ?

1 . Teraz j est pierwsza godzina .

2 . Czy on tu byl o pierwszej godzinie ?

3 . Tak, a le pana nie bylo w domu .

4 . Powiedz m i, kto tu by! 0 drugiej (droo


godzinie .

5. N ie wiem panie , poniewaz nie bylem w domu

caly (tsah’lih ) dzien.

6 . Gzy teraz jest druga (droo’gah )

7 . O drugiej godzinie moj wuj m a isé ze m na do

sklepu .

8 . Ktora pani hyla z toba?9 . Gzy pani wie , ktory cz lowiek mowil pani , Ze te

raz je st pierwsza .

10. Jestem tu juz (yoozh ) dwie godziny .

11 . Dlaczego kupiles taka m ala czapke?

12 . N ie m oglem dostaé wiekszej13 . Mowili mi , Ze za godzine dadza (dah

’dzawn) mi

znaé (znahtch ) .

14 . Juz jest cztery godziny (chteh -ri gaw

N o. II.

N ie jestem pewny .

N’yeh yes

’tem pehv’nih


Wha t tim e is it now — Five o’clock ?

sure . You never know what time it is .

What time is it now ?

N o. I.

What time is it now ?

1 . It is one o’clock now .

2 . Was h e here at one o’clock ?

3 . Yes, sir, but you were not at home .

4 . Tell m e,who was here at two o

’clock .

5. I don’t know , sir, as I was out th e whole day .

It it two now ?

At two o’clock my uncle is to go to a store

with m e .

Which lady was with you ?

Madam , do you know which person told you

that it is one o’clock now ?

I have been here two hours already

Why did you buy so sm a ll a cap?

I could not get a larger one .

They to ld m e they would let m e know in an


It is four hours already .

N o. II.

I am not sure .


N ie jestem pewny, ezy to on ezy nie .

Czy pan jest pewny, fie pan dal mi pieé dola

row ?

Jestem bardzo pewny .

On nie j est bardzo pewny siebie .

Mowil m i, Ze przyjdzie na pewno .

Czybym byl taki pewny sieb ie, gdybym o tem

dobrze nie wiedzia l ?

7. Jestem pewny,ze ona tu byla o siodm ej

(shood’m ay) godzinie .

8 . Moj dobry wuj na pewno m i kupi ladna czapke

i kilka ksiazek .

On napewno zapoznil .

Gdybys tylko wiedzial co ja m am dla ciebie !

Jestem pewna , ze pa‘

nu juz zaplacilam .

Gzy to pewne ?

N ie zawsze moi e byé czlowiek pewnyTys pewnie go widzial u m nie .

Gzy to twoj dolar ezy moj , siostro ?Pewnie twoj nie wiem .

Jestem pewny, ze dziesiata j uz wyb ila .

Jedenasta j uz dawno wybila .

On m nie wyb il za nic .

N o. III.

nigdy nie wiesz


’dih u’yeh v


never not you-know .

Gzy wiesz , ze bylem w twojem domu dzisiaj

O ktorej godzinie ?O dziewiatej rano .

D laczego tak wczesnie ?

I am not sure if it is he or not .

Are you sure,sir, that you gave m e five dol

lars ?I’m very sure .

He’s not very sure of him self .

He told m e h e would com e for sure .

Would I be so sure of myself if I did not know

well about it ?

I am sure she was here at seven o’clock .

My good uncle will surely buy m e a nice cap

and a few books .

He was late for sure .

If you only knew what I have for you !I am sure, sir, that I pa id you already .

I s that a sure thing ?One can not always be sure .

You must have seen him at my house .

Sister, is that your dollar or m ine ?Maybe it’s yours . I don’t know .

I am sure that it struck ten already

It struck e leven long ago .

He hit m e for nothing .

N o. III.

You never know .

Do you know that I have house

to-day ?

At what time ?At nine in the morning .

Why so early ?

5. Balem sie, Ze cie nie zastane w domu .

6 . N o, i na pewno m nie nie zastales.

7 . Gzy nie wiesz , ktéra godzina jest ?

8 . Moj zegarek stanal .

9 . Moze zepsuty ?

10 . N ie, zapom nialem go nakrecié .

11 . Ty nigdy nie wiesz,, ktora godzina j est .

12 . Gzy oni o tem wiedza?

13 . Gzy twéj przyjaciel wie , Ze cieb ie nie m a w

dom u ?

14 . Ja m ysle, Ze wie, lecz nie jestem pewny .

15. MoZebys poszedl do niego i powiedzial m u , Ze

bede w dom u dOpiero jutro, o siodm ej godzi

nie wieczorem .

16 . Gdybys przyszedl troche pozniej , nie zastalbys

m u ie .

17 . Dokad ty idziesz?

18 . Musze byé u m ego bankiera o j edenastej19 . I dziem y do tego starego czlowieka ,

ktory m iesz

ka na Second Avenue .

Gzy ty wiesz , Ze twéj sasiad m a tyle pieniedzy,

ze kupil sobie nowy dom .


Dlaczego nie pozwolono ci wejsé do pokoju twe~

go brata ? P oniewaz m a osps, a ospa jest chorobazarazliwa, jak wiesz .

No. I.

D laczego nie pozwolo'no ci

D lah -ch eh’gaw n’yeh pawz -vaw -law'naw chee

Why not it-was-a llowed to-you

1 . N ie pozwolono mu w'

yjsé z domu .

2 . D laczego ci nie pozwolono ?

14 .


16 .

17 .

18 .

19 .

I was afraid I would not find you at home .

We ll, and you surely did not find m e at home .

Do you not know what time it is ?My watch ha s stopped .

Perhaps it is broken ?

No, I forgot to wind it .

You never know what tim e it is .

Do they know about that ?

Does your friend know you are not at home ?

I think h e knows , but I’m not sure .

Maybe you would go to him and tell h im that

I shall be hom e to m orrow, at seven in th e

e vening .

If you had com e a little later you would not

have found m e at hom e .

Where are you going ?I must be at m y banker

’s at eleven .We are going to that old m an . who

lives on

Second Avenue .

20. D o you know your neighbor h as so m uchm oney that h e bought him self a new house .


Why were you not allowed to enter your brother’sroom ? Because h e h as sm a ll -pox, and sm all-pox is

contagious , you know

N o. I .

Why were you not perm itted to

1 . He wa s not perm itted to leave the house .

2 . Why weren’t you,

a llowed?

- 64

3 . D laczego nie ch cesz wejsé ?4 . Gzy ci nie pozwolono tam wejsé ?5. Wejdz.

6. Dlaczego nie m am wejsé .

7 . B o ci nie pozwolono .

8 . Pozwclono mi wyjsé na ulice .

9 . Wejscie wzbronione .

10. To nie jest to wejscie .

11 . N ie pozwolono im wejsé do domu .

N o. II.

do pokoju twego brata .

daw paw-kaw’yoo tveh 'gaw brah’tah

to of-the-room of-your of-brother .

1 . N ie pozwolono jego siostrze wejsc’

: do

2 . Pozwol mi isé do niego .

3 . Jutro pozwole ci , lecz dzisiaj nie .

4 . Mam pozwolono wejsé do tego pokoju .

5. Nikomu nie pozwalam wchodzié do mego po

koju .

6 . Dla czego nie pozwolono twem u bratu wej sc’:

do srodka ?

7 . N ie wiem .

8 . Nawet wtedy nie pozwolilbym ci wej sé9 . Ten pan chce widzieé twego brata .

10. N ie pozwolono temu panu go widzieé .

N o. III.

Pom ewaz m a ospe.


’vahzh m ah awss’peh .

Because h e-has small-pox .

1 . Kto m a ospe?

2 . Moj brat .

3. Czy twoj przyjaciel m a ospe?

10 .

Moj brat j est w tym pokoju .

Co on tam robi ?

Lezy w loZku , m a ospe .

Nie pozwolono nikom u wchodzic'

do pokoju,

gdzie hyla ospa .

N ie m oge do niego isé , poniewaz on m a ospe .

Chlopiec naszego sasia da mial ospe .

Gzy ty wiesz , Ze m oj Oj c1ec m a ospo?Siostra m ej Zony nie chce do nas przyjsé, poniewaz m oj syn m a osps .

No. IV.

ospa j est zarazliwa choroba .

awss’pa l1 yest nah -rahzh - ’lee voh haw-raw’boh .

sm all-pox is infectious disease .

Gzy wiesz , Ze ospa j est zarazliwa ?

N ie wchodz do tego pokoju , m ozei jeszcze

Moj brat zarazil sie od swego przyjaciela , kto“.

ry choruje na ospe .

Teraz tyle ludzi“

nie um iera na osps jak po

przednio .

A to z jakiego powodu ?Ludzie wiedza wiecej o tej chorob ie i wystrze

ga je sis 191N ie pozwolono m u m ieszkaé z

, swa rodzina, po

niewaz chorowal na ospe.

Znam wiele ludzi , ktorzy mieli ospe.

Gzy pan m e m e, Ze tam nie wolno wchodz1c ?

D laczego nie pozwolono ci wejsé do pokoju twe

go brata ? Poniewaz m a ospo, a ospa jest

choroba zarazliwa, jak wiesz .

- 67

My brother is in that room .

What is h e dom g m there ?

He is lying in bed ; he has the small-pox .


was a llowed to enter the room where

there was small-pox .

I can’t visit him as h e has sm all-pox.

Our neighbor’s boy had sm all-pox .

Do you know that my father has small-pox ?My wife’s sister does not want to call at our

house, because m y son h as sm all-pox .

N o. IV .

small-pox is an infectious disease .

Do you know that sm all-pox is contagious ?r‘f‘

fi’t go into that room , you m lght catch th e

h sease .

My brother caught th e disease from h is friend

who is sick with the sm all-pox .

Now so many people do not die of sm all-pox

as before .

For what reason ?

People know more about this sickness and

guard against it .

He was not a llowed to live with h is family, be

cause h e h ad th e small-pox .

I know m any people who had the sm all-pox .

Do you not know , sir, _ that you are not per

m itted to enter there ?

Why were you not permitted to enter your

brother’s room ? Beca use h e has the sm all

pox, and small-pox is a contagious disease ,

you know .

G R A M M A R .


1 . There are three Genders in th e Polish language , th em asculine

, th e fem inine , and th e neuter .

2 . Nouns before which th e word “ten can b e used, are

of th e m a sculine gender ; a s , ten ojciec— th e father, ten kwiat


fl ower, ten kon— the horse .

3 . Nouns before which th e word “ta” can b e used, are

of the fem inine gender ; as , ta m atka— th e m other,

ta woda—th e water, ta sarna— th e deer .

4 . Nouns before which th e word “to” can b e used, are of

the neuter g ender ; a s, to dziecko— the child, to im ie— the

nam e , to krzeslo — the chair .

5. The words , ten, ta , to, do not correspond to th e English definite a rticle ; they serve to indicate only th e genderof nouns .

6. Generally speaking, m ost nouns ending in a con

sonant are m asculine,those ending in the vowel “a”, fem

inine , and those ending in the vowel “o”, neuter .

7. There are two Num bers, th e singular and the plura l .Form erly there was a dual num ber (denoting two objects ) ;at present it is used only with th e three nouns, oko— eye,

ucho— ear, and reka— hand .

8 . There are seven Ca ses, the nom inative , the genitive,th e dative , th e accusative , th e vocative , th e instrum ental,and the locative .

9 . Answers the question

1 . N om . Who or what ?2 . Gen . Whose or whereof ?

3 . Dat . To or for whom or what ?4 . Accus . Whom or what ?

5 . Voc . ( Case of the person addressed . )6 . Instr . With whom or what ? (The case denoting a s

sociation with . )7 . Loc . Where ? (Used with th e prepositions in, about,

after, on, by. )10. Besides th e above questions, certain prepositions

serve to indicate what ca se is used, or is to b e used .

11. There are three Declensions1 . The declension of m asculine nouns .

2 . The declension of fem inine nouns .

3 . The declension of neuter nouns .


This declension includes nouns of the m asculine genderwhich end in a consonant ; a s, wol— an ox, plot— a fence ,krol— a king, piec— a stove , Am erykanin— an Am erican, and

dim inutives ending in “o ;” a s, Jozio— Joey, Franio— Frankie .

1 I .

13. Masculnie nouns ending in a hard consonant ( t, d,s , z , k, g, p , b, f, n, m , l , r, ch, h) are declined as follows,

Aniol— An angel .

Singular. Plural .1 . Aniol an angel 1 . Aniol-owie angels

Aniol-y2 . Aniol-a of an angel 2 . Aniol-ow3 . Aniol-owi to an angel 3 . Aniol-omAniol-a an angel 4 . Aniol-y

Aniol-ow5. Aniel-e !* 0 ! angel 5. ( Sam e a s O ! angels6 . Aniol-em (with) an angel 6 . Aniol-am i (with) angels7. (w)Aniel an angel 7. (w )Aniol-ach ( in) angels

15. I n the 5th and 7th cases of this declension hardconsonants usually change to soft ones when followed by “e”



B .

Plot— A fence .

Singular.1 . plot a fence2 . plot-u of a fence3. plot-u to a fence4. plot a fence5. ploci-e l

“ 0 ! fence6. plot-em (with) a fence7. (w ) ploci-e

*( in) a fence

See N o. 15 .

Plural.plot-y fencesplot-ow of fencesplot-cm to fencesplot-y fences( Sam e a s 1 ) O ! fencesplot-am i (with) fences(w) plot-ash ( in) fences

II .

17. Ma sculine nouns ending in a soft consonant ( c, 6,dz

,dz, dz, sz , 55, s, z, 1, rz ), are declined as follows

Krol— The king

S ingular.

the kingof the kingto the kingthe king

Q ! king(with) th e king( in) the king

Plural .

krol- owie , krol-e the kingskrol-ow , krol-i of th e kingskrol- om to th e kingskrol - e , krél-éw th e kings( Sam e a s l st case ) 0 ! kingskrol - am i (w ith ) the kings(w ) krol-ach ( in) th e kings

B .

Piec— Th e stove .

Singular. Plural .

piec a stove 1 . piec-e stovespiec-a of a stove 2 . piec-ow of stovespiec-owi to a stove 3 . piec-om to stovespiec a stove 4 . piec-e stovespiec-u ! O ! stove 5 . piec-e ! O ! stovespiec-em (with ) a stove 6 . piec-am i (with) stoves(w) piec-u ( in) a stove 7 . (w) piec-ach ( in) stoves


20. Masculine nouns ending in the suffix “in” are declineda s follows

Am erykanin— An Am erican


Am erykanin

Am erykanin-a

Am erykanin-owi

Am erykanin-a

Am erykanini-e

Am erykanin-em

(w) Am erykanini-e

Plura l .

Am erykani-e Am ericansAm erykan-ow of Am ericansAm erykan-cm to Am ericansAm erykan-6w Am ericansAm erykan

Am erykani- e ! 0 ! Am ericansAm erykan-am i (w ith) Am ericans(w ) Am erykan-ach ( in) Am ericans

IV .

22 . Dim inutives in “0 ” are declined like the noun “krél”

in th e singular ( see above ) .


1 . J6z1°

o Joey2 . J6zi-a Joey’s3 . J6zio-owi to Joey4 . J6zi-a Joey5 . J6zi u ! Joey !6 . J6zi-em (with) Joey7 . (w) J6zi-u ( in) Joey


2 3 . This declension includes neuter nouns ending in “o”

preceded by a hard consonant, and in“e”

or“e” preceded

by a soft consonant .

I .

24 . Neuter nouns ending in o” preceded by a hard con

sonant are declined a s follows :

an Am ericanof an Am ericanto an Am ericanan Am erican0 ! Am erican(with) an Am erican( in) an Am erican

Kolo— A whee l .Singular. Plural.

1 . kolo a wheel 1 . kol-a wheels2 . kol -a of a wheel 2 . kél of whee ls3 . kol-u to a wheel 3 . kol-om to wheels4 . kol-o wheel 4 . kol-a whee ls5 . kol-o ! 0 ! whee l 5 . kol-a ! 0 ! wheels6 . kol-em (with ) a wheel 6 . kol -am i (with) wheels7 . (w) h ol e ( in) a whee l 7 . (w) kol- ach ( in) wheels

II .

N euter nouns ending in “e”

or“e” pre ceded by a soft

consonant are declined as follows :

A .

Pole— A field .

S ingular . Plura l.pol-e a field 1 . pol-a fieldspol-a of a field 2 . p61 of fieldspol-u to a field 3 . pol- om to fieldspol-e a field 4 . pol-a fieldspol-e ! 0 ! field 5 . pol-a i O ! fieldspol- em (with ) a field 6 . pol-am i (with) fields(w) polu ( in) a field 7 . (w) pol-ach ( in) fields

B .

Im ig— A nam e .

Singular. Plural .1 . im i-e a nam e 1 . im ion-a nam es

2 . im ieni-a of a nam e 2 . im ion of nam es

3 . im ieni-u to a nam e 3 . im ion-om to nam es

4 . im i-e a nam e 4 . im ion-a nam es

5 . im i-e ! 0 ! nam e 5 . im ion-a ! 0 ! names

6 . im ieni—em (with) a nam e 6 . im ion-am i (with) nam es

7 . (w ) im ieni-u ( in) a nam e 7 . (w )im ion-ach ( in) nam es


29. This declension includes fem inine nouns ending in“a”

and“i” ; as . b aba — an o ld w om an, pani— a lady, or in

— 74

II .

N H N' ”33 . Nouns ending in a or 1 preceded by a soft con

sonant ; a s, kania— a kite ( a bird ), pani— m istress,lady, are

declined thusA .

Kania— A kite ( a bird) .Singular. P lural.

kani-a a kite 1 . kani-e kitesof a kite 2 . mm of kites

kani to a kite 8 . kani-om to kiteskani-e a kite 4 . kani-e kiteskani-o ! O ! kite 5 . ( Sam e as O ! kiteskani-a (with ) a kite 6 . kani-am i (with) kites(w) kan-i ( in) a kite 7 . (w ) kani-ach ( in) kites


Pani— A lady .

Singular. Plural .pani a lady 1 . pani-e ladiespani of a lady 2 . pan of ladiespani to a lady 3 . pani-om to ladiespani-a a lady 4 . ( Sam e as ladiespani ! O ! lady 5 . ( Sam e as O ! ladiespani-a (with) a lady 6 . pani-am i (with ) ladies(w) pani ( in) a lady 7 . (w) pani-ach ( in) ladies


36. Nouns ending in a soft consonant are declined thus

A .

Kosé— A bone .

Singular. Pluralkosé a bonekosc-i of a bonekos

c-i to a bonekosé a bonekose-i ! 0 ! bonekosci-a (with) a bone

(w ) kose-i ( in) a bone

koso-i boneskose-i of boneskosci-om to boneskosc-i boneskosc-i ! 0 ! boneskosé-m i (with) bones

(w) koéci-ach ( in) bones

B .

Twarz - The face .

Singular. Plural.the face 1 . twarz ~e the facesof the face 2 . twarz-y of the facesto the face 3 . twarz-om to the facesth e face 4 . twarz-e the faces

5 . twarz-y ! 0 ! face 5 . twarz-e ! O ! faces6 . twarz-a (with) the face 6 . twarz-am i (with) the faces7 . (w ) twarz-y ( in) the face 7 . twarz-ach ( in) the faces


Only three nouns are so declined .


1 . oko 1 . ucho the ear

2 . oka. 2 . ucha of the ear

3 . oku 3 . uchu to the ear

4 . oko 4 . ucho the ear

5 . oko ! 0 ! eye 5 . ucho ! O ! ear6 . okiem (with) the eye 6 . uchem (with ) the ear7 . (w) oku ( in) the eye 7 . (w ) uchu ( in) the ear

1 reka the hand2 reki of the hand3 . rece to the hand4 reka the hand5 . reka 0 ! hand6 . reka (with) the hand7 . (W) reku ( in) the hand

Dual and Plural .

1 . oczy ( dual ) 1 . uszy (dua l ) 1 . rece (dual)2 . cezu (dual ) 2 . uszu (dual ) 2 . rak (pl. )3 . oczom (pl . ) 3 . uszom (pl. ) 3 . rakom (pl. )4 . ( Sam e as 4 . ( Sam e as 4 . ( Sam e as

5 . ( Sam e as 5 . ( Sam e as 5 . ( Sam e as

6 . oczym a ( dual) 6 . uszym a (dual) rekom a (dual )7 . (w)


oczach (pl ) 7 . (w ) uszach (pl .) 7 . (w ) reku (dual)


The nouns oko and ucho are a lso declined regularly inthe plural , but then they have different m eanings .

Sing. Dual Reg. Pluralucho— ear uszy— ears ucha— ears (handles, straps )oko — eye oczy— eyes oka— eyes ( of needles, etc. )


41 . The noun “tydzie1’1” week is declined as follows

2 . tygodnia , 3 . tygodniowi, 4 . tydzier’i,

5 . tygodniu ! 6 . tygodniem , 7 . (w ) tygodniu .

P1ural . : 1 . tygodnie, 2 . tygodni, 3 . tygodniom , 4 . tygod

nie, 5 . tygodnie ! 6 . tygodniam i, 7 . (w ) tygodniach .

42 . D ziecko— child , h as plura l dzieci— children .

Cz lowiek— m an h as plura l ludzie— m en,people .

Rok— year h as plural lata— years .

43 . The following nouns are used only in the plura lskrzypce (violin), lowy (hunt), drwa (kindlings), wrota

(gate ), oczeta ( little eyes ), drwinki ( jests), widly ( pitchfork), grabie ( rake ), sanie ( sled), noi eta ( little legs), gusla ( sorcery), krosna ( loom ), korowody (form alities), grochowiny ( pease-straw) .

44. Severa l nam es of cities, countries, villages, m ountains and other geographical places, and the nam es of holidays and nationa l custom s , are found in the plura l only, as,Indje ( India ), Wlochy ( Ita ly), Prusy (Prussia ), Alpy (TheAlps), Bielany (nam e of a town) , urodziny (birth day), im ieniny (nam e

’s day), Zie lone Swiatki (Whitsuntide ), etc.

45. Som e nouns appear only'

in one case ; as, pél na p61

(ha lf and half), wet za wet ( tit for tat) .46. Nouns ending in um (gimna zjurn, m uzeum , archiWum ), are not declined in the singular, but are declined inthe plura l , according to the following form :

Plura l : 1 . m a zes , 2 .

'm uze6w, 3 . m uzeom , 4 . muzea , 5 .

m unea ! 6 . m uzeam i, 7 . (w) m uzeach .


47. The declension of the adjectives is m odeled aftertha t of the pronouns48. The persona l and refl exive pronouns have a deelen

$10 11 different from that of the rest -of the pronouns .


1st and 2nd PERSONS .


l st Person.

ia— I

m nie— of m e

m uie, m i— to m e

m ie, m nie— m e

m na— (with) m e

(we ) m nie— ( ln) m e

Plural .

m y— we wy- you

nas— of us was— of you

nam — to us wam — to you

nas— us was— you

nam i— ( t h ) us wam i— (with) you(w ) nas— ( ih ) us (w) was— ( in) you


Singular and Plural .

siebie— of self .

sobie— to selfsie or sieb ie— selfsoba— (with) se lf(w) sobie— ( ih) self .



on— he ; Q ua — she ; ono— it

jego— his ;“

j ej- her ; jego— itsjem u— to him ; jej— to her ; jem u or mu— to it

go or jego—l-him ; jar— her ; je - it

nim —(with) him ; nia niem— (with) it”

(w) nim - ( ih) it ; (w ) niej— ( in) her ; (w) niemi— ( in) it

2nd Person.

ty— you

cieb ie— of you

tobie , ci— to you

cie, ciebie— you

toba— (with) you(w), tobie— ( in) you

78 m

Plura l .

Personal Form . Im personal Form .

oni— they one - theyich— the ir ich— theirim — to them im -to themich— them je— them

Instr . niem i— (with) them nien n— (with) them(w) nich — ( in) them (w) nich— ( ln) them

52 . The persona l form of pronouns , adjectives and verbs,is used with persona l m a sculine nouns only ; the i m personalform with a ll other nouns,— m asculine im personal, feminineand neuter .

Widze ich . I see them ( th e m en, the brothers , etc.)Widze je . I see them (the wom en

,children, the houses,

the horses ) .


Kto, co.—Who, which .

kto— who cc— wh ichkogo— whose czego— whosekom u— to whom czem u— to wh ichkogo— whom co— wh ichhim — (with) whom czem— (with ) which(W) kim— ( ln) whom (w ) czem— ( in) which

54 . Kto, co are a lso used as interrogative pronouns ;kto ? co — who ? which ? what ?

55. Co m ay be used instead of the pronoun ktory, a , ethat, but only when the antecedent is evident .


co ich

co im

co ich—cc jeco niemi

co w nich


Ten— ta— to. This .

S ingularMasc.

ten— thistego— of thistem u— to thistego, ten— thistym — (with ) this(w) tym — ( in) this

Plural .

Personal Form .

ci— thesetych— of thesetym

— to theseci— thesetem i— (with ) these(w) tych— ( in) these

58. Tam ten, tam ta , tam to— that one ; on, a , o— h e, she


it ; ow, a , o —that ; sam , a , o— alone , self ; wszystek, a , 0

all ; jeden, a, o— one ; niejeden, a , o— m any a ; m oj , m oja,

m oje— m y ; tw6j , a , e — your ; swoj , a , e— h is , her, its, hers ,their, theirs ; nasz , a , e— our, ours ; wa sz , a , e— your, yours,are all declined like the m odel above with the one exceptionthat in the accus. sing. fem . th e ending a is used instead of

e; as , tam ta instead of tam te; owa, sam a, m oja, etc .

59. N ikt— nobody ; ktos-som ebody ; ktoz— wh o then ? ; htokolwiek, ktobadi— whoever, are a ll declined like the pronoun

60. Cos— som ething ; cos— what ? cokolwiek, co badianything, are declined like th e pronoun co—z—wnat . The suf

fixes s, in, kolwiek, badi , are a lways placed after the caseending ; as ,




K egobadi

K im badé

(w) Kim badi

Im personal Form .




tem i



Czem ukolwiek


Czem kolwiek

(w ) Czem kolwiek

61 . The rest of th e pronouns, that is those which are

declined neither a ccording to h to, co, nor a ccording to ten,

ta, to, follow the so-called adjective declension which will b etaken up under adjectives .

THE ADJECTIVE62 . Adjectives m ust agree with th e nouns they m odify

in num ber, gender and case .

63. I n the singu lar the m as culine term ination is “y” or

“i”, the fem inine “a”, and th e neuter “e” . I n the plura l them asculine persona l has “y” or

“i”,and the other genders “e”

Singular.Fem .

dobrataniaPlural .

dobrzy dobre dobretani tanie tanie

64. Participles having th e sam e endings as adjectives,are declined according to the adjective declension .

65. Ordina l num era ls ( pie rwszy, a , e— fi rst ; czwarty, a ,

e— fourth), proportionate num era ls and pronouns whose m as

culine singu lar ends in “y”or“i” ; as

,taki— such, ktéry

which, who, what, inny— other, pewny— a certain, etc., a lsocom e under this declension .


Singular.Masculine . Fem inine

1 . dobry, tani dobra , taniaz. dobrego, taniego dobrej , taniej3 . dobrem u , taniem u dobrej , taniej dob rem u , taniem u

4 . dobrego, taniego dobra, tania dobre, tania(used with anim atebeings)dobry

,tani (used

jects)5 . dobry, tani dobra , tania dobre, tania6 . dobrym , tanim dobra, tania dobrem ,


7 .


(w ) dobrym , tanim dobrej , taniej dobrem , taniem

Plural.slutacyslui acych


S lui acych


sluzacem i

(w ) sluzacych

II .



1 . szkolne , 2 . szkolnego, 3 . szkolnem u,4 . szkolnego, 5 .

szkolne ! 6 . szkolnem , 7 . (w ) szkolnem .




B rachocka (a surnam e ) krélowa ( a queen)B rachockiejB rachockiej krélowejB rachocka krolowaB rachocka ! krélowa !

B rachocka krélowaB rachockiej krélowej

Plural .B rachockie kroloweB rachockich krolowych

B rachockim krélowym

B rach ockie krélowe

B rachockie krélowe

B rach ockiem i krélowem i

(w) B rachockich krélowych


There are three degrees :1 . The Positive Degree— l aduy (nice ) .

2 . Th e Com parative Degree—J adniejszy (nicer) .3 . The Superlative Degree— najladniejszy (nicest).

77. The words jak (how , as), niby ( as if, so to speak)are used with the positive degree

78. The words od, nad, nit, nizeli, nisli, ani zeli ( than)are used with the com parative degree .

79 . The words z ( ze ) m iedzy ( am ong ), z 110

m iedzy (from am ong) are used with the superlative degree .

80. The com parative degree is form ed from the positiveby adding the suffix “sz”, and th e sex endings , y, a , e or say,

saa , sze to th e stem of the words ; as,

s tar-y (old) slab-y (weak) lakom -y (greedy)star-szy, a , e slab-szy, a , e lakom -ezy , a , e

81. The superlative degree is form ed by adding the prefix “naj to the form of the com parative ; as ,

Pos . stary slaby lakom y

Com p . starszy slab szy lakom szy

Super. najstarszy najslab szy najlakonl szy

82 . For the sake of euphony the following changes are

m ade before 'the suffix “sa” z

a ) The letter k -ek, -ok) is dropped ; as, slod-ki, slod-szy—szyb-ki, szyb-szy— cien-ki

,cier’i-szy— dal-eki, daL szy

gleb-oki, gleb-szy .

83. b ) The consonants g, n and l are softened ; as, dlugi,dluzszy— ukochany, ukoch ar

iszy— czuly, czulszy .

84 . c) The vowels a , o and a are changed to e and e; as,

bialy— b ielszy, wesolym weselszy, m adry— m edrszy .

85. d) Adjectives which conta in the liquid consonants11 , 1, r and w , preceded by som e other consonant, have b efore the sufilx sz th e syllable ej which softens the precedinghard "

consonant ; as , piekny— piekniejszy, przedni— przedniejv

say, naglym naglejszy, ostry— ostrzejszy, trzez’

wy— trzez'


wiejszy .


Dobry (good ),— lepszy (better), —najlepszy (best)Zly (bad), -gorszy

‘(worse ), —najgorszy (worst).

( large ),— wiekszy ( larger),— najwiekszy ( largest) .Maly ( small) , -mniejszy ( sm alle r), —najnm iejszy ( smallest).

87. Many adjectives that express a quality which cannotbe increased . or dim inished, are not com pared ; as, prawy( right), lewy ( left), ustny ( oral ), zelazny ( iron), slom iany

( straw), etc .


a ) The following adverbs are used with the positivedegree

bardzo (very) wca le ( quite , very)nader ( extrem ely, very) nadzwyczaj (unusually)wielce (greatly) troche (a little , not m uch )nieco ( som ewhat) dosyé (enough )prawie (alm ost) niem al (nearly)byle (m ere ) lada ! (the first the best)e . g. dosé dobry (good enough)

nieco m aly ( som ewhat sm all)wielec zuchwaly (greatly a rrogant) .

89. b ) Th e‘

following adverbs are used with the com ~

parative degreewiecej, bardziej (m ore)mniej ( less)

e . g. wiecej zuchwaly (m ore arrogant),mniej gadatliwy ( less ta lkative ),b ardziej goracy (hotter).

90. c) The following adverbs are used with the super

najwiecej , najbardziej (the m ost) , najm niej (the least).


The declension of num era ls is m ostly the sam e as that of

92 . DWAJ, DWA, DWI E (TWO).

Persdnal (Mm ) Impersonal

Dwie gruszki( two gentlem en) (two kni

ves) ( two pears)1 dwaj panowie dwa note dwie gruszki

3 . dwom panom dwn noi om

dWOm noi om dwom gruszkom

4 . dwoch panéw dwa note

5 . dwaj panowie ! dwa noi e ! dwie gruszkil

6 . dwom a panam i dwom a nozam i dwiem a gruszkami

7 . (w)dw6ch panach (we ) dwéch nozach (w) dwn gruszkach

(w) dwu nozach (w ) 2 -ch gruszkach

93. Obydwaj , obydwa , obydwie (both ) is declined in thesam e m anner as the above .

94. TRZEJ, CZTEREJ— TRZY, CZTERY (3,Personal Form . Im personal Form .

Trzej bracia ( three brothers) Trzy lokcie , slows , panie(three yards, words, ladies)

1. trzej bracia ( three brothers) trzy lokcie, slowa , panie2 . trzech braci ( of the 3 bros. ) trzech lokci, sléw , pan

3. trzem braciom (etc. ) trzem , etc. etc .

4. trzech braci trzy5. trzej bracia ! trzy6. trzem a braém i trzem a

7. (w ) trzech braciach (w ) trzech

95. NOTE z— Dwéch , trzech , czterech m ay be used iastead of dwaj , trzej , czterej .

96. P IEé , SZESC, S IEDM— 99 (5, 6, 7 to

These numera ls and the adjectives kilku ( a few), hilkenascie (several ), wiele (m any), ile (how m any), tyle ( so

have a; separate declension of their own in two

form s depending whether the num era l is used alone or in

conjunction with a noun ; as, Dalem jalm ufzne pieciom ( I

gave a lm s to five), and, Dalem jalm uine pieciu Zebrakom ( I

gave a lms to five beggars) .97. When used by itself it is declined as follows

Personal Form . Impersonal Form .

1 . pieciu (kilka , ilu) piecpicein

3 . pieciom pieciom

4 . pieciu piec5 . pieciu piec !

pieciom e ;(w) pieciu

— 86

98. Whenu sed wi th a noun, its onl y case ending is u,but the noun is infl ected ; as,Personal Form . Im persona l Form .

Pieciu chIOpcéw Pieé S iostr, koni m is st( five boys) ( five sisters, horses, cities )1 . pieciu chlopcéw pie


siéstr, koni m is st2 . pieciu chlopcow pieciu siéstr, koni m is st3 . pieciu chlopcom pieciu siostrom , koniom , m iastom

4 . pieciu chlopcéw Sam e a s nom inative5. piscia chlopcam i Sam e a s nom inative6 . pieclu oniopcami pieciu siostram i, konm i, m iastam i

7. (w) pieciu chlopcach (w) pieciu siostrach , koniach , m i a stach

99. Ohoje (both, two of them ), troje ( three of them ),czworo (four), piecioro (five ), kilkoro (a few ), etc., are de

clined as follows1 . Czworo ludzi (four people )2 . czworga ludzi (of the four people )3 . czworgu ludziom (to the four people )4 . czworo ludzi (the four people )

czworo ludzi ! (four people ! )6 . czworgiem ludzi (with four pe ople )7 . (w) czworgu ludziach ( in four people ) .

100. s'

ro, DWI ESCI E ,TRZYSTA ( 100, 200,

When sto (hundred) is used a lone , it is declined as a nounof the neuter gender ; as ,

Singular Plural Dual

1 . sto sta scie (dwie-scie )2 . sta set stu (dwu -stu)3 . stu stom stu

4 . sto sta scie (dwie-scie )5 . sto sta scie6 . stem stami stom a

7 . (w) scie (w) stach (w ) stu

101. If sto”is used a s a num era l, then it is declined so

Personal and Impersonal Form s .

1 . stu chlopcéw

2 stu chlopcéw stu kob iet

3 . stu chlopcom

4 . stu‘


5 . sto chlopcow ! sto kobiet !

6 . stu ch lopcam i stu kob ietam i

7 . (w) stu ch lopcach (w) stu kob ietach

102 . DWI EéCIEPersona l and Im personal Form s.

1 . dwustu m ei éw dwiescie k oni

2 . dwustu m ei éw dwustu koni3 . dwustu m ei om dwustu koniom

4 . dwustu m eiow dwiescie koni5 . dwiescie m ei éw dwiescie koni6 . dwu stu m ei am i dwustu kor'im i7 . (w) dwustu m etach (w) dwustu koniach


Personal and Im personal Form s.

1 . trzystu m ei éw trzysta koni2 . trzech set or trzystu m . trzech set or trzystu koni3 . trzem set or trzystu m . trzem set or trzystu konion'

4 . trzech set or trzystu m . trzysta koni5 . trzysta m ezéw ! trzysta koni !6 . trzystu m ei am i trzystu kofim i

7 . (w) trzech set or trzystu (w) trzech set or trzystu ko.

m esach niach104 . Czterysta (400) is declined like trzysta .

105. P ieéset, szeééset, etc. (five hundred, six hundred,etc. ) are declined like pieé (five ) with the addition of the

syllable “set”.

106. Tysiac ( a thousand) and m iljon (a m illion) are

declined regularly like nouns of the m asculine gender, thefirst according to the paradigm krol”, and the latter according to paradigm “

aniol”. ( See N os . 18 and 14 respectively. )


107. The adverb is used to m odify the m eaning of a

verb , an adjective or another adverb .

108. Most adverbs are form ed from adjectives,but there

are m any form ed a lso from nouns , verbs , prepositions and

num era ls ; a s, ranck (noun)— m orning, rankism ( adv. ) —in

the m orning, widzieé (vb . ) —to see , widocznie (adv. )— ev

idently, co (pronoun) —what, czem u (adv. ) —why ? , dobry

(adj . )— good, dobrze ( adv . ) -we ll , jeden (num era l ) - one,

jednakowo— ln one way, in the sam e m anner, za tem (prep .

and pro . )— after that, zatem ( adv . )— consequently .

109 . Most adverbs of m anner and degree adm it of com

parison . Such adverbs are generally com pared like adjectives .

1 10. Wolny (adj . )— slow, wolniejszy— slower, najwolniej

szy— slowest .

woluo ( adv . )— slowly, wolniej— slower, najwolniej— slowest .glosny ( adj . )— loud, glosniejszy— louder, najglosniejszyloudest ;

glosno ( adv . )— loudly, glosniej— louder, najglosniej— loudest.slodki — sweet , slodszy— sweeter, najslodszy— the

sweetest ;slodko ( adv. )— sweetly, slodziej— m ore sweetly


m ost sweetly .

b iegly ( adj . ) skillful— b ieglejszy— najbieglejszy;b iegle ( adv. ) skillfully— b ieglej— najb ieglej .

111 . The Positive Degree of the adverb is form ed fromthe adjective by sub situting the ending “0 ” or

“e”for the

adjective ending “y” or“i” .

112 . The Com parative Degree is form ed from the pos

itive by adding the consonant “j” to adverbs ending in “e” ;by changing th e final 0 to e and adding “j”. For the sakeof euphony certa in consonants before the ending “ej

” becom e

softened ; as, glosno, glosniej— slodko ( slodkiej ), slodziej .

113 . The Superlative D egree is form ed by prefixing thesyllable “naj to the com parative degree .


114. Prepositions are used with the genetive , dative , aocusative , instrum ental , and locative cases . Som e prepositionsare used with only one of these cases , others with two,

others with three .

115. The prepositions u— at ; cd— from ; do— to ; dla— for ;her —without ; take only the genetive .

116 . Ku (k) —towards,takes only the dative .

117. Przez— through , across, during, takes only the s e

cusative ,

118. Przy - at, near, by, about, takes only the locative .

B ez .

N ie m oge czytaé b ez ksiazki . I cannot read without a

book130. Ku

Wojsko m aszerowalo ku Krakowu . The arm y was m arching towards Cracow

131 . Prze z .

U czylem sie przez ca la godzine . I studied during th e

whole hour .

On uczynil to sam przez sie . H e did that of h is own

accord .

Zosta l zab ity prze z Zolnierza . He wa s killed by a soldier.Zrob il to przez wdziecznoéc

. He did that out of gra titude .

Przez m orza plyneli do Am eryki . Across the seas theysa iled to Am erica

132 . Przy

N ie m a in pieniedzy przy sobie . I ha ve no m oney about

Siedzial przy stole i jadl . He was sitting a t a tab le and

eating .

133 . Przed (przede ) .Wystapil przed wszystkich . He stepped out in front of

Sta l przede m na . H e stood before m e .

134. W .

Wpadl w rzeke . He fell into th e river .

Kapa l sie w rzece . H e was bathing in the river .

135. O .

Musis z m yslec o innych tea. You m ust think of others

Jest o glowe wiekszy . H e's taller by a head .

Zebrak prosil o jalm uzne . The beggar asked for a lm s .

O czem m owisz ? What are you speaking about ?

Spotkam cie o drugiej godzinie . I’ll m eet you at two

o’clock .

Gzy slysza les o tern ? Did you hear about it ?

Zyl o ch leb ie i o wodzie . He lived on bread and water .

136. N a .

I da na obiad . Go to your dinner .

Mam tu sukno na surdut . I have here som e cloth for a

coat .Wojsko,

idzie na nieprzyjaciela . The arm y is m archingagainst th e enem y .

N a m 6j koszt . At m y cost .

On jest zly z natury . He’s bad by nature .

Um re z glodu jezeli m i nie dasz cos jesé . I’ll die of hun

ger if you don’t give m e som ething to eat .

Ten stol jest zrob iony z debowego drzewa . This table ism ade of oak wood .

137. Za .

Za kréla Jana . I n king John’s reign.

Za panowania kréla Jana . During king John’s reign.

Bede u cieb ie za godzine. I shall b e at your house in an

hour’s tim e .

Polacy walczyli za ojczyzne . The Poles fought for theircountry .

P rowadzila ja za reke . Sh e led her by the hand .

I le i ada Pan za to ? How m uch do you want for this ?

I di tam za m u ie . Go there in m y place .

Sta l zaraz za m na . He stood right behind m e .

P owiesili go za m orderstwo . H e was hung for m urder .

