
Tank Terminal Solutions


Passion for Performance in Partnership

Synchronization, Coordination and Optimization in your Tank Terminal

A bulk liquid or gas storage facility can only operate successfully if the processes are safe, secure, reliable, efficient, and - last

but not least - compliant with the applying regulations and licenses to operate.

E’vita® (Egemin Vertically Integrated Tank terminal Automation) is Egemin’s all-inclusive automation solution, based on a state

of the art architecture, for integrating automation processes with high-level ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) in

tank terminal plants.

E’vita® was developed to automate and direct shipments from a higher level and it allows you to synchronize, coordinate and

optimize your product movement operations and data communication in your tank terminal.

Measure, Monitor and Manage

Crucial to stay in control is to be able to measure and monitor. The E’vita® terminal management and automation system helps

to acquire adequate information from the terminal on a real-time basis Through this all users are continuously informed on the

status of the terminal and its operations and it helps users to make decisions.

E’vita® will also streamline terminal operations by offering workflow management for different terminal activities, reducing the

risk of spills, contamination and other risks. At the same time E’vita® will assist in reducing the number of personnel active in

the field.

Process Control Security

The E’vita® system is set up according to the ISA99 standard for Process Control Security, including user management, data

protection, and remote access. E’vita® ensures high integrity data that are tamper free and available to those who need the

information, local or remote.

Stay in Control

Enhance your terminal by

automating your

terminal processes

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T +31 183 626 633 | F +31 183 627 |

Process Automation division

Egemin NV - International HeadquartersBaarbeek 1 | BE-2070 Zwijndrecht

T +32 3 641 12 12 | F +32 3 641 13 |

Copyright 2012 © Egemin International NV PA/TTS/M-CS/001/EN – version 2.0

All rights and changes reserved.The information and specifications in this document

may be modified without prior notice.Passion for Performance in Partnership

Handling Automation ■ Life Sciences ■ Process Automation ■ Infra Automation


The E’vita® terminal management and automation system creates the link between the real-time operations environment and

the transactional ERP layer. It supports the translation of sales orders into production orders and in return on-line information

for invoicing, customs, transport documents etc. in the correct form and protocol to the different systems used.

E’vita® offers a modern data platform that is able to communicate with new and existing equipment in the field, like weighing

bridges, custody transfer flow meters, access control and process control systems, as well as with ERP systems and

connections to remote applications like customs or slot planning.

Enhanced Terminal Operations

Besides management of the first line operational activities, the E’vita® system provides additional functionalities to enhance

your terminal operations, e.g. Energy Management. It assists in avoiding energy consumption peaks, definition of the optimum

working point for movements and finding potential trouble before it finds you.

Synergy between Technology and Experience

E’vita® offers today’s technology combined with the 20 years’ experience of Egemin Automation in designing and building of

terminal software solutions. This results in a solution that offers:

BTM - Business Transaction Module » Inventory management » Operational order preparation » Invoicing

OMM - Order Manager Module » Creation of operational orders » Compartment calculation of trucks » Blending (Batch, In Line) » Load plan processing

BCM - Business Communications Module » Interface to ERP systems for automatic load order processing

through XML, flat file communication and database table transfer

RDM - Report & Document Module » Bill of loading – CMR – Customs Clearance documents –

Dangerous Goods Declaration – Tremcards - .. » Loading summary & detail report – Average loading reports –

Weighing reports - ...

Administration Core » Data storage of actions performed by operators, drivers,

dispatchers, loading details & schedules, tank & transport information, etc.

» Definition of customers, drivers, products / materials, tank information

» One unique interface for operators, dispatchers and management to access E’vita® information

» Slot planning interface » Easy maintenance over the internet

Operations Core » Communication with field devices: weighbridges, presets,

access control, DCS & PLC systems, tank inventory systems over TCP/IP, serial communication, UDP

» Vendor-independent OPC UA Client for communication with nearly any device

» OPC – UA server

» ISA95 & ISA99 compliancy (functionality of the

solution & data integrity and security in the system).

» A modular system enabling seamless sizing of the


» Connectivity to vintage serial protocols as well as web-

based remote applications.

» Brand independent connectivity to equipment, control

systems and business applications.

» A variety of different user interfaces in the field as well

as the office.

» Optimum between common of the shelf components

where possible and customized parts where needed.

Surplus Value

» Using E’vita® reduces your total cost (TCO) while at the same time increasing the safety and flexibility of your facility.

» E’vita® enables you to increase your output and better utilize the full capacity of your terminal. Loading and unloading of

incoming and outgoing products is also faster, safer and more reliable. Manual intervention becomes less common.

» With E’vita® you can also integrate your process automation with your ERP system, enabling you to synchronize,

coordinate and optimize product movements and data communication in your tank terminal.

» The E’vita® system is stable and there are modules which can be used for communication with other systems such as

entry control, time registration, weighbridge systems, etc. Besides the system is multilingual executed for the user.

E’vita® Features

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