Post on 12-Feb-2022






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Church Office….570-474-6616

Pastor - Rev. Michele Kaufman 570-443-0832 Secretary – Kelly Smolenak Phone: 570-474-6616

Email: info@stpaulsmttop.com Sexton - Ginny Hildebrand 570-788-2751

St. Paul’s NEW Website at stpaulsmttop.com and we are on Facebook as well. Visit us at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Mountain Top, PA and

keep in touch with upcoming events.


Worship Service

8:30 am & 11:00 am

Sunday school at 9:30 am

March 3rd, 17th, and 31st

Lenten Services

Ash Wednesday Services will be held on March 6th at 11 am & 7pm.

A covered dish luncheon will follow the early service.

Mark Twain said….” There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.”

‘Sin’ has been calmed down, domesticated, neutered. The word is now usually spoken with a slight smirk, or a heavy dose of irony. In many people’s minds, ‘sin’ means simply ‘breaking the rules’. Describing something as ‘sinful’ usually means we think it is naughty but nice, in the spirit of ‘I know I shouldn’t really, but it


will be fun, and I’m sure it won’t do any harm.’ Sin was not harmless transgression of some random moral code invented by repressed and frustrated medieval clerics. For our ancestors, ‘sin’ described a pattern of life that was quite simply destructive. It destroys families, friendships, happiness, peace of mind, innocence, love, security, nature and, most importantly, our bond to our creator. It puts the world out of joint, skewing everything and spreading misery and pain everywhere. There is a passage in the Bible talks of ‘sinful desires, which war against your soul’ (1 Peter 2:11). That captures it well: these impulses, these patterns of behavior are not just arbitrarily wrong, but are quite literally self-destructive. They wage a constant, subtle and undermining warfare against the inner self; they are the deadly enemies of the soul. What seems on the surface to be innocent pleasures, or even the promise of an experience that made life worth living, in reality it slowly tears people apart. Sin is like a virus that gets into everything, so that although life goes on, it never quite works the way we think it ought to. The Seven Deadly Sins are those transgressions which are fatal to our spiritual progress.

There is a virtual epidemic of addiction in the United States, both traditional addictions to drugs and alcohol but also newer addictions, like sex, gambling, rage, work, and food/eating. Some authorities have labeled addictions the number one mental health problem in America. Perhaps what our spiritual forebears meant by "deadly" is best captured in the modern concept of "addiction."


Each week during Lent we will explore what is addictive about the sins of pride, envy, anger, greed, gluttony, sloth, and lust and how are they relevant to the 21st Century? What are the Contrasting Virtues? How good are we, as Christians, in displaying those virtues and keeping those deadly sins under control?

We are offering two different opportunities to explore the 7 Deadly Sins. Each week you are invited to join us at St. Paul’s 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Each week Pastor Kaufman will head to St. John’s, St. John’s for 2:00 p.m. for a short prayer service, followed by a Bible Study/discussion on the theme of the day. You could even be adventurous and try both! For those who can’t make the day service, an evening service will be offered at 6:00 p.m. at St. John’s, Nanticoke. If you attend any of these opportunities, drop in your offering envelope and it will be deposited in the appropriate treasury.

March 6: Ash Wednesday St. Paul’s 11:00 a.m. AND 7:00 p.m.

March 13: Pride 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s

March 20: Envy 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s

March 27: Gluttony 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s

April 3: Lust 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s


April 10: Anger 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s

April 17: Greed 11:00 a.m. St. Paul’s

Maundy Thursday April 18th Sloth 11:00 a.m. AND 7:00 p.m.

March 13-April 17th services St. John’s, St. John’s 2:00 p.m.

March 13- April 17th services St. John’s Nanticoke 6:00 p.m.

Lenten Devotions

Pastor will once again offer daily Lenten devotions. They will be made available or you can receive them via email or on Pastor’s personal or St. Paul’s church Facebook page. Hard copies will also be made available at the church. You are encouraged to share them as well!


