Tamra hepatoprotective rs015_gdg

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preparation, physico- chemical analysis and comparitive experimental study of tamra bhasma and somanathiya tamra bhasma w.s.r. To hepato protective activity - dr. Rudrakshi p. Devaragudi, Department of rasashastra, Post graduate studies and research center, Shri D. G. Melmalagi Ayurvedic Medical College, Gadag







Dissertation Submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences,

Karnataka, Bangalore.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of



Under the guidance of

Dr. M.C. PATIL M.D.(Ayu) Professor & HOD Dept. of Rasashastra

and Co-guidance of

Dr. JAGADEESH G. MITTI, M.D. (Ayu), Lecturer, P.G.Dept. of Rasashastra


GADAG – 582103 2007



Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Karnataka,



I here by declare that this dissertation / thesis entitled “Preparation, Physico-

Chemical Analysis and Comparitive Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepato Protective Activity” is a bonafide and

genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr.M.C. Patil,

M.D.(Ayu), (Rasashastra), Professor & HOD, Post graduate department of Rasashastra

and under the Co-guidance of Dr. Jagadeesh.G. Mitti, M.D. (Rasashastra). Lecturer,

Post graduate department of Rasashastra.

Date: Place: Gadag. Dr.Rudrakshi P. Devaravugudi



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Preparation, Physico-

Chemical Analysis and Comparitive Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepato Protective Activity” is a bonafide

research work done by Dr. Rudrakshi P. Devaravugudi. in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Ayurveda Vachaspathi. M.D (Rasashastra).

Date: Place: Gadag. Guide

Dr. M.C. PATIL M.D.(Ayu) Professor & HOD Dept. of Rasashastra, Post Graduate Research Center D.G.A.M.C. Gadag




This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Preparation, Physico-

Chemical Analysis and Comparitive Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepato Protective Activity” is a bonafide

research work done by Dr. Rudrakshi P. Devaravugudi. in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Ayurveda Vachaspathi. M.D (Rasashastra).

Date: Co Guide

Place: Gadag. Dr. Jagadeesh G. Mitti, M.D. (Rasashastra). Lecturer,

Postgraduate department of Rasashastra.



This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Preparation, Physico- Chemical

Analysis and Comparitive Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya

Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepato Protective Activity” is a bonafide research work

done by Dr. Rudrakshi P. Devaravugudi. under the guidance of DR. M.C. Patil

M.D. (Rasashastra), Professor & H.O.D, Postgraduate department of Rasashastra and

co-guidance of Dr. Jagadeesh G. Mitti, M.D. (Rasashastra), lecturer, Postgraduate

department of Rasashastra.

DR. M.C.Patil, M.D. (Rasashastra) Dr. G. B. Patil. Professor & H.O.D, Principal.

Post graduate department of Rasashastra. D.G.M.A.M.C, GADAG.


Date: Place: Gadag


Declaration by the candidate

I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,

Karnataka shall have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this

dissertation / thesis in print or electronic format for academic / research


Date: Signature of Scholar

Place: Gadag

Dr. Rudrakshi P. Devaravugudi.

© Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.


I salute to Lord Gavisiddeshwara and His Holiness Shri Abhinav

Gavisiddeshwara Swamiji to have bestowed their blessings through out my carrier.

I express my heartfelt obligations to my honorable guide Dr. M C Patil MD (Ayu)

Professor and HOD, PG Dept of Rasashastra, DGMAMC, Gadag, for his critical

suggestions, guidance, and encouragement at every stage in the accomplishment of

this work.

I am greatful and obliged to my co-guide Dr Jagadeesh G. Mitti MD (Ayu)

Lecturer, PG Dept of Rasashastra, DGMAMC, Gadag, under whose guidance and

inspiration I have been able to complete this work.

My sincere gratitudes to Dr G. N. Danappagoudar, Lecturer, PG Dept of

Rasashastra, DGMAMC, Gadag, for his valuable information in bringing out this


I offer my sincere thanks to Dr RKGacchinmath, Professor and HOD, UG

Dept of Rasashastra, DGMAMC, Gadag, for his constant support and valuable


Humble thanks to Late. Dr Dilipkumar B, Asst Professor, PG Dept of

Rasashastra, DGMAMC, Gadag, for his valuable suggestions and critical views.

I am happy to convey my deep sense of gratitude to Dr G B Patil Principal,

PGS & RC, DGMAMC, Gadag, for his encouragement and providing facilities during

this research work worthwhile.

I take this opportunity to thank Dr. Shashikantha Nidgundi, Lecturer, PG Dept

of Dravyaguna, D.G.M.A.M.C. and Mr. Inamadar, Lecturer K.L.E’s College of

Pharmacy, Gadag for their Kind Co-Operation and help in experimental work.

I express my earnest gratitude to Dr Mulugund, Dr Sankh, Dr KSR Prasad,

Dr Shettar, Dr Belawadi, Dr Mulkipatil and Dr Samudri for their great co-operation.

I ackwoledge my sincere thanks to Dr. B.S. Savadi Principal, S.J.G. A.M.C.

Koppal for their Heart felt co-operation and advice.

I extend my gratitude to Shri V.M. Mundinmani Librarian D.G.M.A.M.C

Gadag and H.R. Vishweshwaraih Librarian S.J.G.A.M.C. Koppal for providing the

required books during the study.


With pleasure I extend my sincere gratitude to Dr S.D. Yarageri RMO, Smt P.K.

Belwadi, Smt Sarangmath, Tippanagoudar, Biradar, Smt Ekbote, Shri Karur & Smt.

Shamshad for their co-operation and help during the study.

I am always at rememberance of Teaching & Non teaching Staff of SJG AMC

Koppal whose encouragement is the result of my present work.

I am ever thankful to my intimate friends Dr. Jayashree. S. Dr. Suma, Dr.

Kattimani, Dr. Shivaleela Kudari, Dr. Ashwini, Dr. Shalini, Dr. Katariki, Dr.

Kamalakshi, Dr. Kalayani, Dr. Payappagoudar, Dr. Madhushree who stood with me

all the way at my turmoil.

I am thankful to my seniors Dr. Ganti, Dr. Pradeep, Dr. Sobagin, Dr.

Saswihalli, Dr. Anitha, Dr. Suvarna, Dr. Sharnu, Dr. Anand, Dr. Teggi for their kind


I am also thankful to my my junior friends Dr. Anupama, Dr. Kavitha, Dr.

Sarvamangala, Dr. Shivakumar, Dr. Ravi, Dr. Gorphade, Dr. Jadhva, Dr. Deepa, Dr.

Praveen, Dr. Hiremath, Dr. Veena, Dr. Vijayalakxhmi, Dr. Mukta, Dr. C.C. Hiremath,

Dr. Savitha for their support and affection.

I extend my regards to my Sisters, Brothers, Uncles and Aunties for their love

and affection.

This work remains incomplete without mentioning my Husband Mr Shambu.

V. Channashetti and my Daughter Shripriya whose love and affection has brought me

up to this altitude, I am greatful to them.

I express my thanks all those who have helped me directly and indirectly with

apologies for my inability to identify them individually.

Finally I dedicate my whole effort to my beloved parents Mr P.S. Devaragudi

and Mrs Kasturi Devaragudi who are the driving force behind all my fruitful



Place: Dr Rudrakshi P. Devaragudi.



1. A.P Ayurveda Prakasha

2. B.P. Bhava Prakasha

3. B.R Bhaishaja Ratnavali

4. Dh.N. Dhanwantri Nighantu

5. R.J.N Rasa Jala Nidhi

6. R.K.D. Rasakamadenu

7. R.Ni Raja Nighantu

8. R.T. Rasa Tarangini

9. R.C Rasendra Chudamani

10. R.K. Rasa Ratnakara

11. R.S.S Rasendra Sara Sangra

12. R.H.T. Rasa Hridaya Tantra

13. R.Mr. Rasamrutha.

14. R.P.S. Rasa Prakasha Sudhakar

15. R.R.S. Rasa Rathna Samuchaya

23. Y.R. Yoga Ratnakar

24. NPST Namburi Phased Spot Test

25. SGPT Serum Glutamic Pyruvate Transaminase

26. SGOT Serum Glutamic Oxalacetate Transaminase

27. ALP Alkaline Phosphatase

28. T- Bil Total Bilirubin

29. Alb Serum albumin

30. CCl4 Carbon Tetra chloride

31. TB Tamra Bhasma

32. STB Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

33. BBR Bharat Baishjya Ratnakara



Rasoushadihis are unique formulations, which are easily administered,

assimilated and absorbed in the body and quick in action. Tamra bhasma is one such

preparation used in Rasashastra. But Tamra bhasma prepared form ashudda and

asamyak shodhita Tamra has great toxic effects, which have been explained as

ashtadoshas. On the contrary well prepared Tamra bhasma has the qualities like

Pandu, Yakrit-pleeha roga, Amlapitta and Pramehara. It indicates that the use of

vishadravya after proper shodhana gives an added efficacy to a Rasoushadhi.

In present days because of changed life style many people have the habits of

consuming alcohol, self medication (analgesics, antibiotics, sedatives) and eating

unwholesome food. These are all the prime causes for hepatic disorder. In developing

countries like India morality has been increased due to hepatic disorders.

In Ayurveda Yakrit is considered as seat of Ranjaka pitta, Bhutagni and moola

of Raktavaha srota, any damage to it disturbs digestive system, which is cause for all

the diseases. Hence an effective, safe hepatoguard formulation is needed for present

generation. Tamara has that quality it may fulfill this.

In classics many methods are there to prepare Tamra bhasma. Among those

two methods will be considered. To establish their therapeutic effect, Physico-

chemical analysis and experimental studies are required. Hence in present study an

effort is made to evaluate and compare the hepato protective activity of Tamra

Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra bhasma.

The whole study has been arranged in to following chapters.

01. Introduction

This part introduces the subjects by laying emphasis on its important in the

present time. Plan of study is also dealt.


02. Review of Literature

It is based on the description of Ayurveda texts & also modern,

pharmacotherapeutic properties of the Tamra, Parada, Gandaka, Haratala, Manashila,

Taila, Takra, Gomutra, Arnala, Kulathakwatha, Kanji, Haridara, Nimbuswarsa,

Saindhava lavana, Godugdha, Grutha, Dadhi, Madhu & Sita description of Liver

disorder is also dealt.

03. Methodology

a) Pharmaceutical study: This Chapter includes the relation of raw materials,

Shodhana of Tamra, Marana of Tamra & Amrutakarana of Tamra.

b) Analytical study: This Chapter includes the organoleptic & Chemical analysis of

Tamra Bhasma & Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

c) Experimental study: This includes the comparative experimental study of Tamra

Bhasma & Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma on albino rats w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective


04. Results

In this part the results obtained are systematically presented, which include

data related to response to treatment.

05. Discussion

In this chapter observation, findings and results of various studies have been

found out with possible explanation for its effects.

06. Conclusion

The essence of the whole study is mentioned in this chapter.

07. Summary

It contain the information of the overall work in a nut shell.



Sl No Index Page No

1 Introduction 1-3

2 Aims and Objectives 4

3 Drug Review 5-60

4 Disease Review 61-82

5 Methodology 83-129

6 Results 130-138

7 Discussion 139-145

8 Conclusion 146-147

9 Summary 148-149

10 Bibliography I - XV



Sl No

Tables Page N0

01 Paryayas of Tamra 11-12 02 Rasa of Tamra 15 03 Guna of Tamra 15 04 Virya of Tamra 15 05 Vipaka of Tamra 16 06 Karma of Tamra 16 07 Ashudda Tamra Doshas 18 08 Vishesha Shodhana of Tamra 20-21 09 Various drugs used in Tamra Shodhana 21-22 10 Varitions in the preparation of Somanathiya Tamra bhasma 26 11 Bheda of Paryayas on the basis of Rupa, Guna, Utapatti 39 12 Bheda of Parada depending on the Varna 40 13 Bheda of Parada depending on the Utapatti sthana 40 14 Paryayas of Gandhaka 45 15 Gandhaka Shodhana 47 16 Ashudda Manashila Sevanajanya Doshas 56 17 Manashila Shodhana 56-57 18 Showing Correlation between Ranjaka pitta and bile 64 19 Showing Principles alterations of Hepatic morphology

produced by some commonly used drugs and chemicals. 76-77

20 Laboratory evaluation of Liver disease 82 21 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Tila taila 86 22 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Takra 88 23 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Gomutra 90 24 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Aranala 91 25 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Kulattha kwatha 94 26 Result of Tamra Vishesha shodhana in kanji 95 27 Result of Gandhaka Shodhana 99 28 Temperature chart 107 29 Temperature chart 111 30 Showing Analysis of Tamara Bhasma & Somanathiya

Tamra Bhasma by Ancient method 113-114

31 Showing Experimental Protocol 126 32 Showing summary of Biochemical values of all groups 130 33 Intermediate calculations Anova table SGPT 133 34 One way analysis of variation (Anova) 133 35 Intermediate calculations Anova table SGOT 134 36 One way analysis of variation (Anova) 134 37 Intermediate calculations Anova table ALP 134 38 One way analysis of variation (Anova) 134 39 Intermediate calculations Anova table T. Bil 135 40 One way analysis of variation (Anova) 135 41 Intermediate calculations Anova table Albumin 135 42 One way analysis of variation (Anova) 135


43 Showing the comparison of effect of toxic group with treated groups (By means of t values)



Sl. No Graphs Page No 1 Mean SGPT of all the groups 131 2 Mean SGOT of all the groups 131 3 Mean ALP of all the groups 132 4 Mean T-Bil of all the groups 132 5 Mean Albumin of all the groups 133 6 Comparison between Biochemical parameters of

G2 and G3 136

7 Comparison between Biochemical parameters of G2 and G4


8 Comparison between Biochemical parameters of G3 and G4



Sl. No Photographs 1 Raw and prepared drugs 2 Pharmaceutical procedures 3 NPST 4 Experimental procedures 5 Histopathology of Liver




Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Research is a scientific and unbiased study, investigation or experimentation

in order to establish facts and analyse their significance. Research is done for

establishing new facts, reconfirming old facts or correcting and modifying them.

Research is to find out truth through new light on old facts, concepts and practices.

There is sample proof that appropriate research was done even at the time, when

original Ayurvedic compendia's were written, rightly highlighted by Charaka as -

'Parikshya Kareno hi Kushala Bhavanti'.Classics pinpoint the importance attached

to 'Research' in Ayurveda. Rasashasta is a very prominent example of research in

Ayurveda. Research work is the only means for the development of any branch of

science. Rasashastra is not an exemption to it. Moreover, Rasashastra having an

antique background has lost its continuity at several places due to several reasons. The

discontinuity leads to misconception regarding earlier procedures and principles.

Later, scholars and commentators tried to fulfill the lacunae to some extent; still the

present generation is in dilemma regarding the precious concepts explained in

Rasashastra due to over shadow of modern science. Research work is only away to

procure the necessary knowledge to re-link this discontinuity.

Rasa Shastra deals with various pharmaceutical process of Shodhana, Marana

and other different formulatory methods viz Parpati, Potali, Kupipakva rasayana. Out

of these Bhasmas are more commonly used for treatment purpose. Bhasmas are

unique preparations, which are prepared by Puta system, which is categorically,


different kinds of putas (incineration processes) for different kinds of metals and




Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

according to their physical and chemical characters. By the process of Marana by


puta paka metals and minerals get converted into the form of Bhasma (organometallic

compounds) becomes micro fine form.

Rasa Shastra highlights Tamra in duel forms i.e. Dhatu Vada and Deha Vada

even, later during the budding of Chikista Vada itself Tamra was signified and to

make it a homologous to the body the various methods were attributed by various

Acharyas and almost all of them have praised the processing of Tamra with Parada for

the desired action in the human body – Healthy or Diseased. Information available on

Tamra from coinage period to 20th century self indicate its importance through-out,

past, present and future.

Liver is the vital organ of the human body involved in function such as

metabolism, secretion and storage. Apart from these it detoxifies a variety of drugs

and xenobiotics. In the present day the liver is the organ that is abused to the

maximum extend.

Indiscriminate use of synthetic drugs like tetracycline, paracetmol, anti

tubercular drugs, oral contraceptives of harmonal origin, chemical used as food

preservative, and agrochemicals are threatening the liver. Further addiction to alcohol

and other drugs have aggravated the problem. Under nutrition and malnutrition are the

other important causes of liver damage especially in a country like India. Thus it has

become double burden for liver it has to perform not only the physiological function

but also to protect itself against the hazards of harmful drugs and drug abuse.

What ever is taken orally or parentrally has to pass through the liver. Liver

cells will gets destroyed while protecting the body this leads to manifestation of

disease of liver like infective hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver, toxic hepatitis and



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

degenerative diseases of liver.inspite of tremendous scientific advancement in the

filed of hepatology the modern medicine is clueless in finding out an effective drug

against hepetotoxicity. There are plenty of medicines in Ayurvedic literature, which

are efficient hepatoprotecters many of them have already been proven through

experimental and clinical evaluation. Tamra Bhasma, Shankha Bhasma etc are a few

among them.

Despite the extra ordinary capacity of regeneration of this organ slight injuries

may lead to fatal complication detailed discriptions on liver disorders and their

management are given by all the three prominent Acharyas of Ayurveda – Caraka,

Susrutha and Vagbhatta.

Tamra is an important drug which is found in many hepatoprotective

formulations, like Lokanatha rasa of Baishajya Ratnavali, pleehari rasa of Rasendra

Sara Sangraha, Arogyardhini vati of Rasa Ratna Samuchya. Tamra is explained as the

best medicine for rakta vikara, and yakruth (liver) is the moola sthana of rakthavaha

srothas. A drug that pasifies rakta vikaras should perform the same effect in cases of

yakrit vikaras too, becauses the adhistana of rakta is yakrit.

After considering all the facts use of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra

Bhasma, these drugs are taken up for the present study in experimental trials. In this

present work an attempt has been made to evaluate and to establish the

hepatoprotective action of the drugs and its efficacy as a single drug in the

management of liver disorders.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Aims and Objectives

1) Samanya Shodhana of Tamra.

2) Vishesha Shodhana of Tamra.

3) Preparation of Tamra Bhasma.

4) Preparation of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

5) Physico chemical analysis of Tamra Bhasma.

6) Physico chemical analysis of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

7) Comparative experimental study of Tamara Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamara

Bhasma w.s.r. Hepato Protective Activity.

Review of Literature


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


As a matter of fact, research is a continous process in which first and foremost

step is a thorough historical review prior to dealing with the subject matter. Tamra is

an age old metal of coinage also named as copper age and its presence in all the ages

signifies the importance of Tamra.


• Tamra is discussed in 5/58/2 where Karkana Dharana is seen.

• Also Tamra used as ornaments 5/53/4.

• Tarma used as utensils, weapons etc. even.


• Tamra is quite evident in Yajurveda even

• Few of commentators on Yajurveda opine Loha as Tamra and Shyama as

Ayas because while explaining Rajata, Swarna etc. Loha colour minics as

Tamra Varna i.e. Aruna or Babru Varna which are found in Tamra and not in



Here clearly Tamra is explained as one among the 3 lohas i.e. Tamra, Kamsya

& Pittala which were used for ornaments & also Tamra Suchi is mentioned. 1/34/6,

1/34/7, 20/8/31

Brahmana Grantha:

Tamra Mudra was used because Tamra was Mridu and can be mould to any

shape if necessary.

Grihya Sutra:

• Tamra as Suryaloha

• Tamra for Yantra Nirmana was in practice.

Review of Literature


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Dharma Sutra:

• Tamra is considered as Pavitra.

• Gautamadi Rishis made a rule for Yajna that the vessels should be of Tamra

this is most sacred.


• In Varahs Purana – Tamra Utpatti is explained.

• In Devi Bhagavata – Common man used Tamra.

Smriti Yuga:

• In Manu Smriti for measurements like Karsha, Para etc. use of only copper

vessels are explained.

• Also Tamra Patra cleansing is told by the use of Kshara – 5/114

Charaka Samhita:

• Bahya & Abhyantara Prayoga of Tamra is explained.

• For Visha Chikitsa

• Co related moorkha vaidya with Tamra visha. Opines moorkha vaidya is

dangerous than Tamra visha.

• For Hrd Shuddhi after Vamana

• Also found scattered information throughout the text, few of them are –

Charaka Sutra – 1/70, 1/131, 1/132, 5/74.Charaka Sharira – 3/16, Charaka

Indriya – 1/18, Charaka Chikista – 1/3/47, 49;1/3/58; 1/4/22; 7/117,118;

17/125; 21/131; 23/267,269; 26/246; 26/254,255. Charaka Siddhi – 3/7.

Sushruta Samhita:

• Rasa, Guna, Virya etc. are explained in Su. Su 46/327,

Review of Literature


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

• As Rasanjana to increase Dristi Bala etc. Sh. Su 18/85 also other references of

Tamra in Sushruta Samhita are found scattered through out three text of them

are: Sushruta Samhita Sushruta Sutra: 45/13; Sushruta Chikista: 12/9; 18/19;

19/20.Sushruta Uttara: 11/5; 12/3; 12/6; 13/7; 12/8; 12/10; 12/11; 12/12;

12/14; 15/11; 17/38; 17/43; 18/7; 18/30, 3; 42/25.

Ashtanga Sangraha:

• In Sutra 12 Tamra rasa, Guna, Virya, Karma and Rogagnata are explained.

• Also scattered information is seen throughout the book.

Harita Samhita:

• In the form of Shikhi Pichcha and Kamsya even is explained.

• Also reference of Tamra in Prathama Sthana 5/38 & 5/41, 42 and in Tritiya

Sthana 7/42.Also similarly references in Kashyapa Samhita and Bhava

Prakasha also are quite evident.

Kautilya Arthashastra:

• Seven Dhatus are mentioned – among that Tamra is one.

• Akiradhyaksha (Treasurer) was suppose to protect Tamra along with gold &


Jaina Period:

• Mining of Tamra is mentioned.

• Melting of Tamra was known.

• Seraka and Savaraka worked for progress of metals including Tamra.


Books like Rasarnava, Rasa Hridaya Tantra etc. which are considered as the

oldest classic in these texts Tamra is used in Dhatu Vidya but oral administration of

Review of Literature


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Tamra is not very clear, but they have mentioned about the Bhasma in the text

suggests they knew the techniques of Bhasmikarana.

Later during 12th century as in Rasendra Chudamani Tamra Bhedha, Shresta

Tamra lakshana, Shodhana & Marana are explained. Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma a

special method of preparing Tamra Bhasma with parade etc. is explained possibily for

the first time. In later Granthas of 13th on Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara and Rasa Ratna

Samuchchaya. In Rasendra Chintamani of 14th century of Dundukanatha Tamra

Bhasma Guna equating to Swarna is explained also Rajata Tamra Parpati Vidhana and

by Tamra Yoga Virya Pusthi, Dipana, Deha Dridata, Divya Drishti, Dhirgayu etc. are

explained also used in - Shoola, Amlapitta, Swayathu, Yakshma & Kushta Roga. This

explains about the oral administration as advanced in later text is evident. In

Rasapaddhathi of 16th Century. With dwiguna Gandhaka, preparing Somanathiya

Tamra Bhasma in Bhanda Yantra is explained. In 17th Century, in Ayurveda Prakasha

the Paradena Marita Tamra Bhasma as Sachandrika Yukta is explained. Also in Rasa

Kama Dhenu, Rasa Chudamani and Yoga Ratnakara detailed Tamra Shodhana,

Marana etc. are mentioned. In Yoga Ratnakara Bhasma preparation is by kupipakwa


Rasa Tarangini, Rasa Yoga Sagara and Bharata Bheshaja Ratnakara of the 20th

century explained Tamra in a separate chapter. By this method of study its quite

evident that initially Tamra was used as Dhatu Vidya then later entered by

Rasacharyas in Chikista Kshetra in various compound preparations and as many of

pharmaceutical preparations.

Historic review of copper – As a medicine in modern view:

The first recorded medical use of copper is found in the Smith Papyrus, one of

the oldest books known. The papyrus is an Egyptian medical text, written between

Review of Literature


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

2600 and 2200 B.C. which records the use of copper to sterilize chest wounds and to

sterilize drinking water. Other early reports of copper’s medicinal use are found in

the Ebres Papyrus, written around 1500 B.C. The Ebers Papyrus documents medicine

practiced in ancient Egypt and in other cultures that flourished many centuries earlier.

