Role Reversal

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Project on role reversal


Role ReversalProject 3

The idea of the project was to produce quick prototype and idea generation in order to produce a large body of work. Sometimes the first idea you have is the best and this will encourage instinctive responses to design briefs. The first task was to look back at previous research and come up with three alternative ideas. For previous research I had project 1 and 2. In project 1 I had researched the four words: Adapt, Erase, Facebook and Hierarchy. The project had focused on hierarchy however and I felt that there was still a lot more scope to look at in this area. In project 2 - design for green week, our final outcome was to be a short video about

Produce a body of work that was produced from development of

previous research. Choose a pathway of design for the work and use this community of practice to critically

analyse all the work.

Project Brief

unplugging a phone charger named Clyde. This covered only a small area of the research we had got and so there too was a vast area I could re delve into.

Prototype based on project 2 research. I felt it was a more fun way of getting people to turn off. The video involves two characters: Captain Turn Off a cape wearing, giant handed superhero who spends his whole life chasing down Phantom Energy. Phantom Energy is a wasteful ghost who goes around leaving on switches and generally being lame. Inspired by the door scene from scooby doo and matched with the theme tune from Benny Hill. Personally it makes me laugh so much.

Video can be seen at:

sure many people can’t be arsed to be energy efficient and this would connect with people in a light-hearted way, rather than a “JUST DO IT” way. It shows that you can feel good about turning power off, rather than just doing it to save the planet”

Charlie Sims (Ba Graphic Design, Kingston University, Yr2)

“This video is cool! The music really ties in well and goes with the fast-pace of the video. Its a good example of showing the reality of how people need to fight with themselves to ensure that energy is saved as so many people get used to leaving lights on etc. People need to fight with their inner “phantom”!/their habit of leaving power on and by doing this, they will have defeated the fact that so much energy goes to waste. The characters are really funny, especially phantom energy, he is truly evil! and its good that victory by Captain turn-off is celebrated at the end. I like how the video is fun as I’m

”It is amusing to watch however a bit homemade. I don’t think it’s clear that the ghost is “phantom energy” maybe introduce the characters in the beginning or at least show the phantom switching on the plugs. I don’t want to sound overly negative but what is it trying to tell us. Is it making us aware or telling us to act. Information at the end of the video may help to draw a conclusion to he video. I did enjoy it though.”

David Attinger (AttingerJack Advertising)

First Prototypes

First Prototypes

“This is really cool. I feel frustrated that the wolf goes back in. I want him to come all the way out. I think it’s clever but I didn’t really get the message until you explained it to me. Then I thought it was cool. Its also kind of horrific, its like something for PETA or Silence of the Lambs.”

Marina Gardener (Ba Architecture, Edinburgh YR4)

“What is this communicating?” Nigel Mills (Graphic Designer and Dad)

“I really like the drawing style! Its sketchy and keeps it ‘raw’ somewhat!! As an animation its good! I like how the wolf comes out of the person then pops back in. I like that its done different where the wolf squeezes out of the persons head like he’s popping out of his daily outfit! Rather than just having the person gradually change into a wolf. The way he edges out and pops back in is sneaky which is the aim for the video and is a good reflection of role-reversal”

Ruby King (Ba Graphic Design, Falmouth University, YR2)

- A tad harsh from the Nige when really I just wanted him to find it funny. Daddy issues or what. I can see his point as it was made by others when I asked for feedback. However I think that all it really needs is to be in context.

Video entitled “that was awkward” can be seen at:

This animation was following on from the Hierarchy section of my project 2 research. In my research I looked at multiple hierarchies in everyday life and for my final piece looked at the animal kingdom and the natural food chain. From this I considered the animal human relationship. Humans are higher up in the food chain and generally the more dominant. We wear animal skin so I thought it would be cute to have a role reversal of the wolf wearing a skin suit and maybe even living a human life. My dad’s feedback made me laugh.

First Prototypes

Based on Hells angels and also developed from the hierarchy section of Project 2. In celestial hierarchies at the bottom were fallen angels or hells angels. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to achieve. It could be an advert to join them, a message just with something like “tough as nails” on it. It may be nice to break down their bad guy image and learn something about them. These I made up but you get the message. There are plenty of stories about hells angels and gang cultures. Their image as the cool tough guys is bad because just like models and their weight young people admire them.