It is that time of year our young people, 2nd grade or older who have not received 1st Holy Communion instruction are invited to attend classes with Pastor in preparation for receiving their First Holy Communion.

This will take place on: Thursday, April 18th, 2019 (Holy Thursday).

Please contact Pastor Kaufman if your child will be attending these classes. Students are requested to attend Ash Wednesday

services on Wednesday, March 6th. Class schedule will be set accordingly.


OUR NEXT CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING: Sunday March 10th at 6:30 pm.

BELL CHOIR - Rehearsal for the month of February will be the 3rd, 10th, 24th, and 31st 2019

from 12:15 pm to 1pm

ATTENTION! We are bringing back our Choir! Announcing Adult Choir Sign ups…

March 3rd-March 17th 2019 Any questions, please ask Schyler Kelsch

SO IT BEGINS…. Ash Wednesday, March 6 begins the forty-day season of Lent: forty days which correspond to the time Jesus spent in the desert wilderness being tempted by Satan. It is not a season we should enter into unadvisedly or lightly, for this is the most important part of the Christian year. Here we encounter our faith in all its fullness: in all its depth and height, in all its darkness and light, in all its pain and glory. Lent is a somber time, a time for reflection and growth, a time to change our ways and deepen our commitment. Our Lord entered


into suffering and death during this period on our behalf. The least we can do is enter into the spiritual demands of the season for Him. This Lenten season will carry us through the next five Sundays. We will walk in the shadow of the Cross. We will taste the dryness of the desert and feel the loneliness of the wilderness. If we truly step into the spirituality of the Lenten season, we will feel like we have walked through the valley of shadow of death itself. Then we will come to Holy Week. We will see the triumph and tension of Palm Sunday, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem and set the stage for His final passion. We will see the trial and tribulation of Maundy Thursday, when Jesus was arrested and condemned to death. We will stare into the unspeakable darkness of Good Friday, when our Lord hung on a Cross to die. And then, finally, we will come to the bright light and magnificent redemption of Easter morning. The Resurrection will be real and meaningful to us because we will have walked to Calvary to get there. Again, if we really enter into the spirit of Lent in the forty days ahead, we will be happy and grateful for our Lord's victory when it finally comes on Easter Sunday.


The 2019 Envelopes are in the narthex or in your mailbox. Giving statements for 2018 are prepared and should be in your mailbox. If

you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kaufman or Beth Eckert.


SATURDAY March 2nd, FROM 8 AM -1 PM. Set up is Friday March 1st , after 1 pm, and 7-8 am again on Saturday the 2nd.



A Pizza sale in conjunction with the Flea Market will take place on Saturday March 2, from 8-1 pm. Cheese pizzas are $10.

Pizzas with toppings are $12. Topping choices are: pepperoni, mushroom & onion, white with garlic, and sausage. On Friday,

March 1, WE WILL NEED HELP ASSEMBLING THE PIZZAS beginning at 5:00 pm, Friday night pick up will be

available from 7-8 pm. An order form is in the Narthex. Any questions, please contact Karen Weiss.


Our next movie night is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30! Bring a friend! Our movie this

month will be “Let There Be Light!” For all his far-reaching fame, Sol Harkens, the world's most famous atheist, is a lonely soul and a lousy part-time dad. After


a near death experience challenges his simplest assumptions about this world, Sol finds his purpose and re-imagines his life, in a film that will make you laugh and cry and want to stand up and cheer. Outspoken atheist Dr. Sol Harkens is having a debate with a Christian leader. After Harkens is considered to have won the debate, he attends a party for his book. He double fists cocktails while trying to get his girlfriend to come home with him that night; she refuses. Disappointed, Harken’s heads home in a drunken haze to sleep it off. On the way home, his publicist calls him to arrange more parties to increase his exposure. Since he was already drunk after leaving his party and continues to drink on the way home, he veers off and crashes into a construction site.