Copper compounds were recommended for headaches, “trembling of the limbs”

(perhaps referring to epilepsy or St. Vitus’ dance) burn wounds, itching and certain

growths in the neck, some of which were probably boils. Forms of copper used for the

treatment of disease ranged from metallic copper carbonate. It could also have been

chrysocolla, a copper silicate or even copper chloride, which forms on copper exposed

to seawater. (Historic uses of copper in medicine)

Drug Review


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity



• According to Ayurveda Tamra is considered as Shukra of Kartikeya which fell

on ground and thus the Utpatti of Tamra1.

• According to Jothishya Shastra and Parada Samhita, the Surya Kirana’s Tejo

Bhaga turned into Tamra.

• According to Varaha Purana: 7000 yrs back to the date of Varaha Purana

Tamra took its birth and the mythology says that –

A Rakshasa by name Gudakesha who was bound with a handsome body like

Tamra meditated on Lord Varaha for 14,000 yrs for which Lord Varaha was

pleased and asked for the Varan for which Gudakesha requested that he would

wish to die by the Sudarshana chakra of Lord Varaha and his body after death

should turn in to Tamra Adi Dhatu and this metals should be for any Mangalya

kara, Pavitrata and serve the Lord in all means. After this request Lord Varaha

killed Gudakesha with his Chakra on Vaishaka masa, Shukla Paksha, Dwadashi in

Abhijit Lagna and the Gudakesha’s body fell down on earth and his Mamsa turned

into Tamra, Rakta into Swarna, Asthi into Roupya and similarly many Dhatus

took their birth also by the Mala the metals like Sesa, Kamsya, Ranga, Riti etc.

took their birth on earth. Thus on this back ground of Varaha Purna Tamrotpathi

can be confirmed in regard to its Utpathi on earth on Vaishaka Masa, Shukla

Paksha Dwadashi in the Abhijit Lagna.

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Table No-1. Paryayas of Tamra2-9:

Sl.No Name R.K.




R.T R.J.


A.P. Dh






1 Ambakam + + +

2 Aravindam + +

3 Arkam +

4 Arkestam +

5 Audumbaram + +

6 Audumbaram +

7 Aunduvaram +

8 Bhaskaram +

9 Brahma Varchasam +

10 Brahmam +

11 Charavindam +

12 Dwyastam +

13 Kamalahvayam +

14 Kaniyasam +

15 Koniyasam +

16 Konyasm +

17 Lohitayasam + +

18 Markatasyam +

19 Mleccham +

20 Mlecchamukam + + + + +

21 Mlecchasyam +

22 Mlecchavaktram +

23 Mrudambaram +

24 Munipittalam +

25 Nepalakam + +

26 Nypaliyam +

27 Pavitrakam +

28 Rajeevam +

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Table No. 1 Continued

29 Raktadhatuhu +

30 Raktadhatukam + +

31 Raktakam + +

32 Raktam +

33 Raviloham +

34 Ravipriyam + + + + + +

35 Sarvaloham + +

36 ShabanaBhedakym +

37 Shulvam + + + + + + +

38 Suryagam +

39 Suryakyam +

40 Suryaloham +

41 Suryaparyaya


+ +

42 Suryestam +

43 Tamrakam +

44 Tamram + + + + + +

45 Tapanestam +

46 Trilocanam

47 Tryambakam + + + +

48 Twastram + +

49 Twistam + +

50 Udambaram + +

51 Udubaram + + + +

52 Udumbara + + + +

53 Vamnam

54 Varistam +

55 Vyastam +

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Vividha Bhasha Nama10-11

1. English – Copper

2. Kannada – Tamra, Tambra

3. Konkani – Tambe

4. Gujarati – Trambu, Tambu, Trambo

5. Tamil – Tampram, Chembu, Sembu, Senabu

6. Telugu – Ragi, Tamramu, Samba

7. Punjabi – Neeltuseya

8. Farsi – Meesa, Mees

9. Bangla – Tama, Tam, Tamba

10. Bhutani – Jang, Jamgata, Neeltokar

11. Marathi – Tambe, Tamra

12. Malayalam – Chempu, Tamram

13. Latin – Cuppram

14. Sindhi – Tamb

15. Hindi – Tamba, Tama, Tamma


As per the classics only two places Nepala and Mleccha are the praptistana’s.

Native copper occurs in nature only sparadically, the golden yellow sulphide of

copper being more commonly available. These have a coating of green malachite and

blue azurite (carbonates) which are green carbonates formed by alteration of the

sulphide. Both malachite and azurite thus often indicate the presence of enriched

sulphide below the surface.

The chief producing areas have been districts of Singhbhum (Bihar),

Jhanjhunu, Alwar and Udaipur (Rajasthan); and Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh). The

Drug Review


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

domestic production of copper metal continued to remain much short of requirement

in the country. The HCL projects, namely Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) in

Rajasthan and Indian Copper Complex (ICC) in Bihar and a copper mining – cum –

concentrator project of Malanjkhand in Madhya Pradesh. Copper, according to Indian

Bureau of Mines, was mainly consumed in cable winding wires and semis and alloys

– end use sectors, which together accounted for 82% of the total consumption in 1986.

Other important end use sectors were auto – ancillary, electricals, coinage, defence,

chemicals, railways, chemical – die – casting etc. and these together consumed 18%.

Copper also occurs in the red colouring matter (turacin) of the feathers of the

plantain eater (Touracus), & in the haemocyanin of the blood of the cutterfish, which

acts like haemoglobin as an oxygen carrier but is blue in arterial & clourless in venous

blood. Minute quantities of copper occur in plants, especially in green peas. Ordianary

bread contains 4mgm of copper per kg, potatoes 2mg. Altarous the daily consumption

of copper in food is about 1 mgm., milk has a lower copper content.

Around the World

Copper found in Michigan, corrwall, Siberia, Ural, Austrialia, Chile, etc.

Bheda and their Lakshanas13

1. Nepal

Character -- Susnigdha, Mrudula, Rakta varna, Ghanaghatakshama, Guru,

Nirvikar, Amla, Swacha Lohangudi rahita, Rasakarma poojita, Guna sresta.

2. Mlecha

Character –Ruksha, Katina, Sitha, Krishana, Aruna Yama, Athivamaka,

Ghanaghataakshama, Kshalitha cha punaha Krishna.

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Rasapanchakas of Tamra

Table No-2 Rasa of Tamra14-23

Sl.No. References Madhura Amla Lavana Katu Tikta Kashaya

1 Ayurveda Prakasha + + + +

2 Bhava Prakasha + + + +

3 Raja Nighantu + + +

4 Rasa Jala Nidhi + + + +

5 Rasa Kama Dhenu + + +

6 Rasa Ratna


+ + + +

7 Rasa Tarangini + + + +

8 Rasamritam + + + +

9 Rasendra


+ + + +

10 Siddha Prayoga


+ + + +

Table No-3 Guna of Tamra24-28

Sl no Guna Reference

1 Laghu,Sara,Snigdha. Ayurveda Prakasha, Bhava Prakasha,

Rasa Tarangini, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasamrita.

Table No-4 Virya of Tamra29-40

Sl no Shita virya Ushna virya

1 Rasajala Nidhi Rasendra Chudamani

2 Yoga Rathnakar Rasa Kama Dhenu

3 Ayurveda Prakasha Rasa Tarangini

4 Bhava Prakasha Rasa Ratna Samucchaya

5 Raja Nighantu Rasamritam

6 Sidda Prayoga Sangraha Rasendra Sara Sangraha

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Table No-5 Vipaka of Tamra41-48

Sl.No Vipaka Reference

01 Madhura Rasendra Chudamani, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya,

Siddha Yoga Sangraha.

02 Amla Sidda Bhesha Manimala

03 Katu Raja Nighantu, Ayurveda Prakasha, Bhava Prakasha, Rasa

Jala Nidhi, Rasa Tarangini,

Table No-6. Karma of Tamra49-57


Ayushyam + +






+ +

Kshut karam

Netryam + + +

Rasayana +

Ruchya + +

Ropanam + + + +

Lekhanam + + + + + + + + +

Saram +

Sarakam + + +

Deepana +

Tamra Grahya Laxana58

The Tamra, which is snigda, mridu, shona, ghanaghatakshamaka, guru &

nirvikara is Nepal variety & it is considered as shresta Tamra.

• Susnigdam suggests by touch it is slimy.

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• Mridu suggests that the metal is soft.

• Shonam suggests the appearance of copper like Rakta ie., Japakusuma Varna

• Ghanaghatakshama i.e., by hitting the metal by a hard object it turns into a

sheet like and never breaks.

• Guru suggests the heaviness of the metal.

• Nirvikara or Vikara rahita suggesting the shudda Tamra.

• Best used in Chiktsa is said to be best Tamra, suggestive of high concentrated

copper when taken for clinical trials with a nontoxic dose is best as medicinal


Tamra Agrahya Laxana59

The Tamra, which is swetha, krishna or aruna, katina, ativami, and assumes

krishna even when washed off suggests mlechha tamra which is agrahya.

• Sita, Krishna, Aruna suggests different colours of copper.

• Athi vami: After proper marana of this Tamra leads to severe vomiting.

• Kshalitha cha punaha Krishna: After washing of copper again regain black


Ashta Doshas of Tamra:

In practice, as the improper purification of copper exerts untoward effects

called as ‘ashta dosha’ like bhrama, moorcha, vidaha, sweda, kleda, vanti, aruchi,

chitasantapa so it is first purified by a procedure called general purification. Which is

described later in this chapter.

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Table No-7.Ashuddha Tamra Doshas60-70



Doshas A.P R









1 Admana +

2 Aruchi + + + + + + +

3 Ayaragnam + +

4 Balapahatvam + +

5 Bhrama + + + + + + + + + +

6 Bhranti +

7 Chittasantapa + + + +

8 Chittatapa +

9 Daha + + + + + + + + +

10 Dhatushasha +

11 Gatratapa +

12 Kantignatva + + +

13 Kledanam + +

14 Krimi x +

15 Kushtam + + +

16 Medaha + +

17 Moha +

18 Murccha + + + + + + + + + +

19 Shoola + +

20 Shosha + + +

21 Sweda + + + + +

22 Udara +

23 Utkleda + + + + + +

24 Utklesha + +

25 Vami + + + + + + + + + +

26 Virekah + + + + +

27 Viryapahatwa + +

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Also in few contexts of the various texts Tamra is explained as Visha or even

more than a Visha. Henceforth Shodhana is absolutely necessary.

Tamra Shodhana

Before going for Marana, a prime important processing known as Tamra

Shodhana is a must as the available Tamra may have few of adulterants, alloys,

foreign bodies etc. in it which might cause ill effect. So by considering them most of

the Acharyas have mentioned various shodhana processes.

Sodhana is of two kinds: (1) Samanya Sodhana; 2) Vishesha Sodhana

Samanya Shodhana

• All Dhatus are heated and quenched for 7 times successively in Taila, Takra,

Gomutra, Aranala and Kulattha Kwatha71.

• All Dhatus are heated and quenched for 7 times successively in Taila, Takra,

Gomutra, Konji and Ravidugda72.

• All Dhatus are heated and quenched for 7 times in the following order as

Takra, Kanji, Gomutra, Tilataila and Kulattha Kwatha73.

• All Dhatus heated and quenched for 7 times in Kadalimoola Swarasa74.

Vishesha Shodhana of Tamra

As per the opinion of many Rasacharaya’s even after Samanya Shodhana it

should be processed with Vishesha Shodhana for enhancing its properties. By

processing with specific media or drugs specific Dosha Nirharana is been explained as

mentioned herewith.

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Table No-8. Vishesha shodhana of Tamra

Reference Drugs Procedure

Rasarnava 7/106 Snuhi Ksheer, Arka

Ksheer, Lavana, Kshara,

Amla Lepa

Agni Pratapta and Nirgundiras


Rasa Hridaya Tantra 9/13 Lavana, kshara,

amlavarga, snahiksheera,

arkaksheera, lepa.

Agni Pratapta and Nirgundiras


Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya


Ksharamla Agni Pratapta and Dalana into

Mahishi Takra for 7 times

Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya


Saindhava lavana and

Nimbu rasa

Agni Pratapta and Nirgundiras


Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya


Gomutra Swedana for 3 hours

Rasendra Sara Sangraha


Gomutra Swedana for 3 hours

Rasendra Sara Sangraha


Saindhava lavana, Arka

Dugdha lepa

Agni Pratapta and Nirgundiras


Rasendra Chudamani 14/45 Ksharatraya & Nimbu

rasa lepana

Melt it in moosha and add

gairika. Nirvapa in mahishi

takra mixed with gomaya

repeat it for 7 times

Rasendra Chudamani 14/47 Saindhava lavana &

Nimbu rasa lepana

Agni Pratapta and Nirgundiras

Nimajjana for 8 times

Rasendra Chudamani 14/46 Saindhava lavana &

Nimbu rasa lepana

Agni Pratapta and kanji for 8


Rasendra Chudamani


Ksheera & tintidi Phala

Kalka, Lavana, Nimbu


Swedana for 3 hoursAgni

Pratapta and Nirgundiras

Nimajjana for 7 times

Bhava Prakasha 3/118 Snuhi Ksheer, Arka

Ksheer, Saindhava lavana

Agni Pratapta and Nimajjana

in Nirgundi Swarasa for 3


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Table No. 8 Continued

Rasa Kaumudi 3/2 Amla Kshara, Snuhi

Ksheera, Dhatura,

Chitraka, Triphala

Kwatha, Gomutra

Agni Pratapta and Nimajjana

for 7 times each

Rasa Tarangini 17/12 Changeri Patra Swarasa Pratapta and Nimajjana

Rasa Tarangini 17/13 Nirgundi Swarasa Swedana for 1 day

Rasa Tarangini 17/14 Saindhava Lavana, Kanji Swedana for 1 day

Rasa Tarangini 17/15 Snuhi Dugdha, Saindhava

Lavana, Lepa

Agni Pratapta and Nimajjana

in Nirgundi Swarasa for 7


Rasa Tarangini 17/17 Saindava Lavana 1/8th

part, Gomutra

Swedana for 1 day

Rasa Tarangini 17/18 Kanji, Nimbu Swarasa,

Amla Rasa, Lepa

Pratapta and Nimajjana in

Takra, Kulatha Swarasa for 7


Rasendra Purana 3/10 Snuhi Dugdha, Saindhava

Lavana, Lepa

Agni Pratapta and Nimajjana

in Nirgundi Swarasa for 7


Rasendra Purana 3/11 Taila, Takra Pratapta and Nimajjana

Rasendra Purana 3/14 Snuhi & Arka Dugdha Pratapta and Nimajjana

Rasendra Purana 3/15 Chincha, Saindhava,


Swedana for 3 hours

Rasamrita 3/39 Lavana and arkadugda


Pratapta & nimajja in nirgundi


Rasamrita 3/39 Gomutra Swedana for 3 hrs

Table No-9. Various drugs used in Tamra Shodhana

Sl. No. Drugs Sl. No. Drugs

1 Snuhi 17 Gomutra

2 Lavana 18 Kulathajala

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Table No. 9 Continued

3 Amlam 19 Surana swarasa

4 Gairika 20 Takra

5 Saveeraka 21 Datura

6 Kanjika 22 Naktamala

7 Tintidiphalakardama 23 Indra Varunimoda

8 Kumari 24 Neela Sinduvara

9 Taila 25 Narikelajala

10 Arkaksheera 26 Kadalimoolajala

11 Kshara 27 Kanchukikanda

12 Nirgundirasa 28 Guda

13 Mahishitakra 29 Ingudi

14 Ksheera 30 Changeri

15 Ajamutra 31 Karanja

16 Nimbujala

Tamra Marana

After Tamra shodhana, marana is most important step to convert into bhasma

form. Lohas after marana will convert into most potent bhasma in specific. If marana

is with parada then, the bhasma is said as the most potent in curing old age and

disease henceforth the metals which are heterogenous to body gets converted into

homogeneous material by shodhana, marana and amrutikarana by which the bhasma

turns homologous to the body.

Various methods of Bhasmikarana are explained in the text with various

proportions and various methods of preparations in respect to Tamra which are

mentioned herewith –

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Tamra bhasma vimarsha

Vanaspati yukta

Parada yukta Sagandha


Hingula yukta

Ariloha yukta

Talaka yukta


Different methods for Tamara Bhasma Nirmana

1) With Kashta Oushadi75

Tamara pattras smeared with the juice of Tilaparni plant, are reduced to

bhasma of white colour, if burnt by putam.

2) With Kajjali (Samputa yantra)76

Shodhita Tamra patras are incinerated, if they are smeared with Kajjali, and

nimbu rasa and then heated by Gajaputam, the process being performed 3 times

3) With Ardamsha Parada (kupipakwa vidhi)77

Twenty tolas of Shodhita Tamra & half its quantity of Sodhita Parada are to

be rubbed together for 3 days with Nimbu rasa. Sho. Gandhaka equal in quantity to

the Tamra is then to be rubbed for two hours, with the Tamra and Parada. The whole

thing then to be put into a glass bottle and heated for 24 hrs. according to Kupipakwa

vidhi when cooled of itself, the contents of the bottle are to be powdered.

4) With padamsha parada (Valuka yantra)78

Shodhita Tamra patra mixed with ¼ quantity of Shodhita parada with adding

kanji give mardhana up to 3 days. To this quantity again add 2 parts of Shodhita

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gandhaka after mardhana made into a ball. Then apply a paste of meenakshi, changeri,

punarva then a ball kept inside moosha. Aftern seiling of mooshayantra kept in

valuka yantra then 8 prahara agni is given.

5) Nirgandha79

Tamra patras are to be rubbed with double their quantity of shodhita parade

rubbed with nimbu rasa & sita, then subjected to putam. 3 putas will bring about the

marana of Tamra.

6) With Hingula (Oordawa patana yantra) 80

Mix Shodhita Tamra choorna with equal part of shodhita Hingula. Triturate

with nimburasa till paste is made. After drying made choorna, This choorna is kept

inside the Oordawa patana yantra and subjected to Agni for 3 prahara. Collect Tamara

Bhasma from the lower pot. Repeat the same process 2 more times with equal

quantity of shodhita Hingula. Then after add equal quantity of shodhita Gandhaka,

prepare chakiraka give Gajaputa. Repeat the same process 2-3 times with equal

quantity of Gandhaka.

7) With Ariloha Gandhaka (Baluka yantra)81

Shodhita Tamra patras and double their quantity of Shodhita Gandhaka are

rubbed together put this mixture in samputa, place sumputa in Baluka yantra & give

heat for about 24 hrs. allow it to self cooling. After wards collect bhasma, it is to be

rubbed again with equal quantity of Shodhita Gandhaka & give puta, Repeate the

same for 3 times.

8) With Haratala (Ariloham)82

Shodhita Tamra and Shodhita Haratalam rubbed with Nimbu rasa and

subjected to putam will cause the marana of the Tamra.

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9) Anagni vidhi83

Kantaka vedhi Tamra patra’s are incinerated, if they are smeared with kajjali

rubbed with nimburasa & then exposed to sun.

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

Namakarana Siddhanta of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

By the 12th century itself the Chikitsa Vada took a new face wherein many

texts were written on the background of therapeutic importance. Possibly a

personality by name Somanath was there who Profounded the yoga Somanathiya

Tamra Bhasma with Tamra, Parada, Gandhaka, Haritala and Manahshila. Somanatha

Grantha is not available today but the Yogas of this book might have been copied by

other later authors. As Rasa Kamadhenukara of 17th century Mentiones of a text by

name Somanatha Sangraha which is not available.

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma is mentioned in Rasendra Chudamani etc. oldest

classical texts even. Author of Rasendra Chudamani is Somadeva of 13th century

Somadeva and Somanatha are one and the same or not is not confirmed.

Based on this matter following conclusions can be drawn –

• If at all Somadeva Profounded this yoga, at the end of Sloka “Somanatha

Abhidham” is mentioned instead of “Somadevabhidham” henceforth might be

Somanatha was a different author prior to Somadeva of 13th century.

• Rasa Chikitsa started around 12th century and the author of Rasendra

Chudamani of 13th century have mentioned about Somanathiya Tamra

suggests Somanatha as a personality of the 12th century probably.

Variations in the preparation as per various authors:

As this preparation was written by most of Rasacharyas their interpretation in

its pharmaceutical preparation and drug ratio slightly changed but the Phalashruti of

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almost all authors are same suggests that the raw drugs are same almost and

indications are same so even variation in pharmaceutical preparation of various

authors might also give the same end product.

Table No. 10 Variations in the preparation of Somanathiya Tamra bhasma84-91

Sl. No. Text Period Agnimatra & Kala Yantra

1 R. C 12th century 1 Yama (3hours) Garbha

2 R. P. S. 13th century 1 Yama (3hours) Sharava & Garbha

3 R. R. S. 13th century 1 Yama (3hours) Garbha

4 Rasa Paddati 13th century 1 Yama (3hours) Bhanda

5 A. P. 17th century 1 Yama (3hours) Garbha

6 R. K. D. 17th century 1 Yama (3hours) Garbha

7 Y. R. 17th century 4 Yama Valuka

8 R. T. 20th century Gajaputa Sharava

Variation in reference of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma as per various authors:

RC; R. P. S; R. R. S; A. P; R. K. D; Y. R; R. P. Tika; B. B. R; have mentioned

Gandhaka as Samabhaga to Tamra whereas R. P. S; Rasa Chu and R. Y. S. Dviguna,

Gandhaka is mentioned. R. T have mentioned ½ part Gandhaka. Instead of Garbha

Yantra of R.C et al. Y. R have mentioned Valuka Yantra whereas R. P. S and R.T

have mentioned of Sharava.

Here some methods are explained in detail:

1) Garbayantra Vidhi92

Kajjali is to be prepared by doing mardana of 1 part shodhita Parade, 1 part

shodhita Gandhaka ½ part shodhita Haratala and 1/4th Part shodhita Manashila. This

Kajjali and 1 part shodhita tamrapatras are to be put in layers inside a Garba yantra &

heated for 1 prahara. When cooled of itself, the leaves are to be powdered. The

bhasma thus prepared is called Somanathiya Tamra bhasma.

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2) Valuka yantra Vidhi93

Kajjali is to be prepared by doing mardana of 1 part shodhita Parade, 1 part

shodhita Gandhaka ½ part shodhita Haratala and 1/4th Part shodhita Manashila. This

kajjali and 1 part of Shodhita Tamra pataras are to be put in layers inside the sharava

and made samputa. Then heated in valuka yantra for 2 yama kala & allow it to self

cool. The bhasma is powdered and kept in air tight vessel.

3) Gajaputa Vidhi 94

Kajjali is to be prepared by doing mardana of 1 part shodhita Parade, 1 part

shodhita Gandhaka ½ part shodhita Haratala and 1/4th Part shodhita Manashila. This

kajjali and 1 part of Shodhita Tamra pataras are to be put in layers inside the sharava

and made samputa. Then heated in a Gaja puta. By this method we will get bhasma in

single puta.

4) Kupipakwa Vidhi 95

One part shodhita Tamra and One part Shodhita Parada are rubbed together

until it becomes pishti, add one part Shodhita Gandhaka, Half part Shodhita Haratala

and ¼ part Shodhita Manashila rub it for 2 to 3 hrs. The whole thing then to be put

into a glass bottle and heated according to Kupipakwa vidhi when cooled of itself, the

contents of the bottle are to be powdered.


Amrutikarna is a process done after marana to eradicate the Shesha dosha’s of

Tamra. It should be done only after conferming bhasma sidhi lakshna.

Various methods of Amrutikarana are explained in the texts. Which are

highlighted here.

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1) According to Rasa Tarangini97

Tamra Bhasma 1 part and Shudha Gandhaka ½ part are taken & both are

mixed and Bhavana is done with Panchamruta (Gogrhrita, Godahi, Godugdha, Guda

and Madhu). Then Chakrikas to be made and dried after Gajaputa to be given.

Similarly the whole process is repeated for 3 times.

