Spring 2012

Post on 16-Mar-2016






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The Good life magazine is an extension of the Goodlife Community Centre. Our intention is to drop a bit of hope into your hands, encouraging you to find a place of connection and belonging because we are convinced that people matter.



t h e

S P R I N G 2 0 1 2

good life









Cherie Allan

Shanina Anderson

Kerrie-Anne Bennett

Warwick Bentley

Donna Dixey

Bonnie Giles

Dani Harriott

Roxanne Hayden

Sharlene Hunter

Ruth Jeffs

Tim Lovell

Lindsay Smith

Wayne Smith

Ann Thomas

Would you like to advertise in The Good Life magazine?

Email advertising@goodlife.org.au to request a media pack.

Cover Image: www.kerrieanne.com

The Good Life magazine is an extension of the Goodlife Community Centre. Our intention is to drop a bit of hope into your hands, encouraging you to find a place of

connection and belonging because we are convinced that people matter.



Contentss p r i n g 2 0 1 2

06 Letter from the editor

08 The Legal ImmigrantBy Lindsay Smith

Immigrating to Australia from another English speaking country is simple, right?

16 Book ReviewsWhat book club members have to say

20 Epic ImpactBy Dani Harriott

Four groms farewell the Sunny Coast for a two week trip of a lifetime






28 Choose to Wear the Story of FreedomChanging the world one life at a time

34 Brain WorksBy Shanina Anderson

Got Exams? Tips to get your brain working!

39 The Story Behind the StoryBy Lindsay Smith

Our lives are more than newsworthy events, take the time to look deeper

48 Recipe: Malaysian Beef Curry

50 Regular HappeningsAt the Goodlife Community Centre

52 Fragments Of The MindThe Coffee Rock by Tim Lovell

The views expressed in the magazine content are the responsibility of the respective contributors and are not necessarily those of Goodlife Community Centre or The Good Life magazine. The acceptance of advertisements does not indicate editorial endorsement. No part of the publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. © Copyright 2012





I love lemonade! Not the Aussie kind that is a fizzy, soft drink. The lemonade that I grew up with is one that involves squeezing lemons; making simple syrup by boiling water and sugar, then stirring that into the lemon juice. The result is a sweet, lemony, thirst quenching, refreshing drink.

Thinking about this made me ponder how great it is that life sometimes gives you lemons, because what would life be without lemonade?

In order to make lemonade, a lemon has to be squeezed. I’ll bet that is uncomfortable for the lemon.

Reading through the stories in this Spring Issue of The Good Life, I saw lemon after lemon that was made into lemonade. Life circumstances, though difficult, have been overcome. Events, though unpleasant to walk through, have shaped a life in a way it may not have otherwise been shaped. Experiences, though challenging, have been eye opening.

Maybe our lives are like a lemon tree. It is planted, it puts down roots, it grows and it produces beautiful flowers. Have you ever smelled lemon tree flowers? They are lovely and among my favourite scents. I have a small lemon ‘tree’ growing in a pot outside my bedroom window. I don’t think it will produce an abundance of lemons but already it has produced an abundance of sweet smelling flowers.

After the flowers are visited by the bees, you start to see baby lemons. A healthy tree will produce many lemons. Some of the lemons fall to the ground as they are growing, but most of them will grow into big, juicy lemons.

What’s that old saying? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

a l e t t e r f r o m t h e e d i t o r



If we are alive, we are certainly going to have times where we are ‘squeezed’, like those lemons life has handed us. Sometimes the squeezing process will be quick, sometimes it will be lengthy. Sometimes it will take someone else to add the simple syrup to make the lemonade. Sometimes that will be something we have to do ourselves.

In any event, keeping our eye on the prize, knowing that the refreshing lemonade is coming may help us to endure the squeezing ….

a reCipe to make lemonade:

1 cup sugar (3/4 cup if you don’t like it as sweet) 1 cup water 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 3 or 4 more cups of water

Heat one cup of water and the sugar in a small saucepan. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, you have what is called “simple syrup”. Mix the simple syrup into the lemon juice. Add the rest of the water, to your desired taste. If the lemonade is too sweet, add more lemon juice. Refrigerate and serve with ice.


If you’d like to write a letter to the editor, you may send it to magazine@goodlife.org.auPlease note, some letters may be published in future magazines. Please advise in your email if you do NOT want yours to be published.

We Would Really love to heaR youR thouGhtS.



Trying to blend into a different yet seemingly similar culture is a challenge faced by many on the Sunshine Coast.



h e l e g al


y L i n d s a y s m i t





The language is the same; you’ve watched the movies, you’ve surfed the web. Having a common language is only the start; within each language are nuances and reflections of culture that are only known by the locals. Australia is no different. Put a group of Africans, Americans or British together in Australia and one of the first things they talk about is how little is understood of the Aussie lingo. There is much laughter about the stuff ups and miscommunications. The bringing of an empty plate to a function because you were asked to “bring a plate” – no one told you it was supposed to have something on it! Being invited for tea and given dinner instead of scones and cream; expecting to see the lady at the servo again because she said that she would see you later and just laughing when everyone else laughs as you have no idea what the joke is!

The Good Life caught up with a few people on the coast to see what their experiences had been like, looking to find out how they found the immigration process and if they eventually assimilated. Or not!

Describe your first few weeks in Australia.

Keith (united Kingdom): “Holiday! Sunshine! What can I say….”

Kerry (South africa): “Daunting. Relieved…a long to do list.”

Callum (Zimbabwe): “Absolute heaven! Started to eat lemons after the first few weeks to get rid of the smile on my face!”

aby (united Kingdom): “It was exciting…people were so friendly and helpful. It was like a holiday.”

Wendy (Zimbabwe): “Coles made a profit from the tissue sales, I cried lots, was scared and overwhelmed. I missed my family, friends and the life I had known.”

Nadia (united States of america): “I travelled around meeting my Australian husband’s family. Then we settled into our new home on the Sunshine Coast.”

Gerhard (South africa): “Excited about the prospects of a new home…conscious of having left behind our closest family, friends, careers, church…many other things and ways familiar to us”

the PaSSPoRtS aRe StamPed, the visas sorted, the goodbyes said. Your life is packed into a container and a mass of files. G’day Australia! You’ve arrived! After months of endless paperwork, stress and tension, your future is in front of you. Immigrating to Australia from another English speaking country is simple, right?

