Shot by Shot Analysis of Manchurian Candidate

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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3 scenes of which I analyzed for the power dynamic between Eleanor Shaw and Raymond Shaw


Medium Long Shot. Raymond Shaw in the background. Eleanor Shaw in the foreground. Raymond smaller than Eleanor deeming that he is not as important as Eleanor at the time. Lamp illuminates Eleanor giving a soft contrast between her and Raymond.

Medium shot. Raymond walks closer to his mother while the camera is stabilized showing that the atmosphere is still calm. Stands politely and taller than his mother showing that his will is still strong and able to overcome Eleanor.

Medium Long shot. Raymond turns away from his mother and the camera pans to the right as it follows his movement.

Medium Shot. Eleanor’s back faces the camera as it continues to follow her movement. Height shifts to Eleanor when she’s now taller than Raymond thus Raymond giving her more power.

Close up eye level. Camera zooms in on Eleanor and Raymond. Raymond is in the foreground and his face is prominent in this shot. Eleanor hunched over in an attempt to get to eye level with Raymond to be more convincing.

Close up eye level. Pained expression on Raymond’s face as he tries to block Eleanor’s words. Eleanor continues to scold with a fierce expression leaning towards Raymond in an intimidating pose.

Medium shot. Fades into real time to represent the changing scene.

Medium, high level shot. Raymond was drinking as a symbol of depression that his mother got her way and he couldn’t do anything about it. His depressed state is emphasized by the shadow on his face.

Medium, low level shot. Ben Marco centered in the middle of the shot. A sense of dread emanates from him and that is due to the intense contrast of shadow near the top of his head.

Medium shot, fades in real time. The scene fades to show the queen of diamonds overwhelming Marco which symbolizes the queen taking over.

Medium shot. Queen of Diamonds is portrayed a lot bigger than usual. Card is centered and diagonal to show a dynamic feel.

Medium low level shot. Camera pans to the right and zooms out to reveal Eleanor Shaw. She is in the foreground while the card is now in the background. Refers to Eleanor as a queen. Shadow evident in the top left corner.

Medium low level shot. Eleanor Shaw stands taller than the queen of diamonds card. Form of body in a proper posture and centered with the shadow still evident in the top left corner.

Medium low level shot. Pans to the left as she moves. Shadow in the top left corner.

Medium high shot. Cuts into a scene where Raymond is sitting helplessly. Not intense lighting. Calm contrast and calm atmosphere.

Medium low level shot. Shadow in the top left corner. Cuts back into a scene with Eleanor.

Medium high shot. Cuts back into a scene with Raymond. Shows a one sided conversation from Eleanor to Raymond.

Close up eye level. Cuts back to Eleanor and was zoomed into her face. Contrast intense to emphasize the scorn expression on her face.

Medium high shot. Cuts back to Raymond slightly nodding.

Medium shot. Cuts back to Eleanor in the backdrop relatively small to Raymond who is now in the foreground. Eleanor symbolizes as form of conscience for Raymond. Shadow evident on the top left corner.

Medium shot. Eleanor slowly approaches Raymond with the shadow still evident. Slowly pans closer to Raymond.

Medium close level shot. Eleanor stands in an overpowering stance over Raymond looking down on him with the shadow still evident.

Medium low level shot. She moves in front of him and it shows the shadows intensifying. The confrontation is overwhelming.

Medium low level shot. She leans closer and the camera pans more to the left to show Raymond. The queen of diamonds is evident in the image as a reminder of Eleanor’s status. It’s centered and Eleanor is in an intimidating pose.

“ “

Medium eye level shot. She gets closer to an intimate position and holds Raymond’s hands. Physically controlling him as well as mentally.

Medium close up shot. Camera zooms in on their faces with Eleanor cupping Raymond’s face. Queen of diamonds bigger in size between their bodies.

Close up eye level shot. Eleanor shows her love to Raymond even though she using him, she still loves him as her son, thus the kiss was a symbol for the action. The shadow is surrounding them and on Raymond’s face.

Medium level shot. Real time. Starts the scene with the camera slowly panning to the right. Shows a military uniform hung on the chair with awards and badges on it symbolizing that the owner is of high rank.

Medium low level shot. Continues to pan to the right with books laid out. Titles such as “Enemies of the state” and “Wall Street: men & money.” Gives a sense of what kind of person is the reader.

Medium High level shot. Camera pans to the right to show Marco awake trying to sleep. Positioned diagonally. Calm expression.

Close up eye level shot. Camera zooms in as he turns his head from side to side and breathing harder than usual. Sweaty and anxious expression.

Close up eye level shot. Fades from real time to dream time. Ben Marco reappearing in the center.

Medium high level shot. Shows four soldiers sitting down. Marco sits uninterested in the conversation smoking like the rest of the soldiers. Raymond is the only one paying attention to the spokesperson.

Medium shot. Camera pans to the right and shows Raymond listening to the spokeswoman. Spokeswoman is in the foreground and taller therefore seen as more important. The spokeswoman is white, old, and dressed in an lelegant manner.

Medium high level shot. Camera pans to the right as spokeswoman continues to talk about hydrangeas. More soldiers are seen sitting down and wearing uninterested expressions.

Medium high level shot. Compared to the posture of the spokeswoman, the postures of the soldiers are ineloquent.

Medium level shot. Camera continues to pan to the right to show old women with similar attire to the spokeswoman. Women were either paying attention or arranging flowers.

Medium Shot. Camera still panning slowly to the right. Women sitting down and doing idle chatter, eating, or paying attention.

Medium close up shot. Close up shot of women foreshadows importance later in the scene.

