SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 23, #: 1. to · 2017. 2. 22. · CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Council Meeting Agenda – February 23, 2017 Council Meeting

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CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY February 23, 2017 Council Meeting – 4:30 p.m. 

Agenda  Agenda Item:                                                     Reference #:  

1. Call to Order   

A. Invocation  B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Presentations 


1. Early Learning Coalition – CSC Scholarships – Amy Blechman, Program Officer;  Warren Eldridge, Chief Executive Officer, Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County  

2. Strong Minds Evaluation – Year Two – Kim Lu, Evaluation Officer; Jennifer Coleman, Program Officer 


  D.  Election of Officers     Current Officers:     Chair – Greg Langowski     Vice Chair – Tom Weber     Secretary – Vincent Goodman      

2. Minutes    

A. January 30, 2017 Council Meeting  1  

Recommendation:  I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the January 30, 2017 Council meeting as presented.  

B. February 2, 2017 Council Meeting  2  

Recommendation:  I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the February 2, 2017 Council meeting as presented.  

3. Individual Appearances – Agenda Items  

4. Council Committees:  

Finance Committee 

Personnel Committee  

5. Consent Agenda  

1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions 2. Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda 3. Adoption of Consent Agenda and walk‐in Warrants List 


A.  Program  

1. Authorizing a Three‐Year Commitment for the Achieve Palm Beach County Initiative  3  

Recommendation:  I recommend the Council authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement approving an amount not to exceed $25,000 per year for three years (for a total of $75,000), subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process, for the Achieve Palm Beach County initiative, the agreement to be with United Way of Palm Beach County as fiscal agent, effective March 1, 2017 through February 29, 2020.  

CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Council Meeting Agenda – February 23, 2017 Council Meeting Page: 2 

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2. Tomas Boiton Transportation Consultant ‐ Level II: Corrective Action Plan  4  

  Recommendation:  For informational purposes only; no action required.  

B. Business  

  1.  Warrants List                                                                                                                  5  

  Recommendation: I recommend the Council approve the Warrants List, in    accordance with the established budgets for each of the expensed items,    as presented.  

2. Resolution #17‐002 Authorizing Spring 2017 School Book Distribution for “Happily Ever    6 After Begins with Reading” Campaign    

       Recommendation:  I recommend the Council approve Resolution #17‐002 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into an agreement with Scholastic, Inc. for the Spring 2017 reading campaign book purchase in an amount not to exceed $295,500 effective February 24, 2017 through September 30, 2017. 


6.  Non Consent Agenda  

A. Business   

1. Revised Resolution #13‐033 Authorizing an Agreement with American Facilities Services   7 Company, Inc. for Janitorial Services    

I recommend the Council approve revised Resolution #13‐033 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into the necessary agreements with American Facilities Services Company, Inc. for Janitorial Services for the period February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016 and for one‐year renewals for the periods commencing February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $69,107 per year and with the option to extend for one additional year for the period February 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the portion of the contract and any renewal after FY16‐17 is subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM approval process). 


B. For Informational Purposes Only – N/A  

7.  Walk‐In Items  

8. Chief Executive Officer’s Report  

9. Legal Reports  

1. April 27, 2017 Annual Planning Session – 4:00 p.m., Council Meeting immediately following, (noticed for 6:00 p.m.)  

10. Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items  

11. Council Comments  

12. Adjournment 

Early Learning Coalitionof Palm Beach County, Inc.Who We Are, What We Do, and Why It Matters

Why It Matters(video)

Who We Are

The Early Learning  Coalition of Palm Beach County is one of 30 Coalitions located throughout the State of Florida.

Originally created in May 1999 as a component of Florida Statute 411.01 – The School Readiness Act.

Creation of a locally designed, operated and managed system of fully integrated and coordinated School Readiness programs with a state‐level partnership providing overall leadership for coordinating programmatic, administrative and fiscal policies and standards.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Vision is that Every child in Palm Beach County is Ready to Succeed in School and Life.

Our Mission is to Build Community‐Wide Commitment for Comprehensive, High‐Quality Early Learning Environments that Benefit the Children and Families of Palm Beach County.

Who we serve












July 2015‐June 2016 Children Served 

Total Unduplicated Children Served

Children Touched by CSC

Children Directly funded by CSC

Children funded by State

We value our customers and in the past year concentrated on placing our effort in our service to our customers.

Performance highlights from July 2016‐December 2016 we received :

57,787 phone calls to our Child Care Resource and Referral Call Center17,200 customers were seen in our offices1,031 children newly enrolled with CSC Scholarship748 referrals for CSC scholarships402 referrals for the Bridges program

What we do

Why it matters

The Early Learning Coalition of Palm BeachCounty supported and funded by theChildren’s Services Council of Palm BeachCounty seeks to ensure that every child isready to learn and ready for life.

Percent of children served in subsidized child care (up to Age 5):

State: 27.6%Palm Beach County: 33.5%

#:   1  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:    2A  TITLE:         Minutes – January 30, 2017 Council Meeting   RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the January 30, 2017 Council Meeting as presented.  


January 30, 2017, 4:30 p.m.  

MINUTES 1. Call to Order 


Chair Weber called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.    

Present:  Paulette Burdick Vince Goodman  James Martz Dennis Miles Thomas P. Weber  

Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D; Thomas Bean; Greg Langowski; Tom Lynch; Debra Robinson, M.D.  

A. Invocation – led by Vince Goodman B. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Chair Weber C. Presentations  


1. Introduction of New Council Member Mayor Paulette Burdick  

Chair Weber welcomed Mayor Paulette Burdick back to the Council and stated that she had served as a Council member from 1994 to 2000 as a School Board member.  He stated that she had long been an advocate of children, and had a deep knowledge of local social service issues. He stated that Mayor Burdick was known as a fiscal watchdog, and that the Council was thrilled to have her onboard representing the County Commission.  

2. Recognition of former County Commissioner Shelley Vana  Chair Weber stated that former Commissioner Vana had never shied away from standing up for children which had remained true while she was a Council member.  He stated that her experience in education, government, and community service contributed greatly to discussion and decisions.  He thanked Ms. Vana.  Ms. Vana received a plaque and thanked the Council. 


3. Introduction of New Council Member Judge James Martz  

Chair Weber welcomed Palm Beach County Circuit Judge James Martz and stated that Judge Martz had a record of public service dating back four decades.  He stated that Judge Martz had spent fifteen years as a police officer before going to law school and joining the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office.  He stated that Judge Martz had been appointed to the bench in 2006 and had moved to the Juvenile Court Division full‐time in 2014.  He stated that Judge Martz was the Chair of the Community Alliance in Palm Beach County.   


4. Recognition of Judge Kathleen Kroll  

Chair Weber stated that Judge Kroll had joined the Council in October, 2014 and had been a strong advocate for children.  He stated that they would miss her knowledge and her passion, and thanked her for all her hard work 


5.   Community Needs Assessment: Presentation of Findings – Jennifer Muñoz, Community   Planning and Partnerships Officer; Randy Palo, Director of Community Planning and 


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Randy Palo stated that there had been a presentation to the Council in December, 2016 regarding the Birth to 22 initiative, and that this presentation was one of the larger planning initiatives with the results of the Community Needs Assessment.  He indicated that Council members had received the Executive Summary of the Community Needs Assessment, and that it was also on the CSC website. Jennifer Muñoz stated that the data collected from the various sources was cross‐referenced which gave overarching themes, or needs.  Needs for families with young children were identified as: i) Access to quality, affordable childcare and early learning; ii) Ensuring children were developing appropriately both socially and emotionally; iii) Access to helpful programs; and iv) Health.  With regard to Community Findings – the policies, systems, and environment shape child outcomes; parents need access to basic services. The Needs Assessment was completed to help drive the Healthy Start Service Plan for the next five years and will also be used for the Strategy Review and Allocation Analysis (SRAA) for CSC – i.e. deciding which programs CSC would fund and which programs need to be added.  It will also be used for other community‐wide planning efforts such as the Birth to 22 initiative. 

Are there services provided for the Handicapped? 

Rates of disability in the County were assessed: it was determined that approximately 12% of residents had a disability, with a lower percentage in the age range of 5 or below.  A comprehensive assessment in this area had recently been undertaken by the Unicorn Foundation and other funders (including CSC), which had looked at the whole special needs system, with the production of a business plan. 

CSC has funded wheelchairs, etc. in the past; is CSC still providing such funding? What is the racial breakdown in this area, by percentage? 

CSC still funds this initiative.  It is entitled the Special Equipment Fund and is funded through the United Way. It was uncertain whether racial data is collected with regardto the Special Equipment Fund, but staff will investigate and bring the information back to the Council. 

On page 4 of the Executive Summary regarding High Needs – a definition of High Needs was requested. 

“High Needs” was determined by the Zip codes of the BRIDGES locations; other Zip codes (in addition to the BRIDGES locations) in Delray Beach and Greenacres were also included in both the focus groups and the survey.  Consultants had conducted a phone survey and they had oversampled the high needs areas of the County.  This is an analysis of that population, separate from the general population’s survey results. 

As noted, the Unicorn Foundation has looked at the whole Special Needs system.  Perhaps Council members would be interested in getting a high‐level overview of the information that the Unicorn Foundation was working with. 

In producing the Community Needs Assessment the Program Officer had reviewed all the various current needs assessments (for the past 5 years) in the County such as the Hunger Relief Plan, among others.  This review was intended to incorporate findings from other assessments in order not to duplicate efforts.  All reports are located on the CSC website at this address: 

On page 7 of Executive Summary – rate of unemployment in Palm Beach County is the lowest in 9 years – is this correct?  Do you find that people seeking jobs are qualified?

This is an area that CareerSource can address because CSC is not in the employment field.  We can share statistics with Council members if CareerSource has statistics in these areas. 

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2.  Minutes  A. December 8, 2016 Council Meeting ‐ This item will be voted upon at the February 2nd Council 

meeting, due to a lack of quorum at this meeting (January 30, 2017).  

3. Public Comment – Agenda Items – N/A  

4. Council Committees:  

Finance Committee – The Finance Committee met on January 26, 2017.  A report will be made at the February 2nd Council meeting.  

This item will be voted upon at the February 2nd Council meeting.  

Personnel Committee – No Report; meeting will be rescheduled.  

