Saint Joseph Parish · 2020-03-29 · Are you a new parishioner? Welcome! Please visit the parish website at , scroll over Parish Life and then click New Parishioner to begin the

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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Saturday (Sunday obligation) 4:00 pm

Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am

1:00 pm (Spanish) & 5:00 pm

Monday-Friday 6:30 am

Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. 8:30 am

Tues., Thurs. 6:15 pm

Third Saturday of the month

in Portuguese. 6:00 pm


Wednesdays 7:30 pm

Saturdays 7:30 - 8:20 am

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Held during weekend Masses in English

and during the 1:00 pm Mass in Spanish.

Call in advance to reserve your date and

get information about the required

instruction class.


Couples need to call the parish office at

least six months in advance.

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Celebrated on the first Saturday of the

month after 8:30 am Mass and upon


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To request Communion, please call the

parish office.

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Saint Joseph Parish

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Breaking Open the Word

March 29, 2020

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Lectionary: 34 Gospel JN 11:1-45

Spiritual Reflection: What would you do

with a good second chance?

Spiritual Questions:

1. What are your thoughts about your


2. If you were Lazarus, what would you do

on the day after Christ gave you back your


3. What do you need to do right now to

prepare for your death?

4. Do you have a good relationship with the

Holy Spirit?

5. How do Martha and Mary allow their

lives with Jesus to change them?

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Are you a new parishioner? Welcome! Please visit the

parish website at, scroll

over Parish Life and then click New Parishioner to begin

the registration process.

St. Joseph Church 636-227-5247

567 St. Joseph Lane Manchester, MO 63021

Parish Staff Personal Parroquial

Pastoral Ministers

Pastor………………………Rev. Thomas M. Pastorius

Associate ….. .................. Rev. Ricardo Escobar, O.P.

Deacons……………………….. Deacon Jimmy Broyles

………………………………… Deacon Daniel Donnelly

…………………………………... Deacon George Miller

…………………….. .......... Deacon Larry Damato (ret.)

Pastoral Associate…………………. ......... .Julie Quillo

Dir. of Evangelization/Adult Faith Form….Greg Barker

Coordinator of Parish Worship….David Broemmelsick

Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry…...Imelda Cervantes

Youth Minister…………………………...Maggie Schurz

Administration and Office Staff

Director of Admin…..................... .... …...Jim Weiskopf

Asst. to Director…………………………Shari Heitmann

Bulletin Editor/Child Safety Coordinator…Maureen O’Reilly

Receptionist………………………………..Maria Murillo

Administrative Assistant ................... Katie Markiewicz

Office Hours Horario de la oficina

Monday - Thursday Lunes-Jueves………..……8:30 am-4:30 pm

Sunday - Domingo ....... Before & After Mass in Church Vestibule

Full Time School Escuela 636/391-1253

Principal .................................... Greg Sturgill

School Secretary. .................... Donna Carroll

School Liturgist ........................... Julie Quillo

After School Care……………..636/391-7659

ECLC (Early Childhood Learning Center)

Director…………………………..Cathy Noyes

After School Care……………...636/438-0592

Parish School of Religion 636/391-1404

Coordinator .......................... Michelle Foster

Secretary .............................. Debby Marshall

Online registration:

Registration Registro

New members may register at the Parish Office during business

hours or online at

Bulletin Notices Noticias

Submitted by noon on Tuesday for the following Sunday. Items will

be included as space provides.

ACTS Retreats

Offered each year, women’s retreat in the fall, men’s in the spring.

For information visit the parish website.

St. Vincent dePaul

For assistance call………….636/779-5616

St. Joseph Prayer Chain

For Prayers…………….……Barb 636/230-9171

Strengths Finder

For information… …………

Due to the cancellation of public Masses we will suspend requests for

intentions until further notice. Mass intentions that have been requested

and already scheduled will be honored during Fr. Pastorius’ daily private

Mass in the order that they were scheduled. Since he is saying only one

Mass a day there will be an abundance of requests that will not be

fulfilled until our schedule returns to normal. Please know that all

intentions not used during this time will be rescheduled when normal

Masses resume.

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Parish Office is CLOSED.

Employees will be coming in periodically to check mail and voicemails and

many are continuing to work from home. Please be patient as we all adjust

to this new way of doing business. If you need to speak to someone in the

office but are not sure who to direct your call to, please leave a message for

Maria Murillo and she will be sure to forward your request/question to the

correct employee. She can be reached at 636-227-5247 ext. 1604.

Remembering Vocations in your Lenten Devotions

March 29—Fifth Sunday of Lent: “This then is the consecrated

life: … It is a living encounter with the Lord in his people. It is a call

to the faithful obedience of daily life and to the unexpected surprises

from the Spirit. It is a vision of what we need to embrace in order to

experience joy: Jesus.” - Pope Francis, 23rd World Day for Consecrated Life

Through our prayers and sacrifices for vocations, God seeks holy

men and women to teach and lead His flock.

Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, call forth vocations to the

priesthood and consecrated life from our diocese and our families.

Inspire men to imitate Christ, the Eternal High Priest, in sacrificial

service to your Church. Move the hearts of men and women to offer

themselves wholly to You in poverty, chastity and obedience. Send

them as laborers for Your harvest. Inspire the faithful to support

them with prayers and sacrifice. Raise up holy families who foster

openness to your call. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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Sunday: 5


Sunday of Lent

Wednesday: April Fools’ Day

Thursday: St. Francis of Paola, Hermit

Saturday: St. Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Next Sunday: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

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Eucharistic Adoration

Lenten Meditation: He

was scourged for us! “By

His wounds you have been

healed.” - 1Peter 2:34

It is impossible to totally comprehend

what Our Savior has done for us.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

on Wednesdays in church has been

suspended at this time. We will keep

you posted as to when it will resume.

For more information contact Joan at


Our Sick

Mike Bick Fr. Houlihan S.J.

Stephanie Caratenuto JoAnn Kaestner

Pam Crotty Lauren King

Jennifer Delgado Kathleen Lancia

Len DeMoor Lucia Lindh

Lois DeMoor Sophia Luetkemeyer

Karen Doyle Peter Rolfe

Carol Erickson Tiffany Schulz

Rob Evans Maureen Sox

Jan Flake Ruth Strothkamp

Bill Fogarty L’Wana Trapp

Theresa Giuliani Marge Voigt

Joanne Goedeker Larry Wamhoff

Greta Haynes

Linda DeVillar Betty Penn

Cathy Glatz Carolyn Wamhoff

1. Coronavirus

Archbishop Carlson has extended his

order for no public Masses until after

Easter. We are working hard to

provide online content for you during

this time at

In addition to the information on the

main page, we have set up a

subsection of our website we are

calling: “Live this difficult moment

with the strength of faith, the

certainty of hope, and the fervor of

Charity.” This is a quote from Pope

Francis. You will find daily reflections

from me and other spiritual content

for you during this time. We are also

working on recording and uploading

Masses and the Holy Week Services.

Please remember that as a parish we

need your donations as well. Please

consider giving through online giving

online-giving, by mail, or by dropping

your envelope off at the parish.

2. Legacy Wall

Our efforts to thank everyone who has

participated in the Legacy Wall

Campaign has been delayed by the

social distancing orders. Please know

that showing our gratitude to

everyone is one of our top priorities

once everything starts to go back to


3. Saint Joseph the Dreamer

Through a strange set of

circumstances, a woman has come

forward to offer the parish a beautiful

statue of St. Joseph the Dreamer for

our Church at no cost to the parish.

The life-size statue depicts St. Joseph

sleeping. It is meant to remind us of

the three times God spoke to St.

Joseph in his dreams. The first, when

he was told by Gabriel to “not be

afraid” and to take Mary as his wife.

The second, when he was warned to

take Mary and Jesus to Egypt in order

to protect them from Herod. The

third and final time, when Joseph was

told that it was safe to return to Israel.

We are planning on blessing this

statue on Friday, May 1


. Please mark

your calendar now for we are hoping

that this will be a huge parish event.

Legacy Wall Thank You

Below is a list of participants who made

their donations since last week. The

complete list is available online.

Anonymous Challenge Match

On behalf of the Fears Family

Janice Flake

Jack Sullivan

Grace Sullivan

Olivia Sullivan

Remember in Your Prayers

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“With great openness and courage,

we need to question how widespread

is the culture of life today among

individual Christians, families, groups

and communities in our Dioceses.

With equal clarity and determination

we must identify the steps we are

called to take in order to serve life in

all its truth” (The Gospel of Life 95).

During Lent we commit to prayer,

fasting and almsgiving. Please

remember our neighbors in need

especially during this time of

beautiful reflection. Most of them are

experiencing serious financial

difficulties and your continued

support from donations and special

offerings allows us to insert some

much needed light into their lives.

For those who receive support, we

pass along their thanks! If you or

someone you know needs help, please

call 636-779-5616.

Fr. Thomas Pastorius March 29, 2020

Spiritual Ponderings


Let us renew our trust in God and go forward without fear. - Abraham Lincoln. Abraham

Lincoln had much to fear as he was becoming President of the United States but

somehow his trust in God allowed him to keep moving forward. Let us continue our

reflections on trust today. Quotes from Stephen M.R. Covey’s book The Speed of Trust: The

One Thing that Changes Everything will be in bold my commentary in normal type.