138. P 0 .

Ubrany po angielsku . He is dressed after the Englishfashion .Wszystko idzie po jego woli . Everything goes accordingto h is will .

Byl po szyje we wodzie . He was up to h is neck in water.On ch odzi po m uzeach . He visits the m useum s .

Jei dzi po kraju . He travels through the country .

Gzy jui po lekcyi? I s th e le sson over ?

139. Mim o (pom im o) .

Przeszedl m im o m u ie . He passed near m e .

P om im o deszczu wyszedlem na ulice . Notwithstandingthe ra in I went out on th e street .

Ja to zrob ie pom im o tego . I’ll do it in spite of that .

140. Z ( ze ) .

Zkad idziesz? Where are you com ing from ?

On jest rodem zWarszawy . He’s a native of Warsaw .


141 . The Polish verb has two Voices, the active , and

passive .

142 . There are four Modes, the indicative , im perative ,infinitive , and conditiona l . To them are added, in the con

jugation of th e verb , the participles .

143 . There are four Tenses, th e present, past, past perfeet and the future . The past perfect is rare and unim port

ant in Polish and m ay usually be replaced by the past .

144. Many verbs have different form s in the sam e tensediffering in m eaning . There is a form for com pleted action— action finished at once ; a s, siaéé (to sit down), for in

com pleted action— action not yet finished or still continuingor progressing ; a s, siadaé ( to b e in the act of sitting)— and

for frequentative action— action taking place often ; a s, sia

dywaé (to be in the habit of sitting) .145. The indicative m ode is the only one which contains

all the tenses .

146. The conditiona l m ode has two tenses, the present— denoting an a ction which m ay take place in th e near or

far future, - and the past— denoting a supposed action in pasttim e .

147. The im perative m ode is not conjugated, but like theother m odes it m ay denote com pleted, incom plete or frequen

tative action ; a s, p isz (write now and continue writing), pisuj (write som etim es or often), napisz (write and finishwriting).

148. There are two form s of the participle, the declin

able , and indeclinable . The declinable is declined for num

ber, gender, and case .

149 . There are present, past, and future participles .

150. There are three Persons .

151 . There are two Num bers, as in nouns . I n som e

cases the plural h as two form s,the personal and the im per

sonal .152 . The Stem of a verb is its fundam enta l pa rt, from

which its various tenses are form ed. The stem of kochaé

(to love ) is kocha , of slyszeé (to hear), slyszy, of gasi'

é (to

quench), gasi, of krajaé (to cut), kraje .

152 . There are three Conjugations .

— 94

I shall b eThou wilt b eHe will b eWe shall b eYou will b eThey will b e

Conditional Mode .

Present Tense .


Masc. Fem .

B ylbym byl , B ylabym hyla I should have beenB ylbysbyl , B ylabysbyla Thou wouldst have

!beenB ylby byl , B ylaby hyla , B yloby bylo He , she , it would

!have beenPlural .

Personal Im personal ( See N o .

B ylibysm y byli, bylyby byly, We should have beenB ylibyscie byli, bylybysm y byly, You would have beenB yliby byli, bylybyscie byly, They would h. been

Im personal ( See NO.

bylysm y We werebylyscie You werebyly They were

Future Tense

I should beThou wouldst be

byloby He , sh e , it would be

Im persona l ( S ee N o.

bylybysm y We should b ebylybyscie You would b ebylyby They would b e

Past Tense.




Singular. Plural .1 .

-m 1 .— m y

2 .- sz,

— s 2 .— cie

3 .— t, extinct, found on 3 .

—n (prim itive — nt)ly in word

“jest”) which after the droppingof th e t, and com biningwith the preceding vowel

, 4 .

becam e the nasal “a”

166 . These endings are added direct‘y to the stem or

with the help of certa in vowels ; a s, byl— e— m z bylem ,— I

was .

167. Since the form s bylem , byles, etc. , are com pound ,their endings can b e separated from them and added to thepreceding word ; a s,

“gdy bylem

”(when I was ) can be

changed to “gdym byl My bylism y m ysm y byli , etc. etc.



Infinitive Mode .


168. Dbac— to care , to heed .

Indicative Mode .

Present Tense .

I careThou carestHe cares

You careThey care

Past Tense .

Dbalem (Masc . )Dbalam (Fem . )

2 . Dbales (Masc. )Db alas (Fem . )

3 . Db al



1 . Dbalism y (Pers . , see

Dbalysm y ( I m personal )

I caredI caredThou caredst

Thou caredst

He caredShe caredIt caredWe caredWe cared

2 . Dbaliscie (Pers. ) You caredDbalyscie ( Im pers . ) You cared

3 . Db ali (Pers . ) They caredDbaly ( Im pers . ) They ca red

171. Past Perfect Tense .

1 . Dbalem byl (m asc . ) I had caredDbalam byla (fem . ) I h ad cared

2 . Db ales byl (m asc . ) Thou hadst caredDbalas byla (fem . ) Thou hadst cared

3 . Dbal byl (m asc . ) H e h ad caredDbala byla (fem . ) She h ad caredDbalo hylo (neuter) It h ad cared

1 . Db alism y byli (Pers . ) We h ad caredDbalysm y byly ( Im pers . ) We h ad cared

2 . Db aliscie byli (Pers . ) You had caredDb alyscie byly ( Im pers .) You had cared

3 . Dbali byli (Pers . ) They had caredDbaly byly ( Im pers . ) They h ad cared

Past ( Im personal) .

Dbano It was cared, heededThey cared, they heeded

173 . Future Tense .

Bede dba l, a , 0 , or dbac— I shall careB edziesz dbal, a , 0 , or dbac— Thou wilst careB edzie dbal, a , 0 or dbac— H e wi ll careB edziem y dbali (pers . form ), dbaly ( im pers . form ), or

dbac (pers . im pers . form )—We shall careB edziecie dhali (pers . form ), dbaly ( im pers . form ), or

dbaé (pers . im pers . form ) -You will careBeda dbali (pers . form ), db aly ( im pers . form ), or dbac


(pers . im pers . form )— They will care

174 . Conditional Mode .

Present Tense .

1 . Dbalbym (m asc .) I should careDbalabym (fem . ) I should care

2 . Dbalbys (m asc . ) Thou wouldst careThou wouldst care

- 98



Infinitive Mode .

182 . Present.Mowié ( to say, to speak) L iczyé (to count)

Indicative Mode .

183 . Present Tense .

Méwie— I speak Licze— I countM6wisz -Thou speakest L iczysz— Thou countest

Méwi— H e speaks L iczy— He countsMowim y—We speak L iczym y—We countMowicie— You speak L iczycie— You countMowia— They speak Licza— They count184 . Past Tense .

Mowilem (m . )— I spoke Liczylem — I countedMéwilam (f . ) —I spoke L iczylam — I countedMowiles (m . )— Thou spokest L iczyles— Thou countedst

Mowilas (f . ) —Thou spokest Liczylam — Thou countedst

Méwil (m . ) —He spoke Liczyl— He countedMéwila (f . ) - She spoke L iczyla— She countedMéw ilo (n. ) —I t spoke L iczylo— I t countedMéwilism y (p . ) —We spoke L iczylism y—We countedMowilysm y ( i. ) -We spoke Liczylyém y—We countedM6wiliécie (p . ) - You spoke Liczyliscie— You countedM6wilyscie ( i. )— You spoke Licz


ylyscie— You countedMéwili (p . ) —They spoke L iczyli— They countedMowily — They spoke L iczyly— They counted

185. Past Perfect Tense .

Mowilem byl— I h ad spoken L iczylem byl— I had countedMowilam byla— I h ad spoken L iczylam byla— I had counted

etc. etc.

(Com pare with N o.

186 . Future Tense .

Bede m 6wil, a , 0 or m owié Bede liczyl or liczyé— I shallI shall speak count

Bedziesz m éwil; a ,0 or m d

wic— l-Thou whilst speakB edzie m 6wil, a , 0 or m owié

—He will speak

Bedziem y m 6wili (prs . form . ) B edziem y liczyli or liczyé

mowily ( im pers . form .) or We shall countmowié—We shall speak etc.

Bedziecie m 6wili (pers . form . )m 6wily ( im pers . form . ) or

m 6wié— You will speakBeda m éwili (pers .

m 6wily ( im pers . form ) or

or mowié— They sha ll sp .

(Com pare with N o.

Participles .

Conditional Mode .

187. Present.Mowilbym — I should say L iczylbym — I should count

etc. etc.

(Com pare with N o .

188. Past.B ylbym m éwil (m . f . ) I B ylbym liczyl— I should have

should have sa id countedetc. etc.



Méwilbym byl L iczylbym byletc.

( Com pare with N o.

189. Im perative Mode .

Mow— Speak (thou) Lies— CountMéwi e— Speak (thou ) etc.

N iech m owi— Let h im speakM6wmy— Let us speakMéwm ya— Let us speakM6wcie — Speak (ye )Méwciea— Speak (ye )N iech m 6wia— Let them sp .

Participles .

190. PresentMowiac ( indic . ) —Speaking L1ezec— CountingMowiacy, a , e (dec. ) -Speak

’g Liczacy, a , e— Counting

191 . Past.M6wil- Sa id Liczyl— Counted


192 . Past Perfect.Méwiwszy— Having spoken Liczywszy— Having counted

193 . Future .

Indeclinable .

Majac m ow ie— About to sp . Majac liczyé— About to countDeclinable .

Majacy, a , e m ow1e— About Majacy, a , e liczyé— About toto speak count194. Gerund .

Mowienie— Speaking L iczenie— Counting



195. Infinitive Mode .

Czesaé (to com b )




Czeszem y



Czesalem (m . )Czesalam (f . )


( S ee N o.

197. Past Perfect Tense .

Czesalem byl (m . ) I h ad com bedCzesalam byla ( f . ) I h ad com bed

etc. etc.

( See N o.

198. Past ( im personal) .

Czesano It was com bed, they c .

199. Future Tense .

Bede czesal, a , 0 or czesaé I shall com bB edziesz czesal

,a,0 or czesaé Thou wilst com b

B edzie czesal , a , 0 , or czesaé He will com betc. etc .

( See N o.

Indicative Mode .

Present Tense .

I com bThou com bestH e com bsWe com bYou com bThey com b

Past Tense .

I com bedI com bed



N Jestes chwalony, a ,e , bity, a , e Thou art pra ised, beaten

Jest chwa lony, bity He is pra ised, beatenJest chwalona , bita She is pra ised, beatenJest chwa lone

,bite It is pra ised, beaten

1 . Jestesm y chwa leni, bici (pers . )We are pra ised, beatenJestesm y chwa lone , bite ( im p . )We are pra ised, beaten

2 .Jestescie chwa leni, bici (pers . ) You are pra ised, beaten

3 .





Jestescie chwalone , bite ( im p . ) You are pra ised, beatenSe chwaleni, bici They are


praised, beatenSe chwalone , bite They are pra ised, beaten2 11 . Past Tense .

B ylem chwalony, bity (m asc . ) I was pra ised, beatenB ylam chwalona , bita (fem . ) I wa s pra ised, beatenByles chwalony, bity (m asc . ) Thou wast pra ised, beatenBylas chwa lona , bita (fem . ) Thou wast pra ised, beatenByl chwa lony, bity H e was pra ised, beatenEyla chwa lona ,

bita She w as pra ised , beatenEyio chwalone

,bite It wa s pra ised, beaten

B ylism y chwa leni, bici (pers . )We were praised, beatenB ylysm y chwa lone , bite ( im p . )We were pra ised, beatenB yliscie chwaleni, bici (pers . ) You were praised


B ylyscie chwalone, bite ( im p . ) You were praised, beatenByli chwaleni, bici (pers . ) They were pra ised, beatenB yly chwalone , bite ( im pers . ) They were pra ised, beaten2 12 . Past Perfect Tense .

(There is none . )2 13 . Future Tense .

Bede chwalony, a , e I shall be pra ised, beatenB edziesz chwa lony, a , e Thou wilt b e pra ised, b .

B edzie chwalony, a , e He , sh e, it wi‘l be p . , b .

B edziem y chwaleni, b i ci pers . ) We shall b e pra1sed, b .

B edziem y chwalone , bite ( im p . )We sha ll b e prai sed, b .

B edziecie chwa leni, bici (prs . ) You will be pra ised, b .

B edziecie chwa lone , bite ( im p . ) You will b e pra is ed, b .

Beda chwa leni, bici (pers . ) They will b e pra ised , b .

Beda chwalone , bite ( im pers . ) They will b e praised , b .

Conditional Mode .

2 14 . Present Tense .

1 . B ylbym chwalony, bity I should be praised, beatenB ylabyrn chwalona

, bita I should b e pra ised, beaten

- 103

2 . B ylbyé chwa lony, bity Thou wouldst be pra ised, b .

B ylabys chwalona , bita Thou wouldst b e pra ised , b .

3 . B ylby chwalony, bity H e would b e pra ised, beatenB ylaby chwalona , bita She would b e pra ised, beatenB yloby chwalone , bite It would b e pra ised, b eaten

1 . B ylibysm y chwaleni, bici We should b e pra ised, beatenB ylybysm y chwalone , bite We should b e pra ised, beaten

2 . B ylibyécie chwaleni, bici You would b e pra ised , beatenB ylybyscie chwalone , bite You would b e pra ised , beaten

3 . B yliby chwa leni, bici They would b e pra ised , b .

B ylyby chwalone , bite They would b e pra ised , b .

2 15. Past Tense .

1 . B ylbym byl chwa lony, bity I should have been pra ised , b .

B ylabym byla chwa lona , bita I should have been pra ised, b .

2 . B ylbyé byl chwalony, bity Thou wouldst have been p . , b .

B ylabys byla chwalona , bita Thou wouldst have been p . , b .

3 . B ylby byl chwa lony, bity H e would have been p . , b .

B ylaby byla chwalona , bita Sh e would have been p . , b .

B yloby hylo chwa lone , bito It would have been p . , b .

1 . B ylibysm y byli chwaleni, biciWe should have been p . , b .

B ylybyém y byly chwa lone , b .We should have been p . , b .

2 . B ylibyscie byli chwa leni, bici You would have been p . , b .

B ylybyscie byly chwalone , b . You would have been p . , b .

3 . B yliby byli chwaleni, bici They wou‘ d have been p . , b .

B ylyby byly chwaleni, bite They would have been p . , b .

2 16. Im perative Mode .

Badi chwalony, a , e , bity, a , e B e pra ised, beatenN iech bed


zie chwa lony, bity L et h im b e pra ised, beatenNicoh bedzie chwa lona , bita Let h er b e pra ised, beatenN iech bedzie chwalone , bite Let it b e pra ised, beaten



1 . B adim y chwaleni, bici L et u s b e pra ised, beatenB adim y chw alone , bite L et us b e praised, beaten

2 . B adi cie chwaleni,bici B e ye pra ised , beaten

B adicie chwa lone , bite‘

B e ye pra ised, beaten3 . N iech beda chwa leni, bici Let them be praised, beatenN iech beda chwalone , bite Let them b e pra ised, beaten

Participles .

217. Present.Bedac chwa lony , a , e ( iudeo. ) B eing praised, beaten

2 18. Past.Chwalony, bity Praised, beaten

2 19 . Future .

Majacy byé chwa lony, a , e About to be pra ised(declinable )

Majacy byé bity, a , e (decl . ) About to b e beaten


2 20. Th e Present Tense is form ed by adding th e different persona l endings to th e verb stem , which appears in the

3rd pers . sing . pres . of th e verb ) .K och aé (to love ) . Stem kocha .

Kocha—m I loveKocha -sz Thou lovestKocha ( stem ) He lovesKocha -m y We loveKocha -cie You loveKocha - ( j )a They love

2 2 1. Th e Pa st Tense is form ed by adding the personalendings to th e active past participle

which in turn is form edby adding th e -

suffixes l - la - lo to th e stem .

Kocha ( stem ) .

Kocha - l , kocha - la , kocha - lo (past part ) .

Kochai kochaiK och ales, koch alas, koch al , kochala , koch alo, etc ., etc.

2 2 2 . The Past Perfect Tense is form ed of the Pa st Tenseof th e verb and the Pa st Tense of th e auxiliary verb “byé

to b e .

Koch al em (past) byl (past) .

Koch alem bylKoch alam byla

Koch ales byletc. , etc.

2 23 . The Future Tense is form ed of the past participleof th e verb and the auxiliary verb — to b e .

1 . Bede koch alBede koch ala

2 . B edziesz kochai.etc.

or,from th e infinitive of th e verb and the auxiliary verb



Koohaj— Love (thou )K och ajm y— Let us loveKoch ajcie— Love (ye ) .Robic’: to work. Robi stem .

Rob (roop ) .Rob— Work ( thou)Rébm y— Let u s workRébcie— Work (ye ) .


2 32 . in Polish it is possible to tell by the form of the

fam ily nam e whether it is applied to a m an, a m arried wom an

or one unm arried . Th e fem inine form s of th e nam e are a l

ways derived from that of th e m asculine , according to th e

following rules :2 33 . When th e m asculine nam e ends in the syllable ski

or“eki th e fem inine form s term inate in th e syllable ska

or cka

(Mr. ) Za leski (Mrs . ) Za leska (Miss ) Zale skaD em b icki D em b icka D em bicka

etc . etc etc .

2 34 . When th e m a sculine form ends in any other letteror syllable (but not in g or a syllable beginning with g), than“ski th e fem inine endings are a s follows

(Mr. ) Mackiewicz (Mrs . ) Mackiewiczowa

(Miss ) Mackiewiczéwna

Kora l K oralowa Koralowna

Heret Heretowa Heretéwna

etc. etc . etc .

2 35. The nam es ending in g or in a syllable beginningwith g form the ir fem inines a s followsMr. ) Szeliga (Mrs . ) S zeligowa (Miss ) S zelii ankaFertig Fertigowa Fertizanka

etc. etc . etc .

236 . Th e Polish Title P an is equiva lent to Mr. and sir.

I t is used im m edia tely before the surnam e , but it m ay a lsob e em ployed e ither before a baptism a l nam e a lone or a bap

tism al nam e together with a surnam e : e . g . Pan Zaleski, PanJan , P an Jan Za leski . Tak, Panie Yes , sir . Gzy Pan

idzie ? 2 Are you going, sir ?

The fem inine of Pan is‘Pani (Mrs . ) and Fauna (Miss ).


NOTE —I n the pronunciation of words— ah a in fa ther ;eh 7: e in m et ; ih : : i in pin ; aw aw in law ; oh o in hole ;0 0 oo in pool ; gh 2 : g in good ; fina l ly ly in quickly ; anapostrophe shows (a ) a slight suspension ; a s , z

’daw’m oo,

or (b ) that the letter or syllable following the apostrophe isto be separately pronounced but not detached from th e restof the word ; a s, zboj , pronounced zb oo

’ee zb ooy . All other

com binations of letters to be pronounced as in English ; a s,

raj— righ, m ej— m ay .

Sir, m adam , m iss .

Do you speak Polish ?

I understand a little .

Do you understandEnglish, m adam ?

Very little , alm ostnothing.

Does anybody speakPolish here ?

Yes, sir. Yes, m adam .

Please , take a seat.

Please,wait a while .

I cannot wa it So long .

I’m in a hurry.


Good m orning.

P an, Pani , Panna (Pahn, P ah’n’yee ,

P ahn’nah ).

Gzy P an m owi po polsku ? (Chih Pahnm oo

’vee paw pawl

’skoo ? )

Rozum iem troche (Raw- zoo’m ’yem

traw’heh ) .

Gzy Pani rozum ie po angielsku ( ChihPah’n’yee raw - zoo

’m ’yeh paw ahn



B ardzo m a lo, prawie nic (B ar’dzawm ah’law

, pra’v’yeh n

’yeets ) .

Gzy m owi tu kto po polsku ? (Chihm oo

’vee too


ktaw paw pawl’skoo ? )

Tak, Panie . Tak, Pani (Tahk, Pal m’

yeh . Tahk, pahn’yee ) .Prosze siadaé (Praw’sheh Shah’

dahtch ) .

Prosze zaczekac’

chwile (Praw’shehzah -cheh’kahtch

N ie m oge czekaé tak dlugo (N’yshm aw’geh cheh’kahtch tahk dlooh v“

.gaw ) .

Spieszy 1111 me ( S p yeh’shih m ee

sheh) .

D o widzenia (Daw vee

Dzien dobry (Jane daw’bry).Dobry wieczor (Daw’bryDobranoc (Daw

Please .

Thank you , sir, m ad

am , miss .

You are welcom e .

I b eg your pardon,sir, m adam .

Excuse m e .

Pardon m e .

Perm it m e .

Allow m e .

How do you do ?

H ow are you?

Thank you , I am verywell .Ca ll aga in.

Give m y regards at

hom e .

To ask and to answer.

Who is there ? Kto tam jest ? (Ktaw tahm yest ? )Who are you? Kto Pan jest ? (Ktaw Pahn yest ? )

What is your nam e ? Jak sie Pan na zywa? Jak godnosé Pa

na ? (Yahk sheh Pahn nah -zih’wah

Yahk gawd’nawstch Pah'nah ? )

My nam e is Y. Moje nazw isko jest Y . (Maw’yeh nah


’kaw yestWhat do you want ? Co P an chce ? (Tsaw Pahn h

’tseh ? )

I want to speak to Chce m owié do Pana (H’tseh m oo

you . veetch daw Pah’nah) .Listen to m e . Sluchaj . N iech Pan slucha ( Sloo’high .


’h Pahn sloo’hah ) .

I am listening. Slucham

Do you understand Gzy Pan m ie rozum ie ? (Chih Pahnm e ? m

’yeh raw

I don’t understand N ie ro‘

zum iem Pana (N’yeh raw-zod

m’yem Pah’nah)

- 108


D ziekuje Panu, Pani, Pani (Jane-koo'

yeh Pah’noo, Pah’n

’yee ,


Przepraszam Pana,Pania (Psheh

prah’sh ahm Pah’nah,

N iech Pan, Pani pozwoli'



final h sounded— Pahn, Pah’n’yee

paw-zvaw’lee )Jak sie P an, Pani m a ? (Yahk shehPahn, Pah

’n’yee m ah ? )D ziekuje, b ardzo dobrze (Jane-koo’

yeh , b ar’dzaw daw’b zh eh ) .

Prosze czesciej (Praw’sheh ch ensh’

chay) .

Prosze sie klaniaé odemnie w dom u(Praw’sh eh sheh klah 'n’yahtch awe



I have a favor to a sk

of you .

Will you do m e a

favor ?

Do m e the favor.

Please , be so kind .

May I rely on you?

You will oblige m e

very m uch .

I will do m y best .

Rely on m e .

I f you want m e , let

m e know.

I am at your disposa l

To refuse , to excuse oneself.

N o, it is im possible . N ie , to niem ozebne (N’yeh , taw n

’yeh .

I cannot consent to it. N ie m ogena to pozwolié (N’yah maw’

geh nah taw paWo zvaw'leech ).That


doesn’t concern To m nie nie obchodzi (Taw m’n’yeh

m e .

To ask.

Mam proébe do Pana (Mahm prawsh’

b eh daw pah'nah) .

Gzy uczyni m i Pan te laske ? (Chihoo-ch i’n’yee m ee Pahn teh lahss’

keh ? )N iech Pan uczyni m i te laske (N



Pahn oo-ch i’n’yee m ee te h lah ss’

keh ) .

N iech Pan bedzie tak laskaw (N’yeh


Pahn b en’jeh tahk lah ss’kahv).Gzy m oge polegaé na Panu ? (Chihm aw’geh paw-leh’gahtch nah Pah’

noo ? )

To grant .

Pan m i bardzo tem usluiy (Pahn m ee

b ar'dzaw tem oo

Bede staral sie wszystkiem i silam i

( B en'deh stah’rah ll sheh v’shisst


’m ee sheeN iech sie Pan na m nie spusci (N



sheh Pahn nah 'm’n’yeh spoosh’chee ).

Jezeli Pan bedzie m uie potrzebowal,

prosze m i dac znaé (Yeh -zheh’lee

Pahn m’n’yeh b en’jeh paw-tsheh

b aw’vah ll, praw’sheh me dahtch

znahtch ) .

Jestem do uslug Pafiskich (Yes’temdaw oo


“ 111 “

I have done a ll I U czynilem Wszystko co m oglem (0 0

cou ld . chi-n’yee’lem v’sh iss’tkaw tsaw

m aw’glem ) .

It isn’t m y fault . To nie m oja wina (Taw n’yeh m aw’

yah vee’nah )

To give and rece ive thanks .

I am very m uch oh Jestem Panu b ardzo zob owiazany

liged to you . (Yes’tem Pah’noo b ar’dzaw zaw

b aw -v’yone

- zah’nih )Don’t m ention it . N ie m a za co . Przepraszam (N


m ah zah’tsaw . P sh eh

I sha ll never forget N igdy nie zapom ne tego, co Pan dla

what you have done m u ie uczynil (N’yeeg

’dih n’yeh zah

for m e . paw’m neh teh’gaw tsaw Pahn dlah

m’u’yeh oo

I give you a great Sprawiam Panu dui o klopotu ( Sprah '

dea l of trouble . v'yam P ah 'noo doo’zh aw H aw -paw

too) .

I am very sorry for I ‘

rzykro m i, i e sprawilem Panu tylethe trouble I have klopotu (P sh i’kraw m e , zh eh sprah

given you . vee’lem Pah 'noo tih’leh Maw-paw

too) .

I am delighted that I Cieszy m nie to b ardzo, Ze m oglem Pa

have been useful to nu byc’z uzyteczny (Cheh’shih

you . m’u’yeh taw b ar’dzaw , zh eh m awg


glem bitch Pah’noo oo- zh i

To consult,

What m ust I do ‘7

What do you advisem e to do ?

I hardly know.

What do you think of

it ?I think that you are

to delibera te, to decide .

Co m am czym c ? (Tsaw m am chih’


? )Co P an m i radzi czym c ? (Tsaw Pahnm e rah’gee ch ih’n’yeech

N ie wiem sam (N’yeh v

’yem sahm ) .

Co Pan 0 tem sadzi? (Tsaw Pahn awe

tem sone’gee


Sadze, i e P an m a racye ( Sown'dzeh,

zheh Pahn m ah


What is your opinion ? Jaka jest Pana opinja ? Co P an 0 ternsadzi

? (Yah’kone yest Pah'nah aw

pee’n’yah ? Tsaw Pahn awe tem

sown’gee ) .

Put yourself in m yWyobra i P an sobie m oje poloz‘


place, (Vih -awe’brah zh Pahn saw’b’yeh

m aw’yeh paw-law

What do you say Co Pan na to powie ? (Tsaw Pahn nah


Indeed, your idea is a I stotnie , Pana idea jest dobra (Ees

good one .tawt’n’yeh , Pah’nah ee-deh’yah yestdaw’brah ).

I s it your opinion ? Gzy Pan tak sadzi? (Chih Pahn tahk

sown’gee ? )Are there no other GZY nie m a innego sposobu ? (Chihm eans ? n

’yeh m ah een-neh’gaw spaw- saw’

b oo ? ) Gzy nie m a innych srodkéw?

( Chih u’yeh m ah een’nih’h shrawd’

koof ? )What are you going Co P an pocznie ? (Tsaw Pahn pawch

to do ? n’yeh

? ) Co Pan zrob i ? (Tsaw Pahnzraw’b’yee

To affirm .

It is quite true . I stotnie . W sam ej rzeczy (Ees-tawt’

n’yeh . Vsah’m ay zheh’ch ih )

I give you m y word Da je Panu slowo h onoru (D ah’yeh

of honor. P ah 'noo slaw’vaw haw

I tell you it is true . Powiadam Panu, i e to prawda (Pawv’yah

’dahm Pah 'noo, zh eh taw

prahv’dah ) .

It is certa in. To jest pewne (Taw yest pehv’neh ).You m ay believe m e . Moi e Pan m i wierzyc

’: (Maw'zheh Pahn

m ee

I am sure of it. Jestem pewny tego (Yes’tem pehv’

nih teh’gaw ) .

To deny.

It is a m istake . To jest file . To jest blad (Taw.

yestzh leh . Taw yest b lownd) .

You are m istaken. Pan sie m yli (Pahn sheh m ih’lee) .

m 114

Contentm ent, joy.

I am very glad of it . B ardzo m nie to cieszy (B ar'dzaw

m’u’yeh taw cheh’shih ).

Nothing could m ake Nic by m uie nie m oglo wiecej uszczem e happier. sliwié (N

’yeets bih m

’n’yeh n


m aw’glaw v’yen

’tsay cosh-chenshlee’veech )

I have all I. wish for . Mam wszystko co m i potrzeba (Mahmv’sh isst’kaw tsaw m ee paw-tsheh’

b ah ).

If you only knew h ow Zebys tylko wiedzial , jaki szczesliwyhappy I am . jestem (Zh eh’bish till’kaw v


jahl , yah’kee sh’chen-sh lee’vih yes


tern) .


It is a great m isfor To jest wielkie nieszczescie (Taw yesttune . v

’yeh l

'k’yeh n

’yeh sh

I h ad m any troubles . Mialem wiele klopotéw (M’yah



’leh klaw-

paw-toofWhat a pity ! Co za szkoda ! (Tsaw zah shkaw’dah !)

Anger, reproaches.

I am very angry at Gniewam sie b ardzo na Pana

you . vahm sheh b ar’dzaw nah Pah'nah).Why are you angry D laczego sie Pan na m nie gniewa


at m e (D lah -ch eh’gaw sheh Pahn nah


You are in b ad hum or. P an jest w zlym hum orze (Pahn yestv’zlim hoo

I am furious . Wsciekam sie (Vsh ch eh'kahm sheh) .

You m ust not'

b e an N ie‘

m usisz sie gniewaé na niegog ry with h im . ( (N

’yeh m oo

’sh ish sheh g


vatch nah

It i s terrible. To jest straszne (Taw yest strah sh’

neh ) .

You Ought to b e a P owinienes sie wstydzié (P aw-vee

sham ed . n’yeh

’nesh sheh

- 115

I forgive you this Przeb aczam ci tego ra zu, lecz ni‘


tim e, but don’t do it czyfi tego w przyszloéci (Psheh

again. b ah’ch ahm chee teh’gaw rah 'zoo,

letch u’yeh chin teh 'gaw v

’p’sh ish

lawsh’ch ee )

Greeting, taking leave.

Good m orning. Dzier’i dobry (Jane daw’brih ) .

Good day.

Good evening. Dobry wieczér (D aw-brih v’yeh

chure ) .

How do .you do ? Jak sie Pan m a ? (Yahk sheh Pahnm ah ? )

Very well, thank you . B ardzo dobrze , dziekuje Panu (B ar’.

dzaw daw’b zheh , jane -koo’yeh Pah’

noo) .

And how are you? A Pan jak sie m a ? (Ah Pahn yahk

sheh m ah ? )I don’t feel very well . N ie czuje sie b ardzo zdrowy (N


choo’yeh sheh b ar’dzaw zdraw'vih ) .

What is the m atter Co Panu jest ? (Tsaw Pah 'noo yest ? )

I was sick.B ylem chory (B ih’lem haw’rih ).

I am very sorry to B ardzo m i przykro slyszeé to (B ar’

hear it. dzaw m e pshih’k'raw slih 'shetch

taw ) .

How is your fam ily, Jak sie unewa rodzina Pana (Yahksheh m


’vah raw-gee’nah Pah’

nah ),your father, ojciec Pana ( oy’chets Pah'nah),

m atka Pana (m aht’kah Pah’na ),your brother, brat Pana (brath Pah’nah),your sister, siostra Pana ( shawss’trah Pah’nah),your son, syn Pana ( sin Pah’nah),your daughter ? cérka Pana ? (tsoor’kah Pah'nah ? )

How are your parents, Jak sie m aja rodzice Pana , dzieci Payour children na (Yahk sheh m ah’yoh raw

gee'tseh Pah’nah , jeh’chee Pah’


They are a ll well,thank you .

My best regards to

your wife, your hus

I hope you will not

leave us yet.

Won’t you stay and

have dinnerus


I cannot stay.

Surely you can stay a

little longer ?

I have som e very important business toattend to.

I have a great m any

I will stay ~ longer an

other tim e .

Thank you for your

I hope I shall soon see

you aga in.


— 116

Wszyscy zdrowi, dziekuje Panu(Vsh iss’tsih zdraw’vee, jane-koo’yehPah 'noo) .

Moje uszanowanie i onie Pana , m ei owi Pani (Maw’yeh oo-shah-nawvah’n’yeh zh aw’n’yeh Pah’nah, m en

zh aw’vee

Spodziewam sie, fie Pan nas jeszczenie poi egna ( Spaw-jeh’vahm sheh,zheh Pahn nah ss yesh

’ch eh n


paw zheh’g’nah )

Moze zech ce Pan zostaé u nas na obiedzie ? (Maw - zh eh zeh

’h’tseh Pahn

zaw’stahtch oo'noss nah awe-b


jeh ? )N ie m oge zostaé (N

’yeh m aw’geh

zaw’stahtch )Spiesze sie ( Sp


’sheh sheh) .

D laczego Pan sie tak spieszy? (D lah

cheh’gaw Pahn sheh tahk sp’yeh

shih ? )Z pewnoscia m oze Pan zostaé trochedluZej (Z

’pev-nawsh’ch oh

zh eh Pahn zaw’stahtch traw’heh


Mam pilny interes do zalatwienia

(Mahm peel’nih een-teh’ress daw

zah -labt

Mam wiele do roboty (Mahm v’yell

yeh daw raw

N a drugi raz zostane dluzej (N ah

droo’ghee rah z zaw-stah’neh dloo’

Dziekuje Panu za odwiedziny (Janekoo’yeh Pah 'noo zah awed-v’yehgee

’nih ) .

Spodziewam sie wkrétce zob aczyé Pa

na znowu ( Spaw-jeh'vahm shehv’crewt’tseh zaw-bah’chitch Pah’nah

znaw’voo) .

— 118


It is a quarter past Jest kwadrans na druga, trzecia,one, two, 3, 4 , 5, 6, czwarte, piste, szé ste, siédm e,

7, 8, 9 , 10, 11 , 12 . 6sm a, dziewiata, dziesiata, jednasta,dwunasta, pierwsza (Yest kvahn'

drahns nah drew’gom e , tshe’chom e ,

chvahr’tom e , p’yown

'tom e , shoos’

tom e, shood’m om e, oos

’m om e , jeh


’tom e , jeh -shone’tom e, yed

n a h s s't o m e , dvoo-nah ss’tom e ,

It is a quarter to one Jest trzy kwandranse na pierwsza .

. twelve . druga (Yest tshih kvahn-drahn’

seh nah

An hour, m inute, sec Godzina , m inuta , sekunda (Gaw-gee


nah , m ee-noo'tah , seh

Two hours, three m in Dwie godziny, trzy m inuty i czteryutes and four sec sekundy (D

’v’yeh gaw-

gee'ny, tsh ih

onds . m ee-hoo'ty ee chteh’rih seh -koon’

dih).Seven hours, e leven Siedem godzin, jednascie m inut i dwam inutes and twen dzieéciapieé sekund ( Sheh’dem

ty-five seconds. gaw'gin, yed-nah

’sh’cheh m ee


ee dvah -jesh-chah-p’yentch’ seh’


d) .

How long have you Jak dlugo pracowales? (Yahk dloo’

gaw prah-tsaw-vah’lesh

A day, a week, a Dzien, tydziefi, m iesiac, rok (Jane ,tih’jane , m

’yeh’shownts, rawk) .

The whole day, week, Ga ly dziei'

i , etc. (Tsah 'ly jane,

Dwa , trzy, cztery dui, tygodnie , m ie

siace , lata (Dvah , tshih , chteh’ry

d’n’yeh , m

’yeh -shown

’tseh ,lah’tah ) .

Five, six, etc. ,days, Piec, szesé, etc. , dui, tygodni, m iesie

weeks, m onths, cy, lat (P’yentch , sheshtch , etc. ,



years . d’n’yee, tih m

’yahshen’tsih , lab t) .

What day is it to Ktory dzien jest dzisiaj (Ktoo’rih

day? ja fie yest gee'shy ? )

Monday, Po liedzialek (Paw-n’yeh

What day will it b eto-m orrow, after tom orrow ?

What day was it yesterday


Where were you lastnight

,last week,

last m onth ?

This m orm ng I havebeen at m y friend


house , and at noon

in th e park .

Where are you gom g

this evening ?

I shall stay at hom e .

When are you goingaway ?

M o n d a y,'

Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday .

When did‘

you see

him ?

La st Monday, Tuesd a y, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday


Saturday, Sunday,

m 119


PiatekSobota (SawN iedziela (N


Ktory dzier’i bedzie jutro, pojutrze ?

(Ktoo’rih jane ben’jeh yoo'traw ,


Ktory dzien byl wezoraj (Ktoo’rih

jane billGdzie byles wezoraj wieczor, zeszlegotygodnia , zeszlego m iesiaca

? (G’jeh

b ill’esh v’chaw’rye v


’chure , zeh

sh leh’gaw tih zeh

sh leh’gaw m’yeh -shown’tsah

D zis’; rano bylem u swego przyjaciela ,

a Wpoludnie w parku (Geesh rah’

naw b ill’em oo sveh’gaw psh ih -


ch eh’lah ah v’paw -lood'n

’yeh v


koo)Gdzie idziesz dz1s wieczér ? (G


ee’jesh geesh v



Pozostane w dom u (Paw-zaw -stah’


K iedy odjezdzasz ? (K’yeh

’dih awedyezh

'jah sh

W poniedzialek, we wtorek, w érode,w cZwartek, w piatek, w sobote, wniedziele (V

’paw -u

’yeh-jah’leck, veh

vtaw’reck, v’shraw’deh , v



v’saw-baw’teh ,

v’n’yeh -jeh’leh )

K iedy go widzales?


Zeszlego poniedzialku , wtorku , zeszlejérody, zeszlego czwartku , pietku,

zeszlej sob oty, niedzieli (Zeh -shleh’

gaw paw-n’yeh -jah l'koo, v


zeh’shlay shraw’dih , zeh -shleh’gaw

When will it arrive ?

Next week, m onth,year.

When did you arrivein Am erica ?

Last January, Feb

ruary, March, April,May, June , July,August, Septem ber,October, Novem ber,Decem ber.

January, February,March, April , May,

June , July, August,Septem ber, Octobe r,Novem ber, December.

There are four sea

Winter begins in D e

cem b er, Spring in

March, Sum m er in

June , and Autum nin Septem be r.

“ 120


sh lay saw-b aw’tih, n


Kiedy to przyjdzie ? (K’yeh

’dih taw

psh ih’ee’jeh

N a drugi tydzier’i , m iesiac, rok (N ah

droo’gh ee tih’jane, m’yeh


R iedy Pan przybyl do Am eryki?


’dih Pahn psh ih’b ill daw Ah

m eh’ricky

Zeszlego Stycznia , Lutego, Marca ,Kwietnia , Maja , Czerwca , Lipca ,Sierpnia , Wrzesnia , Pai dziernika ,

L istopada , Grudnia (Zeh—shleh 'gaw

Stitch’n’yah , Lew-teh’gaw, Mahrtsah, Mah’yah ,Ch airv’tsah , L eep

’tsah , Shair'

p’n’yah , Vzh esh

’n’yah , P ah zh -ja ir.n’y e e

’k a h Least-awe-pah’dah ,

Styczer’i , Luty, Marzec, Kwieciefi , Maj ,

Czerwiec, Lipiec, Sierpier’x, Wrze

sier'i, P ai dziernik, Listopad, Gru

dzier’i ( Stih’chain, Lew'tih , Mah’

zhets, My, Cha ir’

v’yets, Lee’p

’yets, Sha ir-y


V’z h e h’s h e n, Pah zh

Lea st-awe’pahd, Grew’jane ).

Jest cztery pory roku : (Yest chteh -ry

paw’ry raw’koo :

Zim a


Zim a zaczyna sie w Grudniu , wiosnaw Marcu, lato w Czerwcu , a jesier


wWrzesniu (Zhee’m ah zah -chih'

nah sheh v’yawss

nah V’m ahr’tsoo, lah'taw V


tsoo, ah yeh'shen

12 2


’chure , ah pshih -haw’dzeh awe


'ch eh )

It is ea rly, too early, Jest wczesnie , za wczesnie , poino, za

late, too late . poino (Yest zah

poozh’naw , zah poozh

’naw ) .

The weather.

What sort of weatheris it ?

It is fine , very cold,freezing.

The sun is shining.

It is ra ining .

The air is very clear.

It is a sultry day .

It is getting cloudy.

It is thundering.

It lightens .

It is beginning to

ra in.

I s it still raining ?

It has ra ined the

whole day.

I was outs ide and got

wet through to m y

Didn’t you have an

um brella ?

The sky was so brightthat I didn’t thinkit would rain.

Jaka jest pogoda? (Yah’kah yest

paw-gaw’dahJest pieknie , b ardzo zim no, m arznie

(Y e s t b ar’dzawzh eem’naw ,

Slonce swieci ( S lawn'tseh sh v yeh’

chee ) .D eszcz pada (Deshtch pah

’dah ) .Powietrze jest b ardzo czyste (P awv’yeh

’tsheh yest b ar'dzaw ch iss’

teh ) .

Jest parny dzien (Yest pahr’nih jane ) .Zachm urza sie (Zah -h

’m oo

'zh ah sheh ).

Grzm i

B lyska sie (B liss’kah sheh) .

D eszcz zaczyna padaé (D eshtch zah

chi’nah pah’dahtch ) .

Czy deszcz jeszcze pada ? (Chihdeshtch yesh

’cheh pah

’dah ) .

D eszcz pada l ea ly dzier’i (Deshtch

pah'dah l tsah’ly jane ) .

