S1c1 chapter 1-me and my nation.

Post on 27-Jan-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Contents of Section 1: Introduction.Chapter 1-Me and my nation.1.1-Why is this book?1.2-The light of the world is my India.1.3-Your comments on my views.1.4-You speak from your heart.1.5-To whom, I present this book?1.6-Perception of stimuli and the reaction for it;1.7-Aim and Objectives; 1.8-Our life and our nation:1.9-Let us think beyond religion and politics.

Views to make this ‘World’ developed and this ‘Earth’ as the lovely place for every ‘Human’.



Think what is right in life? You need to decide now and act accordingly.

1. Chapter1: Me and my nation.1.1. Why is this book?

- Step one to make all the nations developed in the world.

You (Readers) may develop some doubts like “Why the name ‘You create developed India’ for this book, what is present in this book, what is the necessity for us to have such type of thoughts in our minds as we are just ordinary citizens of this nation? And so on” as you look at this book.

You may think ‘he (author) is selfish; he gets money by writing books on the nation’ or you might also think ‘why he should take so much of risk without any personal benefit and so on’. Whatever

you are thinking is true, I do intend to earn some money in a legal way by writing books like this, so that, my personal economy becomes little better and thus my life may become better.

At the same time you are also going to be benefitted by this book, with whatever profession you belong to. This is the project which is going to increase the income of all the group of the people, but not the project which grabs the money from one segment of people, may be in the form of tax and distribute the same to other segment of people with the brand ‘BPL – Below Poverty Line’ and make them fit, only for ‘sit and wait for the benefits provided by the government’ like situation and ‘not fit for doing any productive work or anything else, which gives more than whatever they get from the card / cards they have with them’.

I have some vision in my mind which I want to fulfil before my death. I have a vision for my land to have greenery everywhere; I have to see this as early as possible. I love eating delicious nutritious food and at the same time; I want to see all the people do the same as I do. I have a vision for a roof over head not only for me but for all. I need to drive my car which moves so smoothly where, even a glass of water is not going spill that I need to achieve. I need to make the minds of all the people in such a way that, only good thoughts should come out, only good act and deed the people do with their own good thought, this I need to induce in the minds of all the people. I have a vision where my children and his friends need to live longer than the present generation with good health; I need to make sure of it before my death. I should see the people with prosperity and happiness wherever I roam; I need to see the world with love, affection and enjoyment everywhere and where ever I go, whatever TV channel I see, whatever news paper I read, and I also should enjoy with them; these, I need to achieve as early as possible.

Do you think, it is not, possible? I made my mind to achieve all these things in my life, now it is your turn to participate in this process, may not with me, if you think I am not right, you choose your own way of achieving something good for all.

I have not achieved these goals as of today, and you are also not achieved these goals as of today, so make up your mind to achieve these goals and create ‘a better house and place for our living, by making this nation a developed nation and a stable place for all the people who live in this house called India in the village of this world’ so, ‘You need to create developed India, I mean - you only’.

If I am not inducing such type of thoughts in your mind, neither ‘you get angry against me’, nor ‘you get the ideas which are different from mine’ and the nation remains static with the present poverty, hunger and with all such problems.

I will not get more income and you will also not get more income legally if the same situations persist in the nation and one more thing, I will not be talking about your illegal ways of earning, if you are in to it. You create the situation in India, in such a way that, whatever you are earning legally and illegally as on today, that you will be getting it legally in the near future (in fact more than this) with the vision of ‘better life for all’. Nothing is impossible, only thing is you need to make up your mind. That is why the title, ‘You create developed India’, and remember you are living in this house called India;

It is nothing new, in many developed nation the salary that the ordinary person (e.g. Office Clerk) gets will be more than the total income (Salary + Money from corruption if any) of our higher

officials and the ordinary people of developed nations live in better house than us and they live as per their national law. And if, that is the situation, then why can’t we achieve the same in our nation, you please think about it. You create developed India, where you are going to get more income than whatever you are earning today, legally and illegally, if any, and you enjoy your life with your friend and family without wasting the time in the name of showing ‘wrongs of other people’ and scolding the people who are said to be ‘against you’.

It is most important that you need to create developed India to make yourself stable, thus make your family and the nation stable in this world of love and affection. This is needed for your sake.

This is the book to utilize the manpower effectively, from all readers like you, including the common people.

