ten...Adho Mukha Svanasana Shoulder stand Pose Upavistha Konasana Upward Facing Dog Pose Baddha Konasana Four Limbed Staff Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Corpse Pose Virasana Savasana

Post on 30-May-2020






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Module 10 Learning Objectives

1. Provide clear guidelines for the foundations of teaching breath and movement

2. Provide clear principles for all aspects of breath and movement

3. Provide a deep understanding for practicing and teaching breath

4. Providing an understanding of the stages of breath development and breathing techniques

5. Providing the foundations for teaching asana safely and intelligently

6. Understanding the sequencing of a yoga class

7. Develop and understanding of correct teaching of preparatory poses and standing



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This module allows you the time to get to understand the significance of the breath as the predominator in asana, meditation and pranayama. To

understand the breath deeply and intimately, provides you and your students with the foundation to safe practice of asana, pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra and much more. Santosha places specific emphasis on mastery of the steps of breath development as foundation to any yoga practice. It is important to deeply understand the practices by practicing and knowing them for yourself in order to embody these teachings as a yoga teacher. Once this is understood, asanas can be practiced and taught correctly.Therefore, you will find that this module is broken down into two parts, the first looks at breath development and preparatory postures, whilst the second part allows for a deep understanding of the correct teaching, practices, benefits, contraindications and adjustments of asanas.

As this module covers quite a lot of teaching, the comprehension check is quite long. It may be worth breaking the questions down into smaller parts. Please also note that there is an Assignment at the end of this module.

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PART 1. Breath Development and Standing Postures

You now have the foundational knowledge to delve deeply into asanas. Please take this time to read p. 1- 121 of your Breath and Movement Manual and read the comprehension questions below.

Journal 19

Continue getting to know the information in your manual intimately. Choose 3 items of interest from the Manual that you have read that stood out to you in some way. Share a short reflection (maximum 3 sentences) for each item.

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Continue reading your Breath and Movement Manual from pages 121-242 and complete the comprehension questions below.

Journal Entry 20

Continue getting to know the information in your manual intimately. Choose 3 items of interest from the Manual that you have read, that stood out to you in some way. Share a short reflection (maximum 3 sentences) for each item.

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10ModuleComprehension Check

Using the Santosha Breath and Movement Manual, answer the following questions.

1. Write a comprehensive teaching script for the phases of Breath Development and Awareness. This is an important resource to draw upon.

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2. Connect the following Sanskrit words with the appropriate English translation.

Trikonasana Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Janu Sirsasana Reclining Big Toe PoseSalabhasana Head to Knee PoseVirabhadrasana Cobra PoseAdho Mukha Svanasana Shoulder stand PoseUpavistha Konasana Upward Facing Dog PoseBaddha Konasana Four Limbed Staff PoseUrdhva Mukha Svanasana Corpse PoseVirasanaSavasana Revolved Triangle PoseSupta Padangusthasana Half Lord of the Fishes PoseMatsyasana Staff PoseChaturanga Dandasana Warrior PoseBhujangasana Headstand PoseSirsasana Downward Facing DogSalamba Sarvangasana Hero’s PoseUttanasana Triangle Pose

Bound Angle PoseArdha Matsyendrasana Locust PoseDandasana Fish PoseParivrtta Trikonasana Standing Forward Bend

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3. The questions below relate to correct cuing of the poses pictured below.

a) Identify each pose and take yourself through each posture using the instructions outlined in the manual using correct breath sequencing. Record any observations.

b) Following your experience, provide teaching instructions for each one.

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4. Research the meaning behind Brahmana and Langhana on your own and in the Breath and Movement Manual. Provide 5 poses for each.

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

a) During Supta Baddha Konasana, you should always keep your feet hip-width apart.

b) Sun Salutations are cooling exercises, and should be performed close to the end of a yoga session.

c) Matsyasana counter poses the Shoulder Stand. d) Care should be taken when doing the Four Limbed Staff Pose

in the event of sore wrists. e) During the Warrior Pose, you should press your back foot

firmly into the floor for increased balance. f) Child’s pose is a restorative pose. g) A gentle backbend is a good preparatory pose for

Dhanurasana. h) The Crane Pose tones the abdominal organs. i) Bidalasana can be done on the knuckles for wrist problems.

j) The ‘Tree’ pose is particularly good because it strengthens

the wrists.