B ylem na dworze i przem oklem na

wskrés ( B ih’lem nah dvaw’zheh ee

psh eh -m aw’klem nah v’screw sh ) .

Gzy nie m iales pa rasola ? ( Ch ih n’yeh


’lesh pah -rah -saw’lahNiebo bylo tak pogodne , fie nie przypuszczalem , Ze bedzie deszcz padal(N’yeh

’baw bi’law tahk paw -gawd'

neh , zheh u’yeh pshipoosh -chah’lem ,

zheh ben’jeh deshtch pah’dahl) .

It is very Windy.

It is foggy. I can’tsee anything .

Yes, but it is not cold .

It was m uch colderyesterday.

But it is so dam p ; itis worse than cold .

What sultry weather !We can hardly

It is snowing.

It ha ils .We had a big snowstorm .

The weather is verychangeable .

Don’t you think it’s

very warm for the

season ?

Yes . This is the warmest spring I can re

m em ber.

Let us go and see how

things look out of



Jest bardzo wietrzno (Yest bar'dzawv’yetsh

’naw)Fogoda jest m glista . Nic nie m ogewidzieé (Paw-gaw’dah yest m


tah . N’yeets n

’yeh m aw’gheh vee


jetch ). l r lfi lTak, leoz nie jest z im no. Eylo owiele

zim niej wezoraj (Tahk, letch u’yeh

yest zheem’naw . Bib’law awe v’yeh

leh zheem’n’yayL ecz jest tak wilgotno ; jest gorzej nii

z im no (Letch yest tahk veel-gawt’

naw ; yest gaw’zh ay n’yeezh zh eem’

naw ) .Co za parne powietrze ! Zaledwie m o

i em y dychaé (Tsaw zah pahr’neh

paw Zah -led’v’yeh m aw

zh eh’m y dih’h ahtch ) .

énieg pada ( Sh’n’yeg pah'dah).Grad pada (Grahd pah 'dah ) .Mielism y wielka zawieruche (M



leesh -m ih v’yell

'koh zah -v’yeh -roo

heh ) .

Fogoda jest niestala (Paw-gaw’dahyest u’yeh

Gzy nie sadzisz , ze jest za cieplo w

tej porze ? ( Chih u’yeh sown’geesh ,

zheh yest zah chep'law v

’tay paw

zheh ? )Tak. Jest to naj ci eplejsza wiosna jaka pam ietam (Tahk. Yest taw nighchep -lay’sh ah v


’nah yah’koh



m y zobaczyé jak jest na dworze(Hawdge’m ih zaw-bah’ch itch , yahkyest nah


B neakfast,‘

dinner, supper.

I s breakfast ready ?

I s the dinner ready ?

I s the supper ready ?

You com e just in tim e .

I have a good ap

petite .

Do you take tea or

coffe ? chocolate ?

I prefer tea .

What m ay


Here are som e rollsand toast ?

Do you like your eoffee strong orweak ?

I offer

Take som e m orebread,sugar,m ilk



h am .

Will you have som e

fresh eggsI have com e to dine

You are welcom e .

Will you take a littlesoupN0 , thank you .

Gzy sniadanie jest gotowe ? (Chihsh’n’yah -dah’u’yeh yest gaw-taw’


Gzy ob iad jest gotowy ? (Chih awe'

b’yahd yest gaw-taw’vih

Gzy kolacya jest gotowa ? ( Chih kaw.

lahts'yah yest gaw-taw'vah

Przych odzisz w sam ezas (Pshih -haw’

geesh v’sahm ch ah ss) .

Mam dobry apetyt (Mahm daw-brihah -peh


Gzy pijesz h erbate ezy kawe ? czeko

lade ? (Chih pee'yesh ha ir-bah 'teh

chih kah’veh cheh-kaw-lah’deh

Wole herbate (Vaw'leh hair

Co m oge ci podaé (Tsaw m aw’geh

chee paw’dah tch ? )Tu se bulki i grzanki (Too soh bool’

kee ee

Gzy lubisz m ocna kawe ezy slaba?

( Chih loo’beesh m awts’noh kah’vehchih slah’b oh ? )Wei wiecej (Vezh v


’tsay)ch leb a


m leka

sm ietanki ( sh’m’yeh -tahn’kee)


Czy chcesz swiezych jaj (Chihh’tsesh yah


Przyszedlem do was na ob iad (Pshih

sh ed’lem daw vah ss nah awe'

b’yahd) .Jestes b ardzo pozadany (Yes'tesh

b ar’dzaw paw-zhone-dah’nih )Gzy chcesz troche zupy (Chih h


traw'heh zoo’pih ? )N ie , dziekuje (N

’yen, jane


plate, plates,

dish, dishes,

water-b ottle ,cruet-stand .

At the bakery.

I want a loaf of bread . Chce bochenek ch leb a (E tsch b aw

h eh’nek h leh’b ah ) .

This bread is stale . Ten chleb jest czerstwy, ezy nie m a

Haven’t you any P an swiezego chleb a ? (Ten hlehp

fresh bread ? yest ch air’stvih , chih n’yeh

m ah

Pahn sh’v’yeh

- zheh’gaw h leh’bah

White or rye bread ? P szenny czy i ytni chleb ? (P shen’nihchih zhit’n’yee hlehp

Pum pernickel . Czarny chleb (Chahr’nih h lehp );Have you any rolls ? Gzy m a Pan bulki ? ( Chih m ah Pahn

bool’kee ? )French rolls ? rogaliki

? (raw -


cracknels ? obwarzanki ? ( awb’vah

corn bread ? chleb z kururydzy ? (h leb z’koo-koo

rih’dzih ?

potato bread ? kartoflany chleb ? (car-tawff—lah '

nih hlep ? )white , brown,

rye bia ly, czarny, i ytni chleb ? (b’yah’

bread ? ly, ch ar’nih , zh it'n

’yee hiep ? )

How m uch for this I le kosztuje ten pla cek ? (Ee’leh

cake ? kawsh- too'yeh ten plah’tseck ? )


, ten, fifteen,Pieé, dziesieé, pietnascie , dwadziescia ,

twenty, twenty-five dwadziescia pieé cent6w (P’yentch ,

cents j e h’s h e n t c h,d v a h -j e s h’c h a h, dvah -jesh’chah

p’yentch tsen

’toof ).

I’ll take one . Wezm e jeden (Ve zz'm eh yeh'den).

Pasztety Pah sh -teh 'tih

apple pie , pasztet z jab lek (pash’tet z’yah



talerz , talerze (tah’lezh , tah -leh’

zh eh ),

polm isek, pélm iski (pool-m ee’seck


pool-m ees’kee)

tacakarafka (kah

serwis , z octem , z oliwa ( sair’vees ,z’awts’tem , z



peach pie ,‘

pasztet z brzoskwifi “i pash 'tet

plum pie, pasztet ze sliwek (pahsh’te'

t zeh

sh lee’veck)cocoanut pie . pasztet z kokosowego orzecha

(pash’tet z’kaw-kaw -saw-ve


aw zh eh’hah )Please , give m e the Prosze m i daé caly pasztet, tylko pol

whole pie , only a pasztetu (Praw’sh eh m ee dahtch

half a pie . tsah’ly pash’tet

,till’kaw pool pa sh

teh’too) .

At the barber shop.

A shave , please . Prosze m ie ogolié (Praw’sheh m’yeh

aw -

gaw’leetch )

Take a seat, please . Prosze zajac m iejsce (Praw'sheh zah’


I’m in a hurry

,Spieszy m i sie ( Sp


’sh ih m ee sheh) .

One m om ent, sir . Zara z , Panie , Pan jest nastepny (Zah’

You’re next . rah z, Pah’n’yeh , Pahn ye st nah

stem p’nih ) .

Please,cut m y ha ir. Prosze m i ostrzydz wlosy ( Praw


m ee awe'stsh idz vlaw’sih ) .

Do you want them Czy chce P an m iec je krétko ostrzy

cut short ? i one ? ( Chih h’tseh Pahn m


yeh kroot’kaw aw-stsh ih -zhaw'


Quite short . Zupelnie krotko (Zoo-pel’n’yeh kroot’

kaw ) .

N ot too short. N ie za krotko (N’yeh zah kroot’kaw ) .

Should I cut them Gzy m am ostrzydz m aszyna? ( Chih

with a m achine ? m ahm aw’stsh idz m ah

N O: sir, With the N ie , Panie , nozyczkam i (N’yeh , Pah

scissors ., n’yeh ,


How do you want Jak m am wyczesaé wlosy, na sucho "your hair com bed, (Yahk m ahm vih -ch eh’sahtch vlaw'

dry ? sih , nah soo’h aw ? )

A little bay rum , N ieco wody laurowej , prosze (N’ye’

please . tsaw vah’dih lah -oo-raw’vay, praw'



Vaseline .

Pom atumHair Tonic .

Talcum powder.Trim the m ustache a

little, please .

How’s that ?

Side-whiskers .

Beard.Mustache .

How m uch do I owe


Ten,fifteen, twenty,

twenty-five , thirty,forty, fifty cents .

Thank you .

At the book store.

Have you a History Gzy m a Pan Historye Stanow ZjednoU . S . in czonych w polskim jezyku ? (Chih

Polish ? m ah Pahn Hees-tawr’yeh Stah’noof

Z’yed-naw-ch aw’nih

’h v



yen- zih’koo

Have you a practical Gzy m oge dostaé tu praktyczna m etobook in Polish ? I de jezyka polskiego

? Chcialbym sie

want to learn Pol nauczyé po polsku . Zatrudniam wie

ish . I em ploy a le Polakéw i Polek w m ej fabryce igreat m any Polish taka ksiaika przydalaby m i sie

m en and wom en in (Chih m aw’geh daw’stahtch too

m y factory and prahk-titch’noh m eh -taw’deh yen.

could m ake good zih’kah pawl H’chah l’

Wazelina (Vah -zeh

Pomada (PawOlejek do wlosow (Aw-leh 'yeck daw


PuderProsze obréwnaé nieco wasy (Praw'

sheh awb -roov’nahtch n



vown’sih ) .

Czy to wystarczy? ( Chih taw vih

star’ch ih ? )B okobrody (B aw-kaw

BrodaWasyI le Panu sie nalei y

? (Eel’yeh P ah’noo

sheh nah

D ziesieé, pietnascie , dwadz1esc1a , dwa

dziescia pieé, trzydziesci, czterdzie

sci, pieédziesiat centéw (Jeh’

sh entch , p’yent

-nah sh’cheh , dvah

jesh’chah , dvah -jeshtsh ih -jesh’chee, chtair-jesh

’chee ,

p’yen-jeh’shownt tsen’toof

D ziekuje Panu (Jane-koo’yeh P ah’

noo) .


I ,

A great m any of th e

Poles do not understand or speak English . This m akes itvery hard for theirem ployers to com

m unicate with themproperly. By m eans

of this book it willb e possible to givethem s im ple direc

tions and instruc

tion about theirwork, and to warnthem in respect todanger and health .

Do you keep m aps ?

Please show m e

m ap of

Am erica ,the United States,

Wiekszosc P olakéw ani nie rozum ie ,

ani nie m owi po angielsku . To spraw ia pracodawcom trudnosé porozu

m ienia sie z nim i na lezycie . Za po

m oca tej ksiazki bedzie m oina u

dzielié im zwyklych wska zéwek iob jasniefi dotyczacych ich pracy, iostrzedz ich przed nieb ezpieczefi

stwem i utrata zdrowia (V’yenk

sh awsh tch Paw- lah 'koof ah 'n’yee

u’yeh raw ah’n’yee n


m oo’vee paw an Taw

sprah’v’yah prah-tsaw-dahv’tsawm

trood’nawshtch paw-raw-zoo-m’yeh

n’yah sheh z


’m ee nah -leh

zh ih’ch eh . Zah paw-m aw-tsoh tay

k’sh ownzh’kee b en’jeh m awzh -nah

oo-jeh’leetch eem z’vick’lih’h v’skah

zoo’veck ee awb -

yash’n’yain daw.

tih-ch own’tsih ee’h prah

’tsih , ee

aw s’tsh eds ee

’h psh ed n

’yeh -b ez

p’yeh -ch ains’tvem ee oo-trah’toh

zdraw 'v’yah )

Cl y m a P an m apy? (Chih m ah Pahn

m ah’pih ? )

Prosze m i pokazaé m ape (Praw’shehm ee paw -kah’zahtch m ah’peh )Am eryki (Ah

Stanow Zjednoczonych ( Stah 'noof


Europy (Eh-ooraw-pih),Anglii



Niem iecH iszpam 1 (HishRosyi

S zwecyi


— 131

Asia , Azyi

Australia . Australii (Ah-oos

Let m e have a pocket Prosze m i dac’: kieszonkowy przewod

guide book for the nik m ia sta , m ape m iasta (Praw’

city, a m ap of the sheh m e dahtch k’yeh-shawn-kaw'

city. vih psh eh -vawd’n’yeek m’yah ss


m ah’peh

We have books on Mam y ksiaiki w dziedzinie (Mah’

m ih k’shownzh’kee v’jeh -



filozofii (fee - law

political econom y, politycznej ekonom ji (paw - lee-titch'

nay eh -kaw

history, h istoryi (heesbotany, b otaniki (b aw -tah’n’yee -kee ),zoology, zoologji ( zaw -aw

natura l history, przyrody ( psh ih

geology, gieologji ( (g’yeh -aw - law

m ineralogy, m i n e r a l o g ji (m ee -neh -rah -law’

ghee’ee ),

chem istry,

ch em ji



m echanics, m ech aniki (m eh

architecture, architektury ( ahr-hee-tek

art, sztukipoetry

, poezyi (paw

theology. teologji (teh -aw

Books of bookkeeping, Ksiazki do buch alterji (K’shownzh’kee

daw b oo-hahl

business letters, korespondencji h andlowej (kaw-res

pawn-den’tsih’ee hahnstenography. stenografji ( steh—naw-


Have you any books Gzy m a Pan ksiaiki dla dzieci? (Chih

for children ? m ah Pahn k’sh ownzh’kee dlah jeh '

chee ? )An illustrated A B C Elem entarz z ob ra zkam i (Eh-lehbook. m en

’tah zh z’awb -rah z

Picture-books for lit Ksiazki z obra zkam i dla m a lych dz ictle children. ci (K’sh ownzh’kee z

’awb -rah z—kah’

m ee dlah m ah’lih’h jeh 'chee ) .

Interesting storybooks .

Description of travels .

School books .

We a lso keep booksby

French,Germ an,

Polish,English,Ita lian



and Hungarian au

thors .

A m anual of th e English language .

A m anua l of th e P 01ish language .

A m anua l of the

F r e n c h, Germ an.

Spanish language .

We haven’t got it instock, but we can

order it for you .

Please, send it to m e

by m ail .

Here’s m y address .

I wish to subscribe to


Zajm ujace bajki (Zah’ee-m oo-yawn’


Opisy podrézy (Aw -pee’sih paw -droo’

zh ih ) .

P odreczniki szkolne (Pawd-rentch


’kee shkawl’neh )Mam y taki e ksiazki przez (Mah 'mih

tahk’zh eh k’sh ownzh’kee psh ez)

francuskich (frahn

niem ieckich (u’yeh


angielskich ( ahn


rosyjskich (raw

i wegierskich autoréw (ee ‘ven


’kee’h ah - oo-taw’roof

P odrecznik do angielskiego jezyka

P awd-rentch’n’yeek daw ahn-



’gaw yen

Podrecznik do polskiego jezyka (Pawd

rentch’n’yeek daw pawl-sk’yeh’gawyen

-zih 'kah )P odrecznik do francuskiego, niem ie

ckiego, h iszpafiskiego jezyka (Pawd

rentch -n’yeek

’kee do frahn-tsoos


’gaw , n

’yeh -m


hish-pahn- sk’yeh

’gaw yen-zih’kah )

N ie m am y tego na skladzie,leoz m o

i em y sprowadzic’: to dla Pana

(N’yeh m ah -m ih teh’gaw nah sklah’

jeh , letch m aw - zheh’m ih spraw

vah’geetch taw dlah Pah’nah ) .Prosze m i je wyslaé poczta (Praw’

sheh m ee yeh vih’slahtch pawtch’

toh ) .

Oto m oj adres (Aw’taw m oo’ee ah’

dress) .

Chce zaprenum erowaé pism o (H’tseh

zah -preh-noo-m eh -raw’vahtch pees’

m aw),

Roasting chicken.

Soup chicken.

Fricassee chicken.

Would you like to

have a nice turkey ‘7

Yes, please let m e see

one .

Please weigh this one .

It weighs ten, eleven,

t w e l v e, thirteen,

fourteen, f i f t e e n,

twenty pounds .

That’s too big for m e .

To clean a chicken,fish .

Fish, pike,carp ,trout




h erringé,sardines,oysters ,crawfish ,lobster


flounder,salm on,

m ackerel .


Kura do piecz‘

enia (Koo’rab daw p’yeh

Kura na zupe (Koo’rab nah zoo'peh ).

Kura na potrawke (Koo’rah nah paw

trahff’keh ).

Czy by Pani chcia la ladnego indyka ?

(Chih bih Pah’n’yee h’chah’lah

lahd-neh’gaw een-dih’kah

Tak, prosze m i go poka zaé (Tahk,

praw’sh eh m ee gaw paw-kah’

zahtch ) .

Prosze zwazyé tego (Praw’sheh zvah’

zh itch teh’gaw ) .

On waz'

y dziesieé, jednas cie , dwanascie , trzynascie , czternascie, pietnascie

,dwadzieécia funtéw (Awn

vah’zh ih jeh’shentch , yed-nah sh’

cheh, dvah -nah sh’ch eh , tshi-hab sh’

cheh , chter-nah sh’ch eh , p’yent

nah sh’ch eh , dvah -jesh’chah foon’

toof) .

Jest za duzy dla m uie (Yest zah doo’

zb ib dlah

Wyczyscié kure, rybe (Vih -ebish’

cheech koo’reh, rih 'beh ) .Ryby, szczupak (Rih’by, shch oo’pahk),karp ( carp ),pstree (pstrowng ),okunlin ( leen),wegérz

sledi ( sh ledge ),sardynki ( sahrostrygi ( aw

rak (rahk),hom arfladra


m akrela (m ah

At the cigar store .

Do you sm oke ? Gzy palisz ? (Chih pah 'lish ? )Take a cigar then. Wei cygaro wtedy (Vezh tsih -


vteh’dy) .

Th ank you, I don’t Dziekuje ci, nie pale cygarow ,tylko

sm oke cigars , I on pa le papierosy (Jane-koo’yeh chee ,ly sm oke cigarettes . u

’yeh pah’leh tsi-gah’roof, pah'leh

till’kaw pah -p’yeh

Well, take a box of N o, to wez pudelko papieroséw (N aw ,

cigarettes . taw yezh poo-dell’kaw pah -p’yeh


What kind do you Jakie palisz ? (Yah’k’yeh pah

'leesh ? )sm oke ?

Any kind provided Byle jakie , byle nie byly za m ocne

they are not too (B ih’leh yah’k’yeh , b ih’leh n


strong. billy zah m awts’neh ) .

Take Egyptian orWe i egipskie lub tureckie papierosy .

Turkish cigarettes ,One se zwykle slab e ( lekkie ) (Vezh

They are generally e -

gheep’sk’yeh loop too-rets’k’yeh

light. pah -p’yeh -raw’sih . Aw’neh soh

zvick’leh slah 'beh ) .

Don’t you sm oke ci Gzy ty nie palisz papierosow ? (Chihgarettes tih n

’yeh pah

’leesh pah -p’yeh -raw’

soof ? )N o, I sm oke cigars, N ie , ja pa le cygara ,

a czasam i fajkeand som etim es a (N

’yeh , yah pah’leh tsih -gah’rab , ah

pipe . chah- sah’m ee figh’keh ) .

You shouldn’t sm oke N ie powinienes pa lié takie m ocne cy

such strong cigars ; gara , one ci zaszkodza (N’yeh paw

they will hurt you . vee-n’yeh

’nesh pah’leech tah’k’yeh

m aw’tsneh tsih -gah

’rah , aw’neh

chee zah

Sm oking is always Pa lenie jest zawsze szkodliwe , lecz nie

harm ful, but I don’t . sedze, azeby cygara byly tak szkod

think cigars are as liwe jak papierosy, poniewaz czlo

b ad as cigarettes, wiek nie zaciaga sie (Pah -leh’n’yeh

because you don’t yest zah’vsheh shkawd- lee’veh ,

inhale the sm oke . lehtch n’yeh sone’dzeh , ah -zheh’bih

tsi-gah’rab bil’ly tahk shkawd-lee'

veh yahk pah -p’eh

- 136

Please let m e have a

b ox of cigars, cigarettes .


How m uch is thatpipe over there ?Only fifty cents .

What tobacco -do you

advise m e to takefor m y pipe ?

I advise you to takethis . It is th e beston the m arket.

I s it very strong ?

N o,it is very weak .

All right, I’ll try it.

Do you give coupons.

Yes, sir, here theyare

Thank you .

Don’t m ention it.

At the doctor’s .

Where is there a doc

tor here ?

There is one two

blocks below ?

When does doctor Yreceive ?

Prosze m i dac pudelko cygar, pepierosow (Praw’sh eh m ee dahtch poo

dell’kaw tsih’gahr, pah -p’yeh


soof) .

I le kosztuje ta fajka tam ? (Ee’lehkaw - shtoo’yeh tah figh

’kah tahm ? )Tylko pieédziesiat centéw (Till’kawp’yen—jeh’sh ownt tsen’toof

Jaka tabake radzi m i Pan w z1ac do

pa lenia w fajce (Yah’koh tah -b ah '

keh rah’gee m ee Pahn v’zhowntch

daw pah - leh’n’yah v’figh


Radze Panu wziaé te . Jest to najlepsza jaka jest (Rah’dzeh Pah’noo

v’zhowntch teh . Yest taw nigh-lep

shah yah’kah yest) .

Czy jest b ardzo m ocna (Chih yestb ar’dzaw m awts’nah ? )

N ie, b ardzo slab a (N’yeh , b ar


slah’b ah ) .


sprobuje jasproo

-b oo’yeh yoh ) .

Czy daje P an kupony ? (Chih dah’yehPahn koo

Tak, Panie , tu one sa (Tahk, Pah’


,too aw’neh soh ).

D ziekuje Panu (Jane—koo’yeh Pah’


N ie m a za co . Przepra szam (N’yeh

m ah zah tsaw . P sh eh

Gdzie tu m ieszka doktor ? lekarz ?

(G’jeh too m


’kah dawk’toor ?

leh 'kah zh ? )Jest jeden dwie ulice m zej (Yest yeh’

den d’v’yeh oo- lee’tseh

K iedy doktér Y . przyjm uje ? (K'yed

dy dawk’toor Y . pshih



N o,sir, m adam . N ie , prosze Pana , Pani (N

’yeh , praw


sheh Pah’nah,He just went out, but Co dopiero wyszedl


lecz powréci za

he’ll b e back in jakie dziesieé m inut, za chwileabout ten m inutes, (Tsaw daw -p


'raw vih’shed letch

in a short while . paw-vroo’ch ee zah yah

’k’yeh jeh’

sh entch m ee’noot, zah

Please take a seat . P rosze siadaé . Oto kilks gazet, jezeliHere are a few P an zechce czytac


: (Praw-sheh Shah'

papers if you wish dahtch . Aw’taw keel’kah gah’zet

to read . yeh - zh eh 'lee Pahn zeh’h’tseh chih’

tahtch ) .

Doctor, I feel very Panie doktorze, czuje sie bardzo cho

sick . ry (Pah’n’yeh dawk-taw’zh eh , choo’

yeh sheh bar'dzaw haw’rih ).

What is the m atter ? Co Panu jest ? dolega ? (Tsaw Pah’

noo yest ? dawHave you any pa in ? Gzy P an m iewa b olesci ? ( Chih Pahn


’vah b aw-lesh’ch ee

Yes, sir . Tak, Panie (Tahk,Where does it pa in Gdzie Pan czuje bol ? (G

’jeh Pahn

you ? choo’yeh bool ? )Here , there , Tu, tam (Too, tahm ),in the head, w glowie

in m y chest, w piersiach

in the side , w bokuin the heart, w sercu

in the lungs, w plucach

in the stom ach, w zoladku (v’zh aw

leg ,arm

,shoulder, w nodze

,w ram ieniu

, w srodku

inside som ewhere . gdzies v’rah -m


n’yoo, v

’shrawd’koo g

’jesh ).

I feel a pa in a ll over Boli m ie cale cialo (B aw’lee m’yeh

m y b OdY tsah’leh ch ah’law) .

I have caught a COM . Zazieb ilem sie (Zah -zhem -b ee’lem

sheh ).I am hoarse . Ochryplem (Aw

I have a sore throat . Gardlo m ie boli (Gar’dlaw m


b aw’lee ) .


Do you cough ? Czy P an kaszle? ( Chih Pahn kahsh’

leh ? )Yes, sir, so m uch that Tak, Panie , tyle ze nie m oge spaé

I can’t sleep . (Tahk, P ah’n’yeh , till'yeh , zheh

u’yeh m aw’geh spahtch ) .

I ha ve a catarrh . Mam katar (Mahm kah’tar) .

My neck is stiff . Szyja m i zesztywniala ( Sh ih’yah m ee

zeh - shtiv

I feel very weak . I Czu je sie b ardzo slaby . Zaledwie m o

can hardly stand . ge staé (Ch oo'yeh sheh b ar’dzaw

slah’b ih . Zah -led’v’yeh m aw’geh

stahtch ) .

Please bare your arm , Prosze obnaZyé ram ie, noge, szyje,leg , neck, chest . piersi (Praw’sheh awb ~nah 'zh itch

rah’m ’yeh , n a w’g e h, shih’yeh ,p’yair


Undress yourself . Prosze sie rozebraé,obnazyé (Praw

sheh sheh raw- zeh’brahtch,


nah’zh itch )Have you headaches, Czy Pani cierpi na b él glowy ? (Chihm adam ? P ah’n’yee ch air’pee nah bool glaw’

vih ? )Yes, no . Tak, nie (Tahk, n’yeh ) .

Often ? Czesto?

Alm ost every day . Prawie co dzien (Prah’v’yeh tsaw

jane ) .

I suffer from giddi Cierpie na zawrét glowy (Cha ir'p’yeh

ness . nah zah’vroot glaw’vih ) .

How’s your appetite , Jaki Pan m a apetyt? (Yah’kee Pahn

sir ? m ah ah

Good ? B ad ? Dobry ? Zly ? (Daw’brih ? z’lih ? )

N ot so good . N ie zly (N’yeh z

’lib ).N ot very good . N ie b ardzo dobry (N

’yeh b ar’dzaw

daw’brih ) .

I have no appetite at N ie m am zadnego apetytu (N’yeh

all . m ahm zhahd-neh 'gaw ah -peh -tih'

too) .

I didn’t eat anything Od trzech dni nic nie jadlem (Awdfor three days . tsh eh

’h d

’n’yee neets u

’yeh yahd’

lem ) .


I am shivering with Mam dreszcze (Mahm dresh’ch eh ) .

cold .

I am burning with Jest m i goraco (Yest m ee gaw-rone'

heat . tsaw ) .

I feel sick in m y Cza je nudnosc’: (Choo’yeh nood’

stom ach nawshtch )Please show m e your Prosze pokazaé jezyk (Praw’shehtongue . paw-kah’zahtch yen

'zick) .

Your tongue is coated . Jezyk jest ob lozony (Yen’zick yestaw -blaw zh aw’nih )

The pulse is regular, Puls jest regularny, nie regularny

irregular . (Pools yest reh -



reh -

goo ar’nih )

Please tell m e what is Prosze m i powiedziec’: co m i jest ?

the m atter with (Praw’sh eh m ee paw-v’yeh


m e ? tsaw m ee yest ? )Sir, m adam , you have Pan, pani cierpi na— (Pahn, pah’n


ch air’pee nah


B lednice (BledInflam m ation of the Zapalenie pluc (Zah -pah -leh’n’yeh

lungs, ploots),

Pleurisy, Zapalenie oplucnej (Zah -pah -leh '

n’yeh aw


Zapalenie kiszek (Zah -pah -leh’n’yehkee’sheck),

Appendicitis, Zapalenie slepej kiszki (Zah -pah

leh’n’yeh shleh’pay ke esh’kee ),Constipation,

Zatwardzenie (Zah -t’vahr-dzeh’

u’yeh ),

Jaundice , Zéltaczke (Zhool

Chronic catarrh, Ch roniczny katar (H’raw-n’yeetch


nih kah’tar),Rheum atism , Reum atyzm (Reh -oo

Asthm a , Astm e, Dych awice (Ah st’m eh , Dihh ah

Consum ption . Suchoty ( Soo

The child h as whoop To dziecko m a koklusz (Taw jets’kaw

ing cough , m ah kaw’kloosh ),Scarlet fever, Szkarlatyne ( Shkar-lahSm all-pox, Ospe (Awss’peh )

HeadacheToothacheEara cheDislocationEruptionA broken bone

Contusion .

Boil, Abscess .

Pim ple .

Medica l establishm entClinical hospital .

Lying-in hospita l .

Am bulanceSister of charity

NurseThe chief physician

A te lephone ca ll.

I s this Dr. Brown’soffice ?

Yes .Wh o is this ?I wish to talk to Dr.Brown .

Th is is Dr. Browntalking to you .

Dr. Brown is out,but


Katarakta oczna (Kah -tah -rahk’tah

awtch’nah ).

Odm roZenie (Awd-m rawN agniotek, odcisk (N ah

awd’ch eesk)B 61 glowy (Bool glaw’vih ) .B 61 zeb6w (Bool zem’boof ).B 61 uszu (Bool oo’shoo) .Wywichnieficie (Vih -vee’bWyrzut (Vih’zh oot)Zlam ana kosd (Z l a h - m a h’n a hkawstch ).

Stluczenie ( StlooWrz6d (Vzh ood) .


D om zdrowia (DawmK linika (K lee’n


-kah )I nstytut polozniczy (Een’sti-toot pawlaw zh

Am bulans (Am’boo-lahnss).S iostra m ilosierdzia ( Shawss’trah

m ee - law-sh air’jah )P ielegniarka (P


- lengLekarz naczelny (Leh -kah zh nah

chel'nih ).

Gzy to jest b iuro Dr. B rowna ? (Chihtaw yest b’yoo’raw dawk-taw'rahB row’nah ? )

Tak . Kto to ? (Tahk . Ktaw taw ? )Chce rozm awiaé 2 Dr. B rownem

(H’tseh rawz -m ah’v’yahtch z


taw’rem B row’nem ) .To ja Dr. Brown m 6wie do Pana (Tawyah dawk'toor Brown m oo


claw Pah’nah) .

Pana doktora niem a , lecz ja m oge wy

I can take yourm essage .

I am John Polski . Thebaby is very sick .

Will you pleasecom e at once ?

What is the m atter

I will com e very soon,

Mr. Polski .

What is your ad

dress ?633 Mansfield Place .

Your baby is verysick, Mrs. Polska .

— 143

sluchac’: Pana zadanie (Pah’nah

dawk-taw’rah n’yeh

’m ah v’daw’m oo


letch yah m aw’geh vi-sloo’hahtch

Pah’nah zh own

Jestem Jan Polski . Moje dziecko jestbardzo chore . Czy m oze Pan dokt6r

przyjsé natychm iast? (Yes’tem

Yahn Pawl’skee . Maw’yeh jets’kawyest bar'dzaw haw’reh . Chih m aw’

zheh Pahn dawk’toor psh ih’eestch


Co dziecku jest ? Co m u dolega ?

(Tsaw jets’koo yest ? Tsaw m oo


N ie wiem . Ono m a wysoka goraczke

(N’yeh v

’yem . Aw’naw m ah vih

saw’koh gawWkr6tce przyjde, P a n i e P o l s k i(V’kroot’tseh pshih

’ee’deh , P ah’n


Pawl'skee ) .

Jaki jest Pana adres ? (Yah 'kee yestPah'nah ah’dress ? )

633 Mansfield Pl . ( 633 Mansfield Pl . )Pani dziecko jest b ardzo chore , PaniPolska (Pah’n

’yee jets’kaw yest

b ar’dzaw h aw’reh,Pah’n’yee Pawl’

skah).Jezeli Pani nie bedzie bardzo ostroi

na , to ono um rze (Yeh -zheh’lee

P ah 'n’yee n

’yeh b en’jeh b ar’dzaw

awss-trawzh’nah , taw aw’naw oom’

zh eh ) .

N ie m usi Pani je zostawm c na sloficu

(N’yeh m oo

’shee Pah’n’yee yeh zaw

stah’v’yahtch nah slawn’tsoo ).

N iech Pani je nie podrzuca w ten spo

séb (N’yeh

’h Pah 'n

’yee yeh n


pawd-zh oo’tsah v’ten spaw

’soop ).

Ono m usi m iec’: zupelny spok6j (Aw’

naw m oo’shee m

’yetch zoo-


Feed it nothing but

Som etim es give it a

little water, but notice water .

Wash out that bottleeverytim e you feedher .

You have tuberculos is,but you can be

cured .

Do not breathe im

pure air .


N ie dawaé m u nic do jedzenia opr6cz

m leka (N’yeh dah’vahtch m oo

n’yeets daw yeh -dzeh’n’yah aw’


Od czasu do czasu m oze m u Pani dactroche wody, leez nie wody z lodu(Awed ch ah’soo daw ch ah’soo m aw'

zh eh m oo Pah 'n’yee dahtch traw’

h eh vaw’dih , letch n’yeh vaw’dih

Trzeb a wym yé te butelke przed kai

dem karm ieniem i po (Tsh eh’bah

vih’m itch teh b oo-tel’keh psh ed

kah zh 'dem kar-m yeh -n’yem se

paw) .

Ma Pan suchoty, leez m oze Pan byé

wyleczony (Mah Pahn soo-h aw’tih,

letch m aw’zheh Pahn bitch vih - leh

ch aw’nih )

N ie oddych aj Pan zepsutem powie

trzem (N’yeh awd-dih’h igh Pahn

zeh -psoo’tem paw

P rzebywaj Pan na powietrzu jak najwiecej (P sh eh -b ih’vigh Pahn nah

paw-v’yet’sh oo yahk nigh-v’yen’

tsay) .

W sypia lni m iej Pan zawsze okna sze

roko otwarte (V’sih

m’yay Pahn zah’v’sheh awk'nah

sheh-raw’kaw aw

Jedz Pan zwykly pokarm (Yedz Pahnz’vik’ly paw

’carm ) .

Trzeb a wygotowaé naczym’

a , kt6re

Pan uzywa . N ie powinno sie ichm yc z innem i talerzam i (Tsheh -b ah

vih -

gaw -taw -vahtch

k’too’reh Pahn oo-zh ih 'vah . N


paw-veen’naw sheh ee

’h m itch z’een

neh’m ee tah -leh

a m orning-dress,an afternoon-dress,

an evening-dress,

a ball-dress,

a wedding-dress,m ade .

Please let m e see the

new fashions .

I like this style verym uch .

I can m ake it as you

wish it .

Would you like to

have it t r i m m e dwith lace,

with jet,with silk,with em broidery,with velvet,with satin ?

I leave that entirelyto you .

Allow m e to takeyour m easure .

I would like to have itby next Sunday. D o

you think you can

have it ready .




suknie spacerowa ( sook’n’yeh spah


suknie wieczorowa ( sook'n’yeh

v’yeh -chaw-raw’voh )

suknie balowa ( sook’n’yeh bah -law'

voh ) ,suknie slubna (sook’n

’yeh shloob’

noh ) .

Prosze m i pokazaé nowe zurnale

(Praw'sh eh m ee paw-kah’zahtch

naw’veh zhoor

Lubie b ardzo ten fason (Loo’b’yeh

b ar’dzaw ten fah’sawn) .

Moge zrobié tak jak Pani sobie iyczy(Maw’geh zraw’beetch tahk yahkP ah’n’yee saw’b’yeh zhih’chih ) .

Gzy Pani zyczy sobie m ieé suknie o

zdob iona koronka (Chih Pah 'n’yee

zh i'chih saw’b’yeh m’yetch sook’

n’yeh awz-daw-b


’noh kaw

rawn'koh ),

gagatem (gah

jedwab iem (yed

h aftem

aksam item (ahk-sah

atlasem ? (ah

P olegam zupelnie na guscie Pani(Paw-leh’gahm zoo-pell

’n’yeh nah

goosh’ch eh

N iech Pani pozwoli m i wziac’: m iare


’h P ah 'n

’yee paw-vaw’lee m ee


Chcialabym ja m ieé na przyszla nie

dziele. Czy Pani sadzi, ze Pani jawykoficzy na ten ezas ? (H


lah’bim joh m’yetch nah psh ish


u’yeh-jeh’leh . Chih Pah’n’yee sown'

gee , zheh P ah’n’yee yoh vih -kawn’

chih nah ten ch ah ss ? )N apewno (N ah

I’ll try m y best .

What will b e the

cost ?

That depends on the

styleTen, fifteen, twenty,fifty dollars

It is clear .

It is not cheap .

I t’s a reasonable price .

If you give m e satisfaction, I shall al

ways com e here .

When should I com e

to try on m y dress

I n a few days .

I n two days .

Next week .

Any day next week .

I s m y dress ready fortrying on ?

Yes, m adam .

Put it on, please .

Youhave cut it toolow .

- 147

Bede sie b ardzo starac (B en’deh shehb ar’dzaw stah’rahtch ) .

I le bedzie kosztowaé? or : Jaka bedzie

cena ? (Ee’leh b en’jeh kawsh-taw’

vahtch —Yah’kah ben'jeh tseh’

nah ? )To zalezy od fasonu (Taw zah -leh’

zh ih awed fahD ziesieé, pietnascie , dwadziescia , pie

dziesiat d o l a r 6 w (Jeh 'shentchp’yent-nah sh

’cheh , dvah -jesh



p’yen—jeh’shownt daw -lah 'roof)To drogo (Taw draw’gaw) .To nie tanio (Taw n


To jest um iarkowana cena (Taw yestoo-m

’yahr-kaw-vah’nah tseh’nah ) .

Jezeli m ie Pani zadowoli, to zawsze

do Pani przyjde (Yeh -zh e’lee m’yeh

P ah’n’yee zah -daw -vaw’lee , taw

zahv’sh eh daw pah’n’yee psh ih


deh ).Kiedy m am przyj sé przym ierzyé suk

nie? (K


’dy m ahm pshih’eeshtch

psh ih -m’yeh

’zh itch sook’n’yeh

Za kilka dni (Zah keel'kahZa dwa dni (Zah dvahW przyszlym tygodniu

tihByle kt6rego dnia w przyszlym tygod

niu (B ih’leh ktoo-reh’gaw d’n’yahv’p’sh ish’lim tih

Czy m oja suknia jest gotowa do przym iarki ? (Chih m aw’yah sook’n


yest gaw-taw’vah daw psh ih ?



Tak, Pani (Tahk,Prosze wlozyé (Praw’sheh vlaw’

zh itch ).Wyciela Pani za nizko (Vih-cheh'lahPah’n’yee zah

It is not cut low

enough .

The wa ist is too tight,too loose,

It is too short in the

waistToo long .

The wa ist has wrin

kles .

It cuts m e under thearm s .

The sleeve is not

sewed in right .

The skirt is too long,too short .

You m ust m ake itlonger, shorter, nar.

rower, wider .

That’s easily done .

It fits badly, well .

N ow it’s just right


neither too tight,

nor too wide .

I hope you are satisfied with the work

Very m uch . You m ay

consider m e as one

of your regular custom er .

— 148

N ie jest dosé nizko wycieta (N’yeh

ye st dawshtch n’yeez

’kaw vih -chen’

tah ) .

Stanik jest za ciasny, za szeroki( Stah 'n

’yeek jest zah ch ah ss'nih , zah

sheh-raw’kee )Stan jest za krotki ( Stahn yest zah

kroot’kee ) .

Za dlugi (Zah dloo’ghee ) .

Stanik zm arszcza sie ( Stah’n’yeek

z’m ahrsh 'ch ah sheh ).

Cisnie mie pod rekawam i (Cheesh’

u’yeh m

’yeh pawed ren-kaw—vah’

m ee ).

Rekaw i le wszyty (Ren’kahf zh leh

vshih 'tih ) .

Spodnica jest za dluga , za kr6tka

( Spawd-n’yee

’tsaw yest zah dloo’gah ,zah kroot’kah ).

Musi ja Pani podluzyé, skr6c1c, zwe

zié, poszerzyé (Moo

’sh ee yoh Pah’

n’yee paw -dloo’zh itch , skroocheetch ,

zven’zh eetch , paw -sheh’zh itch )To latwa sprawa (Taw laht’vah

sprah’vah ).

Lezy z’le

,dobrze (Leh’zhih zh leh ,

daw'b zh eh ) .

Tera z w sam raz, ani za ciasna , ani

za szeroka (Teh’rah z v’sahm rah z ,

ah’n’yee zah ch ah ss’nah , ah’n’yee

zah shehMam nadzieje, ze Pani jest zadowol

niona z rob oty? (Mahm nah -jeh’

yeh , zheh Pah 'n’yee yest zah -daw


’na h z’raw-b aw’tih

B ardzo. Moi e m nie Pani uwazaé za

swoja sta la klientke (Bar’dzaw .

Maw'zheh m

’n’yeh Pah’n

’yee oo

vah’zhatch zah svaw’yoh stah’loh


At the druggist’s .