My views to make my India, a developed country written in this book are my personal views. I am expressing my views through this book, to make the people aware about the existing problems and the solution for the same through the principles of ‘cooperative (working together) – coordinated (work leading to useful production to the mankind)’. We may be seeing the negative aspect of the society at many instances in this book; these are mentioned not to blame somebody or not to condemn the events- but to correct the bad practices and events and to adopt most suitable and scientific way of practice for the same.

Create developed India by using the power of present population and it is possible, if you make up your mind, you will find some way to make things better, for you – for me – for us.

1.2. The light of the world is my IndiaWhy I say like this – It is because many saints like Basavanna, Sarvagna, Purandaradas, Kanakadas, Gandiji and so on from the ancient ages gave ‘sayings’ which are in favour of development of humanity with peace, which is universal. All their sayings are in favour of development and nonviolence, and they are not only for India, but for the entire world.

I also have the ambition that I am writing my views and expressing my thoughts through this book- if it is useful to the mankind in any way in resolving the problems and which wipes the tear of the sufferer then, I will be the happiest person to see those changes of positive development in the world.

To begin with, I focus my view on my nation, ‘India’. For that, we need to start our journey to make our nation prosperous, happy, peaceful and healthy, and we need to choose the shortest path to reach the goal of ‘Developed India’.

We are all interdependent, I alone cannot lead the life without the help of you, and you may not be able to lead the life without the help of someone else. We depend on others for our food, daily needs and for our income. If the people, on whom I depend, for my income, are good then, I will get better income and vice versa. This applies to any individual, family, nation and to this world.

1.3. Your comments on my viewsNow, I am writing this book in order to make all of us better, so that, every ones income becomes better, along with my income.

These are the views originated in my mind. Since I am an ordinary man, there may be some human errors with it, which is not purposeful. I am happy if someone points out the same.

Then coming to the views, I have taken the hold on the language to the highest level of my knowledge, keeping in mind that not to hurt any one’s feelings. If someone gets hurt, I request them to point the same and if it’s genuine then, I will apologise and will modify the sentence accordingly in the subsequent editions.

Since these are the views by one person, that is me, I may feel that these are the right views. But you can point out my mistakes and make me realise my mistakes. I welcome any suggestions to correct my mistakes, if any, in this book.

Since these are the views by one person that is me, people with the opinion to support my views and people not accepting my opinion may come up in the future. Ultimately this work will be done only if

the majority of the people accept and if the government is willing to do the same or only few points from this book may be taken and may be implemented at various levels.

As an ordinary citizen of this nation, I have presented my views in this way and the rest is left to the people of the nation. If some responsibility is given to me as I have written this book, I am ready to work for the same with sincerity.

Two types of opinions may come, like (1) ‘Yes, it should be done, it is practical for the present situation, with this we can create developed India with the available knowledge, skill, education available in this present generation’. (2) ‘No, it should not be done. It will decrease the progress of nation’ and the people may give illustration in their own way. Ultimately this book becomes the project for the nation, if more people give positive opinion for the views mentioned in this book.

I have written the book, and I did my job, the rest is left to the people of the nation. I took more than fifteen years to come to this junction. It is pretty long time in one’s life and in this process I have spent money which is possible from my side, time which is available for me keeping my profession to lead my life, and health, I worked for this book neglecting my minor ailments. There is the influence of my economy and profession behind this delay of precious work from my side, which was unavoidable from my side.

I am serious in my words, because the sentences written in this book is focusing the life of millions of people. So, I request the people (readers) not to make any comments, which are not going to help people. And if some valid comments are present, which is going to help the people of this nation, then please make it fast.

I wish, you read the entire book and understand the feelings behind it, before you make your comments. If the answer for your comment is present in the book, then I think, I need not answer for you, considering that you have not read this book completely. If the answer for the comment is not present in the book, then I may answer those questions in my next edition, if it is relevant. I request you to not accept any wrong views written in this book which is not intended and kindly let us know to correct the same.

I alone cannot make the nation in to the developed state; it needs the contribution of the every individual, especially those who know the relation between the life of the nation and the life of the individuals. I feel, since you know the relation between the nation and the individual, you started reading this book and you are in to the work of creating developed India, that is why the name of the book ‘You create developed India’; it is the responsibility of all the people to make this nation a developed nation for the welfare of all of us.

1.4. You speak from your heart ‘It is the book related to the nation, that mean I & you are in it, so, think twice before commenting on this book’.

We may be getting different categories of people while telling the comments on this book.

