
Work  redesigned  

making the right noises

1.   learn how to tactically plan and leverage social software to increase the reach and response of your innovations,

2.   introduce you to the most effective technologies and practically demonstrate how you can use them to your advantage,

3.   while also talking you through ways to minimise risk and create a social media policy and strategy for your office.  

ignore or embrace?

my mad bro’

seggr is a strategic management and innovation agency. We focus on the creative art of designing humanised

solutions and finding meaning and the commercial science of targeting goals, and bringing innovations to market.

Trust in business in Australia is in decline with 74% of survey respondents indicating they trust business less than they did last


Source:  2009  Edelman  Trust  Barometer  

CEOs are the least trusted source of information when forming an opinion of a company. 81% of respondents do not trust

the CEO as a source in Australia, the US and Europe

Source:  2009  Edelman  Trust  Barometer  

87% of Australians would refuse to buy from a company they do not trust, and 93% said they chose to buy product or

services from companies they trust.

Source:  2009  Edelman  Trust  Barometer  

so, what has changed?

It was about starting conversations... Ben Self, DNC

“we all have a burning desire not to connect with thousands of ‘friends’ that we hardly know, but with just four people, the right four people…and that is all it takes to change the world, just four connected, passionate people.” Robert Scoble

the future of advertising is about being social

1.   learn how to tactically plan and leverage social software to increase the reach and response of your innovations,

2.   introduce you to the most effective technologies and practically demonstrate how you can use them to your advantage,

3.   while also talking you through ways to minimise risk and create a social media policy and strategy for your office.  

C + I + C + S = attractionretention

the seggr = social construct

connecting + interacting + creating + sharing = attractionretention

the seggr = social construct

source:  Harold  Jarche  –  Learning  and  Working  on  the  Web    

source:  Harold  Jarche  –  Learning  and  Working  on  the  Web    


connecting creating


people are turning to each other...because they can!

20 – Hours of video uploaded every minute onto YouTube

600k - new members on Facebook per day

4.25 million – People following @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher, Twitter’s most followed user).

500,000 – The number of active Facebook applications. 900,000 -The number of blogs posts

put up every day

700 million – The number of photos uploaded per day on Facebook

50% – Percentage of Facebook users that log in every day.

350 million – People on Facebook.

1.73 billion – Internet users worldwide (September 2009).

18% – Increase in Internet users since the previous year.

27.3 million – Number of tweets on Twitter per day (November, 2009)

126 million – The number of blogs on the Internet (as tracked by BlogPulse).

so let’s talk about connecting

Harold  Jarche    

how connected are you people?

sharing - ($928m in 9 years)

where are they having conversations?

who are your influential people?

0  2  4  6  8  

10  12  14  

hours  per  week  

hours  per  week  

Hidden  Costs  of  Informa5on  Work:  A  Progress  Report.  IDC  survey  of  706  knowledge  workers  -­‐  2009  

“Employees  shouldn’t  waste  too  much  5me  on  the  intranet;  social  media  wastes  5me;  the  Internet  is  a  produc5vity  drain”  

how do you find information?

do you interact with others to plan?

who are your creative people?

what do you do that is worth sharing?

1.   learn how to tactically plan and leverage social software to increase the reach and response of your innovations,

2.   introduce you to the most effective technologies and practically demonstrate how you can use them to your advantage,

3.   while also talking you through ways to minimise risk and create a social media policy and strategy for your office.  

•  keep it up to date •  connect with people •  interact with others

through Q and A •  create questions and

content •  share expertise and


1.   learn how to tactically plan and leverage social software to increase the reach and response of your innovations,

2.   introduce you to the most effective technologies and practically demonstrate how you can use them to your advantage,

3.   while also talking you through ways to minimise risk and create a social media policy and strategy for your office.  

step  1:    what  do  you  do?  

step 2: what’s your objective?

step 3: what is your current relationship like with your



one off






step 4: Are they

creatives or spectators?

what is it you do

again – the one thing

you do well?

step 6: how will you be human?

step 7: measuring success

what does it look like?


= web traffic = web traffic referrals = search volume

= friends = followers = mentions

Anti-procrastination alert:

You have been browsing the Internet for 10 minutes. You can turn off these alerts in System Preferences.

is this you social media policy?

CONNECTing [sourced ideas from 21,000,000 strong seggr network] INTERACTing [collaborated with seggr executives and Sydnovate]

CREATing [maybe a little bit?]

SHARing [we just did!]

things have changed?

It IS about starting conversations... Ben Self, DNC

connecting + interacting + creating + sharing = attractionretention

the seggr = social construct for the workplace

this slide is intentionally blank (thank you)

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