Teaching Basic Chinese - My Own Handouts

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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This text is a careless compilation of handouts collected when I was teaching basic Chinese language. It is pretty much like an list of vocabs gathered tematicaly. I hope it shall be of any use for those that wish to study this beautiful language.


This text is a careless compilation of handouts collected when I was teaching basic Chinese language. It is pretty much like an list of vocabs gathered tematicaly. I hope it shall be of any use for those that wish to study this beautiful language.

Text uses Chinese characters and Chinese language transcription system Pinyin.

Explenations expressions are based on Electronic Chinese-English, English-Chinese dictionary Wenlin. The author would like to express his gratitude towards Wenlin editors.

Table of contents:

(Lexical part)Abuse page 2-3Competition page 4-6 E ducation page 7-8 Education 2 page 9-10Negotiations page 11-12Wishes page 13-14Work and studies page 15 Personality page 16-18 Traveling page 19-20 At work page 21-22

(Grammatical part)Ajectives page 23-24 Conjunctions in Chinese page 25-26Modal Verbs page 27-28

为学 page 29-30



Abuse of power lànyòng 滥用 v. abuse; misuse| lanyong zijin |tānwū 贪污 attr. corrupt; venal n. corruption; graft◆| Tā yīnwéi ∼ bèi jiězhí le | He was dismissed because of graft.

wēixié 威胁 v. menace; imperil; threaten; intimidate[threaten] | Tamen jingchang weixie ruozhe |[endanger] | 1991 nian, dashui weixie zhe zuo jianzhuwu |lèsuǒ 勒索 v. extort; blackmail | Nà wèi bǎiwàn fùwēng bèi ∼le shíwàn Měijīn | The millionare was forced to give up one hundred thousand dollars.

sāorǎo 骚扰 v. harass; molest | Yǒu rén dǎ diànhuà ∼ nà wèi diànyǐng míngxīng | Someone is harassing the movie star with phone calls.| Shiwu sui shaonu zai gongjiaoche shang yu xing saorao |

wūrǔ 污辱 n./v. humiliate; insult①| Ta shuo zhe ju hua shi guyi wuru women |bēibǐwúchǐ 卑鄙无耻 f.e. contemptible and shameless

màrén 骂人 v.o. swear/curse (at people)

bǎohù 保护 v. protect; safeguard

nüèdài 虐待 v. maltreat; tyrannize; abuse

nüèdàikuáng 虐待狂 n. sadism; sadist

bèinüèdàikuáng 被虐待狂 n. masochism

dissmissing and resigning cízhí 辞职 v. resign | Zǒngtǒng ∼ le | The president has resigned.| Ta xiang shangji tichu le cizhi yaoqiu |

jiězhí 解职 v. dismiss from office

chǎo yóuyú 炒鱿鱼 v. dismiss; fire| Tā bèi ∼ le | He was fired.

kāichú 开除 v. expel; discharge| Tā bèi xuéxiào ∼ le | He was expelled by the school.

virtue and vice 贤惠 xiánhuì s.v. virtuous and dutiful (of women)| Wǒ qīzi hěn ∼ | My wife is kind and virtuous.| Xian qi liang mu |zhēncāo 贞操 n. chastity; virginity (of women) loyalty; moral integrity① ②


chúnjié 纯洁 adj.v. pure; clean and honest

chún 纯 v. pure; unmixed | Zhè xiāngyóu hěn ∼| The sesame oil is pure.

yémen 爷们 n. man| chun yemen |

apology dàoqiàn 道歉 v.o. apologize | Wǒ xiàng nǐ ∼| I apologize.

qiànyì 歉意 n. apology; regret| xiang ni biaoshi qianyi |

extramerital affair wàiyù 外遇 n. extramarital affair | Tīngshuō tā zhàngfu yǒule ∼| I've heard that her husband has an extramarital affair.

chūguǐ 出轨 v. be derailed; go off the rails| Ta zai Taiguo chuchai de shuhou chugui le | Jiao ta liao tiao chuan

vixen jiàn 贱 inexpensive, cheap, lowly, humble, worthless

jiàn nǚren 贱女人 | Ta bu xiang gen zhege jian nuren laiwang |yāojing 妖精 n. evil spirit; demon alluring woman; siren① ②

pōfù 泼妇 n. shrew; vixen

jiūchán 纠缠 v. tangle , nag; worry; pester| Ta jiuchan wo de pengyou de laogong bufang |



Types od contests : bǐsài 比赛 [-賽 ] n. match; competition | Lǐbài liù de ∼ qǔxiāo le. Saturday's game has been

called off. | 在竞赛中比较高低 | 长跑比赛yùsài* 预赛[預賽] n. 〈sport〉 preliminary contest M:²chǎng

juésài 决赛[決賽] n. 〈sport〉 finals M:²chǎng

guànjūnsài 冠军赛[-軍賽] n. championship contest M:²chǎng/¹cì

shìjièbēi 世界杯 n. world cup

First phase. Preparation :cānjiā 参加[參-] v. join; attend; take part in give (advice/etc.) ① ② | Zhè ²shì, qǐng nǐ yě ∼ diǎnr yìjian. Please give us your opinions about this matter?

cānyù* 参与[參與] v. participate in | Tā ∼le nàge ànzi. He participated in that case.

zhǔnbèi 准备[準備] v. prepare; get ready | Nǐ ① ∼ hǎole ma? Are you ready? intend; plan |② Tā ∼ chūguó shēnzào. He intends to go abroad to further his studies.

páiyǎn* 排演 v. Rehearse

yǎnchū* 演出 v./n. perform; show | Zhùhè nǐ ∼ chénggōng. Congratulations to your successful performance.

xùnliàn 训 练 [ 訓 練 ] v. train; drill | Wǒmen zhèngzài jiājǐn ① ∼. We're intensifying our training. train animals②jiàoliàn* 教练[-練] n. coach; instructor M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

fǔdǎo* 辅导[輔導] v. coach; tutor n. guidance tutorial | Yǒuxiē xuésheng xūyào gèbié◆ ① ②

∼. Some students need individual tutorials. 辅导老师

Champions , opponents and enemies :

xuǎnshǒu* 选手 [選 -] n. 〈sport〉 ① player selected as a contestant; athlete champion② M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

gāoshǒu* 高手 n. ace; expert M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

néngshǒu 能手 n. expert; master hand | Tā shì yǒumíng de ¹jìshù ∼. He is a technology expert. M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

duìshǒu 对手[對-] n. opponent; adversary match; equal M:ge/¹míng/²wèi① ②

duìtou 对头[對頭] n. enemy; opponent; adversary | Tāmen liǎ shì ∼. The two are enemies.