5.  Consent Agenda  1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions – to be outlined in the Minutes of the February 2nd   Council meeting. 

 2. Items to be Pulled for Discussion – Agenda item 5A(2) (Reference #3) was pulled for 

discussion purposes.  3. Adoption of the Consent Agenda and Walk‐in Warrants List ‐ This item will be voted upon at 

the February 2nd Council meeting.  

A. Program 

1. Penalties for Late Submission of Certification Documents and Reimbursements – For informational purposes only; no action required.  

2. Annual Comprehensive Program Performance Assessment (CPPA) Results  

Debra Gotlib, Director of Program Performance stated that the agenda item (last sentence) had stated that 61 programs had been reviewed, and it should have read that 60 programs had been reviewed.  Ms. Gotlib gave an overview of the CPPA process, there were no questions. 

 3. Resolution #17‐001 Authorizing an Extension to the Agreement for the Strong Minds 

Network Outcome Evaluation (with revised verbiage) ‐ This item will be voted upon at the February 2nd Council meeting.  

Is the agenda item to amend the contract for three additional years? 

The contract is currently a three‐year agreement, and the agenda item is to extend the contract from late 2019 to March 31, 2020, a 4 month extension at no additional cost. 

Please provide a success story  A presentation will be given in February, 2017 of year two 

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for the Strong Minds Network Outcome Evaluation. 

of the Strong Minds Evaluation.  Strong Minds is the local Palm Beach County quality rating improvement system to help improve the quality of the child care programs in the county.  A success story is that the system reaches 12,000 children in Palm Beach County with high‐quality in‐network programs.  Part of the Strong Minds system includes professional development scholarships for child care teachers.  The English language‐learner teachers in infant/toddler classrooms get to go to a program to help them use English and create lesson plans.  Instead of just learning to speak English, they are learning child development strategies in English.  They are getting a free education and learning how to connect with families and the parents of some of the youngest children in care. 

 B. Business 

 1. Warrants List – This item will be voted upon at the February 2nd Council meeting. 

 6.  Non Consent Agenda  

A. Business – N/A  B. For Informational Purposes Only – N/A  

7.  Walk‐In Items – N/A  8.  Chief Executive Officer’s Report  

1. Angel Tree – 60 children from Head Start and Early Head Start had been provided with   gifts.  Dr. Williams‐Taylor thanked Council members for their participation.  2. Head Start – Head Start/Early Head Start match funding was taken over by CSC (from the Board of   County Commissioners); an update regarding these programs was included in the CEO Report.    When CSC took over Head Start/Early Head Start there was an agreement that the County would   create a Youth Services Department and take on additional programs serving older children, the   CEO Report contained information how those match dollars were being used. 

 3. Update on Strong Minds – 12,000 children are being served; 249 child care sites participate in   Strong Minds. 

 4. CSC Conducts Live National Webinar on CSC’s Early Childhood System  ‐ Dr. Williams‐Taylor   congratulated staff for conducting the live national webinar focusing on equity and family   engagement. 

 5. Communications Update – A full update and new marketing materials were described. 


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6. Award Received from (Health Insurance Carrier) CIGNA – CSC was awarded a Health and Wellness   honor for being a healthy organization.  CSC had significantly increased the health and wellness of   its staff because of its focus on wellness.  By focusing on staff wellness the health insurance   premiums were kept down.  

9.  Legal Reports   

1. Certificate of Compliance with Conflict of Interest Policy Forms    Tom Sheehan, General Council, stated that all Council members (with the exception of the two   new members) had met the deadline for submission of the Certificate of Compliance form.  He   stated that new members had 60 days from the date of their new member letter in which to   turn in the Certificate.   2. February 23, 2017 Annual Meeting – Election of Officers – CSC has three Officers: Chair, Vice   Chair, and Secretary.  There will also be a Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. (PPC)   Board meeting (CSC’s 501(C)(3) organization).  There is one additional Officer for PPC which is   the position of Treasurer. 

 10.  Individual Appearances – Non‐Agenda Items – N/A  11.  Council Comments    A discussion was undertaken to determine the best dates to conduct a (business) Council meeting   in the current week, due to lack of quorum.  Tom Sheehan stated that in the past the (makeup)   meeting had been held downtown either in the Judge’s courtroom or at the County in order to   make it more convenient for Council members.  He suggested a meeting of 15 minutes’ duration at   8:00 a.m.; it was decided that Wednesday, February 1 or Thursday, February 2 would be the most   appropriate times to poll the Council.  Several Council members confirmed their availability for   these dates/time.      12.  Adjournment  

The meeting was adjourned at 5:21 p.m.    ________________________________   _________________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary                              Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer 

#:   2  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:    2B  TITLE:         Minutes – February 2, 2017 Council Meeting   RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend the Council approve the Minutes of the February 2, 2017 Council Meeting as presented. 

CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY  Location: Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners  

301 N. Olive Avenue, 12th Floor, West Palm Beach February 2, 2017, 8:00 a.m. 



 Chair Langowski called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.    Present:  Paulette Burdick Vince Goodman  Greg Langowski James Martz Dennis Miles Thomas P. Weber  Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D; Thomas Bean; Tom Lynch; Debra Robinson, M.D;   A. Invocation – led by Vince Goodman B. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Chair Langowski C. Presentations – N/A 

 2.  Minutes 

 A. December 8, 2016 Council Meeting   

 A motion by Miles/Goodman to approve the Minutes of the December 8, 2016 Council Meeting was approved by unanimous vote. 

 3. Public Comment – Agenda Items – N/A 

 4. Council Committees: 


Finance Committee   Tom Sheehan, Legal Counsel, stated that a Finance Committee meeting had taken place January 26, 2017 and that there had not been a quorum present.  There was consensus for the Council to approve the Minutes from the December 8, 2016 meeting, and the November 30, 2016 and December 31, 2016 Financial Statements.  Mr. Sheehan stated that there had been consensus for the CEO to move forward with a contract review of CSC’s investment policy in the amount of $2,500 which is within the spending authority of the CEO; no Council action is needed for this contract.  It is anticipated that the Finance Committee will review the results at the February committee meeting.  A motion by Weber/Goodman to approve the Finance Committee Report in full was approved by unanimous vote.  

Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County February 2, 2017 Council Meeting  Page:  2 

170202 Minutes.doc 

Personnel Committee – No Report  

5.  Consent Agenda  

1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions   

Chair Langowski stated that there had been a revision to Agenda Item 5A(3) (Reference #4) with a revision in verbiage in the last sentence of the first paragraph.  It was changed from “The effective dates of the approved Agreement are December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2019” to “The term of the approved Agreement is December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2019.“


2. Items to be Pulled for Discussion – There were no Agenda items pulled for discussion purposes. 


3. Adoption of the Consent Agenda and Walk‐in Warrants List  

A motion by Miles/Burdick to approve the Consent Agenda and the Walk‐in Warrants list was approved by unanimous vote.  

A. Program  

1. Penalties for Late Submission of Certification Documents and Reimbursements – For informational purposes only; no action required.  

2. Annual Comprehensive Program Performance Assessment (CPPA) Results – For informational purposes only; no action required. 


3. Resolution #17‐001 Authorizing an Extension to the Agreement for the Strong Minds Network Outcome Evaluation (with revised verbiage) – Approved by Consent  

B. Business  

1. Warrants List – Approved by Consent  

6.  Non Consent Agenda  

A. For Informational Purposes Only – N/A  

7.  Walk‐In Items – N/A  8.  Chief Executive Officer’s Report – N/A 

 9.  Legal Reports – N/A  10.  Individual Appearances – Non‐Agenda Items – N/A  11.  Council Comments   

Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County February 2, 2017 Council Meeting  Page:  3 

170202 Minutes.doc 

Mayor Paulette Burdick stated that there were many assets in Palm Beach County, and when each entity with whom CSC interfaced performed well, the combined financial resources were better utilized, and there were better outcomes for families and children, and businesses in Palm Beach County.  She stated that equity in all communities was important.  She stated that when a public policy institution was making a decision, that entity should have the opportunity to listen to their other partners.  CSC is a partner with the County Commission and CSC affects the decisions that the County Commission makes, and the decisions that the School Board makes.  Mayor Burdick stated that if they believed that equity is important she would like to inform the Council.  She stated that the County had the money from Head Start to invest, and asked how it should be best utilized in the Youth Services department.  She stated that the County was building some new libraries, and when equity was considered, and the need for children in some neighborhoods to have a safe place to go, in some of the County facilities (Library on Summit Blvd.) there was 600 sq. ft. allotted to primary school age children, and only 200 sq. ft. allocated for teen use.  She stated that in some libraries there was 1000 sq. ft. for the birth to five age group, and 600 sq. ft. for teens.  She stated that there was a level of service need in the agricultural reserve area.  She stated that Mangonia Park did not have library resources.  She stated that literacy was important for the children in those geographic areas, in addition to parent education and GED was important, and having a safe place for kids to go was important.  She stated that bringing other agencies’ guidance and advice was important, with regard to equity.  Chair Langowski stated that this would be a good subject to focus on at the Planning Session. Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D. concurred, stating that a presentation would be forthcoming regarding how CSC had started to disaggregate its own data to look at whether it was having an impact on disparities.  She stated that there would be a Summit at the Convention Center in the coming week entitled “My Brother’s Keeper – The Race to Equity”, and there would be national speakers from Policy Link and the Government Alliance for Racial Equity.  She stated that these folks would be meeting with policy makers in Palm Beach County to begin thinking about when policy decisions were being made, how they utilized the equity lens.  She stated that this discussion would include how to make sure that governmental agencies would not continue to promulgate inequities and institutional and structural racism.  She stated that she would email the information to Council members, and that there was a policy group convening the day prior to the Summit.  Mayor Burdick stated that she had attended a presentation by Policy Link the previous week regarding equity in transportation, and that she had written to them to applaud them on their great message.  She encouraged everyone on the Council to attend the policy session in advance of the upcoming Summit.  Tanya Palmer, Chief Program Officer stated that the policy session with Policy Link would be on February 8th in the morning.  Dr. Williams‐Taylor stated that she would email the details to all Council members.      