Medium shot. Discussing about how not all hydrangeas are the same for they have different characteristics. Imported from Japan. 2 of them don’t show blue. Symbolizes for the two binaries of the others (Orientalism) and us (Americans)

Medium long shot. Camera slowly pans to the right and the garden club setting dissipates into a steel like room. Shows an African American male spokesperson standing in the foreground.

Medium long low level shot. Pans to the right and now the spokesperson’s more centered. Posters of famous communists behind him such as Stalin and Zedong gives the vibe of a meeting about communism. Introduces the Americans as villains who are uncultured.

Long shot. Camera pans out to show the rest of the soldiers. Can clearly see that Raymond is the only one paying attention to the spokesman. Spokesman speaks of braining washing the soldiers, which is why it was important to pan out and show them.

Low level long shot. Camera changes point of view to soldier’s perspective to see that the audience has also changed into Asians and European descent. They mention the lady’s garden club.

Low level medium shot. Camera cuts back into the scene with the spokeswoman. Mentions about allowing the soldiers to smoke. Only Raymond wasn’t smoking.

Medium eye level shot. Cuts to a scene with two soldiers. Spokeswoman asks if the soldier on the left was enjoying his cigarette. The soldier to his right had to elbow him to waken him. The man replied with a “Yes ma’am.”

Close up eye level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman and zooms up to his face which is now centered. The star on top of his head is a symbol for communism as well as the two posters that frame his face.

Long low level shot. Cuts back into the scene where they faced the audience who laughs nd finds amusement in the Americans smoking cigarettes.

Medium low level shot. Cuts back to the spokeswoman. Spokesman and spokeswoman cuts in between infer the two finishing each other’s sentences. Spokeswoman introduces Raymond Shaw.

Medium close up shot. Camera cuts back to Raymond Shaw who is in the left and foreground of the shot. The other soldier isn’t in the foreground which symbolizes that he is not as important to Raymond nor are his comrades that essential either.

Medium eye level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman. This time the setting has changed from the steel room into the garden club.

Medium low level shot. Camera follows Raymond’s movement as he sits by the spokesman as instructed. Raymond obeys like a dog, where the spokesman is like the owner. Raymond is shorter than the spokesman. Though that is the case because Raymond is in the foreground, he is the main subject. Spokesman talks about brain washing is imperative where morals are mere nonsense.

Long low level shot. Camera cuts back to the audience as spokesman talks to them.

Close up shot. Camera cuts back to Raymond’s hand as he does motions of taking something from his left hand then pushing a button and repeats.

Long high level shot. Camera cuts back to the audience when spokesman speaks to them.

Medium eye level shot. Camera cuts back to a soldier writing down the speech of the spokesman as he talks and discusses about the brain washing experiment.

Medium low level shot of the spokeswoman talking about conditioned therapy as she speaks to the audience of soldiers from the steel room.

Long shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman speaking in the setting of the garden club, but the audience are of the soldiers as he speaks about self destruction.

Close up eye level shot. Camera cuts to a European man speaking from the audience of soldiers asking if Raymond has ever killed anyone.

Medium low level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokeswoman who apologizes to the man named Dimitri saying that his country was still young and had a low attention span.

Close up eye level. Camera cuts to Raymond’s headshot as he’s asked if he’s every killed anyone to which he replied with “Yes ma’am.” Poster of Stalin in the background.

Medium low level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman where the setting is still in the garden club.

Medium close up eye level shot. Cuts back to the audience of the women. Smiles and entertains the idea of Raymond having killed someone.

Medium low level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokeswoman and asks for a knife with the intention of having Raymond demonstrate.

Close up shot. Camera cuts to a man from the audience of soldiers and declines to give a weapon and offers that Raymond should do the deed with his own hands. Symbolizing that his future victims will die by his own hands and not a weapon.

Medium low level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman and questions to the audience of how they will proceed.

Medium close up eye level shot. Cuts back to the female audience from before who were giggling and the woman on the right gestures for the spokesman to use her handkerchief.

Close up eye level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman allowing the use of the handkerchief with him saying “Daa” which is yes in German.

High medium level shot. Camera follows the movement of a soldier who hands the handkerchief to the spokesman and continues to pan to the right.

Medium shot. Camera cuts to the spokesman asking Raymond who he dislikes the most out of the group. All the soldiers including Raymond is beneath the spokesman.

Close up eye level shot. Raymond replies that he dislikes Marco the most and refers to the spokesman as Ma’am.

Long shot. Camera zooms out and the spokeswoman is speaking in a room of the combination of the garden club and steel room. She comments on how he doesn’t question authority.

Close up eye level shot. Camera changes to Raymond again changing his decision to another soldier for upon instructions he can’t kill Marco.

Close up eye level shot. Camera cuts back to the spokesman accepting the new name.

Medium high level shot. Spokesman hands handkerchief/scarf to Raymond and instructs him to strangle the soldier to death. Raymond replies to him with a “Yes ma’am.” Even if he’s speaking to a male, he replies with a female pronoun.

Medium shot. Raymond and soldier he’s strangling is in the foreground. Raymond is now taller and more prominent than everyone. He is the one who’s strongest and most powerful when he’s under the brain washing spell.

Medium shot. Spokesman scolds the soldier to stop resisting being strangled from Raymond to which he replies with a “Yes ma’am.”

Medium high level shot. Camera pans and zooms into the soldier’s face as he continues to be strangled.

Medium close up eye level shot. Camera changes to Marco yawning as if everything was normal for he is still disoriented. By doing nothing, it’s as if he’s also committing the murder.

Close up shot. Real time. Marco screams in horror and despair as he wakes up. Camera simply switched instead of fade because it was a sudden wake from his nightmare.

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