Category one, people may be telling the comments with their heart keeping the respect for the nation in their mind, and the answer may be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. I think, both these answers will make our nation a developed nation, and in this the ‘yes’ should be done and the ‘no’ should not be done, because they are the real comments came out from the minds of the nation loving people.

Category two, people may tell ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from their mouth, but their mind (heart) may be telling different things may be looking at me / may be looking at the publisher / may be looking at the place / and so on, and they are the terrorists of this nation and they are going to decelerate the progress of the nation.

The comments should come from the heart of the person by looking at the nation, but not to make me good or bad. The comments should be done forgetting all the greed’s in the mind like the author, the publisher, the place, the caste, the party, the status and so on, then only we can achieve something good in our personnel life. Recognising me as something and then commenting on this book will decelerate the progress of the nation.

Look at the nation and then think whether these views will fit for the nation or not, but don’t look at me and tell your comments.

I am happy if my views are considered, I am also happy if someone comes out with better views, I hope India is going to become ‘developed nation’ soon.

The future of my book and the about this project depends on the people of the India.

Category 1 – yes group: If majority of the people of India belongs to this category, that they are telling ‘yes to this book and project’, and then my ‘more than a decade old dream’ may come true.

Category 1 – no group: if the majority of the people of India, come to this category, then I may not be doing any work in the name of the nation in the future, and it also mean ‘(a) I am not intelligent, so I wasted few decades in my life in the process of writing this book, (b) my book might have failed to convey the message it was supposed to be conveyed – failed to make the people to understand the views, (c) there is a strong force which is acting against this project, with the false thinking that if this project is accepted then we will become poor in the life and the poor becomes the rich or something like that’.

People of the nation need to understand, ‘this book is not to make the rich in to poor or poor in to rich; it is about the overall development of all the people of the nation’.

Publicising the wrong impression about this book is possible by those who think in the wrong way and start protesting against the project in the name of party or group or organisation.

Category 2 – yes group: this group of people may know some mistakes in the project, still they may tell yes to the project, instead of giving corrections. This is not the good development. If someone finds some mistake then we need to correct it and then we need to proceed.

Category 2 – no group: (telling no, thinking yes) if the majority of the people of the nation are like this, then the progress of that nation is questionable. Because these group of people are not going to be the responsible citizens of the nation and they may be giving the answer irresponsibly. This is possible by the people who live in this nation, telling that they are the citizens of this nation with the

mind to love some other nation and their target may be to see that India is not going to develop and thus it is not going to become the number one in the world. Some religious groups and some organisations may play in this path and they see that India is not going to develop. I don’t know how far the real Indians will understand, this.

The people belonging to this group are like the terrorist for the nation. And if the top leaders are doing the same mistake keeping the author as the target and not looking at the nation, and telling that this cannot be done, even if they feel that ‘this can be done and the nation becomes better with this project’ and they may be telling ‘no’ to this project because ‘the author is from some particular caste or party person or he wrote this book – but his qualification is not fitting for it, so, it should not be done’ and if it is the attitude of the top leaders, then, they are the terrorist for this nation.

I wish, our leaders should come to the category one group and they should make their comments from their heart, which may be ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

1.5. To whom, I present this book?I dedicate this book to this entire earth, because it is the structure which accepts all our errors and still give support for us, and I present this book to the entire world, because the world is the great teacher, which teaches lessons in every second in our life, either directly or indirectly.

Today, I am alive, and I am able to express my views in the form of this book. This book may have some information that, I have gained from many sources from this world. I gained it from this world, because the world gives us the chances for continuous learning, knowledge, lessons both in the form of good and bad, positive and negative ways. I received this type of input from my birth till today, by my parents, wife, children, friends, relatives, teachers, local and international media, news paper, internet and varieties of people in different ways, so every second is the class, for me, in my life.

I learn many things with happiness in my mind, and I also learnt few things with the deep pain in my mind, but all are lessons to me, and I am still the student in this world. Now I am able to express my happiness and pain, both, in this book and I wish it is going to help the people around me and in this world.

I learnt many things from the people in many ways without their knowledge and they may not know that, they are my teachers. They have thought me, both the good and the bad, in their own way of teaching in the non formal school, apart from the learning in the formal school. Every event in our life needs to be taken as the lesson and we need to learn something from it. I thank all my teachers and the people who taught me the ‘good and bad’ in my life.