What the heck is a doona?



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What has been the hardest part of settling here?

Callum (ZIm): “Regretting that I had not done it earlier!”

Keith (uK): “Getting all the forms sorted.”

Kerry (Sa): “No support system!”

aby (uK): “Leaving friends and family behind and being so far away.”

Wendy (ZIm): “Not having family support and lifelong friends around.”

Nadia (uSa): “Not knowing anyone. Feeling alone and not understood…not understanding the Aussie slang…all their abbreviations…learning to drive on the other side of the road.”

Gerhard (Sa): “The ease with which people get personally offended when I express my views…that is when my views differ from theirs!”

What misunderstanding did you come across?

Keith (uK): “What the heck is a doona?”

Gerhard (Sa): “Words, such as ‘bitumen’ instead of tar; ‘roundabout’ instead of traffic circle; locking a door by turning the key in the opposite direction.”

Callum (ZIm): “Going grocery shopping with $3000 in cash.” In Zimbabwe 10’s of $1000 was needed a few years ago, in cash, for one grocery shop.

Nadia (uSa): “The language; even though it’s English, it’s still different…also the different words used for some food like our oatmeal is Aussie porridge”

aby (uK): “The only real misunderstanding was “bring a plate’ – so I did and a few more just in case – literally!”

Wendy (ZIm): “We have different sayings for things: thongs=slops; trainers=tackies…when describing directions to someone I always said, ‘Turn left at the robots,’ – silence on the end of the phone.” Robots are traffic lights. >


Kerry (Sa): “Medicare – I thought they covered more than they do. Driver’s license…need to get it in three months or back to P plates.”

What cultural differences have you experienced?

aby (uK): “No real culture gaps – just the ‘she’ll be right’ mentality.”

Gerhard (Sa): “Australian people have a far greater respect and appreciation for each other…most laws, traditions, values reflect this key difference.”

Wendy (ZIm): “Socialising is different…Aussies meet ‘out’ here – at the beach; the park, whereas in Zim you socialise in homes.”

Keith (uK): “There’s nowhere to get a pint…and the beer is cold…what’s up with that? ”

Kerry (Sa): “Tomorrow is another day here…road manners are great!”

Callum (ZIm): “I think it’s pretty much the same…people don’t seem to ‘live in each other’s pockets’ like we did in Zim…less racist here…people are more open minded here.”

What has been a welcome surprise in Australia?

Keith (uK): “The public health care system …very good…in 5 months we have had a baby and a trip in an ambo for a fractured collarbone…excellent care.”

Wendy (ZIm): “Amazed at the help the government gives…the free medical...the amazing opportunities…grateful that you are accepted.”

Gerhard (Sa): “Australians unselfish way of giving time and resources in the interest of others…their general acceptance of newcomers.”

Nadia (uSa): “Drinking tea and coffee is popular all day long! So many tea times.”

Callum (ZIm): “The incredible quality of life here. I can’t imagine that it can be matched anywhere in the world.”

Kerry (Sa): “Having a South African family as neighbours! How welcoming the locals are.”

What do you think are some of the important things a ‘newbie’ needs to know to survive?

Callum (ZIm): “Do NOT join a Zim or South African group…you have made the decision to move here so look around and start enjoying.”

Keith (uK): “Everything is abbreviated, that’s the norm…ambo, bottle-o, rego – just get used to it. Accept the fact the letter “t” will disappear from the middle of any word and be replaced with the letter “d”. Water, party, butter….”

Kerry (Sa): “Obey the laws of the land. Understand medical assistance. Wear loads of sunscreen.”



“The incredible quality of life here. I can’t imagine that it can be matched anywhere in the world.”

Wendy (ZIm): “Learn how to turn a vacuum cleaner on before leaving Africa! (In most of Africa, household help is common on a daily basis.) Get in contact with someone who has lived here a while to help you get started on the basics.”

aby (uK): “Bank charges!”

Gerhard (Sa): “1P means you can park for one hour. If you had no choice but to migrate, make peace with it and move on. Australians owe you no special favours even if your life was in danger before.”

Have you made friendships here? Are these people also migrants? From your same nation of birth?

Nadia (uSa): “Some. But I wish had more. It’s really hard starting from scratch and having

to make new friends all over again…wish there was a group at my church…where the other immigrants from that country would meet together, connect and support each other.”

aby (uK): “Yes. Some are but not exclusively.”

Callum (ZIm): ‘Being fairly anti- social myself: no…Aussies are active within their own family…makes me so settled here. My teenage kids…a huge collection of outstanding Aussie mates…they have not adopted the stereotypes that we have in Zim…more open to different ways of thinking…can fit into Aussie social circles”.

Gerhard (Sa): “Yes (to friends)…no (to migrants from SA)…you cannot afford to live in a ‘bubble’.” >

Day retreat for women at the Goodlife Community Centre Saturday 20th October - Inspirational Speaker - Engaging Workshops - Great FoodContact & RSVP (8th Oct) to Sharlene 0417 664 135 or women@goodlife.org.au - Limited CrècheContact & RSVP (8th Oct) to Sharlene 0417 664 135 or women@goodlife.org.au - Limited CrècheContact & RSVP (8th Oct) to Sharlene 0417 664 135 or women@goodlife.org.au - Limited Crèche


Keith (uK): “Not really…haven’t been here very long ...already have family friends here…not had much chance to meet new people, but we hope to soon”

Wendy (ZIm): “Yes…but it hasn’t been a quick process...they are mostly from SA.”

Kerry (Sa): “Yes…some local, some interstate, from UK, but mostly South African.”

If you had your time again, knowing what you know now, would you migrate to Australia?

Gerhard (Sa): “Absolutely.”

Nadia (uSa): “Yes. It wasn’t too hard to learn the differences. Just takes practice and patience.”

aby (uK): “Yes, and I did!” Aby went back to England for a few years and then immigrated again.

Wendy (ZIm): “Yes for my children, as for myself, my heart will always belong to Africa.”

Keith (uK): “Yes, no regrets.”

Kerry (Sa): “Yes.”