2) According to Rasa Tarangini98

Tamra Bhasma 1 part and Shuddha Gandhaka ½ part are taken & both are

mixed well and Nimbu Swarasa Bhavana is given. And made in to bolous and

allowed to dry.Then this is fitted in the Garbha of a Surana and the whole Surana is

made covered with Multhani mitti and made to dry. This is treated with Gajaputa

and then the drug is collected, powdered sieved and preserved.

3) According to Rasa Tarangini99

Tamra Bhasma Bhavana with Kumari Swarasa for 7 times. Then made

Chakrikas and dried. And treated with Gajaputa. This whole procedure to be

repeated for 3 times.

4) According to Rasamrita100

Tamra Bhasma Bhavana with Nimbu Swarasa and allow it to dry then fill in

garbha of Surana and treat with gajaputa. Repeat the procedure for 3 times.


R.R.S. - 2 valla101 (1 Valla = 3 Ratti)

R.T. - 1/8 to ½ Ratti102



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Upayoga104: Kapha pitta nashaka, Udara roga, Kusta, Meha, Amadhosha, Yakrut

pleha roga, Shoola, parinam shoola, Arsha, Kshaya, Amla pitta, Pandu, Swasa kasa

Jwara, Sthoulya, Grahani, Shotha, Pinasa, Netra roga, Vata roga.

Tamra Janita Dosha Shanti105

1) Munivruhi sitha sevana

2) Dhanyaka Sitha, sevena

3) Mukthika bhasma sevana.


Arogyavardini Kasa sanharbhirawa rasa

Kanchnabra rasa Tamra parpati

Gulmakalanala rasa Trivikrama rasa

Chandramrutha rasa Panchamrutha rasa

Tamreshwar rasa Ravitandava rasa

Nithyananda rasa Vathakantaka

Mahodadi rasa Hrudayarnva rasa

Laxmivilas rasa Soothashekar rasa

Sarveshwar rasa Mahavathavindwasa rasa

Saveeryata Avadhi

Bhasma become more potent as they become old.


Bhasma are preserved in air tight glass or earthern containers. The potency of

the preparation is maintained.

According to Modern

Chemical Symbol – Cu

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Physical properties106

i. Colour: Copper is a red coloured shining metal

ii. Specific gravity is - 8.0 to 8.96 per cubic centimeter at 20. C & It is about

14 % heavier than iron.

iii. Hardness: 2.5 to 3

iv. Melting point - 1080 0 C - 1083.4. 0C

v. Boiling point ----- 2325 0C

vi. Good conductor of heat. And electricity. The copper used in electric wire is

highly pure.

vii. Pure copper is highly malleable and can be rolled in to sheets less than

0.05m thick.

Chemical properties

Copper does not burn in air, but is gradually converted into cuprous (Cu2O) &

Cupric (CuO) Oxides on its surface when heated to redness. The finely divided metal

will burn in chlorine or sulphur vapour. It does not react with steam at any

temperature below white heat, & then only to a very slight extent copper is below

hydrogen in the electro chemical series and hence does not react with acids unless

they are also oxidizing agents, or from complex with ions with copper. It is however,

slowely attacked by some acids in presence of air, owing to the slow oxidisizing

action of the air.

Although unaffected by dry air at the ordinary temperature, exposure to moist

air causes the formation of a beautiful green coating or patina. This was for long said

to be a basic copper carbonate, but Vernon & Whit by have shown that it is, in land

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

places, a basic sulphate – CuSO4 – 3Cu (OH)2, while near the sea this is accompanied

by a basic chloride – CuCl2 – 2Cu (OH)2

Alloys of Copper107

Monal metal (Copper + Nickel + Iron 27:70:3)

Gun metal (Copper + Tin + Zinc) 88: 10: 02

Brass metal (Copper + Zinc) (60 – 90: 40 –10) 2: 1

Occult metal (Copper + Zinc)

German silver (Copper + Zinc +Nickel) 50:25:25

Phosphor Bronze (Copper + Phosphor +tin) 85: 2(0.25-2.5) :13

Alluminium bronze (Copper + Alluminium + Tin + Nickel) 90:7:0.5: 2.5 (0-6)

Bronze (copper + Tin + Lead) 88-96 : 4-12 : 0.5

Bell metal (copper + Tin) 80:20

Occurrence108: Native copper (Almost pure copper) rarely occurs in nature most

comes from the following ores.

1 Oxides type ores – Cuprite, Tenovite.

2 Sulphides -- Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), Copper pyrite, Chalcocite, Copper

glunce bronite, Couslite (CuS), Crubeslite.

3 Grey copper -- Tetrahedrite, Tenovite Fomatinite Enargite

4 Sulphate -- Chalcanthite ( Cu3 As S3)

5 Carbonates – Malachite, Azurite (2CuCo3 Cu CoH2)

6 Silicates -- Chrysocolla, dioptase

7 Chloride -- Atacamite

8 Arsenates

9 Phosphates

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The actual operation is carried out in stages:

1) Concentration of the ore by flotation

2) Roasting of ore

3) Smelting production of matts

4) Conversion of matte to blisten copper

5) Refining of blister Copper

This gives about 99.5% of Copper & is known as tough pitch Copper.

If metal of very high purity is required then tough pitch copper is further

refined by electrolysis.

Electrolytic copper is 99.96 to 99.99 % pure.

Probable Mode of Action110: Copper is used by various enzymes in the body as a

helper for the chemical reaction. The chemical reaction may involve creating energy,

decreasing inflammatory response, blood clotting and so on. below is an overview

how copper is absorbed in to the body and how it is used.

I) Absorption of Copper

a) Copper is absorbed by the body at two main sites

i) Small intestine

ii) Stomach

iii) The use of copper bracelets assumes that the skin can be the third site of constant

copper absorption

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II) Transport of absorbed Copper

Copper doesnot float through blood stream as a lone copper. But it is carried by the

proteins like -- ceruloplasmin (specifically for copper), albumin (can carry many

things including copper)

III) Copper storage

Copper is stored in proteins called metallothioneins

IV) Copper Elimination

It is eliminated almost entirely by the feaceas, also by the bile, urine, saliva &


V) Enzymes need for Copper

i) Enzymes are proteins specialized to assist in a chemical function

ii) Copper is needed by enzymes as a “helper” in a chemical reaction these

functions makes copper essential for life.

a) Cytochrome C Oxidase (essential for energy production)

b) Super oxide dismutase (essential for protection against oxidative damage)

c) Dopamine hydroxilase (essential for adrenaline production )

d) Lysyl oxidase (essential collagen and elastin production)

e) Factor V enzyme (essential for blood clotting)

f) Ceruloplasmins (a carrier protein, but also aids in iron metabolism)

g) Also such other factors like growth harmone stimulation, as transcription factor in

RNA etc.

VI) It is said that up to 100mgm may be taken per day without danger, & higher

organisms appear to have to some extent immune to copper. Copper seems to be

necessary to assist in the mobilization of iron in the body & in the formation of

hb. Lower organisims are very sensitive to copper salts & traces are added to

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

drinking water in America to destroy bacilli & alage. A solution of copper

sulphate mixed with slaked lime is used as Bordeaux mixture as a fungicide111.

VII) Of the above mentioned functions, copper has been mostly possess “anti

inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, as well as the energy production


Shodhaka dravyas

1. Tila Taila 2.Takra 3. Gomutra 4. Aranal 5. Kulatha kwatha 6.

Saindav lavana 7. Nimbhuka 8. Kaanji

1. Tila Taila112

Synonyms: Tila, Sneha.

Rasa panchakas

Rasa : Madhura, Tikta, Kashaya

Guna : Ushna, Teekshna, Sukshma, Vishada, Vyavayi

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaka : Madhura,

Doshakarma : Kapha vata shamaka

Karma : Vrishya, Amapachaka

Doshangnata: Vata shamana and kapha pitta vardhaka.

Rogagnata : Pakshaghata, Ardita, Shwasa, Hikka, the oil is used in all vata diseases.

Matra: Taila – 10ml to 20ml

Vishista Yoga: Tiladi Gudeka, Tiladilepa, Tilastaka.

2. Takra113

Rasa Panchakas

Rasa : Madhura, amla & Kashaya anurasa

Guna : Laghu, ruksha

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Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Madhura

Karma : Agnidipana, hrudya

Dosha : Kaphavata haram

Rogagnata : Garavisa, Sopha, Atisara, Grahani, Pleeharoga pandu, Arsha, aruchi,

Vishamajwara, Vamana, Trishna, Atilasrava, Sula, Medoroga, Mutra

Krichra, Diseases produced because of ayoga & atiyoga of sneha.

3. Gomootra114

Rasa Panchakas

Rasa : Lavana, Kshara,

Guna : Laghu

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaka : Katu

Dosha Karma : Vata and Kapha shamaka, Pitta vardhaka

Karma : Deepana, Medhya

Rogagnata : Udara roga

Vishishta Yoga : Punarnava mandoora, Marichyadi taila

4. Arnala115

Aranala has the properties of souvira like Kapha shamana, Bedhana, Deepana

and Udavartha, Grahani and Asthi Shoola Nashana.

Rasa Panchakas

Rasa : Amla

Guna : Teekshna, Laghu

Veerya : Ushna

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Vipaka : Amla

Dosha Karma : Vata and Kapha shamaka

Karma : Rochana Pachana, Deepana,



Rasa : Kashaya

Guna : Laghu

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaka : Katu

Dosha Karma : Vata and Kapha shamaka

Karma : Bhedhana, Sravanashana, Netrya.

Rogagnata : Shukrashmari, Gullma, Sangrahani, Pinasa and Kasa.

6. Saindava Lavana (Rock salt)117

Synonyms- Saindhava, Sita, Siva, Manimantha, Sinduja, and Nadeya


Rasa : Madhura

Guna : Laghu, Snigdha

Virya : Sita

Vipaka : Madura

Dosha karma : Tridoshghna

Karma : Dipana, Rochana, Hridya, Caksusya, Sukada,

Rogaghnata : Netra roga, Aruchi, Varna, and Vibanda. It is best amongest all the


7. Nimbuka118

Synonyms-Nimbu-Nimbuka, Dantsatha

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Rasa : Amla, Katu

Guna : Laghu, Tikshana

Virya : Ushna

Vipaka : Amla

Karma : Dipana, pachana chaksusya Agnimandya, gulya sheel amlapitta

visuchi vataroga vatashlesma vibandhagna.

Rogagnata : Agnimandya, Aruchi, Amlapitta, Vataja roga,Vibandha, etc.

Matra : Fresh juice 10-20 ml

Vishistayoga : Jambiradi Panaka, Nimbuka Taila



Rasa : Amla Rasa

Guna : Teekshana, Laghu

Veerya : Ushna

Vipaka : Amla

Dosha Karma : Vata and Kapha shamaka

Karma : Rochana Pachana, Deepana,

Rogagnata : Externally in jawara

Maraka Dravyas

1. Parada 2. Gandhaka 3. Haratala 4. Manahshila

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1. Parada

Parada is the most important and foremost ingredient of compounds of

Rasashastra, without which the science of Alchemy – Rasashastra perhaps would not

have existed.

Vividha Bhasha Nama120: Sanskrit - Parada

Hindi - Para

English - Mercury, Quick silver

Kannada - Padarasa

Gujarati - Paro

Marathi - Para

Latin - Hydrargyrum

French - Mercure

German - Merkure

Arab - Abuk; Zibakh

Parsian - Simab; Zeebag.

Bengali - Para

Malayalam - Rassam

Telugu - Padarasam

Tamil - Padrasa

Konkani - Padrasa

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Table No 11 Bheda of Paryayas on the basis of Roopa, Guna, Utpatti121.


In Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, it is mentioned that in ancient times mercury was

found mainly in Darada desha and also in Himalayas in small amount. But now a day,

it is obtained mainly from the mines of Spain, America, Italy, Australia, British

Bornea, China, Russia, and Japan.

Sl No Swaroopa Synonyms

1 Swarupatmaka Galadroupyanibham, Mahavanhi, Mahateja,


2 Gatyatmaka Kheehara, Chapala, Chala, Dhoorthaka.

3 Dehavadatmaka

Rasayana, Amrtim, Mrtyunasana, Jaiva,

Dehada, Paramamruta, Parata, Parada,

Rasayana Shreshta

4 Dhatuvadatmaka

Maharasa, Rasottama, Suta, Divyarasa,

Rasarasendra,Rasesha, Rasadhatu, Rasaraja,

Rasanath,Sidhadhatu, Soota, Sootaka,

Sootaratha, Mishraka, Chamara.

5 Visista Gynantmaka Ananta, Suksma, Saubhagya, Amara,


6 Darshanika/Aadhyatmika Divya, Acintyah, Jeeva, Jaiva

7 Dharmika/Devatmaka

Trinetra, Trilochana, Deva, Dehaja, Prabhu,

Rudraja, Lokesh, Vijendra, Budha,

Rajaswala, Shanta, Shiva, Shivaveerya,

Skandha, Harateja, Harabeeja, Shivahaya,


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Parada Bheda122,123

The varieties of Parada described in different text are based on the 2 factors

1. Depending on the Colour.

2. Depending on the place of Origin.

Table No 12 Bheda of Parada depending on the Varna:

Sl No Types Colour Caste Karma

1 Sweta White Brahmana Swetakarma

2 Rakta Red Kshatriya Therapeutics

3 Peeta Yellow Vaishya Used in alchemy or to Prepare Gold

4 Krishna Black Shudra Used in Maintaining health

Table No 13 Bheda of Parada depending on the utpattisthana:

Sl No Variety Colour Impurities Uses

1 Rasa Rakta

Which is free from all

types of impurities. Rasayana

2 Rasendra Peeta Free from impurities. Rasayana

3 Suta Isatpeeta With impurities. Deharogaharana

4 Parada Sweta With impurities. Servarogaharana

5 Mishraka Mayur,Chandrika,Vama With impurities. Sarvasiddidayaka

Doshas of Parada124

Parada (Mercury) procured from its original sources or from the market may

contain various types of admixtures. The ancient chemists knew this fact very well

and as such most of the authorities have described impurities of Parada, which run as


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Doshas of Parada


Samanya Shodhana Acharyas mentioned Different Procedures like

1. Parada & Sudha raja (Lime powder) should be taken in equal quantity and

mardana should be done for 3days.

• Parada should be filtered through two folded cloth.

• Add equal quantity of Nistusha lushana and half quantity of saindhav

lavan subject it for mardana, until it becomes black coloured kalka.

• Prakshalana should be done.125

2. The mixture of triphalakwata, choornas of chitraka, rakthasarshapa, brihati,

Gritha Kumari and parada should be triturated for 3 days, the parada obtained

by this method will be devoid of sapta malas.126

3. Parada should be triturated with Nagavalli Swarasa, Ardraka Swarasa and

Ksharadraya for 3 days and washed with water. This parada will be shining

like mukta and devoid of Sapta dosha.127

4. Parada should be triturated with lasuna & Saindava lavana in Tapta

Khalvayantro for 7days.128

Naisargika Doshas Yougika Doshas Aupadhika Doshas

Visa Vahni Mala

Naga Vanga

Bhumija Girija Varija Nagaja(2) Vangaja(2)

Parpati Patani Bhedi Dravi Malakari

Andhakari Dhwanksi

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Vishesh Shodhana of Parada

Specific process of shodhana done is to remove specific doshas separately is

Vishesh Shodhana. This is done for Rasayana purpose.


The process of subjecting a substance to add specific qualities is called

Samskara. Almost all Rasacharyas opines that, bala, teja, qualities of Parada can be

enhanced. According to various authors Ashtadashasamskar i.e. 18 Samskaras of

Parada have been explained, among them. 1st eight are for roga–nivaranarth and

rasayana. Last ten are rasayana & dhatu vada purpose as indicated below.

Roga Nivaranartha & Rasayanarth Rasayanartha & Dhatuvadarth(1-18)

1. Swedana 9. Gagan Bhakshan

2. Mardana 10. Charana

3. Moorchana 11. Garbha dhruti

4. Utthapana 12. Bahyadruti

5. Patana 13. Jaarana

6. Bodhan 14. Ranjana

7. Niyamana 15. Sarana

8. Deepana 16. Sankramana

17. Vedha

18. Bhakshana

Grahya Parada Laxana:130,131

Shuddha Parada from inside seems blue tinged, but from outside it is lustrous

and shines like a mid day sun, which resembles with the properties of mercury

explained in modern chemistry texts. Mercury is a silver white liquid metal, with a

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

slight bluish tinge. In thin films, it transmits violet lit. (Dict of Applied chemistry vol

IV page No 270).


According to Rasmruta, Rasa Jala Nidhi and Bhava Prakash.

Rasa --- Shadrasa

Guna --- Snigdha, Sara.

Veerya --- Ushna

Vipaka --- Madhura

Karma --- Yogavahi, Rasayana, Ativrishya, Balya, Vajikara, Drushtibal

aprada, Dehasiddikara, Lohasiddikara, Vrunaropana and Vruna Shodhana, Krimigna

(Antimicrobial, insecticide) and cures all the diseases

Doshaprabhava – Tridoshagna.

Vyadiprabhava – Krimi, Kushta, Akshiroga, Vataroga, Valiphalita, Kshaya,

Tridoshajaroga & Sarvarogahara, Papajanyaroga,Tapatrayajanyaroga.

Parada Pathya132,133


Mudga, Dugda, Shali, Shak, Punarnava, Meghanad, Saindava, Shunti,

Musta, Padmamula, Jeera, Ardraka, Hamsodaka these are all Pathya aahar.


Aatmajnana, Shivapooja, Shivakatana these are all Pathya Viharas.

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Parada Apathya134



Pittavardhak, Vatavardhaka aahar, Kanji, Takra these are all Apathyas.


Jalakrida, Ativyayam, Vyavaya (Streesonga Vargya) etc, these are all



According to RT Swarnajarita parada - ½ Ratti.


Physical Properties135

Atomic No -- 80

Atomic weight --200.61

Symbol -- Hg

Specific gravity -- 13.595 at 250C

Boiling Point -- 3570C

Freezing point -- 38.90C

Place in periodic table -- Transition elements of d orbital

Configuration -- 2,8,18,32,18,2

Co ordination No -- 4

Valency -- +1: +2

Occupied outer orbital -- 5d

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State -- Metal in liquid form.

Melting point -- -38.870C

English name -- Quick Silver

Latin name -- Hydrargyrum.

Colour -- Shining silvery white

Chemical Properties136

1. Water, Alkalies and air have no influence on mercury.

2. Dilute acids have no action on mercury except nitric acid.

3. Mercury form alloys with many metals and these are called Amalgams.

4. On rubbing mercury with Sulpher in required proportions and a little caustic

potash solution it gives mercuric sulphide. The color changes slowly from

black to red.

2. Gandhaka

In Rasashastra Gandhaka stands next to Parada in importance.

Table No-14. Paryayas of Gandhaka137

Property Synonyms

Swarupa Vachaka Navanita, Gandhapashana, Gandhopala

Gandha Vachaka Dandhaka, Kruragandha, Divyagandha,


Karma Vachaka Kitaghna, Kitari, Lekhi, Kitanashana

Rogaghnata Vachaka Kushthari, Pamari

Utpati Vachaka Gauripuspadhavah, Gauribija, Lelitaka


Dhatukarma Vachaka Shulvari Shulvaripu, Rasagandhaka,

Sutashatru, Dhatumari

Varna Vachaka Shukapicchakya, Shukapuccha,

Shukapicchasaarm Acchaya.

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Vividha Bhasha Nama138 Hindi – Gandhak

Gujarati – Gandhaka

Marathi – Gandhaka

Bangali – Gandhaka

Telagu – Gandhakam

Kannada - Gandhaka

English – Sulphur

Prapti sthana139

In native form – In Italy, Sisily region, Spain, Texas, Japan etc.

In combined form – Russia, Japan, Burma, Iceland, U. S. A. Chile, Phillipines etc.

In India – Bihar – Simhabhumi a district, Rohitas dristict Rajasthan, Kumayu, Assam


Gandhaka is found in both forms – Native as well as ores.

Rasapanchakas of Gandhaka140

Rasa – Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya

Guna – Sara, snigda

Veerya – Ushna

Vipaka - Katu/ Madhura

Doshaghnata - Vatakapha Nashaka

Prabhava - Twakvikara Nashaka, Dadrunashaka, Kushthanashaka

Karma - Garavishahara, Deepana, Amapachana, Kandughna

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Table No-15. Gandhaka Shodhana

Texts Gandhaka







Dravya for


Rasarnava Tantra 7/68 Karanja





Dhattura Rasa

Jwalini Bija


Matsya Pitta


Rasarnava Tantra 7/69-


Ghrita Bhringaraja







- Dugdha,

Nimbu Rasa,





- -



- Godugdha - Godugdha

Rasendra Chudamani

11/11 & Rasa Ratna

Samucchaya 3/23

- Bhringaraja


- Bhringaraja


Rasa Ratna Samucchaya


Goghrita Godugdha - Godugdha

Rasendra Sara Sangraha


Goghrita Godugdha - -

Ayurveda Prakasha 2/30

& Rasa Tarangini 8/ 21-


- Bhringaraja


- -

Rasa Tarangini 8/18-20 Sarshapa or

TilaTaila or



Dugdha - -

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1 - 8 Ratti.

Patya – Apthya142

Mamsa Bhakshana of wild animals and birds, cow’s milk, Ghee and Rice are advised.

Kshara, Amla, Atilavana, Katu, Vidahi and Stree Sevana Should be avoided.

Gandhaka Yogas

Kajjali Gandhaka Rasayana

Rasa Parpati Makaradhwaja

Rasa Sindhura Samirapannaga Rasa


Physical Properties:

1. Appearance -- Crystalline, Granular, Fibrous, Stelactitic Masses.

2. Form -- Orthorhombic, Bipyramidal

3. Cleavage – Indistinct

4. Colour -- Usually yellow

5. Symbol -- S

6. At. No.-- 16

7. At. Wt. -- 32.064

8. Sp.Gr. -- 1.9 – 2.1

9. Valency -- +2

10. Configuration -- 2,8,6

11. Melting point -- 112.8 c

12. Boiling Point -- 444 c

13. Hardness -- 1.5 – 2.5

14. Action on Heat -- Non Conductor of Heat, burns easily

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Chemical Properties

1. In-soluble in water & acid.

2. Soluble in turpentine oil & in chloroform

3. It imparts blue colour to the flames

3. Haratala

Many Acharyas considered it under Uparasa


Haritalam Chitragandham

Talam Vamshapatram

Alam Natabhushanam

Talakam Natamandanam

Mallagandham Dalam

Pinjaram Mallam

Peetanakham Peetam

Shailoosh Pinchak

Bhooshanam Vidalam

Romaharam Godantam

Vidalakam Kharjaram

Vividha Bhasha Nama145

1. Assami - Harital

2. Bengali - Harital, Hattel

3. English - Orpiment, Yellow Arsenic

4. Farsi - Jarnikhejarde

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5. Gujarati - Ardal, Hratal

6. Hindi - Haratal

7. Kannada - Haritala, Ardal

8. Malayalam - Aritaram

9. Marathi - Harital

10. Odiya - Harital

11. Punjabi - Hartal

12. Tamil - Aridaram, Yellikund Pashanam

13. Telugu - Doddipashanam

Latin - Auripigmentum / Arsenii Trisulphidum


Orpiment is found in India in very small quantities in Almora District near the

border to Bhutan (These mines are not operational). Chitral now a part of

Afghanistan is known for orpiment since pretty long time. Orpiment has been

arriving India from Mines of Irak (Bagdad) which is of superior quality.

The countries like Italy, China, Sisily have the mines of both orpiment and



Majority of Rasacharyas have described about 2 types of Haratala as well as the

supermacy of Patra Haratala in all properties.