The Next WELCA MEETING is scheduled for Wednesday 13th at 1pm. Please bring scissors.

Margie Lou Anthony is hostess.

COME ONE COME ALL! Due to a conflict with the upcoming Flea Market/ Pizza Sale our Pajama Party has been rescheduled for Friday, March 15th for all youth members. The fun

will begin at 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with games activities and pizza! Come in your jammies and bring

along your favorite blanket and pillow!


The ELCA Youth Gathering is a national convention of the Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America for high-school-age youth. It is held every 3 years in a different

American city. The gathering lasts around 5 days and each day is focused on a

form of service. Each convention also has a central theme to it. Each theme is

focused on a certain scripture from the bible.

While this event is 2 years away, it’s not too early to begin thinking about the

possibility of youth attending and to begin fundraising now. In order to attend,

youth must complete 8th grade in 2021 or older. Please let Pastor know if you are

interested. We will have an information session to discuss costs, activities, etc

in more detail.

Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser

Our youth will be traveling to Minneapolis MN in the summer of 2021…. Yes, its 2 ½ years away! However, it is never too early to start fundraising. We will be selling Gertrude Hawk chocolates for Easter. Orders and money are due by March 14th. Delivery

will be the week of April 8th. If you would like to order and support our youth, we will be in the Narthex after the 1st and prior to 2nd service on Sunday March 3rd and Sunday March 10th. There is also a link on the St. Paul’s Facebook page for


online orders. Any youth eligible to attend can get a brochure to sell in the church office.

Any questions contact Terry Scott 570-868-7368

Leda’s Homemade Easter Eggs

We will be selling Easter eggs again during Lent. This year the proceeds will benefit the youth group trip to Minneapolis MN in 2021. Eggs and order forms will be available in the Narthex. Personal orders will be due by March 31st, and can be placed in Secretary mailbox. Checks should be made to: St. Paul’s Youth Group. Any questions contact Terry Scott 570-868-7368

Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian

missionary and bishop in Ireland. Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy family. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland. It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to


take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest. According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelizing in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Patrick's efforts against the druids were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove "snakes" out of Ireland (Ireland never had any snakes).

Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint.

Let’s celebrate the work of a man who devoted his life to spreading the Gospel. Join us as we gather on Saturday, March 16th at the Ice House at 6:30 p.m. with Terry Renninger’s band, Don Shappelle and the Pick-Ups.

In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb by Lorie Hill

March roars in like a lion So fierce,

The wind so cold, It seems to pierce.

The month rolls on

And Spring draws near, And March goes out Like a lamb so dear.

As the winds begin to blow as March is ushered in, so does the season of Lent. Each week we will offer 2 soups for


your pleasure. Monies raised will be used for ongoing ministries sponsored by St. Paul’s.

A signup sheet can be found in the narthex with a variety of soups listed which include: Cheddar Broccoli; Piggy Stew; Ham and Bean; Seafood Bisque; Clam Chowder; Italian

Wedding and a few more!

Cost: $7 quart (some costs may vary based on ingredients).


For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed

me. – Matthew 25:35

God richly provides for daily bread — the earth can produce enough food for everyone. Yet, many of our sisters and brothers

still go hungry.

By providing immediate relief to those who are hungry, we meet basic needs and recognize the universal human right to food. But

ending hunger is about more than food. By connecting people with the resources they need to produce food and gain access to clean water, education, health care and sources of income, long-term,

sustainable change can be accomplished.

We start with relationships marked by conversation and listening. We believe people know their own communities best. It is our

congregations and our global companion churches that first identify the local needs and related solutions to help make a

difference. Then, we partner with communities to help make those solutions a reality.

Working through ELCA congregations, global companion

churches, The Lutheran World Federation and other partners like Bread for the World, Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration


and Refugee Service and Lutheran World Relief, the ELCA reaches more places more effectively than we could ever do alone. In addition to funding relief and development projects that assist

our sisters and brothers in need, we engage members of the ELCA in education and advocacy to help change the systems that

perpetuate poverty.

