Thanksgiving G LOBALISING INDIA: P OLITICAL - E CONOMY D IMENSIONS Thanksgiving Note "J stand/or truth.Truth will never ally itse~fwithfalsehood.Even

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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Thanksgiving Note

"J stand/or truth. Truth will never ally itse ~fwithfalsehood. Even if all the world should be against me, Truth must prevail in the end".

(. ... . . . . .. . .. . Swami Vivekananda)

Acknowledgment generally is not the necessary page wherein one expresses his gratitude for all his loved ones. But the journey of completing this work successfully had to pass through the most difficult circumstances conspired by the vested interests opposed to me ever since I was appointed PrincipaP . Any ho\-v. I feel proud of all those noble souls who extended their inspiring unconditional love and support, which in fact, made this passage easy and smooth. This volume is thus a heartfelt thanksgiving note wherein I take the liberty with sincere apologies to symbolize a few names to avoid their blackmailing by the vested interests given their history and still being active. First, my family including my respected mother with a homage to my Late father, dear wife and two sons and also that of my sister 's and brothers '; followed by myoId family friends: Prof. Randhawa, Rakesh. 'FOH'. Sanjeev, ' SPS ', Dr. Savita, Bharat, Rajan, Jaswinder, Suresh. Manindra. lulUla, Ajay. Ashwani, Swatantar and Tripta ji for always being pillars of my strength; and Surjit. Sunita, Sarita, Jasmine. Kavita, ' Surin .. ' , 'Monic ', Romi. and Geeta for their unparalleled understanding and endless support. Never ever forgettable is the contribution of' Ravib', 'RKG' , Sanjayb, Rajesh, Gurdip, Khalid, Prem, Anil, 'Omi' , Vinay, Milkhi, Padam and Ramesh. The kind love, generous care and affectionate dedication of all these friends are always afresh so close to my heart.

I feel privileged to express my gratitude to M.K. Gupta and his family, Sushma ji, D. Nand, Prakash N, ' BirS ', Seema, Bijoy, Harmohinder, JB Singh. Jagjit. Darshan, Sukhbir , Gurmohinder and A . Javed for their wonderful encouragement like a spring breeze . I am fortunate to have received the constant inspiration from Sharda, Pracharya Sureshji , Harjendra, Rajani, Sudha, B.S . Ahalawat , Dr. Satish, Harish, 'Teji ', K. Prasad , 'Marti .. ', Hilal, Bhupesh, Manoj , Sharanjit , Palwinder, Amarjit , Sanjit , and Preeti . I am lucky to have such benevolent friends , always there to share all types of weather together.

No words can ever express my deep gratitude for Dr. Udit Raj (ex-IRS), Hon'ble Member of Parliament, who appeared as an angel bringing light behind and for writing a kind Foreword; and also for Ashok Sir for his affectionate love and care, when I found myself in the thick of crisis. Words are indeed short for conveying my

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By: Dr. G. K. Arora


sincere regards and thanks for the Hon'ble Minister ofGovt. ofNCT of Delhi (Shri Gopal Rai ji) and the Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Sh. Manoj Tiwari ji), who encouraged my academic efforts by writing kind messages for this volume. lowe deep gratitude to Professor Pulin Nayak, former Director, Delhi School of Economics, who kindly agreed to my request for writing the Prologue, and also wrote the Foreword of my first book. The gracious hearing given to me by respected 'IKji' and ' lSS ' , and the kind love received from Sh. 'Mukhiji ', 'SSSji', and 'Bhardwaj ji ' was an unforgettable experience and I am indeed grateful to them. The friendly encouragement by Pragya, Anuradha, 'Abhira .. ' , 'RNS ', 'VKJ', Yogendra and Ashish at rough junctures made a significant difference in my life, and will always remain afresh in my memories. The erudition and sagaciousness of honourable 'lainsir ', ' Pawanji', 'AKSji', 'Aggarwalsir' , 'BMji' ,' Satishji' , Gargsir, and 'GPSji'was really inspiring, and their strong faith in the positive outcome always worked as an oxygen to my soul.

During those difficult times conspired by vested interests, I met so many no ble and kind hearted persons including the Honourable Sh. Manish Sisodia ji, esteemed Sh. ' loshiji' , the most revered and honoured Sh. ' Kohliji ' , respected 'Ashishji ' and 'Kapilji' for whom though words fail me, I record my huge debt of gratitude for the homely feeling and the patient hearing given to me . I also deeply appreciate the friendly courtesies received from ' Kapahiji ', Sudhir, Veenaji, 'Bhatiaji ', A Pandey, Oberoiji, Rajiv, and Vinay. I appreciate the deep love received from ours ' and friends ' grown up children particularly Deepu, Atif, Vaibhy, Saumya, Richu, Sadaf, Anmol, Himanshu, Rudru, Ankit and Sakshi.