Callum (ZIm): “Yes. Only 15 years earlier!”

These people have made a life and home here on the Sunshine Coast. Kudos to the local Australians who have made them welcome and helped them to assimilate. If you are still on the journey of finding your feet in a new country, you’ll be right. If you’re looking for someplace to meet people, turn to page 48 to see what happens at The Goodlife Community Centre and find a group where you might fit in.


There’s something special about an owner run business. Especially an owner who places high value on the time honoured principles of integrity, punctuality and efficiency. Leemac Plumbing Services, started by Leigh and his wife Virginia, is that sort of business. Locals on the coast, Leigh and Gin highly value their customers and go the extra mile for them.

Underlying their business are the key values of integrity, professionalism and competence.


This translates into genuine respect for clients and honesty in day to day interactions. With 25 years’ experience, clients’ needs are well served and a high level of workmanship and communication are ensured.

When asked what the most challenging thing about business on the coast is at the moment, Leigh replied, “There are a large number of tradesmen who gravitate to the coast, attracted by its climate and lifestyle. Competition means…that to succeed you have to be the best.”

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25 years’ experience


Perfect People Peter James, MacMillan Reviewed by Lindsay Smith

Perfect People is a thought provoking look at genetic engineering and what it might look like in the future. An easy read which investigates the reactions of family and friends and the moral dilemma of ordering a ‘perfect’ baby from a list of genes.

The main characters, John and Naomi, are grieving the death of their son, who was four years old when he died from a rare genetic disorder. They desperately want another child but are scared of the same thing happening again. Geneticist Dr Leo Dettore appears to have the answer.

As they embark upon this journey, the nightmare begins to unfold. From the start at the clinic, there are ‘things’ that don’t seem quite right. By the time they begin to voice their fears, it is too late – Naomi is pregnant. The plot then follows the lives of this family to the horrifying end.

A work of fiction, this story may challenge you enough to research the truth about designer babies.

book reviews

b o o k r e v i e w s


GoodlIFe BooKCluBLast Friday of the month Café Goodlife 9:30am

Books are the excuse to meet. The club is inclusive and open to everyone, with any level of reading; any interests; any ages - even to some who come for the ‘bookish’ conversation and don’t read books. We

The Briny Café Susan Duncan, Random House Reviewed by Ann Thomas

This is a story about a rather isolated community which is only accessed by boat. Most of the locals are suspicious of newcomers, choosing to live in their own little world. It is a tranquil life but, as one might expect, there are many relationship issues going on within the community.

The Briny Café, around which the book is set, has been there forever, but gets a makeover with new owners, and new vitality. The new owners, Ettie and her partner in business, Kate, restore this cafe making it the life centre of Cook's Basin, visited by locals and tourists alike. The novel is an intriguing snapshot of life. The characters are interesting and some quite amusing. A good read for a rainy afternoon.


Justine Larbalestier, Bloomsbury USA Children’s Press Reviewed by Sharlene Hunter

This is an intriguing book that leads it’s reader to compulsively turn the pages in search of the truth. The main character, Micah, will freely tell you she is a compulsive liar and that may be the only truthful statement you read in the book!

Over the years, she has lied to friends, classmates, teachers, and parents, essentially every one. The story shifts between the past and the present. But what is true and what is not? Her boyfriend was brutally murdered which prompted Micah to write a true account of what actually happened. This account delves into the psyche of this extraordinary woman, who will say anything to persuade you she is telling the truth. The shifts and turns of the story are unbelievably believable and even at the end there is this question, “Is the unbelievable true or not?”

choose our reading for the month from a supplied booklet of reviews, so we are able to choose what to read and how to access the books: to buy, borrow, or download. The discussion flows as each member reviews the book that they have read that month. Interested? Contact lindsay bookclub@goodlife.org.au


feature review

If you were given the opportunity to go back in time and change the course of history so that it would make the world a better place, would you? This is the central question

Stephen King asks in his book. I’m not a Stephen King fan, but after reading this novel, I may well become one. The concept that he introduces, kept me engaged and riveted, checking backwards and forwards through the novel for clues and hidden innuendos, sucking me into the vortex of considering the “what if’s” of time travel.

The pivotal event is the assassination of JFK. The main character, Jake Epping, an English teacher,

Stephen King, Scribner Reviewed by Wayne Smith


reads a harrowing account, written by one of his students, of a family murder that happened in 1961. At the same time the local diner owner shows him a ‘portal’ to the past, to the year 1958. He sets him the challenge that if he, Jake, stopped Lee Harvey Oswald, events like the Vietnam War would not take place. The day that changed the world would be as if it never happened. To test this theory, Jake decides to intervene in the family murder and see what consequences result.

Jake sets off into the world of time travel, meeting the familiar people and places, which are similar yet different, living in a past that he has only read about. The characters are well developed, carefully chosen and blend in with the actual people and events of the time. The world of the 1960’s is meticulously researched

b o o k r e v i e w s



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and I found myself beginning to believe I had actually experienced living in this time. The events surrounding the JFK assassination are accurate and cleverly raise many of the various theories without dispelling or validating any of them.

King brings up a number of dilemmas and concepts in regards to time travel, some well answered and others leaving me trying to figure out the possibilities as though time travel really existed. “The past does not want to be changed” particularly intrigued me and some of the characters like “the yellow card man” have more to do with Jake's time traveling than at first meets the eye.

This book is a highly entertaining read and left me wanting more pages or even a sequel.

The FIrsT GOOdLIFe BOOk FaIr Friday October 26th 9:00am – 2:00pmIn the gardens of Café Goodlife

date ClaImeR


b y d a n i h a r r i o t t

It’s a grommets dream once the bell goes on the last day of school to hit the road for an epic surf trip.




What aBout FaReWellING the Sunny Coast for a two week trip of a lifetime? How about surfing the infamous Cloud Nine break in the Philippines? Last December Matt, Jake, Isaac and Jason, four hot-shot grommies (for surf lingo translations, see page 27) and a small documentary team of avid surfers Shane, Warwick, Jordy and Richie jetted off to find waves, good times and a surf trip of a lifetime.