If you haven’t already grabbed one, take home a barn and collect your loose change from now through the end of March. If you write out a check, make checks payable to St. Paul’s and we will submit the full amount to the ELCA World Hunger fund!

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

February 19, 2019 Church Council Highlights

1. The Council discussed priorities for 2019. The following

items were selected for further research and action during

the coming year, based on the feedback from our members:

• Publish an updated Church Directory

• Update and publish new Church Handbook

• Obtain estimates for individual stained-glass

windows for the Sanctuary, for possible future

Memorial Gifts and other donations.


• Determine feasibility of creating a Memorial

Garden for cremation ashes. Discuss with issues

with Wright Township zoning authorities, and if

allowable, form a committee to visit other churches

and develop a plan to present to members.

• Further enhance communications between church

members, church staff and other users of our


• Repair partitions in Fellowship Hall, so they hang

and roll properly.

2. The Playschool Classroom heater repair is still on hold

until parts arrive. Fortunately, the second heater in that

room can maintain the room at a comfortable temperature.

3. Maintenance repairs are needed in the ladies’ room, which

include the sink leg, location of the towel holder, and

replacing the lock in one of the stalls. Problems were also

discussed related to building cleanliness and poor internet

reception in the Nursery School area.

4. The Church Committees are being kicked off for 2019 and

initial meetings will be scheduled prior to mid-April.

Members are needed for the committees listed below. If

you have an interest or expertise in any of these areas,


please contact Pastor or any of the Council Members listed

below for that committee:

• Finance – Jim Doxsey, Leeann Whitaker,

Joel Weiss

• Property- Joel Weiss, Walt Robbins, Kevin Scott,

Jim Doxsey

• Christian Education- Helen Davis (or Karen


• Worship and Music – Terry Renninger, Jim Doxsey

• Evangelism/Stewardship – Helen Davis, Jackie

McDermott, Terry Renninger

• Mutual Ministry - Kevin Scott

• Social Ministry – Judy Seroska, Lois Scott

5. The Sunday School / Youth Choir is practicing the songs

to be sung on Easter Sunday.

6. Lenten Services will be held each Wednesday at 11:00,

followed by a pot-luck luncheon. Evening Services will also

be held on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good

Friday at 7 pm.

7. Future Council Meeting for 2019 will be held on the

following dates: March 10, April 14, May 19, June 9,

August 11, September 8, October 13, November 11, and

December 15th.


As always, all members are welcome to attend Church Council meetings. We look forward to hearing your ideas, questions, or

feedback during our meetings or at any time. Submitted by Jim Doxsey

Are you a Thrivent member? 2019 Choice Dollars expire on 3/31/2019.

Don’t miss this opportunity to recommend where some of Thrivent Financials charitable outreach funds are distributed. You can direct your

Choice Dollars: Call a Customer Care Professional at

800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and when prompted, say, “Thrivent Choice” and please consider directing your Thrivent

Choice dollars to St. Paul’s, Mountaintop.


Paul & I just got back from spending 6 days helping with the hurricane Michael recovery in Panama City, FL at Trinity Lutheran Church. Pictures can't show how the people of Panama City have been effected. One women in her 80's still didn't have water because downed trees were blocking restoring her water. In addition, she has health issues. The LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) cleared the trees so the water could be restored. Another woman who will turn 88 in a few days also didn't have water and was staying with relatives.

Paul and his team did trash to treasure recovery saving anything that wasn't wet. Everything else went to the curb for garbage pickup. It was so sad. This is the type of stories we were hearing while we were there. I worked with one of the damage assessment coordinators trying to figure how some of these people could get some help. FEMA is long gone and many of the not for profits are pulling out and there is still a lot


of work to do. Trees are down all over Panama City. The LERT group has cleared trees from over 110 properties for free thereby saving the homeowners over $1 million dollars.

