Religion Lesson - St Mary & St Pancras Primary School ...

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Religion Lesson Monday 18th May 2020

Week 5 Outline Foundation Subjects

Monday – Religion

Tuesday – Science

Wednesday – Geography

Thursday – Health

Friday – Design & Technology

Key Vocabulary

Why is the Mosque important for Muslims?

Learning Objectives:

In today’s lesson the children should:

• Learn about the mosque.

• Reflect on the significance of the mosque for Muslims and compare this to the importance of other holy buildings for other faiths.

Holy buildings Most religions have special buildings they can use to pray and learn in.

Today we are learning about the mosque!

What do all of these buildings have in common?

Prayer MatsMosques either have carpet with

individual prayer mats or Muslims take their own prayer mat to worship upon.

Qur’anThe Muslim holy book which is the

word of God. It is treated with great respect and placed on a special

wooden stand to be read.

Wash RoomMuslims must wash before entering the main hall.

Shoe RackA place to leave your shoes before entering.

Tasbih BeadsBeads hanging around the mosque for worshippers to help think about Allah.

MihrabAn alcove in the wall shows the

direction the worshippers need to face. This is the direction of Mecca in Saudi

Arabia, the most sacred Muslim place in the world.

MinaretMost mosques have at least one minaret which is a tall thin tower. A man stands at the top and calls Muslims to prayer.

Muslims go to mosque to pray and services are held every day. The most important weekly service is held on a Friday.

Many Muslims believe that praying with other Muslims can make you feel part of a family.

Inside a mosque there is often a school where people can learn the Arabic language. This is the language that the Muslim holy book is written in, the Qur’an.

Festivals, weddings and funerals can take place in mosques too.

Let’s look

• Lets take a look at some photos of a mosque.

• For a virtual tour of the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE click on the link below:

The Dome

The Dome

The Dome

Mihrab(the cut out in the wall to show the direction of Mecca)


Minbar(a short flight of steps used as a platform by a preacher in a



Minaret (a tower part of the Mosque with a balcony which a prayer

leader (muezzin) calls Muslim's to prayer)

Photo courtesy of DjordjeR ( - granted under creative commons licence – attribution


Prayer Hall

Prayer Hall

Wudu(the ritual of washing in preparation for

prayer and worship)

The Removal of Shoes

The Removal of Shoes


Mosque’s around the world

Activity – Pick one Option 1: Choose a place of worship (this could be a local place of worship or a famous place of worship you have seen inphotography) and draw a detailed picture of the outside of the building. Can you add labels to explain the features.It could be from any religion.

Activity – Pick one. Option 2

Great work!

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