Research RR

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  • 7/30/2019 Research RR



  • 7/30/2019 Research RR



    In medicine, one's pulse represents the tactile arterial palpation of the heartbeat by trained

    fingertips. The pulse may be palpated in any place that allows an artery to be compressed against

    a bone, such as at the neck (carotid artery), at the wrist (radial artery), behind the knee (popliteal

    artery), on the inside of the elbow (brachial artery), and near the ankle joint (posterior tibial

    artery). The pulse can also be measured by listening to the heart beat directly (auscultation),

    traditionally using a stethoscope.

    In Physiology, the pulse is a decidedly low tech/high yield and antiquated term still useful at the

    bedside in an age of computational analysis of cardiac performance. Claudius Galen was perhaps

    the first physiologist to describe the pulse. The pulse is an expedient tactile method of

    determination of systolic blood pressure to a trained observer. Diastolic blood pressure is non-

    palpable and unobservable by tactile methods, occurring between heartbeats.

    Pressure waves generated by the heart in systole moves the arterial walls. Forward movement of

    blood occurs when the boundaries are pliable and compliant. These properties form enough to

    create a palpable pressure wave.

    The heart rate may be greater or lesser than the pulse rate depending upon physiologic demand.

    In this case, the heart rate is determined by auscultation or audible sounds at the heart apex, in

    which case it is not the pulse. The pulse deficit (difference between heart beats and pulsations at

    the periphery) is determined by simultaneous palpation at the radial artery and auscultation at the

    heart apex.

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    Pulse velocity, pulse deficits and much more physiologic data are readily and simplistically

    visualized by the use of one or more arterial catheters connected to a transducer and oscilloscope.

    This invasive technique has been commonly used in intensive care since the 1970s.

    The rate of the pulse is observed and measured by tactile or visual means on the outside of an

    artery and is recorded as beats per minute or BPM.

    The pulse may be further indirectly observed under light absorbance of varying wavelengths

    with assigned and inexpensively reproduced mathematical ratios. Applied capture of variances of

    light signal from the blood component hemoglobin under oxygenated versus deoxygenated

    conditions allows the technology of pulse oximetry.


    Normal pulse rates at rest, in beats per minute (BPM):

    Table 1


    (03 months)


    (36 months)


    (612 months)


    (110 years)

    Children over

    10 years and








    100 - 150 90120 80120 70 - 130 60 - 100 40 - 60

    The pulse rate can be used to check overall heart health and fitness level. Generally lower is

    better, but bradycardias can be dangerous. Symptoms of a dangerously slow heartbeat include

    weakness, loss of energy and fainting.

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    Pulse rates vary from individual to individual depending on factors such as fitness. Your

    pulse, simply put, is the number times your heart beats in one minute. It will go up during

    exercise and come down when you are resting. Knowing your pulse rate is important. A variation

    in your pulse rate can signal a health condition.

    The significance, a pulse rate can be useful for determining your fitness level and your

    overall health. A quick pulse rate may indicate that you are dehydrated. If your resting heart rate

    is usually above 100 beats per minute, this is called tachycardia, and it can indicate a health

    problem. A bounding or strong and forceful pulse can come along with a rapid pulse rate, or can

    occur separately. A bounding pulse can indicate that there is a fluid overload in the circulation,

    or it can occur with high blood pressure. You should seek medical attention if you have a pulse

    rate increase that's persistent, sudden or severe, advises the National Institutes of Health.

    But warning when a person has an unusually slow heart rate--below 60 beats per minute--

    and it's not due to a high fitness level, this is called bradycardia. This becomes a problem if the

    heart doesn't pump enough oxygen-rich blood to a person's body, advises the Mayo Clinic.

    People who have this condition may also feel faint, dizzy, weak confused or short of breath.

    People with bradycardia sometimes need pacemakers.

    A normal pulse rate varies depending on a person's age. The normal range for children

    older than 10 and adults of all ages is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Athletes have a normal range

    of 40 to 60 beats per minute. Kids ages 1 to 10 have a regular rate of 70 to 120 beats in a minute.

