Pseudo Apollodorus

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PSEUDO APOLLODORUS BIBLIOTHECAAPOLLODORUS INDEXTHE LIBRARY BOOK 11. Theogony, Birth of Zeus2. Theogony, War of the Titans. Theogony, O!y"#ian $o%s&. A#o!!o an% Arte"is'. (e"eter an% )erse#hone*. War of the $iants, Ty#hon+. )ro"etheus, (eu,a!ion, (aughters of Aeo!us -. Oeneus, .e!eager, Ty%eus/. 0ons of Aeo!us, .e!a"#us, A%"etus, )e!ias, the ArgonautsTHE LIBRARY BOOK 21. Io, the (anai%es2. )roetus, the )roeti%es. Be!!ero#hon&. )erseus, 0ons of )erseus, A"#hitryon, Birth of Hera,!es '. T1e!2e La3ours of Hera,!es*. Wars of Hera,!es+. The Hera,!ei%esTHE LIBRARY BOOK 1. Euro#a, .inos, )asi#hae2. 4atreus. $!au,us&. 4a%"us, 0e"e!e, A,taeon '. (ionysus, Antio#e, A"#hion,Zethus, Oe%i#us*. 0e2en Against The3es+. The E#igoni-. Ly,aon, 4a!!isto/. Auge, Ata!anta15. )!eia%es, Her"es, 4oronis,As,!e#ius, Le%a, 0uitors of He!en11. The (ios,uri 12. (ar%anus, I!us, )ria", Aea,us, Te!a"on 1. )e!eus an% Thetis 1&. 4e,ro#s, A%onis, Tereus 6 )ro,ne, Eri,hthonius1'. 4e#ha!us, Oreithyia, Eu"o!#us, Aegeus1*. TheseusTHE LIBRARY E)ITO.E1. Theseus ,ont. 2. Tanta!us, )e!o#s, Atreus. Tro7an War I Anteho"eri,a&. Tro7an War II The I!ia% '. Tro7an War III )ostho"eri,a*. Tro7an War I8 The Returns+. The O%yssey 6 Te!egoniaBOOK 1 OF THE LIBRARY, TRANSLATED BY J. G. FRAZER91.1.1: 0;y 1as the first 1ho ru!e% o2er the 1ho!e 1or!%.1An% ha2ing 1e%%e% Earth,he3egatfirsttheHun%re%e in the fa,e of "en, too; the s;in fro" her,a!!eging that it 3e!onge% to the" 3y right of 3irth if .e!eager %i% not ,hoose to ta;eit.91.-.:But.e!eagerinarages!e1thesonsof Thestiusan%ga2ethes;intoAta!anta. Ho1e2er, fro" grief at the s!aughter of her 3rothers A!thaea ;in%!e% the3ran%, an% .e!eager i""e%iate!y eC#ire%.But so"e say that .e!eager %i% not %ie in that 1ay,1 3ut that 1hen the sons ofThestius ,!ai"e% the s;in on the groun% that I#hi,!us ha% 3een the first to hit the3oar, 1ar 3ro;e out 3et1een the 4uretes an% the 4a!y%onians? an% 1hen .e!eagerha% sa!!ie% out1& an% s!ain so"e of the sons of Thestius, A!thaea ,urse% hi", an%he in a rage re"aine% at ho"e? ho1e2er, 1hen the ene"y a##roa,he% the 1a!!s,an% the ,iti>ens su##!i,ate% hi" to ,o"e to the res,ue, he yie!%e% re!u,tant!y to his1ife an% sa!!ie% forth, an% ha2ing ;i!!e% the rest of the sons of Thestius, he hi"se!ffe!! fighting. After the %eath of .e!eager, A!thaea an% 4!eo#atra hange% the"se!2es,an% the 1o"en 1ho "ourne% the %ea% "an 1ere turne% into 3ir%s.1'91.-.&: After A!thaea@s %eath Oeneus "arrie% )eri3oea, %aughter of Hi##onous. Theauthor of the The3ai% says that 1hen O!enus 1as sa,;e%, Oeneus re,ei2e% )eri3oeaas a gift of honor? 3ut Hesio% says that she 1as se%u,e% 3y Hi##ostratus, son ofA"aryn,eus, an% that her father Hi##onous sent her a1ay fro" O!enus in A,haia toOeneus, 3e,ause he %1e!t far fro" $ree,e, 1ith an in7un,tion to #ut her to %eath.1*91.-.': Ho1e2er, so"e say that Hi##onous %is,o2ere% that his %aughter ha% 3een%e3au,he% 3y Oeneus, an% therefore he sent her a1ay to hi" 1hen she 1as 1ith,hi!%. By her Oeneus 3egat Ty%eus. But )isan%er says that the "other of Ty%eus1as $orge, for Zeus 1i!!e% it that Oeneus shou!% fa!! in !o2e 1ith his o1n%aughter.1+When Ty%eus ha% gro1n to 3e a ga!!ant "an he 1as 3anishe% for ;i!!ing, as so"esay, A!,athous, 3rother of Oeneus? 3ut a,,or%ing to the author of the A!,"aeoni%his 2i,ti"s 1ere the sons of .e!as 1ho ha% #!otte% against Oeneus, their na"es3eing)heneus, Eurya!us, Hy#er!aus, Antio,hus, Eu"e%es, 0terno#s, Kanthi##us,0thene!aus? 3ut as )here,y%es 1i!! ha2e it, he "ur%ere% his o1n 3rotherO!enias.1- Being arraigne% 3y Agrius, he f!e% to Argos an% ,a"e to A%rastus, 1hose%aughter (ei#y!e he "arrie% an% 3egat (io"e%es.Ty%eus"ar,he%againstThe3es1ithA%rastus,1/ an%%ie%of a1oun%1hi,hhere,ei2e% at the han% of .e!ani##us.91.-.*:Butthesonsof Agrius,to1it,Thersites,On,hestus,)rothous,4e!eutor,Ly,o#eus, .e!ani##us, 1reste%the;ing%o"fro"Oeneus an%ga2eit totheirfather, an% "ore than that they i"#risone% Oeneus in his !ifeti"e an% tor"ente%hi".1&5 Be2erthe!ess (io"e%es after1ar%s ,a"e se,ret!y 1ith A!,"aeon fro" Argosan% #ut to %eath a!! the sons of Agrius, eC,e#t On,hestus an% Thersites, 1ho ha%f!e% 3eti"es to )e!o#onnese? an% as Oeneus 1as o!%, (io"e%es ga2e the ;ing%o"to An%rae"on 1ho ha% "arrie% the %aughter of Oeneus, 3ut Oeneus hi"se!f hetoo; 1ith hi" to )e!o#onnese. Ho13eit, the sons of Agrius, 1ho ha% "a%e theires,a#e, !ay in 1ait for the o!% "an at the hearth of Te!e#hus in Ar,a%ia, an% ;i!!e%hi". But (io"e%es ,on2eye% the ,or#se to Argos an% 3urie% hi" in the #!a,e 1hereno1 a ,ity is ,a!!e% Oenoe after hi".1&1 An% ha2ing "arrie% Aegia!ia, %aughter ofA%rastus or, as so"e say, of Aegia!eus, he 1ent to the 1ars against The3es an%Troy.91./.1:Of the sons of Aeo!us, Atha"as ru!e% o2er Boeotia an% 3egat a son )hriCusan% a %aughter He!!e 3y Be#he!e.1&2 An% he "arrie% a se,on% 1ife, Ino, 3y 1ho" heha% Lear,hus an% .e!i,ertes. But Ino #!otte% against the ,hi!%ren of Be#he!e an%#ersua%e% the 1o"en to #ar,h the 1heat? an% ha2ing got the 1heat they %i% so1ithout the ;no1!e%ge of the "en. But the earth, 3eing so1n 1ith #ar,he% 1heat,%i% not yie!% its annua! ,ro#s? so Atha"as sent to (e!#hi to inHuire ho1 he "ight3e %e!i2ere% fro" the %earth. Bo1 Ino #ersua%e% the "essengers to say it 1asforeto!%thattheinferti!ity 1ou!% ,ease if)hriCus1ere sa,rifi,e% toZeus.WhenAtha"as hear% that, he 1as for,e% 3y the inha3itants of the !an% to 3ring )hriCusto the a!tar. But Be#he!e ,aught hi" an% her %aughter u# an% ga2e the" a ra"1ith a go!%en f!ee,e, 1hi,h she ha% re,ei2e% fro" Her"es, an% 3orne through thes;y 3y the ra" they ,rosse% !an% an% sea. But 1hen they 1ere o2er the sea 1hi,h!ies3et1iCt 0igeu"an%the4hersonese, He!!es!i##e%intothe%ee#an%1as%ro1ne%, an%thesea1as,a!!e%He!!es#ontafterher.But)hriCus,a"etothe4o!,hians, 1hose ;ing 1as Aeetes, son of the 0un an% of )erseis, an% 3rother of4ir,e an% )asi#hae, 1ho" .inos "arrie%. He re,ei2e% )hriCus an% ga2e hi" one ofhis %aughters, 4ha!,io#e. An% )hriCus sa,rifi,e% the ra" 1ith the go!%en f!ee,e toZeus the go% of Es,a#e, an% the f!ee,e he ga2e to Aeetes, 1ho nai!e% it to an oa; inagro2eof Ares. An%)hriCusha%,hi!%ren3y4ha!,io#e, to1it, Argus, .e!as,)hrontis, an% 4ytisorus.91./.2: But after1ar%s Atha"as 1as 3ereft a!so of the ,hi!%ren of Ino through the1rath of Hera? for he 1ent "a% an% shot Lear,hus 1ith an arro1, an% Ino ,astherse!f an% .e!i,ertes into the sea.1& Being 3anishe% fro"Boeotia, Atha"asinHuire%of thego%1hereheshou!%%1e!!, an%onre,ei2inganora,!ethatheshou!% %1e!! in 1hate2er #!a,e he shou!% 3e entertaine% 3y 1i!% 3easts, hetra2erse% a great eCtent of ,ountry ti!! he fe!! in 1ith 1o!2es that 1ere %e2ouring#ie,es of shee#? 3ut 1hen they sa1 hi" they a3an%one% their #rey an% f!e%. 