In the same way, let every individual, every state, and every nation use some tips from this book, if they are useful to them, then it will add some value to this book. Reading and then forgetting the book, will not give any value for the efforts that I had put on this book. For this reason, I present this book to this entire world.

India is the country that I had born; I love my nation, in spite of very few bad people in it. Every part of the world will have few bad people and if possible let us make them good. I write this book with the name ‘you create developed India’ focussing more on the development of the India to show the

world that ‘with cooperation and coordination’, how a developing and the under developed nations can attain the developed status. If all the nations in the world become the developed nation, then we can see all the nations of the world with prosperity, peace, love and affection, all the time.

The great India and it is my India.

1.6. Perception of stimuli and the reaction for itAll of us have faced or seen some problem, either at our office or on the road or in the bus or in our city/village at some point, at some occasion, at some time, at some age in our life. And this is the stimulus for our mind, for which we show some reaction in the form of anger, pity, despair, Unhappy, Helplessness ect, and sometimes we try to help them by giving some money, cloth, help ect. But this will never solve the problem. Many more new problems are in ‘Q’, with different dimension and extension, by the time we help one.

Problems are the changing concepts, like diseases, we treat it, cure it, eradicate it, but new diseases arises. The problems that we think today like poverty, unemployment, accidents ect, will have a different dimension and magnitude tomorrow.

Any problem for that matter should be solved at the beginning, when it is mild, when it is possible to treat. If we leave the problems to grow to the severe extent, we may not be able to treat it. Some of the problems are related to basic needs like air, water, food, shelter and protection, they are needed all the times, and they are not the changing concepts. They are not the changing concepts because; they are the physiology of our body.

Need for clean air until we take the last breath, need for water until our body completely dries up, need food for our energy and for our survival - until our body stops working, need for cloth and

shelter- until we have present integument system, need for love & affection - until our brain has mind in it and the mind seeks the same.

So the aim should be, to make our Nation free from problems at least in the fields of basic needs and in a developed state. I mean the people of the nation should have clean air to breath, clean water to drink, sufficient food to eat, comfortable house to live, a caring hospital when they are sick even if they don’t have the money, a comfortable job, and ample time to enjoy the life with family and the friends.

To have a better health one should work better and all of us should get sufficient productive work in our life.

I have a strong opinion that, everyone in our Nation will think and act accordingly in achieving these goals in their own way to make this nation and the world more beautiful, a better tomorrow for the present children, and, every ones, contribution and efforts are important in this aspect that is why the name ‘you create developed India’ for this book.

In our country, Agriculture is the life for the majority of the people in this generation in rural India, so the approach should be through the same profession on which more people depend for all the problems to get the maximum achievement.

All the segments in the world are interrelated; one segment alone cannot function properly without the help, cooperation and coordination of the other segment. So I have gone through many segments of the society like agriculture, industry, education, business, irrigation (RCS), property documentation, creation of convenient infrastructure for us (CRS – CRTS, MV-MN) ect, in this book, to the extent possible by me in this time in a brief way to make this book more reader friendly.

But this is not the end, every field requires the help of genius to convert this book in to a reality and this book may be acting like a guiding force for the work of development. People need to go through this book; the sentences written in this book may change the life of all of us.

Make the comments boldly, so that we can derive a better solution for the problems in a convenient manner with fewer hurdles. Accepting the solutions with mistakes is a sin and we will end up in bigger problem. So I request the readers to comment on my mistakes in my book and help me to realize my mistakes so that you, I and we can build a nation with a strong base.

This may be the small book, to make the people to understand the present problems, the possible solutions. Most important thing, which we need to understand, is the interrelation between various segments. But when we start working for it, this may take a bigger dimension with the contribution by ‘you’.

I hope our people & leaders will perceive this stimulus, recognize my ambition, will realize the necessity and will react in the needful way.

1.7. Aim and Objectives. Aim:

To make India, a developed country;


To, get adequate supply of water for the entire nation for drinking – irrigation – industry, through RCS (Reticular Canal System for Interlinking Indian Rivers).

To increase, the productivity, in the agricultural segment, by adopting ‘scientific agriculture methods’ through VPA (Village Panchayath Association).

All the lands, that is the government and the private lands will be utilized effectively through VPA, so that no land lays waste without production even for a short period and they are used with PIN based property documentation.

To, utilize the population (man power) of our country, effectively, to the maximum extent possible, without wasting any workable time in the name of ‘job searching’. This is to make our country a developed country with the hugely available manpower and it is done through VPA.