Break the stereotype

“Look at these guys! Its hilarious. I think the contrast between the person and their thoughts? words? Is interesting. I personally would like to know more about the gang life so maybe more of a series of cuts and scars they’ve obtained from there lifestyle or horror stories even, would be better. Not forcing ideas on you or anything. It reminds me of a ‘tough guys love animals’ campaign I’ve seen before.”

Ethen Carlin (Ba GMD, LCC, YR2)

“I can see where you are headed and I like it. Just wondering how you’re planning on getting close and friendly with a load of hairy bikers? I like the sentiment but don’t really like the execution. Looks like something off tumblr. “

Victoria Hart (Ba Fashion Journalism, UCA, Yr 2)

Community of practice

The community of practice is difficult because I have never felt completely inclined towards any. If I was to say what I enjoyed doing, it would be telling a story through an image, moving image or with words. I would say a combination of illustration, animation, advertising and narrative. For this projects sake I am going to say advertising as there are a few companies that I really admire.Whilst researching particular advert I often found that many of the adverts I liked were produced by the same companies.

Communities of practice what a great idea. I have chosen a few of my influences or most likely those I’m envious of. I can learn a lot from these practitioners. I enjoy their work because they function well. Their work is clear, concise, convey a clear message and are well executed. I need to start thinking about the message I want to convey with my designs.

“I actually didn’t know that these people were behind the ads. I suppose you don’t think about it. I can see the connection between the success in the design and the designer. These all seem to relate to your work. I don’t know if you can have other practitioners but your work or at least your drawings remind me of David Shrigley. I think because of the hand drawn feel of them and also his drawings have little stories in them. Just a thought really.”

Girl From Tutorial (GMD, LCC, YR2)

Freddie powell hollie walkerFreddie and Hollie met at Central Saint Martins in 2004. They landed their first job at Wieden + Kennedy straight out of college and have been producing award-winning work for the agency and it’s clients ever since.

They are a fully integrated team who have worked across a huge range of clients including Nike, Honda, Nokia, The Guardian and Cravendale. They’ve picked up awards at Cannes, D&AD, One Show and BTAA for both Cravendale and Nike

Wieden & kennedy

I have such a crush on this agency and have decided after looking into them to try and get an internship with them. I have read reviews and every single person raved about the experience and the opportunities to work with great clients.


They’re incredible. I also admire that they work as one. It must be nice to meet someone who appreciates the same things as you. Their adverts are enviable to say the least. On their website you can see the work that goes into making one of the adverts. It makes my filming in my room look a bit embarrassing. Anyway baby steps!


Juan CabralAlthough he has left Fallon now. Juan Cabral has worked on some of the all time greatest ads, include the cadbury’s gorilla advert.Cadbury was losing to galaxy, so they made the only chocolate brand dedicated to making you smile.‘Glass and a Half Full Productions’ was a series of campaigns spanning five years, designed to give people the same feeling of joy you get from eating Dairy Milk.

‘Gorilla’ is the most viewed ad on YouTube and the most awarded ad globally according to The Gunn Report.Gorilla was also the only ad to spend over 20 weeks in the US Ad Age viral chart despite never running on TV in that market.Over 300 mash-ups and at least 70 Facebook groups, enlisting over 50,000 fans into communities such as the ‘Cadbury Gorilla Appreciation Society’. ‘Eyebrows’ had 7.5m hits on YouTube and was taken into popular culture.Record revenue growth of 7% - their best for a decade. Global sales up 11%.


Dylan Williams/ Partner


Dylan Williams of advertising firm Mother London and Ekow Eshun, the artistic director of the Institute for Contemporary Arts is literally too cool for school. Looking through all their work its just memorable ads, one after the other I hear myself say “aaah that was a good one”. Its all really interesting. Mother also does the adverts for cancer research.