M:ge/¹mín | 死对头duìfāng* 对方[對-] p.w. the other side/party; an adversary

dírén 敌人[敵-] n. enemy M:ge/¹míng

chóurén 仇人 n. personal enemy


yùndòngyuán 运动员[運動員] n. athlete; player M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

yōushèngzhě 优胜者[優勝-] n. winner; champion M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

Competition :

jìngzhēng* 竞 争 [ 競 爭 ] v./n. compete; competition | Wǒ bùpà ∼. I'm not afraid of competition.

táotài 淘汰 v. eliminate through selection/competition | Zài bànjuésài zhōng, Měiguó ²duì① bèi ∼ le. The American team was eliminated in the semi-final. die out②

The victory and the failyíng 赢[贏] v. gain; win | Wǒ xiàqí ∼le tā. I beat him at chess.

shū 输[輸] b.f. v. lose; be defeated | ²Jiǎ ²duì yòu ∼ le. Team A lost again.

chénggōng 成功 v. succeed n. success ◆ 取得成功shībài* 失败[-敗] n./v. be defeated; lose fail | Shíyàn ① ② ∼ le. The experiment failed.

shènglì* 胜利[勝-] v. win victory/success adv. successfully | Dàhuì ◆ ∼ bìmù. The conference has come to a successful conclusion. n. victory◆

dǎbài* 打败[-敗] v. defeat | Wǒmen ① ∼ le dírén. We defeated the enemy. be defeated | Tā② ∼ le. He was defeated.

kǎixuán 凯旋[凱-] v. return triumphant

kǎixuánmén 凯旋门[凱-門] n. M:⁴zuò triumphal arch Arc de Triomphe (in Paris); Arch① ② of Triumph

Jury 。 Scores :

píngwěihuì 评 委 会 [ 評 - 會 ] p.w. committee of commentary and selection; appraisal committee; judges' panel

píngjià 评价[評價] v. appraise; evaluate | Tóngshìmen duì ²tā de ∼ fēicháng hǎo. She is highly praised by her colleagues.

dǎfēn* 打分 v.o. grade (student exams/etc.) | Lǎoshī hái méi gěi shìjuàn ∼ ne.

fēnshù* 分数[-數] n. mark; grade

xx 比 xx

4 比 6

打平 daping draw

打平手 dapingshou draw

Trophy 。 Results :


第一名 - 一等奖第二名 - 二等奖第三名 - 三等奖

guànjūn* 冠军[-軍] n. champion M:ge/¹míng/²wèi

yàjūn 亚军[亞軍] n. 〈sport〉 runner-up

jìjūn 季军[-軍] n. 〈sport〉 third place,bronze medalist

bānjiǎng 颁 奖 [ 頒 獎 ] v.o. present reward/honor | Shéi gěi yōushèngzhě ∼? Who presents awards to the winners?

jiǎngpǐn 奖品[獎-] n. prize; award; trophy M:¹fèn/²jiàn

jīnpái 金牌 n. gold medal M:²kuài

yínpái 银牌[銀-] n. silver medal M:²kuài

tóngpái 铜牌[銅-] n. copper/bronze medal M:⁴méi/¹miàn/²kuài

Records : jìlù* 记录[記錄] v. take notes; keep minutes | Jīntiān de huìyì shuí ∼? Who takes notes for today's meeting? n. minutes; notes; record note-taker M:¹fèn/¹běn◆ ① ②

保持 记录打破 记录刷新 记录

bǎochí* 保持 v. keep; maintain; preserve | Tā hái ∼ yuánlái de tàidu. He still maintains his original attitude.

dǎpò 打破 r.v. break; smash

shuāxīn 刷新 v. renovate; refurbish break (a record) | Tā ① ② ∼le zhè ³xiàng jìlù. He broke the record.

Honor and Glory :

zhēngguāng 争光[爭-] v.o. win honor/glory; do credit to | Wǒmen yào wèi guó ∼. We shall win honor for our motherland.

rónghuò 荣获[榮獲] v. have the honor to win | Tā ∼le yōuxuì jiàoshī ²jiǎng. He's won the best teacher award.

Luck :

zǒuyùn 走运[-運] v.o. 〈coll.〉 have good luck

yùnqi* 运气[運氣] n. fortune; luck | Nǐ de ∼ zhēn bùcuò. You're really lucky.

Attitude :

zìxìn* 自信 v. be self-confident


zìxìnxīn 自信心 n. self-confidence

jǐnzhāng* 紧 张 [ 緊 張 ] s.v. nervous; keyed up | Kǎoshì qián, xuéshengmen dōu hěn ① ∼. Before the exam, students are anxious.

qīngsōng 轻松[輕鬆] s.v. light; relaxed v. relax; lighten up | ◆ ∼ yīxià ba. Relax, have a little fun. | ∼ (yī)diǎnr ba. Don't be so serious.

fāhuī* 发挥[發揮] v. bring into play; give free rein to | Yùndòngyuánmen jīntiān ① ∼ de hěn zhèngcháng. The athletes played to their usual good potential today.

E ducation

jié 节 measure word for lessons

táng 堂 measure word for lessons | Ni jintian shanle jitang ke ? | | jijie ke ? |

Teaching jiǎngkè 讲课 v.o. teach; lecture| Wang laoshi jiang ke jiang de zenme yang? || Xizhuren zhengzai gei dayi xuesheng jiangke|

bèikè 备课 v.o. prepare lessons (by teachers) | Wǒ háiyào bèi míngtiān de kè ne. | I still have to prepare lessons for tomorrow's class.

zhǔnbèi 准备 v. prepare

nèiróng 内容 n. content; substance | Zhèi běn shū ∼ hěn fēngfù. | The content of this book is very substantial

jiǎngzuò 讲座 n. course of lectures| Hanyu pinyin jiangzuo. |

Studying yùxí 预习 v. prepare lessons before class | Shangke qian zuo yuxi shangke shi cai you hen da de shouhuo. |

xuéxí 学习 v. study; learn n. learning◆| Tā ∼ hěn yònggōng. | He studies hard.

fùxí 复习 v. review; revise| Nimen huijia haohaor fuxi jintian xue de neirong. |

niànshū 念书 v.o. read; study | Tā zài Měiguó niànle sì nián shū. | He studied for four years in America.dú dàxué 读大学 v.o. go to college or university| Ni du na yi suo daxue? |

Exams kǎoshì 考试 n./v.o. examination; test

| Wo taoyan kaoshi. | | Canjia kaoshi | | Tongguo kaoshi |jígé 及格 v.o. pass (a test)| Canjia xuewei kaoshi, jige le. |


liújí 留级 v.o. fail to advance in school grade| Nàge lǎnsǎn de xuésheng ∼ le. | That lazy student failed to advance in school grade.

kǎoshang 考上 v. pass an entrance examination.| Wo de erzi kaoshang le Bei Da. |

Recrutation bàomíng 报名 v.o. enter one's name; sign up | Wo bao Qinghua Daxue le, xianzai zhunbei luqu kaoshi. |

lùqǔ 录取 v. enroll; recruit; admit | Wǒ dìdi bèi Hāfó Dàxué ∼ le. | My younger brother was admitted by Harvard University.

lùqǔ tōngzhīshū 录取通知书 n. admission notice|Wo zhongyu shoudao le luqu tongzhishu! |

lùqǔxiàn 录取线 n. minimum passing score for admission| Buhao yisi, nin shi jinnian luquxian zhixia de xuesheng. |

Graduation bìyè 毕业 v.o. graduate; finish school| Wo biye le yu 2004 nian. |

bìyè lùnwén 毕业论文 n. graduation thesis; dissertation| Ni de biye lunwen xuede zenme yang? |

bìyèshēng 毕业生 n. graduate

Education tiányāshì 填鸭式 n. cramming method in teaching

Tianyashi jiaoyu

Jiàoyùbù 教育部 n. Ministry of Education

Degrees and self-cultivation xuélì 学历 n. record of formal schooling | Wǒ méiyǒu hěn duō ∼. | I doesn't have much formal schooling.

xiūyǎng 修养 n. self-cultivation |Wáng lǎoshī hěn yǒu ∼. | Teacher Wang is a highly cultivated man.

xuéwèi 学位 n. academic degree; degree | Tā yǒu bóshì ∼. | She has a doctorate degree.