0oAtha"as sett!e% inthat,ountryan%na"e% itAtha"antiaafterhi"se!f?an%he"arrie% The"isto, %aughter of Hy#seus,1&& an% 3egat Leu,on, Erythrius, 0,hoeneus,an% )tous.91./.: An% 0isy#hus, son of Aeo!us, foun%e% E#hyra, 1hi,h is no1,a!!e%4orinth,1&' an% "arrie% .ero#e, %aughter of At!as. They ha% a son $!au,us, 1hoha% 3y Eury"e%e a son Be!!ero#hon, 1ho s!e1 the fire 3reathing 4hi"era.1&* But0isy#hus is #unishe% in Ha%es 3y ro!!ing a stone 1ith his han%s an% hea% in theeffort to hea2e it o2er the to#? 3ut #ush it as he 1i!!, it re3oun%s 3a,;1ar%.1&+ This#unish"ent he en%ures for the sa;e of Aegina, %aughter of Aso#us? for 1hen Zeusha% se,ret!y ,arrie% her off, 0isy#hus is sai% to ha2e 3etraye% the se,ret to Aso#us,1ho 1as !oo;ing for her.91./.&: (eion reigne% o2er )ho,is an% "arrie% (io"e%e, %aughter of Kuthus? an%there 1ere 3orn to hi" a %aughter, Astero%ia, an% sons, Aenetus, A,tor, )hy!a,us,an% 4e#ha!us, 1ho "arrie% )ro,ris, %aughter of Ere,htheus.1&- But after1ar%s (a1nfe!! in !o2e 1ith hi" an% ,arrie% hi" off.91./.': )erieres too; #ossession of .essene an% "arrie% $orgo#hone, %aughter of)erseus, 3y 1ho" he ha% sons, to 1it, A#hareus an% Leu,i##us,1&/ an% Tyn%areus,an%a!soI,arius. But"anysaythat)erieres1asnotthesonof Aeo!us3utof4ynortas, son of A"y,!as1'5? so 1e sha!! narrate the history of the %es,en%ants of)erieres in %ea!ing 1ith the fa"i!y of At!as.91./.*: .agnes "arrie% a Baia% ny"#h, an% sons 1ere 3orn to hi", )o!y%e,tes an%(i,tys? these ,o!oni>e% 0eri#hus.91./.+: 0a!"oneus at first %1e!t in Thessa!y, 3ut after1ar%s he ,a"e to E!is an%there foun%e% a ,ity.1'1 An% 3eing arrogant an% 1ishfu! to #ut hi"se!f on an eHua!ity1ith Zeus, he 1as #unishe% for his i"#iety? for he sai% that he 1as hi"se!f Zeus,an%hetoo;a1aythesa,rifi,esof thego%an%or%ere%the"to3eoffere%tohi"se!f? an% 3y %ragging %rie% hi%es, 1ith 3ron>e ;ett!es, at his ,hariot, he sai%that hethun%ere%, an%3yf!inging!ighte%tor,hesat thes;yhesai%that he!ightene%. But Zeus stru,; hi" 1ith a thun%er3o!t, an% 1i#e% out the ,ity he ha%foun%e% 1ith a!! its inha3itants.1'291./.-: Bo1Tyro, %aughter of 0a!"oneus an% A!,i%i,e, 1as 3rought u# 3y4retheus, 3rother of 0a!"oneus, an% ,on,ei2e% a #assion for the ri2er Eni#eus, an%often 1ou!% she hie to its running 1aters an% utter her #!aint to the". But )osei%onin the !i;eness of Eni#eus !ay 1ith her,1' an% she se,ret!y ga2e 3irth to t1in sons,1ho" she eC#ose%. As the 3a3es !ay for!orn, a "are, 3e!onging to so"e #assinghorse;ee#ers, ;i,;e% 1ith its hoof one of the t1o infants an% !eft a !i2i% "ar; on itsfa,e. The horse;ee#er too; u# 3oth the ,hi!%ren an% reare% the"? an% the one 1iththe !i2i% D#e!ionE "ar; he ,a!!e% )e!ias, an% the other Be!eus.1'& When they 1eregro1nu#, they%is,o2ere%their"otheran%;i!!e%theirste#"other0i%ero. Aor;no1ing that their "other 1as i!!ens. Fasonans1ere%, 1hether at ha#ha>ar%or instigate%3ytheangryHerainor%er that.e%ea shou!% #ro2e a ,urse to )e!ias, 1ho %i% not honor Hera, II 1ou!% ,o""an%hi",J sai% he, Ito 3ring the $o!%en A!ee,e.J Bo sooner %i% )e!ias hear that than he3a%ehi"goinHuest of thef!ee,e. Bo1it 1asat 4o!,hisinagro2eof Ares,hanging on an oa; an% guar%e% 3y a s!ee#!ess %ragon.1+&0enttofet,hthef!ee,e,Fason,a!!e%inthehe!#of Argus,sonof )hriCus?an%Argus, 3y Athena@s a%2i,e, 3ui!t a shi# of fifty oars na"e% Argo after its 3ui!%er?an% at the #ro1 Athena fitte% in a s#ea;ing ti"3er fro" the oa; of (o%ona.1+' Whentheshi#1as3ui!t, an%heinHuire%of theora,!e, thego%ga2ehi"!ea2etoasse"3!e the no3!es of $ree,e an% sai! a1ay. An% those 1ho asse"3!e% 1ere asfo!!o1s1+*= Ti#hys, son of Hagnias, 1ho steere% the shi#? Or#heus, son of Oeagrus?Zetes an% 4a!ais, sons of Boreas? 4astor an% )o!!uC, sons of Zeus? Te!a"on an%)e!eus, sons of Aea,us? Her,u!es, son of Zeus? Theseus, son of Aegeus? I%as an%Lyn,eus, sons of A#hareus? A"#hiaraus, son of Oi,!es? 4aeneus, son of 4oronus?)a!ae"on, son of He#haestus or of Aeto!us? 4e#heus, son of A!eus? Laertes son ofAr,isius? Auto!y,us, son of Her"es? Ata!anta, %aughter of 0,hoeneus? .enoetius,sonof A,tor?A,tor,sonof Hi##asus?A%"etus, sonof )heres?A,astus, sonof)e!ias? Eurytus, son of Her"es? .e!eager, son of Oeneus? An,aeus, son ofLy,urgus?Eu#he"us,sonof )osei%on?)oeas,sonof Thau"a,us?Butes, sonofTe!eon? )hanus an% 0ta#hy!us, sons of (ionysus? Erginus, son of )osei%on?)eri,!y"enus, sonofBe!eus? Augeas, sonofthe 0un? I#hi,!us,son of Thestius?Argus, sonof )hriCus?Eurya!us, sonof .e,isteus?)ene!eos, sonof Hi##a!"us?Leitus, son of A!e,tor? I#hitus, son of Bau3o!us? As,a!a#hus an% Ia!"enus, sons ofAres? Asterius, son of 4o"etes? )o!y#he"us, son of E!atus.91./.1+: These 1ith Fason as a%"ira! #ut to sea an% tou,he% at Le"nos.1++ At thatti"eit ,han,e%that Le"nos 1as 3ereft of "enan%ru!e%o2er 3yaHueen,Hy#si#y!e,%aughter ofThoas,the reason of1hi,h 1asasfo!!o1s.TheLe"nian1o"en%i%not honor A#hro%ite, an%she2isite%the"1ithanoiso"es"e!!?therefore their s#ouses too; ,a#ti2e 1o"en fro" the neigh3oring ,ountry of Thra,ean%3e%%e%1iththe". Thus %ishonore%, theLe"nian1o"en"ur%ere%theirfathers an% hus3an%s, 3ut Hy#si#y!e a!one sa2e% her father Thoas 3y hi%ing hi".0oha2ing#ut intoLe"nos, at that ti"eru!e%3y1o"en, theArgonautsha%inter,ourse1iththe1o"en, an%Hy#si#y!e3e%%e%1ithFasonan%3oresons,Euneus an% Be3ro#honus.91./.1-: An% after Le"nos they !an%e% a"ong the (o!iones, of 1ho" 4y>i,us 1as;ing.1+- He re,ei2e% the" ;in%!y. But ha2ing #ut to sea fro" there 3y night an% "et1ith ,ontrary 1in%s, they !ost their 3earings an% !an%e% again a"ong the (o!iones.Ho1e2er, the (o!iones, ta;ing the" for a )e!asgian ar"y Dfor they 1ere ,onstant!yharasse% 3y the )e!asgiansE, 7oine% 3att!e 1ith the" 3y night in "utua! ignoran,eof ea,h other. The Argonauts s!e1 "any an% a"ong the rest 4y>i,us? 3ut 3y %ay,1hen they ;ne1 1hat they ha% %one, they "ourne% an% ,ut off their hair an% ga2e4y>i,usa,ost!y3uria!1+/?an%afterthe3uria! theysai!e%a1ayan%tou,he%at.ysia.1-591./.1/: There they !eft Her,u!es an% )o!y#he"us. Aor Hy!as, son of Thio%a"as, a"inion of Her,u!es, ha% 3een sent to %ra1 1ater an% 1as ra2ishe% a1ay 3y ny"#hson a,,ount of his3eauty.1-1 But )o!y#he"us hear%hi" ,ry out, an% %ra1ing hiss1or% ga2e ,hase in the 3e!ief that he 1as 3eing ,arrie% off 3y ro33ers. Aa!!ing in1ith Her,u!es, he to!% hi"? an% 1hi!e the t1o 1ere see;ing for Hy!as, the shi# #uttosea. 0o)o!y#he"us foun%e%a ,ity4ius in.ysiaan%reigne%as;ing1-2?3utHer,u!es returne% to Argos. Ho1e2er Hero%orus says that Her,u!es %i% not sai! ata!! at that ti"e, 3ut ser2e% as a s!a2e at the ,ourt of O"#ha!e. But )here,y%es saysthat he1as!eft 3ehin%at A#hetaeinThessa!y,theArgoha2ing%e,!are%1ithhu"an2oi,ethat she,ou!