

1924-Brittney Snow

Surrealist Artists

Joan MiróMax Ernst

Salvador Dali René Magritte


Surrealism is a style in which fantastical visual imagery from the subconscious mind is used with no intention of making the work logically comprehensible.

Dictionary definition: a style of art and literature developed principally in the 20th century, stressing the subconscious or nonrational significance of imagery arrived at by automatism or the exploitation of chance effects, unexpected juxtapositions, etc.


Founded in 1924 by André Breton; in Paris, France

The movement's principal aim was ‘to resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality.’

Inspired by the works of Freud and Jung.

Dali, The Disintegration of Persistence of Memory, 1952-1954

Dali, The Last Supper, 1955

Max Ernst Approaching Puberty1921

After Us Motherhood1927by Max Ernst

René Magritte1964"The Great War”

René Magritte1964"The Son of Man"

Works Cited

1) MoMa exhibition of Joan Miro~ Painting and Anti-Painting 1927-1937

2) Bert Christensen's Cyberspace Gallery, René Magritte, Belgian, 1898 – 1967

3) Surrealism

4) Surrealism

5) Artinthepicture.com

6) Story Bytes


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