Ss media a2

Post on 22-Mar-2017






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This shot is one that we are planning to have as our opening shot, it included putting heavy, large books on top of each other and having each one individually dropped on top and for this we used a desk. This replicates the stress piling up on students, for this we decided to record the audio as well so this means we can speed up the clip and have the loud bang of the books dropping on each other. We tried to get the plainest background that we could whilst also including the table. We could have this shot and then pause it and then have the title of the documentary

This scene is an interview with Emma Hurst, the careers adviser in college, we asked her around 8 questions and recorded them, we decided to have the background of the computer as the Solihull sixth form website to also give context to the environment. We used a shot gun microphone and pointed it directly towards Emma. We noticed afterwards that the brightness is a bit low but we can fix that during editing. First, we tested the microphone with the headphones and checked that the sound levels were okay and that the camera was stable in order for us to get the best recording.

We filmed the students in the sports hall playing basketball, to show some of the things that students do to relieve stress. We decided to do this in order to put it in the background of a vox pop or interview. This was because in our research, we found that one of the most common pieces of advise for relieving stress is to do exercise. We filmed roughly around 2 minutes and will only use a small snippet as an extra part. We got the recording of the team scoring goals and I think this will be the best part to use.

We interviewed a few students for vox pops and asked them a few questions. We did this in front of the Solihull sixth form sign in the main reception. We asked the interviewees to look away from the camera as this effect looks better and is a convention for documentary interviews.

We took a wide shot of the outside of the hampton building in college, this gives an overview of the college and enviroment. We decided to do this when it was lunch time to get an accurate representation of college life and if it was empty, it may not have looked the best. We panned around from left to right and this would be a good establishing shot to use in our documentary.

We decided to do a voting box in the refectory (canteen) and for this we got a box and made it up to say the question relating to our topic ‘as a teen, do you think you face more pressures now, than your parents did at your age?’ and we had a pile of YES cards and NO cards and asked people to put the slip in the box of which ever one that they thought. We filmed lots of people and aim to cut each clip into fast paced ones of people putting the paper into the box.

This clip was from where we had gained permission from a make up store in Solihull, Space NK and we were able to film the make up counters. Here we did a range of shots from close ups to medium close ups and panning shots. We are planning to use this at the end of our documentary so show what will be coming on after the break and this shows the main brands that are involved in the beauty world.

We also got a medium close up shot of students walking, we tried not to include their faces as they may not want to be filmed. We wanted to put this just before the voting box clip as this would tie together well in the end, to show a busy canteen with students willing to participate and show the age of our audience.

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