Staff Training. Synchronized Style Serving All Front of House dinning staff will use hand style serving, otherwise known as synchronized serving, when.

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Staff Training

Synchronized Style Serving

All Front of House dinning staff will use hand style serving, otherwise known as synchronized serving, when delivering

food to guests. It is a simple but elegant style of service which you will be trained on come time for our event. For

now, here is a brief description of how it works.

Before Entering the Dining Room

1. All guests will already be seated

2. Each server will be lined up with his/her designated team in a predetermined order in the satellite kitchen

3. Each server should have two plated meals corresponding to the guests he/she will be serving at that particular time

4. The meal to be served first should be in the left hand and the second one should be in the right

Entering the Dining Room

1. Servers will enter the dining room all at once upon a manager’s or supervisor’s signal

2. It is important to stay in your ordered lines until you arrive at the table

3. Upon arrival, each server should stand behind the guest which they are to serve first

4. Once all servers in your team are in their designated places wait for the head server’s signal to serve

Serving Guests

1. Once the signal is given, all servers at a table will serve in a synchronized fashion

2. Serve the meal in your left hand to the guest in front of you

3. Then, take a step to your left (to your second guest)

4. Switch the meal in your right hand to your left and serve this guest in the same fashion as the first

5. It is critical to always serve from the left

Exiting the Dining Room

1. Once all meals have been served, wait for your head server’s signal to exit the dining room

2. All teams will exit together

3. You don’t need to exit the same way you came in, it is more important to exit in a fluid and professional looking manner

4. All teams will exit through the exit door, not the entrance


When it comes to clearing, everything is done the same way as described above except for the serving portion. Here are the exceptions:

1. Upon your head server’s signal, all servers should clear with their right hand

2. It is important to always clear from the right

3. Then, take a step to the left (to your second guest)

4. Switch the plate in your right hand to your left

5. And clear this guest’s plate in the same fashion as the first

Those are the basics of a synchronized style of service. It may not sound simple now but if you don’t get it, don’t worry, we will give all servers ample training

come event day.

Thanks in advance to all servers helping with the event!

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