Arriving in a new country at night wasn’t ideal. After fifteen hours of transit, landing in Manilla, the Aussie boys managed to grab five hours sleep before another two hour flight to Cebu. After hours of plane rides, junk food and cramped vans they finally arrived at Siargao Island. Rocking up around lunchtime, the boys

were stoked to find that they were staying right on the beach. Checking out the perfect reef breaks and frothin on the surf report (Cloud 9 Surf Report: 5-8ft, 10sec intervals. Wind: Light onshore. Surfing solid 5-6ft with the occasional bigger sets) the boys were amped.

Fun filled days on Siargao Island started with big brekkies which were followed by surf, lunch, surf and then dinner. Each day finished by watching that day’s video footage of the boys surfing; enjoying sick waves on a reeling right hand break at Cemeteries and barrels at Cloud Nine. This was turning out to be pretty rad school holidays for the groms, and not a bad day’s work for the documentary team.




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After plenty of epic surfs, the groms headed into Surigao City on Mindanao Island for a break to lick their wounds and nurse their scarlet skin. It also provided an opportunity to check out some community projects by charitable organisation, Compassion. Compassion International exists to advocate for children and works around the world with children and their communities to address physical, economic and spiritual needs. Working in some of the largest slum areas of the Philippines, Compassion’s commitment to these villages is vital.

In Surigao City, the Aussie boys were joined by staff member Nathan from the Compassion International head office in Manilla. Nathan assisted as a tour guide and translator for them as they scoped out some of Compassion’s local projects.

The first project visited was about two hours drive away. The team was welcomed by cute smiley locals who showed themselves to be anything but shy, singing and chatting in the small bouts of English they have been taught. During a formal welcome ceremony for >

This was turning out to be a pretty rad school holidays for the groms, and not a bad day’s work for the documentary team.


the Sunny Coast boys, stories were shared about some of the village children. One little fella had needed a new heart after his had stopped working and Compassion International was able to organise a transplant and the medicines needed.

After hearing stories the Aussie boys were split into groups to go and actually visit some of the homes. Jason, Richie, Isaac and Warwick met in the home of an elderly couple in Agusan de Notre. It was a shanty, a 2m x 2m hut with a dirt floor and in it sat some young Filipino surfers who had been abandoned by their parents and now live solely with their grandparents. The huge display of positivity was hard for these Aussie groms to wrap their heads around. It

was eye opening to meet a family whose only form of income was from Grandma’s laundry skills. Sadly Grandpa, with the brightest smile, had been violently maimed in a car accident, and now spends most days lying on a timber matt under the grass roof unable to contribute to the needs of the family.

Next stop was home to a family of five kids and their grandparents. Slightly larger than the last home but set on the bank of the local river, the occupants are exposed to all kinds of nasty water-borne diseases and a high chance of being flooded. Another family experiencing a hardly ideal living situation - yet so positive and generous.

Matt, Jake, Shane and Jordy headed to eight year old Desa’s house, one of the Compassion sponsor children. Desa’s family of ten welcomed

the Australians into their home, stoked to have visitors. Sheepishly they told the groms that the father’s income working as a tricycle driver only brings in three dollars a day for the family. Matt was rocked by the reality of how little they have to live on. “I don’t know how they could possibly live off that much money, there are eight children to feed, and it doesn’t even make sense.”

The next home wasn’t exactly standing. Battered by a typhoon months prior, this family didn’t have enough money to fix the home, so had no choice but to let it fall into ruins and move to their grandmother’s house. There, depending on monsoon season they can be either ankle deep in water or knee deep. Jordy

didn’t hold back sharing how the tears in the father's eyes broke him during this visit. It was tough witnessing the shame that was evident in this man, the shame that poverty can bring to a father who is trying to provide for his family.

Thankfully, Compassion is partnering with the local church on the ground there to support the family in rebuilding their home. It’s sweet to see that instead of simply trying to ask for money the members of the local church are giving time, materials and skills in a real display of a community working together.

On their second day, after breakfast the Sunshine Coast lads rocked up to Project 646, The Merciful Kid’s Development Centre in the town of Butuan. Warm smiles and healthy handshakes were exchanged before splitting into groups again to visit more homes. This >

I don’t know how they could possibly live off that much money, there are eight children to feed, and it doesn’t even make sense.



day wasn’t any less heavy, meeting families suffering not just lack of adequate shelter, but also cases of domestic violence and disease. The stories might have varied from home to home, but the impact of poverty on these families was still heavy for the boys to see.

A few more impacting home visits later, the boys jumped aboard their tricycles again and headed off to a local school. The children were waiting in the largest numbers they’d seen yet, flocking to receive high fives and lapping up the attention from the surfer boys. The value of education was obvious with so many children dressed in perfect uniforms; they were a visible example of the precious opportunity provided in this community. Education was not taken lightly here with these local kids a lot more stoked to be at school than most Aussie kids.

After a competitive and muddy soccer game the grommies handed out more hugs and high-fives before heading back to their hotel for the final night. Reluctant to leave and eating their last meal in the Philippines (local eel and vegetables in watery fish sauce followed by mango, vanilla and purple ice cream) the team reflected on a surf trip of a lifetime. No one’s arguing the good times, the laughs and the epic waves. But the poverty witnessed had been extreme with images of children and families in the villages and projects that will stick with them long after they have touched down back in Australia.

The idea for this trip came from Jordy originally, just keen for a rad surf trip at some breaks away from here. Jordy is a local Coolum surfer, well known in the surfing community for his involvement with Christian Surfers. What started out as simple trip turned into not just a rad documentary but also a life-changing trip for all, especially the four young groms. They

have gone back to life in Australia, surfing their local breaks and making mischief at school but the way of life for others, perhaps less fortunate than themselves will echo into their future decisions. As I talk with Jordy about the trip, he tells me months on, the groms still tease each other when they catch someone complaining about school or other first world problems … “Oi but remember the kids in the Philippines!?”

The impact of sponsorship of children in the Philippines through Compassion is now very real after seeing communities lifted out of desperation and loneliness simply through just one kid receiving a sponsor. The experiences from this trip will stay with the boys long after scratches from the reef breaks heal and the sunburn fades from their skin. Here’s hoping it won’t just be the memories of the waves or the random Filipino food that sticks with the boys, but the hope and the reality that if we work together, we can really make a difference in communities that need it.