%not 3ear his 1eight. Be2erthe!ess (e"aratus hasre,or%e% that Her,u!es sai!e% to 4o!,his? for (ionysius e2en affir"s that he 1as the!ea%er of the Argonauts.1-91./.25: Aro" .ysia they %e#arte% to the !an% of the Be3ry,es, 1hi,h 1as ru!e% 3yKing A"y,us, son of )osei%on an% a Bithynian ny"#h.1-& Being a %oughty "an he,o"#e!!e% the strangers that !an%e% to 3oC an% in that 1ay "a%e an en% of the".0o going to the Argo as usua!, he ,ha!!enge% the 3est "an of the ,re1 to a 3oCing"at,h. )o!!uCun%ertoo;to3oCagainst hi"an%;i!!e%hi"1itha3!o1onthee!3o1. When the Be3ry,es "a%e a rush at hi", the ,hiefs snat,he% u# their ar"san% #ut the" to f!ight 1ith great s!aughter.91./.21: Then,e they #ut to sea an% ,a"e to !an% at 0a!"y%essus in Thra,e, 1here%1e!t )hineus, a seer 1ho ha% !ost the sight of 3oth eyes.1-' 0o"e say he 1as a sonof Agenor,1-* 3ut others that he 1as a son of )osei%on, an% he is 2arious!y a!!ege% toha2e 3een 3!in%e% 3y the go%s for forete!!ing "en the future? or 3y Boreas an% theArgonauts 3e,ause he 3!in%e% his o1n sons at the instigation of their ste#"other1-+?or 3y )osei%on, 3e,ause he re2ea!e% to the ,hi!%ren of )hriCus ho1 they ,ou!% sai!fro" 4o!,his to $ree,e. The go%s a!so sent the Har#ies to hi". These 1ere 1inge%fe"a!e ,reatures, an% 1hen a ta3!e 1as !ai% for )hineus, they f!e1 %o1n fro" thes;y an% snat,he% u# "ost of the 2i,tua!s, an% 1hat !itt!e they !eft stan; so thatno3o%y ,ou!% tou,h it. When the Argonauts 1ou!% ha2e ,onsu!te% hi" a3out the2oyage, he sai% that he 1ou!% a%2ise the" a3out it if they 1ou!% ri% hi" of theHar#ies. 0o the Argonauts !ai% a ta3!e of 2ian%s 3esi%e hi", an% the Har#ies 1ith ashrie;su%%en!y#oun,e%%o1nan%snat,he%a1aythefoo%. WhenZetes an%4a!ais, the sons of Boreas, sa1 that, they %re1 their s1or%s an%, 3eing 1inge%,#ursue% the" through the air. Bo1 it 1as fate% that the Har#ies shou!% #erish 3ythe sons of Boreas, an% that the sons of Boreas shou!% %ie 1hen they ,ou!% not,at,h u# a fugiti2e. 0o the Har#ies 1ere #ursue% an% one of the" fe!! into the ri2erTigres in )e!o#onnese, the ri2er that is no1 ,a!!e% Har#ys after her? so"e ,a!! herBi,othoe, 3ut others Ae!!o#us. But theother,na"e%O,y#eteor,a,,or%ingtoothers, O,ythoeD3utHesio%,a!!sherO,y#o%eE1-- f!e%3ythe)ro#ontisti!! she,a"etotheE,hina%ianIs!an%s,1hi,hareno1,a!!e%0tro#ha%esafterher?for1hen she ,a"e to the" she turne% Destra#heE an% 3eing at the shore fe!! for 2ery1eariness 1ith her #ursuer. But A#o!!onius in the Argonauti,a says that the Har#ies1ere #ursue% to the 0tro#ha%es Is!an%s an% suffere% no har", ha2ing s1orn anoath that they 1ou!% 1rong )hineus no "ore.1-/91./.22: Being ri% of the Har#ies, )hineus re2ea!e% to the Argonauts the ,ourse oftheir 2oyage, an% a%2ise% the" a3out the 4!ashing Ro,;s1/5 in the sea. These 1erehuge,!iffs, 1hi,h, %ashe%together 3ythefor,eof the1in%s, ,!ose%thesea#assage. Thi,; 1as the "ist that s1e#t o2er the", an% !ou% the ,rash, an% it 1asi"#ossi3!e for e2en the 3ir%s to #ass 3et1een the". 0o he to!% the" to !et f!y a%o2e3et1eenthero,;s, an%, if theysa1it #asssafethrough, tothrea%thenarro1s 1ith an easy "in%, 3ut if they sa1 it #erish, then not to for,e a #assage.When they hear% that, they #ut to sea, an% on nearing the ro,;s !et f!y a %o2e fro"the #ro1, an% as she f!e1 the ,!ash of the ro,;s ni##e% off the ti# of her tai!. 0o,1aitingti!! thero,;sha%re,oi!e%,1ithhar%ro1ingan%thehe!#of Hera,they#asse%through,theeCtre"ity oftheshi#@s orna"ente%#oo#3eingshorna1ayright roun%. Hen,eforth the 4!ashing Ro,;s stoo% sti!!? for it 1as fate% that, so soonas a shi# ha% "a%e the #assage, they shou!% ,o"e to rest ,o"#!ete!y.91./.2: TheArgonautsno1arri2e%a"ongthe.arian%ynians, an%thereKingLy,us re,ei2e% the" ;in%!y.1/1 There %ie% I%"on the seer of a 1oun% inf!i,te% 3y a3oar1/2? an% there too %ie% Ti#hys, an% An,aeus un%ertoo; to steer the shi#.1/An% ha2ing sai!e% #ast the Ther"o%on an% the 4au,asus they ,a"e to the ri2er)hasis, 1hi,h is in the 4o!,hian !an%.1/& When the shi# 1as 3rought into #ort, Fasonre#aire% to Aeetes, an% setting forth the ,harge !ai% on hi" 3y )e!ias in2ite% hi" togi2e hi" the f!ee,e. The other #ro"ise% to gi2e it if sing!eenen Ra,e, others that he 1as gi2ento .inos 3y He#haestus? he 1as a 3ra>en "an, 3ut so"e say that he 1as a 3u!!. Heha%asing!e2eineCten%ingfro"his ne,;tohisan;!es, an%a 3ron>e nai! 1asra""e% ho"e at the en% of the 2ein. This Ta!os ;e#t guar%, running roun% theis!an%thri,ee2ery%ay?1herefore,1henhesa1theArgostan%inginshore,he#e!te% it as usua! 1ith stones. His %eath 1as 3rought a3out 3y the 1i!es of .e%ea,1hether, as so"e say, she %ro2e hi" "a% 3y %rugs, or, as others say, she #ro"ise%to "a;e hi" i""orta! an% then %re1 out the nai!, so that a!! the i,hor gushe% outan% he %ie%. But so"e say that )oeas shot hi" %ea% in the an;!e.After tarryingasing!enight therethey#ut intoAeginato%ra11ater,an%a,ontest arosea"ongthe",on,erningthe%ra1ingof the1ater.21 Then,etheysai!e% 3et1iCt Eu3oea an% Lo,ris an% ,a"e to Io!,us, ha2ing ,o"#!ete% the 1ho!e2oyage in four "onths.91./.2+: Bo1 )e!ias, %es#airing of the return of the Argonauts, 1ou!% ha2e ;i!!e%Aeson?3ut hereHueste%to3ea!!o1e%tota;ehiso1n!ife, an%inofferingasa,rifi,e%ran;free!yof the3u!!@s3!oo%an%%ie%.21& An%Fason@s"other,urse%)e!iasan%hange%herse!f,21' !ea2ing3ehin%aninfantson)ro"a,hus?3ut)e!iass!e1 e2en the son 1ho" she ha% !eft 3ehin%.21* On his return Fason surren%ere% thef!ee,e, 3ut though he !onge% to a2enge his 1rongs he 3i%e% his ti"e. At that ti"ehe sai!e% 1ith the ,hiefs to the Isth"us an% %e%i,ate% the shi# to )osei%on, 3utafter1ar%s he eChorte%.e%eato%e2ise ho1he ,ou!%#unish)e!ias. 0oshere#aire% to the #a!a,e of )e!ias an% #ersua%e% his %aughters to "a;e "in,e "eatof their father an% 3oi! hi", #ro"ising to "a;e hi" young again 3y her %rugs? an%to 1in their ,onfi%en,e she ,ut u# a ra" an% "a%e it into a !a"3 3y 3oi!ing it. 0othey 3e!ie2e% her, "a%e "in,e "eat of their father an% 3oi!e% hi".21+ But A,astus3urie% his father 1ith the he!# of the inha3itants of Io!,us, an% he eC#e!!e% Fasonan% .e%ea fro" Io!,us.91./.2-: They 1ent to 4orinth, an% !i2e% there ha##i!y for ten years, ti!! 4reon, ;ingof 4orinth, 3etrothe% his %aughter $!au,e to Fason, 1ho "arrie% her an% %i2or,e%.e%ea. But shein2o;e%thego%s3y1ho"Fasonha%s1orn, an%after oftenu#3rai%ing hi" 1ith his ingratitu%e she sent the 3ri%e a ro3e stee#e% in #oison,1hi,h 1hen $!au,e ha% #ut on, she 1as ,onsu"e% 1ith fier,e fire a!ong 1ith herfather,1ho1enttoherres,ue.21-But .er"erusan%)heres, the,hi!%ren1ho".e%eaha%3yFason, she;i!!e%, an%ha2inggot fro"the0una,ar%ra1n3y1inge% %ragons she f!e% on it to Athens.21/ Another tra%ition is that on her f!ight she!eft 3ehin% her ,hi!%ren, 1ho 1ere sti!! infants, setting the" as su##!iants on thea!tar of Hera of the Height? 