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THE PARISHIONER Ockham with Hatchford and Downside Newsletter CHRISTMAS 2014 AND NEW YEAR 2015
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Ockham with Hatchford and Downside Newsletter


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Dear Friends,

In spite of the fact that the shops have been full of

Christmassy things for weeks, it is only now that I really feel

like beginning to plan for it. Surely November 30th is early

enough - Advent Sunday is the beginning of the church year

although nearly the end of the calendar one. Whether we're

children excitedly opening yet another Advent window to

find a picture, verse or chocolate or focussed more on the

Christmas card & shopping lists, we're all beginning to count

the days.

Advent means coming or arrival and it is the coming of God

in our midst, in human form as a tiny, vulnerable, homeless

baby that we are longing to celebrate. I think we are so lucky

to live in a part of the world where Christmas is in the middle

of Winter for how brightly the lights in towns and villages

shine as darkness comes early, how lovely it is to see our

own decorations shining and reflecting in the windows, how

nice it is to spend late afternoon writing cards and wrapping

presents, listening to carols.

Yes, Christmas can be overtaken by commercialism but our

December days could be quite dreary without the shops,

garden centres and fairs stocked high with lights, ribbons

and tempting calories! They are a daily reminder of what we

are excitedly waiting for .... and excited we should be

because we can and must take time to wonder at the

extraordinary gift that Christmas really is. God reached out

to the world with the gift of His Son and He continues to

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reach out in all the pain and suffering there is in so many

places. Our Lord Jesus didn't come just once two thousand

years ago - he continues to come and be a living presence

with us at Christmas and always.

My prayers and love to you all for a holy and blessed

Christmas and thanks for your wonderful support as we

excitedly plan for the future.





Dear Lord help us to value and spread the message of

simplicity during this season of Advent. May we be strong in

resisting the lure of consumerism this Christmas, instead

remembering the 2.4 billion of our fellow brethren with no

access to clean water, adequate sanitation or shelter.


Heavenly Father help us in our local Churches to relate more

effectively to one another so that we truly spread your

Christian message into the community. May more of our

congregations feel moved to join Churches Together as

representatives so as to bring new ideas and inspiration for

us all. AMEN

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I promised in the November Parishioner to let you have further

news on the vacancy. I can report that Paul Bryer, the Archdeacon

(who can best be described as the ‘regional manager’ for our part

of the Diocese) has now addressed the PCCs of all three parishes –

Ockham, West Horsley and East Horsley. I wish I could say that we

were all now clear as to the way ahead, but as sometimes appears

to be the case with Church of England matters that is not the case.

As a result Sally and I are meeting the other churchwardens of the

two parishes to see where we are, try clarify matters in our own

minds and work out a way forward. We will then be meeting the

Archdeacon in early December.

I’m sorry that things are taking longer than we hoped, but we are

trying to push along as fast as we can. An extended vacancy is not

helpful and puts an additional load on the unpaid volunteers in the


It’s probably worth reminding everyone that we are very

dependent on volunteers as we have NO PAID CLERGY or other

staff in the parish. Kerry was a ‘House for Duty’ priest, which

means she was provided with the Rectory and the parish paid her

expenses in return for working Sundays and two days a week.

Neither is Elisabeth paid. She is a member of the congregation

who volunteered for ordination. She is given no house and has no

set number of hours to do but the parish pays her expenses. As

you can imagine, being the only priest in the parish is more or less

a full time job. We are extremely grateful for the enormous

amount of time she puts in for no financial reward.

Also, most parishes pay their organist/director of music and have a

part-time paid administrator to produce service sheets, pew

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sheets, this Parishioner etc. We have unpaid volunteers. Equally,

coffee, biscuits, communion wine, wafers, flowers and much else

are provided by members of the congregation who never ask for

payment. There are many others, too many to mention, who give

of their time and in a material way to ensure that All Saints’ and St

Michael’s Chapel continue to function and provide a service to the

parish and community and we should be very grateful to them all.

Richard Peters


From Revd Kerry Tucker:

Please pass my sincere appreciation and thanks to the

congregation for the very generous farewell gifts of cheques,

garden vouchers, crystal wine glasses and beautiful painting. I was

really touched. It’s a great affirmation and makes me feel both

honoured and blessed. I really loved my time at Ockham and I

consider it one of the loveliest parishes I’ve had the privilege of

serving in. That is in no small part due to the congregation and the

amazing home team of Elisabeth, the wardens, treasurer, director

of music and PCC.



