
A Case Study Presentation

What is Red Bull Racing Can?

A Red Bull Global property specially for College Students.

A Remote Control Car built by using Red Bull Cans

THe fastest and Best Designed CAr gets a chance to Fly straight to Milton Keynes (HOme of Red Bull Racing) to Represent India in the World Finals

Campaign ObjectivesProject Objectives- To create buzz around Red Bull Racing Can activation and allow consumers to

participate online as well as at the actual on-ground event

Website Objective- Drive traffic & make it a one stop destination for fans and contestants to upload,

share & collect votes for their creativity

Social MEdia Objective- Acquire footfalls for the Red Bull Racing Can event as competitors or spectators- Invite people to learn more about Red Bull Racing Can- Attract the Engineering & college student fan base by ensuring methodical seeding

process- Provide content rich entertainment ( Videos & Still Images)

How did We drive Traffic


Microsite Look and Feel

This is where all the contestants got their Wings! The Voting & Sharing application decided the FINAL GRID positions for the Race

USer Experience

We designed a Micro-site for Racing Can, where contestants can upload pics, view other pics & also ask their friends to like it through Facebook Connect experience.

A ‘Share’ button was added to the Micro-site, for contestant to share their creation in turn to get their friends to vote for them.

Creating Buzz on Social Media

Facebook Events Page

Facebook played an integral part by being a great medium to reach out to the active fa base of Engineering, Automobile & Red bull fans across India. Created Awareness and excitement for red bull racing can on Facebook commented like India RC, Hobby central, india motor sports, gear heads, autocar india, and many other such sites

15,000 fans invited

4000+ fans attended

Promotion & Results

Fans posted Pics

Twitter: @InREDbull

#Redbullracingcan was crated and Tweeps were Motivated to Participate. We used Meet RBR driver & Visit to Milton KEynes As an incentive.

Twitter Engagement

Micro-seeding ActivityMicro-engaging with College students through Twitter

and keeping them updated on Racing Can

Inviting Engineering students & automobile enthusiasts across India to participate in their respective cities Sending IR’s to Enthusiasts, news portals, and blogs across India

Sending IR’s to Enthusiasts, news portals, and blogs across India

Macro-engaging with students & enthusiasts by content seeding in relevant communities, sites, forums, blogs

Inviting RC & Automobile enthusiasts to participate in the contest through relevant Facebook Groups & pages

Disucussion Forums

Website Stats

Micro Site - 6696 views ( - 35,500 views (

Social MEdia Stats

FB Events Invited - 15,000 : 4,000 fans Twitter - 119 Tweets : 74 Retweets

Participation Stats








Other Cities

0 75 150 225 300










Total 510 Registered

Photo 290 Uploads

Webtrends (4th July - 20th Aug)

Site Stats

Page Views: 35,500+Visits: 14,092Visit Durations: 7:42sec

BEst Moments

Videos Generated

Videos Generated

Videos Generated

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