Education 2

teaching and education jiāoxué 教学 v. teach

jiàoxué 教学 n. teaching; education

jiàoshì 教室 classroom; schoolroom

jiàoshī 教师 n. teacher; instructor

jiàoxué zhǔguǎn 教学主管 n. Teaching supervisor

xiūdìng 修订 v. revise| xiuding chengji |

skills jiàoxué jìshù 教学技术 n. educational technology / skills

jiàoxuénénglì 教学能力 n. educational skills

xuéxí nénglì 学习能力 n. learning ability | zenme tigao ziji de xuexi nengli? |zhùyìlì 注意力 n. attention | Bǎ ∼ jízhōng zài shíyàn shang. | Focus your attention on the experiment.

cheating and plagiarizing 骗 piàn v. deceive; fool; hoodwink | Nǐ ²kě bié ∼ wǒ a! | Please don't kid me!

qīpiàn 欺骗 v. cheat; dupe| Tā ∼le wǒ. | He cheated me.| Aiqing rongbuxia qipian |

piànrén 骗人 v.o. deceive people; defraud others, welsher

mēngpiàn 蒙骗 v. deceive; cheat; hoodwink| Tā shòu le shāngrén de ∼. | He was cheated by the merchants.| Ni shi meng wo de ma? |

chāoxiě 抄写 v. copy (by hand)| Lǎoshī yāoqiú xuésheng ∼ kèwén. | The teacher asked the students to copy the lesson.

zuòbì 作弊 v.o. cheat on a test/exam| Kǎoshì bùxǔ ∼. | Cheating on tests is not allowed.


chāoxí 抄袭 v. plagiarize | Bùxǔ ∼ tārén de zuòpǐn. | Don't plagiarize other's works.

piāoqiè 剽窃 v. plagiarize | Bùnéng ∼ biérén de wénzhāng. | One must not plagiarize someone else's article. deadline qīxiàn 期限 n. time limit; deadline| ∼ bù kěnéng zài yáncháng le. | It's impossible to extend the time limit again.

Zuìzhōng 最终 final; ultimate; last| zuìzhōng qīxiàn |

participation chūxí 出席 v.o. attend; be present

quēxí 缺席 v.o. be absent (from a meeting/etc.)| Zhècì huìyì méi rén ∼. | Nobody is absent from this meeting.

chūqín 出勤 v.o. turn out for work | chuqin qingkuang |

cānyù 参与 v. participate in| Tā ∼le nàge ànzi | He participated in that case.| Jiaoshi chang guli xuesheng jiji canyu | Teachers often encourage class participation.| Xuesheng canyu | student participation

work in pares xiǎozǔ 小组 n. group| xiaozu zuoye | group workpèiduì 配对 v.o. be a pair| peidui zuoye |

field work shídì 实地 adv. on the ground/spot n. Field◆| ∼ diàochá duì tā de yánjiū hěn yǒu bāngzhù. | On-the-spot investigation is of great help to his research. shídì kǎochá lǚxíng 实地考察旅行 field trip

hands on appoach zhōngxīn 中心 p.w. center; heart; hub; focus

xuésheng wéi zhōngxīn 学生为中心 student centered

jiàoshī wéi zhōngxīn 教师为中心 teacher centered| Ni xihuan jiaoshi wei zhongxin de ketang haishi xuesheng wei zhongxin de ketang? |

teaching documents kèchéng 课程 n. course; curriculum | jixie zhuanye kecheng | the engineering curriculum.kèchéng gàiyào 课程概要 n. Course outline


gàiyào 概要 n. essentials; outline; summary | Hànyǔ yǔfǎ ∼| Essentials of Chinese Grammar

jiào'àn 教案 n. teaching / lesson plan

jiàoxuéjìhuà 教学计划 teaching plan

duǎnwén 短文 n. short article; essay

sǎnwén 散文 n. prose| Nà niánqīngrén shì yī ge ∼ zuòjiā. | The young man is a writer of prose.


interrupt someone's speech 要 打断 他人的讲话

dìdiǎn* 地点[-點] n. place; site; locale

我们在四楼的 办公室 开会 women zai … kaihui

negotiations ∾v. 谈判[談-] tánpàn

session n. 届[屆] jiè

solve v. 解答 jiědá ∾v. 解决[-決] jiějué

ānpái 安排 v./n. arrange; plan; fix up | Wǒ děi ① ∼ shísù.

chǔlǐ* 处理[處-] v. handle; deal with; dispose of Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme ① ∼ zhèxiē wèntí. I don't know how to deal with these problems. process | Zhèxiē shùjù xūyào ② ∼. These data need to be processed.

jiéshù* 结束[結-] v. end; conclude; close | Huìyì hái méiyǒu ∼. The meeting hasn't ended yet.

tídào* 提到 r.v. mention; refer to | Tā zài xìn zhōng ① ∼le zhè ²jiàn ²shì. He mentioned the matter in his letter.

lùndiǎn 论点[論點] n. argument; thesis; point at issue | Wǒ bù zànchéng tāmen de ∼. I don't agree with their arguments.

huàtí* 话题[話題] n. subject of a talk; topic of conversation| Huàn ge ① ∼, hǎo ma? How about changing the subject?

zànchéng* 赞成[贊-] v./n. approve; endorse①

zhǔchí* 主 持 v. preside over; chair | Nǐ lái ③ ∼ xiàwǔ de huì, hǎo ma? Would you chair the meeting in the afternoon? zhǔchírén 主持人 n. host; anchor; chair

chūxí* 出席 v.o. attend; be present


quēxí* 缺席 v.o. be absent (from a meeting/etc.) | Zhècì huìyì méi rén ∼. Nobody is absent from this meeting.席位 xíwèi* n. seat (at an assembly/gathering)

主席 zhǔxí* n. chair (of a meeting) chair/president (of an organization/state)① ②毛主席 Chairman Mao

jièshào 介绍[-紹] v. introduce; present recommend; suggest let know; brief | Xìzhǔrèn gěi① ② ③ ¹xīnshēng ∼le kèchéng. The department chairman briefed new students on the curriculum.

huānyíng* 欢迎[歡-] v. welcome; greet | ① ∼ Lǎo Zhào jiǎng jǐjù. Let's ask Zhao to say a few words欢迎和介绍出席人员

xuānbù 宣布 v. declare; proclaim; announce | Zhǔchírén ∼ huìyì jiéshù. The chairperson declared the meeting ended.

