St. Michael s Lutheran Churcharsen Erdman, Jim Davis, Karen Williams, Kari Gardner, Richard Matty, Kelsie Gerber, Sylvia Koch, Kristine Yoho, Dottie Lautenschlager; also Foxx Gabel,

Post on 12-Feb-2021






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  • St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Loving God, Loving People, Serving the World

    7404 Coal Bank Road Marshallville, OH 44645 330-855-1313

    Find us on Facebook

    Laura Barbins elected bishop of the ELCA Northeastern Ohio Synod

    The Rev. Dr. Laura Barbins, Mentor, Ohio, was elected Sept. 12 to serve a six-year term as the fifth bishop of the Northeastern Ohio Syn-od of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The election took place during an online synod assembly.

    Barbins was elected on the fifth ballot, with 171 votes. The Rev. Ange-la Freeman-Riley, pastor of Bethesda on the Bay Lutheran Church in Bay Village, Ohio, received 148 votes.

    The bishop-elect has served as pastor of Celebration Lutheran Church in Chardon since 2001 and ad-junct faculty at Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, since 2018. Trinity is one of seven ELCA seminaries. Barbins served as interim pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Fairview Park, Ohio, from 1999 to 2000 and associate pastor for youth at Holy Trinity Lutheran in Nashville, Tenn., from 1995 to 1997.

    The Rev. Dr. Barbins received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Roanoke College in Salem, Va., in 1990 and a Master of Divinity degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettys-burg (now United Lutheran Seminary) in Gettysburg, Pa., in 1994. United is one of seven ELCA seminar-ies. She received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tn., in 2004.

    Bishop-Elect Barbins is married to the Rev. Dr. Paul Barbins, pastor of the Latvian Baptist Church of Cleveland and Program Coordinator of the Spiritual Program for Adults at St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio. The Revs. Barbins have four daughters and live in Mentor, Ohio.

    The Rev. Abraham D. Allende has served as bishop of the Northeastern Ohio Synod since 2014. Infor-mation about the Northeastern Ohio Synod is available at Details about the installation of Bishop-Elect Barbins will be forthcoming.

    AUTUMN 2020

    Weekly Schedule

    Worship at 10:30 a.m.

  • From the desk of Pastor Lucas…

    I often see signs on churches that say “All Are Welcome”. Talking with church people, I get the impression that they genuinely mean it, that they want their church to be a place for anybody who walks in. Unfortunately, their actions often betray this sentiment. I remember having a conversation with someone who, because of a medical condition, used an electronic wheel-chair. This person was not fond of these signs because, even though the sign was put up with the best intentions, more often than not, there was no physical way for this person to enter the building. This person told me that this was completely unwelcoming. In other cases, people have told me that they do not feel welcomed be-cause of the way they were dressed, something that was preached about, or that they were not greeted by anyone else attending the service. The impression by these people was: All are welcome… to be just like everyone who already attends this congregation. Not very welcoming, regardless of what the sign may say.

    As a new pastor, I try to keep these conversa-tions in mind. I was very relieved to see that our building is ADA-accessible. The pews are move-able so we could make space for someone if that occasion would arise, but what else are we miss-ing? As someone who can get around, I have the privilege to not have to think about these con-cerns every time I go in to a new building, but the thought nags at me.

    The reason I bring this up is because things seem to have shifted with the onset of the pan-demic. I went back and read my newsletter arti-cle from June/July. In it I wrote, “It has been one of the hardest decisions as your pastor to not go back to in-person worship.” As I look back, I can now see how this could have con-fused people by making it sound as if I alone made the decision. I did not. It was a decision made by Council. As you know, some disagreed with this decision. As Council met and dis-cussed multiple times, I came to a realization that goes back to what I said above. My realiza-tion is that all congregations, when making plans, always exclude a certain number of peo-ple.

    I do not mean this to be mean-spirited, but only to point out the reality that we are limited in

    what we can do. It happens because we don’t realize it (limited by our imagination), cannot afford it (limited by our finances), or cannot ar-range it (limited by our physical space or loca-tion), etc. We are forced to chalk this up to the fact that we can only do our best. However, what we have to remember is that perfection is never the point. Whether we know we are ex-cluding people or not, we try to make a decision to reach as many as possible, given the current situation. Yet, some are missed.