    Infants have the fastest normal pulse rates, at 100 to 160 beats per minute, according to the NIH.

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    The pulse may be measured at several points on the body where an artery is close to the

    skin. These include the wrist, back of the knees, neck, temple, groin and the top or inner side of a

    person's foot. When you find the pulse, count your beats for one minute. You also can count

    beats for 30 seconds and then multiply by two or count beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six

    to get your beats per minute. A person needs to rest for a minimum of 10 minutes before

    measuring a resting heart rate. The heart rate for exercising may be taken during the activity.


    Your pulse signals how fast your heart is pumping. The pulse is taken to ensure the heart

    is functioning properly and is also used as an indicator of general health. The normal pulse rate

    varies depending on age, but most adults should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

    A pulse is the number of times an individual's heart beats per minute. It is also known as

    the heart rate. The pulse can be taken at any point on the body where an artery passes close to the

    skin. These include the groin, temple, and top of the foot and back of the knee. However, the

    easiest and most common spots are the wrist and neck. To properly measure the pulse, place two

    fingers on one of these areas and count the beats for 30 seconds, then double that number. For a

    proper reading of your resting pulse rate, 10 minutes of rest is required prior to measuring.

    The normal range is Healthy resting pulse rates vary by age group. Newborn infants

    should have a range of between 100 and 160 beats per minute and children ages 1 to 10 should

    have a resting pulse between 70 and 120. Children over 10 and adults should have a resting pulse

    range between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Maximal heart rates can also vary, even among

    adults. To find your maximal heart rate, subtract your age from the number 220. Using this rule-

    of-thumb calculation, if you are 35, your maximal heart rate is approximately 185.

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    An individual's pulse rate is a good indicator of his overall health. A divergence either

    above or below the recommended range can be a factor or symptom of a medical condition. In

    serious and critical emergencies, pulse rates indicate that the heart is still working and pumping

    blood through the body. High pulses can indicate an infection or dehydration. Athletes can use

    pulse rates as a tool after exercise, the lower your heart rate the more physically fit you are.

    Poor Pulse Rates

    A high pulse, known as tachycardia, and a low pulse, known as bradycardia, may be

    signs of a health problem. If you are suffering from either of these conditions, you should consult

    your physcians. Irregular heart beat and a pulse that is very firm and lasts for several minutes

    should also be discussed. If it is hard to feel your pulse, it may indicate that the arteries are

    blocked. This is common in patients with diabetes and atherosclerosis.


    Pulse, or heart rate, is one way to objectively assess a woman's fitness level. Resting

    heart rate reflects a baseline level of fitness, and pulse during exercise reveals the capacity that

    your heart has to increase its performance. For an adult woman, an average pulse is between 60

    and 100 beats per minute. The actual pulse depends on many factors, however, which is why the

    normal range is so large.

    Heart rate is one measurement of physical fitness. A single measurement can be

    misleading, however, because individual heart rates vary greatly among women. Therefore, you

    should measure your pulse on a regular basis, both at rest and during exercise, to know what

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    your personal baseline is. Measuring heart rate recovery, or the speed at which your pulse returns

    to resting rate after exercise, is another objective measure of fitness.

    Depending on a woman's age, the normal 60 to 100 beats per minute changes. Female

    infants have a normal pulse range of 100 to 160 beats per minute, whereas female children

    between the ages of 1 and 10 have a normal range of 70 to 120 beats per minute, according to

    Medline Plus. Female athletes typically have lower pulses than the normal range, and adult

    athletes may have a rate as low as 30 beats per minute. Resting heart rate is your pulse when you

    are completely at rest, ideally taken after you have been sitting quietly for at least 15 minutes.

    Resting heart rate is in contrast to your heart rate during exercise, which can approach your

    maximum heart rate. A good rule of thumb for your maximal heart rate is 220 minus your age.

