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A2 Media Alex Girling
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A2 MediaAlex Girling

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Trailers• We looked at a number of trailers and had to determine if they were

teaser or theatrical trailers.• For example we watched a trailer for “The Dark knight Rises”, which was

clearly a teaser trailer due to the way it uses dialogue and clips from the first two Batman films and very little of the new film. It revealed very little of what the film is actually about, but through not showing much to the audience it gets them more interested in knowing more. Teasers are also generally used for action films and are released well before the film is.

• The difference between this and a theatrical trailer is that a theatrical trailer is longer, reveals more about the plot than a teaser and you will tend to see more film footage as well. An example of this would be the trailer for Scott Pilgrim Vs the World, where the main plot is explained, main characters have a brief introduction and everything that features in the trailer is all from the film, most of what is shown is action and violence with the use of special effects to convince the audience to watch the film in the not to distant future.

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Trailer AnalysisThe Hangover Part 2- First thing I noticed was the rap music, which is usually associated with a more serious genre and a “hard man” image. The trailer then shows the three main characters of the film, who do not fit this image that the music would normally enforce. This is made clear by the fact that they look beaten up and their costume (one of them is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a picture of a dog on it). They also have a monkey with them. The contrast of what the music usually signifies and what the teaser trailer is showing adds to the humour. The majority of the teaser trailer shows dirty and messy locations from the film accompanied by writing showing the critics comments about the first film. Only one line of speech in the trailer. Tells the audience when the film is coming out at the end but reveals nothing of the story line. Just over one minute long.

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Trailer Analysis cont.The Rocky Horror Picture Show-

Only 30 seconds long. Most of the trailer is of a woman’s mouth essentially encouraging people to go watch the film. It has some short clips from the film, probably the strangest parts of it to interest the audience and make them try to guess what the film could be about. The costumes are what give the clip the bizarre feel, with them ranging from an almost mock futuristic look to a man dressed as a woman. Mentions the film title, release date and certificate at the end of the clip.

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The Hangover Part 2 Case Study

• The Hangover 2 promotes the film through the use of a website. It is a simple layout, and is only designed to build hype for the upcoming film. This is done with an option to share the site with social networking sites and receive updates on the film. As the film is released on DVD the website changes, giving the audience the opportunity to download or buy the film. (

• The theatrical trailer was not shown on any type of media other than the official website prior to release in cinema’s. The trailer automatically plays when entering the website, which entices the audience into watching it and finding more about the film. It provides a good insight into what the film is about, as is the purpose of a theatrical trailer. The teaser trailers were shown on tv, the fact that they show the longer and more revealing trailer on the website could be seen as a reward for finding the site as well as being used to encourage you to get others to find the site.

• Posters are used in the public to promote the film further. The posters are fairly simple and with quotes from each main character. This not only gives the audience an idea of who will be reappearing in the second film and what humorous quotes will be in the film, but also gives important details on the film, such as release date.

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Terminology• Masthead-List of staff in a magazine or newspaper/main title.• Strapline-Slogan.• Cover Lines-Catchy phrases used on a magazine cover?• Screamers-A word or phrase that stands out on the page

through size and the use of bold font and underlining?• Billing Block-Found at the bottom of a movie poster, includes

production company, director, writers etc.• Tagline-Variant of a slogan used in advertising

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BBFC•BBFC stands for the British Board of Film

Classification.•Certifications are U, PG, 12a, 12, 15, 18 and R18.•They are concerned with issues such as language,

discrimination, violence, sex and drugs in films. Video games also raise concerns for younger children.

•The BBFC can provide evidence to help the local authority of trading standards officers secure convictions under the terms of the video recording act. In 2010 nine films were cut.

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Week 1– Different ideas for a teaser trailer

• During my first week of starting the coursework I began thinking of what my film would be about. I first thought of doing an action film, as usually the genre of a teaser trailer is action or something similar. I instead decided against this and chose to do a trailer in the genre of comedy. This was because I felt it would be an interesting challenge and one I would enjoy, as well as being the most popular genre for people aged 16+ (see secondary research slide). I thought of doing a comedy with the focus on cars, like a “Fast and Furious” parody, however this idea changed slightly. I still wanted it to be a comedy which featured cars, but I thought that it would be better if it was based around two teenagers who should have grown up but haven’t quite mentally as such. I decided on other factors for when filming as well, such as the location and the actors. I also began creating my story board. This consisted of adding information on shots, such as a close up of a P plate on the back of a car.