(1) Patra Haratala & (2) Pinda Haratala

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

The author of Bhava Prakash has quoted 4 types of Haratala

1. Patra Haratola 3. Godant Haratala

2. Pinda Haratala 4. Vakadal Haratala

The author of Ayurveda Prakasa has quoted 4 types of Haratala

1. Bagdadi

2. Godanti

3. Tabaki

4. Pindatala


Rasa - Katu

Anurasa - Kashaya

Guna - Snigdha, Ushna

Veerya - Ushna

Vipaka - Katu

Dosha Prabhava - Kapha Vatahara


Karma - Deepana, Krimighna ,Rasayana, Balya,

Kantikara, Vajikarana, Vishahara, Mrtyuhara, Bhutabadhahara

Vyadhi Prabhava - Kushta, Kandu, Visarpa, Vatavyadhi,

Kaphavyadhi, Vatarakta, Raktapitta, Pama,

Swasa, Kasa, Jwara, Arsha.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Doshas of Haratala :

• Toxic effects of Haratala if used without proper purification are Daha,

Kampaka, Toda, Kshobha, Pida, Raktadusti, Kushta, Malinikaroti Gatram,

Vata Kapha Prakopatamaka Roga, Mrtyusankakara149.


• Sharkara + Jiraka- for 3 days.150


1. Haratalam is purified, if boiled in a Dola yantra with juice of Kushmanda or with

a solution of ashes of tila plant or lime water.151

2. Patra Haratala is purified, if subjected to bhavana for seven times with lime


3. Haratala is purified, if it is boiled by Dola Yantra for three hours each with

1. Kanji mixed with lime

2. Juice of kushmanda

3. Tila oil and

4. Decoction of triphala 153


1. Purified Patra Haratala is to be rubbed in mortar for one day with the juice of

Punarnava and made into a lump and dried. Half the portion of earthern vessel is

then to be filled with the Kshara of Punaranava, Upon which is to be kept the

lump of Haratala. The portion up to the neck of the vessel is then to be filled with

the Kshara of Punarnava and the mouth of the vessel to be closed by means of an

Drug Review


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

earthern basin, the joint being tightly closed in the usual way. The vessel is then to

be placed over fire and heated continuously for five days, the fire being gradually

increased at a uniform rate the Haratala will thus be incinerated. This is to be use

with suitable anupana.154

2. Purified Haratala and Shuktika Bhasma is to be taken in equal quantity, rubbed

with juice of Kumari for one prahara and made in a chakrika. Then it is dried in

sunlight. It is to be subjected to laghuputa.155


• According to Rasatrangini - 1/4 to 1/2 Ratti 156

Pathya : 157

One who takes Haratala should avoid altogether salt, sours, pungents and

exposure to heat or fire and sun. The man who is unable to avoid salt altogather

may take a little of rock salt. Sweets are beneficial to the person who takes


Anupana 158: Honey, Ghee, Godugdha or according to diseases.

Haratala (Modern Aspect)159

Orpiment crystallies in monoclinic system and sometimes 'pseudo' -orthorhombic

crystals are small, rarely distinct usually in foliated or columnar masses

sometimes with reniform surface.

Cleavage : Basal perfect cleavage with vertical striations; sectile; cleavage

laminae flexible; in elastic.

Hardness : 1.5 - 2

Specific gravity : 3.4 -3.5

Drug Review


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Optic angle : about 700, optically +ve strong dispersion.

Lustre : Pearly : elsewhere resinous

Colour : Lemon yellow of several shades

Streak : Lemon - yellow of several shades but paler subtransparent to


Melting point : 3100C

Boiling point : 7070C

Density : 3460 Kg m-3

Molecular weight : 246.00

Class : Sulphide

The mineral is non- conductor of electricity.

It's sublimate in the closed tube is yellow.

When heated to 1000C it becomes red, it however, resumes its original colour on

cooling but when heated to 1500C the change is permanent.

Artificial preparation

Its is found in nature and prepared artificially also by the treatment of arsenic

acid with H2S under high pressure.

4. Manashila

Many Ayurveda scholars considered it under uparasa varga. It is a compound

of arsenic and sulphur, in this two atoms of arsenic are mixed with two atoms of

sulphur. It is available in natural as well as prepared artificially. The best Manashila is

that which is natural orange colour, heavy and can be made into powder easily


Manashila Nagajihrika

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Roga Kunati

Shila Kulati

Naipalika Gola

Manogupta Naga mata

Manogupta Kalyanika

Manohra Rasanctrika

Vividha Bhasha Nama161

Sanskrit : Manashila

Hindi : Mainasila

Bangali : Manchala

Marathi : Manasila

Gujarati : Manasila

Parsi : Jhanokha surkha

English : Realgar

Telagu : Manasila

Kannada : Manasila


Available in Tuscny, Galicia, Spain, C.I.S. etc Rearely available in

India, at Kumaun hill ranges.





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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table No-16. Ashudda Manashila Sevanajanya Dosha164-167


Ashmari + +

Mootra krichra + + + +

Mandagni + +

Malabanda + + + +

Mandabala + +

Kaantinasha +

Sorkara + +

Hridruga +

Table No-17. Manashila Shodhana

Reference Method Drugs Kala

R.T. 11/109 Nipatana


Choornadaka 2 Days

R.T. 11/170 Pachana


Bringaraja swarasa 4 Prahara

RT 11/111

RSS 1/120 (RMr


Bhavana Nimburasa 7 Times

RT 11/112 Swedana Jayanti swarasa 4 Mahasa

(11 / 114) (RRS 3/96)

(RMr 3/12)

Bhavana Agastya patra


7 Times

(11/114) (RRS 1/201)

(RMr 3/12)

Bhavana Ardraka swarasa 7 Times

RRS 3/97 Swedana Jayanti Bringaraja

Raktagastya rasa

following Aja

mootra Aja mootra

3 + 3 hrs

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table 17 Continued

RSS 1/199 Pachana Jayanti or

Bringaraja or



1 day

RSS 1/200 Pachana &



Prakshalana by


1 prahara

RSS 1/201 (R 3/12) Bhavana Jayanti swarasa 3 days

(RJN 169) Pachana &


Aja mootra &

Aja pitta

3 days

7 Times

(RJN 200) Bhavana Choornadaka 7 Times

Satwapatana 168

One part of Manashila and 1/8 each of Mandoora, Jaggery, Guggulu and

Ghee are together ground well. The mass is then kept in crulible, which is placed

inside the kosthi & blowed in the fire, extensively to obtain the satva of manashila.


Rasa - Tikta katu

Guna - Snigda, Guru

Veerya - Ushna

Vipaka - Katu

Doshagnata - K-V

Karma - Rasayana, Lekhana

Rogagnata - Bootha badha, Agni mandya, Kandu, Kasa & Kshaya Twacha

roga, Jwara

Matra - Accroding to RT - 1/32 -1/16 Ratti

Anupana - According to RT - Pipalichoorna, Nippali moola choorna

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Manashila Vikara Shantupaya

According to Rasa Raja Sundara

½ Lit godguda + 250 gm madhu pana for 3 days

Modern aspect of Realgar170

Chemical Composition – AS2 S2

Colour Red or Orange

Properties Transparent transcurent,

Clevage Monoclinic

Streak Ored or orange

Lustre Resinous luster

Sp gravity 3.56

Handness 1.5 – 2.0

Amrutikarna Upayogi Dravyas

1. Godugda 2. Gogrutha 3. Dadhi 4. Madhu 4. Sitha.

1. Godugda171


Rasa - Madhura,

Guna - Snigda , Shlakshna, Mridu

Veerya - Sheeta

Vipaka - Madhura.

Dosha karma - Vata pitta shamaka

Karma - Bramhana, Vrishya, Madhya, Balavardhaka, Jeevaniya &


Rogaghnata - Pandu, Rakta pitta, Yoni roga, Shukra dosha, Mootra roga,

Pradara roga etc & it is pathya in vata pittaja vikara

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Cows milk promotes long life it is reguvinator good for those emaciated after

injury, increases intelligence, strength & breast milk. It cures kasa, thrishna, jeerna

jwara, mootra krichra & rakta pitta.

2. Gogrutha172


Rasa - Madhura

Guna - Soumya, Mrudu

Veerya - Sheeta

Vipaka - Madhura

Dosha - Vatapitta shamaka

Karma - Chakshushya, Balya Rasayana, Vrushyam, Medhya.

Rogagnata - Unmada, Apasmara, Jwara.

3. Dadhi173


Rasa - Madhura, Amla, Kshaya anurasa

Guna - Snigdha

Veerya - Ushana

Vipaka - Madhura

Dosha - Vata shamaka

Karma - Balya, Deepana, Rochaka.

Rogagnata - Peenasa, Vishama jwara, Atisara.

4. Madhu174


Rasa - Madhura, Kashaya anurasa

Guna - Rooksha, Laghu

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Veerya - Sheeta

Vipaka - Madhura

Dosha - Tridosha shamaka

Karma - Deepana, Lekhana, Hridya, Netrya, Balya, Vruna ropaka.

Rogagnata - Chardi, Visha, Shwasa, Kasa, Raktapitta, Krimi, Trishna,


5. Sita175


Rasa - Ati madhura

Guna - Snigda, sara

Veerya - Sheeta

Vipaka - Madhura

Dosha - Vata pitta Shamaka

Karma - Ruchya, Vrushya, Trishnaghna

Rogagnata - Moorcha, Charchali, Jwara, Vamana, Raktavikara, Nashaka.

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Yakrit in Ayurveda

The anatomical site of the yakrit is mentioned as below and right to the

Hridaya, which is hard in texture. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishat) In Ayurveda yakrit is

considered as one of the Koshtanga and it is a matruja avayava formed from samana

vata, dehoshma and rakta. (Arunadatta)

In Veda yakrit is called as Takima or yakna. Because it causes Sanyama (check or

control) it is called as yakrit (Shabda stoma mahanidhi).

The other synonyms are176

• Kalakhanda

• Jyotisthana

• Yakritkhanda

• Raktadhara

• Raktashaya

• Agramamsa

• Yakritpinda

In Ayurveda it is said that yakrit and pleeha utpatti is by rakta177. Its functions are

mainly ascribed towards rakta. It has been mentioned as moola of rakta vaha

sira/srotas and seat for raktadharakala, Ranjakagni and Pitta also. The rasa when

reaches yakrit and pleeha being acted upon by Ranjakagni forms sthula rakta, mala

pitta and sukshma mamsa178.

The functions of yakrit are mentioned as follows179

• It is the moola of the rakta vaha srotas

• It is the seat for the ranjaka pitta

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

• Primary seat for the formation of the rakta

• Gives gati to the rakta

• Serves as a seat of raktadhara kala

The mula of raktavah srotas is considered as yakrit and pleeha. Also it is

mentioned that when rasa reaches yakrit and pleeha it gets coloured and then it is

called as rakta. From above description it follows that yakrti, rakta have an

(Samavaya) relation. Therefore for every vitiation of Rakta there will also be

derangement in functions of yakrit and vice versa180. The involvement of pitta in this

pathology should also be considered as Rakta and pitta bear (Asraya) and (Ashrayi

bhava) and also acha pitta is derived from yakrit. In many disease conditions, where

Rakta involvement or yakrit involvement is explained in ayurveda. From the

description of the digestion process mentioned in ayurveda it is evident that yakrit

also takes an important role in digestive process. Like this in conditions such as

agnimandya, aruchi, hrallasa, uttklesha, ama etc, the involvement of yakrit should be


Agni vyapara and Yakrit

13 types of Agni carry out the process of digestion according to Ayurveda.

Jatharagni paka leads to the breakdown of different proximate components of the food

and renders them fit for shoshana / absorption. Bhutagni paka processes and converts

the nutrients absorbed from adhoamashaya as pre- homologoues of substances, which

are meant finally to be utilised for the upachaya, or building up of the sthayidhatus181.

Shri Dwarakanathji has concluded that the bhutagni paka takes place in the Liver

from its anatomical and physiological relationship to the koshta. This clearly indicates

the role of Yakrit in production of “Ama” and hence produces Aruchi, Agnimandya,

and Ajeerna etc conditions.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Further according to Dwaraknathji, eventhough the metabolism of Asthayi

dhatu into sthayi dhatus takes places in dhatus itself, but Yakrit has an important role

in action on Dhatwagnis also182.

Yakrit in Raktapitta

Both rakta and pitta are mutually vitiated in this disease. Dravatwa, ushnatwa

in rakta and pitta will be increased, and it is clearly mentioned by Charaka, that yakrit

pleeha and raktavahi siras are affected in this disease183. (adhistana) while explaining

raktapitta chikitsa, sushruta advised to consume Aja yakrut (raw) along with pitta184.

Yakrit in Pandu roga

Pandu roga has been counted both in pittaja and raktaja diseases. Pandu

manifests because of raktakshaya. There may be sanga in rasavaha, which inhibits the

nourishment to rakta etc dhatus185. For the formation of rakta, proper functioning of

rakta dhatwagni and ranjaka pitta is necessary and it takes place at Yakrit and Pleeha.

If Ranjaka pitta and Rakta dhatwagni are deficit there will be alparakta formation

leading to raktalpata. Functional deficiency/vitiation of Yakrit is mentioned in this

disease indirectly186.

Yakrit in Kamala

When the person suffering from pandu, intakes more pittaja substances, the

excessively increased pitta burns rakta and mamsa leading to kamala187. Yakrit is root

of rakta vaha srotoses. In this disease the increased mala pitta vitiates rakta and hence

produces the kamala. It is also evident from investigations that there will be functional

and structural derangement of yakrit in this disease. The symptoms like haridranetra,

twak,nakha, anana, raktapeetashakranmutra, bekhavarna, daha, avipaka, aruchi etc

mentioned in koshta shakhashrya kamala are similar to the disease jaundice188.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

In second variety of this disease is shakhashrita kamala. There will be sanga of

pitta by kapha, the symptom mentioned such as tilapista nibha varchas.etc, are similar

to obstructive jaundice. The investigations suggest that there will be sanga of pitta in

yakrit, which moves to shakhas to produce the disease condition189.

TABLE No. 18

Showing Correlation between Ranjakapitta and Bile.

Ranjaka pitta Bile

Site Yakrit/Liver Liver

Derived from Pitta Breakdown products of


Function Imparts colour to purisha, rasa Imparts colour to stool,

helps in emulsification of


Obstruction results in Tila pishta nibha varchas Clay coloured stool

Yakrit in Udara roga: -

In this condition the direct involvement of Yakrit is mentioned. There will be

enlargement of Yakrit in this disease (sparsha gamya –kathinavastha). As the

Agnimandya is the root cause of all the Udaras, the functional derangement of Yakrit

can be inferred, because it takes part in digestion process190. All the nidana, linga and

chikitsa etc. mentioned for the disease Plehoodara should be taken similar for

Yakritoodara. The all types of Udara rogas mentioned if neglected would turn to

Jalodara. Yakritodara can be taken, as one of the ajatodakavastha of Jalodara, which if

neglected becomes Jalodara along with morphological and functional changes in

Yakrit, and this condition resembles ‘Ascites’.

The therapeutic measures described in Pleeharoga are to be adopted in Yakrit

roga. Dalhana while commenting on Sushruta Nidana sthana 7/16 categorically stated

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

that Pleehodara itself as Yakrudalyudara. But Bhavamishra describes Yakrudalyudara

as a variety of Pleehodara.

Nidana of Pleehodara and Yakritodara191-192

Vidahi bhojana Ativyavaya

Abhishyandi bhojana Aashitasyaatiyanasevana

Raktatiprakopa Raktadushti

Garasamsrstanna nishevanam Atisanchitha dosha

Mala sanchaya Dusta salila sevanam

Manasika sankshobha.

The etiological factors in modern science also given more importance to the

dietic such as exposure to toxic chemical substances, contaminated food, consumption

of spirit/liquors and through drug injury, is at large producing liver disorders.

Roopa of Pleehodara and Yakritodara193-194

Arochaka Avipaka

Pipaasa Jwara

Daurbalya Karshya

Agninasha Daha

Moha Anaha

Shoola (udara) Dakshinaparshve parivrudhi –Yakrit

Asteelavatpleeha kathinya Kathinyam udarasya

Arunavarna udara Vivarna udara

Neelarajimudara Pandutva

Udavarta Aasyavairasyam

Haritanetra, mutra twak etc., are also similar in the modern science.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Liver diseases - A modern approach195

Liver plays a pivotal role in regulation of physiological processes. It is

involved in several vital functions such as metabolism, secretion and storage. Further

more, detoxification of a variety of drugs and xenobiotics occur in liver. Liver

diseases are mainly caused due to an exposure to toxic chemical substances like,

antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, peroxidised oils aflatoxin, carbon tetra chloride,

chlorinated hydro carbons, varied infections, auto immuno disorders and also due to

chronic alcoholism. Most of the hepato toxic chemicals damages liver cells mainly by

inducing lipid peroxidation and other oxidative damages takes place in liver.

It has been estimated that about 90%of the acute hepatitis is resulting due to

viruses. The major viral agents involved are Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E&G. Of these

Hepatitis B infection often results in chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis of liver.

Consumption of spirits/liquors is the prime cause for liver damage in India, so

also been through drug injury is at large producing liver disorders. On survey studies,

around 2-3 % of Indian population are carrying Hepatitis B or C type of viruses.

World wide these figures are increasing with an alarm.

Physiology and its affections196

It is the largest organ in the body weighing from 1200 gm- 1500 gm. It

occupies the whole of the right hypochondriac region and greater part of the epigastric

region; some times it may even extend to the left hypochondriac region. It is roughly

pyramidal or wedge shaped, with the base towards the right and apex towards the left.

The liver is both exocrine and endocrine in nature. The exocrine part secretes

bile, which is carried by bile duct and endocrine part secretes plasma proteins, glucose

and heparin.

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Its various function interrelates to each other. This becomes particularly

evident in clinical abnormality of the liver because many of its function are

distributed simultaneously but in different combinations, depending upon the nature

of the disorder.

The basic function of the liver can be divided into:

1. Its vascular functions for storage and filtration of blood.

2. Its metabolic functions concerned with the majority of the metabolic system of the


3. It’s secretary and excretory functions that are responsible for forming the bile that

flows through bile ducts into the gastrointestinal tract.

Physiologic Anatomy of the Liver197

The basic functional unit of the liver is the liver lobule, which is a cylindrical

structure several mm in length and 0.8-2mm in diameter. The human liver contains

50,000-1,00,000 individual lobules.

The liver lobule is constructed around a central vein that empties into the

hepatic veins and thence into the inferior vena cava. The lobule itself is composed

principally of many hepatic cellular plates that radiate centrifugally from the central

vein like spokes in a wheel. Each hepatic plate is 1-2 cells thick, and between the

adjacent cells lie small bile canaliculi that empty into bile ducts in the fibrous septa

separating the adjacent liver lobules.

Also in the septa are small portal venules that receive their blood from the

portal veins. From these venules blood flows into flat, branching hepatic sinusoids

that lie between the hepatic plates, and thence into the central vein. Thus the hepatic

cells are exposed continuously to portal venous blood.

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In addition to the portal venules, hepatic arterioles are also present in the

interlobular septa.

Functions of the Liver198

I. Synthetic: The liver synthesizes

1. The plasma proteins (except the immunoglobulins). The plasma albumin is

especially important in this respect. Hepatic failure, after a couple of days,

produces hypoalbuminemia and edema. γ- globulins (immunoglobulins) are

however, not synthesized by the liver (they are synthesized by the B-


2. Some blood clotting factors, like fibrinogen, prothrombin, factors ‘V’, the liver

synthesize ‘VIII’ and ‘X’. Hepatic failure thus leads to haemorrhagic disorders.

The liver also manufactures some anti-coagulants. Hepatic failure can, thus, lead

to intravascular clotting too.

3. The liver also synthesizes many of the enzymes; the alkaline phosphatase and

transaminases are notable examples. After damage of the liver cells, the

concentration of the glutamic oxalocetic transaminase and glutamate pyruvate

transaminase of serum (SGOT/AST and SGPT/ALT) rise considerably, as these

enzymes are released from the damaged hepatic cells. Estimation of the SGOT

and SGPT, thus are often done in cases of hepatic damages, for diagnostic and

prognostic purposes.

4. Urea synthesis also occurs in the liver. Blood urea level therefore may fall in

liver failure (provided kidneys are working satisfactorily).

5. Liver synthesizes cholesterol. Serum cholesterol values may fall in liver failure

(whereas in obstructive jaundice, serum cholesterol concentration, recall, rises).

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II. Detoxification

Liver detoxifies many drugs by one of the two mechanisms.

1. The drug is made more soluble, so that this more soluble derivative can be

eliminated via bile or urine, after conjugation with glucuronic acid.

2. Inactivation (by oxidation or reduction) of the drug by the liver.

In a liver failure, even a standard dose of morphine or barbiturate, thus, can

produce signs of overdose and indeed these two drugs are contraindicated in liver

failure. Liver also metabolizes alcohol (CH3CH2OH), first by oxidizing it into

CH3CHO, which is then further metabolized in the mitochondria of the liver cell.

III. Hormone Inactivation

Liver inactivates many important hormones like cortisol, aldosterone, insulin,

glucagon, testosterone and thyroxin.

IV. Storage

Liver stores some glycogens and some vitamins (notably A and B12).

V. Bile secretion

Bile acids (colic acid and related products) are synthesized in the liver and

released into the biliary channel as their salts. Conjugation of bilirubin, the bile

pigment, with glucoronic acid also occurs in the liver.

VI. Metabolic functions

Liver participates in all the three metabolisms namely-

a) Carbohydrates – Glycogenesis, glycogenolysis and glycogenogenesis all occur in

the liver

b) Protein – In connection with protein metabolism, the liver performs the following


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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

It synthesizes the plasma proteins, blood clotting factors, enzymes, lipo

proteins, urea etc. As a result when the liver fails, the amino acids remain unutilized.

In massive hepatic damage, rising amino acid concentration of the blood and ‘amino

aciduria’ result. Further, because of the fact that urea synthesis occurs in the liver,

liver is the organ, which removes ammonia from the body. So, in liver failure blood

NH3 rises and this probably constitutes the most dangerous development.

c) Fat metabolism- β oxidation occurs in the liver, the FFA, which reaches the liver

from adipose tissue via blood, is also esterified to form triglycerides in the liver. The

synthesis of saturated fatty acids from the ‘active acetates’ occurs in the liver. In liver

failure, the fat may not be sufficiently removed for lack of adequate quantities of

lipoproteins or, lack of β oxidation may cause accumulation of fatty acids in the liver.

Therefore excess accumulation of the fat in the liver (fatty liver) can occur in hepatic

insufficiency. Some drugs (e.g. Carbon tetrachloride) may cause fatty liver by this


Most of the body tissues (liver, testes, brain, aorta, intestine) can synthesis

cholesterol from active acetate, but for practical purposes the liver (and to some extent

the intestine) are the most important organs for cholesterol synthesis. Acute hepatic

failure is thus, usually associated with fall of plasma cholesterol values.

VII. Antibacterial action

The intestine harbors many bacteria and the venous blood from the intestine

(portal vein) contains bacteria, but these bacteria are removed while the blood passes

through the sinusoids of the liver. The sinusoids are lined by Kupffer’s cells, which

destroy these bacteria. In severe liver damage, bacterial invasion of the body from the

intestinal bacteria can occur, as the Kupffer’s cells no longer trap them.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Classification of Liver diseases199

Majority of liver disorders cannot be classified accurately into a disease

pattern, because in many instances the etiology and pathogenetic mechanism are

obscure. As a consequence, one finds an abundance of labels and names applied to

hepatic disorders. Some individuals use the term hepatitis to imply viral infection,

others simply to note evidence of hepatic inflammation. One finds ambiguity in the

use of the words acute, sub acute and chronic. Chronicity should refer to continuing or

recurrent disease (i.e. duration). Activity should refer to evidence of the presence of

perpetuation of liver cell injury; this is most readily identified on biopsy by the degree

of hepatocellular necrosis and by serum transaminase elevations.

Because of the difficulties involved in defining the perfect etiology of many

types of liver disorders, in most instances the process is best defined and described by

an examination of the morphology characters of the lesion. Therefore a morphologic

classification of liver diseases as out lined. Classification present more practical than

one based on etiology.