Please give m e ten Prosze m i dac’: rycyny za dziesieé cen

cents worth of cas t6w (Praw - sheh m ee dahtch rihtor oil . tsih’nih zah jeh’sh entch tsen’toof) .

Pepperm int, of pep Mieta , m iety

perm int .

Essence of pepper Krople m ietowe (Kraw’pleh m’yen

m m t taw’veh )Lim e-water

,of lim e Woda wapienna , wody wapiennej

water . (Vaw’dah vah vaw-dihvah

Spirits of cam phor, Spirytu s kam forowy, spiritusu kam

of spirits of cam forowego ( Spee -rih 'toos kahm -faw

phor .raw’vih , spee-rih-too’soo kahm -faw

raw -veh’gaw )Please m ake this m ed Prosze m i przygotowaé to lekarstwo

icine for m e , (Praw'sheh m ee psh ih -

gaw -taw’

vahtch taw leh

H ave you a doctor’s Czy m a Pan recepte od doktora ?

prescription ? ( Chih m ah Pahn reh -tsep’teh awd

daw -ktaw’rah

Here it is . P rosze . Oto jest (Praw-sheh . Aw’tawyest) .

When will m y m ed Kiedy bedzie gotowe m oje lekarstwo ?

icine b e ready ? (K’yeddy b en’jeh gaw-taw’veh

m aw’yeh leh -kar’stvaw

P igulki (P ee -

gool’kee )

ProszkiMasé (Mah shtch ).

Please give m e som e Prosze m i daé cos 0d bdlu glowything for a head (Praw’sh eh m ee dahtch tsawsh awd

ache . b oo’loo glaw’vih ).

Take this . Zazyj Pan to (Zah’zhih’ee Pahn taw ) .

This will help you ,To Panu pom oi e (Taw Pah 'noo paw

m aw’zh eh ) .

Are you sure this Gzy jest Pan pewny, Ze to nie dziala

stuff won’t affect na serce ? (Chih yest Pahn pev'nih ,

the heart ? zheh taw u’yeh jah’lah nah sair'


Absolutely sure

Have you any goodrem edy for fa llingout hair ?

We have a few,but

this is the best .

How m uch is it a bottle ?

How m uch for thism edicine

Ten, fifteen, twenty,twenty-five , thirty,thirty-five, fourty,fourty five, fifty


sixty, seventy fivecents . one , two dollars .

Do you keep m inera lwaters ?

Yes,sir . What kind ?

Any kind .

Please give m e som e

benzine,turpentine ,glycerine .

I’d like to have som e


Zupelnie pewny (Zoo-pell'n’yeh pev

nih ) .

Gzy m a Pan jaki dobry srodek przed

ciw wypadaniu wlos6w? (Chih m ah !

Pahn yah’kee daw'brih shraw’deck

psheh’ch eev vih -pah -dah’n’yoo vlaw

soof ? )Mam y ich kilka

,lecz ten jest najlep

szy (Mah’m ih ee’h keel’kah , letch

ten yest nighI le kosztuje flaszeczka ? (Ee’leh

kawsh-too'yeh flah-sh etch’kahI le za to lekarstwo ? (Ee’leh zah taw

leh -kar’stvaw

D ziesieé , pietnascie, dwadZ1esc1a , dwa

dziescia pieé, trzydziesci, trzydzie

sci piec czterdzesci czter

dziesci piec piedziesiat

szesédziesiat siedem dziesiat

piee ( 75) cent6w . Jednego dolaradwa dolary (Jeh’shentch ,

p’yent-nah sh

’ch eh , dva -jesh’chah ,

dvah-jesh tshih -jesh'

chee , tsh ih -jesh—chee’p’yentchchtair-jesh’chee (40) chtair-jesh’

chee p’yentch p’yen-jeh’

shownt shesh-jeh’shownt,sheh-dem -

j eh’sh ownt p


( 75) tsen’toof. Yedu -neh’gaw daw

lsh’rah,dvah daw

Gzy m oina tu dostac’: wody m ineralnej(Chih m awzh’nah too dawss’tahtch

vaw’dih m ee-neh -rah l'nay

Tak, Panie . Jakiej (Tahk, Pah’n’yeh .

B ylejakiej (Bih-lehProsze m i dae b enzyny (Praw-shehm ee dahtch b en-zin’nih )terpentyny (ter-pen

gliceryny glee-tseh -rin’nih )Chcialbym dostaé dobrej trucizny na

— 152

good poison for

rats and m ice .

Strychnine .

Pota ssium Cyanide .

B e very careful withthis . I t

’s a deadly

poison .

Please give m e a jar

of vaseline .

A purgative

An em etic

Elder-flowerSage .

Dried raspberries

Dried bilberries

Court plasterBandagesBa lsamBug-killer .


Soap .

Perfum ed soap

Therm om eterRubber nipple

szczury i m yszy (H’chah ll’bim daw’

stahtch daw'bray troo-ch eez’ny nah

shchoo’rih ee m ih 'sh ih ).

Strychnina Strih’h

Cyankali (Tsih -an

P rosze byé b ardzo ostrozny z tem . To

jest bardzo silna trucizna (Praw

sheh bitch b ar’dzaw aw-strawzh 'ny

z tem . Taw yest b ar'dzaw sh eel’nah

troo-chee z’nah )Prosze m i dae sloj wazeliny (Praw’

sheh m ee dahtch sloo’ee vah -zeh


érodek przeczyszczajacy ( Shraw’deck

psh eh -ebish-ch a -


Srodek na wym ioty (Shraw’deck nah


Kwia t b zowy (Kv’yaht

Szal a

Suszone m aliny (Soo-shaw’neh m ah


Suszone bor6wki ( Soo-shaw’neh bawroof’kee ).Pl asterB andai e (BahnBalsamSrodek przeciw rob actwu (Shraw’

deck psh eh’cheef raw

L ekarstwo cd kaszlu (Leh -kar-stvaw

awd kah’sh loo ) .Srodek przeciw nagniotkom ( Shraw’

deck psheh’cheef nahR6zne rzeczy (Roozh’neh zheh’chih ) :S zczoteczki do zeb6w ( Shohaw-tetch'.kee daw zem 'boof).


Pachnace m ydlo (Pah’h -nown’tseh

m id’law ).Term om etr (TerCycek gum owy (Tsih’tsek goo-m aw’

m ent plan

That would suit m e .

How m uch cash do

you require ?

You m ay pay ten per

cent of your purchase and th e restin instalm ents of

two dollars a week,or eight dollars a

m onth .

I prefer to pay

All right, just as youwish .

What would you likefor the bedroom ?

The room is not verylarge . I think a bed,

a bureau, a wardrobe , and a rockingc h a i r w i l 1 be

For the dining roomwe’ll take an extension table , 6 chairs,

an arm chair and a


For the parlor fourchairs

,a sofa , two

little easy chairs , a

— 154

m aw’zheh Pahn v’zhowntch nah vih

plah’teh ) .

Zgadzam sie na to (Z’gah

’dzahm shehnah taw ) .

I le zadatku zada Pan ? (Ee’leh zah

daht’koo zh own’dah Pahn ? )Moze Pan dac dziesieé procent z ra

chunku,a reszte wyplatam i tygod

niowo po dwa dolary, lub m iesiecznie po osm dolar6w (Maw’zh eh

Pahn dahtch jeh’sh entch praw'tsent

z’rah -hoon’koo, ah resh’teh vih -plah

tah’m ee tih-



’vaw paw

dvah daw-lah’rih , loop m’yeh

sh entch’n’yeh paw aw’sh em daw

lah’roof) .

Wole splaca é m iesiecznie (Vaw’leh

splah’tsah tch m


B ardzo dobrze, jak Panu wygodniej

(B ar’dzaw daw'b’zheh , yahk Pah’

noo vih

Co by Pan chois l do sypialnego pokoju ? (Tsaw b ih

_P ahn h

’ob ab l daw

sih -p’yah l-neh

’gaw paw-kaw’yoo

P ok6j nie jest b ardzo duzy . Sedze, i sl6iko, kom oda , szafa i krzeslo ko

lyszace wystarcza (Paw’koo’ee n


yest b ar'dzaw doo’zh ih . Sown’dzeh

zh eh loozh’kaw , kaw—m aw’dah ,shah’fah ee ksh eh’slaw kaw—lib

shone’tseh vih

Do jadalnego pokoju weim iem y st61

rozsuwalny, szeéé kszeseiek, fotel ikredens (D aw yah -dahl-neh 'gawpaw -kaw’yoo vezh -m


’m ih stoolrawz-soo-vahl’nih

,sheshtch k


seh’leck, faw’tell ee kreh’dens ).

Do b awia lni cztery krzesla , kanape,dwa m a le krze selka , stoliczek i dywan (Daw bah chte’rih


centre table and a k’shess’lah , kah -nah’peh , dvah m ah’

rug . leh ksh e-sell'kah , staw-lee’check ee

dih’vahn) .

The kitchen will have D o kuchni trzeb a najm niej , tylko m a

th e least, a little ly st6i i dwa drewniane krzeselka

table and two wood (Daw kooh’h’n’yee tsheh’b ah nigh’

en chairs . m’n’yay, till’kaw m ah’ly stool ee

dvah drev-n’yah’neh ksheh -sell’kah )N ew furniture . Nowe m eb le (N aw’veh m eb’leh ) .

Second-hand furni Stare m eb le ( Stah’reh m eb’leh ) .

ture .

A dining-table with St6i rozsuwa lny o kilku b latach ( Stoolseveral leaves . rawz - soo-vah l’nih aw keel'koo blah’

tah’h ) .

Oak, wa lnut, m aple , Debowy, orzechowy, klonowy, jesiono

ash , m a h o g a n y wy, m ah oniowy st61 (Dem -b aw’vih ,

table aw -zh eh -h aw 'vih

,k l a w -n a w’v i h,

yeh -shaw-naw’vih , m ah ~haw -n’yaw’

vih stool ) .Cane-bottom ed chairs Krzesla wyplatane z wysokiem i porewith high backs .

czam i (K shess’lah vih -plah-tah’nehz’vih -saw-k


’m ee paw-ren-chah’

m ee ) .To m atch in color, D obraé kolorem ,

ksztaltem (Dawshape . b rahtch kaw - law’rem ,

Different kinds of Rozm aite szafy (Rawz-m ah -ee’teh

wardrobes sh ah’fih )Book-case . B ib ljoteka , S zafa do ksiai ek (B eeb


yaw -teh’kah , Shah’fah daw kshown’

zheck) .

A desk . B iurko

A writing desk . Stolik do pisania ( Staw'leek daw pee

Chest of drawers . Kom oda (Kaw

Bureau .

Suit consisting of a Garnitur skladajacy sie Z kanapy i

sofa and four arm czterech foteli (Gar-n’yee’toor

cha irs . sklah -dah -

yone’tsih sheh z

’kah -nah’

pih i chteh’reh’h faw-teh’l-ee ).Beds . L6ikaSingle , double , plain, Pojedyncze , podw6jne , zwykle (Paw


yeh -deen’cheh , paw-dvooy’neh , zvih’.

kleh ),m a d e of w o o d

,drewniane, m osiezne (drev-n


brass,iron . neh , m aw

zela zne ( zheh -lah z’neh )Dressing-table Gotowalnia (Gaw-taw

Washing-stand . Um ywalka (Oo-m ih

Card-table . Stolik do gry ( Staw’leek daw grih).Larder . S zafa kuch enna ( Shah’fah koo-hen’

nah ) .

Couch stuffed with S zezlong wyécielany wlosem , tra

h o r s e-h a i r, sea wa m orska Shez’long yih-sh’cheh

weed . lah 'nih v’law'

sem , trah-voh m orse’

koh ).

Sprei yny Spren-zh ih 'nih )Firanki (Fee-rahn’kee)

At the grocery and fruit stores.

What do you wish, Czego sobie Pani zyczy ? (Cheh’gawm adam ? saw’b’yeh Pah

'n’yee zhih’chih

Please give m e three Prosze m i dac trzy i p61 funta cukru

and a half pounds (Praw’sheh m ih dahtch tshee ee

of granula ted sugar, pool foon’tah tsoo’crew ),a pound of lum p cukra w kawalkach (tsoo’crew v

sugar, kah -vah l'cah’h— h sounded),

two pounds of cof dwa funty kawy, i (dvah foon'ty

fee, and kah 'vih , ee )a half a pound of p61 funta herbaty (pool foon’tahtea . ha ir

A box of cocoa , a bar Puszke kakao, tafle czekolady, duzaof chocolate, large tafle (Push’keh kah -kah’awe, tahf'

size . leh cheh-caw-lah’dih , doo’zhom e

tahf’leh ).

Eight cans of pre Osm puszek m arynowanych brzkoskifi

served peaches . (Awe’sh em poo’sheck m ah -rih-naw

vah’nih’h ( f in a l h sounded)

How m uch a can ? Po ile puszka ? (Paw ee'leh push’

kah ? )

peas,lim a beans .

A jar of jelly .

A bottle of extra ct,


lem on

Five bars of soap for20c .

loaf of bread

A pound of crackers .

quarter of a poundof cheese ,Swiss,

Cream ,

Store cheese ,

Lim burger

A dozen of eggs .

Half a dozen .

A can of syrup .

H ow m uch is it a can,

a b ox, a pound,a half of a pound,an ounce ,a b ag , a b ar


piece ,a tin

,a can


a gla ss , a jar,



bobuS léj konf itur ( S loo

’ee kawn

B uteleczke ekstraktu (B oo-teh -letch’

keh ex

wanilowego (vah -n’yee


gaW)cytrynowego ( tsih -trib -naw-veh '

gaw )Piec kawalk6w m ydla za dwadziescia

cent6w (P’yentch kah -vah l’koof

m ih 'dlah za dvah -jesh 'ch ah tsen’

toof) .

Bochenek chleb a (B aw -h eh’neck h leh '

b ah ) .

Funt sucharkéw (Foont soo-hahr’

koof) .éwieré funta sera (Ch v yairtch foon’

tah seh'rah ),S zwajcarskiego ( S h

’v i g h -t s a h r


’gaw )

Sm ietankowego ( Sh m yeh- tahn

kaw -veh 'gaw )Sera am erykar


iskiego ( Sehr’rah ah

m eh - rih-kahnL im burskiego (Lim -boors-k’yeh’

gaw )Tuzin jaj (Too’zheen yah

’ee ) .

P61 tuzina (Pool tooPuszke syropu (Push’keh sih -raw’


I le kosztuje puszka (B e’leh kawshtoo’yeh push

'kah ),pudelko, funt (poo-dell’kaw ,

foont),p61 funta (pool foon’tah ),uneye ( oon’tsih -

yah ),worek, tafla , kawalek (vaw’reck,

tahf’lah , kah



— 159

a dozen, a half tuzin, p61 tuzina (too'zheen, pool

dozen, too

a pint, a quart, p61 kwarty, kwarta (pool kvar’tih ,kvar’tah ),ga loncwierc buszl a , garniec (oh v yairtchbush’lah ,

a bushel , buszel

a barrel, b eczka

a basket, a bottle , koszyk, butelka ( caw’sh ick, boo

tel'kah ),a package, pudelko (poo

a slice , a carton ? platek,karton (plah’teck, car’ton ? )

Have you fresh butter, Czy P an m a swieze m aslo, jaja ?

eggs (Chih Pahn m ah sh’v’yeh

’zh eh m ah’

slaw, jah’jah ? )Please deliver the Prosze przyslaé m i te rzeczy p0polu

things this after dniu . Tu jest m 6j adres (Praw’shehnoon. Here’s the ad psh ih

’slahtch m ee teh zheh’ch ih

dress . paw -paw Too . y e s tm oo

’ee ah’dress) .

Very well, m adam . Dobrze , prosze Panipraw’sh eh

Various a rticles R6Zne rzeczy (Roozh 'neh zheh’ch ih )Rice , Ryz (Rizh),Maccaroni, Maka ron (Mah

Potash, PotaiAm m onia

,Am oniak (Ah

Washing fluid,

Plyn do prania (P lin daw prah’


Blueing . Modre , farbka (Maw'dreh , fahrb’

kah ).

Sauce . Sos ( S awss) .

Sos pom idorowy (Sawss paw-m ee

daw-raw’vih )Ocet

Peanut butter . Maslo z orzechow (Mah’slaw zaw

zh eh’hoof) .

Buraki (B ooKasza owsiana (Kab’shah off-Shah'

nah ) .




Apricots,Peaches,Apple ;Pear,Plum ,




- 160

Tluczony chleb (Tloo-ch aw’nih h’lep) .

Oliwki (Awe

Kwaszona kapusta (Kvah-shaw'nah

kah -poos’tah )


Kalafjor (Kah

S zparagi Shpah-rah’ghee )S zpinak

Kapusta (KahB rukiew

ChrzanSa lata ( SahOg6rki (Aw

Rzodkiew (Zh awd’k’yeff


Owoce (Aw-vaw’tseh

Winogrona (Vee-naw

Morele (Maw

B rzoskwinie (B’zh awss


GruszkaSliwkaWiénieMaliny (Mah

Jei yny (YehP oziom ki (Paw

AgrestP orzeczki (Paw

Czarne b or6wki (Chahr’neh baw

roof’kee ),

MelonKawonMelonCytryna (Tsih

P om araficza (Paw-m ah

Figi,daktyle (Fee'gh ee , dahk-tih’

leh ),

Orzechy (Aw-zheh’hih

Orzechy laskowe (Aw-zh eh’hih


Cooking utensils

Iron pots of varioussizes,

kettles,enam elled s h e e tiron stewing pans ,

sheet-iron pa ils,

basting-laddle ,stra iner



a skimm er,

Other articlesa sm oothing iron,

a coffee m ill,

a chopping-knife ,a pitcher,a boiler .WireIron, brass,

saucers,knives and forks

Do you keep ra zors ?

— 162

Naczynia kuchenne (N ah -chi'n’yah

koo-hen’nehGarnki ze la zne rozm aitej wielkosci

(Garn’kee zheh -lah z’neh raw

zm ah -ee’tay v


kocielki (kaw

rondle z b lachy zelaznej em aljowane

(rawn’dleh z’b lah 'hee zheh -lah z'

nay e -m ahl-yawb laszane kubly (blah-shah’neh koob'



lyzka durszlakowa ( lish’kah doorsh lah -kaw’vah

lyzka do zb ierania szum owin (fish'

kah daw z’b’yeh -rah’n’yah shoo

m aw’veen)Inne rzeczy (Een'neh zheh’ch ih

i elazko do prasowania ( zheh -lah zh

kaw daw prah-sawm lynek do kawy (m lih’ne ck daw

kah’vih ),siekacz


saganDrut (DroobZelazny, m osiezny

m aw

miedziany (m’yeh



naczynia (nah

talerze (tah

kubki, filii anki (koob’ki, fee-lee

zhah’ke e ),podstawki (pawdnote i widelce (naw'

zheh ee vee

dell'tseh ).Gzy m a Pan brzytwy ? ( Ch ili m ah


- 163

Yes, sir, we have a Tak,Panie , m am y bogaty wyb6r brzy

fine assortm ent of tew i innych ostrych narzeuzi (Tahkrazors and other Pah 'n

’yeh , m ah’m ih baw-


cutlery . vih’b oor b zhih’teff ee een’-nih’h aw’

strih’h nah

How m uch is this pen I le kosztuje ten scyzoryk? (Ee’leh

kaw-shtoo’yeh ten s’tsih

That is too dear for Ten jest za drogi dla m nie, ezy nie

m e,haven’t you any m a Pan tanszych (Ten ye st zah

cheaper ones ? draw’ghee dlah m’n’yeh , chih n


m ah PahnThis is the cheapest Tafiszych juz nie m am y (Tahn’shih’hwe have . yoozh u

’yeh m ah’m ih ) .We handle only the Sprzedajem y tylko towar najlepszegobest grade of goods. gatunku ( Spsheh -dah -

yeh'm ih till’

kaw taw’vahr nigh-lep-sh eh’gaw

gah -toon’koo)I s there anything else Gzy jeszcze co sobie Pan zada ? ( Chihyou want ? yesh

’cheh tsaw Pahn saw’b’yeh

zhone’dah ? )I guess that is all . Zdaje m i sie, te to wszystko (Zdah '

yeh m ee sheh, zheh taw vshisst’

kaw ).

Thank you . Dziekuje Panu (Jane-koo’yeh Pah'

noo) .

Call again, please . Prosze czeéciej (Praw’sheh chensh '

chay ).

At the lawyer’s.

What can I do for Ozem m oge Panu (Pani ) sluzyé?

you, sir (m adam ) ? (Chem m aw’geh Pah’noo (Pah '

n’yee sloo’zh itch ? )

My father has died in Moj ojciec um arl w Europie i zostawilEurope and has left m i m ajatek . Chce sprzedaé ten m a

m e som e property j‘

atek (Moo’ee oy

'chets oo

'm arle v’

I wish to sell the Eh-oo-raw’p’yeh ee zaw-stah 'veel

property . m ee m ah -yown’teck . H

’tseh ten

m ah -yown

’teck spsheh’dahtch ) .

Very well . Let m e B ardzo dobrze . Prosze,

m i podaé

have all the facts . wszelkie inform acye i szczegély

Please answer a ll m yquestions .

What is your fullnam e ?

Andrew Gleba .

How old are you?

I am twenty-five yearsold .

What is your ad

dress ?

98 Sunnyside Avenue ,Brooklyn

,N . Y.

What was your father’s full nam e ?

How old was he ?

When did he dieHow m any children inthe fam ily besideyou


What are their firstnam es and theirages ?

I s your m other stillliving ?

I n what village , town,

or city is this propetty located ?

I n the town of B rzo

stek, Ga licia , Aus

- 164

(B ar'dzaw daw'b zh eh . Praw'sheh

m ee paw’dahtch v

’sh ell'k

’yeh een

for-m ahts’yeh ee sh’cheh

Prosze odpow iadaé na wszystkie pyta .

nia (Praw’sh eh awd-paw-v’yah

dahtch nah v’sh ist’k’yeh pih-tah’

n’yah) .

Jakie jest Pana im ie i nazwisko ?

(Yah’k’yeh yest Pah’nah ee


ee nahzAndrzej Gleba (Ahn’d’zh ay Gleh’bah ) .I le m a Pan lat ? (B e’leh m ah Pahnlaht ? )

Mam dwadziescia piee lat (Mahmdvah -jesh 'ch ah p

’yentch lsht) .

Jaki jest Pana adres ? (Yah’kee yestPah’nah ah’dress ? )

98 Sunnyside Ave . , Brooklyn, N . Y .

Jak sie Pana ojciec na zywal? (Yahk

sheh Pah’nah oy’chets nah -zib’

vah ll ? )I le m ia l lat ? (Ee’leh m

’yahll laht

? )Kiedy um arl ? (K

’yeddy oo

'm arle ? )I le jest dzieci w fam ilji opr6cz Pana ?

(Ee’leh yest jeh’chee v’fah -m eel’yee

awe’prootch Pah'nah ? )Jakie sa ich im iona i jaki ich wiek ?

(Yah’k’yeh sown ee

’h ee-m



ee yah’kee ee

’h v


? )Gzy m atka Pana jeszcze zyje ? (Chihm aht’kah Pah'nah yesh

’ch eh zhih’

yeh? )

W jakiej wiosce , w jakiem m iasteczku ,

lub m iescie jest ta posiadlosé (V’

yah’k’yay v


’tseh , v’yah


m’yah s-tetch 'koo

,loop m


’ch eh

yest tah paw

W m iasteczku Brzostek, Galicya , Austrya (V

’m’yah s-tetch

’koo B zhaws’

teck,Gah -leets’yah , Ahoostr’yah ).


I have som e property Mam pewna posiadlosé w Europie ,

in Europe which I kt6re Chcia lbym legalnie przeka zaé

would like to trans m ej siostrze (Mahm pehv’noh paw

fer legally to m y sh ahd’lawshtch v’Eh -oo

sister . ktoo’roh h’ch ah l'b im leh -

gah l'n’yeh

psh eh -kah 'zahtch m ay 8 h a w s s’

tsheh ) .

I wish to sue m y hus Chce dostaé rozw6d od m ego m eza

band (wife ) for a (m ojej zony) (H’tseh daw’stahtch

divorce . raw z'vood awed m eh’gaw m en’zhah

(m aw’yay zhaw 'nih ).

On what grounds ? Z jakiej przyczyny?

psh ih -ch ih’nih

Desertion . Z powodu opuszczenia (Z’paw-vaw’doo

aw -poosh

Brutality . Z powodu b rutalnosci (Z’paw-vaw’doo

broo-tahl-nawsh’chee )N on-support . Z powodu nieutrzym ania (Z


doo u’yeh-oo-tsh ih

Infidelity . Z powodu niewiernosci (Z’paw-vaw’doo


’ya ir nawsh’chee) .

Have you any evid Gzy m a Pani jakie dowody, se on u

ence that he h as czynil (ona uczynila ) to co Panidone ( sh e has done ) m 6w i ? (Chih m ah Pah’n’yee yah

what you say? k’yeh daw-vaw’dih , zh eh awn oo

ch ih’n’yeel ( aw'nah oo-chih-n’yee'

lah ) taw tsaw Pah 'n’yee m oo

’vee ? )

Please tell m e all the Prosze m i podaé wszelkie fakta w tejfacts in the m atter. spraw ie (P raw’sh eh m ee paw


v’sh ell’k’yeh fahk’tah v

’tay sprah

v’yeh ) .

Do you think I have Gzy P an sadzi, ze m am dostateczne

sufficient grounds powody do rozwodu ? (Chih Pahnfor a divorce ? sown’gee , zh eh m ahm daw-stah

tetch’neh paw-vaw’dih daw rawz

vaw'doo ? )Yes, m adam . Tak, Pani (Tahk ,N o, sir . I don’t think N ie

,Panie . N ie m ysle, ze Pan uzyska

a divorce would b e rozw6d z tyeb przyczyn (N’yeh ,

granted to you on Pah 'n’yeh . N’yeh m ish’leh, zheh

those grounds.

I would like to sue

the B . R . T . for

dam ages

Have you h ad an ao

eident ?

Yes,sir . Last week I

rode in one of th e

C o m p a n y’s cars .

When I reached m ydestination I beganto leave the car. B e

fore I was properlyoff, the conductorrang the bell and

the car started . Im issed m y footingand fell heavily to

the pavem ent. I injured m y arm so

badly that I cannotwork . The doctorsays I shall not be

able to work for

som e tim e .

Have you any witnesses to the ac

eident ?

— 167

Pahn oo- ziss’kah rawz’woot z’tih’h

psh ih’chin)

Chcialbym skarzyé B . R . T . o odszko

dowanie (H’ch ah ll’b im skah’zhitch

B R T aw awd-shkaw -daw-vah '

u’yeh) .

Czy m ia l P an jaki wypadek ? (Chihm’yahll Pahn yah

’kee y ih -pah’

deck ? )Tak, Panie . Ub ieglego tygodnia je

cha lem w jednym z tramwajéw tegoTowarzystwa . Gdy dojech a lem do

przeznaczonego m iejsca , chcialem

opuscié tramwaj . Zanim dobrzezszedlem , konduktor zadzwonil itramwaj ruszyl . Potknalem sie i upadlem cieZko na bruk . Skaleczylem

sobie ram ie tak bolesnie , ze nie m o

ge pracowaé . L ekarz m 6wil , z'

re nie

bede zdolny do pracy jeszcze prze z

pewien czas (Tahk , Pah’n’yeh . Oo


- leh’gaw tih-gawd’n’yah yeh

h ah’lem v’yed

’nim z’trahm -vah’yoof

teh’gaw Taw-vah -zh ist’vah . G’dih

daw -

yeh -hah’lem daw pshez-nah

chaw-neh’gaw m’yays

'tsah ,b’ehah’

lem aw -

poosh’cheetch trahm’vigh .

Zahn’yeem daw'b zheh z’shed’lem ,

kawn-dook’tore zah -dzvawn’yeel ee

trahm’vigh roo’sh ill . Pawt

’k-noh '

lem sheh ee oo-pahd’lem chenzh’

kaw nah brook . Skah-leh -ch ih 'lem

rahm’yeh tahk b aw zheh~

u’yeh m aw'

geh prah-tsaw'vahtch .

Leh’kah zh m oo’veel, zheh n


b en’deh z’dawl’nih claw prah


yesh'cheh psh ez pehv

’yen ch ahss) .

Czy m a Pan jakich swiadk6w ( Chihm ah Pahn yah

’keeh’h sh’v’yahd

koof) .

N o, sir . I wa s the on

ly pa ssenger on the

car .

Was there nobody on

the street whereyou stopped ?

N ot a soul

I think it will be veryhard to win yourcase

,but I’ll try m y

best under the circum stances .

witnesses . I havetheir addresses withm e . Here they are .

That’s very good

I guess it will b e quiteeasy to prove the

Com pany guilty of

negligence .

I did som e work for

Mr. M . and now h e

refuses to pay m y

bill . I would like tosue h im to recoverm y just dues .



N ie , Panie . Pr6cz m nie nie bylo nikogo innego w tramwaju (N

’yeh ,

B abu’yeh . Prootch m’u’yeh n


b ih’law n’yee

-kaw’gaw een-neh 'gaw

v’trahm -vah 'yoo)

Czy nie bylo kogo na tej ulicy, gdzie

P an wysiadal? (Chih u

’yeh bib’lawkaw’gaw nah tay oo- lee'tsh i, g


Pahn vih -shah 'dah l

Ani Zywej duszy (Ahn’yee zhih’vay

doo’sh ih ).

Sadze, Ze bedzie trudno wygraé sprawe, lecz postaram sie jak najlepiejpod tem i warunkam i ( S own’dzeh ,

zh eh ben’jeh trood’naw vih’grahtch

sprah’veh ,

l etch paw- stah 'rahm

sheh yahk nigh-lep’yay pawd teh '

m ee vah -roonTak

,Panie . Mam kilku swiadkéw .

Mam ich adresy ze soba . Oto se

(Tahk, Pahn’yeh . Mahm keel’koo

Mahm ee’h ah -dres'

sy zeh saw’b oh . Aw’taw soh ).To b ardzo dobrze (Taw b ar’dzaw

dawb’zheh ) .Zdaje m i sie, ze bedzie dosc latwo

sprawdzié, ze Towarzystw o jestwinne niedbalstw a (Z

’dah’yeh m ee

sheh , zheh b en’jeh dawshtch lah t'

vaw sprahv’geetch , zh eh Taw -vah

zhist’vaw yest veen’neh n’yed

b ah ls’tvah )

Odrob ilem pewna rob ote dla Pana M .

i teraz on nie chce m i zaplacié ra

chunku . Chcialbym go skarzyé, aby

odzyskaé co m i sie prawnie nalezy

(Awd-raw-b ee’lem pev’noh raw

baw’teh dlah Pah’nah M . ee teh’rah z

awn u’yeh h

’tseh m e zah -plah’

cheetch rah -hoon’koo . H’chah l’bim

what I recover for

you . I s that reasonable

At the m illiner’s.

Hats trim m ed according to the lateststyle .

I wish to see som e

hats, bonnets .

Are they worn largeor sm all this year ?

Large , sm a ll .Here’s a green satinh at, trim m edfeathers .

Ostrich feathers .

Trim m ed withflowers



It becom es you verym uch .

I don’t like it verym uch . It is too

gaudy,too sim ple ,too showy.


co odzyskam dla Pana . Gzy to u

m iarkowanie ? (Dah m ee Pahn(p’yentch praw'tsent) z


tsaw awd- ziss’kahm dlah Pah'nah .

C h i h t a w oo-m’yahr-kaw-vah’

Zupelnie (Zoo

Dziekuje Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah’

noo) .

K apelusze ubrane podlug najnowszejm ody (Kah -peh -loo’sheh oo-brah’

neh paw’dloog nigh-nawv’shay

m aw’dih ) .Chce zobaczyé kapelusze (H

’tseh zaw

b ah’ch itch kah -peh -loo’sheh )Gzy w tym roku nosza wielkie ezy

m ale ( Chih v’tim raw’koo naw'


v’yel’k’yeh chih m ah’leh ? )

Wielkie, m a le m ah’leh ).

Oto jest z ielony, atlasowy, przybrany

pi6ram i (Aw -taw yest zheh -law’nih ,

ab t- lah -saw’vih , p s h i h-b r a h’n i hp’yoo-rah

’m ee )Strusie pi6ra ( Stroo’sh ehPrzyb rany (P sh ih -brah’nih )kwiatam i (k


aksam item ( ahk- sah

wstazkam i (v’stownzh

B ardzo Pani do twarzy w nim (B ar

dzaw Pah’n’yee daw tvah’zhih

N ie lubie go . On jest za jaskrawy

(N’yeh loo’b’yeh gaw . Awn yest

zah yahsza skrom ny ( zah skrawm’nih ),za uderzajacy ( zah oo-deh-zhabyown

’tsih )

Let m e see one of a Prosze m i poka zaé o kolorze ciem niejdarker color . szym (Praw

’sh eh m ee paw-kah '

zahtch w kaw - law 'zheh chem -n


shim ) .

H a v e y o u a n y Gzy m a Pani jakie ubrane réi am i ?

trim m ed with roses ? ( Chih m ah Pah 'n’yee yah

’k’yeh oo

b rah’neh roo-zh ah’m ee

A bunch of roses . Pek réz (Penk roozh ) .

I like this one best of Ten m i sie najlepiej podoba (Ten m ee

all . sheh nigh- leh’p’yay paw

I think that you have Pani m a b ardzo dobry gust (Pah’n’yee

very good taste . m ah b ar’dzaw daw’brih goost) .

How m uch is it ? I le on kosztuje ? (Ee’leh awn kawsh

too/yeh ? )Three dollars . Trzy dolary (Tsh ih daw

Five , eight,ten dol Piec , osm , dziesieé dolar6w (P

’yentch ,

lars . awe'sh em , jeh’sh entch daw -lah’

roof) .

That’s rather expen To nieco drogo (Taw n’yeh


sive draw’gaw )That is not dear . To nie drogo (Taw u

’yeh draw’gaw ).Everything in this Ten kapelusz sklada sie z najlepszych

h at is of the best m aterjal6w (Ten kah -


quality . sklah 'dah sheh z’nigh -lep

’sh ih


m ah -tare -


Al l right, pack it up . Dobrze , prosze go zapakowaé (Daw’

b zheh , praw’sh eh gaw zah-pah -kaw’

vahtch ) .

Will you trim m y hat

for m e ?

With pleasure

Have you your own

t r im m i n g s, or

should I s u p p l ythem .

Gzy Pani raczy m i ozdob 1c kapelusz?

(Chih Pah’n’yee rah’chih m ee awa

daw’beetch kah -peh’loosh

Z przyjem noscia (Z p’é h i h -y e m

naw sh’choh )

Gzy Pani m a swoje wlasne ozdoby,

lub czy tez ja m am je dostarczyé ?

(Chih Pah 'n’yee m ah s

’vaw '


vlah s’neh awz-daw’b ih , loop chihtehzh yah m am yeh (law-stah ’

chitch ? )

- 172

I have m y own .

Very well . Leave yourshape and the trimmings here .

I’ll trim it for you ao

cording to the latest

Ca ll in about three or

At the dry goods store.

What can I do for Ozem m oge Pani sini ye? ( Chemyou

? m aw’geh P ah’n’yee sloo’zhitch ? )

Please show m e som e Prosze m i poka zaé m aterjaly welnia

woolen goods . no (Praw’sh eh m ee paw-kah’zahtch

m ah - ta re -

yah’ly vel

Som e silk c o t t o n Jedwabne , b awelniane m aterja1y (Yed

goods . vahb’neh , b ah -vel-n’yah

’neh m ah

tare-yah’ly )I s thi s pure wool ? Gzy to jest czystej welny ? Gzy kolorWon

’t the c o l o r nie wyplowieje ? ( Chih taw yestfade ? chiss’tay vel’nih ? Chih kaw’lawr

u’yeh y ih-plaw-v


’yehWe guarantee this My gwarantujem y ten m aterjal (Mih

goods . g’vah -rahn-too-

yeh’m ih ten m ah

tare’yahl) .

The color is fast . Kolor jest trwaly (Kaw’lawr yest

Plain or striped m a Materjal gladki lub w paski (Mah

tat ial ? tare’yahl glahd’kee loop V


kee) .

Kaszm ir

Cienkie sukno (Chen’k’yeh sook’naw)

Popelina (Paw-peh

Mam swoje wlasne (Mahm svaw’yeh

vlah ss’neh )B ardzo dobrze (B ar’dzawProsze zostawié kapelusz i ozdoby tu

(Praw'sheh zaw-stah’veetch kah

peh'loosh ee aw-zdaw’b ih too ).

Ozdob ie go Pani wedlug najnowszejm ody (Aw -zdaw’b’yeh gaw Pah’

n’yee ved’look nigh-nawv’sh ay

m aw 'dih )Prosze przyj sc po niego za dwa lubtrzy dui (Praw’sh eh psh ih


paw n’yeh

’gaw zah dvah loop tshih

printed calico,

fl eece-lined goods ?

Ribbons .

Very narrow .

One inch wide

Two, three, four ih


ches .

That’s too wide .

Haven’t you any nar

rower ?



GreenYellowPurpleCream .

Light, dark

Light green

Dark blue

A shade darker

S ilk, cotton thread

yOO).Haftki i petelki (Hahft’kee ee pen.

- 174

perkal kolorowy (pehr'kahl kaw


barchan ?

WstaikiB ardzo wazka (B ar

'dzaw vownzfl

kah ).Jeden cal szerokosci (Yeh 'den tsab l

sheh -raw-kawsh'chee )Dwa , trzy, cztery cale (Dvah , tshih ,

chteh’rih tsah’leh ) .

Za szeroka (Zah shehCzy nie m a Pan wezszej (Chih n


m ah Pahn venzh’shay ? )K olory (Kaw-law’rih

Czerwony ( Cha irN ieb ieski (N


B ronzowy (BrawnRézowy (Roo

Zielony (ZhehZ6lty

Purpurowy (Poor-pooKrem owy (KrehJasny, ciemny (Yahss’nih , chem’

nih ) .

Jasno zielony (Yahss’naw zheh

law’nih ) .

Ciem no nieb ieski (Chem 'naw n’yeh

Odcier’i cokolwiek c i e m n i e j s z y

(A w d’c h a i n tsaw-kawl'v’yeck

chemRoine rzeczy (Roozh 'neh zheh'chih ) .S zpilki i igly ( Sh’peel’kee se eeg

’ly).Nici, naparstek nah


neh , b ah-vehl -n’yah


Pearl buttons

Spun buttons

Fancy buttons

SocksCollars and

StudsCollar buttons

Cuff buttons

A belt .

A hair brush .

A handkerchief

Kid gloves .

An um brellaGartersBucklesA veil

- 175

Perlowe guziki (Pa ir-law 'veh goo

zhee’kee ) .Web owe guziki (Veh -baw'veh goo

zhee’kee ).

Modne gu ziki (Mawd’neh goo’zhee’

kee ) .

Tasiemka (Tah

S znurek

Fiszb in

N ozyczki (N aw-zhitch’kee )Podszewka (Pawd-sheff’kah )WstawkaS zelki

KrawatKoszula (Kaw

Koszula spodnia (K a w-s h o o’l a hspawd

’n’yah )Kalesony, gacie (Kah -leh -saw’nih,

gah'ch eh ) .

Skarpety ( SkarKolnierzyki i m ankiety (Kawl-n


zhick’ee ee m ahnSpinki

Guziki do kolnierzyka (Goo-zhee’kee

daw kawlGuziki do m ankietow (Goo-zhee’keedaw m ahnPa sekS zczotka do wlos6w ( Sh


claw vlaw’soof) .

Grzeb ier'


Chustka do nosa (Hoos’t’kah daw

naw’sah) .

Rekawiczki sk6rzane (Ren-kah -veech’

kee skooRekawiczki jedwabne (R e n-k a h

veech’kee yed

Para sol (Pah -rah’sawl)Podwiazki (Pawd

SprzeczkiWoalka (Vaw

A parasolA be lt .

A lace collar .

Kid gloves .

Silk gloves .

Cotton gloves

A hand bag .

A corset .

A chem ise .

An underskirt


I s that all ?

Yes, sir, m adam .

How m uch is the bill .

Please , pay at the

cash office .

Do you want the

things sent ?

Yes, please , here is

m y address .

Good day .

Please ca ll aga in .

— 176

Parasolka (Pah -rah -sawl’kah )Pa sekKolnierz koronkowy (Kawl


kaw-rawn-kaw’vih )Rekawiczki sk6rkowe (R e n-k a h

veech’kee skoor

Rekawiczki jedwabne (R e n-k a h

veech 'kee yed

Rekawiczki b awelniane (R e n-k a h

veech’kee bah -vel

Torebka reczna (Taw-reb'kah rentch’

nah ) .

GorsetK oszula (Kaw

Halka , spodnica (Hahl’kah , spawd

Majtki dam skie (Might'kee dahm s

k’yeh) .

Poficzochy (PawnGzy to wszystko

? (Chih taw vshisst'

kaw ? )Tak, Panie , Pani (Tahk, Pah 'n

’yeh ,

I le sie nalezy? (Ee’leh sheh nah -leh’

Prosze zaplacié przy kasie (Praw’shehzah -plah

’chitch psh ih kah

’sheh ) .

Gzy m oze Pani rzeczy te odeslaé ?