I would have never been able to even think of conceiving this Volume without the unfailing love and affection of the ex-Chairmen of the college Governing Body, Padma Shree (Dr) Ravi Chaturvedi, Sh Ganesh Seth and Sh. Arun Bhagat - always there with the helping hand whenever I was pushed into the crisis. A few other special individuals particularly R. Goswami, Mrs. Bhagat, Mrs. Chaturvedi, Abhey Verma , Khemkaji, Ravindra Singh, K. B. Lugani, Prof. Feroze Ahmed, R Ramachandran and A Ansari always came forward with their wonderful blessings at a time that turned into tough. The motivational support, affectionate care and friendly love received from Sunilji, 'R.Khannaji', Sh. NR Sharma, R.Vats, Anitaji, has been beyond measure and will remain afresh throughout my this life. The affectionate personal and professional support received from Sood Sir, 'K Uppalji', CL Dhawan, N. Prabhakar, ' OPS', 'N. Hariji.' ,Vikas and 'Beenu' helped me in enduring the hard


. phase of my life. My sincere gratitude to 'DKS ', 'Guptaji' , VP Singhji, 'Ahluwaliaji, R Saxena, Gaurav-Brothers, and G Meenakshi, Dr. ' JKS' , YS Mathur and Nehra. The great insights and the professional guidance offered by Richa ji, Sanchit, S Sindhwani, 'MJS ' , C Prakash, 'Atulsri .. ' , K Gopalakrishnan, Sheel and SP Batra energised us about the road ahead. The unexpected inspiration from 1. 'Lala', and God's blessings received through one of the most humane and honoured persons, 'SKji' and respected 'SLji ' raised our spirits high.

I gratefully acknowledge my heartfelt thanks to my truth-supporting fellow colleagues particularly DK Pandeya, Pratibha Verma, Sangeeta, Usha Gupta, Sarla Bhardwaj. S.S. Chawla, Dhananjay, Pur shott am, Ravindra, Kusum, Rajbala, Vinod, Surjit, Sunita, Mitu, Krantideep, Sameer, RB Ray, Ms. Rama Soin and her family, Ravinder, Subha, Sachdeva, and a few more ad hoc teachers and the other non-teaching staff (names withheld to save them from any future victinlization by the vested interests still active) . Dr Bishnu deserves special thanks, also for having read the manuscript to make creative suggestions. Thanks are also due to Bubbl, Rinku, Rosha, Dine, Shamu, Ani, Loke, Hari, Pradee, Virend and Nira . All these persons were ahead of times to reinforce my faith in Satyamev Jayate (~~). Thanks are also due to K Shashi, Dr. Anju, Vibha, Salil, Hemant, Nisha, Ranjit, Anupam. Gopal and Hems Raj for constantly reminding, "every cloud has a silver lining". I am also indebted to Manjula, Alka, Dinesh, Samta, Sanjay, Gyan, Pant, Rita, Fehmi, Upendra, Maimgain. Sandip, Ba1want, Dilip and many others from Zakir Husain Delhi and other colleges, JNU, GNDU, Punjab University, AMU, JM! and IHD for their invaluable inspiration.

I pay high regards to the Vice Chancellor, Professor Dinesh Singh and his entire Team particularly Professors - Sudhish Pachauri, Umesh Rai, Malashri Lal, JM Khurana, the proctor, Sangit Ragi, Ramesh Gautam, Satish Bhagat, Gurpreet and M. M. Rehman and the University officials Ms. Alka Sharma, GK Singh, Ram Dutt Naresh, Ms. Meenakshi. My thanks are due the present college Governing Body Chairman, Prof Ashok K Prasad, and the GB members including Professors RC Sharma and HS Prasad. A special mention is also made of Professors - Gurmit Singh. Hari Mohan, 'KTS' , PD Sahare, Gurdip Singh, AK Singh, R Gargesh, Ujjwal Singh, BP Sahu, SKAggarwal, JP Shanna, Aradhna, NK Vohra and NK Chadha for extending their best wishes. I a1s0 take this opportunity to thank the former Vice Chancellor, Professor Deepak Pental and his team including Professor SK Tondon, AK Dubey, MA Sikandet, and HH Baa. Thanks are also due to the UGC officials and staff. I am indebted to VPji, Sahmed, 'PKS', 'SBG' and NK', and GNCTD/DHE officials.

My greatest heartfelt thanks are owed to all my fellow Principals particularly Purabi Saikia, Dr. OP Kalra, Dr. Mahesh Verma, Shashi Nijhawan, Sunil Sondhi, Man Mohan


Kaur, Babli Moitra, Poonam Verma, Praduman, SK Jolly, PK Khurana, P Hemalatha, Manoj Khanna, IS Bakshi, Ajay Arora, Vijay Laxmi, SP Aggarwa~ Inderjeet, Lakshmi, Satender Joshi, Aslam Parvaiz, Kavita Sharma, SK Kundra, Renu Sahni, Madhu, Savita Dutta, Vijay Sharma, MK Razdan, Rajendra Prasad, Jai Prakash, Prabhjot, and many others. They always extended unstinting inspiration in dismal tinles. My special thanks to KP Chinda, M Gopinath, 'KBji', 'MSji', Mrs. Bawa, and AK Tripathy for extending their best wishes.