3ut the 4orinthians re"o2e% the" an% 1oun%e% the"to %eath.225.e%ea ,a"e to Athens, an% 3eing there "arrie% to Aegeus 3ore hi" a son .e%us.After1ar%s, ho1e2er,#!ottingagainst Theseus, she1as %ri2enafugiti2efro"Athens1ithherson.221 Buthe,onHuere%"any3ar3ariansan%,a!!e%the1ho!e,ountry un%er hi" .e%ia,222 an% "ar,hing against the In%ians he "et his %eath.An% .e%ea ,a"e un;no1n to 4o!,his, an% fin%ing that Aeetes ha% 3een %e#ose% 3yhis 3rother )erses, she ;i!!e% )erses an% restore% the ;ing%o" to her father.22BOOK 2 OF THE LIBRARY, TRANS. BY J. G. FRAZER92.1.1: Ha2ing no1 gone through the fa"i!y of (eu,a!ion, 1e ha2e neCt to s#ea; ofthat of Ina,hus.1 O,ean an% Tethys ha% a son Ina,hus, after 1ho" a ri2er in Argosis,a!!e%Ina,hus. Hean%.e!ia, %aughter of O,ean, ha%sons, )horoneus, an%Aegia!eus. Aegia!eus ha2ing %ie% ,hi!%!ess, the 1ho!e ,ountry 1as ,a!!e% Aegia!ia?an% )horoneus, reigning o2er the 1ho!e !an% after1ar%s na"e% )e!o#onnese, 3egatA#is an% Bio3e 3y a ny"#h Te!e%i,e. A#is ,on2erte% his #o1er into a tyranny an%na"e%the )e!o#onnese after hi"se!f A#ia? 3ut 3eing a sterntyrant he 1as,ons#ire%againstan%s!ain3yThe!Cionan%Te!,his.He!eftno,hi!%,an%3eing%ee"e% a go% 1as ,a!!e% 0ara#is.2 But Bio3e ha% 3y Zeus Dan% she 1as the first"orta! 1o"an 1ith 1ho"Zeus ,oha3ite%E a son Argus, an% a!so, so saysA,usi!aus, ason)e!asgus, after1ho"theinha3itantsof the)e!o#onnese1ere,a!!e% )e!asgians. Ho1e2er, Hesio% says that )e!asgus 1as a son of the soi!.92.1.2: A3out hi" I sha!! s#ea; again.

But Argus re,ei2e% the ;ing%o" an% ,a!!e%the)e!o#onneseafter hi"se!f Argos? an%ha2ing"arrie%E2a%ne, %aughter of0try"on an% Beaera, he 3egat E,3asus, )iras, E#i%aurus, an% 4riasus,& 1ho a!sosu,,ee%e% to the ;ing%o".E,3asus ha% a son Agenor, an% Agenor ha% a son Argus, the one 1ho is ,a!!e% theA!!eof 2a!or,/2 an%3yher heha%threesons, Theri"a,hus, 4reontia%es, an%(ei,oon. But 4reon ga2e his younger %aughter to I#hi,!es, 1ho a!rea%y ha% a sonIo!aus3yAuto"e%usa, %aughter of A!,athus. An%Rha%a"anthys, sonof Zeus,"arrie% A!,"ena after the %eath of A"#hitryon, an% %1e!t as an eCi!e at O,a!eae inBoeotia./Ha2ing first !earne% fro" Eurytus the art of ar,hery,/& Her,u!es re,ei2e% a s1or%fro"Her"es, a 3o1 an% arro1s fro"A#o!!o,/' a go!%en 3reast#!ate fro"He#haestus, an% a ro3e fro" Athena? for he ha% hi"se!f ,ut a ,!u3 at Be"ea.92.&.12: Bo1 it ,a"e to #ass that after the 3att!e 1ith the .inyans Her,u!es 1as%ri2en "a% through the 7ea!ousy of Hera an% f!ung his o1n ,hi!%ren, 1ho" he ha%3y .egara, an% t1o ,hi!%ren of I#hi,!es into the fire/*? 1herefore he ,on%e"ne%hi"se!f to eCi!e, an% 1as #urifie% 3y Thes#ius, an% re#airing to (e!#hi he inHuire%of thego%1hereheshou!%%1e!!./+ The)ythian#riestessthenfirst ,a!!e%hi"Her,u!es, for hitherto he 1as ,a!!e% A!,i%es./- An% she to!% hi" to %1e!! in Tiryns,ser2ing Eurystheus for t1e!2e years an%to #erfor" the ten !a3oursi"#ose% onhi", an% so, she sai%, 1hen the tas;s 1ere a,,o"#!ishe%, he 1ou!% 3e i""orta!.//92.'.1: WhenHer,u!es hear% that,he1ent toTirynsan%%i%ashe1as3i%3yEurystheus. Airst, Eurystheus or%ere% hi" to 3ring the s;in of the Be"ean !ion155?no1 that 1as an in2u!nera3!e 3east 3egotten 3y Ty#hon. On his 1ay to atta,; the!ion he ,a"e to 4!eonae an% !o%ge% at the house of a %aye% at his "anhoo%, Eurystheus for3a%e hi" then,eforth toenter the ,ity, 3ut or%ere% hi" to eChi3it the fruits of his !a3ours 3efore the gates.They say, too, that in his fear he ha% a 3ron>e 7ar "a%e for hi"se!f to hi%e in un%ertheearth,15 an%that hesent his,o""an%sfor the!a3oursthroughahera!%,4o#reus,15& sonof )e!o#stheE!ean. This4o#reusha%;i!!e%I#hitusan%f!e%to.y,enae, 1here he 1as #urifie% 3y Eurystheus an% too; u# his a3o%e.92.'.2: As ase,on%!a3our heor%ere%hi"to;i!! theLernaeanhy%ra.15' That,reature, 3re% in the s1a"# of Lerna, use% to go forth into the #!ain an% ra2age3oth the ,att!e an% the ,ountry. Bo1 the hy%ra ha% a huge 3o%y, 1ith nine hea%s,eight "orta!, 3ut the "i%%!e one i""orta!. 0o "ounting a ,hariot %ri2en 3y Io!aus,he ,a"e to Lerna, an% ha2ing ha!te% his horses, he %is,o2ere% the hy%ra on a hi!!3esi%ethes#ringsoftheA"y"one,1here1asits%en.By#e!tingit1ithfieryshafts he for,e% it to ,o"e out, an% in the a,t of %oing so he sei>e% an% he!% it fast.But the hy%ra 1oun% itse!f a3out one of his feet an% ,!ung to hi". Bor ,ou!% heeffe,t anything 3y s"ashing its hea%s 1ith his ,!u3, for as fast as one hea% 1ass"ashe% there gre1 u# t1o. A huge ,ra3 a!so ,a"e to the he!# of the hy%ra 3y3iting his foot.15* 0o he ;i!!e% it, an% in his turn ,a!!e% for he!# on Io!aus 1ho, 3ysetting fire to a #ie,e of the neigh3oring 1oo% an% 3urning the roots of the hea%s1ith the 3ran%s, #re2ente% the" fro" s#routing. Ha2ing thus got the 3etter of thes#routing hea%s, he ,ho##e% off the i""orta! hea%, an% 3urie% it, an% #ut a hea2yro,; on it, 3esi%e the roa% that !ea%s through Lerna to E!aeus. But the 3o%y of thehy%ra he s!it u# an% %i##e% his arro1s in the ga!!. Ho1e2er, Eurystheus sai% thatthis!a3ourshou!%not3ere,;one%a"ongtheten3e,auseheha%notgotthe3etter of the hy%ra 3y hi"se!f, 3ut 1ith the he!# of Io!aus.92.'.:Asathir%!a3our heor%ere%hi"to3ringthe4erynitianhin%a!i2eto.y,enae.15+ Bo1 the hin% 1as at Oenoe? it ha% go!%en horns an%1as sa,re% toArte"is? so 1ishing neither to ;i!! nor 1oun% it, Her,u!es hunte% it a 1ho!e year.But1hen, 1eary1iththe,hase, the3easttoo;refugeonthe"ountain,a!!e%Arte"isius, an% then,e #asse% to the ri2er La%on, Her,u!es shot it 7ust as it 1asa3out to ,ross the strea", an% ,at,hing it #ut it on his shou!%ers an% hastene%through Ar,a%ia.ButArte"is 1ithA#o!!o"et hi", an%1ou!% ha2e 1reste%thehin% fro" hi", an% re3u;e% hi" for atte"#ting to ;i!! her sa,re% ani"a!.15- Ho13eit,3y #!ea%ing ne,essity an% !aying the 3!a"e on Eurystheus, he a##ease% the angerof the go%%ess an% ,arrie% the 3east a!i2e to .y,enae.92.'.&: As a fourth !a3our he or%ere% hi" to 3ring the Ery"anthian 3oar a!i2e15/?no1that ani"a! ra2age% )so#his, sa!!ying fro"a "ountain 1hi,h they ,a!!Ery"anthus. 0o #assing through )ho!oe he 1as entertaine% 3y the ,entaur )ho!us,a son of 0i!enus 3y a .e!ian ny"#h.115 He set roast "eat 3efore Her,u!es, 1hi!e hehi"se!f ate his "eat ra1. When Her,u!es ,a!!e% for 1ine, he sai% he feare% to o#enthe 7ar 1hi,h 3e!onge% to the ,entaurs in ,o""on.111 But Her,u!es, 3i%%ing hi" 3eof goo%,ourage, o#ene%it, an%not !ongafter1ar%s, s,entingthes"e!!, the,entaurs arri2e% at the ,a2e of )ho!us, ar"e% 1ith ro,;s an% firs. The first 1ho%are% to enter,An,hiusan%Agrius,1ere re#e!!e% 3y Her,u!es 1ithasho1er of3ran%s, an% the rest of the" he shot an% #ursue% as far as .a!ea. Then,e theytoo; refuge 1ith 4hiron, 1ho, %ri2en 3y the La#iths fro" .ount )e!ion, too; u# hisa3o%e at .a!ea. As the ,entaurs ,o1ere% a3out 4hiron, Her,u!es shot an arro1 atthe", 1hi,h, #assingthroughthear"of E!atus, stu,;inthe;neeof 4hiron.(istresse%at this, Her,u!esranu#tohi", %re1out theshaft, an%a##!ie%a"e%i,ine 1hi,h 4hiron ga2e hi". But the hurt #ro2ing in,ura3!e, 4hiron retire% tothe,a2ean%therehe1ishe%to%ie, 3ut he,ou!