SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT BENNETT UNIVERSITY SUMMER INTERNSHIP ... · School of Management's (SOM) Summer Internship Project (SIP) is an integral part of the BBA/MBA academic curriculum

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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Programme and SIP Type



SIP Compliance

Company Internship Mentor (CIM) Report

SIP Faculty Committee Assessment

Award Title

Sophomore Internship Award(For the Best BBA II Year Internship)

Bulls Eye Placement Award – BBA(For the best PPO from BBA II Year Internship)

Bulls Eye Placement Award – MBA(For the best PPO from MBA I Year Internship)
















Minimum Requirement

Evaluation Components

SOM’s SIP Excellence Awards

At the end of Semester II

At the end of Semester IV

At the end of Semester II

BBA 1st Year

BBA 2nd Year

MBA 1st Year

NGO Internship

Corporate Internship

Corporate Internship

SAMARITAN Award(For the best BBA I Year Internship)

BBA I 15,000

Bennett Talent Award(For the best MBA I Year Internship)





School of Management's (SOM) Summer Internship Project (SIP) is an integral part of the BBA/MBA academic curriculum and its satisfactory completion is a mandatory requirement for the respective degree – BBA or MBA - to be awarded by Bennett University. As such, the students are required to undertake an internship assignment within an assigned organization/company or approved organization (in case the student sources the internship on his/her own with the requisite approval from SOM’s Internship Committee Chairman, Head-CSC, respective Chair of the program and the Dean of SOM) for hands-on corporate experience and for integrating the knowledge and skills acquired through the coursework. SIP offers students the opportunity to gain a) exposure to a company’s working environment and imbibe the nuances of delivering results as per expectations; b) interactions with professionals and other summer interns; and c) improving their presentation, writing, and communication skills. SIP often acts as a gateway for final placement for many students in their area of specializations.

School of Management's SIP is designed for students:

a) To provide opportunities for applying knowledge and concepts learnt in the classroom to the real-life situations of corporate world

b) To sensitize students to the work places conditions and requirements by providing time bound projects in the company

c) To widen the horizons of students’ understanding of a company context and sensitize them to the business realities

SIP is mandatory for BBA and MBA students who shall be awarded the degrees for the program only after they do SIP of minimum 8-10 weeks (6-8 weeks Internship for BBA I Year's NGO Internship) as per the stipulated guidelines and within the time specified. SIP shall generally start at the end of the second semester for MBA students and fourth semester for BBA II year students or second semester for BBA I year students. Any extension for SIP duration would require the approval of Dean of the School on the recommendation of SOM's Internship Committee (IC) and the respective Chair. As the stipulated duration for SIP is 8-10 weeks full-time, students cannot do two internships concurrently or consecutively.



Following procedure shall be followed:

a) Basis the SIP application (Exhibit III) and in conjunction with the eligibility

criterion laid out in Table I and Fig. (i), SOM’s Internship Committee (IC) would

submit the SIP-assistance-eligible students to CSC

b) Career Services Centre (CSC) would float the internship opportunities (as

approved by SOM’s IC) and the students are to apply through the defined


c) In case students have chosen to select their own SIP the same will need to be

approved by the IC, Chair of the respective program, CSC and SOM’s Dean

d) Students can take up research project/startup initiative in lieu of SIP. But

approval for the same is required from the following:

(I) Chairman – IC (Internship Committee)

(ii) Chair of the Program (BBA or MBA)

(iii) Dean, SOM

The process of faculty supervision and other requirements would be same as

regular SIP

e) Students need to fill SIP APPLICATION FORM (Exhibit III) at the beginning of

the Second Semester (MBA) / Fourth Semester (BBA II Year) / Second Semester

(BBA I year)

f) Empanelment of an organization for SIP will be under CSC


SIP Announcement

Submission of SIP Application


IC shares the list of eligible students

with the CSC

Allotment of Faculty Mentors

Submission of Undertaking

Procurement of Letter

SIP Selection Process with

CSC Guidelines

Student Joins SIP

Submission of IIR within

10 days

Submission of IPR I during

week III to week V

Submission of IPR II during

week VI to week VII

Before SIP During SIP After SIP

Student submitsproject report

Student collects ICCC from


Student makes presentation before

faculty committee

Announcement of SIP Selection


3.1. Before Commencement

a) Students should take Internship with utmost seriousness. Students must

work minimum of 8 weeks during the internship.

b) Each student must meet respective allotted faculty mentor (FM) and

discuss in detail the nuances of allotted internship.

c) Non-participation or any other act of non-cooperation with the

Organization's Selection/Internship process shall lead to withdrawal of SIP

assistance at SOM / CSC’s sole and absolute discretion.

d) Bennett University cannot be held responsible for any delay in

commencement of internship as these are left to the internal regulations

and guidelines of the Organization.

e) Students should aim at working with Organizations/Companies,

Institutions or Start- ups who provide challenging learning opportunities

rather than make their decision on the basis of hometown convenience,

friends' preference, stipend or any other inconsequential criteria.

f) Students who renege the offer or fail to join the organization will not be

eligible for placement assistance from CSC of Bennett University.


