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s.s.j hepatoprotective protocol.docx

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 s.s.j hepatoprotective protocol.docx


    Albino research &training institute

    Hepatoprotective activit of methanolic extract of casearia eliptica leaf extract in rats


    Liver is the largest organ in the body which serves as a gland also. It plays an important role in

    the maintenance of internal environment through its multiple and diverse functions. Any damage

    to the liver or impairment of its functions leads to injurious effects. Liver diseases (like jaundice)

    are the common ailments affecting mankind, though no remedy is available in allopathy at

    present. ain is defined as neuralgia, an unpleasant sensory e!perience associated with tissue

    damage. Inflammation is a common complaint in most patients suffering from disease conditions

    .Inflammation is a normal protective response to tissue injury caused by physical trauma,

    no!ious chemical or microbial agents. In the recent past years many medicinal plants are

    screened for their hepatoprotective as well as analgesic and anti inflammatory activity and "uite

    a few of them are already successful in entering the market, #ence the present study is planned

    to find out the hepatoprotective and analgesic and anti inflammatory activity of caseria eliptica

    leaf using drug induced hepatoto!icity paracetamol,ccl$ model respectively.

    Keyor!s:casearia eliptica leaf, paracetamol,ccl4, hepatoprotective activity

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    Albino research &training institute



    Liver is the largest organ in the body which serves as a gland also. It is wedge shaped and

    weighs between %&'' to %''gms. It lies in the right upper "uadrant of the abdominal cavity,

    beneath the diaphragm and also attached to it. It is divided into four lobes (uyton *.Arther,

    %+-).It plays an important role in the maintenance of internal environment through its multiple

    and diverse functions (alwar ., %++).

    he liver stores a multitude of substances, including glucose (in the form of glycogen),

    vitamin A (%/& years0 supply), vitamin 1 (%/$ months0 supply), vitamin 2%& (%/3 years0

    supply), iron, and copper.

    he liver is responsible for immunological effects4the reticuloendothelial system of the

    liver contains many immunologically active cells, acting as a 0sieve0 for antigens carried to it via

    theportal system.

    he liver produces albumin, the major osmolarcomponent ofblood serum.

    he liver synthesi5es angiotensinogen, a hormone that is responsible for raising the blood

    pressurewhen activated byrenin,an en5yme that is released when the kidneysenses low blood


    Any damage to the liver or impairment of its functions leads to injurious effects. Liver

    diseases (like jaundice) are the common ailments affecting mankind, though no remedy is

    available in allopathy at present (2hat 1.Arun,, %++-).

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    Albino research &training institute

    '"T(RATR( R()"(*:

    %. 6.7arthikeyan8 hepatoprotective activity ethanolic e!tract spermacoce hispida linn against

    *cl$induced hepatoto!icity on albino wistar rats,

    9anuary : &'%' ;

  • 8/9/2019 s.s.j hepatoprotective protocol.docx


    Albino research &training institute

    subjected to antio!idant study using the &, &:diphenyl:%:picrylhydra5yl (1#) radical

    scavenging assay with the total phenolic content (*) also determined6?2 e!erts potential

    hepatoprotective activity that could be partly attributed to its antio!idant activity and high

    phenolic content and thus warrants further investigation.

    3.I.@. Ashousha: Antio!idant activity and hepatoprotective effect of pomegranate peel and whey

    powders in rats,ajendra =. 1ash, 6ohammed #abibuddin, 1ev 2. 2aruah8#epatoprotective activity of

    e!tracted anthocyanins fraction of red radish (Raphanus sativusL) on albino rats

    9 ?!p Integr 6ed. &'%3G 3(%)8 $3:'

    doi8 %'.$;jeim.&&'%&.or.'$-

    Ee investigated hepatoprotective and antio!idant activity of e!tracted anthocyanins fraction of

    red radish for the first time.

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    Albino research &training institute

    Anthocyanins fraction of red radish (Raphanus sativusG AB>@) was selectively e!tracted by

    employment of polymeric ion:e!change resin. AB>@ was evaluated for antio!idant and

    hepatoprotective activity against carbon tetrachloride (**l$):induced hepatoto!icity in rats. his

    study demonstrates the antio!idant and hepatoprotective activity of anthocyanins fraction

    isolated from Raphanus sativusand thus scientifically supports the usage of it as food colorantand also justifies the use of the crude e!tracts of radish to treat various liver ailments in Indian

    folk medicine.