    Therefore, a woman aged 50 years has a predicted maximal heart rate of 170 beats per minute.

    Warning, Normal heart rates and predicted maximal heart rates are not perfect standards

    for comparison with your pulse. You should take your heart rate on a regular basis during both

    rest and exercise, to determine whether your pulse is changing in any significant way over time.

    If it does, you should consult your physician to identify the potential reasons that your pulse is


    Potentially, by consistently measuring youre resting, maximal and recovery heart rates,

    you can gain an objective and rather accurate assessment of your cardiovascular health. You

    should strive to maintain a heart rate just below your maximal heart rate during exercise. Over

    time, you will see that your resting heart rate will begin to decrease, as will your recovery time

    from exercise to resting pulse. These measurements would indicate that you are improving your

    overall fitness.

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    According to, a normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per

    minute. It is not uncommon for an athlete to have a resting heart rate between 40 to 60 beats per

    minute. A low resting heart rate may be indicative of a healthy cardiovascular system or it may

    signal the advent of heart disease. When the heart rate is over 100, it can be indicative of

    strenuous activity or illness.

    In order to keep adequate oxygenation of the muscles when working out, the heart has to

    beat faster. As the intensity of exercise increases, the respiratory rate increases to bring more

    oxygen into the system and the heart beats faster in order to transport that oxygen. recommends that people not exceed a moderate intensity workout that keeps

    the heart rate in between 75 and 80 percent of its maximum rate, which contributes to good heart


    Systemic illness can increase the heart rate. Fever increase the body's metabolism as it

    tries to fight off the disease. Increased metabolism requires increased oxygenation and nutrients,

    requiring the heart to beat faster. Fever also causes fluid loss through sweating, which is the

    body's natural way of eliminating excess heat. The heart pumps faster when the body is

    dehydrated. Drinking plenty of non-alcoholic liquids and using acetaminophen to bring the fever

    down can help lower the heart rate. states that other factors influence heart rate. Body size has a direct

    effect on heart rate. The more weight the body has to carry around, the harder the heart has to

    work to oxygenate the system. Emotions and stress can influence the heart rate. Stressful

    situations turn on the fight or flight system in the brain, and this increases the heart rate. A

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    meditative, peaceful state of mind can slow the heart rate. Air temperature, medications and body

    position can also influence heart rate.


    The human heart is an amazing muscle that pumps oxygenated blood to every cell and

    part of the body every second, minute and hour of the day. It never rests, but it can go through a

    variety of changes, increasing its pace under certain circumstances. Knowing what's normal and

    what's not helps individuals listen to their heart and their body and seek a doctor's advice if

    something doesn't seem quite right. Multiple factors may affect the heart rate of any individual,

    regardless of age, size or weight.

    Exercise causes exertion, which makes the muscles work harder. When the muscles work

    harder, they need more oxygen and nutrients for energy, which triggers the heart to beat faster to

    supply these things. Depending on a person's physical fitness, her heart rate may rise only a little

    or a lot. The human heart can beat more than 200 times per minute for those engaging in intense

    activities or exercise. If you feel lightheaded, out of breath or ill when exercising, or if you feel

    your heart is beating too rapidly, you may need to slow down and rest while the heart returns to a

    more normal beat. Talking to your doctor will help you determine your maximum safe heart rate.

    The American Heart Association suggests keeping within 50 to 80 percent of your maximum

    heart rate.

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    A person's heart rate is an effective indication of how healthy they are. Typical heart

    rates, according to, are between 60 and 100 beats per minute at a resting rate. A

    heart rate on the lower end of the range usually indicates a greater degree of cardiac efficiency

    and health. There are many factors that affect heart rate.