¹kāishǐ* 开始[開-] v. begin; start | Zánmen ∼ gàn ba. Let's get down to work. n. initial stage;◆ beginningOpening 宣布会议开始

dàjiā* 大家 n. all of us everyone | ① ② ∼ dōu zǒu le. Everyone has left.

大家 。。。 。。。 好 dajia 。。。 。。。 hao

gèwèi* 各位 n. you-all | Qǐng ① ∼ duōduō bāohán. Please excuse me/us for all the imperfections.

位 [wèi] position; (量) (polite measure word for people)

你是哪一位啊? Ni shi na yi wei a?

几位?ji wei? How many guests? 两个人 liang ge ren. Two people.

地位 ¹dìwèi* n. position; status

bāohan 包涵 v. ①〈court.〉 excuse; forgive | Qǐng nín duō ∼. Please forgive me.

mìshu* 秘书[-書] n. secretary

chéngxù* 程 序 n. order; procedure; course; sequence | Zhè dào ① ∼ bù néng shěng. This procedure cannot be omitted.就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)

fāyán* 发言[發-] v.o. speak; make statement/speech


zǒngjié 总 结 [ 總 結 ] v. sum up; summarize | Wǒmen duì jīnnián de gōngzuò jìnxíngle ∼We summarized our work of this year. ◆n. summary; summing upzǒngjié bàogào 总结报告[總結報-] n. summary/final reportzǒngjiéhuì 总结会[總結會] p.w. summing-up meeting



yànhuì 宴会 n. banquet; dinner party

zhùyuàn 祝愿 v. wish

xīnyuàn 心愿 n. cherished desire; wish| Zài hǎibīn dùjià shì wǒ de yī ge ∼. To spend holidays by the sea is one of my wishes.

zhùfú 祝福 v. invoke a blessing , wish happiness to

qífú 祈福 v.o. pray for blessings

在这愉快的时刻我 祝愿 Zai zhe yukuai de shike wo zhuyuan

shíkè 时刻 n. moment| zài zhèyàng de ∼ at this juncture

wànshìrúyì 万事如意 f.e. have all one's wishes | Zhù nǐ ∼. I hope all goes well with you.

shēntǐ jiànkāng 身体健康 v.p. be in health

幸福生活 Xingfu shenghuo 幸福 xìngfú Happiness, happy | Wǒmen de shēnghuó hěn ∼. We're leading a very happy life.

一切顺利 yiqie shunli yīqiè 一切 n. all; every; everything | ∼ yóu tā fùzé. He's responsible for everything.

shùnlì 顺利 s.v. smooth; successful; without a hitch| Tā de gōngzuò hěn ∼. His business was very successful.

六六大顺 liuliudashun great success

Rénrén 人人 r.f. everyone

jiājiā 家家 every family / household


tiāntiān 天天 r.f. every day; daily

suisui 岁岁 each year

人人快乐 renren kuaile 家家幸福 jiajia xingfu 岁岁平安 suisui ping’an píng'ān 平安 s.v. safe and sound| Tā yǐjīng ∼ dàodá. He's arrived safely.

天天快乐 tiantian kuaile 焕发精神 huanfa jingshen huànfā 焕发 v. shine; glow

jīngshen 精神 n. Vigor, spirit

舒心工作 shuxin gongzuo shūxīn 舒心 comfortable; happy| Tā gōngzuò de hěn ∼. He works happily.

shìyè 事业 n. Career| Tā yībèizi cóngshì jiàoyù ∼. He's worked in the field of education all his life.

事业蓬勃 shiye pengbo péngbó 蓬勃 s.v. vigorous; flourishing

事业有成 shiye youcheng yǒuchéng* 有成 v.o. have achieved success

事业发达 shiye fada fādá 发达 developed; flourishing | ∼ guójiā a developed country

祝愿我的母校 : 桃李满天下 Zhuyuan wo de muxiao : taoli man tianxia mǔxiào 母校 one's old school; alma mater

táolǐ mǎn tiānxià 桃李满天下 have pupils everywhere

桃李 táolǐ n. peaches and plums one's pupils/disciples① ②

天天向上 tiantian xiangshang xiàngshàng 向上 adv. upward; up v. advance; progress turn upward strive upward◆

愉快学习 yukuai xuexi yúkuài 愉快 s.v. happy; cheerful

爱情甜蜜 Aiqing tianmi àiqíng 爱情 n. romantic love | Nà shì méiyǒu ∼ de hūnyīn. That's a loveless marriage.

tiánmì 甜蜜 sweet, happy| Tāmen de shēnghuó hěn ∼. They have a happy life.


Work and studies

rènzhēn 认真[認-] v.o. take for real | Wǒ ¹zhǐ shì suíbiàn shuōshuo, bié ∼. I'm just kidding. Don't

take it seriously. s.v. serious; earnest ◆ 认真的态度

nǔlì* 努力 v.o./s.v. make great effort; try hard | Tā hěn ∼ de ²zuòshì. He works extremely hard.

qínláo 勤劳[-勞] s.v. industrious; hardworking | Zhōnghuá mínzú shì ge ∼ de mínzú. The Chinese are a hardworking people.

nénggàn 能干 [-幹 ] s.v. able; capable; competent | Tā niánqīng, ¹yòu ① ∼. He's young and capable. ingenious; clever②有能力

qiánlì* 潜力[潛-] n. latent capacity; potential(ity) | Zhège dìqū yǒu hěndà de fāzhǎn ∼. This area has great potential for development.

wōnang 窝囊 [窩 -] s.v. good-for-nothing | Tā lǎoshí, dànshì ① ∼. He is honest, but good-for-nothing. vexed ②

mǎhu* 马虎/糊[馬-/-] v./s.v. be careless/casual | Zhè shìr nǐ kě bié xiǎng ① ∼ guòqu. Don't think you can handle this matter in a slapdash manner. be confused/indistinct②dàyi 大意 v.p. careless | Zhèi shìr nǐ kě bùnéng ∼. You have to be very careful about this matter.

yánsù* 严肃 [嚴肅 ] s.v. serious; solemn v. strictly enforce enforce ◆ ① ② 严 肃 的 表 情 [earnest;grave] 认真 - 严肃对待

[make strict] 使严格 - 严肃法制

xiūyǎng 修养[-養] n. accomplishment; training; mastery self-cultivation | Wáng lǎoshī hěn① ② yǒu ∼Teacher Wang is a highly cultivated man.yōuxiù 优秀[優-] s.v. outstanding; excellent 优秀人物



chéngshú* 成熟 s.v. ripe; mature | Tā ¹bǐ yǐqián ∼ duō le. He's more mature than before.

qīngsè 青涩[-澀] s.v. unripe and puckery (of fruit)

kěkào* 可靠 s.v. reliable; trustworthy | Tā de ¹huà bù ∼. What he said is not reliable.