    This is the case with on-line worship. Not only did we have to make a decision, but we had to make it with little lead time and with an enor-mous amount of contradicting information. Was the decision perfect? Of course not! How-ever, we knew that going in. We used the re-sources and know-how we did have and had worship every Sunday. That alone is pretty amazing, but I’m not looking for a pat on the back. What happened when we went on-line was now suddenly people who could never phys-ically make it to Sunday morning worship were now able to come and participate. Now, not be-ing able to make it to the building was not an obstacle to worshipping with our community. We now have regular attendees from all over Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania (that I know for sure, maybe more).

    As amazing as this is, being on-line has cut oth-ers out of worship. This is a shame. It was nev-er our goal to exclude people; it was just the sad reality. Having new people being able to join does not make this okay. I know that people are hurting. I know that church often can offer sol-ace for that hurt and I want to acknowledge that hurt. The council is not perfect and we have greatly struggled to get back to in-person wor-ship. However, wanting to do something and being able are two different things.

    A committee has been formed to look at guide-lines and options and a drive-in worship is al-ready taking place. An idea like in-person wor-ship sounds good, yet requires a lot more work once one scratches the surface and starts to con-sider the details. It requires compromise, which is more difficult when we are under a lot of stress. Will it be perfect? Of course not! How-ever, with the resources we have available, it is the option that reaches the most people at this time.

    continued on page 3

  • From the desk of Pastor Lucas…

    continued from page 2

    Of course, our Lutheran tradition teaches us that we should always be on the lookout for change. Martin Luther knew that the Refor-mation was not a one-time event, but that the church would always have to reform itself. We try our best to express how God is good and lov-ing, while in the midst of our sin, but our real work is to continue to explore and ask questions about how this impacts our lives today. God is alive and active and we should be watching to see where God is at work right here and now, even in the midst of a pandemic. Council does not do this alone. We have been asked to make decisions and these decisions can be hard and sometimes unpopular. However, we are in this together, and we know that Jesus is here, too. Whether we agree or not, we all

    have been called to respond to God’s Love and we all have different gifts that make that possi-ble. I appreciate your support and patience dur-ing these hard times.

    2 Corinthians 5:15-18

    And [Jesus] died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them. From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: every-thing old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and

    has given us the ministry of reconciliation. In God’s Love, Pastor Lucas

    Congratulations! to Jo-Anne Beebe who recently retired from the Ohio De-partment of Job and Family Services after 30 years. In her former posi-tion as Business Opera-tions Manager, JoAnne managed eight offices

    throughout the state. Her original retirement plans were “to take a long road trip out west to see this beautiful country and take some classes of interest to me.” Due to COVID-19, those plans are on hold but she is en-joying spending time with family, working on crafts, organizing, trying new recipes and just lov-ing life!

  • The friends and family of Frank Reichard; also Lauren, Pat Merritt, the Pamer family, Bishop-elect Laura Barbins, Avery, the 20/21 school year, the family of Chris Cervany, Ray Kamps, our congregation, Sharen Weygandt, Larry Baer, peace for our country, Jill Blair, Karen, Ester Gra-ber, Rhonda McGuire & family, Mary Garman, John & Marge Most, Pearl Berlin, Bob, Karen Ann Suitt, Glendora Nursing Home, Pastor Keeler, Lee Abbott, Andy Scruggs, Dean Ramsey, Carsen Erdman, Jim Davis, Karen Williams, Kari Gardner, Richard Matty, Kelsie Gerber, Sylvia Koch, Kristine Yoho, Dottie Lautenschlager; also Foxx Gabel, Riley Eggeman and all those serving in the military.


    Our 2020 budget is approximately $119,850

    We need about $9,990 each month

    to support this.

    June regular offering: $8,630

    Deficit: $1,360

    NOTE: Weekly offering totals are posted on the bulletin board after the service. The full monthly budget will contin-ue to be available on the table in the Narthex.