What started out as simple trip turned into not just a rad documentary but also a life-changing trip for all, especially the four young groms.

the documentary trailer is available for viewing at http://destinationcloudnine.tumblr.com/trailer


Grommet, grom, grommies - A name used for young surfers.

Rocking up - Arriving without any prior planning, or specific materials.

Stoked - Full of enthusiasm.

Frothin - Excited, stoked, anxious.

amped - Stoked, charged up, fired up, can’t wait.

Sick - Excellent, the best, totally cool, used in place of “wow”.

Right hand break - A wave that breaks from right to left as viewed from the shore.

Barrel - When the waves comes over your head and covers you, inside the wave and surfing. The inside of a hollow wave (same as tube).

Rad (short for Radical) - Something was really awesome or cool. Crazy, insane, weird, unplanned. Awesome, on the edge.

epic - The conditions are near perfect...

Scope out - To examine in more detail, to take a closer look at.

Surf Lingo Unlocked


The challenge of the 21st century is to change our world one life at a time. Imagine being part of a global challenge that empowers and frees people simply by choosing what you purchase. Consider Moselle. A clothing company that started with a simple idea: to create beautiful clothes with a beautiful story. Moselle Clothing is always stylish, always comfortable, and always quality—but it’s also much more. Every piece of clothing has a story. When you choose Moselle, you are directly employing women who are survivors of, or vulnerable to, modern day slavery. You choose to wear the story of freedom.

Dan and Catrina Pennington (the visionaries behind Moselle) are committed to excellence. From placing the order exactly as you want it, sending you a first proof of everything for your approval, and updating you on the progress of your order along the way, they are in the journey with you to create a product that's quality, sustainable and completely ethical. Their assurance: 100% of your purchase is invested into Moselle and the individuals they support, providing a rehabilitating wage, as well as investing in a project that exists to rescue, rehabilitate, train, employ, and empower.

Moselle clothing is about clothes you want to wear in an urban beach style. The range includes men’s, women’s and accessories. Make sure to check out the jewelry range with names like “Rescued Red’ and ”Rescued Diamond”.

The five core values of the company are: confronting modern day slavery, employing women, empowerment and appeal, promoting ethical production and consumerism, providing excellence in quality and service.

Choose today. Choose to change a life. Choose to investigate Moselle Clothing and write a new story for a life.

freedomto wearTHE STORy

c h o o s e








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Don’t leave it to the last minute! It’s fair to say that if you have exams in the next couple of months, you already have left it to the last minute… DON’T DESPAIR! You’re not the first person to do this, you’re not the only person scrambling now and generations after you will do the same. You still have time to make a come-back. Here’s how...

Don’t stay up all night - get enough sleep! If you are tired before you start studying, not only will you have problems concentrating on your study, your brain will not have the capacity to take in more information. You also need sleep AFTER studying. While you are sleeping, your brain keeps working, carefully filing the information you have learned that day. If you get enough sleep it will be filed in the right place and more easily accessible. If you don’t get enough sleep your brain’s filing system may look like a skip bin full of random information. Although the answer will be in there somewhere, you may have the frustrating experience of not being able to access it during your exam.

Eat properly! If you eat sugary treats you will get a quick burst of energy, then crash. You

don’t want to get that crash ten minutes into your exam! Eating carbohydrates (bread, pasta, and cereal) will tend to calm you. This is good for the night before the exam but not great for just before it. Fruit and vegetables provide great nutrition and assist in keeping your blood sugar stable. Protein keeps you feeling full for longer and is great for your brain. Have some protein before your exam, a handful of almonds, an egg & bacon breakfast or yoghurt with muesli.

Drink wisely. The smartest drink you can have is water. Your brain loves it because it helps you to fire-up. When we’re under pressure studying we sometimes resort to other drinks to “help” us. Here’s a run-down of the effects of some of them. Coffee - Try not to have more than a couple of cups a day. Coffee can keep you alert for a while, but when your hands get a bit of a tremor, it’s time to slow down and balance it with a glass of water. Energy drinks - If you are nervous at exam time, prone to being anxious, panicky or freezing up in your exams, then you should avoid energy drinks. Just the caffeine alone (two cans of energy drink is equivalent to five cups of coffee) will give you a burst of energy, which is followed by a crash. Add to >


b y s h a n i n a a n d e r s o n

If you’ve left studying to the last minute or exams just aren’t your thing, here are some tricks to get your brain working.



that ingredients which have also been proven to stimulate brain activity, emotions and energy levels to varying degrees (such as taurine, guarana and sugar) and you may be setting off on a rollercoaster – one that you don’t want to de-rail in your exam.

Remembering stuff: During the day, at any given time, the average person has about six thoughts running through their mind at once. Right now there’s a voice telling me that I shouldn’t have had that last cup of coffee, another writing this article, a third telling me off for leaving it to the last moment, plus I’m kind of wondering if this rain will stop soon and there’s a quiet voice in the background about cold feet. That’s normal. It means when you’re trying to study, the material you’re studying is just one of six voices, and your attention is split. The good news is that there are a few times in the day when your mind is quieter, and your study will literally have your undivided attention. The first 15 minutes after you wake up: If you have a couple of pages that you really want to commit to memory, pop them next to your alarm and DON’T waste this precious time by waking up to the radio and having that song stuck in your head all day! Wake up, sit up, read your two pages and then start your day. What you read in those first few minutes will stick. Number 2: Seriously. When I was in

grade three, almost everyone in my class had the “times tables” or spelling lists on the back of the toilet door. And yes, it was a brilliant method of learning! Got formulas or tables to remember? Stick them on the back of the toilet door, because when you’re sitting on the loo your mind is calm and quiet and able to learn! In the car: If you have a podcast you can listen to or if someone else in the car can quiz you or read your notes aloud, this is a great time. When I drive from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, I usually can’t tell you which town or roadhouse I’ve gone past, or which district I’m in, but I always know who said what on the radio!