(Chih m aw'zh eh Pah’n’yee zheh’

chih teh aw-des'lahtch

Tak, prosze, oto jest m 6j adres (Tahk,

praw’sheh , aw-taw yest m oo

'ee ah '

dress) .Do widzenia (Daw vee

Prosze czesciej , prosim y znowu

przyj sé (Praw’sheh chensh’chay,p r a w - s h e e ' m i h z n a w ' v o o

pshih’eeshtch )

- 178

sm ar'

zone, gotowane ( sm ah -zhawo

neh , gaw-taw

wedzone (ven

m arynowane (m ah -rih-naw-vah’

neh ),solone ( sawsiekane ( sheh-kah’neh)

Have you any roast Gzy m a Pan pieczona kure, kaczke,chicken, duck, goose , ges, pieczonego indyka

? ( Chih m ah

turkey ‘7 Pahn p’yeh -chaw’noh koo’reh,

kahtch’keh , gh ensh , p’yeh -chaw

neh’gaw een

Yes, sir, we have . Tak,Panie

,m am y (Tahk, Pah’n

’yeh ,

m ah’mih ) .N o, sir, we haven

’t . N ie, Panie , nie m am y (N’yeh , Pah’

u’yeh, u

’yeh m ah’m ih ) .What kind of fish Jakie ryby m acie ? (Yah 'k

’yeh rib’by

have you?

m ah 'cheh ? )We have pike , carp , Mam y szczupaka , karpia , okunia i weperch, and eel . gorza (Mah’m ih shchoo-pah

’kah ,car

'p’yah , aw-koo’n’yah ee y en-gawk

Have you no trout,0 1


Gzy nie m acie pstraga lub lina ? (Chihtench ? n

’yeh m ah’ch eh pstrone

’gah loop

lee’nah ? )Fresh-water fi Sh , sea Rzeczne ryby, m orskie ryby (Zhetch’fish . neh rih 'by, m orse

’k’yeh rib’by) .Can you bring m e a Gzy m oze m i Pan przyniesé kilka sar

few sardines, dynek (Chih m aw'zheh m ee Pahn

pshih’n’yeshtch keel’kah sahr-dih’

neck),a few oysters , kilka ostryg (keel'kah awss’trig ),som e caviare , troche kawiaru (traw’heh kah

a lobster ? hom ara ? ( hawI would like to have Chcialbym m ieé taki e troche jarzynsom e vegetables too . (H

’ch ahll’b im m

’yetch tahk’zheh

traw’heh yah’zhin) .

Jakie ?

Potatoes, of potatoes , K’

artofle, kartofli (Car-tawff'leh , cartawff'lee ),

- 179

peas, of peas,

beans, of beans,

carrots, of carrots,


asparagus,cabbage ,beets,lettuce, of lettuce ,

radish, of radishes

N ow bring m e som e


black coffee,coffee with m ilk,

a good cigar,

an apple,

some strawberries ,


g r o s z e k, groszku (graw’szek,


fasola , fasoli (fah -saw’lah, fah

saw’lee ),m archew,

m archwi (m ahr’heff,m ahr’hvee ),


szparagi ( shpahkapusta (kahbrukiew

salata , salaty ( sah -lah’tah , sah -lah '

tih),rzodkiewka , rzodkiewek ( zh awd-J


'kah , zhawd

A teraz przynies m i Pan piwa (Ahteh’rah ss psh i

’n’yesh m ee Pahnpee

’vah ),

winalim onjady ( lee-m awnwody sodowej (vaw’dih saw-daw’


kawy czarnej (kah’vih cha hr'nay),kawy z m lekiem (kah’vih z

’m leh’

k’yem ),dobre cygaro (daw’breh tsih -gah

raw ),pudyniu (poo

cukierkow tsoo-k’ya ir'koofciastek



troche owocéw (traw’heh aah -vaw’

tsoof),winogron (vee

jab iko

gruszkebrzoskwinie (bzhaws

Please m ake out the

bill .How m uch is it ?

Waiter, here’s som e

thing for you .

Thank you, sir .

Drinkswine, rhine-wine,

beer, ale,porter,cognac


whiskey,lem onade ,orangeade,soda-water

At the

Please give m e a box

of good writingpaper, a bottle of

ink and a stick of

se aling wax

I s there anything elseyou wish to have ?

Yes . Let m e have

Prosas zrobié rachunek (Praw'sheh

zraw’beech rah

I le sie nalezy? (Ee

’leh sheh nah -leh’

zhih ? )Kelner, tu jest cos dla was (Kel'nair,too yest tsawswh dlah vahss).

Dziekuje Panu (Jane-koo'yeh Pah '

noo) .

N apoje (N ah -paw'yeh

Wino, wino refiskie (vee’naw, vee'



portobordom adera (m ah

wino czerwone (vee’naw cher-vaw’

neh ),p iwo, el (pee'vaw , ell),porterkonjak

,wodka (kawn’yahk, vood’

kah ),wodkalim onada ( lee-m aw

orani ada (aw-rahn-zh ah 'dah )sodowa woda ( saw-daw’vah vaw’

dah ).

Prosze m i dacpudelko papiern listowego, flaszeczke atram entu i laseczkelaku (Praw’sheh m ee dahtch poo

del’kaw pah-p’yeh

’roo lees-taw-veh’

gaw, fl ashetch’keh at-trah -m en’too

ee lah -setch’keh lah’koo).Gzy Pan nie potrzebuje niczego wiecej (Chih Pahn u

’yeh paw-tsheh

boo’yeh n’yee-cheh

’gaw v


’tsayTak . Prosze m i dac kilka kawalkow

A piece of India ink .

A few crayons .

Drawing paper .

A set of drawing instrum ents .

Som e canvas .

Copy books .

Note books .

Rubber bands .

Rubber eraser

A desk set

Post cards

A m ap of the town .

An a lm anac .

How m uch do you

want for that pen

Here’s one with two

blades and a littlescissors .

Do you take ordersfor visiting cards


m agazines

writer ribbons, car

bon paper ?


Kawalek tuszu (Kah -vah 'leck too’

shoo) .Kilka kredek (Keel’kah kreh’deck) .

Papier do rysunkéw (Pah'p’yair daw

rih-soon'koofKom plet cyrkléw (Kawm’plet tsihrk'

loof) .Pl’étno do m alowania (Ploot’naw daw

m ah - law

Kajety (Kah -yetty) .N otesy (N aw

Gum ki

Gum a do wym azywania . Raderka

(Goo’m ah daw yih-m ah -zih -vah’

n’yah . Rah

Przybory na biorko (Psh ih -baw’rihnah

Pocztéwki (Pawtch -toof'kee )Widoki (VeeMapa m iasta (Mah’pah

Kalendarz (Kah -len’dah zh )I le Pan zada za ten scyzoryk

? (Eel’

yeh Pahn zh own’dah zah ten s’tsih

zaw’rick ? )Tu jest jeden z dwom a nozykam l 1 m a

lefikiem i nozyczkam i (Too yestyeh

’den z’dvaw’m ah naw-zb ib -kah’

m ee ee m ah -len-k’yeh

’m ee naw

zh itch

Gzy przyjm uje Pan zam éwienia na

kartki wizytowe, miesieczniki?

( Chih pshih’ee-m oo

’yeh Pahn zah

m oo nah kahrt’kee vee

zib -taw’veh , m’yeh -shentch -n


kee ? )Czy m a Pan kalki do m aszyn do pisania , ka lki ? ( Chih m ah Pahn kahl’kee daw m ah’shin daw pee-sah’

n’yah , kahl’kee


At the shoemaker’s and at the shoe store.

A shoe , shoes

A boot, bootsI want these shoes re

paired .

Put new soles and

heels on them .

These boots need newfronts .

Square the heels on

shoes, please .

Som e of the pegs are

too high and hurt

When do you wantthem ready ?

Can you have themready this evening ?

I don’t think I can doit .

When will they be

ready then ?

They wi ll b e ready tom orrow,

in two days,

in a week,

next week,

Trzewik, trzewiki (Tsheh’veek, tsheh

vee’kee ) .

But, buty (Boot, boo’ty) .

Mam tu trzewiki do naprawy (Mahmtoo tsheh -vee

’kee daw nah -prah'

vih ).

N iech Pan podzeluje je i da do nichnowe korki (N


’h Pahn pawd-zeh

loo’yeh yeh ee dah daw n’yeeh


naw’veh cor’kee ).

Trzeb a dorob ié do tych but6w nowenoski (Tsheh’bah daw-raw’beech

daw tih’h b oo’toof naw'

veh nawss’

kee ) .

Prosze wyrownaé korki u tych trzewikow (Praw'

sheh vih -roov’nahtch

cor’kee oo tib’b tsheh

Tu sztyfty sztercza i rania m i nogi(Too shtiff’tih shtair’choh ee rah '

n’yoh m ee naw’gh ee ).

N a kiedy chce je Pan m lec ? (Nah


’dy h’tseh yeh Pahn m


? )Gzy m oga byé gotowe na dzis wie

cz6r ? (Chih m aw'goh bitch gaw

taw’veh nah geesh

N ie m ysle, Ze beda gotowe na ten

ozas (N’yeh m ish’leh, zheh b en'doh

gaw -taw’veh nah ten ch ahss ).

N a kiedy beda gotowe wtedy ? (N ah


’dy b en'doh gaw-taw’veh v’teh’

dy? )

One beda gotowe jutro (Aw’neh ben’

doh gaw-taw’veh yoo ztra ),za dwa dni ( zah dvah

za tydziefi ( zah tih’jane ),na drugi tydziefi (nah droo’ghee

tih’jane ),

this week yet

Can’t you m ake itsooner ? I am in a


I’ll try .

Please send them to

m y house .

Please use the bestleather you havefor the soles .

Shoes and boots re

paired here .

Prices very reason

I want a pair of shoes.

Laced or buttoned

Laced .

What size ?

I don’t know, you can

look at those I wear.

Here is a good pair,see if they fit you .

I think they are a lit

Here is another pair.

These seem to fit well

tego tygodnia jeszcz e ( teh’gaw tih

gawd’n’yah yesh

’ch eh ).

Gzy nie m oze Pan przyspieszyé? B ar

dzo m i pilno ( Chih n’yeh m aw’zheh

Pahn pshih B ar'

dzaw m ee pee l'naw ).

Bede sie staral (B en'deh sheh stah'

rahl).P rosze m i je odeslac

’: (Praw’sheh m ee

yeh aw

Prosze uzyé jak najlepsza skore na

p o d e s z w y (Praw'sheh oo


yahk nigh- lep’shoh skoo'reh nah


Trzewiki i buty naprawia sie tu(Tsheh -vee

’kee ee boo’ty nah -prah’

v’yah sheh too) .

Geny bardzo um iarkowane (Tseh’nihbar'dzaw oo-m


Chce pare trzewikéw (H’tseh pah’reh

tsheh -vee’koof

Sznurowane czy na guziki ( Shnoo

raw-vah’neh chih nah goo-zhih’keeS znurowane Shnoo-raw-vah’neh)Jaki num er ? (Yah 'kee noo’m er ? )N ie wiem , m oze Pan popatrzeé na te ,

kt6re nosze (N’yeh v

’yehm , m aw'

zh eh Pahn paw-pah’tshetch nah teh

ktoo’reh naw’sheh ) .

Tu jest dobra para , prosze sprébowaé

czy pasuja (Too yest dawb’rah pah’rah , praw

’sh eh s

’proo-b aw’vahtch

chih pahZdaje m i sie, ze troche ciasne (Zdah’

yeh m ee sheh , zheh traw’heh

ch ah ss’neh )Tu jest inna para (Too yest een’nah

pah’rah ) .

Te pasuja dobrze (Teh pah -soo'yoh


Thank you ,I don’t D ziekuje Panu, nie chce dostaé na

wish to have corns . gniotkéw (Jane-koo’yeh Pah 'noo ,

u’yeh h

’tseh daw’stahtch nah



I want large shoes Choe m iec buty szerokie , kt6re nie bew h i c h will not da mi uciskaé n6g (H

’tseh m


pinch . boo’ty sheh ktoo’reh m ee

n’yeh b en'doh oo-cheess’kahtch

noog) .

I agree with you . Zgadzam sie z panem (Z’gah


shehSend both pa irs to m y Prosze odeslaé obydwie pary do m egohouse

,please . dom u (Praw’sheh aw-dess’lahtch

aw -b id'v’yeh pah

’ry daw m eh’gaw

daw’m oo) .

Here is the address . Tu jest adres (Too yest ah 'dress) .

At the tailor’s .

I would like to have a Chcialbym ob stalowaé u h r a n i e(H’ch ahll’b im awb -stah-law'




I have the goods . Mam m aterjal (Mahm m ah -tare’

yah ll).

Have you any goods Czy pan m a m aterjal, czy tez m usze

or m ust I buy m y kupié go gdzieindziej ? ( Chih pahngoods elsewhere ? m ah m ah -tare’yahll, chih tezh m oo


sheh koo’peech gaw g’dzheh -een’

jay ? )We have a very large Mam y bogaty wyb6r sukna i m ofie

stock of goods and Pan wybrac’: sobie do gustu (Mah '

you can pick out m ih b aw-

gah’tih vih’boor sook'nah

what you like best . ee m aw’zh eh Pahn saw’b’yeh vih’

brahtch daw goos’too).

Show m e your sam Prosze m i pokazaé probki m aterjalu

ples, please . (Praw’sheh m ee paw-kah 'zahtch

proob'kee m ah’tare

How m uch is this a I le kosztuje lokiec ? (Ee’leh kawshyard ? too’yehYour prices are very Geny sa zbyt wygorowane (Tseh


soh zb it y ih -


I don’t think you can

get these goods any

c h e a p e r in the

whole town .

Show m e som e plaingoods .

Mixed goods

Do you guarantee thequa lity ?

Won’t the color fade

suit and an extrapa ir of trousersm ade of this goods .

N ow , let m e see som e

good lining .

I think half silk wearsbetter than puresilk, don’t you ?

I think so too .

What kind of buttonsdo you want

I’ll leave that to you .

Take m y m easure ,pleaseI cam e to try on the Przyszedlem przym ifill



N ie dostanie Pan tego m aterjalu ta

niej w calem m iescie (N’yeh dawss

tah’n’yeh Pahn teh -gaw m ah -tare

yah’loo tah 'n’yay v

’tsah’lem m


cheh) .Prosze m i pokazac

’: m aterjaly gladkie

(Praw’sh eh m ee paw -kah’zahtch

m ah -tare -yah’ly

Materjaly przerab iane (Mah -tareyah

'ly psheh -rah

Gzy Pan reczy za dobroc (Chih Pahnren’chy zah daw’brawtch

Gzy kolor nie zb laknie ? (Chih kaw’

lawr u’yeh z

’b lahk’n’yeh

Tak,Panie . N ie , Panie (Tahk, Pah’

n’yeh N

’yeh ,

Dobrze , m oze m i Pan zrob l c kostjum

i jedna pare spodni osobno z tegom aterjalu m aw’zheh

m ee Pahn zraw'beech kawss't’yoom

ee yed’noh pah'reh spawd’n

’yee aw

sawb’noh z’teh’gaw m ah -tare-yah’


Teraz prosze m i pokazaé dobra pod

szewke (Teh 'rah z praw’sheh m ee

paw-kah’zahtch daw’broh pawtsh eff'keh ) .

Sadze, ze pol jedwabna jest trwalszaniz czysto jedwabna . A Pan ?

( Sown’dzeh , zheh pool yed-vahb’

nah yest t’rvahl’sh ah n’yizh chis’taw

yed-vahb'nah . Ah Pahn

Ja taki e (Yah tahk'zheh ).Jakie chce P an m iec guziki ? (Yah'

k’yeh h’tseh Pahn m

’yetch goo


To pozostawiam Panu (Taw paw-zaw

stah’v’yahm Pah’noo).Prosze m i wziaé m iare (Praw'


m ee v’zhowntch

ubranie ,

suit I ordered .

All right, sir . Here itis for you .

Let us see the coatand vest first .

I think they fit beautifully .

N ot at a ll . Th e

sleeves are too long.

That can be easilyfixed .

The shoulders need a

little padding .

The collar is too tight.

The coat is too tight .

It pinches m e underthe arm s .

N ow, look at yourselfin the mirror . I s

there anything e lsethat is not right

Pull up the collar a

The coat wrinkles b etween the shoulders.

kt6re ob stalowalem (Pshih -shed'lem

psh ih -m yeh’zhitch oo

ktoo'reh awb-stah-lawB ardzo dobrze , Panic . Tu ono jest( B ar'dzaw dawb’zh eh , Pah 'n

’yeh .

Too aw’naw yest).Wpierw ob ejrzym y m arynarke i ka

m izelke (V’p’yairv aw-bay-zhih 'm ih

m ah -rih-nahr’keh ee kah -m ee-zel’

keh ) .

Sadze, ze pasuja b ardzo dobrze( Sown’dzeh , zheh pah -soo

’yoh b ar

dzawWcale nie . Rekawy sa za dlugie

(V’tsah’leh n

’yeh . Ren-kah’vih soh


To m ozna latwo poprawié (Taw

m awzh’nah lah’tvaw paw-prah'

veetch ) .

Trzeba podwatowaé troche ramiona

(Tsheh’bah pawd-vah -taw’vahtch

traw’heh rah

Kolnierz jest za ciasny (Kawl’n’yezh

yest zah chah ss’nih ) .

Surdut jest za ciasny . Cisnie mnie

pod ram ionam i ( Soor'doot yest zah

chah ss'nih Cheesh’n’yeh m’u’yeh

pawd rah -m’yaw

Tera z , prosze spojrzeé na sieb ie w ln

strze . Gzy jest jeszcze co do poprawy

? (Teh’rah z praw’sheh spaw


zh etch nah sheh’b’yeh v’loos’tsheh .

Chih yest yesh 'ch eh tsaw daw paw

Podnieé Pan troche kolnierz (Pawd’

n’yesh Pahn traw'h eh

Surdut m arszczy sie na ramionach

Soor’doot m arsh’ch ih sheh nah rah

You cannot com pla in N ie m oze Pan narzekaé na ten surdut.

Lezy wybornie (N’yeh m aw'zheh

I don’t like the goods .

I t’s n o t g o o d


This goods is not

heavy enough .

Try it on .

The sleeves are too

long, short, loose ,

Th e collar is too high,low .

Try this one ( suit,overcoat)

It is too narrow in thechest, I can

’t button1t .

I don’t like the coloreither .

What color would youlike to have then ?


Dark Blue

I f

zoo-pell’n’yeh awd-paw

dlah Pah’nah ) .N ie lubie tego m aterjalu . On nie jestdobry (N

’yeh loo'b

’yeh teh’gaw

m ah - tare-yah 'loo . Awn n’ysh yest

daw’brih ) .

Ten m aterjal nie jest dosc gruby (Tenm ah -tare’yah ll n

’yeh yest dawshtch

groo’bih ) .

Prosze przym ierzyc’: (Praw'

sh eh pshih


’zh itch )

Rekawy sa za dlugie , kr6tkie , wolne ,ciasne (Ren-kah’vih soh zah dloo'

g’yeh , kroot’k’yeh , v a wl’n e h,

chah ss’neh ) .

Kolnierz jest za wysoko, nizko (Kawl’

n’yezh yest zah vih -saw’kaw,

Prosze przym ierzyé to (ubranie, pal

to) (Praw’sh eh pshih -m’yeh’zhitch

taw (oo pah l’taw ).

Jest za ciasneWpiersiach . Nie m ogezapiaé (Yest zah chah ss’neh

N’yeh m aw’geh

zah’p 'yowntch )Pr6cz tego, nie lubie tego koloru

(Prootch teh 'gaw , n’yeh loo’b’yeh

teh’gaw kaw

Jakiego koloru zyczy Pan sobie wtedy

? (Yah -k’yeh

'gaw kaw-law'roo

zh ih 'chih Pahn saw’b’yeh

B ronzowy . B ronzowego (Brawn-zaw'

vih Brawn-zaw-veh’gaw

Szary . S zarego? ( Shah 'rih . Shah

reh 'gaw? )

Czarny Czarnego (Chahr'nihChahr-neh’gaw

N ieb ieski . N ieb ieskiego (N’yeh

b’yes’kih . N

’yeh -b



Granat . Granatowego (Grah’naht .

Grah -nah -taw-veh’gaw


How does this color Jak ten kolor podoba sie Panu ? (Y’ahksuit you ? ten kaw’lawr paw-daw’bah sh eh

Pah 'noo ? )I’ll take this overcoat,Wezm e to palto, ,

ten garnitur (Vez’

m eh taw pah l’taw , ten gar


toor) .

these trousers, te spodnie (teh

this vest,coat . te kamizelke, te m arynarke (or ten

surdut) (teh kah -m ee-zell’keh,

teh m ah -rih-nah r’keh ( or ten

soor’doot) .

How m uch for this I le kosztuje ten garnitur (Ee’leh

suit, kawsh-too'yeh ten gar

overcoat ? to palto ? (tawThat’s too dear . To za drogo (Taw zah draw’gaw ) .

Can’t youm ake it any Gzy nie m oze go Pan sprzedaé taniejcheaper ? ( Chih n

’yeh m aw’zheh gaw Pahn

spsh eh’dahtch tah’n’yay

That’s the lowest price To jest najnizsza cena , za ktora m o'

at which we can zem y sprzedaé Panu (Taw yestsell it . nigh-nizh’sh ah tseh’nah , zah ktoo’

roh m aw-zheh 'm ih s’p’sheh 'wdahtch

Pah’noo) .

At the watchm aker’s, jewelry store.

I have a watch here Mam tu zegarek do poprawienia

which needs repa ir (Mahm too zeh -gah

’reck daw paw

ing . prahIt doesn’t go . N ie idzie (N

’yeh ee

’jeh ).Did you drop it ? Gzy go Pan upuscil ? ( Chih gaw Pahn


No, I think the m ain N ie, lecz sadze, ze glowna sprezyna

spring is broken . pekla N’yeh , letch sown’dzeh , zheh

gloov’nah spreu-zhih’nah pen

’klah ) .

Let m e see the watch . Prosze m i pokazaé zegarek (Prawsheh m ee paw-kah’zahtch zeh -


reck) .The m a in spring is Glowna sprezyna nie je st peknieta ,not broken, but the lecz werk potrzebuje poprawy

m ovem ent is out of

order .

The watch needscleaning, that’s a ll .

You m ust have dropped it, because thedia l is cracked, thehands are bent


the m a in spring isbroken .

Seventy-five cents

Fifty cents

One dollar

Dolla r and a ha lf .

All right . I’ll leave it.

Please put a new

crystal in .

To advance

To retard


(Gloov’nah spreu-zhih’nah n’yeh

yest pen letch verkpaw-tsheh -b oo’yeh paw

Trzeb a go wyczyscié, to wszystko

(Tsh eh’b ah gaw vih -chish’cheetch ,taw

Pan m usia l go upuscic, poniewaz cy

ferb lat jest pekniety, skazéwki sa

pogiete, i glowna sprezyna jest zlam ana (Pahn m oo

'shah ll gaw cc

poosh’cheetch , paw-n


’vazh tsih

fair’b laht yest pen skahzoof’kee soh paw ee

gloov’nah spren-zhih’nah yest z’lah

m ah’nah).K iedy bedzie gotowy

? (K’yed

’dy ben'

jeh gaw

B edzie gotowy jutro popoludniu (B en'

jeh gaw-taw’vih yoo’traw paw-paw


I le bedzie kosztowaé wyczyszczenie ipoprawienie (Ee’leh b en’jeh kawsh.

taw’vahtch vih -ch ish -cheh’n’yeh ee

paw-prahS iedem dziesiatpieé cent6w (Sheh-demjeh -sh ownt’p

’yentch tsen’toof).

Pieédziesiat cent6w (P’yen-jeh’shownttsen’toof) .

Jednego dolara (Yed-neh’gaw daw

lah’rah ) .

Dolar i p61 (Daw’lahr ee pool) .

Dobrze, zostawie go tuzaw- stah’v’yeh gaw too) .

P rosze wprawié nowe szkielko (Praw’

s h e h v’prah

’veetch n a w’v e h

Posunaé naprzod, przysp leszyé (Paw.

soo’nowntch nah 'pshood, pshih

Posunac’: wtyl, zwolnié (Paw-sod

nowntch v’till,


Silver plated Posreb rzane (Paw-sreb -zhah’neh )Gold plated . Pozlacane (Paw-zlah

A dozen, a half a Tuzin, pol tuzina (Too’zh een, pool toodozen zhee’nah )Silver tea spoons . S rebrne lyzeczki do herb aty ( St eh


neh lib - zh etch’kee daw hairPlease set this dj a P rosze oprawié ten dyam ent w zloto,

m ond in gold, plat . platyne (P raw’sheh aw -prah


inum . ten dih- ah’m ent v’zlaw’taw ,

plahtih’neh ) .

Silver . Srebro

Em era ld . S zm aragd

Cora l . Kora lSapphire . S zafir

Opal . Opa lRuby . RubinThis costs one dollar

,To kosztuje jednego dolara , dwa , trzy,

two, three , four (101. cztery dolary . Piec, szesé, S iedm ,

lars . osm , dziewiec, dziesieé, dwadziescia ,Five

,six, seven,

trzydziesci, czterdziescipieé, piséeight, nine ten

,dziesiat, sto dolar6w , i p61 (Taw

twenty, thirty, four kawsh-too’yeh yed-neh’gaw daw

ty-five , fifty, a hun lah’rab , dvah , tsh ih , chteh’ry daw .

dred dollars, and a lah’rih . P’yentch , sheshtch , sheh’

ha lf . dem,

aw’shem , jeh -v’yentch , jeh’

shentch , dvah -jesh’chah , tshih-jesh’

c h e e , chtair

p’yen-jeh’shownt, staw daw- lah’roof,

ee pool) .

At the I m nugra tion Bureau . Barge Office.

Imm igration Bureau . B iuro I m igracyjne (B’yoo

'raw Ee

m ee

Im m igration I nspec Inspektor I m igracyjny (Een-speck’.tor . tore Ee -m ee-


From what country do Z jakiego krajn P an przybywa?

you com e ? (Z’yah -k


’gaw krah’yoo Pahn

psh ih -bih’vahI com e from Germ any. Przybywam z Niem iec (Pshih-bih'



Are . you a Germ an ? Gzy Pan jest N iem cem ? (Chih Pahnyest

N o, sir, I am a Pole . N ie , Panie , jestem Polakiem (N’yeh

Pah’n’yeh , yes’tem Paw

Poland has been torn Polska zostala rozdarta przez Rosys,asunder by Russia , Austrye i N iem cy (Pawl

’skah zaw

Austria and Ger stah’lah rawz -dahr’tah pshez Raw’

m any . s’yeh , Ah

’oos’tr’yeh ee

I com e from Germ an Przybywam z Polski pod zaborem nie

P o l a n d, Austrian m ieckim , austryackim ,rosyjskim

Poland, Russian Po (P sh ih -b ih’vahm z’Pawls’kee pawd

land . z ah -b a w’r e m n’yeh

sh’oos-trih -ahts’keem,


koem ) .

I com e from Przybywam (P shih -b ih'vahm )England

,z Anglji

France, 2 Francyi

Ita ly, 2 WlochHolland, z Holandyi ( z


Belgium . z Belgii

Why did you leave D laczego Pan opuscil swoj krajyour country ? (D lah -cheh’gaw Pahn aw-poosh


chill svoo’ee cry ? )I left m y country on Opuscilem kraj m oj z powodu euroaccount of the Euro pejskiej wojny (Aw -poosh -chih’lem

pean war . cry m oo’ee a

’paw-vaw’doo eh -oo

raw -pays’k’yay voy

’nih ) .

I left m y country to Opuscilem kraj m oj z powodu prze

escape persecution . sladowania (Aw -poosh -ch ih’lem crym oo

’ee z

’paw -vaw’doo psheh -sh lah


I cam e here to better Przybylem tu, aby polepszyé sobie bytm y existence . . (P sh ih -b ih 'lem too, ah

'b ih paw-lep’

sh itch saw’b’yeh bit).I cam e to Am erica to Przybylem do Am eryki, aby odwiedz1c

visit m y relations . m oich krewnych (Psh ih -b ih’lem daw

Ah-m erry’kee , ah’bih awd-v


geetch m aw’ee’hsI cam e to Am erica on Przybylem do Am eryki, aby zalatwié

certain business . pewien interes (Pshih -b ih 'lem daw

Are you in goodhealth ?

I’m in perfect health .

Have you any relations in the UnitedStates ?

N o,sir . None at all

Yes, sir .

Where do they live ?

They live inN ew York,Chicago,Boston,



None at all .

Yes, sir . I have .

H ow m uch m oneyhave youTwenty-five, forty


fifty, one hundreddollars .

— 196

Ah-m erry’kee , ah

’bih -zah -laht’veetch

peh'v’yen een

Gzy j est Pan zdrowy? (Chih yest

PahnJestem zupelnie zdréw (Yes

’tem zoo

pel’n’yeh zdroof ) .

Gzy m a Pahn jakich krewnych w Sta

nach Zjednoczonych ? (Chih m ah

Pahn yah'keeh krehv’nih’h v


nah’h z

’Yednaw -ch aw’nih’h

N ie , Panie . Zadnych (N’yeh , Pah

n’yeh .

Tak, Panie (Tahk,Gdzie oni m ieszkaja ? (G

’jeh aw’n’yee



Mieszkaja (M’yesh -kah’yoh )

w N ew Yorku (v’N ew Yor’koo),w Chicagow B ostonie

w Filadelfii (v’Fee -lah

Gdzies w stanie Pennsylvania (G’jesh


’yeh Penn- sill

Gzy P an nie wie , gdzie dokladnie ?

(Chih Pahn n’yeh v

’yeh g

’jeh daw


Mam adres w kufrze (Mahm ah’dress

Gzy m a Pan nieco pieniedzy? (Chih

m ah Pahn n’yeh

’tsaw p’yeh -n


dzih ? )Ani centa (Ah’n’yee tsen’tah ).Tak

,Panie , m am (Tahk, Pah’n

’yeh ,

m ahm ) .

I le pieniedzy m a Pan ? (Ee’leh p’ychn’yen

’dzih m ah Pahn ? )Dwadziescia piec, czterdzieéci, piecdziesiat, sto dolar6w (Dvah -jesh’

chah p’yentch , chtair-jesh 'chee,

p’yen-jeh’shownt, staw dam-lah’

roof) .

I am a chem ist .

Did your friends sendfor you


Yes , sir .

L et m e see the letter.

I destroyed it .

H ow m uch m oneyhave you ?

Twenty - five poundssterling .

Here is your paper .

Go into the room .

To-m orrow you willb e perm itted to

leave .

You Will b e returnedto London .

Why ?

You cam e here undercontract to work .

The law of the UnitedStates forbids en

trance to any one

who com es undercontract .


Jestem chem ikiem (Yes'tem heh -m ee

k’yem ) .

Gzy Pana przyjaciele poslali po Pana ?

(Chih Pah’nah psh ih -


paw - slah’lee paw Pah’nahTak

,Panie (Tahk,

Prosze m i pokazaé list (Praw'sheh

m ee paw -kah’zahtch leest) .P odarlem go . Zniszczylem go (Paw

dahr’lem gaw . Z’n’yeesh -ch ih’lem

gaw ) .

l ie p ieniedzy m a Pan ? (Ee’leh p



’dzih m ah Pahn ? )Dwadzieécia piec funtéw szterlingow

(Dvah jesh’ch ah p

’yentch foon'toof

shta ir- leen’goofu jest Pana papier (Too yest Pah’

nah pah’p’ya ir) .

I di Pan do pokoju (Eedge Pahn dawpaw -kaw’yoo

Jutro bedzie pozw olono Panu opuscleto m iejsce (Yoo’traw b en’jeh paw

z’vaW- la v’naw P ah 'noo aw -poosh

ch eetch taw m

B edzie Pan odeslany do Londynu

(B en’jeh Pahn aW-des- lah’nih daw

Lawn-dih’noo )laczego (D lah -ch eh’gaw

P an przybyl tu do pre cy za kontraktem (Pahn psh ih

’b ill too daw prah’

tsih zah kawnP rawo Stanow Zjednoczonych zabrania w stepu osobie , ktéra tu przyjezdza za kontraktem (Prah’vaw Stah’

noof Z’yed-naW-ch aw’nih’h zah

b rah 'n’yah v

’stem’poo aW

k’too’rah too psh ih -

yezh’dzhah zah

kawn trak’tem ) .

P 1


— 199

In the street car.

Can you tell m e Cay m oze m i Pan powiedzieé, gdzie ta

Where this street is , ulica jest ? (Chih m aw 'zheh m ee

please ? Pahn paw g’jeh tah oo

lee’tsah yest ? )I t’s a way up town . I Da lekoWgorze m iasta . Lepiej nicohthink you better Pan jedzie tramwajem (Dah -leh’

take a car . kaw v’goo

'zh eh m’yah ss

’tah . Leh '

p’yay n’yeh

’h Pahn yeh

’jeh trahm

vigh’em ) .

Here’s m y car . N adchodzi m oj tramwaj (N ahd-haw’

gee m oo’ee trahm’vigh )

Conductor, will this Panie konduktorze , czy ten tramwajcar take m e to Y . doch odzi do ulicy Y .

? (Pah’n’yeh

street ? kawn-dook-taw’zh eh,c h i h t e n

trahm’vigh daw-haw’gee daw oo

lee’tsih Y .

Yes, sir, it will . Tak, Panie (Tahk,N o, sir, m adam . N ie , Panie , Pani (N

’yeh , Pah

’n’yeh ,

Please step off the Prosze zejsé z platform y (Praw'sheh

platform . zeh’eeshtch z’plaht

Please step inside the ProszeWstapic’: do srodka . Jest dosécar . Plenty of room m iejscaWsrodku tramwaju (Praw’in the m iddle . sheh v

’stone’peetch daw shrawd'kah .

Yest d a w s h t c h m’yays


v’shrawd’koo trahm

Here’s a seat for you , Jest siedzenie dla Pani ; prosze siadaé

m adam . (Yest sheh-dzeh’n’yeh d

ah Pah’


n’yee ; praw

’sheh shah’dahtch ).

How far does this car Jak daleko idzie ten tramwaj, Paniego, conductor ? konduktorze ? (Yahk dah -leh’kaw

ee’jeh ten trahm’vigh , Pah’n’yeh

kawn-dook-taw’zh eh

As far as Y . street . Az do Y . ulicy (Ah zh daw Y. oo- lee’

tsih ).I think We m ust get Zdaje m i sie, rte m am y tu wysiasé .

off here . Conductor, Konduktorze, prosze zatrzym aé

stop at th e next tramwaj na nastepnym narozniku

corner, please . (Zdah’yeh m ee shee , zheh m ah’m ih

The court is now in

session .

What is your nam e ?

How long have you

been in Am erica ?

Have you taken out

naturalization pap

ers ?

N o,sir .

Yes, sir .

Do you want to be

com e a citizen of

the United States ?

How old are you ?

Are you m arried ?

How m any childrenhave you ?

Do you intend to livehere in the UnitedStates

Have you ever com

m itted a crim e ?

Were you ever in

prison ?

The court.


too vih’shownshtch Kawn-dooktaw’zheh , praw

’sheh zah -tshih’

m ahtch trahm’vigh na nah -stem p'

nim nah -rawzh

Sad sie rozpoczal ( Sownd sheh rawz

paw'choh l ).

Jak sie Pan nazywa (Yahk shehPahn nah

Jak dlugo przebywa P an w Am eryce?

(Yahk dloo'gaw psh eh -b ih’vah Pahnv’Ah -m eh’rih’ts eh

Czy m a Pan papiery obywatelskie ?

( Chih m ah Pahn pah -p’yeh

'rih aw

bih-vah -tel’sk’yeh

N ie , Panie (N’yeh ,

Tak, Panie (Tak,

Gzy zyczy Pan sobie zostaé obywate

lem Stanow Zjednoczonych ? ( Chihzh ih’ch ih Pahn saw’b’yeh zawss'

tahtch aw-bih-vah -teh’lem Sta’noof

Z’yed-naw -ch aw’nih’h

I le m a Pan lat ? (Ee’leh m ah Pahnlsht ? )

Czy Pan Zonaty? (Chih Pahn zhaw

nah’tih ? )I le dzieci m a Pan ? (B e'leh jeh’cheem ah Pahn ? )

Gzy Pan zam ierza zam ieszkaé tu wStanach ? (Chih Pahn zah -m


zh ah zah -m’yesh

’kahtch too v’Stah’

nah’h ? )

Gzy pOpelnil Pan kiedy jaka zbrodnie(Chih paw-pell

’n’yeel Pahn k’yeh'

dih yah’koh z’brawd’n’yeh

Czy byl Pan kiedy uwieziony ? (Chihbill Pahn k

’yeddy oo-v



nih ? )

— 202

Bible that you will n’yeshtch prah

'voh ren

’keh ee pshih

tell the truth . shen’gahtch nah sh’v’yen

’toh beeb’

lee -

yeh , zh eh Pahn b en'jeh m oo’

veetch prahv’deh ) .

You are a Witness and P an jest swiadkiem i m usi Pan powie

You m ust tell th e dzieé sedziem u i przysieglym wszy

judge and the jury stko co P an wie o tej sprawie (Pahnall you know about yest ee m oo


this m atter . Pahn paw-v’yeh

’jetch sen-jeh’m oo

ee psh ih - sh en’glim vshist’kaw tsaw

Pahn v’yeh aw tay

If you tell a lie after Jei eli Pan sklam ie po przysiedze , behaving sworn on the dzie P an Winny krzyWOprzysiestwaHoly Bible youW111 (Yeh - zh eh’lih Pahn sklah 'm


b e guilty Of perjury . paw pshih -sh en’dzeh , b en’jeh Pahnv e e n n i h ksh ih -vaw-psh ih - shen’

stvah ).

The crim e Of perjury Krzyw oprzysiestwo karze sie surowo

is punished severe (K shih -vaw-pshih - sh en’stvaw kah’

IY zheh sheh soo

Do you swear ? Czy P an przysiega? (Chih Pahn

psh ih -sh en’gah

Yes, sir . Tak,Panie (Tahk,

Did you ever see the Gzy P an Widzial podsadnego kiedy

Prisoner before ? przedtem ? (Chih Pahn vee -jahlpawd- sownd-neh’gaw k y e d d ypshed’tem ? )

N o, sir . N ie , Panie (N’yeh ,

Did you see h im on Gzy Pan go Widzial l O-

go Stycznia?

the l 0th of Jan ( Chih Pahn gaw vee’jah l jeh - shown’

uary ? teh’gawWhere did you see Gdzie go Pan Widzial ? (G

’jeh gaw

h im ? Pahn vee’jahl ? )

I saw h im in a sa loon. Widzialem goWszynku (Vee-jah’lem


He was drunk . Byl pijany (Bill peeI m et him on the Spotkalem go na ulicy (Spawt-kah’

street . lem gaw nah oo

Did you see th e as Czy Pan Widzial napad ? ( Chih Pahn .

sault ? vee’jahl nah’pahd ? )

Who did the shooting ?Who struck with the

knife ?

This m an .

Where did he get theknife ?

H e pulled it out of hispocket .

That is a bad habit .

The habit of carryingweapons is the causeof m any crim es .

At the custom house .

The custom house

Have you anythingdutiable sir (m ad

am )I don’t think I have .

Please open the trunk .

Have you any cigars,Whiskey or the like

N o,sir . I have only a

few cigars for m yown personal use .

I have some cigars todeclare .


Kto strzelal ? (Ktaw stsheh’lah ll ? )

Kto uderzal nozem ? (Ktaw oo-deh’

zhah l naw’zhem ? )Ten czlowiek (TenGdzie on dosta l ten néi ? (G

’jeh awn

daw’stah l ten noozh ? )On wyciagnal go z kieszeni (Awn vih

ch owng’noh l gaw z


- sheh’

n’yee ) .

To jest zle przyzwyczajenie (Taw yestzleh psh ih -zvih -chah

Przyzwyczajenie noszenia broni jestprzyczyna w i

elu zbrodni (Psh ih

zvih - chah-

yeh’n’yeh naw -sheh’n’yah

braw’n’yee yest pshih -ch ih’noh



Kom ora celna (Kaw-m aw’rah tsell’

nah ) .

Gzy m a Pan, Pani, co do oclenia ?

(Chih m ah Pahn, P ah'n’yee tsaw

daw aw

Zdaje m i sie ire nic (Zdah’yeh m ee

sheh ab eh n’yeets).

Prosze otworzyé kufer (Praw’shehaw -tvaw’zhitch koo’fare ).

Gzy m a Pan jakie cygara , wodke, lubtem u podobne rzeczy

? (Chih m ah

Pahn yah'k’yeh tsi-gah

’rah , voot’

keh , loop teh’m oo paw-dawb’neh

zheh’chih ? )N ie

, Panie . Mam tylko kilka cygar dla

Wiasnego uzytku (N’ysh, Pah’n’yeh .

Mahm till’kaw keel’kah tsih’gahrdlah vlahss-neh’gaWoo

Mam cygara do oclenia (Mahm tsihv

gah'rah claw aw

— 204

What’s in this trunk ? Co jestWtym kuferku ? (Tsaw yestv’tim koo

I have m y clothes and Mam ubranie i b ielizne w nim (Mahmunderwear in that . oo-brah’n’yeh cc b

’yeh -leez’neh v

n’yeem ) .

Several collars, gloves Kilka kolnierzykow,rekawiczki i inne

and s o m e other m ale rzeczy (Keel'kah kawl-n’yeh

sm all things ,zhih’koof

,ren-kah -veetch 'kee ee

een’neh m ah 'leh zh eh’chih ) .

Anything else ? Gzy jeszcze co ? ( Chih yesh’cheh

tsaw ? )Nothing else . Nic wiecej (N


What about this dress . A co to za suknia ? Ona Zdaje sie zu

It seem s quite new. pelnie nowa (Ah tsaw taw zah sook’

n’yah ? Aw'nah zdah 'yeh sheh zoo

pel’n’yeh naw’vah ) .