    Outside Temperature

    High temperatures can increase heart rates, according to Dr. Pete Pfitzinger, a physician

    and former runner who has extensively studied the physiology of human performance. When the

    temperature jumps to 75 from 60 degrees F, a person's heart rate will increase by two to four

    beats per minute. If the temperature rises from 75 to 90 degrees F, heart rate will rise by about 10

    beats per minute. High amounts of humidity also can increase heart rate up to 10 beats per

    minute. Pfitzinger suggests not doing any high intensity training on extremely hot days, as the

    mixture of heat and humidity, mixed with high amounts of training, can cause an unsafe increase

    in heart rate that can cause a heart attack.


    When the body suffers from a lack of water, the volume of blood inside decreases along

    with the amount of blood pumped with every heart beat. For every 1 percent of body weight lost

    from dehydration, the heart rate rises seven beats per minute. For example, if someone weighs

    175 lbs. and loses 5.25 lbs. through dehydration, their heart rate will increase by 21 beats per

    minutea dangerous amount. The best way to counterbalance the risks is to stay hydrated,

    especially on hot days when physical activity is being performed.

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    Time of Day

    Heart rate also changes based on whether it is morning, afternoon or evening. According

    to Pfitzinger, heart rate increases by an average of five to six beats per minute in the afternoon,

    but can rise by up to 10 beats per minute. The heart rate will increase slightly between the

    afternoon and evening as well.

    This means that if someone trains regularly, it is best to train in the morning, when heart

    rate is at its lowest. By doing this, they maximize the amount of cardiovascular exercise.

    Other Factors

    According to the, other factors that can influence someone's heart rate

    include body position, body size, medication use, level of fitness, activity level and emotions.

    Combinations of these factors can also cause the heart to beat faster or slower than average.

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    When you sleep, your heart rate works in a cyclical variation. This variation ranges from

    a minimal heart rate of 63 bps to a maximum of 67 bps, according to a study by researchers at

    the University of Cape Town in South Africa, and published in a 2003 issue of "Journal of Sports

    Medicine." Physical fitness and well-being have yet to be determined as variables that influence

    a significant change in heart rate cyclical variation.

    Cyclical Variation of Heart Rate

    Cyclical variation of heart rate describes an increase and decrease of your heart rate

    stages. Some factors include sudden arousal, also called apneas, or hypopneas -- the suspension

    of abnormal breathing and overly shallow breathing, respectively. It represents why you may

    have repeated autonomic arousals, even when you sleep. However, the clinical significance of

    these arousals in daytime sleepiness remains unknown.

    Heart Rate Arousals

    Heart rate arousals during sleep occur for several reasons; some cannot be explained. For

    example, a change in your EEG levels, electric activity present along the scalp, can represent one

    valid occurrence. There must be a specific amount of activity over a certain threshold for you to

    have an arousal for "no apparent reason," according to a study published in a 2007 issue of

    "Computers in Cardiology." When respiratory events leading to arousal occur, they cause a sharp

    rise in your heart rate when you awaken. When you fall asleep once more, your heart returns to

    normal, causing a new cycle to begin.

    Training Status and Sleep

    As you exercise regularly, you may notice a shift in your heart rate, which can lead to

    your heart performing at an optimal level. The "Journal of Sports Medicine" study found that

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    subjects, which self-reported physical activity and average sleep time, ranging from four to 12

    hours per week, and 5.5 to nine per night, respectively, had minimal heart rates ranging between

    36 to 65 bpm, and maximum heart rates varying between 82 to 116 bpm.

    Heart Rate Pattern Findings

    The "Computers in Cardiology" study concluded that an adult's cyclical variation of heart

    rate is frequent and easily quantifiable. An average of 60 events occurred, with the average heart

    rate increasing by 7 to 8 bpm, and the cyclical variation averaging 16 bpm. This finding suggests

    there is periodic activity activating the autonomic nervous system during sleep.

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    Normal sleep is an uninterrupted and unconscious resting time your body and mind need

    for seven to eight hours out of every 24. Sleep slows and relaxes your heart and circulatory

    system because your metabolic needs are lower. So predicting your normal sleeping heart rate

    depends on your normal waking heart rate. And all your hours of sleep are not alike, either.