To create industries related to agricultural products, locally, by the people of that VPA, this adds the value to the products of agriculture.

To utilize the same man power in ‘non agricultural time’ to create houses, roads, model villages, forest, road side fruit tree plantation ect, in their VPA, that is the MV – MN (Model Village – Model Nation) for the people who live with VPA.

To, decrease the rural to urban migration, which in turn decreases the development of the slums in the urban area and problems related to urbanisation.

To create awareness in the basic life science skills, like nutrition, sex, pregnancy, delivery, lactation at secondary education, because, soon they are going to become the mothers and the fathers in this society.

Education (NES – National Education Service) is not only for getting the knowledge, but also for getting the food in the form of job, through job counselling centre (for those who stop their education before the completion of 2nd PUC) run by the teachers, who prepare the students.

The universities (NES) creates the graduates as per the need of the society, and will also give the job immediately through its job counseling centre, with this we can eradicate the term called ‘graduate unemployment’.

To make the education completely free for the local students / candidates who loves this country and their place, with better knowledge to the local candidates, and thus we can decrease the migration rate of these needy graduates and to give better service to their local people through VPA – NES - MV - MN.

To make the health services (NHS) completely free to decrease the morbidity and mortality rate of the people due to non affordability of the health services.

Proper PIN based property documentation will be done to decrease the disputes, and to suppress the evil activity of the people with evil mind. This will also decrease the time consumed by the court in solving the disputes related to the lands and properties.

Using satellite based survey to identify the shortest and convenient path between the places we need to connect and thus make the Roads and Railway paths, short, safe and convenient route for our journey, through CRS – CRTS technology.

Society is the mixture of more people who do good things, less people who do bad things. Record every activity of the individual with family tree based PIN. Prevention of evil activity is better than, identifying the evil activity after the damage has occurred to the society. ‘Less bad people’ are also dangerous, don’t allow them to thrive. This work will be done by the all the people of the same VPA through NSW (National security web).

Corruption persists till the currency exists; replace all ‘the notes and the coins’ with ‘the card and the thumb’. With this we can prevent all the illegal activities, which involve the transaction of money. All the ‘black money’ can be converted in to the ‘white money’ and all the robberies which the bad people do can be prevented. Card and thumb works out cheaper than printing ‘note’ and preparing the ‘coin’, it works out still cheaper if we account money involved in the ‘Corruption’ and which is moving in the form of ‘Black money’.

Activities are done through the VPA, which are the structural and functional unit of the nation.

Truth, sincerity, cooperation, coordination among the people in work can convert any nation in to a developed nation in this world. Indeed, creating developed India by the power of the people is the present day emergency for India.

India is Prosperous, and it is blessed with plenty of land for agriculture, good natural resources, good working population, better environment for working for long hours ect.

1.8. Our life and our nation1. We are formed by the union of two half cells and which forms a single cell called Zygote. We

develop in to the embryo and then in to the fetus, delivered in to the external world as newborn. We learn lot of things throughout our life to become a citizen.

2. We have got different parts in our body; each has its own desires and dislikes that is life. As we grow inside the woman’s womb, she becomes the mother, thus father, uncles, aunt etc. the relationship develops. The mind, in us, expects love from everyone at home, at office, everywhere. The eye wants to see beautiful things, the ear wants to hear good noise and voice, nose wants to smell good aroma, tongue wants good taste, skin wants pleasant atmosphere, genitals wants good sex, everything is normal. It is the normal function of the integrated body and mind. So, we want to stay with wife, children, parents, friends etc.

a. But the present system may not be favorable to maintain these lovely attachments. Husband and wife have to stay many miles away, due to working condition. Husband, wife and children may gather together, may be either once in 6 months or once in a year. Who is responsible for this type of life, our job? Our polices? Who?

3. A Nations economy is reflected by the nutritional state of the people over there, the type of Bus that they travel, the type of Road that is existing on its land, and how much less time that people of the nation think that the life is boring & waste.

4. We bother too much on the house that we live, and about the interiors in the house, but we never bother about the drainage and waste putting place beside our house. We bother too much on the bicycle or the bike or the car that we use but we never think about the bus that we travel its condition, comfort and the crowd inside. It is very much true that it is not possible to stay inside the house throughout our life and it is also true that it is not possible to use only our vehicle as the mode of transport always.