kàodezhù 靠得住 r.v. be reliable; trustworthy

bù zhǔn 不准 aux. not allow; forbid s.v. not accurate◆méipǔ* 没谱[沒譜] v.o./s.v. ①〈topo.〉 be unsure; have no idea | Zhè ²jiàn ²shì wò xīnli ∼. I'm unsure about this matter.

wěndìng* 稳定[穩-] v. stabilize s.v. stable; steady◆wěnzhòng* 稳重[穩-] s.v. steady; staid; sedate

tǐtiē* 体贴[體貼] s.v. showing consideration for | Tā hěn ① ∼ qīzi. He's very considerate of his wife. obliging②

贤 惠[賢-] xiánhuì* s.v. virtuous and dutiful (of women) | Wǒ qīzi hěn ∼. My wife is kind and virtuous.

xiàoshùn 孝顺[-順] v. show filial obedience offer a present to a superior① ②

lǎnduò 懒惰[懶-] s.v. lazy; indolent

lǎnchóng 懒虫[懶蟲] n. 〈coll.〉 lazybones M:¹tiáo/ge

niǔniuniēniē 扭扭捏捏 r.f. 〈coll.〉 diffident; timorous; mincing

henjiangjiu 很讲究

zìxìn* 自信 v. be self-confident

xìnxīn* 信心 n. confidence; faith; belief | Wǒ duì chénggōng chōngmǎnle ∼. I am fully confident of success.juéxīn 决心[決-] n. determination; resolution v.o. be determined to; make up one's mind to◆


dàfang* 大方 s.v. generous | Wéi rén yào ① ∼. Be generous toward people.

kāngkǎi 慷慨 s.v. vehement; fervent generous | Tā wéirén hěn ① ② ∼. He's a generous man

bùjūxiǎojié 不拘小节[---節] f.e. not be punctilious not bother about trifles① ②

xiǎoqì 小气[-氣] s.v. stingy; mean | Tā hěn ① ∼, shěbùde huāqián. He's very stingy and can't bear

to spend money. ②〈topo.〉 narrow-minded; petty

lìnsè 吝啬[-嗇] s.v. stingy; miserly | Zài zhè zhǒng chǎnghé bùyào ∼. Don't be stingy in this kind of occasion.tiěgōngjī 铁公鸡[鐵-雞] n. miser stingy person M:²zhī① ②xiǎokōur 小抠儿[-摳兒] n. 〈coll.〉 stingy person; miser

kāifàng* 开放[開-] v. come into bloom lift a ban/etc. open to traffic or public use; open to① ② ③ the world| Zhǎnlǎn duìwài ∼. The exhibition is open to the public. be turned on; be in operation④bǎoshǒu* 保守 v. guard; keep s.v. conservative◆yūfǔ 迂腐 s.v. trite dogmatic; pedantic① ②

kāilǎng 开朗 [開 -] s.v. open and clear sanguine; optimistic | Tā xìnggé ① ② ∼. He's a happy person. broadminded and outspoken③yōuyù 忧郁[憂鬱] s.v. melancholy; dejected

yǒuhǎo* 友好 n. close friend s.v. friendly; amicable◆rèqíng 热情 [熱 -] s.v. enthusiastic; passionate | Liǎngkǒuzi ∼ de zhāodài kèrén. The couple received the guests warmly. n. enthusiasm; zeal; warmth; passion; ardor; fever◆

wàixiàng* 外向 n. extroversion s.v. extroverted; open; frank; be outwardly directed | Wǒ dìdi◆

cóngxiǎo xìnggé ∼. My younger brother has been an extrovert since childhood. attr. ◆ 〈 lg.〉 exocentricnèixiàng* 内向[內-] s.v. introverted; endocentric n. ◆ 〈psy.〉 introversion

jīngshén* 精神 n. spirit; mind; consciousness essence; gist ① ② 有精神

zìsī* 自私 s.v. selfish; self-centered

lìjǐzhǔyì 利己主义[---義] n. egoism

lìjǐzhǔyìzhě 利己主义者[---義-] n. egoist M:ge/¹míng

lìtāzhǔyì 利他主义[---義] n. altruism

lìtāzhǔyìzhě 利他主义者[---義] n. altruist M:ge/¹míng

lèyúzhùrén 乐于助人[樂於--] f.e. be happy/willing to help 喜欢帮助别人

láodao* 唠叨 [嘮-] v. 〈coll.〉 ① chatter; be garrulous nag | Bùyào zhěngtiān ② ∼. Don't be nagging all the time.luōsuo* 罗 /啰嗦 [羅 -] s.v. long-winded; wordy | Nǐ de wénzhāng tài ① ∼ le. Your essay is too long-winded.sānbā 三八 s.v. 〈TW〉 stupid

chángshéfù 长舌妇[長-婦] n. 〈coll.〉 gossip monger; garrulous woman M:²wèi


zhíshuǎng 直爽 s.v. candid; forthright | Nǐ zhēn ∼. You're really forthright.

lāta* 邋/拉遢 s.v. 〈coll.〉 slovenly; sloppy | Wǒ liǎojiě tā, tā hěn ∼. I know him well. He's very sloppy.suíbiàn 随便[隨-] s.v./v.o. ①casual; random | Wǒ chuān yīfu hěn ∼. I'm not fussy about clothes. ②careless ③wanton; willful ④as one pleases | Dàjiā qǐng ∼ zuò ba. Please seat yourselves anywhere.

cōngming* 聪明[聰-] s.v. intelligent; bright; cleverjiān 奸 s.v. ①evil; treacherous ②〈coll.〉 self-seeking and wily

bènzhuō 笨拙 s.v. clumsy; awkwardshǎ 傻 s.v. ①stupid; muddleheaded | Wǒ zhēn ∼. I'm so stupid. ②stunned | Tā tīngdào zhè xiāoxi ²shí, zhěnggè rén dōu ∼ le. He was utterly stunned when he heard the news.yúchǔn* 愚蠢 s.v. stupid; foolish; silly

fánrén 烦人[煩-] v.o. annoy ◆s.v. annoying; vexing; troubling | Duō ∼ ya! How vexing/annoying!


Traveling Traveler yóukè* 游客 n. tourist; sightseer

lǚyóumí 旅游迷 n. travel buff; perpetual traveler

mí 迷 enchant; become enchanted with mírén 迷人 v. charming; enchanting

fan; enthusiast qiúmí 球迷 n. ball game fan

dǎoyóu 导游 v. n. tourist guide

lǚxíngshè 旅行社 n. travel service/agency | Zhè jiā ∼ chūshòu liánjià jīpiào. This travel agency sells air tickets at a low price.

dǎoyóushū 导游书 n. guide book

dìtú 地图 n. map

Sightseeing lǚxíng 旅行 v. travel; journey; tour | Wǒ de shūshu zhèngzài Àodàlìyà ∼. My uncle is touring Australia.lǚyóu* 旅游 v./n. tour; tourism

liūda 溜达 v. 〈coll.〉stroll; saunter; take a walk

guàng 逛 v. stroll; ramble; roam | Nǐ cháng qù ∼ shāngdiàn ma? Do you often go (window) shopping?guānguāng 观光 v.o. go sightseeing; visit; tour

cānguān 参观 v. visit; tour | Xuéshengmen qù bówùguǎn ∼. The students went to visit the museum.yóulǎn 游览 n./v. go sight-seeing; tour; visit

xīnshǎng 欣赏 v. appreciate; enjoy; admire | Wǒ ∼ tā de ¹jīzhì. I admire him for his quick-wittedness.