12.  Adjournment  

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 a.m.   ________________________________   _________________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary                              Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer 

#:   3  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:   5A(1)  TITLE:   Consent Agenda ‐ Program   Authorizing a Three‐Year Commitment for the Achieve Palm Beach County   Initiative  CSC STAFF:     Randy Palo, Director of Community Planning & Partnerships   SUMMARY:      Achieve Palm Beach County is a collective impact initiative with a goal that every Palm Beach County high school graduate completes a postsecondary credential within six‐years of high school graduation that prepares them for a meaningful career with a sustainable wage. The initiative includes more than 40 education, government, nonprofit, business and philanthropic organizations and is integrated into Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures and its Youth Master Plan.  Following a needs assessment and development of a Strategic Plan, the initiative organized strategy teams and began raising funds to support an infrastructure to implement the plan.  There are four Strategy Teams, focused on (1) Parent Engagement and Support, (2) Post‐Secondary Advising for High School Students, (3) Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid, and (4) Scholarships, Non‐Financial Resources and Support Services for College Students.   CSC initially committed $25,000 for this fiscal year with a commitment to renew for at least two more years if the initiative is successful in raising funds for an Executive Director.  The initiative has been successful in securing contributions from seven funders so far and has advertised for an ED.  Also, the United Way of Palm Beach County has agreed to act as the backbone organization and fiscal agent.  Consequently, the funding recommendation below is for the full three years at $25,000 per year. CSC staff are also participating on leadership committees for the initiative and committed in‐kind data support.   FISCAL IMPACT:    The total cost of funding this item for FY 2016‐17 is $25,000 and the funds to support this agenda item are budgeted in the program strategy budget in the Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures line item.  The total commitment is for $75,000 through February 29, 2020, subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process.   RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend the Council authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute an agreement approving an amount not to exceed $25,000 per year for three years (for a total of $75,000), subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process, for the Achieve Palm Beach County initiative, the agreement to be with United Way of Palm Beach County as fiscal agent, effective March 1, 2017 through February 29, 2020.  

#:   4  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:   5A(2)  TITLE:   Consent Agenda ‐ Program   Tomas Boiton Transportation Consultant ‐ Level II: Corrective Action Plan    CSC STAFF:     Elizabeth Clark, Program Officer  SUMMARY:      The Transportation Consultant facilitates and coordinates transportation services to the Healthy Beginnings System of Care clients and to Head Start/Early Head Start families.  The Provider’s primary role is to ensure transportation access to medical appointments.  The Provider processes the payments to the transportation providers (taxicabs, Palm Tran, and Uber).  The Provider advocates for clients at the community and state level for improved transportation services and attends local board and planning meetings, public hearings, and meetings with County Commissioners.  A recent CSC audit, finalized in January 2017, made two significant findings that resulted in a disallowance in the amount of $15,677.  The findings related to:  a) billing CSC based on vendor invoices, when invoices were in excess of vendor (taxicab) contract 

price,  and 

a) duplicate billing and calculation errors.  Pursuant to CSC’s Progressive Intervention Policy, audit findings of this nature warrant a Level II Corrective Action Plan.  The Level II Corrective Action Plan will require, at a minimum, that the Provider develops specific internal financial controls in order to verify payment to vendors, as well as reimbursements to CSC.  FISCAL IMPACT:    None.  RECOMMENDATION:  For informational purposes only; no action required.   

#:   5  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:  5B(1)  TITLE:         Consent Agenda – Business         Warrants List  CSC STAFF:      Jen Diehl, Chief Financial Officer  RECOMMENDATION:  I recommend the Council approve the Warrants List, in accordance with the established budgets for each of the expensed items, as presented. 


Children's Services Council

Warrant List

February 23, 2017


Document No Vendor Name Description Total

PO-17-741 MTS Software Solutions, Inc. Scanning of inactive employee HR files $9,740.00

PO-17-742 United Way PBC HSSF STARS Conference 4-17 $2,000.00

PO-17-743 The Institute for Child & Family Health Co-sponsorship of child develoopment training coordination and delivery $1,500.00

PO-17-744 PBC Parks and Recreation Dept. HSSF Glades Family Fun Fest 2-17 $2,500.00

PO-17-745 United Way PBC Start up and implementation of Achieve Palm Beach County $25,000.00

PO-17-746 American Express CPC Request for PPC Annual Rpt $70.00

PO-17-747 American Express CPC JGoodman registration Predictive Analysis Webinar 2/21-17 $200.00

PO-17-748 Kayla Maria Reed Consultant Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity Summit $140.50

PO-17-749 KDT Solutions HP2300 Toners $160.00

PO-17-750 Office Depot Storage Boxes $229.98

PO-17-751 Bankers Box Magazine File Organizers $51.24

PO-17-752 Lisa Williams-Taylor Travel Reimbursement Tallahassee FL Childrens Council Board Meeting $90.90

PO-17-753 American Express CPC Star Bracelets for ASQ event $136.29

PO-17-754 American Express Travel Related Services RThroop Airfare Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $550.40

PO-17-755 American Express Travel Related Services ALora Airfare to Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $424.40

PO-17-756 American Express CPC ALora Hotel Baggage Taxi Airport Parking Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $528.00

PO-17-757 American Express CPC LFleischman Reg Hotel Taxi Tallahassee SE Evaluation Assoc Presenter $433.00

PO-17-760 Florida Children's Services Council Second Payment of Annual Membership Dues Oct 1, 16 - Sept 30, 17 $63,584.97

PO-17-761 Burstein Jon Mileage for January $49.65

PO-17-762 Elizabeth Cayson January 2017 Mileage Reimbursement $53.02

PO-17-763 Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. AEsquivel Rental Car St. Pete Beach FL FRMA Annual Conference $148.74

PO-17-764 American Express Travel Related Services M.Cato Airfare New Orleans LA SHRM Annual Conference $172.40

PO-17-765 American Express Travel Related Services STozzi airfare New Orleans LA SHRM Annual Conference $172.80

PO-17-766 Gold Star Graphic Inc. dba Minuteman Press95 Coroplast Signs for Child Abuse Awareness Month $569.43

PO-17-767 Emergent Pathways Consultant Bomani Johnson Travel Reimb Race to Equity Summit $111.00

PO-17-768 AmTrust North America Workers Comp $1,533.00

PO-17-769 Jeanne Anthony Reid Meeting Supplies for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt $78.70

PO-17-770 Christine Potter Mileage reimbursement for January 2017 $42.05

PO-17-771 Simran Noor Consultant Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity $579.63

PO-17-772 PolicyLink Consultant Josh Kirschenbaum Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity $917.91

PO-17-773 Deidra F Gibson January 2017 Mileage $8.72

PO-17-774 Deidra F Gibson February 2017 Mileage $31.62

PO-17-775 Energy Solutions Wordwide 13W Plug N Play LED PL Lamps $6,253.50


Children's Services Council

Warrant List

February 23, 2017

Document No Vendor Name Description Total

PO-17-639 2 keyboards for IM and 2 books for JReid $106.77

PO-17-640 American Express CPC Celebrate Success $66.53

PO-17-641 Office Depot Colored Paper developmental screens Glades Family Fun Fest highlighters headphones $263.95

PO-17-642 American Express CPC Employment with Dice for Business Systems Analyst $395.00

PO-17-643 American Express BTA Consultants Race to Equity flights SNoor KReed BJohnson 2/7-17 $680.35

PO-17-644 Avis Rent A Car Rental Car JAckerman - ARMA Chapter Conference 3/29/31-17 $102.43

PO-17-645 American Express CPC Consultants BJohnson STurner JThierry KReed SNoor Marriott hotel Race to Equity MBK 2/7-17 $1,820.00

PO-17-646 American Express CPC Hotel & gas for JAckerman - ARMA conference 3/29-17 $324.55

PO-17-647 Palm Beach Newspaper Legal Ad - Rescheduled Council Meeting 1/30-17 $55.04

PO-17-648 Palm Beach Newspaper Legal Ad RFP Counseling for Parents and Young Children 1/31-17 $92.88

PO-17-649 Shana Cooper Mileage reimbursement $50.58

PO-17-650 Regions Bank Annual Administration for Custody Account $2,614.19

PO-17-651 Kaeser and Blair 5000 CSC yellow sport sacks $4,995.00

PO-17-652 American Express CPC Celebrate success meeting supplies $251.25

PO-17-653 Books for Touchpoints 3 day ILT training & sandbags for feather flags for Community $664.51

PO-17-654 The Ounce of Prevention Fund Pinwheels for Prevention Child Abuse Prevention Month - for funded agencies $2,193.00

PO-17-655 Palm Beach Newspaper Legal Ad Council Meeting Notice 1/26-17 $37.84

PO-17-656 Specialized labels for Learning Center Coffee Stirrers for Staff $69.32

PO-17-657 American Express CPC State of the Chamber Member advanced ticket for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce $40.00

PO-17-658 American Express CPC Chamber of Commerce of PB Annual State of the City registration for JBart $45.00

PO-17-659 American Express CPC Go Daddy Bulk Domain renewals $212.04

PO-17-660 American Express CPC Vacuum parts $212.76

PO-17-661 American Express CPC NPF Share and Learn meeting on 1/27-17 $45.36

PO-17-662 American Express CPC DGotlib taxis and airport parking Tallahassee Florida Association HSC meeting 1/9-17 $88.00

PO-17-663 American Express CPC CVS supplies for NPF Share and Learn meeting 1/27-17 $26.50

PO-17-664 American Express CPC LWilliams-Taylor Parking during United Way Board of Directors meeting 1/19-17 $2.50

PO-17-665 American Express CPC MGuthrie registration hotel airport parking baggage taxi Austin TX 3/29-17 $1,171.70

PO-17-666 American Express BTA MGuthrie airfare Austin TX 3/29-17 $393.60

PO-17-667 American Express CPC Annual subscription renewal of Florida Trend magazine $34.95

PO-17-668 American Express CPC Creative Suite subscription for ARonayne FY1617 $599.88

PO-17-669 Office Depot Expansion wallets for Elsa $32.37

PO-17-670 Nu-Vision Technologies BlackBox Network Services - Blanket PO FY1617 $1,000.00