    Dr. K. Krauchi, in a study reported in "Neuropsychopharmacology" (2001), detected an

    average drop from 64 to 52 beats per minute, about 8 percent, by the end of his subjects' gradual

    sleep onset. He also reported that the mere signaling of "lights out" to subjects started the drop.

    Researchers at the Abramson Center for Medical Physics at Tel Aviv University in Isreal, in

    2006, discovered that during sleep onset your body transitions between two different

    physiological states. Nerves that slow your heart are activated during sleep onset and nerves that

    speed your heart are suppressed.

    Subtracting 8 percent from your awake-resting heart rate approximates the drop that will

    begin at lights off and continue until you reach light, continuous sleep (stage 1).

    Later Stages

    Sleep progresses from stage 1 through stage 4--progressively deeper stages of physical

    relaxation--which occupy about 80 percent of your sleep time. During this time your heart rate

    continues at its lower rate and may slow a few percent more as relaxation deepens, metabolism

    slows and your body temperature drops slightly. Differences in age (seniors have progressively

    less stage 3 and 4 sleep), general physical condition, your metabolic response to your previous

    day's work level and other factors prevent exact predictions of further heart rate decreases during

    stage 1 through stage 4.

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    Twenty percent of the night, someone watching you sleep will see rapid-eye-movements

    (REM) under your sleeping eye lids--you're watching all the action fly by in your dreams. In

    REM sleep, your nervous system transitions to another physiological control state. Your heart

    rate and breathing are freed to vary widely and unpredictably and may even exceed waking

    norms. There is no "normal" heart rate in REM sleep.

    Normal sleep is a series of approximately 90-minute cycles from stage 1 through stage 4,

    followed by REM, then back to stage 1. As a result, your heart rate changes frequently all night.

    After a Heart Attack

    After a heart attack--a myocardial infarction (MI)--a patient's heart responds differently

    in sleep than before. It may not slow from its waking rates. According to Dr. Emilio Vanoli, in

    the Cardiovascular Disease Section, at the University of Oklahoma, the nerves that slow your

    heart are not activated during sleep onset, and the nerves that can speed your heart remain active.

    As a result, loss of calming influences leave a patient's heart more vulnerable during sleep,

    possibly explaining the higher incidence of heart attacks and death during sleep.

    Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a periodic upper airway closure (obstructive sleep apnea, OSA) or periodic

    absence of nerve impulses to breathe (central sleep apnea, CSA), which can occur from five to

    200 times an hour, most commonly during REM sleep, but possible in other stages, too. This

    sometimes causes severe oxygen deprivation, circulatory changes and heart stress along with

    changes in heart rates. The actual rate depends on factors such as previous MI, cardiac

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    medications, continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP) for OSA, oxygen

    administration and many others. No "normal" sleeping heart rate can be predicted in sleep apnea


    Does your heart rate increase when you dream?

    If you are wondering whether your heart rate went up while you had that crazy dream last

    night, the simple answer is yes. In fact, whether you have a good dream or a bad dream, your

    heart and breathing rate always increase during a dream cycle. Your first dream cycle will

    typically occur 70 to 90 minutes after you fall asleep, and you will have several throughout the


    Physical Changes

    A heart rate change while you are asleep is a clear indicator that you've entered a dream

    cycle. In fact, your heart rate, body temperature and breathing rate all speed up as you enter a

    dream cycle, according to "Dreams," by Mary Herd Tull and Amy Ning. Your heart rate is likely

    to vary throughout this cycle and may speed up as much as 35 percent for short periods.

    Dream Cycles

    Dreaming seems to take lots of energy, note Tull and Ning, because your body goes into

    another deep rest after each dream you have during the night. As the night goes on, each dream

    cycle and its subsequent physiological changes, such as a higher heart rate, lasts longer. Your

    first dream is likely to last eight to nine minutes, whereas your last dream can be an hour long.