I. Parenchymal

a) Hepatitis (viral, drug-induced, toxic)

i) Acute

ii) Chronic [persistent or ‘active’ (aggressive)]

b) Cirrhosis

i) Laennec’s (portal, nutritional, and ‘alcoholic’)

ii) Post necrotic

iii) Biliary

iv) Hemochromatosis

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v) Rare types (e.g. Wilson’s disease, Galactosemia, cystic fibrosis of pancreas,

α1- antitrypsin deficiency)

c) Infiltrations:

i) Glycogen

ii) Fat (neutral fat, cholesterol, gangliosides, cerebrosides)

iii) Amyloid

iv) Lymphoma, leukaemia

v) Granuloma (e.g. sarcoidosis, tuberculosis)

d) Space-occupying lesions:

i) Hepatoma, metastatic tumour

ii) Abscess (pyogenic, amoebic)

iii) Cysts (polycystic disease, Echinococcus)

iv) Gummas

e) Functional disorders associated with jaundice

i) Gilbert’s syndrome

ii) Crigler-Najjar syndrome

iii) Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes

iv) Cholestasis of pregnancy and benign recurrent cholestasis

II. Hepatobiliary

a) Extra hepatic biliary obstruction (by stone, stricture, or tumour)

b) Cholangitis

III. Vascular

a) Chronic passive congestion and cardiac cirrhosis

b) Hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd-Chiari syndrome)

c) Portal vein thrombosis

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d) Pylephlebitis

e) Arteriovenous malformations.

Toxic and Drug Induced Hepatitis200

The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of a large number of organic

and inorganic chemicals and drugs. Drug induced hepatitis is an inflammation of the

liver with symptoms similar to viral hepatitis, but one difference it is caused by

medication not a virus.

Toxic liver injury produced by drugs and chemicals may virtually mimic any

form of naturally occurring liver diseases. Liver injury may follow the inhalation,

ingestion, or parenteral administration of a number of pharmacologic and chemical

agents. These include industrial toxins (eg. Carbon tetrachloride, Trichloro ethylene,

and yellow phosphorous), the heat-stable toxic bicyclic octapeptides of certain species

of Amanita and Galerina heptotoxic mushroom poisoning and more commonly,

pharmacologic agents used in medical therapy.

In fact any patient presenting with liver diseases or unexplained jaundice is

thoroughly questioned carefully about exposure to chemicals used in work or at home

and drugs taken by prescription or brought “over the counter”.

As the major drug metabolising and detoxifying organ in the body, the liver is

subject to potential damage from an enormous array of therapeutic and environmental

chemicals. Injury may result (1) from direct toxicity (2) via hepatic conversion of

xenobiotic to an active toxin. (3) through immune mechanism, usually by the drug or

a cellular protein in to immunogen.

It has been estimated that about 90% of acute hepatitis is resulting due to

viruses. Consumption of liquors and also through drug injury is the major cause of

liver diseases.

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In general, two major types of chemical hepatotoxicity have been recognised;

(1) Direct toxic type and (2) Idiosyncratic type.

Direct toxic hepatitis occurs with predictable regularity in individuals exposed

to the offending agent and is dose dependent. The latent period between exposure and

liver injury is usually short (often several hours), although clinical manifestations may

be delayed for 24 –48 hours. Agents producing toxic hepatitis are generally systemic

poison are converted in the liver to the toxic metabolites. The direct hepatotoxins

result in morphologic abnormalities that are reasonably characteristic and

reproducible for each toxin. For eg. Carbon tetrachloride and trichloro ethylene

characteristically produced a centri lobular zonal necrosis. Yellow phosphorous

poisoning typically results in periportal injury. Amanita phalloids usually produced

massive hepatic necrosis.

The toxicity produces by the direct hepatotoxins may go unrecognized until

jaundice appears.

In Idiosyncratic drug reactions the occurrence of hepatitis is usually infrequent

and unpredictable, the response is not dose dependent, and it may occur at any time

during or shortly after exposure to the drug. Extra hepatic manifestations of

hypersensitivity such as rash, arthralgias, fever etc. – with Idiosyncratic hepatotoxic

drug reactions is immunologically mediated.

In most cases, even idiosyncratic reactions represent direct hepatotoxicity but

are caused by drug metabolites rather than by the intact compound. Even the

prototype of idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity reactions, halothane hepatitis and isoniazid

hepatotoxicity, associated frequently with hyper sensitivity manifestations are now

recognized to be mediated by toxic metabolites that damage liver cells directly. In

selected cases, the drug or its metabolite has been shown to bind to a host cellular

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

component forming a hapten; the immune response to this “neoantigen” is postulated

to play a role in the pathogenesis of liver injury. Therefore, some authorities

subdivide idiosyncratic drug hepatotoxicity into hypersensitivity (allergic) and

“metabolic” categories.

Idiosyncratic reactions lead to a morphologic pattern that is more variable than

those produced by direct toxins; a single agent is often capable of causing a variety of

lesions, although certain patterns tend to predominate. Depending on the agent

involved, idiosyncratic hepatitis may result in a clinical and morphologic picture

indistinguishable from that of viral hepatitis (eg.halothane) or may simulate

extrahepatic bile duct obstruction clinically with morphologic evidence of cholestasis

and minimal hepatocellular damage (eg. Chlorpromazine). Morphologic alterations

also may include bridging hepatic necrosis (eg. Methyldopa) or infrequently hepatic

granulomas (eg. Sulfonamides).

Not all adverse hepatic drug reactions can be classified as either toxic or

idiosyncratic in type. For eg. Oral contraceptives, which combine estrogenic and

progestational compounds, may result in impairment of hepatic tests and occasionally

in jaundice. They do not produce necrosis or fatty change, manifestations of

hypersensitivity are generally absent and susceptibility to the development of oral

contraceptive induced cholestasis appears to be genetically determined.

It should be noted that (1) the injury may be immediate or take weeks to

months to develop. (2) It may take the form of overt hepatocyte necrosis cholestasis

or insidious onset of liver dysfunction. Most important, drug induced chronic hepatitis

is clinically and histologically indistinguishable from chronic viral hepatitis, and

hence serologic markers of viral infection are critical for making the distinction.

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Because drug-induced hepatitis is often a presumptive diagnosis and many

other disorders produce a similar clinicopathologic picture, evidence of a causal

relationship between the use of a drug and subsequent liver injury may be difficult to

establish, which lead to a high frequency of hepatic impairment after a short latent

period. Idiosyncratic reactions may be reproduce, in some instances, when rechalenge,

after an asymptamatic period, results in a recurrence of signs, symptoms and

morphologic and biochemical abnormalities. Rechalenge however, is often ethically

unfeasible, because severe reactions may occur.

Table No. 19

Showing principle alterations of Hepatic morphology produced by some

commonly used drugs and chemicals201.


Morphologic Change

Class of Agent Example

Cholestasis Anabolic steroid,




Oral contraceptive

Methyl testosterone


Erythromycin estolate,


Busulfan, tamoxifen

Norethynodrel with


Fatty liver Antibiotic







Hepatitis Anticonvulsant



Anti fungal

Phenytoin, carbamazine

Methyldopa, captopril

Indomethacin, Ibuprofen

Fluconazole, Ketocanazole

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Table No 19 Continued

Toxic (necrosis) Metal



Yellow phosphorous

Carbon tetrachloride


Granulomas Anti arrhythmic

Anti biotic




There are similar symptoms in drug induced hepatitis and in viral hepatitis

include jaundice, fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, and elevated

enzymes. In case of allergic drug reactions, generalized fever, rash and elevated white

blood cell count may occur.

Classification of Heptatoxic Agents

Hepatotoxins can be classified into the following classes depending on the

source of the toxin. They are,

1. Natural Origin – eg. Tannic acid, Aflatoxins, Pyrrelidizone alkaloids, Gyrometrin,

Amatoxins, Microcystin LR.

2. Synthetic Origin – (a) Toxins of clinical significance eg. Paracetomol,

Sulfonamides, PAS, Rifampicin, Iproniazid, Isinazid, Ethanol, Anabolic and

Controceptive steroids etc.

(b) Toxins having pathologic singificance eg. Chloroform, Phosphorous,

Tetrachlorethane, Ethionine etc.

(c) Toxins used as a common lab models eg. Carbon tetrachloride, Paracetamol,

Galactosamine. ( Ref: Zimmaman H. J. et.al., 1998).

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity



1. Infections

Viral: viral hepatitis,Yellow fever,Infectious mononucleosis,lassa fever

Spirochetal : weils diseases,Syphilis,relapsing fever.

Bacterial : Typhoid,pneumonia, brucelosis,tuberculosis.

Protozoal : Amoebiasis, malaria, kala-azar.

Parasitic : Schistosomasis, echinococcus,clonorchiasis.

Fungul : Actinomycosis, Histoplasmosis.

2. Toxic hepatitis

Carbon tetrachloride, arsenic, phosphorus, cincophen, sulphonamides,

chloropromazine, methylteststerone, halothane.

3. Degenerative - fatty infiltration and early cirrhosis.

4. Congestive hepatomegaly

a. General-Cogestive cardiac failure, tricuspid regurgitation, constrictive


b. Local- Portal hypertention(cirrhosis), hepatic vein thrombosis.

5. Tumors and cysts

a. Primary: benign and malignant hepatoma, : benign and malignant cholangioma,

fibroma, sarcoma, hemangioma.

b. Secondary: Direct due to spread by contiguity or embolic metastatic.

Cysts- Polycystic disease, solitary cyst (parasitic or non parasitic), malignant


6. Biliary obstruction.

Gall stones, strictures of bile ducts.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

7. Storage disorders:

Amyloidosis, glycogen storage disase, haemochromatosis.

8. Myeloid metaplasia:

Secondary carcinoma of bone, multiple myeloma.

9. Genetic abnormalities:

Sickle cell disease.


Hodgkins disease,leukemia.

Carbon Tetrachloride203

During the first quarter of this century, CCl4 was found to produce hepatic injury

in man and experimental animals. The intervening years have seen thousands of

reports devoted to this agent. Indeed, it is the most extensively studied of the

hepatotoxins. Poisoning which CCl4 has been a widely used model to study the

pathogenesis and character of hepatic necrosis and the effect of induced hepatic injury

or hepatic function. In the course of unraveling the mechanism by which it produces

fatty liver. CCl4 has served to clucidate the pathogenesis of fatty metamorphosis

induced by other etiologic factors. While it can lead to damage to a number of tissues,

it is particularly damaging to the liver and kidneys of many species.

Single dose of CCl4 in mammals results in acute centrilobular necrosis and

steatosis in the liver. With in a few minutes there is injury to the endoplasmic

reticulum, which leads to functional defects of the hepotocyte and multiple

biochemical manifestation of hepatic injury. Prolonged administration of CCl4 can

lead to cirrhosis and hepatic carcinoma. Most of the acute and chronic hepatic injury

appears to be due to the metabolites.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity













In This Experimental Study Carbon Tetrachloride – Induced as Hepatotoxic


Chart No 2.2 A suggested mechanism of production of the spectrum of liver


+20 Free Radicals

(Ref: Zimmaman H. J. et.al, 1998).

Investigations in Liver diseases204

Liver function tests can be classified as :

a. Tests of the excretion by the liver

b. Evaluation of synthesis in liver

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c. Evaluation of enzyme activity.

Liver function tests are most often employed to determine

a. The presence of liver disease

b. The type of liver disease

c. The extent and progression of liver disease.

Many liver function tests are based on a wide variety of biochemical reactions,

such that the clinician can select combination of tests that often measure different

aspects of hepatic function. Many tests however are still empiric and semi

quantitative and no single test is universally helpful in diagnosis.

Serological lab investigations like -

Serum Bilirubin, Serum Albumin and globulins, Serum Enzyme Assays, Serum

Alkaline phophatase, Transaminasis [Amino transferases]

Others tests like; urine bilurubin, urine urobilinogen, Lactic dehydogenase (LDH),

other enzymes GGT, OLT, Serum proteins, immunoglobulins, clotting factors,

Serum ammonia, Blood lipids.

Radiologic procedures – Cholecystography, and Cholangiography, Angiography,

Radioisotope liver scans, Portal and Hepatic vein manometry, Percutaneous needle

biopsy of the liver, Peritoneoscopy, Leparotomy.

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Table.No. 20 Laboratory Evaluation of Liver disease205

Test Category Serum Measurement

Hepatocyte integrity Cystolic hepatocellular enzymes

Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

Biliary excretory function Substances secreted in bile

Serum bilirubin

Total: Unconjugated plus conjugated

Direct: Conjugated only

Delta: Convalently linked to albumin

urine bilubin

Serum bile acids

Plasma membrane anzymes.

(from damage to bile canaliculus)

Serum alkaline phosphates

Serum r – glutamyl transpeptidase

Serum s – nucleotidase

Hepatocyte function Proteins secreted into the blood

Serum albumin

Prothrombin time

(factors V, VII, X, Prothrombin, fibrinogen)

Hepatocyte metabolism

Serum ammonia

Aminopyrine breath test

(hepatic demethylation)

Galactose elimination

(Intravenous injection)

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Pharmaceutical Study

Practical No. 1

Name of the Practical : Preparation of Kanji

Reference : Sh. Sa. M 10/12

Date of Commencement : 20/12/2006

Date of Completion : 05/01/2007


1. Shali – ½ kg.

2. Masha – ½ kg.

3. Water – 3 litres + 3 litres


Gas stove, porcelain jar, steel vessels, cloth, measuring glass, etc.


a. ½ kg Shali + ½ kg Masha was taken and washed for 3 times with water.

b. 3 litres of water was added to it and cooked on Mandagni.

c. When Shali and Masha was properly cooked, further 3 litres of water was

added to it and macerated on cooling.

d. A porcelain jar was fumigated with fumes of Vaca, Guggulu and Karpura.

e. Cooked and macerated rice along with water was kept in porcelain jar and

covered with lid smeared with Multtani mud and was allowed to ferment.

f. When fermentation process completed the Aranala was filtered and stored.


a. After Madhyamagni of ½ hour, the temperature noted inside the vessel

was 700 C after one hour the temperature raised to 1000 C.

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b. After 1st hour water started boiling and during 2nd hour foam started


c. After 2nd hour foam subsided by its own.

d. After 3rd hour the level of water gradually decreased and bubbles were

seen over boiling rice.

e. After 3rd hour it was observed that rice was cooked and became soft when

rubbed between the fingers.

f. When properly cooked Masha and Shali was macerated in 3 litres water,

its colour turned to milky white.

g. During fumigation a pleasant fragnance was observed from the porcelain


h. When Aranala was kept for Sandhana, on 7th day some bubbling sounds

were observed from the porcelain jar. But when igniting match stick was

entered into the jar it got extinguished.

i. After 15 days, ignited match stick did not extinguished when entered into

Sandhana Patra. This indicated the completion of Sandhana process.


a. Shali and Masha should be washed properly before cooking.

b. Shali and Masha to be cooked on Madhyamagni.

c. To cook Shali and Masha, cold water should be added and macerated well

before placing it for Sandhana.

d. Sandhana Patra must be sealed properly.


Final product – 3 liters

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Practical no. 2

Name of the preparation: Tamra samanya shodhana in Tila taila.

Date of commencement : 08 – 01 - 2007

Date of completion : 08 – 01 - 2007

Reference : R.R.S. 5/29

Equipments: Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove, Cloth, Physical


Drugs: 1) Asudda Tamra patra : 1000gms

2) Tila taila : 7 ltr

Procedure: Tamra patra was taken and kept on fire till it turns red hot. Then it was

immersed immediately in Tila taila .Then Cooled metal was taken out, washed with

hot water to remove the oiliness & wiped with cloth. Same was repeated for 7 times.


a. In the initial phase of heat treatment, it took 20 min to turn red hot but later it

was reduced in respect to time. It was 16 – 18 min in the later heat Treatments.

b. Hissing sound during immersion.

c. Each time the Tamra quenched in Taila there was a blackish discoloration of

Tamra & reddish tinge was observed in Taila.

d. Tamra would catch fire & extinguish on its own sometimes.


a. The order of Taila, Takra, Gomutra, Aranala and Kulattha was to follow in

this order itself.

b. In each media of liquids, Tamra was quenched for 7 times.

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c. After quenching Tamra in Tila taila, it was allowed to be in it for 20 – 30min

and again heat treatment was given.

d. For every time of heat treatment it was made sure that Tamra gets intensively

heated on fire, Tamra was heated until Red hot.


Table No. 21 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Tila taila

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt.

Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 1000 gms 985 gms 15 gms Tamra became soft and

blackish discolouration.

2 Taila 7000 ml 6650 ml 350 ml Dirty red colour

Reason for loss

Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part lost in Taila

Practical No. 3

Name of the Practical : Preparation of Takra

Date of Commencement : 09 - 01 - 2007

Date of Completion : 09 - 01 - 2007

Reference : Su. Su 45/85

Apparatus: Steel vessel, stirrer, measuring glass, etc.

Drugs: 1.Dadhi – 5 litres

2. Jala – 2.5 litres

Procedure: Dadhi and Jala was mixed in a steel vessel and with the help of a stirrer

Manthana was done till all the Navaneeta was separated which was removed and

Takra part was taken for the study.

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In the initial phase of manthana small goblets form of navaneeta was collected

which later united to form a bolus like.


a. Dadhi maintained in a clean container.

b. Manthana was done slowly to see that it does not spill out of the


Result Total amount taken - 7 .5 ltrs

Final product - 7.2 ltrs

Loss - 0.3 ltrs

Reason for loss - Because of the separation of butter

Practical no. 4

Name of the preparation : Samanya shodhana of Tamra in Takra.

Date of commencement : 09 –01 –2007

Date of completion : 09 –01 – 2007

Reference : R.R.S 5/29

Equipments: - Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove. Cloth, Physical


Drugs: - a. Taila shodita Tamra – 985 gms

b. Takra - 7 lit

c. Jala -- Q.S

Procedure: Taila shodita Tamra patra was taken and kept on fire till it turns to Red

hot. Then it was immersed in Takra. Cooled metal was taken out, washed with hot

water & wiped with cloth and same was repeated for 7 times.

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


a. Blackish tinge was observed in Takra

b. There would be watery break up of Takra, curdy part would settle at the


c. While dipping sound comes loudly compared to Taila.

d. Tamra appeared black but the degree of blackness was less compared to Taila

shodita Tamra.

e. Some part of Tamra turned to choorna & was collected at the bottom.

Precaution: a. Madhyamagni was maintained.

b. For every time of heat treatment it was made sure that Tamra gets

Intensively heated on fire.

c. Each time fresh Takra was taken for the procedure.

d. Each time washing and wiping is compulsory.


Table No. 22 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Takra

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt.

Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 985 gms 970 gms 15 gms Soft, thin, very little

amount changed to


2 Takra 7000 ml 6860 ml 140 ml Blackish tinged

Reason for loss

1. Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part got lost in Takra

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Practical no. 5

Name of the preparation : Samanya shodhana of Tamra in Gomootra

Date of commencement : 10 –01 – 2007

Date of completion : 10 – 01–2007

Reference : R.R.S 5/29

Equipments: - Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove. Cloth, Physical


Drugs: - a.Takra shodita Tamra – 970 gms

b Gomutra - 7 lits

c. Jala -- QS

Procedure: Takra shodita Tamra patra was taken and kept on fire till it turns red hot.

Then it was immersed immediately in Gomutra. Then cooled metal was taken out,

washed with hot water & wiped with cloth and same was repeated for 7 times.


a) Each time the Tamra quenched in Gomutra there was a lot of smoke.

b) Tamra was heated to red hot & was dipped in to Gomutra

c) Tamra became brittle, the shining of metal was reduced.

d) Part of patra turned to choorna and was collected at the bottom.

e) Blackish ting in Goumutra, appeared greay colour.

Precaution: Madhayamagni was maintained.

Each time fresh Gomutra was taken.

Tamra was heated until Red hot.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Table No. 23 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Gomutra

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt.

Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 970 gms 950 gms 20 gms Shining reduced and

became brittle.

2 Gomutra 7000 ml 6870 ml 130 ml Gray coloured with

blackish tinge.

Reason for loss

1. Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part got lost in Gomutra

Practical no.6

Name of the preparation : Samanya shodhana of Tamra in Aranala.

Date of commencement : 11 -01 – 2007

Date of completion : 11– 01 –2007

Reference : R.R.S 5/29

Equipments: - Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove. Cloth, Physical


Drugs: - a. Gomutra shodita Tamra – 950 gms

b Aranala - 7000 ml

c. Jala - QS

Procedure: Gomutra shodita Tamra patra was taken and kept on fire till it turns red

hot. After it was complete immersed immediately in Arnala. Then cooled metal was

taken out, washed with hot water & wiped with cloth and same was repeated for 7


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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


a. Each time the Tamra quenched in Aranala there was a sound.

b. Tamra patras were torned at periphery & became thin & brittle.

c. Blackish tinge in Aranala.

d. Choornita Tamra was collected at the bottom.

e. Comparatively Tamra was less black than previous


a. Madhayamagni was maintained.

b. Each time fresh Aranala was taken.

c. Tamra was heated until Red hot.


Table No. 24 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Aranala

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt. Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 950 gms 935 gms 15 gms Thin, brittle and choornite

2 Aranala 7000 ml 6865 ml 135 ml Black disclouration with

less amla gandha.

Reason for loss

1. Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part got lost in Aranala

Practical No. 7

Name of Practical : Preparation of Kulattha Kwatha.

Date of Commencement : 12 – 01 -2007

Date of Completion : 13 – 01 - 2007

Reference : Sh. Sam M 2/2

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Apparatus: Gas stove, steel vessels, cloth, measuring glass, Physical balance etc.

Drugs: 1.Kulattha – 3 kg.

2. Jala – 48 litres.

Procedure: Well cleaned Kulatha made into a coarse powder for this 48 liters

of Jala was added and boiled over mandagni in a big steel vessel till it reduce to 1/8th


Then kwatha was filtered and collected.


a. After 1 hour slowly smoke (vapours) started to appear on the surface of water.

b. After 3rd hour bubbling was evident and during 3rd hour slight foam was forming

which got subsided by its own.

c. After 4th hour water was decreasing.

d. After 6th hour Kulattha appeared very soft in consistency.

e. Second day morning it has been reduced to 1/8th

f. The colour of Kwatha was slight brownish in nature.


a. Kulattha was properly washed and dried well.

b. Kulatha was coarsely powdered for Kwatha Kalpana.

c. During boiling now and then the content was mixed well with a steel


d. Madyamagni was maintained constantly.

Result: Total Kwatha obtained – 6 litres

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Practical No. 8

Name of the preparation : Samanya shodhana of Tamra in Kulatha Kwatha.

Date of commencement : 13 - 01 –2007

Date of completion : 13 – 01 - 2007

Reference : R.R.S 5/29

Equipments : Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove.

Cloth, Physical balance

Drugs: - a. Aranala shodita Tamra – 935 gms

b Kulatha Kwatha - 6 ltr

c. Jala -- QS

Procedure: Aranala shodita Tamra patra was taken and kept over fire till it turns to

red hot. Then it was immersed immediately in Kulattha kwatha. After that cooled

metal was taken out, washed with hot water & wiped with cloth and same was

repeated for 7 times.


a. A typical sound during Nirvapa of Tamra patra in Kulattha kwatha

b. Tamra appeared progressively black with each Nirvap then the previous.

c. Tamra became thin and more brittle.

d. Kualatha kwatha appeared blackish red.


a. Madhayamagni was maintained.

b. Each time fresh Kulattha kwatha was taken.

c. Tamra was heated until Red hot.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Table No. 25 Result of Tamra Samanya shodhana in Kulattha kwatha

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt.

Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 935 gms 915 gms 20 gms Blackish, Brittle, thin

part of it choornita

2 Kulattha


6000 ml 5870 ml 130 ml Quantity reduced

appeard black

Reason for loss

1. Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part got lost in Kulattha kwatha

Practical No. 9

Name of the preparation : Vishesha shodhana of Tamra.

Date of commencement : 15 – 01– 2007

Date of completion : 15 – 01– 2007

Reference : R.R.S. 5/15

Equipments : Steel vessel, Holder, Measurement jar, Gas stove,

Cloth, Physical balance

Drugs: - a. Samanya shodhita Tamra - 915gms

b Nimbu swarasa - QS

c. Saindavalavana - 300gms

d. Kaanji - 8 ltrs

e. Jala - Q.S

Procedure: The samanya shoditha Tamra patra was taken and coated with the paste

of Nimbu swarasa and Sindavalavana and allowed to dry. Kept on fire till it turns red

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

hot, immersed immediately in Kaanji. Cooled metal was taken out, washed with hot

water & wiped with cloth. And same was repeated for 8 times.


a. A typical sound during heat was observed.

b. Hissing sound was observed after dipping it in Kaanji.

c. Tamra patras were turned to choorna. (small pieces)

d. Tamra choorna turned to black.

e. Kaanji turned to Gray colour.


a. Dried well after coated with Saindhava and Nimbu rasa.

b. Madhayamagni was maintained.

c. Tamra was heated until Red hot.

d. Each time fresh Kaanji was taken.

e. Collected all pieces of Tamra carefully.