Trinity Lutheran Church which has been the hub of helping their members as well as the members of the community who were also hit. Part of the roof has blue tarp on it and they are waiting for insurance to see how much insurance will pay towards the roof damage as well as other damage around the property estimated to be $100,000. They will assess what the next step for the congregation is to help with the rebuild. Many of the churches in the city were damaged to the point that services cannot be held and alternate locations were needed. Redemption Lutheran Church has an Orphan Grain Train chapel trailer on their property for services. In all these situations, they need are PRAYERS so that the situation can be restored to normal as much as possible. Pray also that their faith in Christ will be restored and the churches will see a growth in membership.

Watch the future newsletters as to how the saints of St. Paul's congregation can reach out and help our brothers and sisters of Panama City.

Heads up for April:

A Palm Sunday Bake Sale

Bakers and Buyers Wanted! April 14th 2019 between services!

Proceeds go to Maundy Thursday Dinner. More info to come!

Who ever thought Bible Study could be fun???

This is Bible Study like you’ve never experienced! No homework, no tests, no previous knowledge. Have some fun with

learning; only 2 hours a week with a knowledgeable teacher. Snacks provided! Come join in on the fun in our bible study group. Everyone is


welcome! Thursdays at 1pm…We enjoy each other’s company and great conversation.

Bible Trivia: How well do you know your bible?

1-On what sea’s coastline did Jesus meet Simon Peter? 2-Who was Peter’s brother? 3-What was Peter’s occupation? 4-What were the names of the two sons of Zebedee? 5-What were the occupations of the sons of Zebedee?

(For answers to the Bible Trivia, Read Matthew 4)

(Answers are on the last page of the Newsletter)

March 3rd Terry Scott March 10th

March 17th March 24th

March 31st

There are many dates available to sponsor Altar Flowers, Bulletins and the Newsletter for 2018. Charts/sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. Why not honor a loved one or a significant occasion by sponsoring these items?

Flowers: $32/week Bulletins: $10/week



Ushers, Greeters, Readers, Deacons, Acolyte & Counters. If you would like to Volunteer, what service works better for you? If

there are any special requests as to when you want to volunteer? You can email me or just leave me a note in my mail

box. Email address is info@stpaulsmttop.com Get your submissions into Kelly by this date. You can leave your information in her mailbox, call her at the office or email her at info@stpaulsmttop.com

YARN SPINNERS We are currently working on lap robes for St. Luke’s Marjorie Lou Anthony will take them over to St. Luke’s for distribution. We will continue to work on the prayer

shawls and baptismal blankets for Pastor.

COFFEE CANS FLOWERS Please save your red or green plastic coffee cans (leave labels on) as we need these for the flowers that we use to take to the shut-ins. Please bring into the church.


BOARD GAME DAY Every third Wednesday, at 1:00 pm. at the church will be board game day. Please bring your favorite game and a snack to share. Come on out and have some fun.

ST. PAUL’S HOAGIE GANG Sign up for DELICIOUS hoagies! Watch for the sign-up sheet on the narthex bulletin board. All

orders must be in by the previous Sunday, which in this case will be, Sunday, March 17th with a pick up date of March 21st 2018 at 9:30 am. The costs of the hoagies are $4.00 each. *If you want your meat and toppings separated, please indicate that on the sign-up sheet. All monies earned go to benefit the church. They’re available the 3rd Thursday of each month.


WOULD YOU LIKE A VISIT FROM PASTOR? If you are in the hospital, please let us know. We care

about you, and we would like to pray for you. If you would like Pastor to make a visit for any particular reason, please contact Pastor directly or leave a message with the church secretary and Pastor will contact you to schedule a time.

YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US, but we cannot address what we don’t know.