PO-17-671 Robert Kurimski Mileage reimbursement $29.19

PO-17-672 American Express CPC Star Achiever Workbooks $1,048.83

PO-17-673 American Express CPC On The Right Track Webinar $139.00

PO-17-675 Gold Star Graphic Business Cards $86.00

PO-17-676 Maria A Peralta Mileage reimbursement $78.47

PO-17-677 Education Foundation of PBC HSSF Education Forecast FY1617 $2,500.00

PO-17-678 April is for Authors Foundation Event April is for Author 4-17 $2,500.00

PO-17-679 Early Learning Coalition of PBC Level 2 Screening CSC employees $1,800.00

PO-17-680 American Express CPC Celebrate Our Success $39.99

PO-17-681 American Express CPC Membership renewal for SHRM for LShaw $190.00

PO-17-682 Ron Bazil Mileage reimbursement $27.40

PO-17-683 Lisette Usborne Mileage reimbursement $18.44

PO-17-684 American Express CPC Verification of Employment with Equifax $59.90

PO-17-685 Resource Depot Administrative Expense FY1617 $114,964.22

PO-17-686 Palm Beach County Food Bank Provision and distribution of food to children and families FY1617 $187,500.00

PO-17-687 Rhonda Throop Mileage reimbursement $36.18

PO-17-688 PBCLiteracy Coalition Program Ad Inside Front Cover $750.00

PO-17-689 American Express CPC Outreach Marketing Group event registration fee Lynn University's Family Fun Day $150.00

PO-17-690 MDH Graphic Services Reprints of 1000 FAU CARD brochures and 3000 Nurse Family Partnership rack cards $447.00

PO-17-691 Office Depot Coffee & tea for staff $155.82

PO-17-692 Coffee supplies for staff $126.68

PO-17-693 American Express CPC Fulham Workhorse 5 lamp ballast factor $48.68

PO-17-694 Charles Palo Mileage reimbursement $63.40

PO-17-695 Nu-Vision Technologies Phone system annual maintenance and support $11,158.07

PO-17-696 American Express CPC 2 Day CPP Booster Training $764.96

PO-17-697 American Express CPC Women's Chamber of Commerce Learn on Leveraging Social Media for your Business $30.00

PO-17-698 American Express BTA Additional charge for Consultant JThierry's flight 2/7-17 $43.68


Children's Services Council

Warrant List

February 23, 2017

Document No Vendor Name Description Total

PO-17-699 Three B. Corporation 500 Adult Coloring books $760.00

PO-17-700 Marisol Miranda Consultant MMiranda airfare reimbursement Boston MA Project DULCE Training 3/6-17 $575.40

PO-17-701 John Bartosek Mileage reimbursement $94.53

PO-17-702 American Express BTA Consultant CMoretz airfare to Boston MA Project DULCE Training 3/6-17 $495.40

PO-17-703 Ana Medina Travel reimbursement Columbia SC Triple P Training 1/22-17 $177.74

PO-17-704 Michelle Rodriguez Travel reimbursement Columbia SC Triple P training 1/22-17 $119.00

PO-17-705 Anne Denis Travel reimbursement Columbia SC Triple P Training 1/22-17 $119.00

PO-17-706 American Express CPC Consultants MMiranda and CMoretz Hyatt Regency Boston Project DULCE training 3/6-17 $816.24

PO-17-707 American Express CPC Registration for DGibson - Fraud Seminar - 2/17-17 $175.00

PO-17-708 Publix Meeting supplies for Finance Divsion Meeting $42.66

PO-17-709 American Express CPC Meeting supplies for Finance Division Meeting $160.14

PO-17-710 The Waterman Company Water filters $2,337.82

PO-17-711 American Express CPC Employment Ad Director of Accounting with GFOA $150.00

PO-17-712 Triple P America Triple P Parent resource materials $8,263.09

PO-17-713 Palm Beach Newspaper Monster Employment Ad Pack $4,208.00

PO-17-714 American Express CPC Star Series training materials 2/8/17 $25.68

PO-17-716 American Express BTA LFleischman airfare Tallahassee FL Presentation of METIS study 2/28-17 $459.60

PO-17-717 Uline Record storage rack shelves $518.73

PO-17-718 Center for Social Inclusion Preparation & Technical assistance for meeting 2/2-17 $500.00

PO-17-719 American Express CPC Domain Renewals - Communications $50.51

PO-17-721 Greenleaf Travel reimbursement color wheel $676.75

PO-17-722 Insights Discovery Finance Division meeting $70.00

PO-17-723 Capital Office Products Copy Paper for Staff $417.55

PO-17-724 Charles Palo Travel reimbursement St. Petersburg FL Network Statewide Summit Philanthropy 2/2-17 $62.44

PO-17-725 Mobile Services Group 1500 Biodegrable jute totes with HMHB & CSC logos $6,355.17

PO-17-726 Tom P Weber Council member TWeber travel reimbursement Tallahassee Florida Children's Council 2/6-17 $53.90

PO-17-727 PFM Asset Management Review current investment policy and provide advice and recommendations $2,500.00

PO-17-728 Delores Haynes Mileage reimbursement $18.31

PO-17-729 ComRes Inc. Triple cat 6 Plenum Cable Run $303.64

PO-17-730 Palm Beach Post Palm Beach Post Legal Ad $68.80

PO-17-731 Publix Charter Session meeting supplies $11.85

PO-17-732 SHI International Annual Microsoft O365 and mobility software licensing agreement $33,147.60

PO-17-733 John Bartosek Travel reimbursement Tallahassee Florida CSC meeting 2/6-17 $41.00

PO-17-734 American Express BTA LFleischman airfare Tallahassee FL Southeast Evaluation Association presenter 2/26-17 $474.60

PO-17-735 American Express CPC AEsquivel registration hotel gas for rental car Sarasota FL FRMA Conference 3/29-17 $840.00

PO-17-736 American Express CPC STozzi registration hotel baggage taxi airport parking New Orleans LA SHRM Conference 6/18-17 $2,584.30

PO-17-737 American Express CPC MCato registration hotel baggage taxi airport parking New Orleans LA SHRM Conference 6/18-17 $2,584.30

PO-17-738 American Express CPC 3 Year Renewal for .US and .INFO $311.88

PO-17-739 American Express CPC Annual Doodle license for 10 users $299.00

PO-17-740 Glatfelter Claims Management Insurance deductible $5,000.00


Strong Minds Allocations


Children's Services Council

February 23, 2017

Warrant Payable To Description Amount

TR190NP Nunez-Pierre Associates dba Kings Academy Reimb Jan 2017 - Apr 2017 4,454.40

Mar 2017Payroll

Children's Services CouncilFeb 23, 2017

Check Amount Check Date Description15777 3/15/17 Wells Fargo Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715778 $1,874.66 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715779 $1,579.19 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715780 $1,972.20 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715781 $2,115.69 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715782 $4,506.32 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715783 $2,020.95 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715784 $2,756.97 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715785 $3,095.21 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715786 $1,321.67 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715787 $4,862.09 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715788 $5,118.43 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715789 $888.16 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715790 $1,469.61 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715791 $2,475.47 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715792 $1,432.78 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715793 $2,262.40 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715794 $1,444.58 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715795 $3,237.85 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715796 $2,669.56 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715797 $1,479.51 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715798 $1,715.43 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715799 $2,252.53 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715800 $2,038.04 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715801 $1,946.55 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715802 $2,209.18 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715803 $2,212.21 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715804 $2,088.75 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715805 $1,630.67 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715806 $2,461.25 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715807 $1,638.86 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715808 $3,260.04 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715809 $2,897.48 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715810 $1,941.36 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715811 $1,985.95 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715812 $2,436.31 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715813 $1,792.95 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715814 $1,440.71 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715815 $1,712.23 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715816 $2,003.95 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715817 $2,548.95 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715818 $2,782.23 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715819 $1,646.78 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715820 $1,798.67 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715821 $1,605.00 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715822 $2,170.33 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715823 $1,741.56 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715824 $1,364.63 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715825 $1,045.90 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715826 $2,325.44 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715827 $2,414.67 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715828 $2,213.75 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715829 $2,995.83 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715830 $1,452.89 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715831 $1,028.34 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715832 $1,625.27 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715833 $2,179.17 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/17

Mar 2017Payroll

Children's Services CouncilFeb 23, 2017

Check Amount Check Date Description15834 $2,272.74 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715835 $1,895.57 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715836 $2,184.14 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715837 $1,960.36 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715838 $2,047.63 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715839 $1,641.42 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715840 $1,968.35 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715841 $2,218.85 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715842 $5,508.76 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715843 $1,949.90 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715844 $3,114.86 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715845 $1,895.57 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715846 $2,898.63 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715847 $3,584.92 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715848 $2,508.01 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715849 $3,376.03 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715850 $1,535.40 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715851 $1,534.20 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715852 $1,202.83 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715853 $1,666.67 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715854 $1,277.46 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715855 $2,050.04 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715856 $2,458.23 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715857 $4,114.81 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715858 $3,979.27 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715859 $2,117.50 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715860 $2,589.58 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715861 $1,899.73 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715862 $1,704.20 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715863 $2,246.33 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715864 $5,076.90 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715865 $1,046.28 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715866 $3,103.09 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715867 $1,454.62 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715868 $2,408.31 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715869 $2,177.03 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715870 $2,163.87 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715871 $1,700.70 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715872 $2,078.31 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715873 $1,425.36 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715874 $1,571.88 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715875 $3,077.90 3/15/17 Pay Prd 03/01/17-03/15/1715876 TBD 3/15/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15877 TBD 3/15/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15878 TBD 3/15/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15879 TBD 3/15/17 Potential New Hire Program Officer