David Shrigley

Following up on the feedback from showing my animation in a tutorial. I decided to research David Shrigley. I would describe myself as a bit of a fan of his work so maybe that is why my stuff has a similar feel. He produces drawings, books, sculptures, animations and describes himself as a visual artist.

I’m not sure it is entirely appropriate but enjoyed looking at all his work for a couple of hours anyway. His work has a bit of a story or anecdote in it which is something I like to use too. I think it makes the design more interesting and adds depth. The same kind of depth created in tableau photography.


Video can be seen here for ‘In her shoes’

Moving on from my first prototypes I decided to follow on from the idea of role reversal. I was on skype and I asked my friend what her first thought was when I said role reversal. She wasn’t really concentrating and off the top of her head said “trannies”. I tried to draw a rough tranny animation but I didn’t like it/ it didn’t work/ it was terrifying.

Carrying on from ‘In her shoes’ I started to think about the relationship between men and women. Recently it was International women’s day which made me laugh. I thought it was a bit pathetic that we got a day as if that would happen for men. I never considered myself a feminist before. I can appreciate that men are better at certain things and that they do dominate most higher paid jobs. I just don’t understand why women complain. If you want to be in a high position in

a company go bloody do it and if they won’t “let you” then start your own company. I’ve never pitied my gender enough to be a feminist but what does annoy me is women’s inability to de single or not think about men. If I have to hear girls I know complain about being single one more time I swear I’m going to...So basically I’m a feminist in the sense that I don’t think you need to be in a relationship or need another person to make you whole. We’re all just

brainwashed from an early age by Disney and society. The second thing I dislike is that women all over the country are subjected to leering looks and verbal harassment whilst walking in the streets. For most women as soon as they leave the house they put their heads down and don’t make eye contact with anyone or prepare to be “charmed” by some pig. Since when was it socially acceptable to behave in this way. Woah rant over.

A powerful phrase which probably contradicts what most women think. Paired with a picture of a powerful and successful woman, Coco Chanel.

-It’s not clear that is Chanel so in hindsight I would either change the image to Gloria Steinem, have a Coco Chanel quote or just make not of it being Coco Chanel.



Fear and discomfort are only a few of the emotions you feel when being harassed on the street. Its time to make people wake up and see how they’re behaving.

These are captions from ‘Everyday sexism’ there are pages and pages of these. Its pretty close to me as my house mate was followed home by a young guy who threatened to rape her. My project has suddenly gotten very heavy hasn’t it?

I am going to design an advertisement for International women’s day or for one of the anti street harassment organisations.


On the subject of fear and discomfort this is where this project is heading. Ethen in heels. It carries on from “In her shoes’ Put rather than a pretty disgusting drawing of a nude guy in heels we have Ethen.

In her shoes

The plan is to have a picture of Ethen’s girly feet in heels and a “hey baby” then it zooms out to a shot of him sat on the bench. It will end with a message but I’m not certain what. Basically saying that they should think twice before cat calling. Cause it could be a man. ha.

I’m not entirely happy with this idea and from the feedback I have got it needs to be a bit more interactive. So I’m going to make a video as my final piece. Obviously including Ethen and his lovely pins.

I went out and gave my neighbours the scare of a life time by making Ethen walk down the street in heels. In a perfect role reversal I was the one to cat call. I contacted and am still waiting on a response from them. I did send it a bit late so probably my fault. I will be interested in their opinion though.

Role Reversal

“I want to but I can’t look away. It definitely grabs your attention. Its not everyday you see a man in heels. I agree with the message and like that its being drawn attention to in a not obviously feminist way. Basically its good that it isn’t aggressive.”

Angelica Lecart (BA PR, LCC YR2)

The end result was nearly as I intended. There were battles with the weather and my inability to keep a straight face. I think I would have liked to have saved the surprise of Ethen wearing heels for the end as he walked away. I think this will be an edit I will do in my own time. I would love to continue this project in my own time and have many more ideas for the future. I am going to set up a motion sensor in uni that when triggered cat calls. The short film was what I wanted but looking at it now it could have been a bit more serious. I would like to try out the sensor whilst filming peoples reactions. Without the humour and a more aggressive and invasive voice it may still be funny but in a different way. Hopefully it will be taken more seriously.


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