Table No. 26 Result of Tamra Vishesha shodhana in kanji

SL.No Drug Initial Wt. Final Wt.

Wt Loss Observed changes

1 Tamra 915 gms 895 gms 20 gms Choornavastha and black

2 Kaanji 8000 ml 7800 ml 200 ml Grey colour with Black


Reason for loss

1. Tamra - Some part of its coat got burnt away.

Some part got lost in kaanji

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Practical No. 10

Name of the preparation : Parada shodhana

Date of commencement : 17 – 01– 2007

Date of completion : 24 – 01– 2007

Reference : R.S.S. 1/28

Apparatus : Kalva yantra, Oordwa patana yantra, measuring jar,

Gas stove, Cloth, cold water pad, Multani mitti, Thread,

Physical balance, Tray.

Drugs: - a. Ashudha Parada - 600gms

b Haridara Choorna - 600gms

c. Kumari swarasa - QS

d. Jala - Q.S

Procedure: Mentioned quantity of Parada and Haridra Choorna were taken in Kalva

yantra, for this required quantity of Kumari swarasa was added and started mardana.

Mardana was continued for three days and then made chakrikas, dried them. Dried

chakrikas were placed in Oordhva patana yantra. This yantra placed over fire. The

upper part was kept cold by means of wet cloth. The heating was continous for 8

hours. Then it was allowed for swangasheeta and with proper care two pots were

separated. Parada was collected by scrapping from upper part and filtered twice with

four folded cloth.


a. Parada was not mixed immediately with Haridra Choorna.

b. Parada became fine particle but visible after the first day of mardana.

c. Parada mixed Homogeneously with Haridra Choorna and Kumari rasa after

third day mardana.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

d. Chakrikas size in beginning was 4 cms, after getting dried its size was 3 cms.

e. Chakrikas were having Haridara gandha.

f. After commencement of heating within 30 min smell of Gandhaka was


g. After completion of heating and separation of pots, it was observed to be

covered with a grey coloured substance with black spots. In the inner surface

of the upper pot.

h. The black powder from upper pot when squeezed through cloth yields Parada

in globules form.


a. Mardana was done carefully to avoid spillage.

b. Fresh Kumari swarasa was used.

c. Mardana was continuous with uniform pressure.

d. General precautions mentioned for Sandivandana were followed.

e. In order to maintain coolness on upper pot, cloth pad dipped in cold water was

placed and changing of cold pad was done reputedly.

f. To avoid wastage of Parada squeezing of black powder was done.


Ashudda Parada - 600gms

Shodhita Parada - 540gms

Total loss - 60gms

Reason for loss - Evaporated during Oordwapatana

and lost during Prakshalana

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Practical No. 11

Name of Practical : Gandhaka Shodhana

Date of Commencement : 27 -01- 2007

Date of Completion : 27 -01- 2007

Reference : R. R. S. 3/22

Apparatus : Mortar with pestle, steel vessels, stove, cloth, holder,

Physical balance etc.


1. Ashudha Gandhaka : 1000 g

2. Goghrita : QS

3. Godugdha : 3 liters

4. Jala : QS


Ashudha Gandhaka was taken and powdered. Goghrita was melted in steel

vessel to that powdered Gandhaka was added. Then Godugdha was taken in another

vessel and a cloth was tied on the mouth of vessel. Mandagni was given to the vessel

containing mixture of Goghrita and Gandhaka .When Gandhaka was totally melted

with Goghrita, the mixture was slowly and immediately poured into the big vessel

containing Godugdha through the cloth. The solid mass of Gandhaka was washed

thoroughly in hot water and kept for drying and repeated for 3 times.


a. When Gandhaka was totally melted it forms s homogenous mixture.

b. The successive timings for melting was lesser.

c. Some physical impurities like clay, threads etc were observed on the cloth

tied over the Dugdha containing vessel.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

d. After pouring melted Gandhaka into the milk, Ghrita was observed

floating over the surface of milk and colour of it was yellowish.

e. After purification, Gandhaka was obtained as a mass at the bottom of the

vessel containing milk. At that time the appearance was oily, dull

yellowish and in the central region crystals like structure was observed.

Some part of Gandhaka was obtained as granules.

f. After washing with hot water and totally drying, the colour changes to

bright yellow.


a. Mandagni was maintained.

b. The mixture of Gandhaka and Goghrita was constantly stirred while heating.

c. When Gandhaka was totally melted and homogenous mixture was formed, it

was immediately but slowly and cautiously poured into milk vessel.

d. Gandhaka mass was clearly washed with hot water and dried.

e. The completely dried Gandhaka mass was powdered well and then taken for

next purification.


Table No. 27 Result of Gandhaka Shodhana

Batch Gandhaka





Gandhaka (grams)



1stShodhana 1000 1 960 40

2ndShodhana 960 1 950 10

3rdShodhana 950 1 940 10

Total loss: 60gms

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Reasons for loss

1) Evaporated during heating.

Practical No. 12

Name of Practical : Haratala Shodhana

Date of Commencement : 28 -01- 2007

Date of Completion : 28 -01- 2007

Reference : R. R. S. 3/70

Apparatus : Gas stove, dolayantra, cloth, Physical balance etc.


1. Ashudha Haratala : 200gms

2. Kooshmanda swarasa : QS

3. Jala : QS

Procedure : Coarse powder of Ashudha Haratala was tied in a cloth and made pottali.

This pottali was immersed in Dolayantra containing Kooshmanda swarasa. Then heat

was given for 1 yama kala. After swanga sheeta it was washed, dried and powdered.


a. Haratala was hard to pound.

b. During swedana Kooshmanda gandha was observed.

c. After shodhana it was comparatively brittle.


a. Haratala was not to be converted into fine powder.

b. Pottalli was made in 4 folded cloth.

c. Mandagni was maintained.

d. Swarasa was added during the process for continuous contact of Kooshamanda

swarasa with Haratala.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Ashudha Haratala : 200gms

Shodhita Haratala : 195gms

Loss : 5gms

Reason for loss : Dissolved in swarasa

Practical No. 13

Name of Practical : Manashila shodhana

Date of Commencement : 29 -01- 2007

Date of Completion : 02 -02- 2007

Reference : R. T. 11/111

Apparatus: Kalva yantra, Steel vessels, spoon, Physical balance etc.


1. Ashudha Manashila : 100gms

2. Nimbu swarasa : QS

3. Jala : QS

Procedure : Ashudha Manashila was taken in Kalva yantra, and made powder.

Nimbu swarasa was added in sufficient quantity and Triturated until it gets dried.

Repeated the same for 7 times and washed with water, allowed to dry.


a. Initially Manashila was yellowish red, after adding Nimbu rasa it turned to

deep orange colour.

b. In the beginning it was easy to do mardana, after that it would take sticky

consistency and difficult for mardana.

c. When it was washed with water some part of it get dissolved with water.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


a. Mardana was done with constant pressure

b. Mardana was done carefully to avoid spillage.

c. Fresh, filtered Nimbu rasa was taken for mardana.


Ashudha Manashila : 100gms

Shodhita Manashila : 98gms

Loss : 2gms

Reason for loss : Adhered to kalva and lost during prakshalana

Practical No. 14

Name of Practical : Preparation of Kajjali

Date of Commencement : 03 -02-2007

Date of Completion : 15-02 -2007

Reference : R.T 6/107

Apparatus : Khalva Yantra, Tula yantra, Spatula, etc.


1. Shodhita Parada : 540gm

2. Shodhita Gandhaka : 540gm

Procedure: In a Khalva Yantra, Shodhita Parada and Shodhita Gandhaka was taken

in equal quantity. Then Continuous mardhana was done. As mardana was continued

up to seven to eight hours daily for three days. The whole mixture converts into a

fine, Black, smooth, lusterless powder and it was collected carefully.


a. After 2 hours of trituration, the colour of Gandhaka started transforming into

blackish yellow.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

b. After 48 hours, Parada particles almost disappeared and the mixture turned

into dark black colour. But, when rubbed between the fingers, small particles

of Parada were seen.

c. But after 96 hours of trituration, there was no Parada particles observed when

rubbed between the fingers. Kajjali attained Nischandratva quality but still this

Kajjali was not satisfying the test of flame test and on rubbing it on Tamra

Patra discolouration was seen.

d. After 120 hours of trituration, the prepared Kajjali fulfilled all the criteria even

the flame test and Tamra Patra test, too were positive.

e. This prepared Kajjali was fulfilled the even test of Varitara and Rekha

purnatva too.

f. The entire powder became lime, black, smooth, lusterless and Kajjalabhasa.


a. Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before starting the process.

b. Shodhita Gandhaka was finely powdered, before adding to Shodita Parada.

c. Mardana was done carefully and in uniform speed to avoid spillage.

d. The pestle was moved entire length of Khalva Yantra in clockwise / Anti

clockwise direction.

e. Intermittently water was sprinkled to avoid spillage.

f. Kajjali was collected after the completion of Lakshanas.


Total weight of before the practical – 1080gms

Total weight of Kajjali obtained – 1070gms

Weight loss – 10gms.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Reason for loss:

a. Spilling of mixture during mardana.

b. Some fine particles of Kajjali remained adherent to Khalva which were

difficult to collect.

c. Some quantity of Kajjali was lost during performing the confirmatory test

of the product.

Practical No. 15

Name of Practical : Preparation of Kajjali (Somanathiya)

Date of Commencement : 16 -02-2007

Date of Completion : 16 -02 -2007

Reference : R.C. 14/66

Apparatus : Khalva Yantra, Tula yantra, Spatula, etc.


1. Kajjali : 500gm

2. Shodhita Haratala : 125gm

3. Shodhita Manashila : 62.5 gm

Procedure: Kajjali of practical no.14 was taken to this Kajjali, Shuddha Haritala was

added and triturated well till it turns into a homogeneous mixture. Then to this

mixture, Shuddha Manahshila was added and triturated well.


a. After adding Shuddha Haritala the colour of Kajjali turned bit lighter.

b. By adding Manahshila the colour of Kajjali turned lighter and very fade black

colour of Kajjali was seen.


a. Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before starting the process.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

b. Kajjali was collected after the completion of Lakshanas.


Total weight of before the practical – 687.5gms

Total weight of Kajjali obtained – 686.5gms

Weight loss – 1 gms.

Reason for loss

a. Spilling of mixture during mardana.

Practical No. 16

Name of the Practical : Preparation of Tamra Bhasma.

Reference : R.T 17/25

Date of Commencement : 16/02/07

Date of completion : 26/04/07

Apparatus : Sharavas, Multani mud, cloth, sieve, Upalas,

Kalvayantra etc.


1) Shodhita Tamra – 200g

2) Khajjali – 400g


a. Kajjali was mixed with nimbu rasa in kalvayantra.

b. Applied Kajjali paste to the Tamra patra.

c. Dried them well.

d. Arranged kajjali lipta Tamra patras in a sharava.

e. Another Sharava was taken and was closed.

f. With the help of Multani mud and cloth, Sandhibandhana was done for 7

times accordingly.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

g. This Samputita Sharava was treated in Gajaputa.

h. After Swangashita from the Sharava the drug was removed out it was

finely powdered and sieved

i. For this ardha marita tamra choorna again kajjali and nimbu rasa were

added, made chakrika, dried them well, samputa was done and treated with


j. Like this total seven putas were given.


a. After first puta the drug obtained in the sharava was light black but after

powdering it was dark black coloured homogenous heavy coarse powder.

b. After adding nimbu rasa to the ardha marita tamra bhasma and kajjali mixture

generates heat.

c. After second puta black comparatively fine and light.

d. After third puta Black comparatively fine light and rekhapoorna.

e. After seven putas Black, soft, light, powder passed all bhasma pareeksha.


a. 200 gms kajjali was taken in first puta, 50 gms in second, third, fourth and

fifth puta, for sixth and seventh only nimbu rasa was added.

b. Each time chakrikas were made by adding nimburasa and kajjali, dried

them well and made samputa.

c. The 7 layers of Multani mitti was done only after drying of the previous


d. 1000 Vanyopalas were filled in Gajaputa pit.

e. The Upalas were weighed before filling them into Gajaputa as 70kg

(which was fixed after a pilot study)

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

f. Care taken while powdering & sieving the drug.


Weight of drugs before Puta – 600g

Weight of Bhasma obtained – 350g

Weight loss – 250g

The test drug passes the test for all the Bhasma lakshanas.

Table No. 28 Temperature chart

Puta Onset time &

Temperature in 0C

Peak time &

Temperature 0C

Total time taken

for Swanga sheeta

after peak temp

In hours

1 10 am & 32 1 pm & 782 25

2 8 am & 31 11.30 am & 780 26

3 8.30 am & 32 11.30am & 784 28

4 8am & 30 11 am & 781 27

5 9am & 28 12.15pm & 780 26

6 8.30am & 29 12 noon & 782 26

7 10 am & 30 12.30 pm & 781 27

Practical No. 17

Name of the Practical : Preparation of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

Reference : Ayurvediya Rasashastra

Date of Commencement : 16/02/07

Date of completion : 27/03/07

Apparatus : Sharavas, Multani mitti, cloth, sieve, Upalas etc.


1) Shuddha Tamra – 200g

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

2) Khajjali made of Parada, Gandhaka, Haratala & Manahshila – 550g


a. A Sharava was taken and some amount of Kajjali was sprinkled.

b. Above this Tamra was spread.

c. Over Tamra again Kajjali was spread alternatively.

d. Another Sharava was taken and was closed the Sharava with the drugs


e. With the help of Multani mitti and cloth, Sandhibandhana was done for

7 times accordingly.

f. This Samputita Sharava was treated in Gajaputa.

g. After Swangashita from the Sharava the drug was removed out it was

finely powdered and sieved

h. For ardha marita tamra choorna again nimbu rasa was added, made

chakrika, dried them well, samputa was done and treated with


i. Like this total three putas were given.


a. The Kajjali before treatment was in powder form which after treatment

turned into a light, brittle and single mass.

b. The drug obtained in the Sharava was light black but after powdering

it, it was Mayurakanthabha or dark black coloured homogeneous



a. Arranging the drug in Sharava was alternately done.

b. The lowest and the top layer was Kajjali

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

c. After arranging the drugs in Sharava, it was not shaked as it may misplace

the inner layed drugs.

d. The 7 layers of Multani mitti was done only after drying of the previous


e. 1000 Vanyopalas were filled in Gajaputa pit.

f. The Upalas were weighed before filling them into Gajaputa as 70kg

(which was fixed after a pilot study)

g. Care taken while powdering & sieving the drug.


Weight of drugs before Puta – 750g

Weight of Bhasma obtained – 350g

Weight loss – 400g

The test drug passes the test for all the Bhasma lakshanas.

Temperature chart same as shown in Practical No. 16.

Practical No. 18

Name of the Practical : Amruthikarana of Tamra Bhasma.

Reference : R.T 17/34-39

Date of Commencement : 01/05/07

Date of completion : 10/06/07

Apparatus : Sharavas, Multani mud, cloth, sieve, Upalas,

Kalvayantra etc.


1) Tamra Bhasma – 100g

2) Shodhita Gandhaka – 50 g

3) Panchamruta – QS

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Tamra bhasma was taken in khavala yantra and mardana was done with

Gandhaka and Panchamruta until the required consistency is obtained. Made

chakrikas, dried them in shade, samputa was done and treated with Gajaputa. After

swangasheeta from the Sharava the drug was removed out it was finely powdered and

sieved. 3 Gajaputas were given.


a. Panchamruta was thick.

b. Mixture of Tamra bhasma, Gandhaka and Panchamruta was sticky.

c. Chakrikas were not dried soon.

d. Bhasma was light black.


a. Each drug of Panchamruta was equal in weight.

b. Mardana was done carefully and continuously.

c. Chakrikas were dried in shade.

d. Proper care was taken for making samputa.

e. Care taken while powdering & sieving the drug.


Weight of drug before puta – 150 gm

Weight of bhasma obtained – 95 gm

Weight loss – 55 gm

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table No. 29 Temperature chart

Puta Onset time &

Temperature in 0C

Peak time &

Temperature 0C

Total time taken

for Swanga sheeta

after peak temp

In hours

1 8.30 am & 32 11.30am & 784 28

2 8am & 30 11 am & 781 27

3 9am & 28 12.15pm & 780 26

Practical No. 19

Name of the Practical : Amruthikarana of Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

Reference : R.T 17/34-39

Date of Commencement : 01/05/07

Date of completion : 10/06/07

Apparatus : Sharavas, Multani mud, cloth, sieve, Upalas,

Kalvayantra etc.


1) Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma – 100g

2) Shodhita Gandhaka – 50 g

3) Panchamruta – QS


Somanathiya Tamrabhasma was taken in khavala yantra and mardana was

done with Gandhaka and Panchamruta until the required consistency is obtained.

Made chakrikas, dried them in shade, samputa was done and treated with Gajaputa.

After swangasheeta from the Sharava the drug was removed out it was finely

powdered and sieved. 3 Gajaputas were given.

Pharmaceutical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


a) Panchamruta was thick.

b) Mixture of Somanathiya Tamra bhasma, Gandhaka and Panchamruta was

sticky Chakrikas were not dried soon.

c) Bhasma was light black.


a) Each drug of Panchamruta was equal in weight.

b) Mardana was done carefully and continuously.

c) Chakrikas were dried in shade.

d) Proper care was taken for making samputa.

e) Care taken while powdering & sieving the drug.


Weight of drug before puta – 150 gm

Weight of bhasma obtained – 98 gm

Weight loss – 52 gm

Temperature chart shown in Practical No. 18

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


The metallic & mineral preparation of ayurvedic pharmacopoeia should be

analyzed for physical& chemical properties to confirm the genuinely & safety before

administration to the patients. Hence it is essential to adopt Ancient & Modern

analytical methodology for better understanding & interpretation of physico -

chemical changes occurred during the process.

In the present study sample is collected at the completion of the preparation &

subjected to ancient & modern analytical methods i.e. physical & chemical analysis

for bhasma at D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College Gadag, Bangalore Test House

Bangalore & Physical analysis at J.T. Pharmacy College Gadag .

Ancient Parameters

Table No.30 Showing Analysis of Tamara Bhasma & Somanathiya Tamra

Bhasma by Ancient method



Tamra Bhasma Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

1 Varna Black Black

2 Gatarasatvam (Rasa) Non- Perceivable Non- Perceivable

3 Sparsha (Slakshnatvam and Mrudutvam)

Mrudutva and Slakshnatva was felt by simple touch with finger tips

Mrudutva and Slakshnatva was felt by simple touch with finger tips

4 Gandha Non- Perceivable Non- Perceivable

5 Rekhapurnatva The Bhasma was rubbed in between first finger and thumb. It penetrates into the furrows of the fingers - Positive

The Bhasma was rubbed in between first finger and thumb. It penetrates into the furrows of the fingers – Positive

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table No. 30 Continued

6 Varitaratva A small amount of

Bhasma was carefully

sprinkled in beaker full of

water. It was found that

total portion of Bhasma

was floating on the water

surface - Positive

A small amount

of Bhasma was


sprinkled in

beaker full of

water. It was

found that total

portion of

Bhasma was

floating on the

water surface –


7 Nischandratvam The Bhasma observed in

bright sunlight. It was

not having any lusture –


The Bhasma

observed in bright

sunlight. It was

not having any

lusture - Positive

8 Amlapareeksha For Bhasma when putted

some drops of Lemon

juice it does not change to


For Bhasma when

putted some drops

of Lemon juice it

does not change

to green.

Physical test for Bhasma

1. Total Ash: Take about 2 gms accurately weighed, ground drug in a previously

tared silica dish, previously ignited and weighed. Scatter the ground drug in a fine

even layer on the bottom of the dish. Incinerate by gradually increasing the heat not

exceeding dull red heat (4500C) until free from carbon. Cool and weigh. Calculate the

percentage of ash with reference to air dried drug.

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Result : Tamra bhasma - 98.4%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 99.5 %

2. Acid insoluble ash: The ash obtained was taken with dilute HCL filtered through

Whitman no. 42 filter paper. The residue was washed with hot water till it was free

from chloride. The residue was taken in a crucible, dried & ignited at a low

temperature. Calculated the percentage of acid insoluble ash with reference to the

moisture free drug.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 1.1%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 1.4 %

3. Loss on ignition at 10000 c :One gms of tamra bhasma accurately weighed was

taken in a previously dried & weighed porcelain crucible heated on an electrically

heated muffle furnace 10000 c for about one hour. It was cooled & weighed; from the

weight of ash obtained the ash value was calculated.

(d – a)

Ash value = ---------------


(d – a) = weight of ash c =weight of samples

Result : Tamra bhasma - 1.54%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 0.4 %

4. Loss on drying 1100c : 1gram of accurately weighed and heated on electric oven

up to 1100c and again weighed, the difference in weighed was calculated by Initial

weighed-weighed after 1100c=- gram.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 0.61%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 1.29 %

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

5. Determination of Alcohol soluble extractive:

Procedure : Macerate about 5 grams of the air dried sample with 100ml of ethanol in a

closed flask for twenty four hours, shaking frequently during six hours and allowing

to stand for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly taking precautions against loss of solvent

evaporate 25ml of the filterate to dryness in a tared flat bottomed dish and dry at

1050C, to constant weight and weigh. Calculate the percentage of alcohol soluble

extractive with reference to the air dried drug.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 1.57%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 3.47 %

6. Determination of water soluble extractive :

Procedure: Macerate about 5 grams of air dried drug with 100ml of chloroform water

in a closed flask for twenty four hours, shaking frequently during six hours and

allowing to stand for nineteen hours. Filter this and pipette 25ml of this liquid and

evaporate to dryness in a tared flat bottomed dish and dry at 1050C, to constant

weight. Calculate the percentage of water soluble extractive with reference to air dried


Result : Tamra bhasma - 1.34%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 6.71 %

7. Determination of pH: The pH value of an aqueous liquid may be defined as, the

common logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in

grammes.The pH value of a liquid is determined by potentiometrically by means of a

glass electrode and a suitable pH meter.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 7.33

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 5.09

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

8. The fineness of particle test: It can be possible to use the ordinary microscope for

particle size measuring in the range of 0.2 micro meters to about 100 micro meters.

According to microscope method the fine powder was sprinkled on the slide covered

with covering slip & placed on a mechanical stage. In initially standardization of

minometer was carried out by coinciding the lines of both oculominometer style

minometer & standarised by using the formula


-------- X 10 = m


In the next step, the style minometer was removed & the mounted slide was

placed on a mechanical stage & focused. The particles are measured alops an

orbitarily chosen fixed lines covered by the particles using the oculominometers. The

size of the particle was calculated using the standard value.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 1-4 Microns

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 1-4 Microns

9. Solubility:

About one gram of the sample was weighed and dissolved in 10 ml of the

solvents. When the sample did not dissolve, an excess of solvent by 10 ml quantity up

to 100 ml was added and noted that was soluble in water (1 gram of sample in 100 ml

of water) and slightly soluble in chloroform (1 gram of sample in 600 ml to 1000 ml

of chloroform) and soluble in water (1 gram sample in 600 ml to 1000 ml alcohol).

Result : Tamra bhasma - Slightly soluble in Chloroform, Sparingly Soluble in

alchohol, in soluble in water.

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – Slightly soluble in Water, Sparingly

Soluble in alchohol, in soluble in Chloroform.

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

10. Flow property: Tamra bhasma is very fine powder so to maintain the actual dose

and for better dispensing, it is filled in a hard galatin capsules prior to doing the

capsulation bhasma is subjected to flow property test i.e. “Angle of repose” by which

we can analyses either the powder having very good flow property, good property or a

bad flow property.

Angle of repose: - It is the maximum angle that can be obtained between the free

standing surface of a powder heap & the horizontal plane i.e. tan Q = 2h / D Where D

is the diameter of the circle & ‘h’ is the height of the powder heap.