Mar 2017Payroll

Children's Services CouncilFeb 23, 2017

Check Amount Check Date Description15880 3/31/17 Wells Fargo Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715881 $1,874.66 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715882 $1,579.19 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715883 $1,972.20 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715884 $2,115.69 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715885 $4,506.32 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715886 $2,020.95 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715887 $2,756.97 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715888 $3,095.21 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715889 $1,321.67 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715890 $4,862.09 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715891 $5,118.43 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715892 $888.16 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715893 $1,469.61 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715894 $2,475.47 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715895 $1,432.78 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715896 $2,262.40 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715897 $1,444.58 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715898 $3,237.85 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715899 $2,669.56 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715900 $1,479.51 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715901 $1,715.43 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715902 $2,252.53 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715903 $2,038.04 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715904 $1,946.55 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715905 $2,209.18 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715906 $2,212.21 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715907 $2,088.75 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715908 $1,630.67 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715909 $2,461.25 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715910 $1,638.86 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715911 $3,260.04 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715912 $2,897.48 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715913 $1,941.36 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715914 $1,985.95 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715915 $2,436.31 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715916 $1,792.95 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715917 $1,440.71 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715918 $1,712.23 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715919 $2,003.95 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715920 $2,548.95 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715921 $2,782.23 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715922 $1,646.78 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715923 $1,798.67 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715924 $1,605.00 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715925 $2,170.33 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715926 $1,741.56 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715927 $1,364.63 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715928 $1,045.90 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715929 $2,325.44 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715930 $2,414.67 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715931 $2,213.75 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715932 $2,995.83 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715933 $1,452.89 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715934 $1,028.34 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715935 $1,625.27 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715936 $2,179.17 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/17

Mar 2017Payroll

Children's Services CouncilFeb 23, 2017

Check Amount Check Date Description15937 $2,272.74 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715938 $1,895.57 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715939 $2,184.14 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715940 $1,960.36 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715941 $2,047.63 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715942 $1,641.42 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715943 $1,968.35 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715944 $2,218.85 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715945 $5,508.76 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715946 $1,949.90 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715947 $3,114.86 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715948 $1,895.57 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715949 $2,898.63 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715950 $3,584.92 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715951 $2,508.01 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715952 $3,376.03 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715953 $1,535.40 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715954 $1,534.20 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715955 $1,202.83 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715956 $1,666.67 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715957 $1,277.46 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715958 $2,050.04 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715959 $2,458.23 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715960 $4,114.81 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715961 $3,979.27 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715962 $2,117.50 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715963 $2,589.58 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715964 $1,899.73 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715965 $1,704.20 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715966 $2,246.33 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715967 $5,076.90 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715968 $1,046.28 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715969 $3,103.09 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715970 $1,454.62 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715971 $2,408.31 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715972 $2,177.03 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715973 $2,163.87 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715974 $1,700.70 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715975 $2,078.31 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715976 $1,425.36 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715977 $1,571.88 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715978 $3,077.90 3/31/17 Pay Prd 03/16/17-03/31/1715979 TBD 3/31/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15980 TBD 3/31/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15981 TBD 3/31/17 Potential New Hire Business Systems Anayst15982 TBD 3/31/17 Potential New Hire Program Officer

#:   6  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:   5B(2)  TITLE:   Consent Agenda ‐ Business   Resolution #17‐002 Authorizing Spring 2017 School Book Distribution for    “Happily Ever After Begins with Reading” Campaign     CSC STAFF:    John Bartosek, Chief Communications Officer   SUMMARY:      In May, Children’s Services Council will launch Phase VI of the “Happily Ever After Begins with Reading” early literacy campaign with book distribution events for approximately 90,000 children in Palm Beach County traditional and charter schools in grades pre‐K through 5. This will continue our “Happily Ever After” campaign to increase awareness among children and families of the importance of reading, emphasize summer reading, and make more books available to children to develop their reading skills. The campaign launched in September 2013 in collaboration with the School District, Literacy Coalition, Palm Beach County Library System, Mandel Public Library, United Way and Palm Beach Post.   CSC provided books in September 2013, May and September 2014, May 2015 and May 2016 to all elementary students. With this contract, the number of books distributed by CSC in four years will surpass 600,000. For this spring, to ensure that CSC provides books with topics and characters that reflect the diversity of our community, Children’s Services Council issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on January 17, 2017, for a wider pool of book titles, expanding our selection for African‐American and Hispanic children.   The books will be purchased from Scholastic, Inc., the vendor recommended by the RFP review team.  To provide the time needed for packaging and delivery to individual schools by mid‐May, the order must be placed before March 1. CSC will also update collateral such as billboards, website and social media to focus the message on summer reading.  FISCAL IMPACT:    The total cost of funding this item for FY 2016‐2017 is up to $295,500, and the funds to support this agenda item are budgeted in the Communications strategy budget in the Public Education line item.   RECOMMENDATION:   I recommend the Council approve Resolution #17‐002 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into an agreement with Scholastic, Inc. for the Spring 2017 reading campaign book purchase in an amount not to exceed $295,500 effective February 24, 2017 through September 30, 2017.    



WHEREAS, the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County (the Council)

will launch Phase VI of the “Happily Ever After Begins With Reading” early literacy

campaign in May, 2017 which will include book distribution events for approximately

90,000 children; and

WHEREAS, the Council wishes to provide books with topics and characters that

reflect the diversity of the community, and wishes to expand the selection for African-

American and Hispanic children; and

WHEREAS, the Council has undertaken a competitive bid process for the provision

of such books; and

WHEREAS, the Council wishes to make such a book purchase from Scholastic,

Inc., the vendor selected by the RFP review committee.


SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, that the Chief Executive Officer is

authorized to execute the necessary agreement with Scholastic, Inc. in an amount not to

exceed $295,500 effective February 24, 2017 through September 30, 2017.

The foregoing Resolution was offered by Council Member ___________________

who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Council Member

_______________________ and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:

Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D. Thomas Bean Paulette Burdick Vincent Goodman Gregory A. Langowski Thomas E. Lynch

James Martz Dennis Miles

Debra Robinson, M.D. Thomas P. Weber The Chairman thereupon declared the Resolution duly passed and adopted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL SUFFICIENCY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY BY: ____________________________ BY: ____________________________ Thomas A. Sheehan, III , Chair Attorney for Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County BY: ____________________________ Lisa Williams-Taylor, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer

#:   7  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

AGENDA ITEM:   6A(1)  TITLE:   Non Consent Agenda   Revised Resolution #13‐033 Authorizing an Agreement with American   Facilities Services Company, Inc. for Janitorial Services    CSC STAFF:    Tom Sheehan, III, General Counsel  SUMMARY:      In January, 2014, the Council approved, based on a recommendation resulting from an IFB process, entering into an agreement with American Facilities Services Company, Inc. for a two‐year period for janitorial services, with the price not to exceed $69,107 per year for the period February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016.  The agenda summary for that item also noted that there were “3 additional one‐year renewals at CSC’s option.”  Inadvertently, the language regarding the one‐year renewals was not included in the Resolution, although the contract itself does provide for those renewals.  Based on the contract language, the contract was renewed for the period February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017 at the agreed‐upon price.  This renewal was not brought as a separate agenda item to the Council, although the Warrants list included the PO for this item, which was approved by the Council.  Staff is recommending the contract be renewed again starting February 1, 2017 for a one‐year period, at the same cost and with the same scope of services as the original contract (the Council has approved the Warrants list with the FY16‐17 PO portion of the contract).  It is also likely that staff would recommend renewal in a year on the same terms.  The most efficient way to achieve this result is to correct the omission that occurred in the January 2014 Resolution, by revising it to read as follows:   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF THE CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, that the Chief Executive Officer is authorized to enter into an agreement with American Facility Services Company, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $69,107 per year for the period February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016 for janitorial services, and for one‐year renewals for the periods February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $69,107 per year, and to enter into one additional one‐year renewal of the contract on the same terms at CSC’s discretion, (with the portion of the contract after FY 2016/17, subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process).  The revised Resolution, attached, would be effective as of January 31, 2017.    FISCAL IMPACT:   


No additional cost, the funding for this item is in the current FY budget within the CSC Administrative budget under Building Space Maintenance and Security.  The portion of the contract beyond FY 2016‐17 is subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM approval process.     

#:   7  

AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY  February 23, 2017 Council Meeting  

RECOMMENDATION:   I recommend the Council approve revised Resolution #13‐033 authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to enter into the necessary agreements with American Facilities Services Company, Inc. for Janitorial Services for the period February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2016 and for one‐year renewals for the periods commencing February 1, 2016 through January 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $69,107 per year and with the option to extend for one additional year for the period February 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 (the portion of the contract and any renewal after FY16‐17 is subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM approval process).   

13‐033 American Facility Services Company, Inc. – janitorial (revised 2/23/17) 

RESOLUTION #13-033 (Revised 2/23/17)



WHEREAS, the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County’s (the “Council”) in

September, 2013 released an Invitation for Bid for janitorial services at its 2300 High Ridge

Road, Boynton Beach location; and

WHEREAS, after careful review the bid review team recommends contracting with

American Facility Services Company, Inc. for such janitorial services, and the Council agrees

with such a recommendation; and

WHEREAS, American Facility Services Company, Inc. desires to provide such janitorial



SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, that the Chief Executive Officer is

authorized to enter into an agreement with American Facility Services Company, Inc. in an

amount not to exceed $69,107 per year for the period February 1, 2014 through January 31,

2016 for janitorial services, and for one-year renewals for the periods February 1, 2016

through January 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $69,107 per year, and to enter into one

additional one-year renewal of the contract on the same terms at CSC’s discretion, (with the

portion of the contract after FY 2016/17, subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM


The foregoing Resolution was offered by Council Member __________________

who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Council Member

_______________________ and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:

Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D. Thomas Bean Paulette Burdick Vincent Goodman Gregory A. Langowski Thomas E. Lynch

James Martz Dennis Miles

Debra Robinson, M.D. Thomas P. Weber

The Chairman thereupon declared this revised Resolution duly passed and adopted this 23rd day of February, 2017. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CHILDREN’S SERVICES COUNCIL SUFFICIENCY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY BY: ___________________________ BY: ___________________________ Thomas A. Sheehan, III , Chair Attorney for Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County BY: ____________________________ Lisa Williams-Taylor, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer


CEO Report February 23, 2017 






  Chief Executive Officer Report  

Special Needs Equipment Fund  The Special Needs Equipment Fund (SNEF) was developed due to CSC’s belief that all children should have opportunities to reach their full potential. Toward that end, CSC allocates funds each year ($95,000) in the Special Needs contract with United Way to help qualified children with special needs obtain the equipment and supplies they need to function to the best of their abilities. This fund is used by applicants who do not qualify for or have timely access to any other available resources used to purchase such equipment. This fund also supports Clinics Can Help which is one of the community resources that accepts gently used and new durable medical equipment from individuals and organizations. Families contact Clinics Can Help prior to applying to the Special Needs Equipment Fund to determine if equipment they need can be obtained through CCH.   During fiscal year 2015‐16, a total of 42 children were supplied with equipment through the SNEF (48 applications).  A majority of the children served were between the ages of 10 and 17, and were concentrated in 4 zip codes (33404 (Riviera Beach), 33415 (WPB), 33417 (WPB), and 33463 (Greenacres)). Currently, data is not collected on the race of applicants. CSC will have United Way collect that information moving forward. In addition, CSC will provide information on equipment awarded, which will be gleaned from United Way's annual report.   

