
Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development


Glenice Deterville

Music Teacher Marigot Secondary School and St. Lucia School of Music

MUSIC Can you imagine living

in a world without sounds? There are sounds

that we could just as well do without like the sounds of a jackhammer digging up outside your window, or the weed eater that awakes you early Sunday morning.

Music cont’d

But there are other sounds that give almost everyone a distinct feeling of pleasure like the sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks, a stream splashing down a mountainside, or a symphony orchestra.

Music tells a lot about an

individual’s personality.

The type of music

someone plays or listen to

tells a story about them

also music helps create

who you are and who you

become in life.

Personal influence on my life Music has helped me as an individual in

so many ways. I have become more confident in public speaking and performance.

Music has helped me build stronger self esteem and shaped the individual that I have become today.

Personal influence on my life

I have become a more innovative individual.

My creative juices flow more freely and rapidly, I have never experienced a dull moment.

It has sharpened my listening skills as well as my communication skills

Planning and executing plans have always been a major part of music for me.

Personal influence cont’d I can better deal

with stressful situations.

Team spirit is ever present along with leadership skills that I discovered I have.

Nothing beats time management when it comes to planning events surrounding music and putting programmes together.

QuoteMusic takes the words from the brain onto the paper


Classical music causes the heart beat and pulse to relax to the beat of the music.

As the body becomes relaxed and alert the mind is able to concentrate more easily.

ListeningClassical music helped me a great deal while I was studying for my degree.

It decreased my stress level and blood pressure and enhanced the ability to learn.

ConductingWhile conducting, music takes me to many levels and ways to arrange pieces for choir.

Helps organize my thoughts and even make decisions I sometimes have difficulty solving while doing nothing.

Conducting cont’d


Teaching cont’d

SingingThis has increased my confidence and I know how to perform and keep the audience interested and focused.

Professional influence on my life Like my personal life, music has helped

me build the way I perform my duties professionally.

I am a teacher by profession and teach Music to two institutions plus Electronic Document Preparation & Management (EDPM)

Professional influence

While teaching my students I am very creative in my approach to any topic

I create new ways of presenting topics to them especially when teaching classical, romantic or baroque kinds of music

Students now are more interested in listening to the music that have profane language.

Professional influence I capture their attention by giving the

brief history and letting them listen to and see the trend of the songs that are being played today. They all came from what was written before.

I have learnt to plan my lessons effectively and efficiently and also events like concerts and other activities pertaining to music in the schools and community

Professional influence My course of study was Human resource

management and as you know the basic functions of a manager is planning, executing, communicating, team management, leadership skills and time management.

Music has helped me become more efficient in all the areas named above.

Contribution to personal and professional development Help build stronger characteristics of

personal development such as: Passion Perseverance Willingness to take risks Love of learning Creativity Flexibility Sense of humour

Contribution to personal and professional development

Help build Stronger characteristics of professional development: Think big and outside the box Be savvy Planning Creativity Communication skills Stress management skills Listening skills

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