You’ll have to pay B edzie m usiala Pani zaplacié clo od

duty on it, m adam , niej , (B en’jeh m oo- shah’lah Pah’

n’yee zah -plah

’cheetch tslaw awed


on the laces, od koronek ( awed kawon the jewelry . od b izuteryi ( awed b ee-zhoo- tare’

yee ) .

I t’s not new . I wore Ona nie jest nowa . Ja m ialam ja 113.

it several tim es . sobie kilka razy (Aw’nah n’yeh yest

naw’vah . Yah m’yah

’lahm yoh nah

saw’b’yeh keel’kah rah’zih ).

May I close the trunks Czy m oge zam knaé teraz kufry?

now ? (Chih m aw’geh zahmk’knowntch

teh’rah z koof’rih ? )I t’s all right . YouWszystkoWporzadku .Moze Pan isom ay go ahead . dalej (V

’shist’kaw v


koo . Maw-zheh Pahn ee shtch dah’

lay ) .Who collects the Kom u m am zaplaclc clo ? (Kaw'm oo

duty ? m ahm zah -plah'cheetch tslaw ? )

How m uch is there to I le mam zaplacié ? (Eel’yeh mahm zah


your last placeem ploym ent

At the library.

Public Library . B ibljoteka Pub liczna ( B eeb’l’-yaw

teh 'kah PoohI would like to join Chcialbym sie zapisaé do b ibljoteki

the library . (H’ch ah l’b im sheh zah -


daw b eeb’l-yaw

Did you ever belong Czy Pan kiedy przedtem nalezal do

to any public libra jakiej pub licznej b ib ljoteki ? ( Chihry before ? Pahn k


’dy pshed’tem nah -leh’

zahl daw yah-k’yay poob -leetch

’nayb eeb

’l-yaw -teh 'kee

N o, m a’am . N ie

,Pani (N

’yeh ,

Yes,m a

’am . Tak, Pani (Tahk,

Fill out this blank Prosze wypelnié ten b lankiet (Praw'

please . sheh vih -pell'n’yeetch ten blahn'

k’yet).What is your nam e ? Jak sie Pan na zywa

? (Yahk shehPahn nah

How old are you ? I le m a Pan lat ? (Ee’leh m ah Pahnlabt ? )

Where do you live ? Gdzie Pan m ieszka ? (G’jeh Pahn

Have you anybody to Gzy m a Pan kogo do potwierdzenia ?

act as reference for ( Chih m ah Pahn kaw'gaw daw paw

you t’v’yair

S ign your nam e on Prosze podpisaé sie na tej linii (Praw’

this line, please . sheh pawd-pee'sahtoh sheh nah te‘


Kiedy m oge zaozaé wypozyczaé ksiazki (K


’dy m aw’geh zah’.c h oWn t e h vih-paw-zhih’chahtohk’shownzh’k


Right now , Natychm iast (Nah


byl (byle ) ostatni raz zajety ( zajeta ) (Moo

’shee Pahn

psh ih’n’yeshtch sh

’v’yah -dets’tvaw


'tsah g’jeh Pahn (Pah’

n’yee ) bill (bil’lah) aws-taht’n


rah z zah -

yen’tih ( zah

Com e in a week .

Fiction .

Other works

You m ay take onlytwo works of fiction .

The books m ay be kepttwo weeks .

A fine of 2c a day

will be charged fora ll books kept beyond date due .

A page is m issinghere .

The book is verym uch soiled .

I’ll m ake a note of

that .

I lost m y card . May Ihave another ?

Call a week from to

day ; if the card isnot found

,we’ll give

you another one .

Prosze przyjsé za tydziefi (Praw’sheh

psh ih’eeshtch zah tih 'jane ).

D ziela powiesciowe (Jeh’lah paw


-chaw’veh )Inne dziela naukowe (Een'neh jeh

lah nah -oo

Moze Pan tylko dwie nowole wziaé

(Maw’zh eh Pahn til’kaw d’v’yeh

naw-veh’leh v’zhowntch ) .

Ksiazki m oina wypoZyczyé na dwa ty

godnie (K’sh ownzh’kee m awzh’nah

vih -paw - zh ih’chitch nah dvah tih

gawd’n’yeh )

Kara dwoch cent6w bedzie nalozona

za przetrzym anie ksiazek po za cza

sem (Kab’rah dvooh’h tsen’toof

b e n j e h nah -law-zh aw’nah zah

psheh -tsh ih -m ah’n’yeh kshown’zheck

paw zah chah’sem ) .

Tu b rakuje kartki (Too brah-koo’yehkart/kee ) .

Ta ksiazka jest b ardzo powalana (Tahksh ownzh 'kah yest b ah r’dzaw paw

vah -lah’nah )Zanotuje to sobie (Zah -naw-too’jehtaw

Zgub ilem kartke . Czy m oge m iec’: dru

ga? (Z


-b ee’lem cart’keh . Chihm aw'

geh m’yetch droo


P rosze przyjsé za tydziefi od dzisiaj ;

jezeli kartka sie nie znajdzie , dem yPanu druga (Praw’sh eh psh ih

eeshtch zah tih’jane awed gee’sh igh ;yeh - zheh’lee cart’kah sheh n



’jeh , dah’m ih Pah’noo droo’

goh ) .

Zgub ilem ksiazke i chcialbym zaplacié

za nia (Z’goo

-b ee'lem k’shownzh’

keh ee h’ch ah l'bim zah -


zah n’yoh ).


How m uch m ust I I le sie nalezy ? (Ee’leh sheh nah-leh’

pay? zhih ? )

I would like to renew Chcialbym ponownie wypoiyczyé te

these books ksiazki (H’ch ah l’b im paw -naw


n’y e h vih -paw-zhih’chitch teh

kshownzh’kee ) .

Please reserve ( title Prosze rezerwowaé dla m nie

of book) for m e (P r a w’s h e h reh -zehr-vaw’vahtchdlah

We’ll notify you when B am y Panu znac

’: jak tylko ksiazka sie

the book is here . tu pojawi (Dah’m ih Pah 'noo znahtchyahk till’kaw k

’shownzh’kah sheh

too paw

Please get this book Prosze postaraé sie dla m nie o to

for m e from ah ksiaike z innej b ibljoteki (Praw'

other branch . sheh paw -stah’rahtch sheh dlah

m’u’yeh awe teh k


z’een’nay b eeb l


Are there any Polish Czy se tu polskie ksiazki na polkach ?

b o o k s on the ( Chih soh too p a w l ’s ’k’y e h

shelves ? k’shownzh’kee nah

N o . N ie .

Yes, we have a Polish Tak, m am y polski oddzia l takze (Tahk,section too . m ah’m ih pawl

’s’kee awd’jah l tahk’

zheh ) .

At the post office.

How far is the post Jak da leko stad poczta ? (Yahk dahoffice from here ? leh 'kaw stoned pawtch

’tah ? )Right on the next cor Zara z na nastepnym narozniku (Zah’

ner . rah z nah nah -stem p’nim nah -rawzh

Thank you . D ziekuje Panu (Jane-koo’yeh Pah’

noo) .

Will you please give Prosz m i dac dwie dwucentowe m arki ,m e two two cent piec

’: jednocentowych m arek i osm

stam ps,five one kartek pocztowych (Praw’sheh m ee

cent stam ps, and dahtch d’v’yeh dvoo-tsen-taw’veh

eight postal cards . m ah r'kee, p

’yentch yed-naw-tsen

taw’vih’h m ah’reck ee aw’shem

kahr’teck pawtch

Then give m e a re

Here it is sir, m adam .

Where can I have m ybaggage checked ?

At the office opposite .

Please let m e have a

tim e table .

Thank you .

Hurry up . There isyour train .

The train Will soon

start .

The tra in starts at 2

o’clock ; it is betterto go right away .

Where’s the sm okingcar .

The car near the en

gm e

Have your ticketsready

,ladies and

gentlem en .

Here’s m y ticket, con

How long does the

tra in stop ?

Five, ten, fifteen m in

Jutea .

- 2 10

Prosze m i daé zwrotny bilet (Braw’

sheh m ee dah tch z’v’rawt’nih book


Oto jest, Panie , Pani (Aw’taw yest,P ah’n’yeh ,

Gdzie m oge zostawié swoje b agaze ?

(G’jeh m aw’geh zaw - stah’veetch

svaw’yeh b ah -


W b iurze naprzeciw (V’byoo

’zheh nah

psh eh’chiv )

Prosze m i daé tab elke kolejowa(Praw’sheh m ee dahtch tah -bel’keh

kaw - leh -

yaw’voh )

D ziekuje Panu (Jane-koo’yeh Pah’

noo) .

Spiesz sie Pan . Tam jest Pana pociag( S’p’yesh sheh Pahn . Tahm yest

Pah’nah paw’chowng ) .

Pociag odch odzi zare z (Paw’chowngawed-h aw’gee zah’rah z ) .

Pociag odchodzi o drugiej, jest lepiejisé zara z (Paw’chowng awed-haw’

gee awe droo’g’yay, yest leh 'p


eeshtch zah’rah z ) .

Gdzie jest wagon dla pa laoyeh ? (G’jeh

yest vah’gawn dlah pah -lown’tsih’h

Ten wagon przy lokom otywie (Ten

vah’gawn pshih law -kaw-m aw -tih’

v’yeh ) .

Prosze m 1ec b ilety gotowe (Praw’sheh

m’yetch beel-yeh 'tih gaw

Tu jest m oj bilet, Panie konduktorze(Too yest m oo

’ee b eel’yet, Pah


kawn-dook-taw’zheh )Jak dingo pooing zatrzym uje sie


(Yahk dloo’gaw paw’ch owng zah

tshih -m oo’yeh sheh ? )

Pieo, dziesleé, pietnascie m ihat(P’yentch , jeh 'sh entch , p


nah sh’cheh m ee’noot) .

A half an hour, an

hour .

Conductor .

Engineer .

Locom otive .

Tra in .

A car, cars .

StationPlatformTicket office

Baggage office

Railway station

A sleeper car .

Entrance , exit .

N o sm oking allowed .

N o trespassing

Danger !

Stop , look and listen

Refreshm ent room .

Lunch room .

Express tra in .

Mail train .

Renting room s, flats, apartm ents.

Have you a room to Chih m a Pani pokoj do wynajecia ?let, madam ? (Chih m ah Pah'n

’yee paw


claw yih-nah

2 11

Pol godziny, godzine (Pool gaw-gee


nih, gaw


gee’-neh ) .

Konduktor (Kawn-dook’tore)Maszynista (Mah -shihLokomotywa (L aw-kaw-m aw


Wagon, wagony (Vah’gawn, vah

gaw’nih ) .


PeronB iuro sprzedazy biletow (B



s’p’sh eh -dah’zh ih beel-yeh’toof

Bia ro do przechowania pakunkow


’raw daw psh eh -haw -vah’

n’yah pah

Dworzec kolejowy (Dvaw’zhets kawleh -


Wagon sypialny (Vah’gawn sih

p’yah l

’nih )Wejscie , wyj sc1e (V a y s h’c h e h ,vih

’eesh’ch eh )

Pa lié nie wolno (Pah 'leetch u’yeh

vaw l’naw ).

N ie wolno przechodzm (N’yeh vawl'

naw psh eh

U w a z a é . N ieb ezpieczefistwo ! (Dovah 'zh ahtch . N ’y e h -b e z-p’y c hch ains’tvaw l)Stan, patrz i sluchaj ( Stahn, pahtshee sloo’h igh ).

Pokoj jadalny (Paw'koo’ee yah-dahl’

nih ).

Ekspresszug (Eks

Pociag pocztowy (P a w - c h o w ng

Yes, sir, I have a few.

No, sir, I have none

left . I rented all of

them .

Do you wish to have a

front room , or a

back room ?

I don’t care where itis as long as it is aquiet one .

I have one on the

first, second, third,fourth floor .

Parlor floor .

That’s too high form ee .

I would like to havetwo room s

,a bed

room and a parlor .

A bath-room .

H ow m uch do you


Five , e i g h t, t e n,

twelve d o l l a r s a

week with board .

With breakfast

2 12

Tak, Panie, m am kilka (Tahk, Pah’

n’yeh , m ahm keel'kah ).

N ie, Panie, nie m am zadnego .Wszystkie wynajete (N’yeh , Pah 'n

’yeh ,

n’yeh m ahm zh ahd-neh 'gaw. Vshist'

k’yeh vih -nah

Gzy Pan sobie zyczy pokoj frontowy,ezy tez pokoj od tyin ? (Chih Pahnzhih’ch ih saw’b’yeh paw


frawn-taw’vih , chih teh zh paw’

koo’ee awd tih’loo ? )

N ie dbam gdzie on jest, byle tylko bylw nim spokoj (N

’yeh db ahm g


awn yest,b il’yeh til

’kaw bill v’n’ym

Mam jeden na pierwszem ,drugiem ,

trzeciem , czwartem pietrze (Mahmyeden nah droo’g

’yem ,

tsheh 'ch em,chvahr’tem p


’tsheh )ParterTo za wysoko dla m nie (Taw zah vih

saw’kaw dlah

Chcialbym m ieé dwa pokoje , sypialniei bawialny pokoj (H

’ch ah l'bim

m’yetch dvah paw-kaw’yeh ,


p’yah l

'n’yeh ee b ah -v

’yah l

’nih paw’

koo’ee ).

L azienka (Lah -zhen’kah )I le Pani liczy ? (Eel’yeh Pah’n’yee

lee’chih )tygodniowo (tih- gawdziennie

m i e s i e c z n i e (m’yeh -shentch’


? )Piec, osm , dziesieé, dwanascie dolar6w

tygodniowo z Wiktem (P’yentch ,

aw’shem, jeh

’shentch , dvah -nah sh’

cheh daw-lah’roof tih-gawvaw

Ze sniadaniem (Zeh sh’n’yah -dah’

Cold and hot water .

Hall,stairs .

On the sta irs .

I n the hall .These room s are verya iry .

The room s are largeand high, and theyare very light a s

this is a cornerhouse .

There are too few

windows .

Where is the yard ?

How m uch a m onthare these room s ?

Ten, twelve , fifteen,twenty-five , thirty,fifty, seventy fivedollars a m onth .

The room s are verydirty . Can’t you

have them pa intedand repapered be.

fore we m ove in ?

Everything will be re.

paired and made

- 214

Zim na i goraca woda (Zheem’nah cc

gaw-rown’tsah vaw'dah ).

Sier'i, schody ( Shane,N a schodach (N ah

W sieniTe pokoje m aja b ardzo duzo powietrza(Teh paw -kaw’yeh m ah’yoh b ar’

dzaw doo’zh aw paw

Pokoje se duze i wysokie i se b ardzojasne , poniewaz dom je st narozny(Paw-kaw’yeh soh doo’zheh ee y ih

saw’k’yeh ee sown bar’draw yahs’

neh , paw-n’yeh

’vah zh dawm yest

nah -rat ’nih )Za m alo okien jest (Zah m ah’law aw’

k’yen yest).Gdzie jest podworze ? (G

’jeh yest paw

dvoo’zheh ) .

I le na m iesiac placi sie za te pokoje ?

(B e’leh nah m’yeh

’shownts plah’

chee sheh zah teh paw

D ziesieé, dwanascie , pietnascie , dwa

dziesciapieé, trzydziesci, pieédzie

siat, siedem dziesiatpieé dolar6w na

m iesiac (Jeh’shentch , dvah -habsh’

cheh, p’yent

-nah sh’cheh , dvah -jeshc h a h’p’y e n t c h, tsh ih -jesh’chee ,p’yen-jeh’shownt, sheh-dem -jeh

shownt daw-lah’roof nah m’yeh

shownts).Pokoje se bardzo brudne . Czy nie m o

ga byé wym alowane i wytapetowanezanim sie wprowadzlm y ? (Paw

kaw’yeh sown bar'dzaw brood'neh .

Chih u’yeh m aw’geh bitch vih -m ah

law-vah’neh ee vih -tah -peh -taw

vah’neh zah’n’yeem sheh v’praw

vehWszystko bodzia naprawione i doprewedzone do porzadku (V


ben’jeh nah -prah-v’yaw’neh se daw


Room to Let .

Room s to Let .

Furnished Room s to


Room s, Apartm entsto Let . All Mod

ern I m p r o v em ents . Cold and

Hot Wa ter. Gas

and Electricity

ElevatorSteam Heat .

Inquire of the Jahitor .

To call the bell-boy,ring bell once .

At the te legraph office .

Where is the nearest Gdzie jest najblizszy urzad telegra

telegraph o f f i c e , ficzny? (G

’jeh yest nigh-b leezh 'shih

please oo- zhownd teh -leh -grab -feetch’nih

A short distance from Ma ly kawalek drogi stad (Mah’lih

here . kah -vah’leck draw’gee stoned ) .About five b l o c k s Z jakie piec ulic nii ejdown this street . p

’yentch oo


I wish to send a tele Chce poslaé telegram (H’tseh paw

gram slahtch teh

- 2 15

prew-vah -dzaw’neh d a w p a wzhownd’koo).

N apisy, szyldy : (N ah -pee’sih , shill’

dih :Pokoj do wynajecia (Paw'koo


daw vih -nah

Pokoje do wynajecia (Paw-kaw’yeh

daw vih -nah

Meb lowane pokoje do wynajecia

(Meh -blaw—vah'neh paw-kaw'yeh

daw vih -nah

Pokoje , Apartam enta do wynajecia .Wszelkie nowoczesne udogodnie

nia . Zim na i goraca woda . Ga z ielektryka (Paw-kaw’yeh , Ahpahr-tah -m en’tah daw vih -nah

yen’chah . Vshell’k’yeh naw-vaw

chess'neh oo-daw-gawd-n’yeh '

n’yah . Zh eem’nah ee gaw-rown’

tsah vaw’dah . Gaha ee eh -lecktrih 'kah ) .

Elewator (Ee-leh

Ogrzewanie para (Aw-gzheh -vah’

n’yeh pah

’roh ) .

Zapytaé sie Stroza (Zah -pih’tahtch

sheh Stroo’zhah ).By zawolaé ch lopca , dzwonié raz

(Bih zah -vaw’lahtch h’lawp

'tsah ,

dzvaw’n’yeetch rah z) .

- 2 16

Write on this blank, Prosas wypelnié ten b lankiet (Praw’

please . sheh vih -pell

’n’yeetch ten blahn’

k’yet) .How m uch will it b e ? I le bedzie kosztowaé

? (Eel’yeh b en’

jeh kawshThe ra te is three cents Taryfa jest trzy conty od slowa (Tah

a word . rih’fah yest tshih tsen’tih awd

slaw’vah ) .

Can I te legraph in P 0 . Czy m oge telegrafowaé po polsku ?

lish ? ( Chih m aw'geh teh -leh -grab -faw’

vahtch paw pawls’koo ? )

Yes, sir . Tak, Panie (Tahk,I wish to prepay the Chce oplacié odpowiedi . Jak dlugo beanswer . How long do m usia l czekaé na nia ? (H


m ust I wa it for it ? aw-plah’cheetch awd

Yahk dloo’gaw b en’deh m oo’sh ah l

cheh’kahtch nah n’yok ? )

About a half an hour . Okolo pol godziny (Aw-kaw’law poolgaw-

gee’nih )

At the telephone .

Hello . Who is this ? Kto tam ? Centra lia ? (Ktaw tahm ?

I s this Central ? Tson-trahl’yah

Yes, what is your Tak, jaki num er prosze? (Tahk, yah '

kee noo’m air praw'sheh ? )

4131 Orchard . 4131 Orchard .

Hello ! Who’s there ? Kto to ? (Ktaw taw ? )This is the Polish Tu jest Polska K siegarnia I m portowaBook Im porting Co. (Too yest Pawl’skah Kshen-


n’yah Eem -pore

Will you kindly call Prosas przywoiaé pana Y . do telefonu

Mr. Y . to the tele (Praw’sheh pshih -vaw'lahtch Pah’

phone ? nah Y . daw teh -leh

All right, hold the Dobrze , prosze zaczekac’: chwile (Daw’

wire a m inute . b zheh, praw

’sheh zah -cheh’kahtch

Engaging a servant.

Em ploym ent Agency . B iuro Streczefi Pracy (B’yoo’raw

Stren’chain Prah’tsih ) .

This is a very goodrecom m endation.

How m uch wages do

you expect ?Fifteen, twenty, thirty dollars a m onth .

Five, six, seven, e ight ,nine, ten dollars a

week .

All right, you can be

gin to-m orrow, to

day, at once .

The washerwoman.

I am the washer Jestem praczka . Przyszedlam wypraé

wom an . I cam e to Pani b ielizne (Yes’tem prahtch'coh .

do your washing . Psh ih -shed’lahm vih’prahtch Pah’

n’yee b


I’m going away to theWyjezdzam na Wies w niedziele, Wieccountry Sunday, so wszystka b ielizna m usi byé wypraa‘l the clothes m ust na i wyprasowana na sobote (Vih

be washed and iron ye zh'dzhahm nah v

’yesh v


ed by Saturday . dzheh’leh , v’yents vshisst’kah b


leez’nah m oo'sh ee bitch y ih -prah’

nah ee vih -pra s- saw-vah’nah nah

saw-baw’teh )Can I count on you ? Czy m oge na ‘Pania liczyé

? (Chihm aw’geh nah pah

’n’yoh lee’ch itch ? )I t’s a short tim e, To jest krotki czas, prosze Pani, leozma

’am , but I

’ll do postaram sie (Taw yest kroot’keechah ss, praw

'sheh Pah 'n’yee , letch

paw-sta’rahm sheh) .

— 218

To jest b ardzo dobre swiadectwo (Tawyest b ar'dzaw daw’breh sh


dets’tvaw ).

I le placy zadacie ? (Ee’leh plah’tsih

zhown-dah’ch eh

Pietnascie , dwadziescia , trzydziesci

dolar6w m iesiecznie (P’yent

-nah sh’

cheh,dvah -jesh’ch ah , tsh ih -jesh’

chee daw- lah’roof m’ye

- shentch’

n’yeh ).

Pieé, szeéé, Siedm , osm , dziewieé, dzie

sieo dolar6w tygodniowo (P’yentch ,

sheshtch , sheh’dem,awe’sh em , jeh’

v’yentch , jeh’sh entch daw -lah’roof

tih-gaWB ardzo dobrze, m oi ecie rozpoczaé slui

be od jutra , od dzisiaj, zaraz (B ar’

dzaw daw’b’zheh , m aw -zheh’cheh

rawz-paw’ch owntch sloozh 'b eh awed

yoo’trah , awed gee’sh igh , zah’rah z ).

Very well, here’s the

basket of clothes .

You have here eightm en

’s shirts,

two night-shirts,

two sheets,

four pillow cases,

sixteen towels,

six dishcloths,six undershirts


six pa irs of drawers,

two table-cloths,twelve napkins,

four aprons,

two night gowns,

four petticoats .

eight pa irs of stockings,

one and a half dozen handkerchiefs ,

six pairs of socks .

How m uch do you

charge for washing


I charge 30c for a

dozen pieces, shirtsextra , 12c a piece .

2 19

B ardzo dobrze , tu jest kosz z bielizna

(B ar’dzaw daw'b’zheh , too yest

kawsh z’b’yeh

Ma Pani tu osm m ezkich koszul (Mah

Pah’n’yee too awe'shem m enz’keeh’h

kaw’shool ),dwie nocne koszule (dv

’yeh newts'

neh kaw

dwa przescieradla (dvah pshesh

cheh-rahd’lahcztery powloczki ( chteh 'rih paw

vlootch 'kee ),szesnascie recznikow ( shess-nahsh’

cheh rench-n’yee


szesé scierek ( sheshtch shcheh’reck),szesé koszul spodnich ( sheshtch


szesé par kalesonow ( sheshtch pahr

kah -leh

dwa ob rusy (dvah awe

dwanascie serwetek (dvah -nash'

cheh ser

cztery fartuszki ( chteh’rih fahrtoosh’kee ),dwie koszule nocne (dv

’yeh kaw

shoo'leh nawts’neh ),cztery spodnice (halki ) (chteh 'rih



osm par poficzoch ( awe'shem pahr

pawn’chawh’htuzin i pol chustek do nosa (too’

zheen ee pool hoos-teck daw naw'

sah ),szesc

’: par skarpetek ( sheshtch pahr


I le Pani liczy za pranie (Ee’leh Pah’

n’yee lee

’chih zah

Licze trzydziesci (30) cent6w od tuzina kawalkow, koszule m eekie oso

bno, po dwanascie ( 12 ) cent6w 0d

Th at is very dear .

Can’t you do itcheaper ?

Well, one m ust takeinto account thatthe soap, blueing,s t a r c h


soda , and coal or

gas cost m oney .

Do you charge any

thing e x t r a for

m ending ?

Very little .

Then m end the sh irts,sew on the buttons,and darn the stockings

Don’t use any chemicals like chloride oflim e . They spoilthe clothes .

Please iron the shirtfronts carefully .

I b r o u g h t yourclothes, m adam

I am glad you got


sztuki (Lee'cheh tshih-jesh’chee

tsen’toof awed too-zhee’nah kah

vahl’koof, kaw-shoo’leh m ens'k’yeh

aw-sawb’naw, paw dvah -nahsh’cheh

tsen’toof awed shtoo’kee).To jest zbyt drogo . Czy nie m oze Pa

ni zrob ic’: tego taniej ? (Taw yest

zb it draw’gaw . Chih n’yeh m aw’

zh eh pah'n’yee zraw’beech teh’gaw

Trzeb a wziaé pod uwage, z’re m ydlo,

ferbka , krochm al , soda, wegle i gazkosztuje p i e n i a d z e (Tsheh


v’zhowntch pawed oo-vah’geh , zh eh

m ih’dlaw, fahrb’kah , kraw

’h’m ah l,

saw’dah, ven’gleh ee gah ss kaw

shtoo’yor p’ye

Gzy Pani liczy co za naprawki ? (ChihPah 'n

’yee lee’chih tsaw zah nah

prahv’kee ? )

B ardzo m alo (B ar’dzaw m ah’law).Wtedy prosze naprawié koszule, przyszyé guziki i pocerowaé poficzochy

(V’teh’dih praw

’sheh nah -prah’

veetch kaw-shoo'leh, pshih -shitch

goo-zhee'kee ee paw-tseh -raw’

vahtch pawnProsze nie ui ywaé zadnych chem ikalj i

takich jak chlorek . One psuja b ie

lizne (Praw'sheh n

’yeh oo-zhih’

vahtch zhahd’nih’h h eh -m ee-kahl’

yee tah’keeh’h yahk h law’reck. AW’

neh psoo’yoh b


Prosze uwaznie prasowaé gorsy koszul(Praw'

sheh oo-vah zh’n’yeh prahsaw’vahtch gawr

’sih kaw'


Przynioslam Pani bielizne (Pshihn’yawss

'lahm Pah 'n’yee b’ych-leez’.neh ).

B ardzo mnie cieszy, ao Pani skoficzyla

7 o’clock in the

m orning .

I’ll have th e clothesready soaking in

the washtubs .

This faucet is for h otwater, and this one

for cold .

Let m ore water intothe tub .

This water is not h ot

enough .

He at som e m ore on

the stove and add itto this waterStove

Gas stove .

Clothes line .

Clothes pin


Clothes basket .

Ironing board .

Sad iron

Electric iron .


2 2 2

wtorek o godzinie siodm ej rano(Praw’sh eh psh ih

’ee’shtch znaw’voo

nah pshish’lih vtaw’reck awe gaw

gee’n’yeh sh ood’m ay rah’naw) .

B ielizna bedzie sta la nam oczona w

b aljach (B’yeh - leez’nah ben’jeh .

stah’lah nah -m aw -chaw’nah v’bahl’

yah’h ) .

Ten ezop jest od goracej wody, a ten

od zim nej (Ten ch awp yest awedgaw

-rawn’tsay vaw’dih , ah ten awedzh eem’nay ).Wpusé w iecej wody do b a l j i(V’pooshtch v


’tsay vaw’dih daw

Ta woda nie jest dcsc goraca (Tah

vaw'dah n’yeh yest dawshtch gaw

rawn’tsah ) .

Zagrzej wiecej na nieou i wlej do tejwody (Zah’g

’zh ay v


’tsay nah


’tsoo ee vlay daw tay vaw’dih ) .


Gazowy piec (Gah - zaw’vih p’yets ) .Linka do bielizny (Leen’kah daw

b’yeh - lee z'nih )

S Zpilki drewniane do b i e l i z n y( Sh


’kee drehv-n’yah

’neh daw

b’yeh—lee z

’nih )Ma szyna do wyi ym ania (Mah -shin’

nah daw vih - zhih

Koszyk do bielizny (Kaw’sh ick daw

b’yeh - leez’nih )

Deska do pra sowania (Des’kah daw

prah- saw

Zela zko do prasowania (Zheh -lah z’kaw

daw prah-saw

Elektryczne zela zko do prasowania

(Eh- lek- tritch’neh zheh-lahrl kaw

daw prah-saWGazowe aelazko do prasowania (Gah


Hook .

Pole .

You put too m uchblueing in the water.

Hang the clothes on

the line .

Hang the clothes out

in the yard .

B e careful and don’tfa ll out .

D irections to servants .

PleaseCom e hereGo there .

Please , com e here .

Go to the butcher’s ,


delicatessen store,

fish m arket,


Chodi tu (H awdge too) .

I da tam (Eedge tahm ) .

P rosze tu przyjsé (Praw’sheh too

psih’eeshtch )

I dz do rzeznika (Eedge daw zhezh

piekarni (p’yeh

sklepu korzennego ( skleh 'poo kaw

zhen-neh 'gaw )sklepu delikatesow ( sklep’poo de- likah

sklepu ryb ,

zaW’veh zheh -lah z'kaw daw prahsaw

Kolko,krai ek ruchom y (Kool’kaw,

krown’zh eck roo

Hak (Hahk).Slop ( Sloop ) .Wlozylas za wiele farbki do wody(Vlaw - zh ih’lah sh zah v



fahrb’kee daw vaw’dih ) .

Powies b ielizne na lince (Paw’v’yeshb’yeh -leez’neh nah leen’tseh ) .Wywies b ielizne na podworzu (Vih’

v’yesh b’ych- leez’neh nah paw

dvoo’zhoo) .

N a dachu (N ah dah 'hoo) .Wyjdz na ganek zela zny (Vih’eedge

nah gah'neck zheh

Ciagnij powroz do sieb ie ( Chowng’

n’yeey paw

'vrooz daw

N ie wychylaj sie tak daleko (N’yeh

vih -h ih’ligh sheh tahk dahUwaZaj abys nie wypadla (Oo-vah’

zh igh ah’b ish n’yeh vih

drygoods store,

hardware store,

drug-storeMake the fire in the

stove .

Put m ore coa l into thefurnace .

Put the c a r b a g e,

ashes, papers out on

the street .Peel the vegetables

Put sam e water on toboil .

Fry the m eat, steak,chop

,fish .

Make som e coffee,tea , chocolate .

Set the table for

breakfast, dinner,supper .

Wash the dishesSweep and scrub thekitchen floor .

Open the window .

Shut the windows .

Wa sh the windowsB e careful . Don’t fallout .

Clean the kitchen,


sklepu blawatnego ( skleh 'poo blahvaht

sklepu zelaznego ( skleh’poo zheh

lah z

apteki ( ab pZapa l w piecu (Zah’pah l v p yeh’tsoo).

Wsyp wiecej wegli do pieca (V’sip


’tsay ven’glee daw

Wystaw zlewki, popiol , papiery na ulice (Vih’stahv zlehv’kee , paw

’p’yool ,

pah -p’yeh

’rih nah oo

Ostruz kartofle (Aw-stroozh car

tawf’leh ) .

N astaw wody do zagrzania (N ah’

stahv vaw’dih daw zah -



U sm arz m ieso, befsztyk, kotlet, rybe

(Oo-sm ah zh m’yen

’saw , b ehf


kawt’let, rih 'b eh ) .

Ugotuj kawy, herb aty, czekolady (Oo

gaw’too’ee kah 'vih , hair-b ah’tih ,

cheh-kaw-lab’dih)Zastaw stol na sniadanie , obied, kola

cye (Zah -stahv stool nah sh’n’yah


a w’b’y a h d, kaw-lah '

ts’yeh ) .

Pom yj statki (Paw’mih’ee staht’kee ).

Zam ieé i wyszoruj podloge w kuchni(Zah’m

’yetch ee vih -shaw’roo’ee

pawd- law’geh

Otworz okno (Aw'tvoozh awk'naw ) .

Zam knij okna awk’

nah ).Um yj okna (Oo’m ih’ee awk'nah ).

Badi ostrozne . N ie w y p a d n i j(B ohndge aw-strawzh’nah . N



Oczyéé kuchnie (Aw’chistch koo’h’n’yeh ),

2 26

breakfast, d i n n er, lacye (Digh jets’koo yeh


supper . sh’n’yah aw’b

’yahd, kaw

lah’ts’yeh )Wrap up th e lunch Zawin im ich przekaske (Zah 'veen

for them . eem ee’h pshe

Put clean clothing on Wdziej im czyste ubranie (V’jay cem

them . ch is'teh oo

Put the children to P 0162 dzieci spac (Paw’loozh jeh’cheeb ed . spahtch ) .

Take the baby out in Wei dziecko na swieze powietrze

to the carriage . (Veh zh jets’kaw nah sh’v’yeh


paWWash and iron the Wyp ierz i p 0prasuj b ielizne (Vih’

clothes . p’yezh ee paw -prah


’ee b


leez’neh ) .

Hang these clothes Wywies te ubrania na lince (Vih’

out on the line . v’yesh teh oo-brah’n’yah nah leen’

tseh ) .Get m e Przynies m i (Psh ih’n

’yesh m ee

som e stam ps, kilka m arek (keel'kah m ah 'reck),a newspaper, ga zete (gaha cigar, cygaro (tsih

cigarettes , papierosy (pah -p’ychsom e fruit . nieco owocow (n


’tsaw aW-vaw'

tsoof ) .

Fetch m e Przynies m i (P sh ih’n’yesh m ee

a glass of water, szklanke wody ( shklahn’keh vaw’

dih),a cup of tea , filizanke h erb aty (fee-lee-zhahn’

keh ha ira cup of coffee, filizanke kawy (fee-lee-zhahn’keh

kah’vih ),som e lem onade . nieco lim onady (n


'tsaw lee

m aw-nah’dih )Bring m e Przynies m i (P sh ih 'n

’yesh m ee

m y eye-glasses, m oje okul ary, b inokle (m aw'


aw-koo-lah’rih , b ee

the m edicine , lekarstwo ( lehthe cushion

, poduszke (pawa pen, ink and pioro

,atram ent i papier

paper, a h -trah’m ent ee

the book from up k s i a zk e z gory (ksh ownzh’keh

a cup , kubek,filizanke (koo

’beck,fee -lee

zh an’keh ),3 811 8 8 , szklanke

a knife, noz (noozh ),a fork

,widelec (vee

a spoon, lyzke

a brush, szczotke

a broom , m iotie

a ham m er, m lotek

a screw-driver,


a few nails . kilka gwozdzi (keel'kah gwazh’

gee ) .

Hand m e Podaj m i (P aw’digh m ee

the needle,

iglethe thread, nicithe thim ble, naparstek (nahthe scissors, nozyczki (nawm y em broidery m oje wyszywanie (m aw-

yeh vih

work, shihm y pocketbook, m oj pugilares (m oo

’ee poo-ghee

lah’ress ),a hankerchief . chusteczke do nosa (hoo- stetch 'keh

daw naw'sah ) .

Answer the door-bell . Zob acz kto dzwoni (Zaw’bahtch ktaw

Shine these shoes . Wyglansuj te trzewiki (Vih -glahn’

soo’ee teh tsheh

Brush m y clothes and Oczysé m oje odzienie i kapelusz z ku

hat . rzu (Aw’ch ishtch m aw’yeh aw-jeh’

n’yeh ee kah -


Hand m e m y coat, hat Podaj m i m oje pa lto, kapelusz i laskeand cane . (Paw’digh m ee m aw’yeh pah l


kah -peh'loosh ee lah ss’keh ) .

Hold this for a while . Trzym aj to chwile (Tsh ih’m igh taw

Get the coach,car Miej kooz , powoz , autom obil gotowy

r i a g e , autom obile (M'yay kawtch , paw

’vooz , ah -oo

ready . taw -m aw’beel gaw

Take m e to Wana Zawiez’m ie doWanam akera , na Sie


m aker’s, 70th St . ,dem dziesiata ulice, do Pan

Mr. Y . v’yezh m

’yeh daw Vah -nah -m ah


’rah , nah Sheh-dem -jeh -shown’

toh oo- lee’tseh,daw Pah’nah Y . )

Ride slowly, slower . Jeds wolno,wolniej (Yedge vawl’naw ,

vawl'n’yay )

Go fast, faster . Jedi predko, predzej (Yedge prend’

kaw , pren’dzay ) .

Don’t go so fast . N ie jedi tak predko (N’yeh yedge

tahk prend’kaw ) .

Bring this letter to Zanies ten list na poczte (Zah’n’yesh

the post-office . ten leest nah pawtch’teh )

Cleaning a room . Putting a room in order.

Do you know how to Gzy um iesz oczyscic’: pokoj ? (Chih oo

clean a room ? m’y e s h aW-ch ish 'ch eetch paw


What do you do first ? Co sie pierw robi ? (Tsaw sheh p’yairvraw’bee

Open all the windows. Otworz wszystkie okna (Aw'tvoozh

vsh isst’k’yeh awk’nah ) .

Take out all the sm allWynies wszystkie m a le przedm ioty

things, (Vih’n’yesh v

’shisst’k’yeh m ah’leh


chairs, krzesla

stools, stolki

stands, into the ha ll, postum enty, do sieni , do nastepnego

into the next room . pokoju (paw-stoo-m en’tih daw sheh'

n’yee , daw nah -stem p-neh’gaw paw


Shake out the cur Wytrzep firanki (Vih 'tshep fee-rahn’ta ins . kee ) .

Take the rugs out Wynies dywany na dwor (Vih -n’yesh

doors . dih-vah’nih nah d’voor) .

Shake the rugs and Wytrzep dyw aniki i zostaw je na po

leave them to the wietrzu , na trawie , albo na lincea ir on the grass, or (Vih 'tshep dih-vah -n


’kee ee

on the line . zaw’staw yeh nah paw

nah trah 'v’yeh , ahl’baw nah leen'

tseh ).

What can you do?

What is your trade ,occupation ?

What is your profession, business ?

I understandcarpentry,blacksm ithingI am

a blacksm ith,a carpenter,a locksm ith,a m achinist,an engineer,a cabinetm aker,a patternm aker,a plum ber


a coppersm ith,a m ason


a printer,a lithographer,a com m on laborer .

I am

a jeweler,a watchm aker,

a ta ilor,a barber,a butcher,a baker,a tanner,a shoem aker,a painter .

I am

a m iner,

a paver,a sculptor


— 230

0 0 Pan potrafi robic ? (Tsaw Pahn

paw- trah’fee raw’b eetch

Jakie Pana rzem ioslo, zajecie ? (Yah’

k’yeh Pah'nah zh eh zah

yen’ch eh ? )

Jakim jest Pana zawod,zatrudnienie ?

(Yah’keem yest Pah’nah zah’vood,

zah -trood

Zham sie na (Znahm sheh nah )ciesielstw ie ( chehkowalstw ie (kaw

Jestem (Yes’tem

kowalem (kaw

cieslaslusarzem ( sh loo

m aszynista (m ah - shihinzynierem ( een- zh ee—n



stolarz em ( stawm odelarzem (m aw - deh

olownikiem ( aw - loov

kotlarzem (kawtm ularzem (m oo

drukarzem (droolitog rafem ( lee - taw

zwyczajnym rob otnikiem ( zvih

ch igh’nim raw -b aw t

Jestem (Yes’tem

jub ilerem (yoo-be e

zegarm istrzem ( z e h -

g a h'

r-m eesh

tsh em ),krawcem

b alw ierzem

rzeinikiem ( zh ezh

piekarzem (p’yeh

-kah’zh em )

garb arzem gahr-b ah’zh em )szewcem

m alarzem (m ah

Jestem (Yes'tem

gérnikiem (goorb rukarzem (broorze ib iarzem ( zh ezh -b



a stone-cutter,

a bartender,cook,

a wheelwright,a chem ist,a teacher,

a paperhanger,a bookbinder,

a bookkeeper,a driver .

I ama servant,a dressm aker


a seam stress,

a m illiner,a governess,a wa itress,

a nurseVery we ll . I have a

place for you .

How m uch wages doyou expect ?

Five, six, seven, eight,nine ,

— 231

kam ieniarzem (kah -m’yeh -n


zh em ),szynkarzem shin-kah’zh em )kuch arzem (koo

stelm ach em ( stel-m ah’hem )ch em ikem (h eh

nauczycielem (nah -oo-chih-cheh’

lem ),rolnikiem (rawlogrodnikiem ( aw-


k’yem ) ,tapicerem (tah -pee

introligatorem (een-traw-lee-


taw’rem ) ,buch alterem (b oo-hahlwoznice (vawzh

Jestem (Yes’tem

sluzaca ( slookrawczynia (krahv

szwaczka ( shvahtch’koh )m odniarka (m awd

bonasluga do stolu ( sloo’goh daw staw'


B ardzo dobrze . Mam dla Pana m iejsce(robots) (B ar’dzaw dawb’zh eh .