    As the pandemic con-

    tinues, here is a way to

    connect with our com-

    munity and provide

    ministry to those in

    need. The Marshallville

    Food Pantry is accept-

    ing food at this time. It

    is located on the south side of the parking lot

    at Marshallville United Methodist Church at 18

    N. Main Street. The items that are in high de-

    mand include cereals, mac and cheese, soups,

    Chef Boy R Dee products, peanut butter and

    jelly, canned fruits, and convenience foods in

    general. Please consider providing some of

    these items, they can be dropped off directly to

    the food pantry.

    Loving God, Loving People,

    and Serving the World


    Our 2020 budget is approximately $119,850

    We need about $9,990 each month

    to support this.

    July regular offering: $5,040

    Deficit: $4,950

    NOTE: Weekly offering totals are posted on the bulletin board after the service. The full monthly budget will contin-ue to be available on the table in the Narthex.


    Our 2020 budget is approximately $119,850

    We need about $9,990 each month

    to support this.

    August regular offering: $6,069

    Deficit: $3,921

    NOTE: Weekly offering totals are posted on the bulletin board after the service. The full monthly budget will contin-ue to be available on the table in the Narthex.

  • Bluffton University

    Justin Kauffman Son of Fritz & Shelly Kauffman

    Bachelor of Arts in Biology; plans to attend dental school

  • We pray for the family and friends of Frank

    Reichard, who died on September 12th. May

    they find comfort in the sure and certain hope

    of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

    Congratulations! to Chase & Allison (Jackson) Thut who were united in marriage on July 25th. May God bless them as they begin their new life together.

    Chase is the son of Mike & Kathy Thut and grandson of John Gordon.

    Congratulations! to An-drew & Molly Pamer on the birth of their son, Trig Michael. Trig is welcomed by sister, Nora, and brother, Luke; grand-parents, Tony & Cathy Pamer, and great grand-mother, Ellen Douglass.

    We pray that God will bestow many blessings upon the Pamer family as they grow together in His love.

    If you have some news you’d like to share, please send the information to so we can in-clude it in the next newsletter.

  • August Birthdays

    1 Randall Brillhart

    4 Carrol Eggeman

    4 Mark Bell

    7 Terri Beyler

    14 Mora Marshall

    15 Hannah Galehouse

    17 Gordon Marshall

    17 Rafe Eggeman

    18 Sylvia Koch

    22 Mary Ann Berg

    22 Zachary Douglass

    24 Louis Rehm

    25 Duane Horst

    26 Candy Holland

    30 Elizabeth Kaufman

    31 Kareena Merritt

    31 Roxanna Moser

    31 Christine Long

    31 Kenley Zimmerly

    31 Landon Zimmerly

    September Birthdays

    1 Bruce Myers

    1 Riley Bischoff

    4 Marcia Reichard

    4 Donna Frase

    4 Annie Smyser

    5 Sharon Brillhart

    5 Bennet Gwin

    7 Rob Fischer

    9 Greg Gordon

    12 Garrett Kanya

    12 Alex Pittman

    13 Tony Koch

    15 Leland Bischoff

    16 Heidi Brillhart

    17 Dea Most

    18 Sean Krall

    18 Barry Smith

    18 Emily Kaufman

    20 Jean Steiner

    23 David Berger

    24 Ashlyn Brookover

    26 Joshua Rehm

    26 Melissa Craemer Smith

    28 Hazelyn Smith

    October Birthdays

    2 Josh Zimmerly

    5 Ryker Long

    6 Eric Kaufman

    9 Molly Pamer

    9 Robert Hull

    10 Larry Ott

    19 Riley Eggeman

    20 Emily Horst

    24 Dillan Kanya

    27 Quinton Hewitt

    27 Grayson Smith

    29 Kelsey Edgell

    31 Lois Douglass

  • August Anniversaries

    3 Bill & Janet Earnsberger

    3 Donna & George Koladin

    8 Jerry & Mary Ann Berg

    8 Rick & Sue Galehouse

    10 Mark & Mary Bell

    September Anniversary

    19 Jamie & Shauna Pittman

    October Anniversaries

    10 Fritz & Shelly Kauffman

    11 John & Dea Most

    15 Tony & Cathy Pamer

    15 Josh & Sarah Zimmerly

    21 Chad & Mary Beth Day

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