Know your learning style. What’s your learning style? You might already know, or it might be obvious which of these it is. If not, you can do tests online at sites like www.vark-learn.com to find out. Once you know your strengths, you should work with them. Visual: Visual learners will see things and take them in. They like diagrams, videos and demonstrations. If you are a visual learner, you will benefit from getting some good highlighters, textas and butcher paper. Colour your notes in, copy your text book in coloured texta onto big sheets of paper. Brainstorm on whiteboards. Aural: If you have a great memory


for things you have heard, lectures, podcasts, etc, you may be an aural learner. Podcasts and lectures are great for you, and looking at words on a page can seem futile. Consider recording your own podcast, or even just reading it all out loud as you study! Read-write: You’re a natural at good old-fashioned academics! Reading, remembering and writing exams is your forte, but you still need to put in the work. Read notes, rewrite notes and then repeat. Kinesthetic: These are the people who can’t sit

still. For them, getting up and grooving is good for learning. Sitting still in the exam is a tough chore in itself. If this is you, feel free to move as you learn, study on a treadmill even! Use a big whiteboard to write key points. But remember, in the exam you’ll need to sit still, so also invest some time testing yourself while sitting still.

Time management when studying – FOCUS! This is my top tip for time management in ANY task you find boring. It’s called the Pomodoro technique by Francesco Cirillo www.pomodorotechnique.com, and I use it for filing, accounts, research, sometimes even housework! You start by making sure you have everything you need to study uninterrupted for 25 minutes. i.e., a glass of water, pens, pencils, notebook, your text book, notes; make sure Facebook is closed, Twitter is closed, emails are closed…. and start the timer! The timer goes for 25 minutes and you study your heart out for that time. Any distractions get put aside. If you

think of something else you need to do, write it on your notepad and leave it there! If your phone gets a text message ignore it. I keep the timer on my computer desktop so I can see how long I have until the break. After 25 minutes the timer goes off and it’s time to “Step away from the books!” The five minute timer starts and you have that time to check your messages, chats, Facebook, go to the loo, grab a snack, or even change your text books over before the next 25 minutes start. I find it works for me

because I have a relatively short attention span, and 25 minutes at a time is long enough for me to achieve and short enough for me to focus. There is more information online, and although there are a variety of free apps, I use Focus Booster. Other online apps can help you to be more productive with your study and apps that block you from social media for short bursts of time, or limit your access to websites may be useful. If you are easily distracted, these are for you! Don’t be afraid to try new things.

The biggest tip I can give you is to stay calm. You can’t turn back time, there is no point to regretting not starting earlier - you can only do the best you can from here on in. If you are doing that, then there is nothing more anyone can ask of you. As you go into the exam take a few deep breaths, congratulate yourself on putting in a good effort, smile at someone who looks nervous, and do your best!

Wake up, sit up, read your two pages and then start your day.

What you read in those first few minutes will stick.



ChRIStmaS tIme BRINGS PeoPle toGetheR oN So maNy levelS to CeleBRate oNe thING ... life.

Life is a gift to be celebrated and cherished in itself, but when we get together and celebrate there is something wonderful that happens. Christmas is the story of the ultimate gift of life, hope, peace and joy and it is certainly worth celebrating.

Each year people come together in all sorts of settings to share this gift; whether it be over a shared meal or around exchanged gifts, in a sparse living room or around a hospital bed, pausing for a moment to say 'thank you,' for life, for love, for family, for friendship, for hope.

This Christmas you are invited to come and share in the celebration at The Goodlife Centre. For two nights on the weekend of December 8th and 9th we will hold our annual Goodlife Christmas Carols, bringing people together from throughout the community for an evening of food, fun and of course ... song.

This complimentary event has become very popular due to its 'any weather' indoor setting, accompanying sausage sizzle, kids animal farm and family friendly environment.

The animal farm and sausage sizzle kick off at 5:30pm followed by the carols at 7:00pm. Please come and celebrate the gift of life we share as a part of this great community.

It's the most

wonderful timeof the year...

S av e t h e d at e

GoodlIFe ChRIStmaS


8Th & 9Th deCeMBer animal Farm &

sausage sizzle @ 5:30pm Carols @ 7:00pm


the StoRy GoeS oN to tell us of a mum and her two young children, having a coffee at a newly built espresso bar, Kai Coffee, when a car ploughed through the front window*. The mum said, "I just grabbed [the kids], then everything came crashing down and smashed all around us. We were literally underneath all the rubble." On that day there were no fatalities, the shop was insured and the family uninjured except for a small cut on one of the children.

The news. An event. A lead. A story. A pack of hungry consumers. The aftermath. The news, an event, a lead…the drumbeat of the media cycle. We go from one story to the next. We react, feel compassion, do something, discuss with our friends and then are alerted to the next headline. The mundane, the normal doesn’t grab our attention as we sift through our multimedia, ravenous for the next meal of world events to satiate our hunger. Jammed in between these newsworthy stories is the reality that these are actual people. If we look beyond the headlines, their world deepens and enriches beyond the visible. The story grows legs and arms, feelings and we find lives beyond the reported event. >

May 29, 2012, ON The suNshINe COasT. dO yOu reMeMBer aNyThING sIGNIFICaNT? MayBe yOu CaN reCaLL These

headLINes? “FamIly esCape Crash unInjured.”

b y l i n d s a y s m i t h

StoryB e h i n d t h e



STOP! GO BACK! A family escapes uninjured? Who are these people? Why were they in this particular shop having a coffee? They have American accents. Are they on holiday? What are their names? Can you remember? It’s time to move beyond the superficial: into the world behind the headlines.

Meet Sean and Emily Naus and their two children, Elijah and Ivy. They are Americans living on the Sunshine Coast. Sean is from Arizona and Emily from California. Their arrival here was with an organization called Youth with a Mission (YWAM). The young people within this organisation are of different cultures but all with the same heart to help people. Both Emily and Sean spent time here before returning to America where they married. Stirring inside them was a dream to start a café with a greater purpose, where people are central and the coffee is the means to helping communities both near and far.