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Parish Clergy

Rev’d Elisabeth Burke

(01932 863886)

Church Wardens

Mrs Sally Pound

(01932 863279)

Mr Richard Peters

(01483 568837)

Don’t forget to keep up to date with everything happening

in our Parish by going to

Please send articles for the next edition to Andrew Jackson

by the 19th of the month preceding publication to

[email protected]

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CHRISTMAS SERVICES Sunday 7th December Second Sunday in Advent 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion Sunday 14th December Third Sunday in Advent 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion Sunday 21st December Fourth Sunday in Advent 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion 4.00 pm All Saints’ CAROL SERVICE Wednesday 24th December CHRISTMAS EVE 4.00 pm Downside Crib Service: 0 – 6 yrs 5.00 pm Downside Carols by the Crib 11.00 pm All Saints’ Midnight Mass Thursday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ FAMILY SERVICE Sunday 28th December 10.30 am St Martin’s United Benefice Service

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FORTHCOMING SERVICES 2015 Sunday 4th January Epiphany 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion Sunday 11th January Baptism of Christ 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion Sunday 18th January Second Sunday in Epiphany 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion Sunday 25th January Third Sunday in Epiphany 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Family Service Sunday 1st February Candlemas 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES children's group meet in church at the start of every Communion service, leave for their own activities in the Cabin and join the congregation at the end.

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We hold some very special services for the young ones at

Christmas time.

Crib Service at St Michael’s Chapel Downside on Christmas Eve at

4pm - a wonderful chance for the very young to help tell the

Christmas story as we sing carols and hear the familiar readings.

5pm Carols in St Michael’s Chapel Downside - the Christmas Story

and favourite carols for all ages.

We'd love to see some of our teenagers at this celebration of



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POSADA – Celebrating Advent & Christmas Posada is an ancient Mexican custom whereby we follow the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem. Posada means an inn and using the figures from a crib we offer hospitality to Mary and Joseph for a night. We hope you would like to join in with this way of celebrating Advent as we try to keep our minds focussed on the true meaning of Christmas. When the figures arrive please place them in a special place in your house. You might like to light a candle and say a prayer. It is usual to offer the people who bring them a token of hospitality [a drink & a biscuit is sufficient but it’s up to you]. There will be a calendar in church so you can sign up – please remember to make a note of the person next on the list and contact them before you arrive. A prayer you might like to use Lord God, as we prepare for Christmas, help us to remember that you sent your Son as a tiny, vulnerable baby to show us your purpose for the world. We thank you for Mary and Joseph who were obedient to your call and cared for and protected Jesus as He grew up. Bless us tonight as we offer them shelter in our home. Amen. If you can’t get to church but would like to take part please contact Elisabeth by email [email protected] or telephone 01932 863886 leaving your landline phone number.

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Christmas Wreath Making

Ockham Parish Rooms 4th December 11 am

With Gemma from the Surrey Wildlife Trust Come along and be creative!

CAROL SINGING AROUND OCKHAM Tuesday 16th December at 6.45 p.m. Ockham Parish Room This is an invitation to join in the village Carol Singing or be aware that we may be singing to you! We leave at 7 p.m. from Ockham Parish Room to walk around the village to carol sing. For any of you new to the village, we walk between the houses, ring your door bell and sing a carol! Sadly, we cannot reach all parts of the central village in an evening but we do our best! We will be collecting for the charities supported by Ockham church. Our local charity is Canterbury Care Centre in Guildford, the national charity is The Salvation Army and our international charity is The Smile Train. If you are coming carol singing please try to wear something reflective and perhaps bring a torch although we do have some lanterns. We finish at the Parish Room for mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies at about 8.30 p.m. Do join us or listen out for us singing! Jenny Milligan 01483 225073

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After the festive season please take your Christmas trees to

the Parish Rooms in Ockham Lane. Guildford Borough

Council will collect them from the compound there for


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St Nicholas – another look at this much loved saint