%not, for he1asi""orta!.Ho1e2er, )ro"etheus offere% hi"se!f to Zeus to 3e i""orta! in his stea%, an% so4hiron %ie%. The rest of the ,entaurs f!e% in %ifferent %ire,tions, an% so"e ,a"e to.ount .a!ea, an% Eurytion to )ho!oe, an% Bessus to the ri2er E2enus. The rest ofthe" )osei%on re,ei2e% at E!eusis an% hi% the" in a "ountain. But )ho!us, %ra1ingthe arro1 fro" a ,or#se, 1on%ere% that so !itt!e a thing ,ou!% ;i!! su,h 3ig fe!!o1s?ho13eit, it s!i##e%fro"his han%an%!ightingonhis foot ;i!!e%hi"onthes#ot.112 0o 1hen Her,u!es returne% to )ho!oe, he 3ehe!% )ho!us %ea%? an% he 3urie%hi" an% #ro,ee%e% to the 3oar hunt. An% 1hen he ha% ,hase% the 3oar 1ith shoutsfro" a ,ertain thi,;et, he %ro2e the eChauste% ani"a! into %ee# sno1, tra##e% it,an% 3rought it to .y,enae.92.'.': The fifth !a3our he !ai% on hi" 1as to ,arry out the %ung of the ,att!e ofAugeas in a sing!e %ay.11 Bo1 Augeas 1as ;ing of E!is? so"e say that he 1as a sonof the 0un, others that he 1as a son of )osei%on, an% others that he 1as a son of)hor3as?an%heha%"anyher%sof ,att!e. Her,u!esa,,oste%hi",an%1ithoutre2ea!ing the ,o""an% of Eurystheus, sai% that he 1ou!% ,arry out the %ung in one%ay, if Augeas 1ou!% gi2e hi" the tithe of the ,att!e. Augeas 1as in,re%u!ous, 3ut#ro"ise%. Ha2ing ta;en Augeas@s son )hy!eus to 1itness, Her,u!es "a%e a 3rea,hin the foun%ations of the ,att!ee% hi" 1hi!e he s!e#t, an% though thego% turne% hi"se!f into a!! ;in%s of sha#es, the hero 3oun% hi" an% %i% not re!easehi" ti!! he ha% !earne% fro" hi" 1here 1ere the a##!es an% theHes#eri%es.1&- Being infor"e%, he tra2erse% Li3ya. That ,ountry 1as then ru!e% 3yAntaeus, son of )osei%on,1&/ 1ho use% to ;i!! strangers 3y for,ing the" to 1rest!e.Being for,e% to 1rest!e 1ith hi", Her,u!es hugge% hi", !ifte% hi" a!oft,1'5 3ro;e an%;i!!e% hi"? for 1hen he tou,he% earth so it 1as that he 1aCe% stronger, 1hereforeso"e sai% that he 1as a son of Earth.After Li3ya he tra2erse% Egy#t. That ,ountry 1as then ru!e% 3y Busiris,1'1 a son of)osei%on 3y Lysianassa, %aughter of E#a#hus. This Busiris use% to sa,rifi,estrangers on an a!tar of Zeus in a,,or%an,e 1ith a ,ertain ora,!e. Aor Egy#t 1as2isite% 1ith %earth for nine years, an% )hrasius, a !earne% seer 1ho ha% ,o"e fro"4y#rus, sai%that the %earth 1ou!% ,ease ifthey s!aughtere%astranger "aninhonor of Zeus e2eryyear.Busiris 3egan3ys!aughteringtheseer hi"se!f an%,ontinue% to s!aughter the strangers 1ho !an%e%. 0o Her,u!es a!so 1as sei>e% an%ha!e%tothea!tars, 3ut he3urst his3on%san%s!e13othBusirisan%hissonA"#hi%a"as.1'2An%tra2ersingAsiahe#utintoTher"y%rae, thehar3orof theLin%ians.1' An%ha2ing !oose% one of the 3u!!o,;s fro" the ,art of a ,o1her%, he sa,rifi,e% it an%feaste%. But the ,o1her%, una3!e to #rote,t hi"se!f, stoo% on a ,ertain "ountainan% ,urse%. Wherefore to this %ay, 1hen they sa,rifi,e to Her,u!es, they %o it 1ith,urses.1'&An% #assing 3y Ara3ia he s!e1 E"athion, son of Tithonus,1'' an% 7ourneying throughLi3ya to the outer sea he re,ei2e% the go3!et fro" the 0un. An% ha2ing ,rosse% tothe o##osite "ain!an% he shot on the 4au,asus the eag!e, offs#ring of E,hi%na an%Ty#hon, that 1as %e2ouring the !i2er of )ro"etheus, an% he re!ease%)ro"etheus,1'* after ,hoosing for hi"se!f the 3on% of o!i2e,1'+ an% to Zeus he#resente% 4hiron, 1ho, though i""orta!, ,onsente% to %ie in his stea%.Bo1 )ro"etheus ha% to!% Her,u!es not to go hi"se!f after the a##!es 3ut to sen%At!as, first re!ie2ing hi" of the 3ur%en of the s#here? so 1hen he 1as ,o"e to At!asin the !an% of the Hy#er3oreans, he too; the a%2i,e an% re!ie2e% At!as. But 1henAt!as ha% re,ei2e% three a##!es fro" the Hes#eri%es, he ,a"e to Her,u!es, an% not1ishing to su##ort the s#here Lhe sai% that he 1ou!% hi"se!f ,arry the a##!es toEurystheus, an% 3a%e Her,u!es ho!% u# the s;y in his stea%. Her,u!es #ro"ise% to%o so, 3ut su,,ee%e% 3y ,raft in #utting it on At!as instea%. Aor at the a%2i,e of)ro"etheus he 3egge% At!as to ho!% u# the s;y ti!! he shou!%M1'- #ut a #a% on hishea%. When At!as hear% that, he !ai% the a##!es %o1n on the groun% an% too; thes#herefro"Her,u!es.An%soHer,u!es#i,;e%u#thea##!esan%%e#arte%.Butso"esaythathe%i%notgetthe"fro"At!as, 3utthathe#!u,;e%thea##!eshi"se!f after ;i!!ing the guar%iansna;e. An% ha2ing 3rought the a##!es he ga2ethe" to Eurystheus. But he, on re,ei2ing the", 3esto1e% the" on Her,u!es, fro"1ho" Athena got the" an% ,on2eye% the" 3a,; again? for it 1as not !a1fu! thatthey shou!% 3e !ai% %o1n any1here.92.'.12: A t1e!fth !a3our i"#ose% on Her,u!es 1as to 3ring 4er3erus fro"Ha%es.1'/Bo1 this 4er3erus ha% three hea%s of %ogs, the tai! of a %ragon, an% on his3a,; the hea%s of a!! sorts of sna;es. When Her,u!es 1as a3out to %e#art to fet,hhi", he 1ent to Eu"o!#us at E!eusis, 1ishing to 3e initiate%. Ho1e2er it 1as notthen !a1fu! for foreigners to 3e initiate%= sin,e he #ro#ose% to 3e initiate% as thea%o#ti2e son of )y!ius. But not 3eing a3!e to see the "ysteries 3e,ause he ha% not3een ,!eanse% of the s!aughter of the ,entaurs, he 1as ,!eanse% 3y Eu"o!#us an%then initiate%.1*5 An% ha2ing ,o"e to Taenaru" in La,onia, 1here is the "outh ofthe %es,ent to Ha%es, he %es,en%e% through it.1*1 But 1hen the sou!s sa1 hi", theyf!e%, sa2e .e!eager an% the $orgon .e%usa. An% Her,u!es %re1 his s1or% againstthe $orgon,as if she1erea!i2e, 3uthe!earne% fro" Her"esthatshe 1as ane"#ty #hanto".1*2 An% 3eing ,o"e near to the gates of Ha%es he foun% Theseusan% )irithous,1* hi" 1ho 1ooe% )erse#hone in 1e%!o,; an% 1as therefore 3oun%fast. An%1henthey3ehe!%Her,u!es, theystret,he%outtheirhan%sasif theyshou!% 3e raise% fro" the %ea% 3y his "ight. An% Theseus, in%ee%, he too; 3y thehan%an%raise%u#, 3ut 1henhe1ou!%ha2e3rought u#)irithous, theearthHua;e%an%he!etgo. An%hero!!e%a1aya!sothestoneof As,a!a#hus.1*& An%1ishing to #ro2i%e the sou!s 1ith 3!oo%, he s!aughtere% one of the ;ine of Ha%es.But .enoetes, son of 4euthony"us, 1ho ten%e% the ;ing, ,ha!!enge% Her,u!es to1rest!e, an%, 3eing sei>e% roun% the "i%%!e, ha% his ri3s 3ro;en1*'? ho13eit, he 1as!et off at the reHuest of )erse#hone. When Her,u!es as;e% )!uto for 4er3erus, )!utoor%ere% hi" to ta;e the ani"a! #ro2i%e% he "astere% hi" 1ithout the use of the1ea#ons 1hi,h he ,arrie%. Her,u!es foun% hi" at the gates of A,heron, an%, ,ase%in his ,uirass an% ,o2ere% 3y the !ion@s s;in, he f!ung his ar"s roun% the hea% ofthe 3rute, an% though the %ragon in its tai! 3it hi", he ne2er re!aCe% his gri# an%#ressure ti!! it yie!%e%.1** 0o he ,arrie% it off an% as,en%e% through Troe>en.1*+ But(e"eter turne% As,a!a#hus into a shorte to hi" 1ho shou!%2anHuish hi"se!f an% his sons in ar,hery.1+5 0o he ,a"e to Oe,ha!ia, an% though he#ro2e% hi"se!f 3etter than the" at ar,hery, yet he %i% not get the 3ri%e? for 1hi!eI#hitus, thee!%erof Eurytus@ssons, sai%thatIo!eshou!