3.2. During SIP

a) Every student must submit Initial Internship Report (IIR) (Exhibit IV) by

10th working day of internship to the faculty mentor.

b) Students will abide by the applicable policies and norms of the

Organization during the period of internship.

c) The students are expected to first understand the organization and its

setting and the industry/field in which the organization is operating for

each student to make a meaningful difference with the quality of his/her


d) Organization has the right to terminate students from the internship at any

time due to inappropriate behavior and/or non-cooperation with the

internship process and/or continued non-performance in assignment or

any other reason the organization deems fit.

SOM wouldn't be responsible for providing any further SIP opportunity in

all such cases. The student has to find an SIP opportunity on his/her own

and go through the same approval process as outlined earlier.

e) The students are expected to concentrate on the specific topic of study, its

objectives, its rationale, and adopt a methodology and identify a suitable

analysis procedure for the completion of the study.

f) Each student should provide recommendations and action plans, along

with the findings of the study.

g) SOM expects that all students will adhere to the proper standards of

intellectual honesty and professional propriety in their conduct.

h) Students are advised not to do anything directly or indirectly which may

create a poor impression about the University or SOM. Any student found

disregarding any of the norms would be liable for disciplinary action,

including rustication depending upon the severity of the offence.

i) The students should abide by the dress code and other professional norms

of their Internship organization. Punctuality is a quality that is appreciated

by professionals across all organizations.

j) The students should ensure that the data and other information used in the

study report is obtained with the permission of the institution concerned.



3.3. Completion Stage

a) At the end of the internship, the student intern shall prepare Internship

Project Report II (IPR II) (format attached as Exhibit VI).

b) The student may be required to make a presentation to the Industry

Mentor (IM).

c) As a proof of completion of internship, the student intern will obtain

Internship Completion and Compliance Certificate (ICCC) from the

organization/company/IM, showing the performance evaluation in terms

of OS (Outstanding), EE (Exceeded Expectations), ME (Met Expectations),

and BE (Below Expectations).

3.4. After completion

a) The student must make detailed presentation before faculty committee on

SIP in the first week of next semester.

b) The student intern shall submit the SIP Report (including ICCC) to the

Faculty Mentor within 1 week of commencement of the ensuing semester.

The students act as unofficial spokespersons and brand ambassadors for Bennett

University in general and the School of Management in particular and hence

tremendous stakes are at place with each one of student's performance, behavior

and contributions. SIP would help in building Bennett University's / SOM's image. It

is expected therefore that all students will conduct themselves with maturity,

responsibility, dignity and dedication during their SIP stint.

a) Students should aim at working with Organizations/Companies, Institutions or

Start- ups who provide challenging learning opportunities rather than make

their decision on the basis of hometown convenience or stipend or any other

inconsequential criterion.

b) SOM expects that all students will adhere to the proper standards of

intellectual honesty and professional propriety in their conduct. Students are

advised not to do anything directly or indirectly which may create a poor

impression about the SOM. Any student found disregarding any of the norms

would be liable for disciplinary action, including rustication from the SOM

depending on the intensity of damage inflicted.


c) The students should abide by the dress code and other professional norms of

their Internship organization. Punctuality is a quality that is appreciated by

professionals across all organizations.

d) They should ensure that the data and other information used in the study

report is obtained with the permission of the institution concerned.

e) The students are expected to first understand the organisation and its setting

and the industry/field in which the organisation is operating. Thereafter,

concentrate on the specific topic of study, its objectives, its rationale, and adopt

a methodology and identify a suitable analysis procedure for the completion of

the study. Wherever possible the student may provide recommendations and

action plans, along with the findings of the study.


