Starting English Book 20 SEMA Intensive English Programme for EAL at Key Stage 3 adverbs quickly slowly.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Starting English Book 20

SEMA Intensive English Programme for EAL at Key Stage 3


quickly slowly

How to use this book• As a powerpoint on computer.

Put the powerpoint in slide show mode (see bottom right of screen- the standing screen logo).

1. Click on the speaker to hear the word or the sentence. Say the word or the sentence.

2. Match the word to the picture.

3. Keep practising until you can say all the words and sentences on each page.

4. Write the words and sentences that go with each picture.

5. Keep practising until you can write the words and sentences for each page.

6. Make note of any words or sentences that you find harder to remember

7. When you can hear, say, read and write all the words and sentences, move on to the next book.

• As an exercise book.

Print out the book. Use the book in lessons and at home until you can read and write all the words and sentences.

1. Read the text and the questions. You need to practise asking questions as well as answering them.

2. Write the answers in your exercise book.

3. Only move on to the next book when your tutor has checked your answers.

Book 16 practices 10 adverbs;


elephants a cheetah

a tortoise a hare

A tortoise is slow. It walks slowly. A hare is quick. It runs quickly.

Elephants are slow. They walk slowly. The cheetah runs quickly.

slow slowly

quick quickly

A shout is a loud sound. The man shouted loudly. The girl shouted very loudly. She shouted so loudly that the policewoman stood back.

A whisper is a quiet sound. The girls whispered quietly. They whispered so quietly that the teacher could not hear them.

quiet quietly

loud loudly

Be careful when you touch the cactus. The girl touched the cactus carefully. Slowly and carefully, the girl reached out to touch the cactus.

careful carefully

This is careful handwriting.

He wrote down his work so slowly and carefully that it took him an hour to finish his homework.

The little dog listened carefully to the story.

Babies need gentle handling. The mother rocked the baby gently to sleep.

gentle gently

He held the little bird gently in his hands. Gently he removed the tag from its leg.

rough roughly The stone feels rough.

The three boys played roughly. They played so loudly and roughly that they were asked to leave the room.

happy happily

Leon and friends all smiled happily for the camera.

Sue had passed her exams. She laughed happily.

sad sadly

Chan looked sadly out of the window. His girlfriend was not coming to meet him.

The little dog waited sadly by the step. His master had not come home.

Anxious anxiously Lucy was late . She looked at her watch “I’ll have to go now!”, she said anxiously.

It was nearly full time at the football match. The Chelsea team was losing. The Chelsea fans watched anxiously.

Annie bit her nails anxiously.

loud loudly

slow slowly

quick quickly

loud loudly

sad sadly

gentle gently

rough roughly

careful carefully

happy happily

quiet quietly

anxious anxiously

Ten adverbs

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