    -. @udipta 1as8 ?valuation of Anti:Inflammatory Activity of *lerodendron infortunatum Linn.

    ?!tract in >ats,lobal 9ournal of harmacology $ (%)8 $:', &'%' I@@= %++&:''H I1@I

    ublications, &'%'

    Inflammation is a response of vasculari5ed living tissue to the local injury. he severe side

    effects of steroidal and non:steroidal anti:inflammatory drugs evoked us to search for new anti:

    inflammatory drugs from the indigenous source. he methanol e!tract of leaves of *lerodendron

    infortunatum Linn. (6?*I) was evaluated for anti:inflammatory activity against the carrageenan,

    histamine and de!tran induced rat paw edema..

    H. Akash A 7hobragade%F, @adi" 2 atel&, >upesh > ophale%, o!ithromycin and ?rythromycin, Alone and in

    *ombination with Ibuprofen,I@> 9ournal of harmacy

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    Albino research &training institute

    . =irmala 6F, irija 7, Lakshman 7, 1ivya 8#epatoprotective activity of 6usa paradisiaca

    on e!perimental animal models8 Asian acific 9ournal of ropical 2iomedicine. 9ournal;locate;apjtb

    #epatoprotective activity of alcoholic and a"ueous e!tracts of stem of 6usa paradisiaca

    was demonstrated by using **l$ and paracetemol induced hepatoto!ic models.

    +. @u5y 6 @alama%, 6ahmood Ameen Abdulla%F, Ahmed @ Al>ashdi%, @almah Ismail&, @alim @

    Alkiyumi and @hahram 8#epatoprotective effect of ethanolic e!tract of Curcuma longaon

    thioacetamide induced liver

    cirrhosis in rats8

    he hepatoprotective effect of *L>? was measured in a rat model of thioacetamide:induced

    liver cirrhosis over weeks. #epatic cytochrome $' &?% and serum levels of B:K% and

    =B: were evaluated. !idative stress was measured by malondialdehyde, urinary :

    hydro!yguanosine and nitrotyrosine levels.

    %'. 1hanabal @F%, >ahul 9ain%, riyanka 1warampudi L%, 6uruganantham =%, >aghu8

    #epatoprotective activity of Santolina chamaecyparissus Linn against 1:alactosamine Induced

    #epatoto!icityin >ats

    @&G harmacognosy *ommunications

  • 8/9/2019 s.s.j hepatoprotective protocol.docx


    Albino research &training institute

    A"+ A#% $B,(CT")(S

    he aim of the study is to evaluate the #epatoprotective,Analgesic leaf e!tract of casearia

    elliptica lea) used in e!perimental animal models.

    %.o prepare whole plant e!tract of casearia elliptica lea)

    &.o evaluate the hepatoprotectve activity

    *cl$ induced hepatoto!icity

    aracetamol induced hepatoto!icity

    hioacetamide induced hepatoto!icity

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    Albino research &training institute

    lant profile 8

    Page 8

    Scientific classification

    7ingdom8 lantae

    (unranked)8 Angiosperms

    (unranked)8 ?udicots

    (unranked)8 >osids

    rder8 6alpighiales

    Bamily8 @alicaceae

    ribe8 @amydeaeO%P

    enus8 Casearia

  • 8/9/2019 s.s.j hepatoprotective protocol.docx


    Albino research &training institute

    Caseariais aplantgenusin thefamily@alicaceae. he genus was included in

    theBlacourtiaceaeunder the *ron"uist systemof angiospermclassification, and earlier in

    the @amydaceae. >ecent researchOcitation neededPindicates that the latter group might be reinstated as a

    valid family.

    hey are sometimes employed as honey plants, notably C. decandraandC. sylvestris. he latter

    species is occasionally used as food by the caterpillarsof thewo:barred Blasher(*straptes

    )ulgerator). @everal species are becoming rare due to deforestation. @ome appear close

    toe!tinction, and C. +uinduensisof *olombiaandC. tini)oliafrom 6auritiusseem to be e!tinct

    since some time in the &'th century and about %+H-, respectively.

    lants traditionally used in India to treat fever or malaria were e!amined in vitro for

    antiplasmodial properties against lasmodium falciparum. f ' analysed ethanol e!tracts, from

    $H species, significant effects were found for 3% of the e!tracts. hese represent &3 different

    species from &' families. f the active species &' were tested against . falciparum for the first

    time. he following five species seems to be of special interest for further antimalarial studies,

    *asearia elliptica, #olarrhena pubescens, ongamia pinnata, @oymida febrifuga, and lumbago


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    Albino research &training institute

    -'A# $. *$RK:

    he plan of work is divided into following steps8

    Step /:

    *ollection and identification of plant

    Step 0:

    reparation of whole plant e!tract.