During SIP, Company Internship Mentor (CIM) within the assigned organization

assigns specific project/s to the student intern. Each student will be assigned a

Faculty Mentor (FM). The projects will be performed under the direct supervision of

the CIMs or any other supervisor authorized by the CIM. The student interns can

avail guidance from their respective FMs as required. The following process is


a) FMs will be assigned by SOM's IC in consultation with SOM's dean.

b) The allocation of FMs shall seek to obtain a match with the faculty expertise

areas, so as to allow interaction between the faculty and the CIM from the

assigned company. The FMs are to ensure that the interns can deliver as

expected and also explore the possibility of converting the SIP opportunity into

a long-lasting association including for PPOs, collaborations for research,

executive education, and consultancy projects etc.

c) Upon internship finalization, the CSC will communicate with the corresponding

organization/company and introduce the assigned faculty to the organizations/

companies as well as to the student interns.

d) During SIP, several interactions between the Faculty and the organizations/

companies are expected. These can be conducted through multiple modes such

as email, phone, video, or in-person as may be expedient/appropriate. FM can

coordinate with CIM and assigned student for the same.


e) Minimum three interactions are envisaged as mandatory. These are specified

as follows:

I. Initiation stage: Introduced by CSC, the FM will communicate with the

CIMs and set for each student intern, the Objectives, Scope,

Methodologies to be followed, and Deliverables from the SIP program. The

student intern will prepare an Initial Internship Report (IIR) documenting

above elements and get it signed by both the CIM & FM as per format

attached as Exhibit IV.

II. Mid-term checkpoint: FMs will conduct a mid-term review of the progress

of the internships — typically around 5-6 weeks after commencement.

After the review, the intern shall prepare mid-term progress report

Internship Project Report I (IPR I) in the format given at Exhibit V.

III. Closure: At the end of the internship, the student intern shall prepare a

detailed Internship Project Report II (IPR II) (format attached as Exhibit VI)

and may be optionally required to make a presentation to the CIM. As a

proof of completion of internship, the student intern will obtain Internship

Completion and Compliance Certificate (ICCC) from the organization/

company/CIM, showing the performance evaluation in terms of OS

(Outstanding), EE (Exceeded Expectations), ME (Met Expectations), and

BE (Below Expectations). The student intern shall submit the letter and the

report to the FMs and CSC upon arrival at the campus. The Faculty shall

engage the organization/company to receive the feedback.

f) During the internship, the student intern may seek telephonic / email / skype

interactions with FM to receive consultation if necessary.

g) Where possible, the Faculty should make at least one visit to the workplace of

the student for a meeting with the CIM/Organization/Company to review the

progress made by the student and to build up long term relationship between

SOM and the organization/company.

h) Completion of summer internship is a degree-awarding requirement for both

the MBA and BBA programs of School of Management, Bennett University. For

any foreseeable or unforeseeable reasons if a student is unable to complete

internship in the intended year, he or she should be allowed to complete the

internship requirements at the end of the requisite course work of the program

he or she has enrolled for. It should be noted that as SIP is a core course, non-

completion of SIP would entail no degree (BBA or MBA)


I) Absenteeism, premature abandonment, non-submission of reports,

misconduct at the workplace, unprofessional behavior, etc are non-exhaustive

examples of serious misconduct during the program. The organization may

bring such instances to the attention of FMs or CSC. In case the student intern

is found to have indulged in serious misconduct, the student intern is liable for

any of the punitive actions, including cancellation of internship, withdrawal

of final placement assistance, or rustication from the program/university,

depending on the severity of inappropriate conduct.


The internship evaluation will have three components- compliance, mentor report

and final assessment which will be measured through the following reports.

1. IIR: Initial Internship Report

2. IPR I: Internship Project Report I

3. IPR II: Internship Project Report II

4. ICCC: Internship completion and compliance certificate

The students can refer the following timeline for various phases of SIP evaluation.

Fig (ii): SIP Evaluation Timeline

Week I




Week II Week III


Week IV Week V Week VI


Week VII


On the basis of the above the quality of internship for each student will be evaluated

as per following:


SIP Compliance

SIP Faculty Committee Assessment

Marks Distribution


CIM Report 30%


Table I: Evaluation Components


Strict adherence to all the guidelines and submissions of reports before,

during and after the SIP and exemplary conduct at the place of SIP

Based on SIP report (as per suggested format given in Exhibit VI

and viva-voce to the SIP Assessment Faculty Committee)

As captured through ICCC and through FMs interactions with the CIMs


Final assessment will be based on previous reports - IIR, IPR I, IPR II and a

presentation to a faculty committee formed by the Dean - SOM. The SIP

Assessment Faculty Committee would use following parameters for final

assessment (40% as outlined above)

a) Quality of Internship: 15%

Objectives & Methodology


b) Utility of the Internship for the Student 5%

c) Innovations during the internship 5%

d) Conceptual rigor and clarity 10%

e) Knowledge enhancement of the student 5%

SIP Assessment Faculty Committee can recommend the intern for internship

awards listed in the following section.