%3egi2entoHer,u!es,Eurytus an% the others refuse%, an% sai% they feare% that, if he got ,hi!%ren, he1ou!% again ;i!! his offs#ring.1+192.*.2:Bot !ongafter,so"e,att!e1eresto!enfro"Eu3oea3yAuto!y,us, an%Eurytus su##ose% that it 1as %one 3y Her,u!es? 3ut I#hitus %i% not 3e!ie2e it an%1ent to Her,u!es. An% "eeting hi", as he ,a"e fro" )herae after sa2ing the %ea%A!,estis for A%"etus, he in2ite% hi" to see; the ;ine 1ith hi". Her,u!es #ro"ise%to %o so an% entertaine% hi"? 3ut going "a% again he thre1 hi" fro" the 1a!!s ofTiryns.1+2 Wishingto3e#urifie%of the"ur%er here#aire%toBe!eus, 1ho1as#rin,eofthe)y!ians. An%1hen Be!eusre7e,te%hisreHueston the s,oreof hisfrien%shi# 1ith Eurytus, he 1ent to A"y,!ae an% 1as #urifie% 3y (ei#ho3us, son ofHi##o!ytus.1+ But 3eing aff!i,te% 1ith a %ire %isease on a,,ount of the "ur%er ofI#hitus he 1ent to (e!#hi an% inHuire% ho1 he "ight 3e ri% of the %isease. As the)ythian #riestess ans1ere% hi" not 3y ora,!es, he 1as fain to #!un%er the te"#!e,an%,,arryingoffthe tri#o%,toinstituteanora,!eofhiso1n.ButA#o!!ofoughthi",1+& an%Zeusthre1athun%er3o!t3et1eenthe". Whentheyha%thus3een#arte%, Her,u!es re,ei2e% an ora,!e, 1hi,h %e,!are% that the re"e%y for his %isease1as for hi" to 3e so!%, an% to ser2e for three years, an% to #ay ,o"#ensation forthe "ur%er to Eurytus.92.*.: After the %e!i2ery of the ora,!e, Her"es so!% Her,u!es, an% he 1as 3ought3yO"#ha!e,1+' %aughterof Iar%anes,Hueenof Ly%ia,to1ho"athis%eathherhus3an%T"o!us ha%3eHueathe%thego2ern"ent. Eurytus %i%not a,,e#t the,o"#ensation 1hen it 1as #resente% to hi", 3ut Her,u!es ser2e% O"#ha!e as as!a2e, an%inthe,ourseof hisser2itu%ehesei>e%an%3oun%the4er,o#esatE#hesus1+*?an%asfor0y!eusinAu!is, 1ho,o"#e!!e%#assingstrangersto%ig,Her,u!es ;i!!e% hi" 1ith his %aughter Keno%o,e, after 3urning the 2ines 1ith theroots.1++ An%ha2ing#ut intotheis!an%of (o!i,he, hesa1the3o%yof I,arus1ashe% ashore an% 3urie% it, an% he ,a!!e% the is!an% I,aria instea% of (o!i,he. Inreturn (ae%a!us "a%e a #ortrait statue of Her,u!es at )isa, 1hi,h Her,u!es "istoo;at night for !i2ing an% thre1 a stone an% hit it. An% %uring the ti"e of his ser2itu%e1ith O"#ha!e it is sai% that the 2oyage to 4o!,his1+- an% the hunt of the 4a!y%onian3oar too; #!a,e, an% that Theseus on his 1ay fro" Troe>en ,!eare% the Isth"us of"a!efa,tors.92.*.&: After his ser2itu%e, 3eing ri% of his %isease he "ustere% an ar"y of no3!e2o!unteers an% sai!e% for I!iu" 1ith eighteen shi#s of fifty oars ea,h.1+/ An% ha2ing,o"e to #ort at I!iu", he !eft the guar% of the shi#s to Oi,!es1-5 an% hi"se!f 1ith therest of the,ha"#ions set out toatta,;the,ity. Ho13eit Lao"e%on"ar,he%against the shi#s 1ith the "u!titu%e an% s!e1 Oi,!es in 3att!e, 3ut 3eing re#u!se% 3ythe troo#s of Her,u!es, he 1as 3esiege%. The siege on,e !ai%, Te!a"on 1as the firstto 3rea,h the 1a!! an% enter the ,ity, an% after hi" Her,u!es. But 1hen he sa1 thatTe!a"onha%entere%it first, he%re1hiss1or%an%rushe%at hi", !oaththatany3o%y shou!%3e re#ute% a3etter"anthanhi"se!f.)er,ei2ingthat, Te!a"on,o!!e,te% stones that !ay to han%, an% 1hen Her,u!es as;e% hi" 1hat he %i%, hesai% he 1as 3ui!%ing an a!tar to Her,u!es the $!orious 8i,tor.1-1 Her,u!es than;e%hi", an% 1hen he ha% ta;en the ,ity an% shot %o1n Lao"e%on an% his sons, eC,e#t)o%ar,es, he assigne% Lao"e%on@s %aughter Hesione as a #ri>e to Te!a"on1-2 an%a!!o1e%hertota;e1ithher1ho"soe2erofthe,a#ti2esshe1ou!%.Whenshe,hose her 3rother )o%ar,es, Her,u!es sai% that he "ust first 3e a s!a2e an% then 3eranso"e% 3y her. 0o 1hen he 1as 3eing so!% she too; the 2ei! fro" her hea% an%ga2e it as a ranso"? hen,e )o%ar,es 1as ,a!!e% )ria".1-92.+.1: When Her,u!es 1as sai!ing fro" Troy, Hera sent grie2ous stor"s,1-& 1hi,h so2eCe% Zeus that hehung her fro" O!y"#us.1-' Her,u!essai!e%to 4os,1-* an%the4oans, thin;inghe1as!ea%inga#irati,a! sHua%ron, en%ea2ore%to#re2ent hisa##roa,h 3y a sho1er of stones. But he for,e% his 1ay in an%too;the ,ity3ynight, an% s!e1 the ;ing, Eury#y!us, son of )osei%on 3y Asty#a!aea. An% Her,u!es1as 1oun%e% in the 3att!e 3y 4ha!,e%on? 3ut Zeus snat,he% hi" a1ay, so that hetoo; no har". An% ha2ing !ai% 1aste4os, he ,a"e through Athena@s agen,yto)h!egra, an% si%e% 1ith the go%s in their 2i,torious 1ar on the giants.1-+92.+.2: Bot !ongafter1ar%she,o!!e,te% anAr,a%ianar"y, an% 3eing7oine%3y2o!unteers fro" the first "en in $ree,e he "ar,he% against Augeas.1-- But Augeas,hearing of the 1ar that Her,u!es 1as !e2ying, a##ointe% Eurytus an%4teatus1-/ genera!s of the E!eans. They 1ere t1o "en 7oine% in one, 1ho sur#asse%a!! of that generation in strength an% 1ere sons of A,tor 3y .o!ione, though theirfather 1as sai% to 3e )osei%on? no1 A,tor 1as a 3rother of Augeas. But it ,a"e to#ass that on the eC#e%ition Her,u!es fe!! si,;? hen,e he ,on,!u%e% a tru,e 1ith the.o!ioni%es. But after1ar%s, 3eing a##ri>e% of his i!!ness, they atta,;e% the ar"yan% s!e1 "any. On that o,,asion, therefore, Her,u!es 3eat a retreat? 3ut after1ar%sat the ,e!e3ration of the thir% Isth"ian festi2a!, 1hen the E!eans sent the.o!ioni%es tota;e#art inthe sa,rifi,es, Her,u!es 1ay!ai%an%;i!!e%the"at4!eonae,1/5 an%"ar,hing on E!is too; the ,ity. An% ha2ing;i!!e% Augeasan% hissons, he restore% )hy!eus an% 3esto1e% on hi" the ;ing%o".1/1 He a!so ,e!e3rate%the O!y"#ian ga"es1/2 an% foun%e% an a!tar of )e!o#s,1/ an% 3ui!t siC a!tars of thet1e!2e go%s.1/&92.+.: After the ,a#ture of E!is he "ar,he% against )y!us,1/' an% ha2ing ta;en the,ity he s!e1)eri,!y"enus,the "ost2a!iant ofthesonsofBe!eus,1house% to,hange his sha#e in 3att!e.1/* An% he s!e1 Be!eus an% his sons, eC,e#t Bestor? forhe 1as a youth an% 1as 3eing 3rought u# a"ong the $erenians. In the fight hea!so 1oun%e% Ha%es, 1ho 1as si%ing 1ith the )y!ians.1/+Ha2ing ta;en )y!us he "ar,he% against La,e%ae"on, 1ishing to #unish the sons ofHi##o,oon,1/- for he 1as angry 1ith the", 3oth 3e,ause they fought for Be!eus, an%sti!! angrier 3e,ause they ha% ;i!!e% the son of Li,y"nius. Aor 1hen he 1as !oo;ingat the #a!a,e of Hi##o,oon, a houn% of the .o!ossian 3ree% ran out an% rushe% athi", an% he thre1 a stone an% hit the %og, 1hereu#on the Hi##o,oonti%s %arte%out an% %es#at,he% hi" 1ith 3!o1s of their ,u%ge!s. It 1as to a2enge his %eath thatHer,u!es "ustere%anar"yagainst theLa,e%ae"onians. An%ha2ing,o"etoAr,a%ia he 3egge% 4e#heus to 7oin hi" 1ith his sons, of 1ho" he ha% t1enty. Butfearing!est, if heHuitte%Tegea, theArgi2es1ou!%"ar,hagainst it, 4e#heusrefuse% to 7oin the eC#e%ition. But Her,u!es ha% re,ei2e% fro" Athena a !o,; of the$orgon@s hair in a 3ron>e 7ar an% ga2e it to 0tero#e, %aughter of 4e#heus, sayingthat if an ar"y a%2an,e% against the ,ity, she 1as to ho!% u# the !o,; of hair thri,efro" the 1a!!s, an% that, #ro2i%e% she %i% not !oo; 3efore her, the ene"y 1ou!% 3eturne% to f!ight.1// That 3eing so, 4e#heus an% his sons too; the fie!