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Primary Research• I created a questionnaire to gain a better insight into who my target audience would be and in turn what would be suitable to put in my teaser

trailer. Through closed questions such as “how old are you?” and “what characteristics of a film make it funny?” (with choices of dialogue, physical actions, costume and other) I would gain quantitative, easy to analyse data, allowing me to establish my audience and what would be effective to put in my teaser trailer. What I found was that my audience would be teenagers aged 15-19 from a working class background who believed that the dialogue and the actions of an actor over any other characteristics make a film humorous. In regards to gender it was fairly even, however there were more women in my target audience.

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Secondary Research• The below statistics were found on and show the representative sample of the

population of over 16’s in Great Britain and what films they are interested in. Comedy is clearly the most popular genre with people over the age of 16, which links well with my primary research of the age of my audience. It also confirmed my thoughts that comedy is one of the most popular genres, and that my idea of doing a comedy teaser trailer would greatly appeal to slightly older teenagers. In relation to class, again my secondary research backs up my primary research. I found that 34% of working class people like to watch comedy films the most, the highest percentage of any genre. Secondary research also proved that women watch more comedy films than men under the age of 35, however the difference is more significant than what I found in my primary research.

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Primary Research• After an audience watched my teaser trailer I created a separate questionnaire to get audience feedback on it. These

included questions such as “Would you go see the film after watching the trailer?” and “what was the least effective technique in creating humour?”. These questions would allow me to see how successful my teaser trailer was and how it could be improved. Most of the feedback from the teaser trailer was positive, however some people felt that the written parts needed to be slightly longer, so I adjusted the timings for my teaser trailer slightly.

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Week 2- Deciding of props, location and actors

• For the second week I started to decide on everything that I needed for filming. I decided me and Mat would be the only two actors of the trailer.

• I also gathered or bought any props needed, which consisted of two cars (mine and Mat’s), a P plate (which I had to buy) and furry dice (which I had at home) mainly for the car scenes. I later decided I wanted some scenes of me and Mat outside of the cars acting like children, so I found some toy swords, a ball and a packet of cards at my house. In regards to costume I felt there wasn’t anything specific we needed to wear. The trailer is portraying two average teenagers, which me and Mat are, so we dressed in our normal clothing.

• I began thinking of locations to film and take photos for my magazine and poster that would be suitable, and in the end found some fairly quiet areas where we would be able to drive and do little “stunts” without any danger or intrusion from others. Locations included a quiet road on a slight hill to film me stalling and rolling and a park to film me and Mat playing around.

• I decided that I wanted both to use a picture of me and Mat with the cars for both my magazine front cover and poster. I wanted the poster to use more of an action picture while the magazine to use a shot where me and Mat are posing. These photos I decided would be taken on a small piece of grass next to my house.

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Time Management

Tuesday Thursday Tuesday (2)

Thursday (2)

Tuesday (3)

Thursday (3)

Tuesday (4)

Filming Finish filming

Draft of poster

Draft of magazine front cover

Edit trailer

Finish poster

Finish magazine front cover

It was important to structure the time I was given to get my coursework done effectively and on time. I used the below table as a guide for completing my coursework

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Week 3- Start of filming• Me and Mat drove to the first location, where we would record short clips such as

stalling and letting a car roll down a hill as well as close ups and different angles of the cars. I thought of the idea of using a point of view shot of me driving the car but decided against this as the camera would not be steady enough to look effective. Because it is a teaser trailer the scenes were only very brief and not in any particular order. After the filming I decided I would not stick completely to the story board and so I began to think of a different order for the clips that I felt would be most effective. The photos for my magazine front cover and poster were also taken, shown below.

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Risk Assessment•Because of the location and the use of cars a risk

assessment was important. The location for one of my shots was on a hill, which I had to roll down, which can be potentially very dangerous. I tried to pick the quietest location possible so I don’t injure any pedestrians or cause accidents with other cars. In terms of cars I made sure my handbrake, steering and foot brakes were working well before driving to location and filming.