Please remember that the first Sunday of each month has been declared “FOOD BANK DAY” and we ask that members remember those less fortunate by bringing non-perishable food items in order to keep up with the demand for food. OTHER ITEMS THEY CURRENTLY NEED ARE: Coffee, Peanut Butter, jelly, ketchup, dry soup, pudding, Jell-O mixes, popcorn, pork & beans, canned tomatoes, canned soup, mustard, mayonnaise, tuna, macaroni & cheese, pasta (ex. Spaghetti), peas, canned pasta, and noodles.

A reminder we’d like your loose change! Clean out your pockets and check under your car seats! Please donate your loose change for our

Sunday school.

PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR: Ben Austin, Kari Stewart-Bonczewski, Austin Bowman, Sondra Brophy, Christopher Burge, Kevin Cadwalder, Jay Crandall, Claire Daley, Harlon Davis, Janice DeSino, Pauline Dennis, Brianne Dileo, Carisa Drum, Carol Duffy, Bob Dunlap, Evelyn Evans, The Fenwick Family, Shirley Fetchko, Robert Ganski, Steven Ganski, Eileen Garinger, Robert Gasper, Joshua Hank, Cassandra Hank, Marie Harding, Shawn Henning, Joyce Hocko, Craig Jacobs, Gary Keller, Alice Kershinski, Plair Koch, Jeannine Ksiaskiewicz, Barbara Macko, Amy Maher, Dale and Roseann Major, Wayne Mast, Shari Meister, James Mendygral, Karolyn Meyer, Mary Alice McCloskey, McCale McQuire, Patty Mellow, Roberta and Jim Mohr, Sandy Morales, Cheryl Myers, Jilie O’Boyle, Irene Pritchard, Andrew Richner, Steven Reeves, Michele Reed, Teresa Renninger, Cathy Ruiter, Dale Scott, Lois Scott, Carl Schultz, Joe Seymour, Stephen Shaffer, Robert F. Shultz, Lisa Slocum, Ruth Thomas, Jason Ungarian, Joe Veneziale, Matthew Walker, Denise Walser, Tanya Reeves-Wendel, Marion Yuknavich, Loretta Z


IN ADDITION TO THOSE HAVING HEALTH PROBLEMS we ask that you pray for all the men and women who are serving in the Armed Forces. Matthew Hewson, Wayne Kaufman, Richard Mester, Patrick Murphy, Brandon Passman, Anthony Porrecha, Jr., Christian Yurkanin.

A reminder to all our newer families: Please remember to submit anniversary and a list of birthdays for members of your family so we as a church family can recognize these special occasions! You can put them in the secretary box in the narthex or email info@stpaulsmttop.com. We ask all our members to stop into the office and check their contact information. We are currently working on updating the church directory!

March Birthdays:

James Schwartz 1st Paige Scott 4th Nicole Paranich 5th Alyssa Paranich 5th Michael Paranich 5th Gavin Troell 5th Georgina Welter 6th Florence Drum 7th Megan Ford 7th Evelyn Lloyd 9th


Barbara Hashagen 10th Wendy Howton 10th Jaiden Rodriguez 12th Finy Johnson 13th Michael Wendel 13th Sue Henahan 14th Joshua Jakubowski 15th Michael Novosel 15th Lorrae Orlove 15th Patti Williams 15th Tom Herron 16th Abigail Post 16th Steve Yodoff 16th Rita Lenahan 18th Bill Eckhart 19th Walt Robbins 19th Nancy Schwartz 21st Michelle Leco 22nd Jay Kittrick 23rd Brooke Burke 24th Paul Eyerman 25th Mary Lou Glowacki 30th Kenneth Scott 31st

March Anniversaries:

Barbara & Chris Hashagen 13th/’89 Bonnie & Fred Stewart 25th/’72


Erin & Harold Cain 28th/’08 Fini & Bob Johnson 29th/’69 Answers to the Bible Trivia

1) Sea of Galilee 2) Andrew 3) Fisherman 4) James and John 5) Fishermen

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