%, an% in the3att!e he an% his sons #erishe%, an% 3esi%es the" I#hi,!es, the 3rother of Her,u!es.Ha2ing ;i!!e% Hi##o,oon an% his sons an% su37ugate% the ,ity, Her,u!es restore%Tyn%areus an% entruste% the ;ing%o" to hi".92.+.&: )assing3yTegea, Her,u!es%e3au,he%Auge, not ;no1ingher to3ea%aughter of A!eus.255 An% she 3rought forth her 3a3e se,ret!y an% %e#osite% it in the#re,in,t of Athena. But the ,ountry 3eing 1aste% 3y a #esti!en,e, A!eus entere% the#re,in,t an% on in2estigation %is,o2ere% his %aughter@s "otherhoo%. 0o he eC#ose%the 3a3e on .ount )arthenius, an% 3y the #ro2i%en,e of the go%s it 1as #reser2e%=for a %oe that ha% 7ust ,ast her fa1n ga2e it su,;, an% she#her%s too; u# the 3a3ean% ,a!!e% it Te!e#hus.251An% her father ga2e Auge to Bau#!ius, son of )osei%on, tose!!far a1ay in a foreign !an%? an% Bau#!ius ga2e her to Teuthras, the #rin,e ofTeuthrania, 1ho "a%e her his 1ife.92.+.': An% ha2ing ,o"e to 4a!y%on, Her,u!es 1ooe% (eianira, %aughter ofOeneus.252He 1rest!e% for her han% 1ith A,he!ous, 1ho assu"e% the !i;eness of a3u!!? 3ut Her,u!es 3ro;e off one of his horns.25 0o Her,u!es "arrie% (eianira, 3utA,he!ousre,o2ere%thehorn3ygi2ingthehornof A"a!theainitsstea%. Bo1A"a!thea 1as a %aughter of Hae"onius, an% she ha% a 3u!!@s horn, 1hi,h,a,,or%ing to )here,y%es, ha% the #o1er of su##!ying "eat or %rin; in a3un%an,e,1hate2er one "ight 1ish.25&92.+.*: An% Her,u!es "ar,he% 1ith the 4a!y%onians against the Thes#rotians, an%ha2ing ta;en the ,ity of E#hyra, of 1hi,h )hy!as 1as ;ing, he ha% inter,ourse 1iththe;ing@s%aughterAstyo,he, an%3e,a"ethefatherof T!e#o!e"us.25' Whi!ehestaye% a"ong the", he sent 1or% to Thes#ius to ;ee# se2en of his sons, to sen%three to The3es an% to %es#at,h the re"aining forty to the is!an% of 0ar%inia to#!ant a ,o!ony.25* After these e2ents, as he 1as feasting 1ith Oeneus, he ;i!!e% 1itha 3!o1 of his ;nu,;!es en%ea2ore%, son of Ar,hite!es, 1hen the !a% 1as #ouring1ater on his han%s? no1 the !a% 1as a ;ins"an of Oeneus.25+ 0eeing that it 1as ana,,i%ent, the !a%@s father #ar%one% Her,u!es? 3ut Her,u!es 1ishe%, in a,,or%an,e1iththe!a1,tosufferthe#ena!tyof eCi!e, an%reso!2e%to%e#art to4eyCatTra,his. An% ta;ing (eianira 1ith hi", he ,a"e to the ri2er E2enus, at 1hi,h the,entaur Bessus sat an% ferrie% #assengers a,ross for hire,25-a!!eging that he ha%re,ei2e%theferryfro"the go%sforhis righteousness. 0o Her,u!es,rosse%theri2er 3y hi"se!f, 3ut on 3eing as;e% to #ay the fare he entruste% (eianira to Bessusto ,arry o2er. But he, in ferrying her a,ross, atte"#te% to 2io!ate her. 0he ,rie% out,Her,u!es hear% her, an% shot Bessus to the heart 1hen he e"erge% fro" the ri2er.Being at the #oint of %eath, Bessus ,a!!e% (eianira to hi" an% sai% that if she 1ou!%ha2e a !o2e ,har" to o#erate on Her,u!es she shou!% "iC the see% he ha% %ro##e%on the groun% 1ith the 3!oo% that f!o1e% fro" the 1oun% inf!i,te% 3y the 3ar3. 0he%i% so an% ;e#t it 3y her.92.+.+: $oingthroughthe,ountryof the(ryo#es an%3eingin!a,;of foo%,Her,u!es "et Thio%a"as %ri2ing a #air of 3u!!o,;s? so he un!oose% an% s!aughtere%one of the 3u!!o,;s an% feaste%.25/ An% 1hen he ,a"e to 4eyC at Tra,his he 1asre,ei2e% 3y hi" an% ,onHuere% the (ryo#es.215An% after1ar%s setting out fro" there, he fought as an a!!y of Aegi"ius, ;ing of the(orians.211 Aor the La#iths, ,o""an%e% 3y 4oronus, "a%e 1ar on hi" in a %is#utea3out the 3oun%aries of the ,ountry? an% 3eing 3esiege% he ,a!!e% in the he!# ofHer,u!es, offering hi" a share of the ,ountry. 0o Her,u!es ,a"e to his he!# an%s!e1 4oronus an% others, an% han%e% the 1ho!e ,ountry o2er to Aegi"ius free. Hes!e1 a!so Laogoras,212 ;ing of the (ryo#es, 1ith his ,hi!%ren, as he 1as 3anHuetingin a #re,in,t of A#o!!o? for the ;ing 1as a 1anton fe!!o1 an% an a!!y of the La#iths.An% as he #asse% 3y Itonus he 1as ,ha!!enge% to sing!e ,o"3at 3y 4y,nus a son ofAres an% )e!o#ia? an% ,!osing 1ith hi" Her,u!es s!e1 hi" a!so.21 But 1hen he 1as,o"e to Or"eniu", ;ing A"yntor too; ar"s an% for3a%e hi" to "ar,h through?3ut 1hen he 1ou!% ha2e hin%ere% his #assage, Her,u!es s!e1 hi" a!so.21&On his arri2a! at Tra,his he "ustere% an ar"y to atta,; Oe,ha!ia, 1ishing to #unishEurytus.21' Being 7oine% 3y Ar,a%ians, .e!ians fro"Tra,his, an% E#i,ne"i%ianLo,rians, he s!e1 Eurytus an% his sons an% too; the ,ity. After 3urying those of hiso1n si%e 1ho ha% fa!!en, to 1it, Hi##asus, son of 4eyC, an% Argius an% .e!as, thesons of Li,y"nius, he #i!!age% the ,ity an% !e% Io!e ,a#ti2e. An% ha2ing #ut in at4enaeu", a hea%!an% of Eu3oea, he 3ui!t an a!tar of 4enaean Zeus.21* Inten%ing tooffer sa,rifi,e, he sent the hera!% Li,has to Tra,his to fet,h fine rai"ent.21+ Aro" hi"(eianira !earne% a3out Io!e, an% fearing that Her,u!es "ight !o2e that %a"se! "orethan herse!f, she su##ose% that the s#i!t 3!oo% of Bessus 1as in truth a !o2ee. Thenheintro%u,e% )asi#hae into it? an% the 3u!! ,a"e an% ,ou#!e% 1ith it, as if it 1ere area! ,o1. An% she ga2e 3irth to Asterius, 1ho 1as ,a!!e% the .inotaur. He ha% thefa,e of a 3u!!, 3ut the rest of hi" 1as hu"an? an% .inos, in ,o"#!ian,e 1ith ,ertainora,!es, shut hi" u# an% guar%e% hi" in the La3yrinth. Bo1 the La3yrinth 1hi,h(ae%a!us ,onstru,te% 1as a ,ha"3er Ithat 1ith its tang!e% 1in%ings #er#!eCe% theout1ar%1ay.J 25 The storyof the .inotaur,an%An%rogeus, an%)hae%ra, an%Aria%ne, I 1i!! te!! hereafter in "y a,,ount of Theseus.219.2.1:But 4atreus, sonof .inos, ha%three%aughters, Aero#e, 4!y"ene, an%A#e"osyne, an% a son, A!thae"enes.22 When 4atreus inHuire% of the ora,!e ho1 his!ife shou!% en%, the go% sai% that he 1ou!% %ie 3y the han% of one of his ,hi!%ren.Bo1 4atreus hi% the ora,!es, 3ut A!thae"enes hear% of the", an% fearing to 3e hisfather@s "ur%erer, he set out fro" 4rete 1ith his sister A#e"osyne, an% #ut in at a#!a,e in Rho%es, an% ha2ing ta;en #ossession of it he ,a!!e% it 4retinia. An% ha2ingas,en%e% the "ountain ,a!!e% Ata3yriu", he 3ehe!% the is!an%s roun% a3out? an%%es,rying 4rete a!so an% ,a!!ing to "in% the go%s of his fathers he foun%e% an a!tarof Ata3yrian Zeus.2 But not !ong after1ar%s he 3e,a"e the "ur%erer of his sister.Aor Her"es !o2e% her, an% as she f!e% fro" hi" an% he ,ou!% not ,at,h her, 3e,auseshe eC,e!!e% hi" in s#ee% of foot, he s#rea% fresh hi%es on the #ath, on 1hi,h,returning fro" the s#ring, she s!i##e% an% so 1as %ef!o1ere%. 0he re2ea!e% to her3rother 1hat ha% ha##ene%, 3ut he, %ee"ing the go% a "ere #reteCt, ;i,;e% her to%eath.9.2.2:An%4atreusga2eAero#ean%4!y"enetoBau#!iustose!! intoforeign!an%s? an% of these t1o Aero#e 3e,a"e the 1ife of )!isthenes, 1ho 3egatAga"e"non an% .ene!aus? an% 4!y"ene 3e,a"e the 1ife of Bau#!ius, 1ho3e,a"e the father of OeaC an% )a!a"e%es. But after1ar%s in the gri# of o!