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Week 4- Re-doing some filming• During half term I decided to re-do some of the clips. For example I decided to film

me stalling and rolling a car back on a hill again, as after watching back on the first time I did this clip it was difficult to tell that I was on a hill. I overcame this problem by finding a slightly steeper hill and putting the camera on a canted angle. There were also other issues such as my reflection on the car while filming which I had to work on. The final version of the teaser trailer can be found on the link below:

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Like the hangover, has a very simple, humorous picture that takes up the entire poster.


Name of main actor

Tagline, beneath the title like the hangover poster.

Release date

Billing Block, shows website and certificate

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Humorous and fairly simple picture. Shows all the main characters from the film. Dominates entire poster.

Tag Line, above masthead and picture

Billing Block, above the release dateRelease


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Week 5-Studying film posters• After analysing comedy posters (found in the above

slides) I began to create my own poster. I noted the content and the layout of the posters and tried to make mine in a similar fashion. For example, both the posters used a very simple yet humorous picture that took up the entire poster, any writing on the poster was secondary to the picture. I also found that the tagline on both posters were underneath the title of the film. There were also typical film poster characteristics, such as the billing block, title etc, which I made sure to put in my poster.

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Film Production Logo• For my poster I had to create my own personal film

production logo. I felt that because the genre is a comedy it was important to highlight this through the font. I decided that my initials for the production logo would be sufficient enough. I also changed the colour of the logo from black to orange for the poster, this was because I felt orange is not a serious colour and also to make the logo clearer to see.

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Week 5 cont.- Creating my film poster• Below are the stages I went through when creating my poster.

Completed posterBasic Outline

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Week 6-Creating a film magazine front cover• I began to create my own film magazine front cover.

To do this I studied the film magazine front covers on the following slides and used some characteristics they had in my own work. For example the picture that takes up all of the front cover with writing around and on the pictures, a clear masthead and a barcode.

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Cover line

Masthead behind picture

Tag Line


Dead robots on the floor give an idea about the plot. Red eyes signify evil.

Two humans with guns and worn out clothing, implies they are in a war

Colour scheme of entire front cover is either red (connoting war and violence) and a brown dusty colour to signify the kind of environment they are in (a wasteland or desert). Both colours could also be used to show death.

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Cuts on hands, head and lip suggests the film has action in it, while an almost “Mastermind” gesture with his hands implies he is incredibly clever

Glasses make him look mysterious.

Serious facial expression and dark clothes make him look intimidating.


Cover Line

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Creating the front Cover• Below are some of the stages I went through when creating the front


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Evaluation video links• Evaluation of technology-

• Conventions of real life media products evaluation-

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

• Through the use of questionnaires I found that I my teaser trailer appeals mainly to teenagers, more specifically aged 15-19, who are usually from a working class background. I learned that my audience believed that that the dialogue and the actions of an actor are what make a film humorous more than the other options I supplied for them in the questionnaire. In a separate questionnaire relating to feedback on my teaser trailer I learned that I needed to make the text parts of the trailer slightly longer, and that my shots possibly could have been more experimental. Overall the audience replied positively in regards to how interesting my teaser trailer was and how much they would want to see the actual film, showing my media product had the desired effect of drawing in the audience and being humorous on my audience.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (magazine cover/poster)?• I linked all my products in different ways, for example I used my

production logo in both my poster and teaser trailer together. This drew a clear link between the two products so that the audience could see that they were made by the same company. The font of the production logo is light-hearted which means it fits in well with the genre of the film being advertised.

• However I could have made the combination more effective by using same font for my title. I used the same font and colour for the title of my poster and magazine front cover, but I could not find the right font for the title in my teaser trailer.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (magazine cover/poster)? Cont.

• Another way in which I combined my products was through the use of the same actors. For all three of my products I used the same two actors, which enforced the idea of them being the main characters, while making it clear I was advertising the same film. This was the same with main props such as cars, which featured in my magazine front cover, poster and teaser trailer. Overall I feel like I’ve combined my media products effectively, as the audience have a clear idea of what actors will feature and what key aspects will appear in the film.

Same cars

Same actors