BRIDGES Evaluation   The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County will be seeking one or more qualified individuals, firms, organizations, colleges or universities to provide evaluation services through a RFP. The evaluation work will synthesize the efforts of BRIDGES – a neighborhood‐based strategy – both quantitatively and qualitatively in a way that evidences key aspects of (1) successes and (2) lessons learned with a particular focus on how parental capacity, resilience, and leadership have been developed along with the achievement of four child outcomes within the BRIDGES members and/or the target community. Information gleaned will strengthen the knowledge base in community change initiatives as well as improve upon the work of BRIDGES. Ultimately this evaluation will guide the BRIDGES strategy moving forward. We expect to return to the Council in May with the results of our RFP process.  

Update on Legislative Week  Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D. and John Bartosek (Chief of Communications) attended the Florida Children’s Council Board meeting for Legislative week in Tallahassee with Vice Chair Tom Weber on February 6th and 7th, 2017.  The CEOs, Board Chairs, and CSC Legislative staff from Jacksonville, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami‐Dade, and Manatee County were represented for the Florida Children Services Councils. We had an opportunity to meet with both State legislators and various State agency Directors.  We met with Jose Felix Diaz (R ‐ Miami), Chris Latvala (R – Clearwater), Erin Grall (R – Vero Beach), and Gayle Harrell (R – Stuart) to discuss community issues as well as how we can be helpful to any legislation they are working on related to children and youth.  We also met with the following State leadership; the Department of Children & Families (Mike Carroll), Office of Early Learning (Rodney MacKinnon), Department of Education (Mary Jane Tappen), Agency for Healthcare Administration  



(Justin Senior), Florida Healthy Kids (Rebecca Matthews), Florida Department of Health (Celeste Philip), Guardian Ad Litem Office (Alan Abramowitz), Department of Juvenile Justice (Christina Daly), and Agency for Persons with Disabilities (Karen Hagan).   We are actively monitoring the state budgeting conversations and Warren Eldridge and Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D. will be meeting with local legislators to continue educating and advocating about local issues affecting children and families and implications of budget cuts to our programming.   

 My Brother’s Keeper ‐ Race to Equity Summit Recap  The My Brother’s Keeper Race to Equity Summit — “Bridging the Opportunity Gap for Boys and Young Men of Color” took place February 8 and 9, and brought together close to 500 participants over the two days combined.  Approximately 125 of attendees were middle and high school‐aged youth from across Palm Beach County. The Summit garnered diverse representation including policy makers, government, non‐profits of all sectors, community members and most importantly young people.   The goal of MBK Race to Equity Summit was to bring together people from government, community organizations, businesses, local residents, and leaders from across the state and country in an effort to promote a meaningful dialogue and action planning to promote racial equity in our community and across the South Florida region.  Attendees came from far and wide, north to Orlando and south to Broward and Palm Beach counties.   

 The event started with a small pre‐session attracting nearly 100 people on February 8th where policy makers, and vested stakeholders serving children and youth, and community advocates, met to talk about how to bolster efforts to apply a racial equity and inclusion lens to large scale collective impact efforts such as PBC’s MBK Network and the Birth to 22 United for Brighter Futures work.  The session, facilitated by representatives from PolicyLink and the Center for Social Inclusion (CSI), provided a historical look at race in America, and examined data and policy changes and its impacts on meeting the needs of boys and young men of color.  The pre‐summit was meant to be a call to action around how government and community can collectively engage in changing the trajectory for boys and men of color.   The Summit opened up on day one with a rigorous keynote from  Mr. Tim Wise, Author and Activist, and was followed by a stirring panel focused on “Race, Power and Policy: Dismantling Systematic Racism”, which featured one of our former Council Members, Ronald Alvarez, Retired Judge 15th Judicial Circuit.  During the second day activities, our CEO Dr. Lisa Williams‐Taylor was part of a panel that addressed the way that we look at data through a racial equity lens.  She was joined by Sarita Turner, Associate Director, PolicyLink and the session was moderated by Suzette Harvey, President & CEO of PrimeTime Palm Beach County.    The Race to Equity Summit was a “huge success”, as heard from many participants’ feedback.  One presenter shared this direct quote with the planning team: “I wanted to send you a quick note of appreciation for inviting me to join you at the Race to Equity Summit. Having led a few meetings in my day, this was a high energy, quality event that is certainly the result of collaboration, a conspiracy of love and fearless but faith‐filled leadership.”   A few immediate next steps for PBC My Brother’s Keeper’s Network is to conduct follow‐up with the participants from the conference. We will interview our front line coalition leaders and work with them 



to use the information shared at the Summit to strengthen their local plans.  We will also look to network with individuals and other partners who participated in the sessions to increase their involvement locally.  Kudos to James Green and Marsha Guthrie on their great work organizing such an excellent event!  Palm Beach County’s My Brother’s Keeper Network is a coalition of public and private entities that work together to improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color through internal agency policy review, education, and employment opportunities. To date, over 200 public and private entities in the county have joined MBK in achieving this mission, with the hope to continue these efforts as the initiative evolves.    

STEM/Robotics Update  

PAL – Cabana Colony Youth Center & Westgate Community Center In FY 2015/16, CSC funded scholarships for the Robotics Summer Camp to Palm Beach County Police Athletic League (PAL) Inc. Eight children from afterschool programming at Cabana Colony Youth Center and Westgate Community Center were trained as team leads.  These students received training to provide leadership during the school year. PAL was also awarded the CSC Great Ideas Initiative Grant to support their STEM Robotics programming to underserved youth in Palm Beach County. The robotics program provides students the opportunity to learn skills they will utilize in the STEM fields in addition to teamwork, communication and organization.    PAL has since partnered with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation to form five teams that participate in the Robotics FIRST Tech Challenge. Initially the teams struggled with team members learning core values and malfunctioning robots.  Eventually, all PAL teams were able to iron out problems and compete to the best of their ability thanks to volunteer mentors, FAU robotics students, and a lot of hard work.  Going into the League Championships, the students were fully prepared and their robots had the ability to perform the required tasks. One PAL team was rewarded for their many hours or practice and preparation by taking home the League Championship, and other PAL teams placed second and fourth.   

Green Mouse Academy – FIRST Lego League Affiliate Partner of South Florida Green Mouse Academy (GMA), through Prime Time’s support, received CSC funds to be the FIRST Lego League (FLL) Affiliate Partner of South Florida. In this role, GMA is leading, managing, and delivering the FLL program in Palm Beach County. Since its launch as the FLL affiliate partner at the start of this fiscal year, GMA has registered 62 teams in Palm Beach County. The program is directly involving up to 1700 students and 350 coaches/teachers. GMA has completed seven practice tournaments, and has scheduled 11 Qualifying Tournaments. They will be holding the Regional Championship, the largest in South Florida, on February 25th at Boynton Beach High School. In order to best prepare for the year, GMA offered a Coaches Workshop and 28 teams participated. GMA created partnerships with Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach County School District Robotics Program, Palm Beach County STEM Education Council, and South Florida Science Center to further strengthen its programming. Most recently, GMA was Awarded a FIRST LEGO League Junior Grant, to serve 144 students in K‐4, specifically under‐represented populations.   




Pearl City CATS – Boca Raton Housing Authority CSC provides funding to the Boca Raton Housing Authority to increase access to robotics activities for children residing in public housing. Through this initiative, children who would not usually be introduced to these fields are building and programming robots while acquiring STEM‐based skills.  As was shared at the Council Meeting in May 2016, children at the Pearl City CATS afterschool program  

can practice at their own community center, receive robotics training and take weekly trips to the FAU Tech Runway. Since the start of CSC funding in FY 15/16, CATS purchased equipment, received coaching, and with the help of volunteers, successfully set up robotics boards at their location. They also received several in‐kind donations of LEGO kits and other equipment necessary to be more self‐sufficient in Robotics activities. Because of this funding, staff members at CATS have acquired robot building and computer programming skills, and they are now capable of assisting students in their practice.  


Communications Update  Social Media Update ‐ The Communications Division launched Children’s Services Council’s Instagram account on February 1, 2017.  Instagram is a popular social media site that allows users to share photos and videos from their smartphones.  CSC can be found on Instagram by searching the username: @cscpbc. Instagram posts will highlight programs and services, local events, awareness campaigns, behind‐the‐scenes moments and community summits.  To start, we're highlighting the parenting campaign sign up page – – featuring images from the billboards and video footage from the PSAs.  The posts will contain hashtags to increase user engagement with CSC. We will also encourage others to use our designated hashtags ‐ #cscpbc and #EveryChildPBC – to boost engagement and followers. As a sample, below are two posts from the first week:   

In the past year, CATS has attended numerous competitions and proven to have strong robotics teams. On January 29th, one of the teams placed 6th out of 18 teams in the tournament held at FAU Tech Runway.




 TV Tipover Safety ‐ Safe Kids Palm Beach County, Riviera Beach Fire‐Rescue and Children’s Services Council staged a live demonstration February 2 for National TV Safety Day, which was February 4, showing the impact of a 36‐inch television falling on a bag of grapefruit. At least four children from Palm Beach and Martin counties have died in the last 15 years from injuries they suffered when a television fell on them. TV Safety Day is scheduled a day before the Super Bowl because an estimated 9 percent of Americans will buy a new television in the weeks leading up to the game, according to a recent survey. The link to the video is here: 2017 Safe Kids TV Safety ‐ YouTube  Loop for Literacy ‐ Fifteen staff members and their families participated in the Literacy Coalition’s “Loop for Literacy” on Saturday, February 4.  Four individuals ran the 5K route, two made the 40‐mile bicycle ride, one rode the shorter Fun Ride, and the remaining 7 completed the 5K walk.  The event took place at John Prince Park in Lake Worth, and the pledges of support benefit the programs of the Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County that ensure that adults, children, youth and families gain the literacy skills necessary to succeed in life. Attached are a selection of photos of the celebration afterward and the CSC sign at the aid station.  





