Stanford company presentation

Post on 30-Jan-2015






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Brief presentation

We are a cultural association that through its history and experimentation and learning of their people, has accumulated a deep knowledge of Basque culture. And in particular, the years of experience support our remarkable ability to recover and develop our culture.

01. Kaixo > Company Presentation


DISCLOSE our knowledge of Basque culture

Tourism + Basque Culture

Tourism on Basque Culture

In response to our commitment to restore and develop the Basque culture

And because of the knowledge and experience we have achieved to do so,

In .... We propose to offer a solution of Basque cultural tourism.

02. Kaixo > Mission

“Spread basque culture identity all over the world thorugh travel

Desinging and offering basque culture based travel experiences

through which the travellers intend to widen their knowledge and

acquire deep understanding of minority cultures.”

02. Kaixo > Misión

Strategic Goals

Basque Culture Tourism

Awaken foreigner´s interest for learning and discovering the origin and evolution of our language.

Develop and pass on knowledge and experiences that help as spreading our culture identity abroad.

Cultivate the atmosphere which favoures the exchange of people’s custom, tradition and way of life.

03. Kaixo > Strategic goals

Our understanding of the Basque Culture: vision

Kaixo’s good-will statement :

• We will transmit a positive image and reputation of the Basque Culture.

• Well do it from a partial point of view; We don´t pretend to cover everything as if it was a “master”.

• We won´t be restrictive; We will integrate and consider each and every cultural expression.

• We are not academic: We are educational and intend to teach and share what we know.

• Well work under the premise of ther participación.

04. Kaixo > Our understanding of the Basque Culture

Value proposition

Kaixo Basque Tourism Agency= Cultural Heritage Tourism:

• Basque: As particular interpretation of ethnic and identity tourism of a culture. Understanding as an alive culture: Tradition + Modernity.

• Educational: Intellectual motivations with deep learning/acquisition of knowledge that increases the profit of experiences.

• Experiential: Participatory experiences to transform them into something memorable.

• Human: As a place for encounter and dialogue between people by generating an emotional connection.

05. Kaixo >Value proposition

05. Kaixo >Unique Selling proposition

3 levels of motivation:

•Different and unique experiences.

•Establishing relationships with other people.

•Understanding / Acquisition of knowledge.


ExperiencesHuman Contact


Differential Keys:• Basque: as purpose, it isn’t a means.

• Educational: learning/acquisition of knowledge.

“Diferencial key, through the transmission of knowledge, for the enhancement of the Basque Culture ".

Other keys:• Experiential: fun, participatory.

• Human: intimate, close, shared. Establishing lasting bonds.

Other keys of competitiveness (an operating level):• Management Experience: receptive skills.

• Prestige: reputation among offer intermediaries.

• Promocionalization: promotion and sale at the same time/ channel. Online channel as a key element.

05. Kaixo> Unique Selling proposition

Program prototype

Kaixo develops cultural travel programs for groups interested in learning Basque cultural Identity. From the map of cultural events, to our knowledge, defines Basque culture will design programs capable of transmitting knowledge and providing extraordinary experiences for visitors.

This program will have the right mix of information and experience, and will include the participation of members of the group experts Zenbat Gara and his extensive and valuable network of relationships.

Kaixo programs may be:

On demand: in an initial phase, we will consider the characteristics and interests of the visiting group to design a program that meets your needs more clarifiers knowledge and experiences more rewarding for each individual case.

Predesigned: subsequently, and without leaving customized programs, we will have more knowledge to establish fixed programs to which any interested party may join individually

06. Kaixo > Program prototype

06. Kaixo > Program prototype

All these cultural manifestations can fit in Kaixo:

sociology, dressing, eating, drinking, industry, die, sports, holiday,

nature, geography, government, history, living, communications,

culture, education, language, religion, communications, art


Interviews to validate our business model

Interview model1. Which of these statements do you identify with? Mark an X beside the statements.

2. Which needs do you look for in your travels? Mark an X beside needs.

3. In your travels, have you managed to satisfy those needs?

4. How do you get it? If you haven’t got it, why? (organization, programme, etc.)

5. ¿Does the following travel proposal satisfy your expectations? Travel of cultural heritage, with a high learning and strong relationships with natives.

6- Which of these features are the most important for you at the time of choosing a travel? On a scale of 1-5, 1 being “not at all” and 5 being “very”.

Identity _____

Educational _____

Experiential _____

Human _____

1st Interviewee

Profile of the interviewee

Name: Ana Gutierrez

Profession: Freelance, with strong interest on minority cultures.

Age: between 30-40

2nd Interviewee

Profile of the interviewee

Name: Elena Aguirre

Profession: Tourist guide

Age: between 30-40

3rd Interviewee

Profile of the interviewee

Name: Gorka Inoriza

Profession: Teacher of Philology at the UNED

Age: between 30-40

4th Interviewee

Profile of the interviewee

Name: Maria Arce

Profession: Teacher of Anthropology at the UPV

Age: between 30-40

Conclusions & ResultsMore adverse outcomes have occurred in the key differentiating of our proposal. Indeed, the IDENTITY VALUE does not raise any interest, which is presented as a weakness, while the EDUCATIONAL ASPECT is configured as a remarkable strength.

The reason why identity has received very little acceptance may be due to:

1. We have not transmitted the idea successfully

2. The Interviewees are not interested in that aspect.

We opted for the first option, as are profiles that identify the characteristics associated with these key value (identity and educational).

Another conclusion drawn after analyzing the results, is that there is no supply aparentement market that resembles our value proposition.

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