Mahm dlah Pah’nah m’yays


(raw-b aw’teh )Jaka place zada Pan ? (Yah’koh plah’

tseh zh own’dah Pahn ? )Piec , szesé, siedem , osm , dzieW1ec(P’yentch , sheshtch , sheh’dem , aw

shem ,


jednascie (yeddwanascie (dy ak-nah sh 'ch eh )trzynascie (tshihczternascie ( chtair-nah sh 'ch eh )pietnascie (p


szesnascie ( shess


hundred,thousand dollars

a week,

a day,

a m onth,

a year .

I can give you onlyten dollars a week ;perhaps m ore later.

I accept it

At the office.

This way to the office, Prosze tedy do biura (Praw’sheh ten’

please . dih dawPlease take a seat . Prosze siadaé (Praw’sheh Shah'


— 232

siedm nasc1e ( sheh-demosmnascie ( aw-shemdziewietnascie ( jeh -v


-nah sh’

cheh),dwadziescia (dvah

trzydziesci (tshih

czterdziesci (chtair

piedziesiat (p’yen

szesédziesiat (sheshsiedm dziesiat ( sheh-dem -jeh’

sh ownt),osm dziesiat (aw-shemdziew iedziesiat ( jeh -v


- jeh’

shownt),sto ( staw) ,tysiac dolar6w ( tih-shownts daw

lah 'roof),na tydziefi (nah tih

’jane),tygodniowo (tih-gawdna dzien (nah jane),dziennie

na m iesiac (nah

m iesiecznie (m’yeh

na rok (nah rawk),rocznie

Moge Panu ofiarowaé tylko dziesiec’:

dolar6w na tydziefi ; m oze wiecejpozniej (Maw'

geh Pah’noo aw -f’yah

raw'vahtch til'kaw jeh’shentch daw

lah’roof nah tih’jane ; m aw’zh eh


’tsayPrzyjm uje or zgadzam sie (Psh ih


m oo’yeh or zgah

’dzam sheh) .


appointed day deh nah chahs v’jane aw-znah -chaw’

nih ).Good m orning

,sir . D o widzenia Panu (Daw vih -dzeh’

Good day, sir . n’yah Pah’noo) .

The machinist.

Com e here . Chodi Pan tu (Hawdzh Pahn too).Do you know how to Czy um ie Pan robié na tokarni ? (Chihrun a lathe ? oo

’m ’yeh Pahn raw’beech nah taw

a m illing m achine ? na frez m aszynie? (nah frezz m ah’


na h eb larce ? (nah heb

na nut m aszynie? (nah noot m ah’

shihYes, sir, I can, but the Tak, Panie , um iem ,

lecz tokarnia jestlathe is m y special m oja specyalnoscia (Tahk, Pah’

ty . n’yeh , oo

'm’yem , letch taw -kar’n


yest m aW’yoh spe-tsih -yahl-nawsh’

choh) .I can a lso work as a Potrafie taki e pracowaé przy szrub

vise—hand . sztaku (Paw-trah 'f’yeh tak'zheh

prah-tsaw’vahtch pshih shroob

shtah’koo) .

Have you your tools Gzy m a Pan narzedzia ze soba ? (Chihwith you ? m ah Pahn nah -zh en’jah zeh saw’

b oh ? )N o. sir . N ie

,Panie (N

’yeh ,

Then go to the tool To idz Pan do skladu narzedzi i poroom and a sk the pros P an dozorce o kom plet pilnim an in charge to kow (Taw eedge Pahn daw sklah’

give you a set of doo nah - zhen’gee ee paw-prawsh

files, Pahn daw -zoor’tseh aw kawm’plet

peela ham m er, m iotekan angleplate , platewinklowa (plah’teh veen-klaw’

voh ),a center-punch, znacznik (or punktak) ( znahtch’


a chisel, m essel ( or przecinak) (m eh’sel


inside calipers,

outside calipers,

dividers,a steel-scale

That is not the way todo that .

You m ust m easurefrom here .

Hold that centerpunch firm ly

Please let m e haveyour ham m er for a

m om ent .

I i ere it is .

Move it over m ore tothe left


to the right,to the front,to the back,forward ,backward .

Hold on, till I see ifwe have set it right.

Go ahead

Stop th e m achine

Let the m achine go

now .

That is Very finework,

poor work .


taster wewnetrzny (tah s'tair vehv

nenttsh’nih )taster zewnetrzny (tah s’tair zeh

vnentsh 'nih )szpic cyrkiel ( sh


linijke stalowa (lee -nee’ee’keh stah

law’voh ).

To tak sie nie robi (Taw tahk shehn’yeh raw’b ee ) .

P owinien P an m ierzyé stad (P aw -vee’

n’yen Pahn m


’zh itch stownd ) .

Trzym aj P an ten centerek silnie

(Tsh ih 'm igh Pahn ten tsen-teh’reck

sh eel’n’yeh )

Prosze m i podaé SWOJ m iotek na ohwile (P raw’sh eh m ee paw


svoo’ee m law’teck nah hvee’leh ) .

Prosze . Oto jest (Praw’sheh . Aw’taw

yest) .Fosun to wiecej na lewo (Paw’soon

taw v’yen

’tsay nah leh’vaw ),na prawo (nah prah

'voh ),

na front (na frawnt),do tylu (daw tih’loo),naprzod

do tyin (daw tih’loo) .P oczekaj, az zob acze ezy ustawiliém yto dobrze (Paw—ch eh 'kigh , ah zh

zaw -b ah’cheh chih oo- stah-vee’leeshm ih taw daw’b zh eh ).

D alej ! or Moi esz zaczaé rob 1c (Dah’

lay ! or Maw’zh esh zah’chowntchraw’b eech ) .

Zatrzym aj m aszyne (Zah -tshih’m ighm ah’shih -neh )

Pusé m aszyne w ruch tera z (Pooshtchm ah’sh ih -neh v


’h teh’rah s ) .

To jest b ardzo dobra robota (Tawyest b ar’dzaw daw’brah raw-baw’

tah ),zla robota ( zlah raw

That is not very good .

You ought to knowhow to do that


to tem per,to draw the tem per,to sharpen,to grind,

to set,

to punch,

“ 236

To nie jest bardzo dobre (Taw u’yeh

yest b ar'dzaw daw’breh ).

Powinienes wiedzieé jak to zrob ié


’nesh v’y e h

’j e t c h

yahk taw raw'beetch ),h artowaé (hahr

odhartowaé (awd-habrnaostrzyé (nah

ostrzyé, toczyé (aws’tshtich , taw’

ch itch ),wyszykowaé, ostrzyé (vih -shih-kaw’

vahtch , aws’tshitch ),

odznaczyé ( awd


swidrowaé, wiercié ( shvee-draw’

vahtch ,

przedziurawié (psheh -joo-rah’

veetch ),


probowaé (proogladzié, polerowaé (glah’geetch ,paw- leh

skrob aé

oczyscié (aw

naoliwié (nah -aw

rysowaé (rih


przyczepié, przym ocowaé (pshih

ch eh’peetch , p s h i h -m aw-tsaw’

vahtch ),dopasowaé (daw-pah


heb lowaé (heh

nadaé ksztalt (nah 'dahtch kshtahlt),znalezé

N arzedzia : (N ah -zhen’jah )Calowka (TsahCyrkiel

Dziurownik (Locheisen) (Jew-rawv’

n’yeek) .

Screw gauge


Flat nose plier .

Round nose plier .

Wire cutting plier

Gas plier

RaspO il stone .

Dies and taps .

Tram m el points .

H and drill .

Ordinary drill .

Center Drill .

Counter sink

Inside calipers

Outside calipers

- 238

Rozwiertnik (Ausreiber) (Rawav’yairt

’neek)Skrob ak

Sprawdzian ( Sprahv’jahn)Sprawdzian do drutow (Sprahv


daw droo’toof) .

Sprawdzian do srub ( Sprahv’jahn

daw shroop ) .

S zczypce , kleszczeklesh’cheh )

S zczypce plaskie ( Sh’ch ip


S zczypce okragle (Sh’chip’tseh aw

krown’gleh ) .

S zczypce do przecinania drutu

( Sh’ch ip

’tseh daw pshe-chee-nah’

n’yah droo’too) .

S zczypce do rur ( Sh’chip’tseh daw

roor) .

Tarnik (Raspel )Oselka ( Schle ifstein)N arzynadla i N arzynacze (Schneidbacken u . Schneidbohrer) (N ahzh ih -nahd’lah ee N ah -zbib -nah’

cheh) .

Znacznik slupkowaty (Parallelreisser) (Znahtch’n

’yeek Sloop-kaw

vah’tih ) .Wiertarska korba (Bohrkurbel)(V’yair-tahrs

’kah kore’b ah ).Wiertak zwykly (Lochbohrer)(V’yair

’tahk zvik’ly).Wiertak odsrodkowiec (Centrumbohrer) (V’yair'tahk awd-shrawd

kaw’v’yets)N awiertnik ( Senkbohrer) (Nah

Taster wewnetrzny (Tah s’tair veh

v’nentsh’nih )

Taster zewnetrzny (Tahs’tair zeh

v’nentsh’nih )

— 239

MachineLatheDrilling m achine .

CenterChuckLathe dogNut wrench .

Lathe tools .

Screw gauge .

Screwdriver .

Wire .

Copper Wire .

Iron wire .

Steel wire .

Brass wire .

Sheet m etal .Sheet iron

Sheet brass .

Sheet copper .

Sheet alum inum .

Sheet lea d

Steel, iron, copper,brass, a lum inum


bronze, lead .

Please fetch m e a

piece of wire , sheet,copper.

Maszyna (Mah -sh ih’nah )Tokarka (TawWiertarka (V’yairSrod, sedno ( Shrood, sed’naw ).


Sercowka ( Sa ir-tsoof’kah )Klucz nakretkowy (Klootch nah

krent—kaw’vih )N0 20

,toczniki (N aw’zheh , tawtoh

Sprawdzian zwojowy (Sprahv’jahn


yaw’vih )Wkretak, szrubczyk ( Schrauben

zieher) shroob’

chick).Drut (Droot),Drut m iedziany (Droot m



nih ) .Dra t zela zny (Droot zheh

B rut stalowy (Droot stahD rut m osieZny (Droot m aw-shenzh’

nih ) .

BlachaBlacha Zelazna (B lah’hah zheh

lah z’nah ) .

Blacha m osiezna (B lah’hah m aw

shenzh 'nah )Blacha m iedziana (B lah’hah m


jah’nah ) .Blacha alum injowa (B lah’hah ah

loo-m ee

Blach a olowiana (B lah’hah aw- law

Stal , zelazo, m iedz, m osiadz, a lum injum

,b ronz , olow (Stahl , zheh -lah '

zaw , m’yedge , m aw’sh owndz , ah -loo

m een’yoom , brawnz , aw’loof).

Prosze m i przyniesé kawalek drutu ,

b lachy m iedzianej (Praw’sh eh m ee

pshih'n’yeshtch kah -vah’leck droo’

too, b lah’h ih m



The carpenter.

Cut these beam s all Zrob ié te belki jednakowej dlugosci

(Zraw’b eetch teh b ell’kee yed-nah

kaw’vay dloo

This board is too long, Ta deska jest za dluga , skroé ja (Tahm ake it shorter . des’kah yest zah dloo’gah , skrootch

yoh ).

Lay the floor in this PoioZyc’: podiogeWtym pokoju (Paw

room . law’zh itch pawd-law’geh v’tim paw

kaw'yoo) .

Shingle the roof . Dach pokryé gontam i (Dah’h paw

kritch gawnDid you finish the Cay skoficzyles sch ody

? (Chih skawn

sta irs ? ch ih’lesh

Put in the window Wstawié okna tu, na tem pietrze

fram es here , on this (V’stah’veetch awk’nah too, nah tem

floor .

Where is your saw ? Gdzie jest twoja pilka ? (G’jeh yest

tvaw'yah peel

’kah ? )Whose chisel is this ? Czyje to dluto ? (Chih’yeh taw dloo’

taw ? )I s this your ham m er ? Czy to tw6j m iotek ? (Chih taw

tvoo’ee m law’teck ? )

Your tool-chest is on Twoja skrzynia z narzedziam i jest nathe first floor . p i e r w s z e m pietrze (Tvaw’yah

s k s h i h’n’y ah z’nah -zhen-jah’m ee

yest nah p’ya irv


Com e here and help Chodi tu i pom agaj niesé te belkecarry this beam . (H a w d g e too ee pam -m ah’guy

n’yeshtch teh be l’keh ).

Na il that better . Przyb ij to gwozdziam i lepiej (Pshih’

b ee’ee taw gvawzh -jah’m ee leh’

p’yay)Who did this work ? Kto zrob il to ? (Ktaw zraw’beel taw ? )I don’t know . N ie wiem (N

’yeh v

’yem ).

I think it was Mr. Y. Zdaje m i sie, ze Pan Y . (Zdah’yeh m ee

sheh, zheh PahnTools N arzedzia : (N ah - zhen’jah )

Skrzynia do narzedzi ( Skshih’n’yah

daw nah

Planes . Wiorniki,heble (V


heb’leh ) .

Sm oothing Plane . Ogladnik (Aw

Block plane . B ocznik

Plane iron . Wiornikowy noz (Hobeleisen)(V’yawr-n


-kaw’vih noozh ).

Screwdriver . Wkretak, srub czyk (Schraub enzieh

er) shroob’chick).

Grind-stone . OslaMarking tool . Znacznik

Letter punches . Alfabet stalowy (Ahl-fah 'bet stahlaw’vih ) .

George, help m e put Jcrzy, prosze cie, pom oz m i wloiyé te

this board up on the deske na drabke (Yeh’zhih , praw’

rack, please . sheh cheh, paw’m oozh m ee vlaw’

zhitch teh des’keh nah drahb’keh ) .

What kind of wood is Jakie to drzewo ? (Yah’k’yeh taw

this dzheh’vaw

This is oak,

To jest dab (Taw yest dowm b ),beech, buk (book),m aple , klon (klawn),che stnut, kasztan

pine , sosna

fir, jodlahem lock, cykuta (tsih

m ahogany, m ahonwalnut, orzechhard pine , sosna twarda ( sawss’nah tvahr'dah ).soft pine, sosna miekka ( sawss’nah m



kah ),ebony, hebana sh , jesionlarch

,m odrzew

red fir, swierkbirch, brzozaWillow, wierzbalinden . lipa

I m ust tell the fore Musze powiedzieé naczelnem u, i e nie

m an that we are m am y juz (Moo’sheh paw-v


short of jetch nah -chel-neh’m oo, zheh n’yeh

You m ust not leavethose shavings here .

They m ust be sweptup every day .

Put som e fresh glueinto the glue pot .

B e careful h ow you

put that varnish on.

The varnish is too

Add a little turpentine to it .

N ot too m uch though

What shall I do now ?

Stain these chairswith a m ahoganystain

I am a m iner .

Mining i s m y profes

sion .

I wish to get work inthis coal m ine .

“ 243

m ah’m ih yoozh )deb owego (dem -b aw

klonowego (klaw-naw

sosnowego drzewa (sawss-naw-veh’

gaw dzheh’vah ) .N ie m usisz tu zostawiaé Wiorow(N’yeh m oo

’sh ish too zaw-stah'


Trzeb a je pozam iataé co dzien (Tsheh’

b ah yeh paw -zah -m’yah

’tahtch tsaw

jane ).W162 nieco swiezego kleju do klejarki

(Vloozh n’yeh

’tsaw sh’v’yeh -zh eh’

gaw kleh’yoo daw kleh

UwaZaj , azeby lakier byl dobrze polozony (Oo-vah’zh igh , ah - zheh’b ih

lah -k’yair bill daw’b zheh paw-law

zhaw'nih ) .

Lakier jest za gesty (Lah’k’yair yest

zah ghen’stih ) .

Dolej nieco terpentyny do niego(B aw’lay n


’tsaw ta ir-pen—tih’

nih daw

Ale m e za wiele (Ab’leh n’yeh zah

Co m am robic’: teraz ? (Tsaw m ahm

raw’b eetch teh’rah z ? )Pofarbuj te krzeselka m ahoniowa far

ba (Paw-far’boo’ee teh ksheh -sell’

kah m ah -haW-n’yaw’voh far'boh ) .


Jestem gornikiem (Yes’tem goor

Gornictwo jest m oim zawodem (Goorn’yeets

’tvaw yest m aw’eem zah

vaw’dem ).Zycze sobie dostaé roboty w tej kopa lni wegla (Zhih’cheh saw’b’yeh daw


Have you experiencein m ining ?

For a year I had thejob of an engineerin the Lehigh Va lley Coal Com pany


m ine in Pennsyl

vania .

Tunneling, crosscutting and sinking of

shafts is m y spe

cialty .

Do you know how to

work with boringm achines ?

Yes, sir, I understandthis kind of workand the m achinery .

I worked with hydraulio b ox drills .

Do you know h ow to

act in a m inecharged with in

flam m able gases ?


stahtch raw-baw’tih v’tay kaw

pahl’n’yee ven

’glah ).

Gzy m a Pan doswiadczenie w gornictwie ? ( Chih m ah Pahn daw


-cheh’n’yeh v’goor

Przez rok bylem zatrudniony jakom aszynista w kopalni towarzystwa

Lehigh Va lley w P ennsylvanji

P sheh z rawk b ih’lem zah -trood


’nih yah’kaw m ah -shih-n


tah v’kaw—pah l

’n’yee taw-vah - zh is’

tvah Lehigh Va lley v’P enn-sil-vah’

n’yeo) .

Rob ota okolo budowy tuneli, chodni

kow poprzecznych i pogleb iania

szybow jest m oja specjalnoscia

(Raw-b aw-’tah aW-kaw’law boo

daw’vih too-neh’lee , hawd-n’yeo'

koof paw-psh etch’nih’h ee paw-glem


’n’yah shih’boof yest m aw'yoh

speh-tsih -yahl-nawsh 'choh )Gzy um ie Pan sie obchodzié z m aszy

nam i doWiercenia ? (Chih oo’m’yeh

Pahn aWb -h aw’geetch sheh a’m ah

shih-nah 'm ee d a w v’yair-tseh’

n’yah ? )

Tak, Panie, znam ten rodzaj pre cy im a s z y n e r j i (Tahk, Pah’n

’yeh ,

z’nahm ten raw’dzigh prah

’tsih ee

m ah -shih-nair'yee )Pracowalem hydraulicznem i wiertacz

kam i skalnem i (Prah-tsaw-vah’lem

h ih -drah’oo-leetch-neh’m ee v


tahtch -kah 'm ee skahl

Gzy Pan wie jak sie zachowaé w ko ;

pa lni napelnionej palnem i gazam i ?

(Chih Pahn v’yeh yahk sheh zah

h aw’vahtch v’kaW-pahl

'n’yee nah

pell-n’yaw’nay pahl-neh’m ee gah

zah 'm ee ? )


powder,dynam ite,fuse, caps, squib,

rope, wire rope,

iron, steel,

nails,light, m atches,

lam p,

Davy lam p ,

ladder,drill, scraper,stam per,car

, carload,

boring m achine ,

tools, tool b ox,

Rail, steel rail, wooden rail .

Tie,nail or spike,

sleeper .

Prop , cap , wedge

Post, sill , m ine tim

bering .

Shaft tim bering, tim

(m’yeh -jah’nih , z h e h -l a h z'nih ,

stah-law’vih droot),wiadro

wiaderko (v’yah

prochdynam it ( dihlont, kapiszony, lont do zapalania

nab oju ( lawnt, kah -pee -shaw’nih,

lawnt daw zah -pah -lah’n’yah nah

b aw’yoo) .

lina,l ina druciana ( lee’nah , lee’nah


,sta l ( zh eh -lah’zaw , stahl ),

gwoi dz’e

swiatlo, zapalki zah

pah l’kee ) ,

lam palam pa D avyego ( lahm’pah Dah

vih -eh’gaw )drab ina (drahswider, lyaka lizh’kah ),stepel

Wozek, ladunek wozka (voo’zeck,lah -doo’neck vooz

’kah ),m aszyna do wiercenia (m ah - shih’

nah daw v’yair

narzedzia , skrzynia do narzedzi

(nah -zhen’jah , sksh ih’n’yah daw

nah - zhen’gee)S zyna , szyna stalowa , szyna drewniana ( Shih’nah , shih’nah stah-law’vah


sh ih’nah drehvWiazadio, gwozidi , prog kolejowy(V’yown

-zahd’law , g’voozhge , proog

kaw -leh -

yaw’vih )

Podpora , kapa , klin (Pawd-paw'rah ,

kah’pah , kleen) .

Odrzwi, prog, oprawa kopalni (Aw’

drzvee, proog,aw-prah

’vah kaw

Oprawa szybu , cembrowanie (Aw

bering work

Colliery, breaker

Boiler, valve, safety,valve

Ventilator, airshaft

Shaft, adit, tunnel,drift, crosscut .

Mouth of the adit,m outh of the tune! .

Bottom of the shaft,sum p .

Com partm ents of the


Windlass, steam -hoist

Cage, safety-cage

Bell, wire , copperwire

To ring the bell .Mule barn,

m ule , m uledriver

,harness .

MinerCap , jacket, boots,

— 247

prah’vah shih’boo, tsem -braw-vah’

n’yeh ) .

Kopa lnia wogla , gniotownik (Kaw

pah l'n’yah ven’glah , g




Kociel parowy, klapa , klapa b ezpieczenstwa (Kaw’chell pah -raw’vih ,klah’pah , klah

’pah b ez-p



t’vah ) .Wentylator, szyb wentylacyjny (Ven

tih-lah’tore,shib ven-tih-lah -tsih


nih ),Szyb, sztolnia , tunel , chodnik, chodnikpoprzeczny ( Shib, shtawl’n’yah ,too’nel, hawd’n’yeek, hawd’n’yeek


Ujscie sztolni, ujscie tunelu (Oo’eesh '

cheh shtawl’n’yee , oo’eesh’cheh too

neh’loo) .

Spod szybu , rzap ( Spood sh ih’boo,zhowm p ) .

Przedzialy szybu (Psher-jah’ly shih’

b oo) .

Poziom (pietro) (Paw’zhawm (p’yen’

traw) .

Winda reczna , Winda parowa (Veen’

dah rentch’nah , veen’dah pah -raw’

vah ).

Klatka , klatka b ezpieczenstwa (Klaht’

kah , klaht'kah bez-p’ych-chens’

tvah ).Dzwonek, drut, drat m iedziany

droot, droot m’yeh

jah’nih ) .D zwonié (D z

Stajnia dla m nlow, m ul, poganiacz

m niow,szory dlah

m oo’loof, m ool , paw-gah


m oo’loof, sh aw

’rih ) .

GornikCzapka , i akiet, buty, buty nabite

hobnail boots, rubb er

,boots, rubber

coat, dinner pail,lam p .

Miner boss

Overseer .

Forem an .

Surveyor .

Boss or m anager .

Governm ent inspectorof m ines .

Ve in, stratum , b ed



iferous form ation .

Sandstone, shale

Mineral , m etal , stone ,rock

Gold, silver,copper,

lead, quick-silver .

Gas, water, air, steam .

Pum p,

steam -pum p ,ventilating fan .

To atach a fuse .

gwoidziam i, buty gum owe, plaszcz

gum owy, b laszanka , lam pa (Ch ahp’

kah , zhah’k’yet, boo’ty, boo’ty nah

b ee’teh g’vawzh -jah’m ee, boo’ty goo

m aw’veh , plah shtch goo-m aw’vih ,

blah-sh ahn’kah , lahm’pah ) .D ozorca gornikow (Daw-zoor


goor-n’yee’koofOdiwierny AWPom ocnik (Paw

CieslaMaszynista (Mah - shihKowa lD ozorca (Daw

S ztygar

MiernikZarzadca (Zah

Rzadowy inspektor kopalni (Zhowndaw’vih een-speck

’tore kaw-pahl'

n’yce ).

Zyla , warstwa lawica (Zhih’lah ,vahrs’tvah


Wegiel , olej skalny, weglowa form a

oya aw’lay skahl’nih,


glaw'vah fore

P iaskowiec, i n p e k (P’yah ss


v’yets, loo

’peck) .

Mineral, kruszec, kamien, skala (Mee'

neh’rahll, kroo’shets, kah’m ’yen,skah’lah ) .

Zloto,srebro, m iedi , olow , rteé (Zlaw’

taw , srehb’raw, m’yedge, aw'loof,

r’tench ) .

Gaz , woda , powietrze, para (Gah z ,vaw'dah , paw pah’rah) .Pom pa , pom pa parowa , wach larz wentylacyjny (Pawm’pah , pawm


pah -raw’vah , wah’h’lah zh ven-tih


Przyczepié lont (Pshih -cheh’peetch

lawnt) .

Zhah’den ch law’v’yeck n’yeh vih

tsh ih 'm ah b en'downts paw-pen

dzah 'nim tahk b ar’dzaw ) .

I am used to hard Jestem przyzwyczajony do cieikiej ro

work, but this is too boty, a le to jest zbyt wiele dla

m uch for m e ; I am m nie ; jestem b ardzo zm eczony

very tired . (Yes'tem psh ih -z’vih -chah-yaw


daw ch enzh’k’yay raw -b aw’tih , ah’

leh taw yest z’b it v


’leh dlah

m’n’yeh ; yes

’tem b ar’dzaw zm en

ch aw’nih ).

All right, go hom e , Dobrze , idi Pan do dom u , odpocznij

take a good rest and dobrze i przyjdi jutro rano (Daw’

com e to m orrow b zh eh , eedge Pahn daw daw’m oo,

m orning . awd-pawtch’n’yee daw’b zheh ee

psh ih’eedge yoo

’traw rah’naw) .N o, sir . I have no in N ie

,Panie , nie m am zam iaru przyjsc


tention of com ing jutro (N’yeh , Pah 'n

’yeh , n


back to-m orrow . m ahm zah -m’yah

’roo psh ih


yoo’traw ).

Why not D laczego nie (D lah -cheh’gaw


You expect too m uch Pan wym aga za wiele od rob otnika .

from a w o r k i n g P an chce, aeby czlowiek zapracowal

m an . You want a sie na sm ieré . Prosze m i dac m ojm an to work him rachunek (Pahn vih -m ah’gah zah

self to death . Please v’yeh

’leh awed raw-hawtgive m e m y tim e . Pahn h

’tseh , zh eh 'b ih


ch law’v’yeck

zah -prah-tsaw’vah l l s h e h n a h

sh’m’yairtch . Praw'

sheh m ee dahtch

m oo’ee rah

WegielWinda reczna (Veen'dah rentch’nah ) .

Winda parowa (Veen’dah peh -raw’

vah ).Wiaderko (V’yahLadder . Drabina (DrahPowder, dynam ite . Proch, dynam it (Praw

’h , dih-nah’

m eet).Fuse, caps . Lont

,kapiszony (Lawnt, kah -pee

sh aw’nih ).

- 251


Lont do zapalania nab oju (Lawnt daw

zah -pah -lah’n’yah nah

Rope , wire rope . Lina,lina druciana (Lee’nah , lee’nah

droo-ch ah 'nah )Iron, steel . Zelazo, sta l (Zhob-lah’zaw, stahl).Na ils . Gwoi dzie

Drill, scoop , stam per ,Swider

,iyaka , stepel

lih zh 'kah , stem’pell).

To bore , to drill . WierciéTo level . Wyrownaé (VihTo sharpen ; a file .

Ostrzyé ; pilnik (Awss’tsh itch ; peel’

n’yeek) .

Pick, hoe . K ilof,m otyka (Kee’lawff, m aw-tih’

kah ) .

Ham m er, s h o v e l, Mlot, szufla , taczki (M’lawt, shoof

’lah ,whee lbarrow .

tahtch 'kee ) .

Car,carload . Wézek

,ladunekWozka (Voo’zeck, lah

doo’neck vooz’kah ) .

To load . L adowaé (Lah

Measure,tape line, oil Miara , m iara skurczowa , oliwiarka ,

ca n, cotton waste .baweima m



skoor—ch aw'vah , aw-lee

b ah -vell’nah )Sledge ham m er . Miot do rozb ijania (M

’lawt daw rawz

b ee

Ax , bit, boring m a Siekiera , ostrze swidra , m aszyna do

chine . wiercenia ( Sheh aws’

tsh eh sh’veed’rah , m ah -sh ih’nah


T o o l s ; to sharpen N arzedzia ; ostrzyé narzedzia ; skrzy

tools ; tool box . nia do narzedzi (N ah -zhen’jah ;aws’tsh itch nah -zhen’jah ; sksh ih’

n’yah daw nah

Ra il , steel , rail, wood S zyna , szyna stalowa , szyna drewniaen ra il . na (Sh ih 'nah , sh ih

'nah stah-law’vah ,sh ih’nah drehv

Tie , spike , sleeper . Wiazadlo, gwoidi , prog kolejowy


, g’voozhge , proog

kaw- leh -

yaw'vih )

Pulley, prop , wedge . Krazek ruchom y (Winda ), podpora ,

klin (Krown’zheck roo-haw’m ih

The day laborer.

Do you want a job ? Czy chcecie roboty? (Chih h


raw-b aw’tih

Yes, sir, I’m a rail Tak, Panic, jestem rob otnikiem kole

road hand . jowym (Tahk, Pah’n’yeh , yes


raw -hawt kaw-leh -


vim . )Com e with m e . Chodi cie ze mna (Hawdge’cheh zeh

m noh ) .Here is a shovel and Tu jest szufla i oskard ; tam jest draga pick ; there is a Zelazny (Too yest shoo’flah ee

crowbar . awss’kahrd ; tahm yest drowng zheh

lah z’nih ) .

You m ust dig a ditch Musicie wykopaé row dla rur od gazufor gas pipes and i dla rur od wody (Moo-shee’tch eh

water pipes . vih -kaw’pahtch roof dlah roor awedgah

’zoo ee dlah roor awed vaw’dih ) .

You m ust work hard . Musicie pracowaé ciQZko (Moo-sheencheh prah-tsaw’vahtch chenzh 'kaw ).

Can you work fast ? Czy m ozecie pracowaé predko? (Chih

m aW- zheh’cheh prah-tsaw’vahtchprend

’kaw ? )Yes, I am strong . Tak, jestem silny (Tahk, yes


sheel'nih ).Do you want the ditch Czy row m a byé gleboki ? (Chih roofdeep ? m ah bitch glem

The handle of the Trzonek szufli jest za krotki (T’shaw’

shovel is too short . neck shoof’lee yest zah kroot’kee).I can’t use it . N ie m oge jej uzywaé (N

’yeh m aw’geh

yay oo

Give m e the spade . Dajcie m i szpadel (Die’cheh m ee


Here it is and hurry Oto jest, spieszcie sie (Aw’taw yest,up ! sp


’cheh sheh).


pawd-paw’rah , kleen).

B obota dzienna (Raw-baw’tah gen’

nah ) .

B obota nocna (Raw-baw’tah nawts’

nah ).


Wh ere m ust I go ? Gdzie m am iso? (G’jeh m ahm

eeshtch ? )To the office . I di do biura (Eadge daw

The farm hand.

What is your trade ? Jaki jest twoj zawod ? (Yah’kee yestt’voo

’ee zah’vood ? )

Are you a farm er ? Gzy jestes farm erem ? rolnikiem ?

( Chih yes’tesh fahr-m eh’rem rawln’yee


N o, but I understand N ie , lecz rozum iem sie na rolnictwie ?

farm work . (N’yeh , letch raw -zoo

’m’yem shehnah rawl

I Moge (Maw’geh

feed the hogs, nakarm ié wieprze (nah -kahr’m eetch

m ilk th e cows, doié krowy (daw’eetch kraw'

vih ),yoke th e oxen and zaprzadz woly i powozié je ( zah

drive them , pshowndz vaw'lih ee paw-vaw’

zh eetch yeh ),clean th e barn and oczyscié stodole i ulozyé siano (awstack the h ay . ch ish’ch eetch staw-daw’leh ee 0 0

law'zh itch shah’naw) .

I can Moge (Maw’geh

work in th e orchard, pracowaé w sadzie (prah-tsaw’


gather the apples, zb ieraé jablka yahp’

kah ),sort them , gatunkowaé je (gah -toon-kaw’

vahtch yeh ),put them in barrels pakowaé je do b eczek na targ a lbofor th e m arket, do zachowania w piwnicy (pah

or to store in th e kaw’vahtch yeh daw b eh’check

cellar . nah tahrg ah l’bow daw zah -haw

vah’n’yah v’peev

I can plow and sow Um iem oraé i siaé (Oo’m’yem aw’

seed . rahtch ee shahtch ) .

I can do a little of ev Um iem wszystkiego troche (Oof

erything . m’yem v

’sh ist-k


’gaw traw’

heh ) .

I will give you a trial .

Milk the cows and

drive them to pas

ture .

Water the cattle .

Feed the chickens and

the calves .

Give these turnips tothe cows .

To-day you m ay sow

barley seed in th e

field near the barn .

To-m orrow you m ay

plow the next fieldthis side of th e

fence .

You will find the

plough in the shedand the oxen in thestalls

Can you tell m e Whereto find the barleyseed ?

I will show you Where

We will go first to thebarn .

Here you see the sta llsfor the cattle and

horses .

Let us now go to the

dairy .

Here is the shed wherethe tools of the

- 255

Wezm e cie na probe (Veh z’m eh chehnah proo

’b eh ) .Wydoj krowy i wypedi je na pastwi

sko (Vih’doo’ee kraw’vih cc vih’

pendge yeh nah pah st

N apoj bydlo (N ah’poo’ee bid’law ).

N akarm kury i cieleta (N ah’carm koo’

rih ee chehD aj te brukiew krowom (Die teh broo’

k’yeff kraw

’vom e ) .

D zisiaj m ozesz zasiaé jeczm ienw polub lisko stodoly (Gee’shy m aw'zhesh

zah - sh ahtch yentch’m ’yen v



b lees’kaw stawJutro m oaesz zorac’: pole z tej strony plotu (Yoo’traw m aw’zhesh z

aw’rahtch paw’leh z

’tay straw’nih

plaw’too) .

Znajdziesz plugWszopie a woly w o

borze (Z’nigh

’jesh ploog v’sh aw’

u’yeh ah vaw’lih v


Gzy m oze m i Pan powiedmeé, gdzie

jest nasiennie jeczm ienne (Chihm aw’zh eh m ee Pahn paw-v


jetch , g’jeh yest nah—sh en’neh

yentch -m en’neh )

Pokaae ci gdzie wszystko jest (Pawkah’zheh chee g’ich v


yest) .

P ierw poidziem y do stodoly (P’yairvpoo

’ee -jeh 'm ih daw staw

Tu jest stajnia dla bydla i koni (Tooyest stah

’ee’n’yah dlah b ih

’dlah eo

Teraz idim y do m leczarni (Teh’rah z

eedge’m ih daw m leh

Tu jest szopa , gdzie wszelkie rolnicze

nazedzia se zlozone (Too yestshaw’pah , g

’ich v

’sh ell’k’yeh rawl

— 256

n’yee’cheh nah -zh en’jah soh alaw

zhaw'neh ).

Farm ing tools N arzedzia rolnicze (Nah -zhen’jah

rawl’n’yee’ch eh

the harrow, bronathe hoes

,m otyki (m aw

the rakes, grabiethe spades, szpadle

the shovels, szufle

the plough, plug (plook),the pitchforks, Widlythe scythe


the cultivator . kultiwator (kool-tih

The m an is here to Przyszedl czlowiek, ktory m a porabaé

cut the wood . drzew o (P shih 'shed

ktoo’rih m ah paw-roam’bahtch

Tell him to begin Powiedz m u , Zeby zaczal rabao (Paw’

right away . v’yedz m oo

,zheh 'b ih zah’chohll

roam’b ahtch )First he m ust saw the Pierw m a poprzecinaé okraglaki na

logs into lengths of kawalki dwie stopy dlugosci, a potemtwo feet, then split porab aé je i ulozyé je w budzie

them and pile them (V’p’yairv m ah paw -

psheh -chee’

up in th e woodshed . nahtch aW-krown-

glah’kee nah kah

vahl’kee d’v’yeh staw’pih dloo’gaw

shehee , ah paw’tem paw -roam’bahtch

yeh ee oo-law’zh itch yeh

The axe is dull . Siekiera jest tepa ( Sheh-k’yeh


yest tem’pah).Then sharpen it on To ja naostrz na osle (Taw yoh nah

th e grindstone . awstsh nah awsh’leh ) .

Have I split enough Czy narab alem dosé drzewa ? ( Chihwood ? nah -rowm -b ah’lem dawshtch dzheh’

vah ? )N o, we use a lot . N ie

,m y uzywam y dui o drzewa

(N’yeh , m ih oo-zh ih -vah’m ih doo’

zhawWe use m any bundles My uiywam y wie le wiazek drzewa doof kindling wood rozpalania i trzaski takae (Mih oo


than one . v’yen

’tsay pshih'chin n

’yih zh yed

nah ) .

Thousands of people Tysiace ludzi zginelo (Tih-shown’tsehhave lost their lives . loo’gee z


Thousands of people Tysiace ludz i cierpi strasznie (Tihare suffering ter sh own’tseh l o o-

g e e c h air’p e erib ly

The enem y,enem ies . Wrog , wrogowie (V

’rook, v



v’yeh ).

Hostile invasion . Wrogi najazd (V’raw’ghee nah’

yah zd)To open hostilities . Rozpoczaé kroki nieprzyjacielskie

(Rawa-paw -chowntch k r aW’k e e

n’yeh -psh ih -


To declare war . Wypowiedzieé wojne (Vih -paw -v’yeh


The Allies . Sprzym ierzeni ( S’psh ih -m

’yob -zheh’

n’yce ) .

The warring nations . Panstwa , kt6re tooze wojnest’vah

,ktoo’reh taw'


neh ) .


FrancjaRosjaB elgja

Japonja (Yah -paw'n’yah

S erb ja

N iem cy

Au strjaTurcja

London . LondynDover . DowerEng

ishm an, English Anglik, Anglicy (Ahn'gleek, Ahnm en glee

’tsih )Paris . ParyzFrenchm an, French Francuz, Francuzi (Frahn’tsooz,m en Frahn-tsoo’zhee)

Moscow . MoskwaRussian, Russians . Rosjanin,

R o s j a n i e (Rawss-yah '

n’yeen, Rawes

BrusselsBelgian, Belgians .


Servian, Servians



RiverSan RiverVistula RiverWarthe RiverTo investTo besiegeTo capture

They capturedsoldiers

The terra in of the

Bruksela (BrookB elgijczyk, B elgijczycy (Bellchick, Bell-ghee


Japoficzyk, Japonczycy (Yah -pawn’

chick,Yah -pawn

Serb, Serb owie ( Sairb , Sa ir-b aw’

v’yeh ) .

PolskaPolak, Polacy (Paw

’lahk, Paw-lah’

tsih ).

PolskiWarszawa (VahrLodz (Loodge ) .BrodyLowiczRadomKaliszSandom ierz ( SahnGalicja (Gah -lee'ts

’yah )

LwowPrzem yslJaroslaw (Yah -raw’slahv )RzeszowPrusyPoznanGdanskWroclaw

RzekaRzeka S an (Zh eh’kah Sahn) .

WislaWartaZab lokowaé (Zah ~blaWOb legaé (Aw-b leh 'gahtch )Wziaé, pojm aé (V

’zhowntch , paw


m ahtch ) .

Oni pojm ali trzy tysiace i olnierzy

(Aw’n’yee pew

’ee-m ah’lee tsh ih tih

shown’tseh zh awl

Teren bitwy (Teh’ren beet’vih ) .

Minister of war .

Lord chancellor .

Am bassadorSoldier, soldiers .

N on-com m issioned of

fioerCorporalSergeantAdjutantLieutenantMajorCapta inGeneralCom m anderCom m ander-in-chief.

General staff .

Subm arine boat




M i n i s t e r wojny (Mee-n’yee’ster

vaw’ee’nih )


Am basador (Ahm -b ah


zh awl

P odoficer (Pawd-aW-fee’tsair)

Kapra lSierzant ( Sheh’zh ahnt)Adjutant (AhdP orucznik Paw

MajorKapitan (Kah -pee

'tahn)Jeneral (Yeh -neh’rah l)W6dz (Voodz ) .Glownodowodzacy (Gloov’naw-daw

vaw’dzown’tsih )S ztab jeneralny ( Shtahb yeh


rah l’nih ) .

PatrolPiechota (P


-haw’tah)Kawalerja (Kah -vah -lair’yah )Artylerja (Ahr-tih-lair’yah )Arm ata (AhrBron (Brawn) .BagnetMiecz

Mitra lejza (Mee-trahProchBom baMinaFort (Fort) .Row , szance (Roof, sh ahn’tseh ) .

Okret wojeny (Aw’krent vaw-yen'

nih ) .

Okret podm orski (Aw’krent pawd

m orse’kee ) .

Aeroplan, latawiec (Ah-eh’raW-plahn,lah

Statek powietrzny Stah 'teck paw

Please do not Handle

Inform ation Bureau

Ticket Office .

Do N ot Feed the

Anim a ls .

Spitting on the Flooris Prohibited byLaw

House to Let .

Apartm ents to Let .

Floor,Flat to Let .

Hot and Cold Water .

Gas and ElectricLight . Steam -heatElevator

All Modern Im provem ents

House for Sale .

For SaleWanted experiencedsewers

Wanted a cook .

Wanted girls to learnm illinery

Wanted experienced

“ 262 m .

Prosze nie brac do reki (Praw’sheh

n’yeh brahtch daw ren

'kee ).

B iuro inform acyjne ( B’yoo’raw een

fore-m ah

B iuro b iletow (B’yoo

'raw bee- leh’

toof) .