I am truly touched by the generosity of a few esteemed ladies and colleagues particularly our family caretaker, Mrs. Charanjit and Mrs. Alvinder ji and Mrs. Surinder for constantly praying for me; and a few well-wishers including J Bharadwaj, Dhirendra, Dr. Deepak, Dr. RK Gupta, JS Chhokar, Dr Anup, Dr. Pramod, Vijay Singhal, Md. Mustafa, Ajoy, BK Sharma and BK Verma for their soothing words and thoughtfulness.

I also take this opportunity to recall a few of myoId teachers, colleagues and friends to whom lowe a great intellectual debt. Special mention may be made of esteemed Professors - DB Gupta, Alakh, K.N. Kabra, Atul Sarma, Arun Kumar, 'So Kesariji' , Harjit Singh, Amitabh Kundu, Vemuri, BS Butola, 'Ruchic .. ', Anlit, Tulsidhar, Bhujang. Gautam Naresh, Rakesh. Raman, Deepak, MV Murlidhar and M. Mohanty for their continuous prodding. While I was with the Government, I was lucky to have enjoyed the best wishes of 'TNS' Sir, 'RV'ji, Dr 'SK'ji, Mrs. 'ST'ji and Prof. Srivastava; I am sure those are still with me.

My thanks are due to my former students, college alumnus and current students including Bhupesh, Hamid, Raj, Rishi, Shrikant, Girish, Sheetal, CharanJeet, Soren, Kapil, and Ovais. It will be injustice, if I do not acknowledge the loving and unbelievable support of my young truth-loving Student Council office-bearers and members particularly Narendra, Akansha, Shakti, Ashish, Harsh, Atishreshta, Ayush, Vikrampal, Sarvej, Ruhella, Furkan, Zishan, Kumar G and many others, who dared out of the crowd to stand for the truth and setting aside the fear of being victinlized at the hands of negative mind-sets. While thanking their parents, I promise to be with them in their future sacrifices to meet the tidal currents of the globe to restore truth and save innocents.

I am grateful to all Journal Editors and their Teams for permitting to use my papers earlier published in their esteemed publications including Indian Economic Journal, Mainstream, China Report , Margin, Strategic Analysis, Public Finance and Management, Seminar, Indian Cooperative Review, Participative Development,


International Journal of Economic Development and so on. Those are individually acknowledged at the appropriate places also.

No doubt, I received so much goodwill, generous love and assistance from a large number of people including from my Publishers MIS Chander M. Gosain and his Team led by Chirag extending all required support to meet the deadlines. Thanks to them. Still, there are bound to be some errors left in the book and in my way of doing things, I have to take the responsibility though I would heartily welcome all suggestions.

During all those difficult times, I had the opportunity to meet a number of Officials and Staff of the Government offices. I can never forget a large number of God fearing and truth-loving staff and officials always working to uphold the principles of justice, and good governance with deep honesty. These invisible partners like many unnamed heroes in a war are not named here, so that they are not maligned by vested interests who continue to be active in their sinister designs. I am eternally grateful to them and sure to give to others with a deep bow, if not more, as much as, I have been gIven.

Thank you all !

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers. andfor a time. they can seem invincible. but in the end. they always fall. Think of it - always.

(. ..... ....... .. Mahatma Gandhi)

I After being appointed as permanent Principal in 2007, a number of administrative measures were initiated to improve the work culture and discipline. In that process, the nepotism, dereliction of duties, politics of appointments, and dominance of family members / relatives in the college administration and their malpractices got exposed. It was not liked by vested interested opposed to me ever since! joined. A media-hype was conspired to subject me to irrevocable humiliation and torturous trawna so that interested parties could dislodge me to hide their own misdeeds and continue with their vicious designs. Politico-administrative sub-systems given the deep-rooted vote based politics ofIndia were pressurised by dominant tyrant conspirators to be so geared to blind the truth and terrorise innocents performing their duties honestly. Such innocents like whistle-blowers please be protected.

Unfortunately, the God's Acid Test didn 't stop here. Those horrendous times were used further to decapitate us by our own dearest ones. They after misusing our sincerity, honesty and blind faith in them for their own personal gains, broke away their old promises constantly repeated and renewed year after year, and left us wounded and bleeding for times to come. Still not contended, they took full advantage of the immeasurable crisis conspired by vested interests as above to further push us deep into the abyss by using vicious means of calculated lies, aforethought betrayal and crafty designs in the worldly Courts disregarding the ultimate Court of God.

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