Kai Coffee is the realisation of that dream. A meeting place around coffee set inside the Boardstore, in Maroochydore, where the escape from death happened. Prior to the opening of the coffee bar, Sean had been roasting his own beans for a year and supplying wholesalers. Remember, their café has a greater purpose,

it’s no surprise that their coffee is fair trade, ethically sourced and that 100% of its net profit is donated to non-profit organisations dedicated to helping children in need. Close to their hearts is The Good Shepherd Centre** in Uganda run by their friend, Patrick. This orphanage was established to provide a future and hope for young boys who have been abandoned by society and have gone rogue. “They are the worst of the worst…rejected by most organizations.” Emily reflects. The Naus family is intentional in all they do. Their son’s middle name is Kai which means ocean in Hawaiian. Sean and Emily feel that it is very fitting to name the coffee after their son. They see the connection between their son, whom they value greatly, and helping bring freedom to other people’s sons.

The espresso bar may be gone but the vision behind it remains. There is a new coffee place opening up… details yet unknown, but be sure to look out for it. Emily comments, “Our blend is totally unique.” The roaster is Sean and his technique is self-taught. Sumatra, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru, and East Timor provide the beans. Sean provides the passion for the taste, experimenting with the blending and roasting process.


sTIrrING INsIde TheM Was a dreaM TO sTarT a CaFé WITh a GreaTer PurPOse, Where PeOPLe are CeNTraL aNd The COFFee Is The MeaNs TO heLPING COMMuNITIes BOTh Near aNd Far.

Plans for the future show how this family lives their vision, not only are they helping build futures and dreams overseas but they are also doing it locally. For them, people matter. In their new place they are hoping to promote local artists, musicians, and authors; giving them a platform from which to showcase their work. “A neat place,” Emily says, “where you can go for a coffee and listen to music, look at art or even attend a book signing.” Thinking >


@ The Lifehouse

The Venue44 Golf Links Drive, Buderim

e | tgoodall@goodlife.org.au p | 07 5444 2126f | 07 5444 3603 w| www.goodlife.org.au

20 October & 1 December7:00am - 1:00pm

The Event

All money raised goes back into supporting those doing it tough in our local community.

Easy Composter

Compost in just 14 days

Ample room for a wheelbarrow !

www.easycomposter.com.auPh: 1300 308 336

about this family it’s a bit like the roasting process … a bit of this and a bit of that with the purpose clearly defined. If it’s about helping people, Sean and Emily are interested. Their invitation is to all of us to pop into the coffee shop.

Our lives are more than newsworthy events. How has the aftermath of the crash affected the Naus family? Emily answers this with quiet assurance, “I believe that God has my days numbered and I want to live in the light of this. I have more confidence that God is with me. I want to help people recognize this.”

Where to from here for us? Let’s stop trading in the media commodity of news and reflect on the lives that we are watching, or hearing about. Let’s think about this family and their love for community and people worldwide. When we find ourselves chasing after the next feeding frenzy of news, let’s stop and look for the story behind the story.

*The event is recorded in the archives of the Sunshine Coast Daily and Sean and Emily are interviewed on the event here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNEOFSQnzEA ** The Good Shepherd Centre - www.theshepherdcentre.org


If you are looking for good conversations & new friends, consider

A welcoming, friendly ambience greets you as you walk in the door. The tables are beautifully decorated and the women seated around them are quietly ‘chit chatting’. The conversation ranges from gardening to politics to art and anything in between. It is here that friendships are formed and newcomers are welcomed.

The purpose is simply to set aside time for women to catch up. It’s a regular drop-in morning tea and a social group who experience all that life has, together. Run by a dedicated committee, this is where genuine connection


with other women will be found for the 50 plus age group.

The group meets weekly. There is a real sense of belonging and care. Birthdays are celebrated and the unwell visited. Every month the “Bring and Buy” Wednesday is enjoyed. It’s where you bring your stuff you don’t need and buy the others’ stuff they don’t need!

For more information contact women@goodlife.org.au or ring 5444 2126

A regular meeting of women who will welcome you. you can relax, enjoy a lovely morning tea and make new friends.WheN: meeting every Wednesday 10am at Goodlife Community Centre

Who: Women 50+ years



Can’t make it? We have podcasts!

FIND THEM HERE www.goodlifebuderim.podbean.com

Sunday Church Services 8.15am, 10.00am, 6.30pm

Sunday Kids Church 10.00am

Live text captioning is offered bi-monthly for the hearing impaired, check website for dates. www.goodlife.org.au/community/church under the heading “gatherings”


tell me hoW to liveHe didn’t

he lived itand let me

WatCh him do it- Clarence Budington Kelland -


An action packed, interactive 45-minute show with the vibrant characters of Farmer Fred or Jungle Jim – whoever fits the theme of the day – and pink haired Helena. The adults sit in a circle as the children dance and sing in the middle. An invitation is issued to all, grown-ups and kids, “Come on, let’s sing and dance!“

There is an atmosphere of vibrancy, charged with good, wholesome fun.

The heart behind this show is to nourish the community, celebrate family and entertain children – not simply as observers but as active participants.In an era of passive entertainment this is welcome change. There are four key ingredients: SING, DANCE, LEARN, and PLAY. The songs are original, and easy to learn. Dance gets the bodies moving and the energy out! The program is

intentional in teaching the importance of family and character – doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Themes range from the farm to the beach

to healthy bodies.

Play is the program itself…the kids don’t even realize what they are learning while playing and having fun!

the lIGhtS StaRt to FlaSh, the muSIC StReamS out aNd the FuN BeGINS.




When Jungle Jim takes off his mullet wig, spotted leopard skin covering and big shoes, we find Russell Madden. The shiny pink haired lady with the colorful

clothes emerges as his wife Helena. They have achieved in bringing the community together, actively demonstrated by their warmth and care, and the value they place on children and families. After the show and included in the

entrance charge, morning tea is provided for the children. The children continue to have fun while the parents have an opportunity to catch up. Russell and

Helena mingle bringing connection and conversation to the parents and children.

In a time where so often children and their carers have forgotten how to play and have fun together, this show provides that spark to create memories

together. Smiles, laughter and delight of all who attend are the testament to the show. The name Go Frills is from their new TV series (debut in November) and is their family stage name. After experiencing the magic of this show all that’s left

to say is “Go Frills”.

For more information visit www.gofrills.com/tv

WheN: Wednesday and Friday 10:30am

WheRe: Goodlife Community Centre

CoSt: $7 per child

The show aims to provide the spark to create memories together.