This test involves the hollow cylinder half is filled with Tamra bhasma with

one end sealed by transparent plate. The cylinder is rotated about its horizontal axis

until the powder surface cascades. The curved wall is lined with sand paper to prevent

preferential slip at this surface. If the value comes between 200 – 400 indicates

reasonable flow potential.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 370

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 370

11. Flow rates: A simple indication of the ease with which a material can be induced

to flow is given by application of a compressibility index “I”

I = [1 – V ] x 100


Where ‘v ‘is the volume occupied by sample of the powder after being subjected to a

standardized tapping procedure. Vo = volume before tapping procedure

In this procedure one measuring cylinder is taken & is filled with Tamra

bhasma. The level of the Tamra bhasma should be noted. Then at a height of 2 cm

continuous 250 tapping should be done, after that the level of the Tamra bhasma in

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

the cylinder is once again noted & the value ‘I ’ is calculated with respect to the Vo

& V value. If the value ‘I’ is below 15% usually having good flow rate.

Result : Tamra bhasma - 15%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – 15%

Chemical analysis for Tamra Bhasma

Determination of Copper:

An aliquot of the sample is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. The solution

is filtered and the filtrate is made up to volume in a volumetric flask.

Determination: To an aliquot of the solution containing the equivalent of 0.10 gram of

copper, add, a slight excess of sodium carbonate and acidify with 5 ml of acetic acid.

Add 3 grams of potassium iodide and titrate with N/10 sodium thiosulphate until

nearly all the iodide has been removed; add mucilage of starch and on drop of N/10

silver nitrate (to make the disappearance of the blue starch iodide colour shaprper)

and complete the titration.

1ml of N/10 thiosulphate = 0.006354 g Cu.

Result : Tamra bhasma - Copper as Cu w/w 63.5%, as CuO, w/w – 79.5%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – Cu w/w 50.46%, as CuO, w/w –63.16%

Determination of Mercury:

Procedure : Dissolve about 0.3 g of the sample in 5ml of aquaregia and add 100 ml

of water. Add 40 ml of 0.05 NEDTA, 5 ml of Ammonia Buffer solution and 0.5 ml of

Solochrome Black indicator. Titrate the solution with 0.05 M Zinc sulphate until the

blue colour changes to purple (do not overshoot the end point); add 3 g of Potassium

iodide, swirl to dissolve. Allow to stand for two minutes. Then, continue the titrations

with zinc sulphate solution to the same end point as before. Each ml of zinc sulphate

solution required addition of Potassium lodide = 0.0103 Hg.

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Result : Tamra bhasma - Mercury as Hg – 0.01 ppm

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – Mercury as Hg – 0.02 ppm

Determination of Total Sulphur:

Eschika mixture

Mix two parts by weight calcined magnesia with one part by weight of

anhydrous sodium carbonate.


Cover the bottom of a 50 ml crucible uniformly with 0.5 g of Eschka’s

mixture. Weigh accurately the appropriate quantity of the sample material and mix it

intimately with 2 gms of Eschka’s mixture and put evenly on the previously weighed

Eschaka’s mixture. Level the contents by tapping gently on a bench. Cover this

uniformly with 0.5 g of Eschka mixture. Place the crucible into the cold muffle

furnace. Raise the temperature from room temperature to 8000C ± 250C in about one

hour and then heat for a further 90 minutes.

Transfer the ignited mixture as completely as possible from the crucible to a

beaker containing 25 to 30 ml of water. Wash out the crucible thoroughly with about

50 ml of hot distilled water, add the washings to the contents of the beaker.

Add carefully sufficient quantity of concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve

the solid matter, warming the contents of the beaker of effect solution. Boil for 5

minutes to expel carbon dioxide. Add drop wise from a pipette warm 5% Barium

Chloride solution. Stir the solution constantly diring the addition. Allow the

precipitate to settle for a minute or two.

Then test supernatant liquid for complete precipitation by adding a few drops

of Barium Chloride solution. If a precipitate is formed, add slowly a further 3 ml of

the reagent, allow the precipitate to settle as before and test again, repeat this

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

operation until an excess of Barium Chloride is present. When an excess of the

precipitating agent has been added, keep the covered solution not, but not boiling, for

an hour (steam bath) in order to allow time for complete precipitation. The precipitate

should settle readily and a clear supernatant liquid should be obtained. Test the latter

with a few drops of barium chloride solution for complete precipitation. If no

precipitate is obtained, the barium sulphate is ready for filtration.

Filter the solution through an ashless filter paper (Whatman No. 42). Wash the

precipitate with small portions of hot water. Dry the paper and place it in a silica or

porcelain crucible, previously ignited to redness and cooled in a desiccator and

weighed. Gradually increase the heat until the paper chars and volatile matter is

expelled. Do not allow the paper to burst into flame as mechanical loss may thus

ensue. When charring is complete, raise the temperature of the crucible to dull redness

and burn off the carbon with free access of air. When the precipitate is white ignite

the crucible at a red heat for 10-15 minutes. Allow the crucible to cool in air, transfer

it to a desiccator and when cold, weigh the crucible and contents.

Repeat until constant weight is attained. A blank is necessary. Calculate the

percentage of sulphur converting Barium sulphate X 0.1374.

Result : Tamra bhasma - Total sulphur w/w 2.22%

Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – Total sulphur w/w 3.26%

Estimation of Arsenic:

Arsenic Trioxide stock solution

Dissolve 132.0 mg of Arsenic Trioxide, previously dried at 1050C for 1 hour and

accurately weighed in 5 ml weighed in 5 ml of Sodium Hydroxide solution in a 1000

ml volumetric flask. Neutralise the solution with 2 N Sulphuric acid, add 10ml more

of 2 N sulphuric acid, then add recently boiled and cooled water to volume and mix.

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Standard Aresnic solution

Transfer 10.0 ml of Arsenic Trioxide stock solution to a 1000ml volumetric

flask. Add 10ml of 2N sulphuric acid, then add water to make up volume and mix.

Each ml of standard Aresnic solution contains equivalent of µ1g of Arsenic.

Test Preparation

Ash a known quantity of the sample in a muffle furnace at a temperature not

exceeding 4500C. To this add 25 ml of dilute Hydrochloric acid and boil for 5

minutes. Filter and make upto 50 ml.


Treat the standard preparation and the test preparation similarly as follows

Add 20 ml of 7 N sulphuric acid, 2 ml of Potassium lodide TS, 0.5 ml of stronger acid

stannous chloride TS and 1 ml of isopropyl alcohol and mix. Allow to stand at room

temperature for 30 minutes. Pack the scrubber tube with two pledgets of cotton that

have been soaked in saturated Lead Acetate solution freed from excess solution by

expression and dried in vacuum at room temperature, leaving a 2 mm space between

the two pledgets. Lubricate the joints with a suitable stop cock grease designed for use

with organic solvents and connect the scrubber unit to the absorber tube. Transfer 3

ml of silver diethyl dithiocarbamate TS to the absorber tube. Add 3.0 g of granular

zinc to the mixture in the flask, immediately connect the assembled scrubber unit and

allow the evolution of hydrogen and the colour development to proceed at room

temperature for minutes, swirling the flask gentle at 10 minutes intervals. Disconnect

the absorber tube from the generator and scrubber units and transfer the absorbing

solution to a 1 cm absorption cell and determine the absorbance at the wavelength of

maximum absorption between 535 and 540 mm with a spectrophotometer using silver

diethyl dithiocarbamate TS as the blank.

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Result : Somanathiya Tamra bhasma – Arsenic as As - <0.01ppm

Namburi Phased Spot Test:

Date of solution prepared : 11.08.2007

Date of Dropping : 13.08.2007

Materials : Test tubes, glass tray, glass rods,

Measuring cylinder, glass sheets,

capillary etc.

Reagents : 1. Conc. HCl

2. Conc. HNO3

3. Potassium Iodide – 10% solution

4. Whattmans Paper No. 1

Procedure :

10% Potassium Iodide solution was prepared and pieces of Whatmans paper

No. 1 of size 14 cm. x 8 cm. was impregnated in the solution and was kept for drying.

Total 8 ml. of Aquaregia was prepared by adding 6 ml. of Conc. HCl and 2

ml. of Conc. HNO3.

The drug sample of Bhasma was 4 gm. and 8 ml. of Aquaregia was mixed

slowly in test tube.

The test tube was shaken well and kept for 72 hours.

After 72 hrs. of preparation of drug solution glass plate was selected. Two

glass rods were kept on it. The Whatman paper No. 1 impregnated with 10% KI was

Analytical Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

kept on the glass plate over the rods. One drop of supernatant solution from test tube was

put on the paper.

Observation :

Tamra Bhasma

With the help of capillary, single drop was placed on Whattman paper

impregnated in iodine (10%). Another drop was placed & observation was noted

within 5 minute. The drop was brick red coloured central spot forms with dark brown

periphery Spot was comparatively light than Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma.

Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

With the help of capillary, single drop was placed on Whattman paper

impregnated in iodine (10%). Another drop was placed & observation was noted

within 5 minute. The drop was brick red coloured central spot forms with dark brown


Experimental Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity



The experimental model suggested by Watanabe and Takita (1973) was


Selection of Animals:

Albino rats were used as experimental model in this study. The reason for

selecting Albino rats is that the regeneration of liver after hepatic damage/partial

Hepatectomy is almost complete within a week.

Albino rats of either sex weighing between 150-200 gm breeds in animal

house were selected for the study. They were housed individually in polypropylene

cages in well-ventilated rooms. The rats were kept under observation for seven days

with standard laboratory diet. After which they were examined for their normal health

and then subjected to experimental study.

30 animals were selected, which have been separated into 5 groups. Each

group with six animals were kept in separate cages after proper labeling for identity.

Selection of Hepatotoxic agent and Hepatoguard:

1) Carbon Tetrachloride is used as hepatotoxic agent in this study.

2) Following drugs are selected as hepatogaurd:

- Tamra Bhasma

- Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

Collection of Drugs

The required drugs Tamra bhasma and Somanathiya tamra bhasma were

prepared according to the classics in the department of Rasashastra D.G.M.A.M.C &

R.C Gadag.

Experimental Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table no 31 Showing Experimental Protocol:

Group Pre-treatment


Duration in


Days of


of blood


G 1 Vehicle 1-5 6th Control

G 2 CCl4 0.7ml/kg i.p 1-5 6th Liver damage

CCl4 0.7ml/kg i.p 1-5

G 3 Tamra Bhasma

1.125 mg (aqueous

suspension) orally


11th Curative

CCl4 0.7 ml/kg i.p 1-5

G 4 Somanathiya Tamra


1.125 mg (aqueous

suspension) orally


11th Curative

Mode of administration of Hepatogaurd

Both the trial drugs were given in the form of Aqueous suspension. 225 gm of

Bhasma was added to 40 ml of 2% twin 20 (suspending agent) solution and mixed

well. Each 0.2 ml contains 1.125 mg of Bhasma.

Dose Determination

Carbon Tetrachloride

Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) was given at the dose of 0.7ml/kg, intra

peritoneal (i.p) for first five days to induce liver damage.

The Aqueous suspension of the two trial drugs

The human active dose of Bhasma is ½ Ratti (62.5 mg) (according to

Rasatarangini), which has been converted into rat dose i.e. ml orally/day by using

standard dose converting formula.

Experimental Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Human dose of Bhasma is ½ Ratti /day – converted into rat dose by using the

formula 0.018 × human dose =rat dose i.e, 0.018 X 62.5 = 1.125 (0.2 ml)

Experimental Procedure

Animals were divided into five groups. Each group consist of six animals.

Group 1 (Control/Normal):

To this group Twin 20 2% solution was given orally from 1st day to 5th day.

Blood samples were withdrawn on the sixth day to estimate the Biochemical analysis

(Alk phosphataes,SGOT, SGPT, Total serum bilirubin, serum albumin). The animals

were sacrificed on the same day for the histopathological observations of the liver.

Group 2 (Intoxicated Control – Liver Damage) Toxicated Group:

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) 0.7ml/kg i.p administered for 5 days. Blood

samples were withdrawn on the sixth day and Biochemical analysis (Alk phosphataes,

SGOT, SGPT, Total serum bilirubin, serum albumin) were carried out. Animals were

sacrificed for histopathological studies to assess the extent of the liver damage.

Group 3 (Curative group) Treated with Tamra bhasma:

Animals were administered with CCl4 0.7ml/kg i.p for 5 days which was

followed by Tamra bhasma suspension orally for 5 days that is from 6th to 10th day.

Blood samples were withdrawn on the 11th day and the Biochemical Analysis of

alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, SGPT, Total serum bilirubin, serum albumin were

determined. On the same day, these animals were sacrificed for histopathological

study (to assess the curative effect of the drug).

Experimental Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Group 4 (Curative group) Treated with Somanathiya Tamra bhasma:

Animals were administered with CCl4 0.7ml/kg i.p for 5 days which was

followed by Somanathiya Tamra bhasma suspension orally for 5 days that is from 6th

to 10th day. Blood samples were withdrawn on the 11th day Biochemical Analysis of

alkaline phosphatase, SGOT, SGPT, Total serum bilirubin, serum albumin were

determined. On the same day, these animals were sacrificed for histopathological

study (to assess the curative effect of the drug).

Experimental Parameters:

This experimental study requires investigations like:

1. Biochemical Changes in blood.

2. Histopathological studies.

Biochemical Parameters:

Blood samples were withdrawn from albino rats at different intervals that are

on 6th day for 1st and 2nd group while on 11th day for the remaining three groups (3rd,

4th, and 5th). The serum enzyme activity was estimated by standard bio-chemical

procedure using an auto-analyzer for all the groups.

Following enzyme levels were estimated for the study.

1. Alkaline phosphatase.

2. SGOT (Serum glutamate oxalacetate transaminase)/AST

3. SGPT (Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase)/ALT

4. Total serum bilirubin.

5. Serum albumin.

Experimental Study


Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Histo-pathological Studies:

Animals were sacrificed on the day of withdrawal of blood from all the five

groups and liver was isolated, sliced and washed with saline. Then it was preserved in

10% of formalin, for histopathological studies. Later the microscopic slides of the

liver cells were photographed.

Routine staining procedures using haematoxylin and eosin stain were done in

the histopathological studies.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Results of Experimental Study

The results of the present study are based on the bio-chemical values like

Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum Glutamic Oxalacetate Transminase (SGOT), Serum

Glutamic, Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT), Serum Total Bilirubin, Serum albumin and

also Histopathological changes (microscopic) present in the section of the liver

sample of all animals.

Table No. 32 Showing summary of Biochemical values of all groups

Bio-chemical Parameters (mean & ± SEM) Group


of A



Drug and





in days




6 Vehicle 1-5 59.30












6 CCl4


1-5 287.89















with TB



1.125 mg














1-5 G IV


with STB

















Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Graph No. 1








G1 G 2 G 3 G 4Groups

Mean SGPT of all the groups


Graph -2






G1 G 2 G 3 G 4Groups

Mean SGOT of all the groups




Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Graph -3












G1 G 2 G 3 G 4Groups

Mean ALP of all the groups


Graph -4

0.7910.98 0.95







G1 G 2 G 3 G 4Groups

Mean T. Bil of all the groups

T. Bil



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Graph - 5










G1 G 2 G 3 G 4Groups

Mean Serum Albumin of all the groups


Table No. 33 Intermediate calculations Anova table SGPT

Source of


Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square

Treatments 3 1910 63681

Residuals 20 3049 1524.6

Total 23 221535

F = 41.770

Table No. 34 One way analysis of variation (Anova)

Comparison Mean difference t value P value

G2 vs G3 89.290 5.60 ** P< 0.01

G2 vs G4 190.00 11.919 *** P < 0.001

G3 vs G4 100.71 6.31 ** P < 0.01

** Medium significant (P < 0.01)

*** Highly significant (P < 0.001)



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table No. 35 Intermediate calculations Anova table SGOT

Source of


Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square

Treatments 3 42916 14305

Residuals 20 20488 10244

Total 23 634054

F = 13.964

Table No. 36 One way analysis of variation (Anova)

Comparison Mean difference t value P value

G2 vs G3 85.87 2.078 P > 0.05

G2 vs G4 266.88 6.459 *** P < 0.001

G3 vs G4 181.01 4.381 * P < 0.05

* Medium significant (P < 0.05)

*** Highly significant (P < 0.001)

Table No. 37 Intermediate calculations Anova table ALP

Source of


Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square

Treatments 3 45819 1527

Residuals 20 21141 10571

Total 23 66961

F = 14.449

Table No. 38 One way analysis of variation (Anova)

Comparison Mean difference t value P value

G2 vs G3 149.79 3.569 P > 0.05

G2 vs G4 319.69 7.616 *** P < 0.001

G3 vs G4 169.90 4.048 * P < 0.05

* Medium significant (P < 0.05) *** Highly significant (P < 0.001)



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Table No. 39 Intermediate calculations Anova table T. Bil

Source of


Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square

Treatments 3 0.140 0.046

Residuals 20 0.0054 0.0027

Total 23 0.1457

F = 171.55

Table No. 40 One way analysis of variation (Anova)

Comparison Mean difference t value P value

G2 vs G3 0.0316 4.699 * P < 0.05

G2 vs G4 0.133 19.785 *** P < 0.001

G3 vs G4 0.101 15.08 *** P < 0.001

* Medium significant (P < 0.05)

*** Highly significant (P < 0.001)

Table No. 41 Intermediate calculations Anova table Albumin

Source of


Degree of freedom Sum of square Mean square

Treatments 3 5.993 1.998

Residuals 20 0.286 0.0143

Total 23 6.28

F = 139.38

Table No. 42 One way analysis of variation (Anova)

Comparison Mean difference t value P value

G2 vs G3 - 1.067 21.82 *** P < 0.001

G2 vs G4 - 0.33 6.82 *** P < 0.001

G3 vs G4 0.73 15.00 *** P < 0.001

*** Highly significant (P < 0.001)



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Graph No- 6







n va















n va


T-Bil Alb


Graph No- 7












n va













n va


T-Bil Alb


Comparison between Biochemical parameters of G2 and G3

Biochemical Parameters

Comparison between Biochemical Parameters of G2 & G4

Biochemical Parameters



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Graph No- 8
















n va











n va


T-Bil Alb


Table No. 43 Showing the comparison of effect of toxic group with treated


(By means of t values)

Parameters G2 vs G3 G2 vs G4 G3 vs G4

SGPT 5.60 ** 11.919 *** 6.31 **

SGOT 2.078 6.459 *** 4.381 *

ALP 3.569 7.616 *** 4.648 *

T- Bil 4.699 * 19.785 *** 15.08 ***

Alb 21.82 *** 6.82 *** 15.00 ***

* - Medium significant table value (P< 0.05)

** - Medium significant table value (P< 0.01)

*** - Highly significant table value (P<0.001)

Comparison between Biochemical Parameters of G3 & G4

Biochemical Parameters



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Statistical Analysis

The analysis of experimental data, using anova for significane of the

difference between averages of the different groups reveals.

1) Comparing G2 (Liver damage) and G3 (Treated with TB) there is a significant

different in their effect at levels indicated in the table except SGOT and ALP

more over in G3 values are reduced.

2) Comparing G2 (Liver damage) and G4 (Treated with STB) there is a

significant different in their effect at levels indicated in the table for all tests.

3) Comparing G3 (Treated with TB) and G4 (Treated with STB) there is

significant different in their effect at levels indicated in the table except SGOT

and ALP.

The above analysis show that both TB and STB are effective in treatment.

Among the two STB is more effective in treatment.

Histopathology Report

Group G1: Liver sections of normal control rats showing: normal hepatic cells with

well preserved cytoplasm; well brought out central vein; prominent Nucleus and


Group G2: Liver section showing: massive fatty changes, necrosis, ballooning

degeneration, and broad infiltration of the lymphocytes and kupffer cells around the

central vein and the loss of cellular boundaries.

Group G3: Photomicrograph of liver section, showing central vein

Surrounded by hepatocytes with sinusoidal dilation with occasional in Flammatory

cells. No hepatic necrosis was seen around central vein or in the Central zone.

Group 4: Liver section, showing: well brought out central vein, hepatic cell with well

preserved cytoplasm, prominent nucleus and nucleolus.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


Information available on Tamra from vedic period to till today indicates its

importance throughout, past present & future, in beginning it was used to made

utensils, ornaments & coins. From samhita period & on wards it was using in

chikitsa. It is given in the form of bhasma & many yoga’s of tamra bhasma are also

available. In Rasa texts detail description about guna, dosha, shodhana, marana,

amrutikarana & etc are explained.

Pharmaceutical Study

Grahya laxana

Before going to pharmaceutical procedures it is very much essential to test its

genuanity by its grahya laxanas.

Snigdam – suggests the moulded metals turn into a uniform smooth surface after

cooling at room temp.

Mridu – suggests that the metal can be moulded to any shape.

Shonam – suggests the red colour, colour of pure copper.

Ghana ghata kshama – That is by hitting the metal with heavy object it turns into a

sheet suggests the malleability & ductility of copper.

Guru – Suggests heaviness.


In grahya Tamra also may have few of aduterants, alloys, foreign material etc

which cause complications (ashtadoshas) & also to make it into bhasma, choorna is

required. So by considering all these things Acharyas mentioned various shodhana


Two types of shodhana’s are mentioned for Tamra.

1) Samanya and 2) Vishesha.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

The different medias those were used for shodhana are dominated with agni &

vayu mahabhuta which must have been helpful in breaking down the compact

molecular structure of the metal resulting in decreasing the hardness.

Also the very act that repeated & immediate alteration in the temperature plays

an important role in breakdown of the metal, leading to fragility & pieces form.

Some medias are fatty, some are acidic & some are alkali they dissolve the

impurities present in copper.

Heating upto red hot oxidize the copper into copper oxide, which is black in

colour, nirvapa makes it to settle at the bottom in different medias.

i.e 2Cu + O2 2CuO


Marana is done with samansha Parada and Gandhaka. Parada increases the

properties of main drug. It is evident that marana of any loha with parade is said to be

the best. But Parada also has certain doshas by adding Gandhaka it may be nullified.

Also by adding Gandhaka the bhasma of Tamra can be achieved earlier.

Addition of Mercury and Sulphur to Copper and Copper oxide treating with

Gajaputa turns it into CuS, Cu2S & CuO. Mercury act as catalyst & Sulphur act as

reducing agent.

Probable reactions are At higher temperature with CuO

Cuo +Cu Heat Cu2O

With sulphur

2Cu + S Cu2S

At higher temperature

Non stoichio metric Cu & S substanfces.

Mercury with O2



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

2Hg + O2 2HgO

At higer temp decomposes

2HgO 2Hg + O2

Mercury with S

Hg + S Heat HgS

At higher temperature decomposes

HgS Heat Hg + S

In Somanathiya Tamra bhasma with Parada & Gandaka additional benefit of

Hartala & Manashila is their by which it becomes “Sheegra srotogmi which helps in

quick result & efficacy. Haratala & Manashila are also reducing agents like


Arsenic sulphide may also react with metals (Cu & Hg) to form corresponding

sulphides & arsenic may combine with O2 to form volatile AS2O3.

The probable reactions are

6 Cu + 2AS2S3 + 3O2 Heat 6CuS + 2A S23O3

6Hg + 2AS2S3 + 3O2 Heat 6Hgs + 2AS2O3

Copper in cu+ & cu++ form absorbed well by the body. So to make it

absorbable marana is done.

In text for Tamra bhasma 3 putas & for Somanathiya Tamra bhasma 1 puta is

mentioned. But practically it require 7 & 3 succedingly.


All drugs used for amrutikarana are madhura, sheeta, snigda & sowmya. By

these properties they pacifies agni janya teekshna, ushna gunas & make the bhasma

toxic free.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

In modern copper toxicity is treated with milk. Milk protein reacts with copper

forms copper casinate, which is insoluble. The panchamrita may also have the same


Analytical Study

This part exposes the hidden facts about the final product when it was critically

analysed with the help of physical and chemical parameters.

Ancient Parameters: Tamra bhasma and Somanatiya Tamra bhasma both passed all

ancient parameters indicates that bhasmas were prepared well.

Total ash: 1.6%. in Tamra bhasma 0.5% in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma This indicates

the presence of organic matter in the final product may be imported during shodhana


Acid insoluble ash is 1.1% in Tamra bhasma and 1.4% in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma

suggests that the quantity is less than total ash.