    Step 1:

    @election of suitable e!tract for screening of pharmacological activities

    Step 2:

    ?valuation of plant e!tract

    %.#epatoprotective activity

    *cl$ induced hepatoto!icity

    aracetamol induced hepatoto!icity

    hioacetamide induced hepatoto!icity

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    Albino research &training institute

    +AT(R"A' A#% +(TH$%S


    Selection of plant material

    casearia elliptica leaf

    (xperimental animals

    All e!periments and protocols proposed in present study will be carried out according to the

    guidelines of **@?A, =ew 1elhi and approved by the Institutional Animal ?thical *ommittee

    (IA?*) .Albino Eistar rats of either se! (&'':&'gm) will be housed in group of - animals per

    cage and maintained under standard laboratory conditions ( %&:h light;dark cycle, &$hrs). he

    food in the form of dry pellets and water will be provided ad libitum.

    Chemicals an! !rugs

    *cl$,paracetamol,thioacetamide,indomethacin,caraggenan,diclofenac and all other chemicals to

    be used in this project are of highly analytical grade.

    S$RC( $. %ATA:

    he source of data will be obtained from,

    Laboratory based studies.

    Literature survey, *1 >6.

    =ational Q International 9ournals.

    e!t books.


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    Albino research &training institute

    +etho! 0:-aracetamol in!uce! hepatotoxicity

    #n the paraceta%ol ind!ced li$er to"icity %odel, paraceta%ol &1g()g i'p* dil!ted +ith

    s!crose sol!tion +ill e ad%inistered daily for 7 days to all ani%als e"cept gro!p 1'

    roup:%8 normal control.

    roup:&8 standard

    roup:38 #epatoto!ic rats with paracetamolRsucrose solution

    roup:$8 >ats having hepatoto!icity treating with e!tract ofcasearia elliptica lea) Low dose.

    roup:8 >ats having hepatoto!icity treating with e!tract ofcasearia elliptica lea) High dose.

    -he ani%als +ill e sacri.ced 48hr after last treat%ent !nder light anesthetic ether'

    /lood fro% each rat +ill e +ithdra+n y retro orital ple"!" !nder ether

    anesthesia for ioche%ical in$estigation i' e' s-, sP-, s- and ilir!in

    esti%ation' /lood +ill e allo+ed to coag!late at 370 and 30 %in and the ser!%

    +ill e separated y centrif!gation at 2500 rp% for 15 %in' -he li$er of one ani%al

    fro% each gro!p +ill e re%o$ed and processed i%%ediately for histopathological


    +etho! 1:Thioacetami!e in!uce! hepatotoxicity#n the thioaceta%ide ind!ced li$er to"icity %odel, thioaceta%ide &100%g()g s'c*

    dil!ted +ith s!crose sol!tion +ill e ad%inistered daily for 7 days to all ani%alse"cept gro!p 1'

    roup:%8 normal control.

    roup:&8 standard

    roup:38 #epatoto!ic rats with paracetamolRsucrose solution

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    Albino research &training institute

    roup:$8 >ats having hepatoto!icity treating with e!tract ofcasearia elliptica lea) Low dose.

    roup:8 >ats having hepatoto!icity treating with e!tract ofcasearia elliptica lea) High dose.

    wenty four hours after administration of drugs, the animals were anaestheti5ed with anesthetic

    ether for withdrawing the blood sample by cardiac puncture after over night of fast for

    biochemical investigation i. e. s, s, sAL and bilirubin estimation. 2lood will be allowed to

    coagulate at 3H'* and 3' min and the serum will be separated by centrifugation at &'' rpm for % min.

    he liver of one animal from each group will be removed and processed immediately for

    histopathological investigation.

    Statistical analysis

    he @tatistical analysis will be performed by using ne Eay A=ubia

    cordifolia Linn. 9. ?thnopharmacol. &''-G %'38 $$/$+'.