Glades Family Fun Day ‐ February 27, 2017  The Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Glades Family Fun Fest, on Saturday, February 27, 2017, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pioneer Park Elementary in Belle Glade.  The theme of the event is “Growing a Community of Healthy and Strong Families.” All of our Outreach Marketing Group will participate: 211, Help Me Grow, Home Safe, BRIDGES, Early Learning Coalition, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies, and Literacy Coalition with its “Reach Out and Read” program.  Help Me Grow will provide free screenings and “Books, Balls and Blocks,” game‐oriented activities used to evaluate a child’s development. The Communications Team will provide information about the EveryChildPBC Campaign.   

170223 Prevention Partnerships Agenda 



 Agenda Item:                               Reference #:                     

1. Call to Order  

A. Election of Officers  

Current Officers: Chair – Greg Langowski Vice Chair – Tom Weber Secretary – Vince Goodman Treasurer – Thomas A. Lynch 


2. Approval of Minutes   

A. December 8, 2016 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc.             1  

Recommendation:  I recommend the Board approve the Minutes of the December 8,  2016 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. as presented. 


3. Business/Consent Agenda  

A. Consent Agenda 1. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions 2. Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda 3. Adoption of Consent Agenda 


B. PPC Funded Programs – Current – N/A  

C. PPC Funded Programs – Future – N/A  

D.  Financial  

  1.  Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification       2  

Recommendation: I recommend the Board approve the Payables for Ratification as presented.  

E.  Administration – N/A  

4.  Walk‐In Items  

5. Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items  

6. Miscellaneous  

NOTICE:  Remaining Board meetings of Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. for 2017  will be as follows: May 25, 2017; September, 2017 (September date not yet determined); December 7, 2017. 


7.  Adjournment 


Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. AGENDA  

February 23, 2017 

170223 Prevention Partnerships Agenda items 

AGENDA ITEM:    2(A)    TITLE:    Minutes   December 8, 2016 Board Meeting of Prevention Partnerships for 

Children, Inc.    RECOMMENDATION:    I recommend the Board approve the Minutes of the December 8, 2016 Board Meeting of the Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. as presented.                                   

161208 PPC Minutes 




1. Call to Order    

Chair Langowski called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.  Present:  Thomas Bean Kathleen Kroll Greg Langowski Thomas E. Lynch Dennis Miles Vince Goodman Thomas P. Weber  Excused: Robert M. Avossa, Ed.D; Debra Robinson, M.D; (County Commission seat vacant)  

2.  Approval of Minutes  

A. Minutes of September 22, 2016 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Board Meeting  

A motion by Bean/Goodman to approve the Minutes of the September 22, 2016 Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Board Meeting was approved by unanimous vote. 

 3.  Business/Consent Agenda 

 A. Consent Agenda 

    1.  Additions, Deletions, Substitutions – None 2.   Items to be pulled for Discussion Purposes – There were no Agenda items pulled for    discussion purposes. 3.  Adoption of the Consent Agenda

         A motion by Bean/Lynch to adopt the Consent Agenda was approved by unanimous   vote. 

 B. PPC Funded Programs – Current – N/A 

 C. PPC Funded Programs – Future – N/A 

 D. Financial 

 1. Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification – Approved by Consent 

 E. Administration – N/A 

 4.  Walk‐In Items – N/A  

Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Board Meeting December 8, 2016 

Page:  2  

161208 PPC Minutes 

5.  Individual Appearances – Non Agenda Items – N/A  6.  Miscellaneous     7.  Adjournment    The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m. 

  ________________________________    ________________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary                              Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer 


Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. AGENDA  

February 23, 2017 

170223 Prevention Partnerships Agenda items 

AGENDA ITEM:  3D(1)    TITLE:    Financial 

Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. Payables for Ratification    RECOMMENDATION:    I recommend the Board approve the Payables for Ratification as presented.          


Children's Services Council Prevention Partnership

Payable Ratification 11/18/16 - 02/10/17

Check Date


Number Vendor Name Transaction Description Check Amount

12/8/2016 10777 School District of PBC Amendment Salary/Benefit Increase Specialist in Evaluation and Test Development


12/22/2016 10778 School District of PBC Specialist Community Education 3,634.28

12/22/2016 10779 School District of PBC Specialist in Evaluation and Test Development Position 7,992.00

1/5/2017 10780 School District of PBC Specialist in Evaluation and Test Development Position 7,991.00

1/12/2017 10781 School District of PBC Specialist Community Education 3,479.03

1/26/2017 10782 School District of PBC Specialist in Evaluation and Test Development Position 7,991.00

Report Total 32,106.31




Number Vendor Name Transaction Description Check Amount

11/23/2016 P1388 School District of PBC Reimbursement Gross-Oct-2016Tech Assistance Specialist 101,953.08

12/22/2016 P1389 School District of PBC Reimbursement Gross-Nov-2016Tech Assistance Specialist 104,937.01

12/22/2016 P1390 School District of PBC Reimbursement Gross-Nov-2016SD-Strong Minds 67,662.80

1/19/2017 P1391 School District of PBC Reimbursement Gross-Dec-2016SD-Strong Minds 67,720.80

1/26/2017 P1392 School District of PBC Reimbursement Gross-Dec-2016Tech Assistance Specialist 106,469.31

Report Total 448,743.00

Children’s Services Council 

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, February 23, 2017 ‐ 3:45 p.m. 




Reference #    1. Call to Order  

2.  Minutes of Personnel Committee Meeting of October 27, 2016  1    Recommendation:  the Personnel Committee recommends the Council approve the Minutes of   the October 27, 2016 Personnel Committee Meeting as presented.  

3.  Performance Review of Chief Executive Officer – Discussion and Approval  2    

Recommendation:  the Personnel Committee recommends the Council approve the performance review of the Chief Executive Officer as outlined. 

 4.  Adjournment    


Children’s Services Council – Personnel Committee AGENDA ITEM 

February 23, 2017

170223 Personnel Committee Agenda items 

AGENDA ITEM:    2    

TITLE:    Minutes   October 27, 2016 Personnel Committee Meeting  

 RECOMMENDATION:   The Personnel Committee recommends the Council approve the Minutes of the October 27, 2016 Personnel Committee Meeting as presented.                        

Children’s Services Council 


   1. Call to Order   

The meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m.  Present (Council):  Vince Goodman, Greg Langowski, Tom Weber. (Staff): Leah Shaw, Tom Sheehan, Shay Tozzi, Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D. 

 2.  Minutes of Personnel Committee Meeting of September 22, 2016    A motion by Goodman/Weber to approve the Minutes of the September 22, 2016 Personnel   Committee Meeting as presented was approved by unanimous vote.  3.  Resolution #16‐036 Authorizing CSC Employee Benefits Renewal    Shay Tozzi, Director of Human Resources & Operations discussed the benefit renewal package   which had been negotiated by the broker The Gehring Group.  

A motion by Weber/Goodman for the Personnel Committee to recommend the Council approve Resolution #16‐036 authorizing Group Insurance Plan renewals with CIGNA effective January 1, 2017 as outlined, as well as authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute any necessary agreements for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017, subject to the Council’s annual budget and TRIM process was approved by unanimous vote.  

4.  Adjournment      The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. 

_________________________________                   ________________________________________ Vincent Goodman, Secretary                                       Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer 


Children’s Services Council – Personnel Committee AGENDA ITEM 

February 23, 2017

170223 Personnel Committee Agenda items 

AGENDA ITEM:    3  TITLE:    Performance Review of Chief Executive Officer   SUMMARY:  A questionnaire was sent to each Council member for evaluation of the performance of the Chief Executive Officer.  Reviews will be discussed at the February 23, 2017 Personnel Committee meeting.  RECOMMENDATION:  The Personnel Committee recommends the Council approve the Performance Review for the Chief Executive Officer, Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., as discussed and outlined, 

Children's Services Council

Warrant List

February 23, 2017


Document No Vendor Name Description Total

PO-17-741 MTS Software Solutions, Inc. Scanning of inactive employee HR files $9,740.00

PO-17-742 United Way PBC HSSF STARS Conference 4-17 $2,000.00

PO-17-743 The Institute for Child & Family Health Co-sponsorship of child develoopment training coordination and delivery $1,500.00

PO-17-744 PBC Parks and Recreation Dept. HSSF Glades Family Fun Fest 2-17 $2,500.00

PO-17-745 United Way PBC Start up and implementation of Achieve Palm Beach County $25,000.00

PO-17-746 American Express CPC Request for PPC Annual Rpt $70.00

PO-17-747 American Express CPC JGoodman registration Predictive Analysis Webinar 2/21-17 $200.00

PO-17-748 Kayla Maria Reed Consultant Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity Summit $140.50

PO-17-749 KDT Solutions HP2300 Toners $160.00

PO-17-750 Office Depot Storage Boxes $229.98

PO-17-751 Bankers Box Magazine File Organizers $51.24

PO-17-752 Lisa Williams-Taylor Travel Reimbursement Tallahassee FL Childrens Council Board Meeting $90.90

PO-17-753 American Express CPC Star Bracelets for ASQ event $136.29

PO-17-754 American Express Travel Related Services RThroop Airfare Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $550.40

PO-17-755 American Express Travel Related Services ALora Airfare to Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $424.40

PO-17-756 American Express CPC ALora Hotel Baggage Taxi Airport Parking Boston MA Project DULCE Mtg $528.00

PO-17-757 American Express CPC LFleischman Reg Hotel Taxi Tallahassee SE Evaluation Assoc Presenter $433.00

PO-17-760 Florida Children's Services Council Second Payment of Annual Membership Dues Oct 1, 16 - Sept 30, 17 $63,584.97

PO-17-761 Burstein Jon Mileage for January $49.65

PO-17-762 Elizabeth Cayson January 2017 Mileage Reimbursement $53.02

PO-17-763 Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. AEsquivel Rental Car St. Pete Beach FL FRMA Annual Conference $148.74

PO-17-764 American Express Travel Related Services M.Cato Airfare New Orleans LA SHRM Annual Conference $172.40

PO-17-765 American Express Travel Related Services STozzi airfare New Orleans LA SHRM Annual Conference $172.80

PO-17-766 Gold Star Graphic Inc. dba Minuteman Press95 Coroplast Signs for Child Abuse Awareness Month $569.43

PO-17-767 Emergent Pathways Consultant Bomani Johnson Travel Reimb Race to Equity Summit $111.00

PO-17-768 AmTrust North America Workers Comp $1,533.00

PO-17-769 Jeanne Anthony Reid Meeting Supplies for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt $78.70

PO-17-770 Christine Potter Mileage reimbursement for January 2017 $42.05

PO-17-771 Simran Noor Consultant Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity $579.63

PO-17-772 PolicyLink Consultant Josh Kirschenbaum Travel Reimbursement Race to Equity $917.91

PO-17-773 Deidra F Gibson January 2017 Mileage $8.72

PO-17-774 Deidra F Gibson February 2017 Mileage $31.62

PO-17-775 Energy Solutions Wordwide 13W Plug N Play LED PL Lamps $6,253.50


Children’s Services Council  

Finance Committee Meeting  

Thursday, February 23, 2017, 3:15 p.m.   