Loss on ignition at 10000C: 1.54 % in Tamra bhasma and 0.4% in Somanatiya Tamra

bhasma, so reduction mean loss of mercury and sulphur.

Loss on drying: It shows the end product contain 0.61% of moisture in Tamra

bhasma and 1.29% moisture in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma.

Alcohol soluble extractive: is 1.5% in Tamra bhasma and 3.47% in Somanatiya

Tamra bhasma.

Water soluble extractive: is 1.34% in Tamra bhasma and 6.71% in Somanatiya

Tamra bhasma.

These shows the absorption of Tamra bhasma and Somanatiya Tamra bhasma

in the gut.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

pH: report showed that pH was 7.33 in Tamra bhasma recommends that the final

product is slightly alkaline. Possibly, this property may not irritate the mucous

membrane of the GIT during

its absorption and 5.09 in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma recommends that the final

product is acidic.

Fineness of Particle: The size of particle was 1 to 4 micrometer in both Tamra

bhasma and Somanatiya Tamra bhasma this shows the particle size are fine in nature,

which is able to enter into the small capillaries and rate of absorption of drug is

directly proportional to the particle size of drug the particle size is fine so the

absorption is quick.

Solubility: Tamra bhasma was slightly soluble in chloroform and sparingly soluble in

alchol and insoluble in water. Somanatiya Tamra bhasma sparingly soluble in alchol

slightly soluble in water insoluble in chloroform. Showing opposite results in case of


Flow property: 370 in both Tamra bhasma and Somanatiya Tamra bhasma, which

indicates reasonable flow potential.

Flow rate: 15% in both Tamra bhasma and Somanatiya Tamra bhasma indicates

having good flow rate.

Assay for Copper shows 63.5% in Tamra bhasma and 50.46% in Somanatiya Tamra

bhasma, which is according to Pharmacopoeial standards.

Total Sulphur is 2.22% in Tamra bhasma and 3.26% in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma

Mercury as Hg is 0.01ppm in Tamra bhasma and 0.02ppm in Somanatiya Tamra


Arsenic as As is < 0.01ppm in Somanatiya Tamra bhasma means very less amount in

the total bhasma.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Experimental Study:

Tamra is having the madhura, amla, tikta & kshaya rasa, ushana veerya, katu

vipaka & karmas like deepana, shothahara, vamaka, vishagna, krimighna, balya &

yakriduttejaka. These may help for the removal of toxic substance and have

stimulating action on the liver.

The experimental model suggested by Watanabe & Takita (1973) was

adopted, CCl4 was used as hepatotoxic agent. Proper selection of animals, grouping &

experimental protocol were explained in the Methodology in detail. Both the trial

drugs were given in the form of aqueous suspension by converting it to the animal

dose with the help of standard converting formula.

In Rasa Ratna Samucchaya Human dose is 2 valla and in Rasa Tarangini 1/8

to ½ ratti. Here I have taken maximum dose of Rasatrangini. Rasatarangini is the

recent text of Rasashastra, here doses are mentioned according to the tolerance of

newer generation. So it has been considered.

In group 2 all the biochemical values SGPT, SGOT, ALP, T-Bil, Albumin

were highly increased except the serum albumin which is decreased. The

histopathology study of Liver of this group showed severe degree necrosis, ballooning

degeneration, and broad infiltration of the lymphocytes and kupffer cells around the

central vein and the loss of cellular boundaries. It indicates that in course of CCl4

administration leads to functional defects of the hepatocytes & multiple biochemical

took place.

Biochemical & histopathological observations shown that these two trial drugs

significantly efficient in protecting the liver. Except TB in case of SGOT and ALP.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

To reveal the curative effect of treated groups (G3 & G4) The Bio chemical

values and Histo pathological study of Liver were analysed by comparing between the

groups like G2 with G3 and G2 with G4.

G2 with G3 shows significant difference except in case of SGPT & ALP. (i.e

P > 0.05). G2 with G4 shows significant difference with all Biochemical values. (P<

0.001) It indicates that these two Trial drugs have significant effect in protecting


The Histopathology of G3 shows central vein surrounded by hepatocytes with

sinusoidal dilatation with occasional in Flammatory cells. No hepatic necrosis was

seen around central vein or in the Central zone.

Group 4 shows well brought out central vein, hepatic cell with well preserved

cytoplasm, prominent nucleus and nucleolus.

Among the two when we analysed we come to know that the effect is not

equal and Biochemical observations reveal that the values of G4 are closer to the

Normal (G1) than G3. So Somanathiya Tamra bhasma is more effective than Tamra


All the biochemical values of all groups were showed in tabular form and also

the comparison between the groups by doing the statistical analysis and using bar

diagram is shown in chapter of Results.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


In this research work we have drawn following conclusions from various

section of the work.

• Tamra is one of the most important metal from coinage (Vedic) period to 21st


• We observed that there is dominancy of acidic media mentioned for shodhana.

• Tamra bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra bhasma required more number of

putas than mentioned in classics.

• Analytical study shows the perfectness of bhasmas. The perfectness was

detected by Ancient and Modern parameter.

• NPST helped in proving the prepared Tamra bhasmas were of high standards

since the change in colour patern on chemical reacting paper of prepared

bhasmas were tallying the standard ones.

• By comparing Biochemical, Histological and Statistical analysis both Tamra

bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra bhasma have significant therapeutic effect on


• Somanathiya Tamra bhasma is highly effective among both the bhasmas.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity

Scope For Further Study

• To prove further efficacy clinical study can be followed.

• The efficacy of trial drugs can be carried out for Chronic Hepatotoxicity as

this experimental study mainly concentrated on Acute Hepatotoxicity study.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


The present dissertation work entitled “Preparation, Physico chemical analysis

& comparative experimental study of Tamra Bhasma & Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma

w.s.r.to Hepato protective activity.

This topic includes


The introduction covers need of research, importance of Tamra, Importance of

bhasmas and about Hepato toxic and Hepato protective drugs.

Review of Literature

This aspect of Literary review dealt with drug & disease review. Tamra

paryaya, bheda, dosha, shodhana, marana, amrutikarana, Tamra amayika proyoga,

matra, yoga & modern aspect of Tamra with this pharmocodynamics of shodana,

marana & amrutikarana upayogi dravyas. The disease review commence with the

paryayas, kriya, rachana and roga’s Yakrit (liver).


Pharmaceutical Study

This dealt with samanya and vishesha shodhana, marana of Tamra and

shodhaka dravyas and shodhana of maraka dravyas.

Analytical study

This delt with bhasma pareeksha according to Ayurveda and Physico chemical

analysis of both bhasmas.

Experimental study

It dealt with selection of animals, collection and mode of administration of

drugs, experimental parameters were mentioned.



Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


In this the data obtained from the study conducted is presented with the help of

graphs and statistical analysis is done.


This part includes with logical interpretation of results. An attempt was made

to discuss pharmaceutical studies, analytical studies, experimental studies & probable

mode of action of Tamra bhasma.


In this the essence which is drawn from the present study i.e about the Drug,

Disease, Preparation, Analysis and the Experimental Study etc were mentioned.



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36) Vyadhyavara Shri Choodamani Rasakamadhenu, Yadavaji Trikamaji 1990

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37) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra


Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


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2003.Varanasi Choukambha Krishnadas Academy Suvarnadivarga sloka-19


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Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-45 Page


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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra


Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra


Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


62) Yoga Ratnakara Purvardh Vaidya Laximipati Shastri Edition 4 1988

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64) Bhavamishra Bhavaprakash Nihgantu Edited by Dr. G.S.Pandey 9th edition,

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Preaparation, Physico chemical analysis and Comparative Experimental Study of Tamra


Bhasma and Somanathiya Tamra Bhasma w.s.r. to Hepatoprotective Activity


74) Vaidhyavara Shri choodamani, Rasakamadhenu, Commentator Yadavaji

Trikamaji 1990 ed, Choukamba orientalia Varanasi, Upakarana pada, chap 1,

Sloka 10, Page. 129.

75) Yoga Ratnakara Purvardh Vaidya Laximipati Shastri Edition 4 1988

Choukambha Vishawabharti Varanasi Dhathu Varga page 131.

76) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-25 Page -


77) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chapter – 4th Tamra prakarna page No-283.

78) Sharangadharacharya Sharangadara samhita Transleted by Dr.p.Himasagara

Chandra murthy 1ST edn 2001 Varanasi; Chawkhambha Samskrita bhavana

Madyama kanda 11th chapter Page No 250.

79) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chapter – 4th Tamra prakarna page No-286.

80) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-19-22 Page


81) Ibid Sloka-26-29 Page -414-415.

82) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chapter – 4th Tamra prakarna page No-283.

83) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chapter – 4th Tamra prakarna page No-285.

84) Acharya Somadeva. Rasendra chudamani edited by Siddinandana Mishra

Edition -1st 1984, Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Chap 14 Sloka-66-68

Page 246.

85) Acharya Yashodhar, Rasa Prakash Sudhakara, Commentator Siddinandana

Mishara, 2nd Edition 1998, Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Chap 14 Sloka-

40-46 Page 74.

86) Vagbhata, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, 1st Edn Varaanasi

Choukmba samskrita bhavan:1988, 5th chap shloka 63,65 P.59.

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87) Acharya Bindu Rasa paddati edited by Siddinandana Mishra, Edition 1st,

Choukhamba orientalia Varanasi, Loha prakarana, Sloka -58-59 Page 69.

88) Acharya Madhava- Ayurveda Prakasha, Sri. Gulrajsharma Mishra.Edn 2nd

reprint 1999, Choukambha Bharti Academy Varnasi Chap3. Sloka- 140-142

Page 372

89) Vaidhyavara Shri choodamani, Rasakamadhenu, Commentator Yadavaji

Trikamaji 1990 ed, Choukamba orientalia Varanasi, Upakarana Pada, chap 1,

Sloka 344-346, Page 161.

90) Yoga Ratnakara Purvardh Vaidya Laximipati Shastri Edition 4 1988

Choukambha Vishawabharti Varanasi Dhathu Varga page 132.

91) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-30-31 Page


92) Acharya Somadeva. Rasendra chudamani edited by Siddinandana Mishra

Edition -1st 1984, Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Chap 14 Sloka-66-68

Page 246.

93) Yoga Ratnakara Purvardh Vaidya Laximipati Shastri Edition 4 1988

Choukambha Vishawabharti Varanasi Dhathu Varga page 132.

94) Ayurvediya Rasashastra by Siddinandana Mishra, 14th edition 2004

Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Chap 8 Page 538.

95) Ayurvediya Rasashastra by Dr. Chandrabhooshana Jha, edition 2003

Choukambha Surabharathi Prakashana, Varanasi Chap 7 Page 331.

96) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-34-36 Page


97) Ibid Sloka-37-39 Page -417 & 418.

98) Ibid Sloka-40-42 Page -418.

99) Ibid Sloka-43-44 Page -419.

100) Yadavji Trikamji Achary-Rasamritam. Dr. Damodhar Joshi Edition-1st 1998

Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi Chap 3 Sloka-45,46 Page 48.

101) Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, Choukmba

samskrita bhavan Varaanasi 1st edition, 1998, Chap 5 Sloka 66 Page.59.

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102) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-52 Page -422.

103) Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, Choukmba

samskrita bhavan Varaanasi 1st edition, 1998, Chap 5 Sloka 66 Page.59.

104) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 17th Taranga Sloka-45-50 Page -


105) Brihat Rasa Raja Sundara by Pandit Datturama Chowbhe, 3rd edition,

Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Tamra prakaranam Page 74.

106) Mellors Modern Inorganic Chemistry revised and edited by G.D. Parkes,

M.A. D.Phil, Longmans, Green & Co Ltd. London. 1961 edition Page 646 & 647.

107) Ibid Page 646 & 647.

108) Ibid Page 647.

109) Ibid Page 648.

110) Dissertation work, Physico-chemical analysis of Samanya & Vishesha

Shodita Tamra and Toxicological Study of Tamra Bhasma by Dr. Shambuhling V.

Teggi. D.G.M.A.M.C. Gadag, RGUHS, 2006 Page 49.

111) A Text book of Inorganic chemistry by J.R. Partington, M.B.E., D.Sc. 6th

edition, The English Language Book society and Mac Millan & Co Ltd. London.

Chap 37 Page 719.

112) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Abikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Poorvardha Chap 45 Shloka

112, Page178.

113) Ibid Sloka 84, Page no. 176.

114) Ibid Shloka 220-222, Page 186.

115) Bhavamishra Bhavaprakash Nihgantu Edited by Dr. G.S.Pandey 9th

edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha Bharathi Academy; 1993 Sandhana varga sloka

10 page No 784.

116) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Abikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Poorvardha Chap 46 Shloka

37, Page190.

117) Ibid Sloka 314, Page 209.

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118) Dravyaguna vignana Vol II, By Proff. P.V. Sharma, 16th edition 1995,

Choukahmbha Bharati Academy Varanasi Page 345-346.

119) Bhavamishra Bhavaprakash Nihgantu Edited by Dr. G.S.Pandey 9th

edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha Bharathi Academy; 1993 Sandhana varga sloka

1-3 page No 783.

120) Dr.K.M.Nadakarni, Indian Materia Medica, Volume II, 3rd Edition, Bombay,

Popular Prakashana, Reprint 1996, Page No 67 & 68.

121) Vaidya Vasudeva Mulashankar Dvivedi, Parada vignaniyam, 2nd Edition,

Varanasi, Sharma Ayurveda Mandira, 1978, Chapter No 1, Page No 2.

122) Bhavamishra, Bhava Prakasha Nighantu, Editor Dr.G.S.Pandey, 6th Edition,

Varanasi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1982, Dhatvadivarga, Sloka No 87 & 88,

Page No 613.

123) Acharya Yashodhara, Rasaprakash Sudhakara, Siddinandanmishra, 3rd

Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2004, Chapter No 1, Sloka No 16 -

21, Page No 5.

124) Chandrabhushan Jha, Ayurvediya Rasashastra, 1st Edition, Varanasi,

Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, 1994, Chapter No 5, Page No 120 – 122.

125) Sri Sadanand Sharma, Rasatarangini, Kashinath Shastri, 11th Edition,

Varanasi, Motilal Banarasi Dass, 2004,Chapter No 5, Sloka No 27-30, Page No


126) IBID, Sloka No 31, Page No 80.

127) IBID, Sloka No 34 & 35, Page No 81.

128) Acharya Madhava, Ayurveda Prakasha, Editor Sri Gulrajsharma Mishra, 2nd

Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint 1999, Chapter No 1,

Sloka No 165, Page No 92.

129) Ayurvediya Rasashastra by Siddinandana Mishra, 14th edition 2004

Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Parada prakarana, Page 211-214.

130) Vaidya Vasudeva Mulashankar Dvivedi, Parada vignaniyam, 2nd Edition,

1978, Varanasi, Sharma Ayurveda Mandira, Chapter No 1, Page No 27.

131) Sri Gopalkrishnabhat, Rasendra sara Sangrah, Indradev Tripathi, 3rd Edition,

Varanasi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2003, Chapter No 1, Sloka No 9, Page No 3.

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132) Indradev Tripati, Rasarnava, 4th Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Series, 2001, Chapter No 18, Sloka No 131, Page No 337.

133) Acharya Dundukunath, Rasendra Chintamani, Editor Siddhinandan Mishra,

1st Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2000, Chapter No 3, Sloka No 218

& 219, Page No 55

134) Inderdev Tripati, Rasarnava, 4th Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit

Series, 2001, Chapter No 18, Sloka No 118-123, Page No 336.

135) P.L.Soni, Textbook of Inorganic chemistry, Delhi, Sultan Chand & sons,

Reprint 2002, Elements of Group IInd B, Page No 3.326 – 3.327.

136) Ibid

137) Yadavji Trikamji Achary-Rasamrta. Dr. Damodhar Joshi Edition-1st 1998

Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi Chap2 Page 29.

138) Ibid Page 29.

139) Gopalkrishnabhatta-Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Dr. Ashok Satpute Edition 1st

2003 Choukambha Krishnadasa Acedamy Varnasi Chapter 1 Page60.

140) Yadavji Trikamji Achary-Rasamrta. Dr. Damodhar Joshi Edition-1st 1998

Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi Chap2 Sholka 2 Page 30.

141) Sri Sadanandarsharma, Rasa Tarangini, 8thTaranga, sloka 39, edited by

Kashinathan shastri, 11th Edition, New Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas publications,

2000. P.182.

142) Acharya Madhava, Ayurveda Prakasha, 2ndChapter, Sloka 49-50, edited by

Sri Gulraj Sharma Mishra, 2nd Edition, Varanasi Chaukamba Bharat Academy –

1999. P.268.

143) Gopalkrishnabhatta-Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Dr. Ashok Satpute Edition 1st

2003 Choukambha Krishnadasa Acedamy Varnasi Chapter 1 Page61.

144) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka-1 -3 Page -244.

145) Yadavji Trikamji Achary-Rasamrta. Dr. Damodhar Joshi Edition-1st 1998

Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi Chap 4 Page 113.

146) A text book of Rasashastra by Dr. Vilas A.Dole & Dr. Prakash Paranjpe,

Reprint 2006, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan Delhi, Chap-13, Page 234.

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147) Acharya Somadeva. Rasendra chudamani edited by Siddinandana Mishra

Edition -1st 1984, Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Chap 11 Sloka-30-33 Page


148) Ibid Sloka 34 Page 176.

149) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 13-15 Page.


150) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chap 2 Haratala prakarna page No-193.

151) Vagbhata, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, 1st Edn Varaanasi

Choukmba samskrita bhavan:1988, 3rd chap shloka 74, P.33.

152) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 25 Page. 248.

153) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chap 2 Haratala prakarna page No-161.

154) Ibid Page No-164.

155) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 39-41 Page.


156) Ibid, Sloka 56 Page 253.

157) Bhudeb mukharji Rasajala nidhi vol 2, 3rd edition, Varanasi; Chawkhambha

Publishers; Chap 2 Haratala prakarna page No-194.

158) Ayurvediya Rasashastra by Siddinandana Mishra, 14th edition 2004

Choukambha orientalia, Varanasi Haratala prakarana, Page 149.

159) Rasassastra By Dr. Damodar Joshi A.M.S.H.P.A. Phd, Edited By Dr. K.P.

Sree Kumari Amma M.D. (Ayu) I edition 1986, Publication division Ayurveda

college, Trivandrum. Chap 4, Page- 144-145.

160) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 104-105 Page.


161) Yadavji Trikamji Achary-Rasamrta. Dr. Damodhar Joshi Edition-1st 1998

Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan Varanasi Chap2 Sholka Page .

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162) Gopalkrishnabhatta-Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Dr. Ashok D. Satpute, I

Edition 2003, Choukambha Krishnadasa Acedamy Varnasi Chapter 1 Page 105.

163) Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, Choukmba

samskrita bhavan Varaanasi 1st edition, 1998, Chap 3 Sloka 91 Page. 35.

164) Ibid Sloka – 95 Page 35.

165) Acharya Madhava- Ayurveda Prakasha, Sri. Gulrajsharma Mishra.Edn 2nd

reprint 1999, Choukambha Bharti Academy Varnasi Chap 2. Sloka- 17 Page 304.

166) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 107-108 Page.


167) Gopalkrishnabhatta-Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Indradev Tripathi, Edition 3rd

2003 Choukambha Krishnadasa Acedamy Varnasi Sloka 198-199, Chapter-1

Page 50.

168) Vagbhatacharya, Rasaratna samuchachaya, edited by Kapil Deo, Choukmba

samskrita bhavan Varaanasi 1st edition, 1998, Chap 3 Sloka 98 Page 35.

169) Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini edited by Kashinath Shastri 11th ed. New

Delhi: Motilala Banarasidas Publication; 2004 11th Taranga Sloka- 115-116 Page.


170) Gopalkrishnabhatta-Rasendra Sara Sangraha, Dr. Ashok D. Satpute, Edition

1st 2003 Choukambha Krishnadasa Acedamy Varnasi Chapter 1 Page 105.

171) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Ambikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Poorvardha, sutrasthana Chap

45 Shloka 48-49, Page172.

172) Ibid Sloka 96,97 Page 177.

173) Ibid Sloka 65-67 Page 174.

174) Ibid Sloka 132 Page 180.

175) Ibid Sloka 162-164 Page 182.

176) Ibid Sharirasthana Chap 4, Sloka 57,58 Page 37.

177) Ibid Sloka 10 Page 30.

178) Ibid Sutrasthana Chap 14&21, Sloka 4-5&10 Page 48&89.

179) Ibid Sharirasthana Chap 4, Sloka 10 Page 30.

180) Ibid Sutrasthana Chap 21, Sloka 10 Page 89.

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181) Digestion & Metabolism in Ayurveda by Dr. Dwarkanath 2nd edition, 1977,

Krishna das Academy Varanasi Page 98.

182) Ibid

183) Agnivesha, Charaka samhita, edited by Dr. Brahmananda Tripathi, reprint

edition 2003, Choukhamba surabharati Prakashana Varanasi. Nidana sthana Chap

2, Sloka 4, Page 497.

184) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Ambikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Uttarardha, sutrasthana Chap

45 Shloka 30, Page307.

185) Agnivesha, Dr. Gangasahaya Pandeya 4th edition-1994 Charaka samhita,

edited by Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Varanasi, chikitsastana Chap 16,

Sloka 4, Page 415.

186) Vagbnhata, Astanga Hrudayam, Edited by Bhisagacharya Harisastri

Paradakara vaidya. 9th edition 2005, Choukamba Orientalia Varanasi, Nidana

sthana Chap 13, Sloka 1 -3 Page 517.

187) Agnivesha, Dr. Gangasahaya Pandeya 4th edition-1994 Charaka samhita,

edited by Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Varanasi, chikitsastana Chap 16,

Sloka 34, Page 419.

188) Ibid Sloka 35-36, Page 419.

189) Ibid Sloka 124, Page 430.

190) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Ambikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Poorvardha, Nidanasthana

Chap 7 Shloka 16, Page258.

191) Agnivesha, Dr. Gangasahaya Pandeya 4th edition-1994 Charaka samhita,

edited by Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Varanasi, chikitsastana Chap 13,

Sloka 35-36, Page 320.

192) Sushruta Acharya Sushruta samhita edited by Ambikadatta shastri Reprint

edition 2005, Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Poorvardha, Nidanasthana

Chap 7 Shloka 14, Page 257.

193) Agnivesha, Dr. Gangasahaya Pandeya 4th edition-1994 Charaka samhita,

edited by Chawkahmbha samskrita samsthana, Varanasi, chikitsastana Chap 13,

Sloka 37-38, Page 320.

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194) Vagbnhata, Astanga Hrudayam, Edited by Bhisagacharya Harisastri

Paradakara vaidya. 9th edition 2005, Choukamba Orientalia Varanasi, Nidana

sthana Chap 12, Sloka 22-30 Page 515.

195) Human Physiology Vol I By Dr. C.C. Chatterjee, 11th edition, reprint 2000,

Medical Allied Agency Calcutta. Chap 10 metabolism, Page 652-653.

196) Ibid

197) Ibid Page 655 – 663

198) Harrisons principles of Internal medicine Vol -2, 14th edition Harisons M.C

Graw- Hill, Book Co-singapore, Part 11 Section 2, Page 1663.

199) Ibid Page 1692.

200) A.F. Golwalla & S.A. Golwalla Medicine for students 13th edition, S.V.

Limaye at India Printing works Bombay, Chap 1 Page 72-73.

201) Harrisons principles of Internal medicine part 11, 14th edition Harisons M.C

Graw- Hill, Book Co-singapore, Part 11 Section 2, Page 1664.

202) Ibid Page 1663.

203) Dr. Vinayak Bhat, Anti Hepatato toxicity activity of Vasa moola 2002

March, A.L.N. Rao Ayurvedic medical college Koppa, RGUHS. Page 48-49.

204) Harrisons principles of Internal medicine part 11, 14th edition Harisons M.C

Graw- Hill, Book Co-singapore, Part 11 Section 2, Page 1663.

205) KUMAR COTRIN ROBBINS Basic Pathology, 6th edition, Harcourt Asia

PTE Ltd., Chap 16 Page 518.

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