6. List the benefits, dynamics and cautions of the following poses.

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7. Answer the following essay questions using as much detail as possible.

a) Imagine that a prospective student is visiting your yoga studio to inquire about the possibility of a private yoga class. She works long hours in an office and is experiencing a significant amount of back and shoulder tension. Describe the sort of asana routine that you think would most benefit her condition. As part of this, you should describe the asanas themselves, as well as their benefits, variations, possible follow-up poses, and precautions.

b) Outline a yoga sequence that focuses on one of the following: abdominals, arms, or restorative postures.

c) Imagine that you have a particularly eager beginning student who, more than anything else, wishes to do a handstand. This student is not yet ready for this pose, however, and so you must encourage him to engage in thorough preparatory work outs, to help him prepare. Describe the preparatory poses that you would recommend to him.

d) What precautionary advice you would give to students with knee problems?

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Assignment 7Teacher Tune-up Assignment

Watch the episodes in the Santosha Online Resource Center and answer the following questions.

Episode 1.1 – Bhujangasana

1. Traditionally how are the legs and feet in this pose? What is the modification for those with lower lumbar issues?

2. Why do we lengthen from the top of the spine when entering this pose?3. What is the correct position for the hands in this position? The elbows?4. Where does the exhale originate from?5. Where do we send the breath on the inhale?6. Which breath do we use to move into the pose?7. What type of breath do we use to come out?8. What position do we put our head in when we have released out of the

pose? What quality do we bring to this moment?

Episode 1.2 – Progression from Bhujangasana

1. What are the desired qualities of the breath?2. Why do we draw the chin down in this pose?3. In the video, Sunny mentions steadiness and stillness of the mind. The 2nd

Yoga Sutra refers to this as ‘yoga chitta vritti nirodha.’ What is the translation of this Sanskrit phrase?

4. Another important quality is ‘sthira sukham asanam’ (Yoga Sutra 46). What is the translation of this phrase?

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Episode 2.11. What category of posture is Paschimottanasana?2. Why do we use the word extension? What part of the body lengthens in this

pose?3. What is the purpose of sitting on a pillow?4. What is the main inhibitor of the forward movement in the pelvic girdle in

this pose? What can you do to counteract this in this pose?5. Do we dorsi or plantar flex our feet when we are in Dandasana to set up for

this posture? Why?6. Take yourself (or another!) through this posture using the correct breath.

Write down your experience.

Episode 2.2

1. What are the ‘levers’ you can add to Paschimottanasana? Name another pose which you can add ‘levers’ to, to increase the intensity.

2. What can we do if we have less mobility in the hips to modify this posture?3. Explain ‘dirgha’ and ‘sukshma’.4. Take yourself (or another!) through this posture using the correct breath.

Write down your experience.

Episode 3.1 – Seated Twist

1. What are the names of the four main sections of the spine, in order from top to bottom?

2. What part of the spine is used in a seated twist?3. Where do we NOT want the twist to occur?4. How can we move into this twist using the breath?5. What is the position of the neck and head during this pose?6. How many Vinyasa Krama sequences would we typically perform before

moving into a held position? Why would we do this?7. What is the ‘Asymmetrical Guiding Principle’? When is it applied?

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Episode 3.2 – Seated Twist Variation

1. On what breath do we twist into the pose?2. What will affect where our students place their back hand?3. Is it advisable to use the hand to help force you into the pose?4. When do we engage pelvic floor in this posture? Why?5. What is the english word for these postures: Vajrasana, Dandasana,

Sukhasana?6. Why do we draw our chin down slightly in this posture?7. Take yourself (or another!) through this posture using the correct breathing

sequence. Write down your experience.

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