AGENDA / MINUTES   Welcome and introductions    Finance Committee Members:   Tom Lynch, CSC Finance Committee Chair 

Thomas Bean, CSC Finance Committee Vice‐chair   Greg Langowski, Chair Children’s Services Council   Tom Weber, Vice Chair Children’s Services Council   Paul Dumars, Director Financial Services, Solid Waste Authority   John Marino, Volunteer    CSC Staff:   Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., CEO   Jennifer Diehl, CFO   Tom Sheehan, General Counsel   Elsa Sanchez, Senior Executive Assistant  Agenda Items:  

1 January 26, 2017 Minutes 2 January 31, 2017 Financial Statements 3 Report to Council summary 4 Adjournment 

 Discussion Items:  

1 Investment Policy Review Update 2 Finance Committee Members 

 Next Meeting: March 30, 2017     


Children’s Services Council  

Finance Committee Meeting  

Thursday, January 26, 2017, 4:00 p.m.   

AGENDA / MINUTES   Welcome and introductions    Finance Committee Members:   Tom Lynch, CSC Finance Committee Chair, Present via telephone 

Thomas Bean, CSC Finance Committee Vice‐chair, Present   Greg Langowski, Chair Children’s Services Council, Not Present   Tom Weber, Vice Chair Children’s Services Council, Not Present   Paul Dumars, Director Financial Services, Solid Waste Authority, Not Present   John Marino, Volunteer, Not Present    CSC Staff:   Lisa Williams‐Taylor, Ph.D., CEO, Present via telephone   Jennifer Diehl, CFO, Present   Tom Sheehan, General Counsel, Present   Elsa Sanchez, Senior Executive Assistant, Present  Agenda Items:  

1 December 8, 2016 Minutes, Consensus for Council to approve 2 November 30, 2016 Financial Statements, Consensus for Council to approve 3 December 31, 2016 Financial Statements, Consensus for Council to approve 4 Report to Council summary 5 Adjournment 

 Discussion Items:  

1 Investment Policy, Consensus for CEO to move forward with a contract for the review of CSC’s investment policy ($2,500) 

  Next Meeting: February 23, 2017     


AGENDA ITEM:  2  TITLE:                            Financial Statements – January 31, 2017       (Unaudited)  STAFF:                           Jennifer Diehl, CFO, Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County 




The financial statements are presented reflecting the estimated operating results of the General Fund and Special Revenue Fund (Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc.) for the four months ended January 31, 2017.  The audit of the Council for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2016 has not been completed and the applicable figures represent unaudited numbers. 

Balance Sheet: 

As of January 31, 2017 the Council had $108,207,485 in cash and investments.  Of this balance, $30,000,000, net of unamortized discounts and premiums, was held in federal government bonds, $68,477,854 was held in a public funds money market account, and $300,000 was held in the Morgan Stanley Institutional Government Advisory Fund #8342.  The remainder of the funds were on deposit in the Council’s operating accounts.  The Capital Assets and the Investment in Capital Assets for $19,554,398 represent the costs associated with furniture and fixtures, equipment, and building costs and have not been updated for fiscal year 16‐17 pending completion of the audit.  Statement of Revenue and Expenses:  The budgeted expenditure rate at January 31, 2017 is 33.33%. The estimated expenditure rate for Children’s Programs at January 31, 2017 is 27.07%  RECOMMENDATION:  

I recommend the Finance Committee propose that the Council accept the January 31, 2017 Financial Statements as submitted.    




January 31, 2017

General Fund Total All Funds


Cash & Investments 108,195,737$ 11,748$ 108,207,485$ Accounts Receivable 2,530,762 - 2,530,762 Advances to Agencies 4,401,903 - 4,401,903 Prepaid Expenses 285,085 - 285,085 Due From - General Fund - 59,726 59,726 Capital Assets 19,554,398 - 19,554,398

Total Assets 134,967,885 71,474 135,039,359

Liabilities & Fund Balance


Allocations to Children's Services Programs 6,479,069 71,474 6,550,543 Deferred Revenue 500,003 - 500,003 Accounts Payable 506,011 - 506,011 Due to - Special Revenue Fund 59,726 - 59,726

Total Liabilities 7,544,809 71,474 7,616,283

Fund Balance

Nonspendable: Prepaid Expenses 285,085 - 285,085 Assigned: Reserved in accordance with fund balance policy 34,496,527 - 34,496,527 Unassigned: 73,087,066 - 73,087,066

Total Fund Balance 107,868,678 - 107,868,678

Investment in Capital Assets 19,554,398 - 19,554,398

Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 134,967,885$ 71,474$ 135,039,359$

Special Revenue Fund

Prevention Partnership for Children, Inc.




Revised Approved Budget Actual Approved Budget Actual

Revised Approved Budget Actual

2016/2017 Through Through Variance % 2016/2017 Through Through Variance % 2016/2017 Through Through Variance %

Budget 1/31/2017 1/31/2017 YTD YTD Budget 1/31/2017 1/31/2017 YTD YTD Budget 1/31/2017 1/31/2017 YTD YTD


Ad Valorem Property Taxes 113,092,475$ 92,897,641$ 92,897,641$ -$ 82.14% -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00% 113,092,475$ 92,897,641$ 92,897,641$ -$ 82.14%

Interest Income 400,000 133,333 147,740 14,407 36.94% - - - - 0.00% 400,000 133,333 147,740 14,407 36.94%

Unrealized Gain or Loss - - (111,240) (111,240) 100.00% - - - - 0.00% - - (111,240) (111,240) 100.00%

Department of Health/Agency

for Health Care Administration 3,094,966 1,031,655 1,239,481 207,826 40.05% - - - - 0.00% 3,094,966 1,031,655 1,239,481 207,826 40.05%

Palm Beach County Head Start Match 2,100,000 700,000 738,393 38,393 35.16% - - - - 0.00% 2,100,000 700,000 738,393 38,393 35.16%

JPB Foundation 250,000 83,333 77,052 (6,281) 30.82% - - - - 0.00% 250,000 83,333 77,052 (6,281) 30.82%

Income from Tenants 70,000 23,333 25,263 1,930 36.09% - - - - 0.00% 70,000 23,333 25,263 1,930 36.09%

Other Income 100,000 33,333 35,953 2,620 35.95% - - - - 0.00% 100,000 33,333 35,953 2,620 35.95%

Cash Carryforward 9,076,761 - - - 0.00% - - - - 0.00% 9,076,761 - - - 0.00%

Total Revenues 128,184,202 94,902,630 95,050,283 147,653 74.15% - - - - 0.00% 128,184,202 94,902,630 95,050,283 147,653 74.15%


Administrative Expenditures 5,218,109 1,739,370 1,821,302 (81,932) 34.90% - - 477 (477) 100.00% 5,218,109 1,739,370 1,821,779 (82,409) 34.91%

Capital Expenditures 350,000 116,667 195,576 (78,909) 55.88% - - - - 0.00% 350,000 116,667 195,576 (78,909) 55.88%

Contingency 500,000 - - - 0.00% - - - - 0.00% 500,000 - - - 0.00%

Non-Operating Expenses 3,046,003 2,189,884 2,189,884 - 71.89% - - - - 0.00% 3,046,003 2,189,884 2,189,884 - 71.89%

Reserve for Uncollectible Taxes 5,654,624 - - - 0.00% - - - - 0.00% 5,654,624 - - - 0.00%

Children's Services Programs:

Direct Services:

Funded Programs & Initiatives 101,259,343 33,753,114 26,661,892 7,091,222 26.33% 2,742,285 685,571 618,677 66,894 22.56% 104,001,628 34,438,686 27,280,569 7,158,117 26.23%

Support Services:

Programmatic Support 9,413,838 3,137,946 3,425,456 (287,510) 36.39% - - - - 0.00% 9,413,838 3,137,946 3,425,456 (287,510) 36.39%

Total Children's Programs 110,673,181 36,891,060 30,087,348 6,803,712 27.19% 2,742,285 685,571 618,677 66,894 22.56% 113,415,466 37,576,632 30,706,025 6,870,606 27.07%

Total Expenses 125,441,917 40,936,981 34,294,110 6,642,871 27.34% 2,742,285 685,571 619,154 66,417 22.58% 128,184,202 41,622,552 34,913,264 6,709,288 27.24%

Excess Revenues over Expenses 60,756,173 (619,154) 60,137,019

Other Financing Sources (Uses)

Transfers in (out) (2,742,285) (914,095) (619,154) (294,941) 22.58% 2,742,285 457,048 619,154 (162,107) 22.58% - - - - 0.00%

Net Changes in Fund Balances 60,137,019 - 60,137,019

Fund Balances

October 1, 2016 47,731,659 - 47,731,659

January 31, 2017 107,868,678$ -$ 107,868,678$

General Fund Special Revenue Fund Total

Prevention Partnership for Children, Inc.


AGENDA ITEM:  3  TITLE:                            Summary for Presentation to Council  STAFF:                           Jennifer Diehl, CFO, Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County 



1 Council to approve the following: a. January 26, 2017 Minutes b. January 31, 2017 Financial Statements 

2 Note: Council was informed that the investment policy review was anticipated to be presented at the February Finance Committee meeting. Due to scheduling conflicts, the presentation will now occur in June 2017. 



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