There will be a few awards for the best summer internships for MBA and BBA

students with prize money. The awardees will be selected by SIP Award Committee

(SIPIAC) formed by Dean-SOM consisting of faculty from each area. The awards will

be declared by the school after the summer internship to encourage and motivate

the students for maximum contribution. It is advised that IAC should assess rigor of

internship put up by the interns. These awards will be given as:

Award Title

SAMARITAN Award(For the best BBA I Year Internship)

Bulls Eye Placement Award – BBA(For the best PPO from BBA II Year Internship)



Sophomore Internship Award(For the Best BBA II Year Internship)



Table II: SIP Excellence Awards

Bennett Talent Award(For the best MBA I Year Internship)







Bulls Eye Placement Award – MBA(For the best PPO from MBA I Year Internship)

30,000MBA I



I, ______________________________________________________ studying ________________________

(Enrollment ID) at School of Management, Bennett University undertake to comply

with all the established and circulated guidelines governing SOM's SIP. While, I am

fully aware of the expectations and benefits of carrying out a disciplined and

dedicated SIP at my assigned internship company / chosen project at _______________

__________________________________________________________during _______________________,

I am equally apprised of the consequences of the deviations from the expected

performance and behavioral guidelines governing this SIP. In case of either willful

negligence or ignorant violation of the mandated code of conduct, Bennett

University's School of Management may initiate and take appropriate action

befitting the nature and intensity of either violation or deviation.

Signature of the Student





I __________________________________________________________ (Enrollment Number),

pursuing my __________________________________________________________ program in

_________________________ Semester would like to get the SIP opportunity facilitated

through my known sources and contacts. I would also undertake to follow all the

other guidelines governing SIP at Bennett University's School of Management.

Signature of the Student






Signature of the Applicant



Application Date:

1. Name of the Applicant

3. Program

2. Enrollment ID

4. Specialization


5. Contact Details:

Email ID:

Mobile No.


7. Cumulative Attendance till date

8. Disciplinary Action Taken (if any) or pending

To be filled by CSC Office

1. Name of Organisation

2. Address of Organisation

3. Department

4. Duration Start Date: End Date:

5. Faculty Mentor Name

6. Stipend Details



Signature and Name of Company Internship Mentor (CIM)

Signature and Name of Faculty Mentor

Reporting Date :

Name of the student intern :

Name of the company :

Company Internship Mentor (CIM) :

Faculty Mentor (FM) :

Project start date :

Project objectives :

Project scope and activities :

How will the project be performed?

Project deliverables:



Signature and Name of Faculty Mentor

Name of the student intern :

Name of Company Internship Mentor :

Faculty Mentor :

Project start date :

Checkpoint date :

Activities completed :

Activities stalled or delayed :

Suggested interventions:

Manager (RO) comments/feedback:



Organizations attach great significance to the Students' Summer Internship Project

Report in the final placement interviews and often subject the interviewees to in-

depth examination. Hence, the project report should be perceived as a critical tool

which signals a student's potential to the recruiter as they judge the quality of the

report on the basis of student's analytical skills, methodology, grasp of research

tools and contribution to the organization/company in terms of cost or time saving

attributable to implementation of student's recommendations. Bennett University

expects every student to take this activity seriously and turn in an excellent project

report at the end of internship which would enhance the student's chances of


The suggested format for the SIP report is:

(I) Title Page

(ii) Inner Page

(iii) Preface and Acknowledgements

(iv) ICCC - The report should include a copy of the certificate of completion of

internship on the company's letterhead (ICCC) from the organization

where it was taken and an index page detailing the contents.

(v) Chapter I: Introduction: Clear understanding of the topic/subject;

understanding of the organization/ unit/field (not exceeding 10 pages;

single spacing)

(a) About the Company

(b) About the Industry: Structure, Players, Market Size, Market Shares,

Competitive Positions, etc

(c) About the assigned topic

(vi) Chapter II: Literature Review: Published studies, review of similar studies

(not exceeding 5 pages)

(vii) Chapter III: Details about the study: Objectives, formulation of the

problem, scope, and rationale of the study (not exceeding 5 pages)


(viii) Chapter IV: Methods/methodology adopted for the study: Analytical, Survey,

Field Work or any other method with appropriate justification and reasoning

(not exceeding 5 pages)

(ix) Chapter V: Analysis and conclusions: The logic of analysis, source of data,

whether the conclusions are in line with the objectives, etc. (not exceeding 15


(x) Chapter VI: Contribution and learning from the project: Details of the

contribution of the study, the benefits to the organisation, the learning from

the study for the student, etc. (not exceeding 3 pages)

(xi) Chapter VII: Acknowledgements: References/Citations and Bibliography (not

exceeding 2 pages)

a) Internship Committee (IC) Professor Pankaj Medhi (Chairperson, IC)

and Professor Deepak Sangroya

b) Chair, BBA Program Professor Mohammed Haris Minai

c) Chair, MBA Program Professor Rajib Sarkar

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