Scenery jǐngdiǎn 景点 n. scenic spots

fēngjǐng 风景 n. scenery; landscape

měijǐng 美景 n. beautiful scenery

jǐngsè 景色 n. view; scene; landscape

míngshènggǔjì 名胜古迹 f.e. places of historic interest and scenic beauty :


Chángchéng 长城Great Wall

Gùgōng 故宫 the Imperial Palac

(Zǐjìnchéng 紫禁城 p.w. Forbidden City)

Tiāntán 天坛 Temple of Heaven

Yíhéyuán 颐和园 Summer Palace

Yuánmíngyuán 圆明园 imperial garden and palace burnt by British/French troops in 1860

Yōnghégōng 雍和宫 the Lama temple

gōngyuán 公园 p.w. park garden① ②tǎ 塔 n. pagoda stupa tower① ② ③gé 阁 pavilion

sìmiào 寺庙 p.w. temple M:⁴zuò

gōngtíng 宫廷 palace

Holidays Huángjīn zhōu 黄金周 – the golden week

huángjīn 黄金 n. gold

huángjīn shídài 黄金时代 n. golden age/era

huángjīn shíjiān 黄金时间 n. prime time; | Zhège jiémù jiāng zài ∼ bōchū. This program will be broadcast at prime time.

rénshānrénhǎi 人山人海 oceans of people

Guóqìngjié 国庆节 n. National Day

Wǔ-Yī 五一 n. May Day Means of transportation zuò fēijī 坐飞机 v.o. take a plane

zuòchuán 坐船 v.o. take or go by a boat/ship

zuòchē 坐车 v.o. sit in or take a vehicle adv. by bus/train | Wǒ měi tiān ◆ ∼ qù shàngbān. I go to work by bus everyday.

huǒchē 火车 n. train M:ge/¹liè

wòpù 卧铺 n. sleeping berth; | Wǒmen ²zuò ∼ ba! Let's take the sleeper.

zuòwèi 坐位 p.w. seat; place

ruǎn 软 soft; weak yìng 硬 hard; stiff

ruǎnzuò 软座[軟-] n. soft seat/berth

ruǎnwò 软卧[軟臥] n. soft sleeper

yìngzuò 硬座 n. hard seats

yìngwò 硬卧 n. hard sleeper Types of trains

mànchē 慢车 n. slow/local train/bus

kuàichē 快车 n. express train

tèkuài 特快 n. express; especially fast

dòngchē 动车 n. super express

cíxuánfú 磁悬浮 n. Maglev



pāizhào 拍照 v.o. take (a picture) | Wǒmen zài zhèr pāi ¹zhāng zhào ba. Let's take a picture here.

héyǐng 合影 n. group photo/picture

tōupāi 偷拍 v. take pictures of a person without his knowing

lùxiàng 录像 v.o. videorecord; videotape

shàngxiàng 上相 s.v. photogenic

lùxiàngjī 录像机 n. video recorder M:¹jià/¹tái

xiàngjī 相机 n. Camera

shùmǎ* 数码[數碼] n. numerals; figures①shùmǎ xiàngjī 数码相机 digital camera

At work

zhuānyè 专业 n. specialty, major (in university) adj. professional| zhe ge xi you san ge zhuanye. |

zhuānjiā 专家 n. expert; specialist zunzhong zhuanjia de yijian

… jiā 。。。家fānyìjiā 翻译家 traslator

sīxiǎngjiā 思想家 thinker

zhéxuéjiā 哲学家 philosopher

huàjiā 画家 painter

yìshùjiā 艺术家 artist

zuòjiā 作家 writer; author

jiànshǎngjiā 鉴赏家 connoisseur

yōuxiù 优秀 adj. outstanding; excellent youxiu zuopin youxiu ertong youxiu renwu youxiu de nuren

IQ zhìshāng 智商 intelligence quotient (IQ)

EQ qíngshāng 情商 Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

héqún 合群 get on well with others | Tā bù ∼. | He's not gregarious.

rényuán 人缘 n. relations with other people | Lǎo Wáng de ∼ hǎo jí le. | Old Wang gets along well with people.

dàshìhuàxiǎo 大事化小 turn big problems into small problems

xiǎoshìhuàliǎo 小事化了 turn small problems into no problems


fùzé 负责 v. be responsible for; be in charge of | Nà bù gāi wǒ ∼. | Ishould not be held responsible for that.

fù zérèn 负责任 be responsible for; be in charge of

nénggàn 能干 able; capable; competent| Tā niánqīng, yòu ∼. | He's young and capable.

wōnang 窝囊 good-for-nothing| Tā lǎoshí, dànshì ∼. | He is honest, but good-for-nothing.

pòlì 魄力 n. boldness; audacity; daring resolution

nuòruò 懦弱 s.v. cowardly; weak

nǔlì 努力 v.o./s.v. make great effort; try hard | Tā hěn ∼ de zuòshì. | He works extremely hard.

rènzhēn 认真 take for real | Wǒ zhǐ shì suíbiàn shuōshuo, bié ∼. | I'm just kidding. Don't take it seriously.

yǒu zǔzhī de 有组织地 adv. in an organized way; systmatically

yī shì yī, èr shì èr 一是一,二是二 v.p. carefully

shǒushí 守时 punctual | Shùxué lǎoshī shàngkè zǒngshì hěn ∼. | The math teacher always shows up on time.

tóurù 投入 v. throw/put into | Tā zài zhè běn shū shàng ∼ le sān nián de láodòng. | He put in three years writing this book.

dàyi 大意 careless| Zhèi shìr nǐ kě bùnéng ∼. | You have to be very careful about this matter.

mǎdàhā 马大哈 n. Scatterbrain | Tā lián zǒulù dōu huì shuāijiāo, zhēnshi yī ge ∼. | He's very careless and would fall while walking.

diūsānlàsì 丢三落四 f.e. forgetful

huàn nǎojīn 换脑筋 view from a different perspective

Mingzhe sui shi er bianZhizhe sui shi er zhi

sānsī ér hòuxíng 三思而后行 look before you leap

jǔyīfǎnsān 举一反三 draw inferences from one instance


Ajectivesduō 多 many; much| Gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ, ∼ dà dōu xíng | Give me a piece of paper; any size will do.

shǎo 少 few; little | Nǐ zhǐ gěile wǒ hěn ∼ yīdiǎnr | You just gave a little bit to me.