The true story of Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, began

with a man named Nicholas who was born in the third centre

in the Greek village of Patara, on what is today the southern

coast of Turkey. His family were both devout and wealthy,

and when his parents died in an epidemic, Nicholas decided

to use his inheritance to help people. He gave to the needy,

the sick, the suffering. He dedicated his whole life to God’s

service, and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young

man. As a bishop, he joined other bishops and priests in

prison under the emperor Diocletian’s fierce persecution of

Christians across the Roman Empire. Finally released,

Nicholas was not bitter, but all the more determined to shed

abroad the news of God’s love. He did so by giving. One

story of his generosity explains why we hang Christmas

stockings over our mantelpieces today. There was a poor

family with three daughters who needed dowries if they

were to marry, and not be sold into slavery. Nicholas heard

of their plight, and tossed three bags of gold into their home

through an open window – thus saving the girls from a life of

misery. The bags of gold landed in stockings or shoes left

before the fire to dry. Hence the custom of children hanging

out stockings – in the hope of attracting presents of their

own from St Nicholas - on Christmas Eve. That is why three

gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the

symbols of St Nicholas.

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The Beehive meets once a month on the 4th Thursday at

2.00 p.m. at St. Martin’s Court. Coffee, cake and a time to

share, whilst making a difference to others in need. We

meet together to work at MU projects, such as neonatal

supplies, knitting, making blankets and quilts and any

particular needs which arise.




I am writing on behalf of Leatherhead Start to than All Saints’

Church, Ockham for the very generous Harvest donation you

recently sent us,

It was lovely to hear that the children had been so involved

in collecting the donations – so please than them especially

and let them know how much their donations meant to our


Myfanwy Tothill

Chair of the Board, Leatherhead Start

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The Remembrance Day service in Hatchford Churchyard

proved especially moving this year, the 100th anniversary of

World War 1, by the inclusion of a quartet from The Cobham

Band and a personal letter of support from the Prime

Minister, David Cameron.

Bathed in sunshine, over 30 people, some of whom had

travelled a long way to pay respects to their relatives,

gathered together in the small country churchyard to

remember all who died in war. They stood silently around

the war memorial as the names of 46 men and boys from the

Parish of Ockham with Hatchford and Downside who lost

their lives were read aloud, including that of Captain Francis

Mount who was Mr Cameron’s mother’s great uncle.

The service was led by the Revd. Elisabeth Burke. Stephanie

Scole sounded the Last Post on her cornet. As wreaths were

placed the band accompanied the singing of a hymn, and the

first and third verses of the National Anthem. The

commemoration ended poignantly with the playing of

Nimrod, music from Elgar’s Enigma Variations.

Maureen Pappin

10th November 2014

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The word ‘Christingle’ actually means ‘Christ Light’, and

celebrates the light of Jesus coming into the world. Stories

of how the Christingle began look back to the Moravian

Church, which is found in the Czech Republic. The

Moravians have held Christingle services for more than 200

years, and according to them, this is how the first Christingle

might have been made:

Many years ago the children in a village were asked to bring

a Christmas gift to put beside the crib in the church. One

family was very poor, and had no money for gifts, but the

three children were still determined to take something. The

only nice thing they had was an orange, so they decided to

give the Christ-child that. But then they discovered the top

was going green, so the eldest cut it out, and put a candle in

the hole. To add some colour, one of the girls took a red

ribbon from her hair and tied it around the middle of the

orange. It was hard to make the ribbon stay still, so they

fastened it in place with toothpicks. The toothpicks looked a

bit bare, so the youngest child added some raisons to them.

The children took their decorated orange lantern to the

church for the Christmas Mass. The other children sneered

at their meagre gift, but the priest seized upon it with joy.

He held it up as an example of the true understanding of the

meaning of Christmas, for the following reasons: the orange

is round, like the world; the candle gives us light in the dark,

like the love of God; the red ribbon goes round the ‘world’,

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as a symbol of Christ’s blood, given for everyone; the four

sticks point in all directions, and symbolise that God is over

all: North, South, East and West; and the fruit and nuts

remind us of God’s blessings.

The Children’s Society first introduced the Christingle Service

to The Church of England in 1968, and it has since become a

popular event in the church calendar. This candlelit

celebration is an ideal way to share the key messages of the

Christian faith, while helping to raise vital funds to help

vulnerable children across the country. Visit:

A Prayer for Christmas Presence

Generous Father,

At this busy time of year, help us to remember the important

things. In all the rush of sending cards and giving presents

may we make time to be still, to acknowledge your sending

and giving of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. Thank you that he

didn’t stay in the stable in Bethlehem, but lived and died and

became the Saviour of all who put their trust in him. May we

receive afresh the gift of your presence with us in Jesus, now

and for ever, with great thankfulness. In his name, we pray.


By Daphne Kitching

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