    You are likely to have a total dream time of about two hours if you sleep for eight. If your dream

    cycle sleep is disrupted, however, your body won't follow the normal sleep cycle progression the

    next time you sleep. Instead, you may go directly into a dream cycle and have extended dream

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    cycle periods until you "catch up" on this stage of sleep, according to the National Institute of

    Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

    Mental Condition

    Your state of mind as well as your physical condition can affect your heart rate. This may

    be true even as you dream, says M. F. Madigan Jr., lead author of a study published in the

    journal "Perceptual and Motor Skills." In his study, Madigan found that angry Type-A men have

    greater heart-rate increases during their dream cycles than non-angry Type-B men.


    You can measure how much your heart rate changes during sleep with a heart rate

    monitor. Monitoring your heart rate may provide enough information to show what your

    breathing and sleep stages are throughout the night. In the past, sleep studies have used

    electrodes connected to a person's head and torso to monitor muscle activity, brain waves and

    eye movement along with heart rate. New information from the American Institute of Physics,

    however, theorizes that heart rate monitoring is all that is really needed. The newer sleep analysis

    method uses a mathematical technique to analyze synchronization between heartbeat and

    breathing. This technique may even provide a measure of cardio-respiratory fitness, which may

    be useful for athletes who want to optimize their workout routines and as a tool for choosing

    treatments for people with cardiac diseases, notes

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    Sleep to get the rest you need every night, but rest assured, your heart does not sleep. It

    slows down, a state called bradycardia, for part of the night, but may speed up, too. Your heart

    stays on alert, varying its rate for your body's changing needs in different sleep stages.

    Physicians at the Mayo Clinic define bradycardia as a heart rate under 50 beats per minute.

    Trained athletes and normal sleepers may safely drop that low.

    Falling Asleep

    When you lie down to sleep, your heart takes a break from pumping blood uphill from

    your feet, and from your heart to your head. Your body also uses less energy for balance and

    movement, slowing to meet lower energy demands. Your mind also sends a slow-down message

    to your heart. In 2001, Dr. Kurt Krauchi, reporting in "Neuropsychopharmacology," observed

    that heart rates in sleep-study subjects started to drop at the moment of a "lights out" signal.

    Overall, heart rate declines by about 8 percent from normal of about 72 beats per minute during

    sleep onset.


    You dream for about one-fifth to one-fourth of a normal night's sleep, a stage called

    rapid-eye-movement, or REM sleep, even if you don't remember it when you wake up. Your

    heart is released from its usual neurological and physiological controls during this time, and its

    rate varies unpredictably over a wide range above and below normal. The rate may vary because

    of the emotional content in your dreams.

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    Non-REM Sleep

    When you are not dreaming, during sleep stages 1 through 4, about 75 to 80 percent of

    normal sleep, your heart is under more direct nervous and metabolic control than in REM sleep.

    Your heart stays near its sleep-onset, 8 percent lower rate. But relaxation and neurological

    controls lower your body temperature during deepest sleep. Your heart rate may decrease by a

    few percent more. Sleep shifts through 90-minute cycles of stage 1 through 4 and REM all night.

    Your heart rate varies all night, and is also influenced by your physical conditioning and the kind

    of work you did all day.

    Heart Disease

    An injured heart does not respond in normal ways to sleep signals from your brain.

    Reporting in a 1995 edition of the journal "Circulation," a research team at the University of

    Oklahoma described heart rate changes they observed in sleeping patients after a heart attack.

    The normal slow-down signal transmitted through the vagus nerve became ineffective, allowing

    higher and more variable heart rates in sleep, unlike with normal subjects.

    Sleep Disorders

    If you use a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machine for obstructive sleep

    apnea, your heart rate is subject to other than normal influences. Some CPAP machines are

    prescribed with extra oxygen. This relieves your heart from speeding up in response to low

    oxygen levels. If your sleep apnea is only partially controlled, or you remove your mask during

    the night, your airway may re-obstruct as many as 200 times per hour, sending your heart rate to

    emergency high levels. With sleep apnea, your heart rate is highly variable.