Stephen M.R. Covey lays out what he calls five waves of trust. They are self-trust,

relationship-trust, organizational-trust, market-trust, and societal-trust. Each of these

waves build upon another so when you become more trustworthy in one wave, you will

become more trustworthy in the others. The opposite is also true. This is why the Church

is in such a bad situation right now. A few individuals proved to not be trustworthy and

their untrustworthiness rippled throughout the five waves of trust to where the Church as a

whole has a credibility problem. The only way to fix this is for individuals to prove

themselves trustworthy again and see the ripple reversed.

The problem in organizations, however, is that many “ethics” solutions focus on

compliance. The compliance definition of “ethics” is not one of integrity or

integratedness; it is a watered-down, devalued definition that essentially means

“follow the rules.” Ethics training, therefore, is often focused exclusively on

conformity to Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulatory and rules-based legislation—and

not on clarifying values and fostering integrity to those values and to enduring


Human beings might be capable of determining what is lawful and unlawful, but they

cannot determine what is moral and immoral. Only God can decide that. The Pharisees are

examples of people who thought they could treat others however they wanted as long as

they obeyed the laws of God.

As Albert Camus said, “Integrity has no need of rules.”

A person who has integrity will always do what is right no matter if it lawful or not. I love

the following story about Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Why Desmond Tutu Became an Anglican Priest

All of us have heard of Desmond Tutu, but few of us will know who Trevor Huddleston is.

Yet, without Trevor Huddleston there may have been no anti-apartheid leader named Tutu.

Asked by the BBC to identify the defining moment in his life Desmond Tutu spoke of the

day he and his mother were walking down the street. Tutu was nine years old. A tall white man

dressed in a black suit came towards them. In the days of apartheid, when a black person and a

white person met while walking on a footpath, the black person was expected to step into the

gutter to allow the white person to pass and nod their head as a gesture of respect. But this day,

before a young Tutu and his mother could step off the sidewalk, the white man stepped off the

sidewalk and, as my mother and I passed, tipped his hat in a gesture of respect to her!

The white man was Trevor Huddleston, an Anglican priest who was bitterly opposed to

apartheid. It changed Tutu’s life. When his mother told him that Trevor Huddleston had

stepped off the sidewalk because he was a man of God Tutu found his calling. “When she told me

that he was an Anglican priest I decided there and then that I wanted to be an Anglican priest

too. And what is more, I wanted to be a man of God” said Tutu.

Huddleston later became a mentor to Desmond Tutu and his commitment to the equality

of all human beings due to their creation in God’s image a key driver in Tutu’s opposition to


Source: This story has been widely reported including by Tutu himself in a

2003 interview with the BBC and in Tutu’s Nobel Prize ceremony.

Trevor Huddleston’s gesture of respect for Desmond’s mother was not lawful but it was

something that showed he was a man of integrity.

How many of our Churches would be filled at all times if we were all people of integrity?

Stephen Ministry What is Stephen

Ministry? Stephen Ministry is a

system through which members of St.

Joseph Church are trained and

organized to help provide Christian

caregiving to members of our

congregation and community. This

will multiply the amount of caring

ministry St. Joseph Parish can provide

by giving us a whole team of skilled

caregivers who are equipped to bring

Christ’s healing love to people who

are grieving, in crisis, or experiencing

other stresses in life. For more

information, call Anne Grant,

636-399-7633 or Jerry Nash,


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For an easy way to make a

donation to St. Joseph, you

can text “STJM” to 555888

and follow the instructions

on the reply text OR simply

scan the QR Code.

“Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?”

- John 11:40

Many of us say that we believe in God. We go to church on Sunday. We

volunteer for events at our parish. But when life gets hard, the pressure is on,

when things aren’t going our way, do we really believe, do we really put our

trust in the Lord? When we live a life of gratitude, being thankful for the gifts

we have been given, we really do see that God is providing all that we need. It

opens our hearts to see God’s active presence in our daily lives.

Week of 3.22.20

Offertory Gifts


Weekly Goal 32,000




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Basilicas are churches that are so �tled be-

cause of their an�quity, dignity, historical im-




“cathedra” in La�n. The chair is the symbol of


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publica�ons become available for your church on parishesonline. �

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resources. You can also watch the Sunday Mass and see daily reflec�on


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If you have already purchased diapers for the

diaper drive, you may still drop them off in

the large white bin in the courtyard and the

pro-life committee will get them delivered.

Cookies for Kairos


Due to the virus situation, the Kairos Weekend at Menard

has been postponed until October. NO COOKIES will be

needed this spring for the Kairos ministry.

Questions? Contact the Weekend Leader, Gian Alleruzzo,


Please keep checking the parish website at for the most up-to-date

information regarding cancellations, streaming Masses,

and more. Thank you for your patience.


everyone’s safety and protection. The committee felt this is

necessary in order to keep is all safe. We all need to pray that

God will protect us and this will all be over before too long.