| duo chuan || shao chi || duo shui || shao xuexi || duo lianxi |

| chi de zei duo || wan de zui shao || kaolu de bu guo duo || gongzuo de tai shao || wei bieren fuchu geng duo |

| hen duo fangmian || hao duo yinsu || jianzhi guo duo || mei ge ren de zhiji bu neng duo, zhi neng you liang san ge zhenzheng liaojie ni de ren || Ta shuo le man duo de liyou, wo lian yige liyou dou bu xiangxin || shaoshu ren yuanyi zunshou guize |

cháng 长 ① long lasting②

duǎn 短 short; brief| Dàjiā kāi ge ∼ huì | Let's have a brief meeting

| ni zhe shiqing tuo de tai chang le || yi ge xingqi zai Hainan Dao shizai shi tai duan le || ni kan, zhe jian chenshan de xiuzi gou chang ma? || zhe jian shiqing xuyao yi ge changqi de guocheng cai neng jian jieguo |


gāo 高 tall; high

dī 低 low

ǎi 矮 ① short (of stature) low②| tā ∼ wǒ yī jí | He's a class below me

| hen nan xiangxiang ta de shuiping duo gao || wo zicong kaishi zuo zhe fan gongzuo juede wo de zhishang yue lai yue di le || ni kan tamen, yi ge you gao you shou, yi ge you ai you pang, pei de zhen hao || nengyuan xiaohao di |

kuān 宽 wide; broad

zhǎi 窄 narrow| ta de yanjie bao kuan || ta de xiangfa tai zhai le |

dà 大 s.v. big; great; high; tall; vast old ②| tā duō ∼? | How old is he?

xiǎo小 small; little; petty; minor young②| xié ∼le yīhào | These shoes are one size too small

| zhe shi yi ge hen da de wenti || houguo dique hen da || yi ge xiao guojia meifa gen yi ge da guo jia bi || mei xiang dao zhang da le zhi hou shenghuo yali name da || hen da chengdu shang ta de hao xinqing shi yinwei zhe ji tian yangguang hen hao || ju da mianji |

zhòng 重 ① heavy important②

qīng 轻 light | Wǒ de xíngli hěn ∼ | My luggage is very light

| ta chengdan de fudan feichang zhong || ta qingqing de qiao men |

hòu 厚 s.v. thick

báo 薄 thin| Bǎ zhèi kuài ròu qiē ∼ yīdiǎnr | Cut the meat a little thinner.

| Shangdi dui ni bu bao / hen hou || ta dui zhe ge huati you nonghou de xingqu |

shēn深 deep| Zhè dòng hěn ∼ | This hole is very deep.

qiǎn 浅 shallow; superficial | Zhèlǐ de hǎishuǐ hěn ∼ | The sea water is shallow here.


| wo de zhishi hen qian || ta dui wo liaojie de hen shen |

shēnkè 深刻 s.v. deep; profound | Tā de jiǎngyǎn gěi wǒ liúxiàle ∼ de yìnxiàng | His speech has left a deep impression on me.

xiāohào 消耗 v. consume; use up; deplete | Zhè jiàn shì ∼le hěn duō jīnglì | I've put in a lot of work on this matter.

yǎnjiè 眼界 n. field of vision/view; outlook| Zhè ràng wǒ dàkāi ∼ | This has really opened my eyes

Conjunctions in Chinese

并列 bìngliè juxtaposition

承接 chéngjiē continuance

转折 zhuǎnzhé transition

因果 yīn-guǒ cause and effect

选择 xuǎnzé selection

假设 jiǎshè presumption

比较 bǐjiào comparison

让步 ràngbù concession

并列 bìngliè: 和hé、跟gēn、与 yǔ、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至。

承接 chéngjiē: 则、乃、就 jiù、而、于是yúshì、至于、说到shuōdào、此外、像、如 rú、一般、比方 bǐfang

转折 zhuǎnzhé: 却、但是dànshì、然而、而、偏偏、只是zhǐshì、不过bùguò、至于、致、不料、岂知

因果 yīn-guǒ: 原来 yuánlái、因为 yīnwèi、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致

选择 xuǎnzé: 或(或者)huò(huòzhě)、抑、非…即、不是…就是bùshì…jiùshì

假设 jiǎshè: 若、如果 rúguǒ 、若是、假如、假使、倘若、要是 yàoshi 、譬如

比较 bǐjiào: 像、好比、如同、似乎 sìhū 、等于;不如bùrú 、不及;与其…不如、若…则、虽然…可是 suīrán…kěshì

让步 ràngbù: 虽然 suīrán 、固然、尽管、纵然、即使


hé 和 ◆conj. And

gēn 跟 ◆conj. And | Wǒ ∼ ²tā shì qīnqi. She and I are related.

yǔ 与 ◆conj. and; together with 父亲与母亲

jiù 就 ◆conj. even if

yī…jiù… 一…就… as soon as。如:他下课后就到图书馆去了

yúshì 于是 thereupon; hence; consequently; as a result

shuōdào 说到 speak of; mention; refer to; as to

rú 如 conj. if; supposing

bǐfang 比方 | dǎ ge ∼, ... for instance, ...

dànshì 但是 conj. but; however; yet; still | Hǎo shì hǎo, ∼ tài guì le. It's good alright, but it's too expensive.

zhǐshì 只是 ◆conj. however; but then | Wǒ yě xiǎng qù, ∼ méi shíjiān. I'd also like to go, but I don't have time.

bùguò 不过 conj. but; however; only

yuánlái 原来 n. ①originally; formerly ②as a matter of fact | ∼ shì nǐ ya! So it's you!

yīnwèi 因为 conj. because; for; on account of | Tā méi huíjiā shì ∼ nǐ. He did not go home because of you.

huòzhě 或者 ◆conj. or; either...or...

不是…就是 bùshì…jiùshì if not A, then B; either A or B | ∼ nǐ cuò, jiùshi tā cuò. Either you or he is wrong.

rúguǒ 如果 conj. If

yàoshi 要是 conj. if; suppose; in case- | ∼ xiàyǔ wǒmen jiù bù qù yóuyǒng le. If it rains, we won't go swimming.

sìhū 似乎 adv. it seems; as if; seemingly | Tā ∼ bù zhīdao zhè ²jiàn ²shì. He doesn't seem to know about this.

bùrú 不如 v. be unequal/inferior to | Xīn de ¹shèjì ∼ jiù de. The new design isn't as good

as the old one. ◆conj. it would be better to | ∼ wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu. It would be better if we go together.


suīrán 虽然 conj. though; although ◆cons. <b>∼ A kěshi B</b> although A (nevertheless) B

Modal Verbs

yuànyi* 愿意 aux. be willing wish; want | Nǐ ① ② ∼ jiù lái ba. You may come if you wish.


kěnéng 可能 aux. probably; maybe| Wo ∼ gǎnmào le. I may have a cold. n. possibility◆ ①

②〈lg.〉 contingency

[possible;probable] 真正不表示态度的文艺,事实上是不可能的 [probably;maybe;perhap] 他可能不知你来[can;will] 那可能是真的

