
Want your salespeople to stop


Changing value

perceptions by converting

solutions into metrics your

customers wants.

Presented By: Ian Segail

Why listen to Ian Segail

Ian is one of Australia’s leading sales strategists and authorities

on sales and sales management. Ian is also the founder of the

Sales Coach Academy and the author and co-author of 7

books and eBooks dealing with the challenges and issues

faced by sales management. Ian has been a sales

development specialist for over 2 decades getting sales

people to sell more, profitably.

What others say about Ian

“Thought you might like to hear a good news story Sales Coach Academy© had a hand in......We

have only implemented the top 2 suggested strategies from the program and this month’s numbers

are incredible. Sales to Budget: -UP 71%; GM to Budget: UP to 46 % from 41% and a couple of days

trading still to put through”

Simon McKenzie - Regional Sales Manager – Burwell Technologies

“As a result of working with this program, my division grew by

55% in 12 months, from approx. $ 7 million sales to $10.7 million

sales, improving the bottom line EBIT by around $1.3 million!!!”Andrew Antala - DIVISION MANAGER – TECHNICAL - Charles Parsons & Co Pty Ltd,


“I can’t believe it! We’ve gone from $300K

behind our target to banking over $320K every

month for the last 90 days. One of your

strategies helped us to re-sign one of our

largest accounts even though they had been

offered a 50% discount by one of our biggest

competitors”.Darren White - National Sales Manager – Industrial Products

A solution must provide measurable

improvement• The problem must be acknowledged by the by both the

buyer and salesperson must also agree on the answer.

• The Holy Grail -“A mutually shared answer to a recognized

problem where the answer delivers measurable


Understanding Value

Understanding Value

• A commodity is a good for which there is demand, but which is

supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market.

i.e. It’s the same no matter who produces it.

• Examples are petroleum, notebook paper, milk or copper.

• The price of copper is universal, and fluctuates daily based on global

supply and demand.

• Motor cars, on the other hand, have many aspects of product

differentiation, such as the brand, the user interface, the perceived

quality etc. And, the more valuable a car is perceived to be, the

more it will cost.

What is a commodity?

How are commodities bought?

• What will make us pay more for something?

Are you perceived as a commodity?

• Do you have to compete on price?

• Do your customers shop around and buy based on cost?

• Do your customers think the products and service that you offer

are very similar to what every other vendor?

• How do you contribute to that?

The "4 U's“ Value Test

Is the problem…Unworkable?

• Does your proposed solution fix a broken business process where there are

real, measureable consequences to inaction?

• Can your solution be monetized?

• Will someone get fired if the issue is not addressed?

The "4 U's“ Value Test

Is the problem.. Unavoidable?

• Is the problem you have a solution for driven by a mandate with

implications associated with governance or regulatory control?

• Is it a requirement?

• EXAMPLE: The issue is being driven by a governance requirement for

accounting or compliance or specification?

The "4 U's“ Value Test

Is the problem...Urgent?

• Is your solution one of the top few priorities for a company?

• It is always a lot easier to get your solution onto a customer's

priority list and have them assign resources to fixing the problem

when you can point to an urgent issue requiring resolution.

The "4 U's“ Value Test

Is the problem...Underserved?

• Is there an absence or lack of valid answers to the problem you're looking to


How compelling is your value


Where do your products/service/solution compete?






“If you cant put a number on your

value, all you can sell is your price!”

"Unless you know your

value all you can sell is

your cost - If you cannot

price your value all you

can price is your cost!”

Mack Hannan

Essentially what Hannan is

saying is:

If your customer can't perceive the

value, how can they price it?

If they can't price it then....

They won't pay for it!

They cant sell it!

Why should they?

The 5 “Show me the money” Value


1. Make $

2. Save $

3. Reduce risk

4. Optimisation

5. Retain customers

Monetize Application

Product Focus

Product Application

Monetize Application

Crowded market

Very Few Players

Fewer Players

Monetize impact on...


Cost of Sales /Production




What are the numbers we can impact?

REMEMBER: “If you cant put a number on your

value, all you can sell is your price!”

Quantify your package

• Sun Tzu – The Art Of War – min-3:1

advantage required when competing

head to head.


For further information or to book a course, contact our

friendly team today on 1300 891 760 or contact us online

or email:

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