Thank you for your continued attendance and support of our

senior group. Hope to see you in May! If you have any

questions, please call Trudy at 636-225-5762.


May 1


will be RESHEDULED...

Hold on to your dice, and we will have

an update in a few weeks.

The Ladies Auxiliary Thanks You All for Your


Early Bullen Date! ���������������� ����������

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Sandwich Program

The weekly sandwich program, which helps to feed the poor and

homeless in St. Louis, is suspended. The program will resume

when our parish returns to normal liturgical activities and an

announcement will be in the church bulletin. Thanks to

everyone who participates in the program—there is always a

need for more sandwiches.

Unseen Dinner Guest

Please do not leave food in the freezers in the garage on the upper

parking lot at this time since food delivery has been suspended.

We will let you know when this ministry resumes.

Giving Sunday

Please note that Giving Sunday will not take place until regular

Masses resume. Please do not bring items to church at this time.

Be watching the bulletin for updates. Thank you to everyone

who participates in this amazing parish effort.

Sts. Peter & Paul Soup Kitchen

We will not be visiting the soup kitchen at this time so please do

not bring desserts to the parish office on the regularly scheduled

days. We will update you when this ministry resumes it’s normal

schedule. Thank you to all who participate either by baking

desserts or going with us to the soup kitchen to feed the hungry.

Bingo for April has been cancelled.

Watch the bulletin for updates.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all CYC

sport activities have been suspended

until further notice. Visit the SJAA

webpages for more information:

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2020 U.S. Census Quick Facts

By April 1, every home in the U.S. will

receive information from the U.S. Census

Bureau on how to respond to the U.S.

Census. It is important that all

Missourians are counted in the census so

that our state may have accurate

representation in Congress and adequate

funding for local hospitals, first

responders, and critical social programs.

Your responses will be kept anonymous.

The MCC has put together a one-page

fact sheet on the 2020 U.S. Census that

you can find at For even

more info on what to expect and how to

respond, visit

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Directorio Hispano

Parish Office 636-227-5247

De Lunes a Jueves 8:30am - 4:30pm

Pastor (English speaking)

Fr. Tom Pastorius

Pastor Asociado

Padre Ricardo Escobar, O.P.

636-466-6303 (cell)


María Lourdes Murillo

Coordinadora del

Ministerio Hispano

Imelda Cervantes


Ministros de la Palabra Silvia Beck, 636-368-5348

Ministros de la Comunión Gloria Martín, 314-482-9147

Ministros Ujieres o de la


Sergio y Gabriela Hernández


Ministros de Música Sandra Mojarro y Ernesto León

Catecismo o Escuela

Parroquial de Religion

Confirmacion - Mali Galindo,

636-236-4991 y Abigail Licona,


Primera Comunion - Cecilia Leon,

314-238-6089 y Gloria Martín,


Pre-Catrecismo - Lulu Perez,

636-346-1059 y Brenda Hernándes

RCIA: Catecismo para


Andrea y Henry Morales


Catequesis pre


Adan y Julieta Licona


Grupo de Familias

Adan y Julieta Licona,

636-259-6118, Silvano y Patricia

Roque, 636-667-7753, Juan Jose y

Brenda Hernandez, 636-237-5010

Adoración Eucarística y

hora santa (Miércoles) y

Rosario de la Misericordia

Margarita Zevallos, 314-667-9053

Maggie Torres, 314-304-7412

Ana María Leineke, 314-550-0644

Francisco Torres, 314-239-3552

Rosario Mensual

Margarita Zeballos, 314-667-9053

Silvia Beck, 636-368-5348

Grupo Armada Blanca Sarah Sánchez, 314-698-7326


Mali Galindo, 636-236-4991

Nónica Jazbani, 314-397-5503

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Para mas informacion favor de visitar la pagina Revise la seccion Spanish Ministry

para una lista de requisitos para cada sacramento o favor de

comunicarse con Imelda Cervantes, 636-346-9270, o con Padre Ricardo Escobar,


Ministério em Português

��Quinta-feira: 7:00 pm na escola paroquial.

Locacion: Escuela parroquial, entrada principal.

��Missa em português: terceiro sábado do mês às 6:00 pm.


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Grupo do Terço da Misericórdia:

�� Suzy Barbosa-McBride:, 636-520-7674

�� Fernanda Quesado:,


Horas de Oficina y asistencia en Español

Lunes 6pm-9pm | Miercoles 6pm-9pm | Domingo 9am-3pm

Para una cita cualquier otro dia: 636-346-9270 o Locación: Dentro de la Oficina

de la escuela parroquial, entre ala escuela y pregunte ala persona

en la entrada principal por Imelda Cervantes o llame al

636-346-9270 all legar y saldre en su encuentro.


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O’Fallon, MO 63368(636) 379-3705

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