[possibility;probability] 不相信有发生惨剧的可能

huì* 会 ① can; be able to | Wǒ huì yòng kuàizi. I can use chopsticks. be good at; be skillful② in be likely/sure to | Tā ③ ∼ lái de. He will come.

néng 能 aux. can; be able to; be capable of | Zhèi ³liàng chē ∼ mài duōshao ²qián? How much can I sell this car for?

nénggòu 能够 aux. can; be able to; be capable of | Zhè ⁴zuò fángzi ∼ zhù sì ge rén. This house can accomodate four people.这个问题他能够解决今天下午的会议我们都能够参加

yīngdāng 应当 aux. should; ought to


yīnggāi* 应该 aux. should; ought to; must | Wǒmen ∼ jìnkuài bàojǐng. We should call the police as soon as possible.



yīng* 应 [ 應 ] aux. should; ought to | Zhège wèntí ∼ shòudào zhòngshì. The problem should receive our attention.

kěyǐ* 可以 aux. can; may s.v. passable; pretty good; not bad | Tā nà zhāng zuǐ zhēn ◆ ① ∼! What a sharp tongue she has!现在你可以走了

敢 ²gǎn aux. dare; have courage to | Shàngkè nǐ ∼ wèn wèntí ma? Do you dare to ask questions in class?

děi 得 aux. must〈coll.〉 ① need | Wǒ ∼ zǒu le. I must go. should be②[will be sure to] 如:要不快走,我们就得迟到了[need] 如:这个工程得三个月才能完成

bìxū 必须 aux. must; have to | Nǐ ∼ yònggōng. You have to study hard.

bùbì* 不必 aux. need not; not have to| Nǐ kànguole jiù ∼ lái le. If you've already seen it, you don't have to come.

bìděi 必得 aux. must; have to 必得如此

yěxǔ* 也许 aux. perhaps; probably; maybe | Tā ∼ huì ¹zǎo lái. He may come early.


kǒngpà 恐怕 aux. I'm afraid; I fear | ① ∼ tài wǎn le. I'm afraid it's too late. perhaps;② probably; maybe


xūyào 需要 aux./n. need; want; require; demand | Wǒmen ∼ nǐ de bāngzhù. We need your help.

儿童们需要牛奶 经济上的需要从战争的需要出发

xūyào 须要 a ux. must; have to

yào 要 aux. shall; will; be about to b.f. must; should; need to① ◆ ①


为学彭端淑(约 1699 一约 1779年)


Tian xia shi you nan yi hu? Wei zhi, ze nanzhe yi yi yi, bu wei, ze yizhe yi nan yi.Ren zhi weixue you nan yi hu? Xue zhi, ze nanzhe yi yi yi, bu xue, ze yizhe yi nan yi.


Tianxia de shi you kunnan he rongyi de qubie ma? Zhiyao qu zuo, kunnan de shi ye bian rongyi le, ruguo bu zuo, rongyi de shi ye bian kunnan le. Renmen qiuxue you kunnan he rongyi de qubie ma? Zhiyao qu xue, kunnan de shi ye bian rongyi le, ruguo bu xue, rongyi de shi ye bian kunnan le.

tiānxià 天下 world; everywhere under heaven

wéi 为 v. do; accomplish

kùnnan 困难 n. difficulty; problem

róngyì 容易 easy | Zhè ∼ yǐnqǐ wùhuì. This is likely to cause misunderstanding.


qūbié 区别 v. distinguish; differentiate n. distinction; difference; differentiation ◆|Tāmen zhījiān méiyǒu ∼. There's no difference between them.

qiúxué 求学 v.o. study; attend school| Tā zài guówài ∼. He's studying abroad.

四川的边境有两个和尚,其中一个贫穷,一个富有。穷和尚告诉富和尚:“我要去南海,怎么样?”富和尚说:“你凭着什么去?”穷和尚说:“我有一个水瓶子和一个饭碗就足够了。”富和尚说:“我几年来一直想坐船去南海,还没去成呢。你凭着什么去?”到了第二年,穷和尚从南海回来,把事情告诉了富和尚,富和尚感到惭愧了。Sichuan de bianjing you liang ge heshang, qizhong yi ge pinqiong, yi ge fuyou. Qiong heshang gaosu fu heshang : “wo yao qu Nanhai, zenme yang?” fu heshang shuo : “ni pingzhe shenme qu ?” Qiong heshang shuo : “wo you yi ge shuipingzi he yi ge fanwan jiu zugou le.” Fu heshang shuo : „wo ji nian lai yizhi xiang zuo chuan qu Nanhai, hai mei qu cheng ne. Ni pingzhe shenme qu ?” Dao le di er nian, qiong heshang cong Nanhai huilai, ba shiqing gaosu le fu heshang, fu heshang gan dao cankui le.

biānjìng 边境 n. border; frontier

héshang 和尚 n. Buddhist monk

qízhōng 其中 in / among (it/them/which/etc.)| Zhè ∼ yǒu hěn duō mìmì. There's a lot of secret in it.

pínqióng 贫穷 poor; needy| Zhèngfǔ shèfǎ bāngzhù ∼ dìqū tuōpín. The government tries to help poor areas out of poverty.

fùyǒu 富有 be rich / wealthy

Nán Hǎi 南海 South China Sea

píngzhe 凭着 v. rely / depend on

shuǐpíngzi 水瓶子 n. water bottle

fànwǎn 饭碗 n. rice bowl

zúgòu 足够 adv. sufficiently; enough; fully; amply | Zhèxiē cài ∼ shí ge rén chī. hese dishes are enough for ten people.

zuòchuán 坐船 v.o. take or go by a boat

cánkuì 惭愧 ashamed| Wò gǎndào hěn ∼. I am ashamed.


Sichuan li Nanhai bu zhidao you ji qian liyuan. Youqian de heshang bu neng dao, meiyou qian de heshang que keyi daoda. Renmen yao shuli zhixiang, nandao buru qiong heshang ma? Suoyi congming he caineng, ji keyi yikao, you bu keyi yikao, ziji kaozhe congming yu minjie er bu nuli xuexi de ren, jiu hui shibai.

què 却 adv. but; yet

shùlì 树立 v. set up; establish


| Tā géi wómen ∼le yī ge xuéxí de bǎngyàng. He set up a learning model for us.

zhìxiang 志向 n. aspiration; ideal; ambition

nándào 难道 v.p. Is it possible that...?; | ∼ zhè shì bànbudào de ma? You mean this can't be done?

bùrú 不如 v. be unequal / inferior to| Xīn de shèjì ∼ jiù de. The new design isn't as good as the old one.

cáinéng 才能 n. ability; talent

yīkào 依靠 v. rely / depend on| Yào ∼ zìjǐ. Rely on yourself.Jì …A... yòu ... B... both A and B

mǐnjié 敏捷 quick; nimble; agile| Tā qīshí suì le, dòngzuò hái hěn ∼. He's seventy but is still nimble.

shībài 失败 n./v.fail| Shíyàn ∼ le. The experiment failed.


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