5. We the human beings never want to suffer from loss and it should not be, so there is a necessity to create a society in such a way that no one should suffer from loss and thus getting the pain and that is possible with VPA.

6. A man who works all the time throughout his life time will have only his hut as his life time property. Why it is so happening?

7. Health and Education indicators will become better only when it is available completely free, for a patient or for a student until the maximum level that is needed for them.

8. Richer cannot become richest, unless the poor becomes rich.9. Pouring hundred of crores of money in to the hands of poor will not eradicate the poverty. It is

like putting water in to the mouth of dyeing man.10. We assist the poor by giving green card, uniforms, rice at low cost etc; But for how long! When

is the end for it? When, these poor people will be able to lead the life independently on their own income.

11. If you give something free without thinking about how to get it back. You are pushing the nation and the people of the nation still more down.

12. There is a need to think about our family, if we are staying inside our house. There is a need to think about our place, if we are moving out of our house. There is a need to think about our nation and the world, if we are moving out of our place.

13. All of us should have the mind to love our place and thus our Nation, but we should never hate others. The hating mind will waste the useful time in a useless activity like hating, where as a loving mind will utilize the time in constructive activity.

1.9. Let us think beyond religion and politics‘Thinking about the nation is the present day need’.

1. Question… should we think about our society / our nation?

Ans.no.1. No, why should we think, first, let me think about my family.

Ans.no.2. Yes, we have to think about our nation.

2. Ans. 1. What is family?

Family consists of,

Our parents (elder generation);

Myself, and my wife (present generation).

Our children (future generation);

3. Our family,

Where do we live – in our house?

Where do we work – private / government?

How do we move – walk / car / bus.

Whom do we meet – our friends.

Where, our children study – school / college;

4. Our house,

If it is good – happy;

If it is not good – not happy;

How many people are having good houses? What about our surroundings? Electrical supply, water supply, still we enjoy our house. We have to.

5. Our work – private,

Do we get sufficient work?

Do we get correct payment?

Is the service – customer relationship is good. E.g. Doctor patient relationship.

Are we seeing smiling faces while paying bills?

6. Our work – government,

Is government is giving good salary/ facilities.

Why government officials receive illegal money.

Receiving so called illegal money is it correct or not.

7. Our movement,

Our journey – either on road / tract / air;

Do we really enjoy our journey?

Why it is maintained / constructed so badly.

8. Our friends.

Is all our friends are happy. May be doctors or any profession for that matter;

Are they don’t have, any problems?

9. Our children,

Are we getting the seat in the school / college that we opt?

Is the fees structure is affordable to our family.

10. So, our family,

Cannot function happily unless the nation gives the above facilities in adequate manner, so, shall we think about our nation?

11. My opinion,

I am happy about the present situation.

I am not happy about the present progress.

12. If the present progress continues,

Nothing will happen to our elder generation.

Nothing may happen to the present generation.

But, the sufferers are our future generation / our children.

13. So, what to do?

Our economy should improve.

14. But, how?

Economy, how to improve?

Should we welcome more & more capital?

Should we cut the present programmes?

Should we receive more loans, and continue to pay the interest only. (20-23% of the national income is going for paying the interest only.)

The answer is no.

15. Economy- what next?

Increase the economy by increasing the production.

16. Production comes from which segment?

Mainly by, agriculture & industry,

Other systems are supporting system for the smooth running of the society.

17. How to increase the production in these areas?

By utilizing the man power of the nation, i.e. our population effectively.

By utilizing the wealth of the nation effectively, example, the land.

18. How to utilize the man power effectively?

By, bringing the working man power together in each village;

They can do agriculture, industry, house construction, road construction, model village, hospital maintenance, forestry & others in their village limit.

19. How to utilize the national wealth, effectively?

Utilize all the land including government land and owners land. Now most of the government lands and some of the owners land are laying waste without any useful growth from it.

The working group in the village can effectively grow the crop from all the lands and finally the working people will get their share and owners will get their share including the government for its land.

The remaining days, apart from agricultural work, the same working force can effectively involve in constructing road, model village, forestry, road side fruit tree plantation, ect. So, all youth working people will get the job in their own village, so wasting days in searching the job and migration decreases.

To achieve these goals and to improve ourselves, we have to work together, forgetting the caste, religion, rich, poor, party and other, these should not be the obstacle in our progress. And it is the ‘time to think beyond Religion and it is the time to think beyond Politics’. And thus we can make ourselves productive and Our Nation in to a Developed Country.

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