N ie karm ic zwierzat (N’yeh car

m eetch

P lucie na podloge zaka zane przez

prawo (P loo’ch eh nah paw-dlaw'

gheh zah -kah - zah’neh pshez prah'

vaw ).Dom do wynajecia (Dawm daw vih

nah -yen’chan)Apartam enta do wynajecia (Ah-pahrtah -m eh’tab daw y ih -nah

Pietro do wynajecia (P’yen

’traw daw

vih -nah -

yen’ch ah )

Goraca i zim na woda . Oéwietlenie ga

zem i elektryka . Ogrzewanie para .

E l e w a t o r (Gaw-rawn’tsah ee

zheem’nah vaw’dah . Aw-sh’v’yeh

tleh’n’yeh gah'zem ee eh - leck-trib’~

koh . Aw -g’aheh-vah’n’yeh pah'roh .

Eh-leh -vah’tore )Wszystkie nowoczesne dogodnosc1

naw -vaw -chess’neh

daw-gawd-nawsh’chee )Dom na sprzedai (Dawm nah

N a sprzedaz (N ah s p sheh’dah zh ) .

Potrzeb a doswiadczonych szwaczek

(Paw-tsheh’bah d a w -s h’v’y a h dchaw’nih’h

Potrzeba kucharki (Paw -tsheh’b ah


Potrzeba dziewczyn do uczenia sie

m odniarstwa (Paw -tsheh’bah jehv’

chin daw oo-cheh’n’yah sheh m awd


’tvah )Potrzeb a dziewczyn do poslug1 w po

wa itresses at once ; koju jadalnym ; dobra zaplata (Paw

good pay . tsheh’b ah jehv'chin daw paw -sloo’~

ghee v’paw-kaw’yoo yah -dahl’nim ;

daw’brah zah

Situation Wanted . Poszukuje zajecia (Paw-shoo-koo’yehzah -

yen’chah )

Girl for g e n e r a l D ziewczyna do dom owej roboty, do

housework, to a s dzieci ; bez prania i prasowania

sist with children ; (Jehv-ch ih’nah daw daw-m aw’vayno washing a n d raw-b aw’tih , daw jeh’chee ; bez

ironing . prah’n’yah ee prah-saw

Shave 10c . Ogolenie 10c (Aw-gaw

-leh’n’yeh 10c).

Ha ircut 15c . Ostrzyzenie 15c (Aw-stshih -zheh’

n’yeh 15C) .

Sham poo 10c . Wym ycie Wlosow 10c (Vih -m ih'cheh

vlaw’soof 10c) .

Shoes and B o o t s Oczyszczenie trzewikow lub butow 50

Shined 5e . (Aw-ch ish -ch eh’n’yeh tsheh -vih’

koof loop b oo’toof 5c).Suits Made to Order, Ubrania na ob stalunek $30 (Oo-brah'

$30 . n’yah nah awb -stah-loo’neck,

Sale . Wyprzedaz (VihA Great Sa le . Wielka wyprzedaz (V

’yeh l

’kah vih

psheh’dah zh )

Bell out of Order . Dzwonek zepsuty zeh

psoo’tih ).

Knock on the Door . Prosze zapukaé do drzwi (Praw'sheh

zah -poo'kahtch daw

Please Ring the Bell Prosze zadzwonié raz,dwa razy

Once , Two Tim es . (P r aW’s h eh zah

rah z, dvah rah’zih ) .N ot in . Will b e back Niem a nikogo w dom u . Bede z po

in . .m in. wrotem za m inut, godzin


’m ah n’yee

-kaw’gaw v’daw’

m oo . B en'deh z’paw-v

’raw’tem zah

m ee’noot, . gaw

’dgeen)For Men . Dla m ei czyzn (D laFor Wom en . Dla kobiet (DlahOut of Order . Zepsute (Zeh

Stop , Look, Listen . Stan, patrz i sluchaj l (Stahn, pahtschcc sloo’high ! )

Walk Your Horses .

Stairs ; up ; down .

DownstairsUpstairsHats trimm ed here .

CheapBest Quality .

Open Day and Night .

Th irteen




— 264

Prowadzié konie powoli (Praw-vah'

geetch kaw’n’yeh paw

Schody ; do gory ; na dol

daw goo’rih ; nah dool ).

Nadole (N ah

Ugory (OoTu sie ubiera kapielusze (Too shehoo-b


’rah kah -peh

TanioN ajlepszy gatunek (Nigh-lep’shihgah -too'neck)

Otwarte w dzien iw nocy (Aw-t’vahr’

teh v’iane ee

The num bers.

JedenDwa (Dvah ) .

Trzy (Tsh ih ) .Cztery


S zeéé ( Sheshtch ) .


Dziewiec Jeh’v’yentch )

D ziesieé Jeh’sh entch )Jednaécie (Yed-nah sh’ob eh )Dwanascie (Dvah

Trzynascie (Tshih

Czternascie Chtair-nah sh’cheh )Pietnascie (P


S zesnascie ( Shess-nah sh’cheh )Siedem nascie (Sheh-dem -nah sh’cheh )Oém nascie (Aw-shemDziewietnascie (Jeh -v

’yent-nah sh

cheh) .Dwadziescia (Dvah

Dwadziescia jeden (B yah-jeh’chah

yeh’den) .

Dwadzieécia dwa (Dvah -jesh’chah

dvah ) .

The seventhThe eighth .

The nineth .

The tenthThe eleventhThe twelfthThe thirteenthThe fourteenth .

The sixte enthThe seventeenth .

The eighteenthThe nineteenth .



The twenty-second

The thirtieth .

The fourtieth .

The fiftieth .

Th e

The hundredth .

The twohundredth .

The threehundredth .

The thousandth .

The two thousandth .

The last


Czwarty,a , e

Piety, a , e

S zésty, a , e

Siodm y, a , e

6 sm y, a , e

D ziewiaty, a , e (JehD ziesiaty, a , e (JehJednasty, a , e (YedDwunasty, a , e (Dvoo

Trzynasty, a , e (Tsh ih

Czternasty, a , e (Chtair

Pietnasty, a , e (P’yent

S zesnasty, a , e ( ShessS iedem nasty, a , e ( Sheh-dem -nabss’

tih).Osm nasty (Aw-shemD ziewietnasty (JehDwudziesty (Dvoo-jess’tih )Dwudziesty pierwszy, a , e (Dvoo-jess’

tihDwudziestydrugi, a , e (Dvoo -jess-tihdroo’gh ee ).

Trzydziesty, a , e (Tshih

Czterdziesty, a , e (Chtair

P ieédziesiaty, a , e (P’yen-jeh -shown’

tih) .

S zesédziesiaty, a , e ( Sheshtch -jeh

shown’tih ) .

Siedem dziesiaty, a , e ( Sheh-dem -jeh

shown’tih ) .

Oém dziesiaty, a , e (Aw-shem -jeh

shown’tih ) .

D ziewieédziesiaty, a , e (Jeh -v’yen


shown’tih ) .

Setny, a , e

Dwusetny, a , e (Dvoo

Trzech setny, a , e (Tsheh’h

Tysiaczny, a , e (TihDwutysiaczny, a , e (Dvoo-tihshowntch’nih )Ostatni (Aw

A half .

One ha lf .

One third .

Two thirds .

The third part .

The fourth part .

Three fourths .

The 50th part .

The 1000th part .

One and a half .

Five and three eights .

Sim ple




A hundredfoldThirty tim es .

100 tim es .

A pair .

A dozen .

A score .

Three-score .

A sixty .

A thousand

" 267

Polowa (PawJedna polowa (Yed'nah pawJedna trzecia (Yed’nah tsheh 'chah ).

Dwie trzecie (D’v’yeh tsheh’cheh ).

Trzecia czesé (Tsheh’ch ah chenshtch ).

Czwarta czesc (Chvahr'tah

chenshtch ) .

Trzy czwarte czesc1 (Tsh ih chvahr’teh

chensh 'ch ee )Pieédziesiata czesc (P

’yen-jeh -shown’

tah chenshtch ) .

Tysiaczna czesc (Tih-showntch’nah

chenshtch ) .

Jeden i pol (Yeh’den ee pool ).Piec i trzy 6sm ych czesci (P

’yentch ee

tsh ih oos’m ih’h ch ensh’chee ) .

Pojedynczy, a , e (Paw-yeh -din’chee,

ah , eh ).

Podwojny, a , e (Paw

Potrojny, a , e (PawRaz (Rahz ) .

Dwa razy (Dvah rah’zih ).Trzy razy (Tshih rah’zih ) .

Czworaki, poczworny (Chvaw-rah'kee,paw

Piecioraki, pieciokrotnie (P’yen-chawrah'kee, p

’yen-chawD ziesieciokrotny (Jeh -shen-chawkrawt’nih ) .

Stokrotny Staw-krawt'nih )Trzydziesci razy (Tshih-jesh


rah’zih ) .Sto razy (Staw rah’zih ).ParaTuzinDwudziestka (DvooKopaSzeééclziesiatka ( Shesh-jeh-shownt’kah ) .



ankle— kostka u nogi (cawss’

t’kah oo naw’ghee )

another— inny, drugi ( een’

nih , droo'ghee )

answer odpowiedi (a w d

paw’v’yedge )

to answer— odpowiadaé (awd


to am use -b awié (bah’veetch )to am use oneself— b awié sie

(b ah’veetch sheh )am usem ent— z a b aWa ( zahb ah’vah )

apple— jab lko (yahp'kaw )apple-tree— j a b l o n (yah '

blawn), n as first 11 in

onionto approve— pochwalaé (paw

hvah’lahtch )arm y— arm ia

around woxolo (vaw -caw’

law )to arrange— u r z a d z i 6 (oo

zhone’geetch )

to arrive— przybyé (pshih '

bitch )to ask— pytaé, prosié (pih'

tahtch , praw’sh eetch )

as long as— tak dlugo jak

( tahk dloo’gaw yahk)as soon as— skoro ( skaw’raw )to assure— zapewnié ( z a h

pehv’n’yeetch )

at last— nakoniec (nah -kaw'


at least— p r z y n a j m n i e j(pshih

at once— re zem (rah 'zem )

attention uwaga (cc-vah'

gah ) ; to pay attention— u .

wazaé, sinchao ( oo-vah'.

zh ahtch,sloo’hahtch )

auction— licytacya ( lee-taibtah’ts

’yah )

auction sale— w y p r z e d a z(vih -

psheh’dah zh )

B .

b ad— zly ( zlih )to bake— piec (p

’yets)baker -piekarz

ba ld— lysy ( lis’sy)bank— bank (bahnk)banker— b a n k i e r (bahn'


to be— byé, istnieé (bitch ,

east’n’yetch )

to b e back— wrocié (vroo’

cheetch )to be m istaken— mylié sie

(m i’leetch sheh )beautiful piekny (p



nih )beauty pieknosé (p



nawshtch )because— p o n ie w a i (pawn’yeh

’vah zh )

to becom e— stec sie ( stahtchsheh )

bed— loiko ( loozh’kaw)beer— piwo (pee'vaw )before— przed, zahim (pshed,

zah’n’yim )to begin— zaczynaé ( zah-chi’

nahtch )beginning— poczatek (pawchone’teck)behind— w tyle , zazah )

to believe—wierzyé (v’yeh


zhitch )


to belong— nalei eé (nah -leh’

zhetch )below— pod, na dole (pawed,nah daw'leh )beside— przy (pshih )besides — o p r 6 c z

prootch )the best m najlepszy (nighlep’sh ih )

better— lepszy ( lep'shih )between— m iedzy (m


dzih )big— duty (doo’zhih )


birth— urodzenie ( o o-r a w

dzeh’n’yeh )birthday— urodziny pl . ( 0 0


bold— sm ie lybook— ksiazka (k


kah )bookbinder i n t r o l igator(een-traw-lee-gah

’tore )bookseller— ksiegarz (kshen'

gahzh )born— u r o d 2 o n y ( oo-raw

ny) ; to be born— urodzié

sie ( oo-raw’geetch sheh )to borrow— pozyczaé od kogo(p a w- z h i h’ch ahtch awedkaw'gaw)both— oba (awe'b ah )bottle— butelka (b oo-tel’kah )bound— wiazaé, zobowiazaé,

o p r a w iézaw baw v


’zahtch ,

awe-prah’veetch )

boundary granican’yee

'tsah )box— pudelko, loaa ( poo-dell’

kaw,‘aw’zhah )

boy— chlopice


boyhood— m lodociany, w i e km lodziencay (m law daw

chah’ny, v’yeck m law-jane’


Ca lf— ciele, lydka (cheh’leh


lid’kah )to ca ll— wolaé (vaw’lahtch )car— wagon (vah’gawn)care—r troska (trawss’kah )careful troskliwy (trawss

klee’vy)carefulness t r o s k l iwoéé(trawss-klee’vawshtch )

careless niedb aly (n’yeh

dbah’ly)carelessness n i e d b a losé(u’yeh-dbah’lawshtch )

to carry— niesé (n’yeshtch )

ceiling- sufit ( soo’feet)certa in— pewny (pev’ny)certainly napewno (nah

pev’naw )

cha ir— krzeslo (kshess’law )change z m i a n a , drobne

draw’bneh )cheap- tanicheese— ser ( sa ir)child— dziecko ( jets’kaw )children— dzieci ( jeh’chee )Christm a s— Boze N arodzenie

(B aw’zheh Nah -raw -dzeh’


church n kosciol (cawsh’chool )citizen— obywatel ( awe -bihvah’tel )

clean— czysty (ch iss’ty)to clean czyscié (ob iss’

cheetch )closet— szafa ( shah’fah )


clothes ubranie pl .brah’n’yeh )coat— kurtka (koort’kah )cold— z im no ( zheem 'naw )com b— g r z e b i e n (g

’zh eh’

b’yen), n as first n in onionto com b -czesaé (cheh’sahtch )

to com e — p r z y j s6 (pshih’

eeshtch )to com e back— wr6c1c (vroo’

cheetch )com fort— wygoda (y ih -


dah )com fortable— dogodny (daw


conductor— konduktor (kawndook’tore )

to continue— trwaé, dalej ciagnao (tr

’vahtch , dah’lay.

chawng’knowntch )

conversation r o z m o w a

(rawz-m aw’vah )

to copy kopiowaé, naslado

w a 6 (kaw

nah -shlah -daw’vahtch )

corner— rog , zakatek (roog ,

zah -cone’teck)

to cost -kosztowa6 (kawshtaw’vahtch )

cough— kaszel (kah’sh ell)to count— obliczaé ( awe-blee'

ch ahtch )country— k r a j


v’yesh )

crazy -szalony ( shah- law’ny)a cross— krzyz (k

’shizh )

cross— m a r k 0 t n y (m ahrcawt’ny)

to cry— plakaé, wolaé (plah’

kahtch , vaw’lahtch )

Wies ( cry,

( oo

dish— polm isek,

to do— czynié,

to cut— ciao (chowntch ), ow

as in own .


to dam age — uszkodzié (oo

sh’kaw’geetch )

to dance— t a nc z y 6 ( tahn’

ch itch )dark— ciem ny (chem 'ny)darkness ciem noéé ( chem '

nawshtch )day— dzien ( jane )dead— m artwy (m ahr’tvih )dear— drogi (draw’ghee )death— sm ierédebt — ding (dloog)to dem olish— zburzyé ( zb oo'

zh itch )deck— b iuroto destroy z n i s z c z y é

dictionary— slownik ( slawv’


to die— um rzeé (oom’zhetch )difference— roznica (roozh


’tsah )difficult— trudny (trood’ny)dinner— ob iad

dirty— brudny (brood’ny)disagreeable nieprzyjem ny(n’yeh -pshih -yem

’ny)p o t r a w a

(pool-m ee’seck, paw-trah'

vah )to disturb p r z e szkadzaé(pshesh -kah’dzahtch )

robié ( chih’n’yeetch , raw

'beetch )dog— pies ( p’yes)door— drzwi pl . (d’zhvee )down— na d6l (nah dool)

klahd) ; for example — 11a

przyklad (nah pshih’klahd)

except- opr6cz (awe’prootch )exchange— gielde , wym iana


’dah , vih

to excuse—przeb aczyé (pshehbah'chitch )

exhib ition wystawa (yih


to expect— spodziewaé sie, o

czekiwaé ( spaw-jeh’vahtch

sheh, awe-cheh-kee’vahtch )expense— koszt (kawsht)expensive- drogi (draw’gh ee )expe rience doswiadczenie


to explain — wyjasnié (vih

yahsh’n’yeetch )

external zewnetrzny ( zev

nentsh’ny)extrem e

y nadzwyczaj

(nahd-zvih’ch igh )

eye— oko (awe’kaw )

eyebrow— brew (breff)eyelash— rzesa ( zhen

’sah )

eyelid— powieka (paw-v’yeh

kah )eyesight— wzrok (v’zrawk)


face— twarz (tvah zh )to faint— m dleé (m

’dletch )

fair— piekny, jasny (p’yenk

ny, yah ss’ny)

to fa ll— upasé (oo’pah shtch )false— falszywy (fahl- shih’

fam ily rodzina (raw-gee’

nah )fan— wachlarz

far— daleko (dah -leh’kaw)farm — farm a (fahr’m ah )farther— dalej (dah’lay)fast —szybki ( shib’kee)to f a s t e n przym ocowaé

pshi -m aw-tsaw’vahtch )fat— tlusty (tloos’ty)father— ojciec ( oy


fath er‘and ojczyzna (oych iz'nah )

fault— bled, wina (b lown’d,

vee’nah )

February— luty ( loo’ty)fee— oplata ( awe-plah

’tah )to feed— karm ic (kar’m eetch )fee t— stOpy ( staw


fellow— czlowiek, towarzysz

t a w-v a h’

zhi sh )fellow- countrym an rodak(raw’dahk)

fever— febra , goraczka (feb’

rah , gaw ow

as in own

few— m alo a few

— kilka (keel'kah )field— pole (paw’leh )fifteen pietnascie (p


nah sh 'cheh )fifteenth— pietnasty (p


nah ss’ty)to fight walczyé (vahl’

chitch )file— pilnik (a tool), (peel’


filings— opilki pl . ( awe-peel’

kee )to fill— napelnié, nalaé (nah

pell’n’yeetch , nah

'lahtch )to find— z n a l e sé (m ah’

leshtch )

“ 275

to find outu wynalesé, wym y

sleé (vih -nahleshtch , vih

m ish’letch )fine — cienki

,ladny (chen


lahd’ny)finger— palec (pah 'lets)to finish— skonczyé (s


chitch ), n a s the first 11 inonion

fire— ogien (awe -


fire-engine sikawka ( sheekahv'kah )first— pierwszyfish— ryba (rih’bah )to fit— pasowaé, dobrze lei eé(pah -saw'

vahtch , d aW’b zheh leh’zhetch )

five— piec (p’yentch )

to fix— um ocowaé, napraw1c

(oo-m aw-tsaw’vahtch , nah

prah’veetch )

flag— flaga (flah 'gah )flam e- plom ien

n a s the first n in onionflannel flanela (flah-neh’

lah )flat— plaski (plah ss’kee )flatiron— zelazko do prasowania ( zheh -lah ss’kaw daw

prah-sawflesh— cialo, m ieso (chah'law,



floor— podloga , pietro (pawdlaw'

gah , p’yen

'traw)ground floor— parter (pahrhter)

fl ounder ( a fish) —fladra

(flown’drah )flour— make (m oan’kah )flower— kwiat

fluently- p l y nn i e, biegle


’leh )fly— m ucha (m oo

’hah )to fly— latao ( lah’tahtch )food—pokarm , zywnosé (paw'

karm , zhiv’nawshtch )foolish— glupi (gloo’pee )foot— stopa , noga ( staw’pah ,naw’gah )

for— dla , po, poniewaz (dlah ,

paw , paw -n’y e h

'v a h 2 h ) ;

what for— dla czego, poco ?

(d l a h c h e h’g a w , paw’

tsaw ? )to forget zapom nieé ( zah

pawm’n’yetch )

to forgive p r z e b a c z y é

(paheh-b ah’ch itch )fork— widelec (vee-deh’lets )form erly — dawniej (dahv’

n’yay), p rzedtem (pshed’

tem )fortnight dwa tygodnie

(dvah tihforty czterdziesci (obterjesh’chee )

four— cztery (chteh'ry)fourteen— czternascie (chternah sh’cheh )fourth czwarty, éWiartka(chvahr’ty, chv


’kah )fox— lis ( lease)fram e— ram a (rah'm ah)France Francys (Frahn’.ta’yah)French francuzki (frahntsoos’kee )Frenchm an- Francuz (Frahntsoos)

(Frahn-tsoos’kah )

- 276

fresh— swiezyfriend—przyjaciel (pshi-yah'.chell)from— z, cd ( zz, awed)front— front (frawnt)fruit — owoc (awe’vawts)to frym sm azyé ( sm ah 'zh itch )frying-pan patelnia (pah

tel'n’yah )

fuel— opa l ( awe’pahll)full— pelen (pell'en)fullgrown dorosly (daw

rawss'ly)funera l p o g r z e b (paw'

g’zheb )

funnel— lejek ( leh’yeck)furnace— piec ( p

’yets)to furnish— dostarczyé, um e

b 1 o w a 6 (daw-star'chitch ,

oo-m eb -law’vahtch )furniture— m eble (m eb 'leh )

further— dalszy, dalej (dahl’

shih, dah’lay)


gain— zysk, korzysé ( zissk,kaw’zhishtch )gallon— galon (gah


gangé kupa , zgraja (koo

’pah ,


’yah )

garden— ogrod (awe’grood)garlic— c z o s n e k (chawss

neck)garm ent— odziea (awe'jezh )garret— strych ( strih

’h )

garter— podwiazka (pawed.


'kah )

gas— gaz (gah z)gate— bram a, wrote (Mah'

tih’nah )generous— hojny (hoy’ny)gentlem an di entelm an

(jen'-tel‘-m ahn)

Germ an — niem iecki (n’yeh


’kee)to get— nabyé, dostaé, staé

sie (nah’bitch , daw’stahtch ,

stahtch sheh)to get away— zemknaé ( zem

k’nowntch )

to get drunk— up le sie ( oo’

peetch sheh)to get ready— przyszykowaé

(psh ih -shih-kaw’vahtch )to get rich — wzbogacié sie


gah’ch eetch sheh )

to get rid— pozbyé sie (pawz’

bitch sheh)to get tired — zm eczyé sie

( z’m en

’chitch sheh )

to get up — podniesé

(pawed’n’yeshtch sheh)

to getwell— wyzdrowieé (yihzdraw'v

’yetch )

to get web — zm oknaé ( zm aw'

knowntch )gim let— swider ( shvee’dare)ginger— im biergirl—dziewczyna , panna ( jehvchih’nah , pahn

’nah ), sluza

ca ( sloo-zhone’tsah )to give —dawa6 (dah 'vahtch )to give notice — uwiadom ié


'm eetch )to give back— oddaé (awed’

dahtch )glass— szklo

, szklanka , zwier

ciadlo ( sh’klaw, sh


kah ,



tsaw)heavy— ciezki (chenzh’kee )heel— pieta , obcasawb 'tsah ss)

to help pom agaé (paw

m ah’gahtch )help— pom oc (paw’m awts )hen— kura (koo'rah )her— jej (yay)here— tu, tutaj ( two, too’

here is— tu jest (too yest)here are— tu se (too . sown)herring— sleds ( sh ledge )hers— jej (yay)high— wysoki (vih -saw’kee )him — jem u

, go (yeh 'm oo,

gaW)him self— oh sam (awn sahm )hinge— zawiasa ( zah -v


sah )hip— b iodrohis— jego (yeh’gaw)to hit uderzyé

zh itch )hod— koryto do wepua (kawrih’taw daw vahp

’nah )

to hold trzym aé (t’shih’

m ahton)hole— dziura ( jew’rah )holiday swietotaw)

hom e— dom , m i e s z k a n i e

(dawm , m’yesh

at hom e— w domum oo)

hone- oselka (awe-sell'kah )

honestg -rzetelny ( zheh -tell’.nih )


hook hak, haftka (hahk,hahft’kah )horse— kon (cawn), n as first11 in onion

horseradish c h r z a n(h’shahn)

hot— goracy (gaw-rawn'tsih )hour—“ godzina (gaw -

gee’nah )

house— dom ( dawm )h ausem aid sluzaca

zhone’tsah )how—jak (yahk)how long ? jak dlugo


(yahk dloo’gaw ? )how m any— ile (ee’leh )how m uch— wielehowever— jakkolwiek (yahk


to hurry s p i e s z y é siesheh)

hurry unl— predzejdzay ! )

to hurt z r a n i 6, obrazié

awe-brah '

zh eetch )to hurt oneself— skaleczyé sie

( skah-leh’chitch sheh)husband— m at (m ownzh )

( sloo

(m en'

I .I— J


a (yah )ice- 16d ( lood )idle proznujacynoo-yone

’tsih )if— jezeli (yeh -zb en’lee )ill— chory (haw’rih )illness choroba (haw-raw’

bah )im possible niem oaliwy


’vih )

ia—we, w (veh , v’)


inch- cal ( tsah ! )inclined sklonny ( sklawn'

to increase powiekszyé


indeed— istotnie ( ees-tawt'


inf ant— dziecko ( jets'kaw)instead z a m i a s t ( zah '


into—W, do (v’daw)to introduce— wloiyé, przed

stawié (vlaw’zh itch , pshed

stah’veetch )introduction przedm owa ,

przedstawienie (p s h e dm aw’vah , psh ed


iron— zelazo ( zheh -lah'zaw )it— ono (awe’naw )


jam - powidlo (paw-vee’dlaw)

jar— butelka (boo-tel'kah )joh— robota (raw-baw'tah)to join- zlaczyé ( zlone'ch itch )to joke i artowaé ( zhahr

taw’vahtch )to jum p — skoczyé ( skaw’

chitch )

K .

to keep— trzym aé, zachowaé

(tsh ih’m ahtch , zah -haw’

vahtch )to keep s

i lent m i l c z e é

(m eel’chetch )to keep still— s t a 6 c i c h o( stahtch chee'haw )

kept— trzym any (tshih-m ah '

nih )

key— klucz (klootch)to kill— zabié ( zah’beach )kind— dobry, laskawy, rodzaj,gatunek (daw'brih

,lah ss

kah’vih ; raw'dzigh , gah

too’neck)/ kindness - g r z e c z n o s6

gzhetch'nawshtch )

king— krol (krool)to kiss— calowaé (tsah-law’

vahtch )kitchen— k u c h n ia (cooh



knee— kolano (kaw-lah’naw )to kneel kleczeé (klen’

chetch )knife— nos (noozh )knob— klamka (klahm 'kah )to knock -pukaé (po

ofkahtch )to know — wiedzieé, um ieé ,

z n n é oo'

m’yetch , znahtch )


labor— praca (prah’tsah )lady— panilam b ( anim . ) - jagnie (yahg’

n’yeh ) ; (flesh) skopowina

skaw-paw-vee'nah )

lam p— lam pa ( lahm’pah )land— z i e m i a , lad ( zheh’

m’yah, lownd )

landlord gospodarz (gaw

spaw’dahzh )

large — wielkilast ostatni (awe-staht’

n’yee )

to last— trwaé (tr’vahtch )

late —p6£ny (poozh 'nih )lathe tokarnia (tam -car



to laugh sm i e c s i e

( shm’yahtch sheh)

laundry pralnia (prahl'


law— prawo (prah’vaw )lawyer— adwokat (ahd-vaw '

kaht)to lay— poloi yé (paw-law’

lazy— leniwy ( leh

lead (m etal ) ol6w ( awe’

loof)leadpencil- ol6wek ( awe-loo’

veck)leaf— lisé ; karta ( leeshtch ;kar’tah )

to leak— ciec ( chets)leak— dziura (jew’rah )to lean— opieraé sie (awe


’rahtch sheh)

lean— chudy (hoo’dih )to learn— uczyé sie; dowiedzieé sie ( oo'chitch sheh ;daw-v


'jetch sheh )least— n a j m n i e j (nigh’

m n’yay)

at least—przynajm niej (psh ihnigh

’m n’yay)to leave— pozwoh c ; porzucié

(paw-zvaw’leetch ; paw

zh oo'cheetch )left ( oposite to right ) —lewy( leh

’vih )

leg— noga (naw’gah )lem on cytryna (tsih -trib’

nah )to lend-" pozyczyé (paw- zh ih’

ch itch )less— m niej (m n yay)lesson— lokoyato let - dozwolié ; wynajaé

(daw-zvaw’leetch yih-nah’

yowntch )letter— litera ; list (lee-tern

rah ; least)letter carrier -listonosz ( leestaw’nawsh )

lettuce— sa lata ( sah -lah’tah )lie— klam stwo (klahm’stvaw )to lie ( recline ) - le2e6 ( leh’

zhetch )to lie— klam a6 (klah 'm ahtch )to lie down — polozyé sie

( paw-law’zh itch sheh)life— ayeie ( zhih’cheh )to lift — podniesé (pawed’

n’yeshtch )

light sw i a t l o ; jasny( sh v yaht’law ; yahss’nih )

to light zapalié ( zah -pah'

leetch)like podobny (paw-dawm .

nih )to like— lubié ( loo’beetch )to listen sluchaé ( sloo’

h ahtch )little— m a ly (m ah’lih )to live— zyé ( zh itch )loaf bochenek (baw -heh’

neck)long— dlugi (dloo’ghee )to look—patrzeé (pah -tshetch )to look at— patrze6 na (pah’

tshetch nah )to look for— szukaé ( shoo’kahteh )

to look like— wygladaé (viglone’dahtch )

to lose— zgub ié ( zgoo'beach )loud— glosny (glawsh’nih )louse— wesz (vesh)to lovefl kochaé (kaw’hahtch )

New Year’s day nowy rok

(naw’vih rawk)next-nastepujacy (nah -stempoo-yone

'tsih )nice— l adny ( lahd’nih )night— noo (nawts ) ; to-night— dais wieczorem (geesh

v’y e h -chaw’rem ) g o o (1

night dobranoc (daw

nobody— nikt (n’yeekt)

noise— halas (hah’lahss)nothing— nic (n

’yeets )

notice— uwaga (oo-vah'gah )

now— teraz (teh’rahs )num ber— num er (noo'm are )nurse m am ka ; dozorczyni(m a h m’k a h



obligation zobowiazanie


to oblige — uslu iyé kom u (oosloo’zhitch kaw’m oo)

to offer— dawaé (dah 'vahtch )office— urzad (oo'zhoned)often— czesto (chens'taw )old— stary ( stah’rih )old age starosé ( stah’

rawshtch )only-w-tylko ; jedyny (till'kaw ;yeh -dih’nih )

open— otwarty ( awe-tvahr’

tih )opposite przeciwlegly

( paheh-ch eev-leg’lih )

orange — pom arancza (pawm ah n as first11 in onion

other— inny ( een'nih )

out z e w n a t r z ( zehv'

knowntsh ) ; to go out

wyjsé (vih’eeshtch )

to own— posiadaé (paw-Shah'

dahtch )to owe— byé dluznym (bitchdloozh’nim )

owner wlasciciel (Vlah sh


oyster— ostryga (awe-strih’

aah )


to pack— pakowaé (peh -kaw'

vahtch )pa ir— para (pah’rah)paid 3 zaplacony ( zah -plahtsaw’nih )parents rodzice (raw-


tseh )to part — rozlaczaé (rawz

lone’chahtch )to pass— przechodzi6 (psheh

haw’geetch )

patient cierpliwy ( cha irplee

’vih )

a patient pacyent (pah’


to pay— zaplacié ( zah -plah'

cheetch )to pay back— odplaci6 (awedplah

’cheetch )

to pay a visit— zloiyé wizyte

( zlaw’zhitch vee-zih’teh )pear— gruszka (groosz’kah )people— ludzie ( loo'jeh )perhaps— m ote (m aw’zheh )personally— osobiscie (awesaw-beesh 'cheh )

piece- kawal (kah 'vahl )

“ 288

place— m iejsceplant roslina ( rawsh-lee’

nah )to plant— sadzié ( sah’geetch )play -zabawa ( zah -bah’vah )play (theatre ) przedsta

wienie (pshed-stah-v’yeh

n’yeh )

to play graé ; b aW1c sie

(grahtch ; b ah’veetch sheh )please badz

’. pan laskaw

(bowndzh pahn lahs’kahv)pleasure przyjem nosé

(psh ih -

yem’nawshtch )

plenty obfitosé ( awb -fee’

tawshtch )poor— biedny

position stanowisko ( stahnaw p o s a d a(paw-sah’dah )

pot — garnek (gar’neck)pound— funt (foont)to prefer— woleé (vaw'letch )a present— prozent (pre’zent)present— obecny (awe-bets'~

nih )to prevent —zapobiega6 ( zahpaw

price— cena (tseh’nah )prize— nagroda (nah -graw'

dah )to pronounce— wymowm (vih

m oo'veetch )

pronunciation —wym owa (yihm aw’vah )

to punish—karaé (kah’rahtch )pupil n i renica (of eye ), uczen oo


chen) , n as first 11 in onionto put fl polozyé ( paw-law’

zhitch )

to put back— cofnaé (tsawff'

knowntch )to put on— wloayé (vlaw’

zh itch )putty— kit (keet)

Q .

quantity— iloéé ( ee'lawshtch )to quarrel -kl6cié sie (kloo’

cheetch sheh)question pytanie ( pih-tah 'n’yeh )

quick— predki (prend’kee )quickly— predko (prend’kaw )quilt — koldra (call’drah )quite zupelnie ( zoo’pell’

n’yeh )


rabbit —kr61ik (crew'leek)rag

— ga lgan (gah l’gahn)ra ilroad— droga aela zna , ko

lej (draw’gah zheh -lah z'


ra in— deszcz (deshtch )to ra in— padaé (pah’dahtch )ra isin— rodzenek (raw-dzeh’

neck)to read— czytaé (ch i’tahtch )reason pow6d ; rozsadek

paw’vood, raws-sone’deck)

to receive otrzym aé (awe

tshih’m ahtch )to recover (from a sickness )

—przychodzi6 do zdrowia

(p s h i-h a w’g e e t ch daw

zdraw'v’yah )

to recover— odzyskaé ( awedziss’kahtch )

to refuse— odm 6W1cm oo

’veetch )



to rem ain— pozostawaé (paw

zaw-stah’vahtch )to rem em ber— pam ietaé (pahm’yen

’tahtch )to respect — powazaé (paw

vah’zh atch )rest wypoczynek, reszta

(y ih -paw -ch ih’neck, resh’

tah )to rest spoczywaé ( spaw

ch ih’vahtch )to return— zwr6c1c, powr6ci6

( zvroo’cheetch , paw-vroo’

cheetch )rich— bogaty (baw-gah

’tih )to ride—jeidzié (yezh’geetch )right— prawo, slusznosé ; pra

wy (prah 'vaw, s l o o s h’

nawshtch ; prah’vih )

to be right— m ieé slusznosé

(m’yetch sloosh’nawshtch )

right away—zaraz ( zah’rah z)ripe— dojrzaly (doy-zh ah’lih )to rise — powstawaé (paw

vstah’vahtch )room — pokojrotten— zgnily

ruler— linjal ( leen’yah ll)to run— biedz , ciec (b



— rtyto ( zh ih’taw)

S .

sad— sm utny ( sm oot'nih )to sail—plyné (plih’knowntch )sale sprzedaz ( spsheh’

dah zh ) wholesale — handelhurtowy (hahn’de

“ hoortaw’vih )

auction sale— licytacya (lee

tsih -tahts’yah )

sam e- ten sam (ten sahm )to say— m 6wi6 (m oo

’veetch )

school— szkola ( shkaw’lah )to see— widzie6 (vee’jetch )to seem — zdawaé sie ( zdah

vahtch sheh)to sell— sprzedawaé ( spsheh

dah 'vahtch )to send—poslaé (paw’slahtch )to send back— odeslaé ( awe

dess’slahtch )sentence z d a ni e wyrok

vih’rawk)serious— p o w a zn y (paw

vah zh’nih )servant— sluga ( sloo’gah )to serve— sluzyé ( sloo’zh itch )to set— stawié ( stah’veetch )to set th e table— nakry6 st6l

(nah’kritch stool )overa l— kilku (keel'koo)shoes— trzewiki (tsheh -We’kee )

shoem aker— szewc ( shevts)short— kr6tki, m aly (kroot’

kee,m ah’lih )

sick— chory (haw’rih )to sign — podpisa6 (pawd

pee’sahtch )

signature - podpis (paw’pees )since— 0d czasu jak (awedch ah’soo yahk)

to sing spiewaé

vahtch )to skate slizgaé (shleez

gahtch )sky— nieboslave— n i e w o l n i k (n


vawl’n’yeek)to sleep— spa6 ( spahtch )slight — l e k k i ; nieznaczny

to take care staraé sie

( stah’rahtch sheh)to take off zdjaé

to take to— udaé sie (oo’

dahtch sheh )to talk — rozm awiaé (rawz

m ah’v’yahtch )

tall— wysoki (vih -saw’kee )tasty sm aczny ( sm ahtch’

nih )teacher— nauczyciel (nah -oo

ch ee’ch ell)to tell — powiedzieé (paw


'jetch )to thank— dziekowaé ( janekaw’vahtch )

thank you , sir— dziekuje pa

nu ( jane-koo’yeh pah’noo)

thank you ,m adam — dziekuje

panitheatre— teatr (teh’ahtr)then— w6wczas, wiec (yoof’

ch ah ss,v’yents )

there— tam (tahm )thief— zlodziej ( zlaw’jay)thin— cienki (chen’kee )thing— rzecz ( zhetch )to think m ysleé (m ih’

shletch )thousand tysiac ( tih’

sh ownts)through— przez (pshez ) ; to

be through s k onc z y é

n as first11 in onion

to throw ciskaé ( chees’

kahtch )to throw away odrzucié

(awed- zhoo'cheetch )ticket —bilet (bee’let)

fi r.

tim e— ozas (chahss) ; raz

(rah z)tired z m e c z o n y ( zm eu

ch aw’nih )to-day— dzisiaj gee

’shigh )

together— razerh ( rah’zem )to-m orrow— jutro (yoo'traw )tooth— zab ( zowm b )toothache— b 6l zeb6w (bool

zem’b oof)to touch— dotykaé (daw-tih’

kahtch )town— m iastotoys zab awki ( zah -bahff’

kee )tram — pociag (paw’chowng)trap—pulapka (poo- lahp

'kah )

tree drzewo

apple -tree jablon (yah’

blown), n as first 11 in


true—prawdziwy (prahv-gee’

vih )trunk— waliza , kufer (vah

lee’zah , coo’fare )

truth— prawda (prahv’dah )to try— pr6b owa6 (proo-b aw’

vah tch )twice— p o dWO Jn i e (paw

dwa razy

(dvah rah’zih )


um brella— parasol (pah-rah’

sawl )to understand rozum ieé


unless — chyba fie (hih’bah

zheh )United States Stany Zied

noczone ( Stah’nih Zyed

naw-chaw’neh )until— as (ahab )to use — uiywaé (oo-zhih’

vahtch )to use to — m ieé zwyczaj

(m’yetch zvih'chigh )

useful poayteczny (paw

zbib -tetch’nih )useless— darem ny (dah -rem '

nih )


value— wartosé, cena (vahr’

tawshtch , tseh’nah )

voice— glos (glawss)very— b ardzo (b ar'dzaw )istotny (ee-stawt’nih )


to wa it-czekaé ( ch eh’kahtch )sluzyé ( sloo’zh ihtch )

wa iter— kelner (kell’nare )to walkm chodzié (haw’geetch

spacerowaé ( spah-tsehraw’vahtch )

walk spacersidewalk—chodnik (hawed’


wall— m ur (m oor)warm goracy (gaw-m an’

tsih )to wash— m yé ; praé (m itch ,prahtch )

watch zegarek ( zeh -gah'

reck)water— woda (vaw'dah )weak— slaby ( slah 'bih )weather— pogoda (paw-gaw


dah )week—m tydziefi (tih’jane )

well— dobrze (dawb’zheh )west- zach6d, zachodni ( zah’


when— kiedy, gdye’dib )

where— gdzie (g’dzheh )

whetherw czy ( chih)while p o d c z a s ( pawed'

chahss)a long while — dluga chwila

(dloo’gah h’veel’yah )

whole— caly (tsah’lih )wide— szeroki ( sheh-raw’kee )width— szerokosé ( sheh-raw’

kawshtch )wife— zona ( zhaw’nah )window— okno (awk’naw )wine— wine (vee’naw)to Wish — pragnaé (prahg

knowntch )with— z , ze ( z

’z , zeh )

without— b ez (bezz)witness— swiadek ( sh v yah’

deck)wolf— Wilk (veelk)wom anm kobieta (kaw-b



tah )wood— drzewo

—las ( lahss)word— slowo ( slaw’vaw )to work — pracowa6 (prahtsaw'

vahtch )world— swiat (sh v yaht)

ziem ia

worse— gorszy (gore’shih )gorzej (gaw’zhay)

the worst— najgorszy (nighgore

'shih )

to write —pisa6 (pee’sahtch )writing-paper papier listowy (pah’pyair lees-tawk


wrong— m ylny to yet-“jeszcze, jednakze (yesh'

b e wrong— m yli6 sie (m ih’ cheh, yed not

leetch sheh) yet— jeszcze nie (yesh’cheh

n’yeh )

Y. young— m lody (m law’dih )year— rok ( rawk) youth m l o d o s6 (m law’

yesterday— wczoraj (yeb aw’ dawshtch ) ; m l 0 d 2 i eniecrigh) (m law

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