Malaysian Beef Curry

r e c i p e

1kg beef chuck steak cubed

2 Tablespoons garam masala

1 Tablespoon black mustard seeds

1 Tablespoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

60ml vegetable oil

2 medium brown onions, diced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

3 red chillies, chopped

2 green chillies, chopped

1 cup beef stock

1 x 410g tin whole peeled tomatoes, chopped

1 x 400 ml tin coconut cream

2 medium carrots, peeled and diced

1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves, washed and trimmed



Add all spices to a large bowl and mix together with the beef. Heat two tablespoons of the oil in a large saucepan and brown the meat. Remove from pan. Heat the rest of the oil and slowly cook the onion, garlic and chillies until soft. Return the meat to the pan. Add the tomato, beef stock, coconut cream and simmer, covered, for one hour, stirring occasionally. Add the carrot and cook for a further half hour. Serve curry on a bed of rice, topped with fresh coriander leaves.


doN’t Feel lIKe CooKING at home? You are invited to join us at Café Goodlife for an evening of curried culinary delights!

the menu: Main $15.00 Chris Modlin’s Chicken Curry or Malaysian Beef Curry or Thai Vegetable Laksa Soup

Dessert $5.00 Sweetmeats (traditional Indian dessert)

the details: Friday 26 October 2012 @ 6pm RSVP by Wednesday 24 October @ 2pm Café Goodlife 5444 7281 or café@goodlife.org.au



GoodlIFe Gym

Class Timetable & Opening Hours on Websitewww.goodlife.org.au

GoodlIFe mumS GRouP

Every 2nd Friday @ 10:30am

0422 985 372

GoodlIFe PlayGRouP

is a great place for children and parents

where we play, create, chat and

share ideas in a fun, safe and relaxing

environment. All children from birth up to

school age are welcome. SPeCIal eveNt on Wednesday 24th october is a visit from the Police department. Tuesday

and Wednesday mornings during the

school term from 10:30 to 12:30.

Email kids@goodlife.org.au for more information.

GoodlIFe SPoRt

Futsal, Netball, BadmintonIndoor, various evenings sport@goodlife.org.au

CaFé GoodlIFe Great Food, amazing Coffee

Opening Hours on Website www.goodlife.org.au

ChIt Chat social Group for Women 50+

Every Wednesday @ 10:00amwomen@goodlife.org.au


Every Sunday @ 8:15am, 10:00am & 6:30pm admin@goodlife.org.au

FRIday NIGht KIdS (GRadeS 2-7)

Fridays during school term @ 5:30pm kids@goodlife.org.au

Go FRIllS Musical show for under 5’s

Every Wednesday & Friday @ 10:30amrussell@gofrills.com

Good eNGlISh Conversational english Classes

Every Wednesday @ 4:00pmgoodenglish@goodlife.org.au

GoodlIFe BooKCluB

Last Friday of every month @ 9:30ambookclub@goodlife.org.au

goodlife Community Centre | www.goodlife.org.au



Come and find a place where you belong...


GoodlIFe WomeN small Group Bible study

Thursdays during school term @ 9:30amwomen@goodlife.org.au


Multiple days & timeswww.gymbaroosunshinecoast.com

JuStICe oF the PeaCe

Most Mondays @ 9:00amadmin@goodlife.org.au


Every Sunday @ 10:00amkids@goodlife.org.au


Various daysshazbrown@sctelco.net.au

lIttle KICKeRS

Every Saturday @ 8:00amwww.littlekickers.com.au

Settle Petal BaBy ClINIC

Every Wednesday @ various timessettle@settlepetal.com

SPeCIal NeedS SuPPoRt GRouP

Every Wednesday @ 9:30amwomen@goodlife.org.au

the SuNNy CoaSt SISteRS

is a gynaecological cancer survivor

support group. If you are a survivor and

would like to meet with others who have

been on a similar journey, we’d love you

to join us for coffee and a chat. As the

saying goes, “you can’t really understand

unless you’ve been there”. We meet

every second Tuesday of the month at

2.00pm at the Café Goodlife.

For more information, please contact Sharlene on 0417 664 135 or sharlenehunter@dodo.com.au

SuNShINe CoaSt ComPuteR CluB

Every Thursday @ 12:30pmsccc@internode.on.net

SWIm SChool

Operating six days a weekswimschool@goodlife.org.au

youth (GRadeS 7-12)

Every Friday night @ 7:00pmyouth@goodlife.org.au

07 5444 2126 | 100 buderim pines drive, buderim



f r a g m e n t s o f t h e m i n d

roCkb y t i m l o v e l l




There they were...

Just standing there...

A silhouette of sadness against the sunrise.

I couldn’t help but notice the slumped shoulders, the downcast faces, the hands hanging limp by their sides and their general air of disappointment. It was not long until this man and woman caught my inquisitive eye cast in their direction. The man took a step towards me and in a deeply saddened tone he asked me, “What happened here”?

It seemed to me that not much had happened. Not much that would warrant the reaction that I was seeing. Maybe I was missing something. Maybe I was the one who was unaware. All I could see was a beautiful sunrise over the pacific....

The wonder of a light off-shore breeze carrying a mist off the back of the small waves marching towards the shore...

The pathways of foam leaving a subtle trail of white across the azure blue ocean...

The soft orange and pink hues reflecting off the wet coffee rock poking out of the sand...

The coffee rock poking out of the sand...

As it turned out that was the issue! The pictures this couple had seen before booking their holiday did not have big slabs of dark brown rock in them. It was supposed to be pristine white sand lazily sloping into the ocean waves.

Now all they could see was rock.

All they could see...

Sometimes you just have to look at things differently...

I think a photographer with the right eye could have made a million dollar picture of the contrasts in texture and colour. Of the pink and orange shrouds laying over the sand and stone...

I think a songwriter or a poet could have written a wonderful chorus or sonnet about the dance of the breeze across the ocean wave and the song of the wind in their hair...

But sometimes all you can see are the rocks...

Maybe it’s not what we hoped for...

Maybe it’s not what we dreamed...

Maybe we just have to look at it a little differently sometimes as well...



“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” - Cesare Pavese


GOODLIFE | 100 Buderim Pines Dr, Buderim Q 4556 e | magazine@goodlife.org.au w| www.goodlife.org.au p | 07 5444 2126 f | 07 5444 3603

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