    &. *hatterjee 7. 6edicinal plants with hepatoprotective properties. In8 #erbal ptions. 3rd ?dn.

    2ooks and Allied () Ltd. *alcutta. &'''G %3.

    3. 7iritikar 7> and 2asu 21. Indian 6edicinal lants. International book distributors.1ehradun,

    India. %++-. &'-$ / &'-.

    $. 1ulaly *howdhury et al. Antimicrobial activity and cytoto!icity of Aerva lanata Bitoterapia.

    &''&G H3G +&:+$.

    . Vdupihille 6 and 9iffry 66. 1iuretic effect of Aerva lanata with water, normal saline and

    coriander as controls. Indian 9 hysiol and harmacol. %+-G 3'8 +%:+H.-. >ao @ et al. ?valuation of an e!perimental model for studying urolithiasis effect of Aerva

    lanata on urinary stones. Indian 1rugs. %+G &&8 -$':-$3.

    H. 6erskey #, 2ogduk =. *lassifications of chronic pain8 1escription of chronic pain syndromes

    and definition of pain terms. >eport by the International Association for the @tudy of ain ask

    Borce on a!onomy. In8 6erskey #, 2ogduk =, editors. @eattle8 IA@ ressG %++$8&'+:%$.

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    Albino research &training institute

    . 2ennett =, 2rown 69. =ervous @ystem8 ain and analgesics. In8 *linical harmacology.

    %'th ed. ?dinburgh, @cotland8 *hurchill LivingstoneG &''8&+3:-.

    +. 7umar obbins

    and *otran athologic 2asis of 1isease, edited by 7umar ole of histamine in

    rodent antinociception. 2r 9 harmacol %++$G%%%8%&-+:H+.

    %$. 6almberg:Aiello , Lamberti *, Ipponi A, 2artolini A, @chunack E. ?vidence for

    hypernociception induction following histamine #% receptor activation in rodents. Life @ci


    %. Lipnik:@tangelj 6, *arman:7r5an 6. #istamine:stimulated nerve growth factor secretion

    from cultured astrocyctes is blocked by protein kinase * inhibitors. Inflamm >es &''$G3 @uppl


    %-. @tempelj 6, Berjan I. @ignaling pathway in nerve growth factor induced histamine release

    from rat mast cells. Inflamm >es &''G$83$$:+.

    %H.7okate *7, urohit A, okhale @2. &''&. e!tbook of pharmacognosy, =irali prakasan8

    une. %8%:$ p. andurangan A, 7hosa >L, #emalatha @. &''. ?valuation of Anti:inflammatory

    and Analgesic Activity of >oot ?!tract of Solanum rilo-atum Linn. Iranian 9ournal of

    harmaceutical >esearch H(3)8&%H:&&%.

    %.andurangan A, 7hosa >L, #emalatha @. &''+. ?valuation of anti:inflammatory activity of

    the leaf e!tracts of solanum trilobatum Linn. 9 harm @ci >es %(%)8%-:&%.

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    Albino research &training institute

    %+.arveen D, 1eng C, @aeed 67, 1ai >, Ahamad E, Cu C#. &''H. Antiinflammatory and

    analgesic activities of hesium chinense urc5 e!tract and its major flavonoids, kaempferol and

    kaempferol:3:o:glucoside. Cakugaku Dasshi %&H()8%&H:%&H+.

    &'. Akdis *A, @imons B?>. #istamine receptors are hot in immunopharmacology. ur '

    /harmacol. &''-G338-+ /H-.

    &%. Akdis *A, 9utel 6, Akdis 6. >egulatory effects of histamine and histamine receptor

    e!pression in human allergic immune responses. Chem $mmunol *llergy. &''G+$8-H/ &.

    &&. @chneider ?, >olli:1erkinderen 6, Arock 6, 1y 6. rends in histamine research8 new

    functions during immune responses and hematopoiesis. rends $mmunol. &''&G&38&/&-3.

    &3. 2aena:*agnani *?. 1esloratadine activity in concurrent seasonal allergic rhinitis and

    asthma.*llergy. &''%G-8&%/&H.

    &$. Duberbier , Asero >, 2indslev:9ensen *. ?AA*I;A&L?=;?1B;EA guideline8

    definition, classification and diagnosis of urticaria.*llergy.&''+G-$8%$% /%$&-.

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