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    A slow heart rate of 60 beats per minute or less is called bradycardia. It can be caused by

    problems with the heart's sinus node or problems with the electrical pathways in the heart. The

    condition results in a lack of blood flow to the brain, so symptoms include dizziness and fainting.

    Treatment options are limited. Doctors may implant a pacemaker to increase the heart rate. It's

    risky because it can lead to heart failure and high blood pressure.

    When to Seek Help

    You may not have an irregular heart beat just because your heart is beating faster or

    slower. It's normal for the heart to speed up during exercise and to slow down when you're

    resting. It's not normal, however, when you have additional symptoms such as dizziness or

    nausea. In those cases, you should seek attention from your doctor as soon as possible. If you are

    concerned about heart attack, call 911 or go to the emergency room.

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    Heart rate is controlled by electrical impulses sent throughout the heart muscle.

    Disruption to the electrical conduction system can alter the rate at which the heart beats.

    Tachycardia and bradycardia are abnormal heart rates.

    Normal Heart Rate

    The electrical impulse that generates a heart beat originates at the sinoatrial node, located

    in the right atrium. This node consists of the heart's pacemaker cells. These cells initiate a

    heartbeat at a rate of approximately 60 to 100 beats per minute when a person is at rest.


    Bradycardia occurs when the heart is unable to maintain a resting rate of at least 60 beats

    per minute. The heart's major function is to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. A

    slow heart rate limits this delivery capability and reduces oxygen transport. Because the body,

    and especially the brain, relies on a constant supply of oxygen for proper functioning, the Mayo

    Clinic says bradycardia can cause many symptoms. Dizziness, faintness, fatigue, shortness of

    breath and chest pain can all result from a slow heart rate. Bradycardia is common in aging

    people, those with known heart disease, and in people on certain medications, such as beta-

    blockers. In these people, the bradycardia is considered a pathological complication, meaning it

    results from a disease state, and therefore requires treatment. However, some people incur

    bradycardia due to the positive adaptation of the heart to exercise training. This type of

    bradycardia is termed physiological. Physiological bradycardia enhances oxygen delivery and

    indicates the heart has become a more efficient, stronger pump.

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    The term tachycardia refers to a resting heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute.

    Tachycardia is identified at rest, because an elevated heart rate is a normal response to exercise.

    Tachycardia causes a quivering of muscle in the atria or the ventricles rather than a strong,

    synchronized contraction. This quivering reduces the amount of blood ejected from each

    chamber per beat. The quivering associated with atrial tachycardia reduces the amount of blood

    sent to the ventricles, and could potentially stimulate the ventricles into a fast rhythm.

    Ventricular tachycardia is potentially fatal. It can rapidly progress to sudden cardiac arrest. If the

    ventricles quiver rather than contract uniformly, they're unable to deliver oxygen-rich blood to

    the body. The lack of oxygen causes cells to die off, including those of the heart muscle, and

    sudden cardiac arrest ensues.


    According to the text "ECG Interpretation for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist," the

    electrocardiogram (ECG) is the initial diagnostic tool used to identify bradycardia and

    tachycardia. In the event that a person doesn't have an abnormal heart rate at all times, a portable

    ECG is applied to the person, and heart rate recordings are monitored over a period of days.

    Additional testing to identify the cause, specific triggers and severity of the abnormal rhythm

    might be necessary. These can include tilt table testing, exercise stress testing and

    electrophysiological testing.


    In 2008, the American College of Cardiology published guidelines for the use of

    pacemakers in patients with bradycardia. The pacemaker prevents the heart rate from dropping

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    below a designated lower limit by taking over the job of the pacemaker cells if they fail to

    maintain the necessary rate for adequate oxygen delivery. The same guidelines indicate the use

    of a defibrillator for tachycardia patients. Defibrillators deliver an electrical shock that jolts a fast

    heart rate back to normal. It's used in the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest.

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