% age4atreus yearne% to trans"it the ;ing%o" to his son A!thae"enes, an% 1ent for that#ur#ose to Rho%es. An% ha2ing !an%e% fro" the shi# 1ith the heroes at a %esert#!a,e of the is!an%, he 1as ,hase% 3y the ,o1her%s, 1ho i"agine% that they 1ere#iratesonarai%. Heto!%the"thetruth, 3utthey,ou!%nothearhi"forthe3ar;ing of the %ogs, an% 1hi!e they #e!te% hi" A!thae"enes arri2e% an% ;i!!e% hi"1iththe,astof a7a2e!in, not;no1inghi"to3e4atreus. After1ar%s1henhe!earne% the truth, he #raye% an% %isa##eare% in a ,has".9..1: To (eu,a!ion 1ere 3orn I%o"eneus an% 4rete an% a 3astar% son.o!us.2& But $!au,us, 1hi!e he 1as yet a ,hi!%, in ,hasing a "ouse fe!! into a 7ar ofhoney an% 1as %ro1ne%.2' On his %isa##earan,e .inos "a%e a great sear,h an%,onsu!te% %i2iners as to ho1 he shou!% fin% hi". The 4uretes to!% hi" that in hisher%s heha% a,o1 ofthree%ifferent,o!ors, an%that the "an1ho,ou!% 3est%es,ri3e that,o1@s ,o!or 1ou!%a!sorestorehis sontohi"a!i2e.2* 0o 1henthe%i2iners 1ere asse"3!e%, )o!yi%us, son of 4oeranus, ,o"#are% the ,o!or of the ,o1to the fruit of the 3ra"3!e, an% 3eing ,o"#e!!e% to see; for the ,hi!% he foun% hi"3y "eans of a sort of %i2ination.2+ But .inos %e,!aring that he "ust re,o2er hi"a!i2e, he 1as shut u# 1ith the %ea% 3o%y. An% 1hi!e he 1as in great #er#!eCity, hesa1 a ser#ent going to1ar%s the ,or#se. He thre1 a stone an% ;i!!e% it, fearing to3e;i!!e%hi"se!f if anyhar"3efe!! the3o%y.2- But anotherser#ent ,a"e, an%,seeingthefor"erone%ea%,%e#arte%,an%thenreturne%,3ringingaher3,an%#!a,e% it on the 1ho!e 3o%y of the other? an% no sooner 1as the her3 so #!a,e%u#on it than the %ea% ser#ent ,a"e to !ife. 0ur#rise% at this sight, )o!yi%us a##!ie%the sa"e her3 to the 3o%y of $!au,us an% raise% hi" fro" the %ea%.2/9..2: .inos ha% no1 got 3a,; his son, 3ut e2en so he %i% not suffer )o!yi%us to%e#art to Argos unti! he ha% taught $!au,us the art of %i2ination. )o!yi%us taughthi" on ,o"#u!sion, an% 1hen he 1as sai!ing a1ay he 3a%e $!au,us s#it into his"outh. $!au,us %i% so an% forgot the art of %i2ination.5 Thus "u,h "ust suffi,e for"y a,,ount of the %es,en%ants of Euro#a.9.&.1: WhenTe!e#hassa%ie%, 4a%"us 3urie%her,an%after 3einghos#ita3!yre,ei2e% 3y the Thra,ians he ,a"e to (e!#hi to inHuire a3out Euro#a. The go% to!%hi" not to trou3!e a3out Euro#a, 3ut to 3e gui%e% 3y a ,o1, an% to foun% a ,ity1here2ershe shou!%fa!! %o1nfor1eariness.1 Afterre,ei2ingsu,hanora,!e he7ourneye% through )ho,is? then fa!!ing in 1ith a ,o1 a"ong the her%s of )e!agon,he fo!!o1e% it 3ehin%. An% after tra2ersing Boeotia, it san; %o1n 1here is no1 the,ityof The3es. Wishingtosa,rifi,e the ,o1toAthena, hesent so"e of his,o"#anions to %ra1 1ater fro" the s#ring of Ares. But a %ragon, 1hi,h so"e sai%1as the offs#ring of Ares, guar%e% the s#ring an% %estroye% "ost of those that1ere sent. In his in%ignation 4a%"us ;i!!e% the %ragon, an% 3y the a%2i,e of Athenaso1e%itsteeth.Whenthey1ereso1nthererosefro"thegroun%ar"e%"en1ho"they,a!!e%0#arti.2 Theses!e1ea,hother,so"eina,han,e3ra1!, an%so"e inignoran,e. But )here,y%es says that 1hen4a%"us sa1ar"e%"engro1ing u# out of the groun%, he f!ung stones at the", an% they, su##osing thatthey1ere3eing#e!te%3yea,hother,,a"eto3!o1s. Ho1e2er,fi2eof the"sur2i2e%, E,hion, G%aeus, 4hthonius, Hy#erenor, an% )e!orus.

9.&.2: But 4a%"us, to atone for the s!aughter, ser2e% Ares for an eterna! year?an% the year 1as then eHui2a!ent to eight years of our re,;oning.&After his ser2itu%e Athena #ro,ure% for hi" the ;ing%o", an% Zeus ga2e hi" to1ife Har"onia, %aughter of A#hro%ite an% Ares. An% a!! the go%s Huitte% the s;y,an% feasting in the 4a%"ea ,e!e3rate% the "arriage 1ith hy"ns.' 4a%"us ga2eher a ro3e an% the ne,;!a,e 1rought 3y He#haestus, 1hi,h so"e say 1as gi2en to4a%"us 3y He#haestus, 3ut )here,y%es says that it 1as gi2en 3y Euro#a, 1ho ha%re,ei2e% it fro"Zeus.* An% to 4a%"us 1ere 3orn %aughters, Autonoe, Ino,0e"e!e, Aga2e, an%ason)o!y%orus.+Ino1as"arrie%toAtha"as, AutonoetoAristaeus, an% Aga2e to E,hion.9.&.: But Zeus !o2e% 0e"e!e an% 3e%%e% 1ith her un;no1n to Hera.- Bo1 Zeusha% agree% to %o for her 1hate2er she as;e%, an% %e,ei2e% 3y Hera she as;e% thathe 1ou!% ,o"e to her as he ,a"e 1hen he 1as 1ooing Hera. Gna3!e to refuse,Zeus ,a"e to her 3ri%a! ,ha"3er in a ,hariot, 1ith !ightnings an% thun%erings, an%!aun,he%athun%er3o!t. But 0e"e!eeC#ire%of fright, an%Zeus, snat,hingthesiCthe he re,ei2e% fifty youths an% as "any "ai%ens,an% the ;ing, in o3e%ien,e to an ora,!e, ga2e hi" a!so a %a##!e% ,o1 an% 3a%e hi"foun%a ,ity 1here2er the ani"a!shou!% !ie %o1n? so he fo!!o1e% the ,o1. An%1hen she 1as ,o"e to 1hat 1as ,a!!e% the hi!! of the )hrygian Ate, she !ay %o1n?there I!us 3ui!t a ,ity an% ,a!!e% it I!iu".21& An% ha2ing #raye% to Zeus that a sign"ight 3e sho1n to hi", he 3ehe!% 3y %ay the )a!!a%iu", fa!!en fro" hea2en, !ying3efore his tent. It 1as three ,u3its in height, its feet 7oine% together? in its righthan% it he!% a s#ear a!oft, an% in the other han% a %istaff an% s#in%!e.21'The story to!% a3out the )a!!a%iu" is as fo!!o1s21*= They say that 1hen Athena 1as3orn she 1as 3rought u# 3y Triton,21+ 1ho ha% a %aughter )a!!as? an% that 3oth gir!s#ra,tise% the arts of 1ar, 3ut that on,e on a ti"e they fe!! out? an% 1hen )a!!as 1asa3out to stri;e a 3!o1, Zeus in fear inter#ose% the aegis, an% )a!!as, 3eing start!e%,!oo;e% u#, an% so fe!! 1oun%e% 3y Athena. An% 3eing eC,ee%ing!y grie2e% for her,Athena "a%e a 1oo%en i"age in her !i;eness, an% 1ra##e% the aegis, 1hi,h sheha% feare%, a3out the 3reast of it, an% set it u# 3esi%e Zeus an% honore% it. Butafter1ar%s E!e,tra, atthe ti"eofher 2io!ation,21- too; refugeat the i"age, an%Zeus thre1 the )a!!a%iu" a!ong 1ith Ate21/ into the I!ian ,ountry? an% I!us 3ui!t ate"#!e for it, an% honore% it. 0u,h is the !egen% of the )a!!a%iu".An%I!us "arrie%Eury%i,e, %aughter of A%rastus, an%3egat Lao"e%on,225 1ho"arrie%0try"o, %aughter of 0,a"an%er? 3ut a,,or%ingtoso"ehis 1ife1as)!a,ia, %aughter of Otreus, an% a,,or%ing to others she 1as Leu,i##e? an% he 3egatfi2esons,Tithonus,La"#us,4!ytius,Hi,etaon,)o%ar,es,221 an%three%aughters,Hesione, 4i!!a, an% Astyo,he? an% 3y a ny"#h 4a!y3e he ha% a son Bu,o!ion.2229.12.&: Bo1the(a1nsnat,he%a1ayTithonus for !o2ean%3rought hi"toEthio#ia, an% there ,onsorting 1ith hi"she 3ore t1o sons, E"athion an%.e"non.229.12.': But after that I!iu" 1as ,a#ture% 3y Her,u!es, as 1e ha2e re!ate% a !itt!e3efore,22& )o%ar,es, 1ho 1as ,a!!e% )ria", ,a"e to the throne, an% he "arrie% firstAris3e, %aughter of .ero#s, 3y 1ho" he ha% a son Aesa,us, 1ho "arrie% Astero#e,%aughter of 4e3ren, an% 1hen she %ie% he "ourne% for her an% 1as turne% into a3ir%.22' But )ria"han%e%o2er Aris3e toHyrta,us an%"arrie%ase,on%1ifeHe,u3a, %aughter of (y"as, or, as so"e say, of 4isseus, or, as others say, of theri2er 0angarius an% .eto#e.22* The first son 3orn to her 1as He,tor? an% 1hen ase,on%3a3e1asa3out to3e3ornHe,u3a%rea"e%sheha%3rought forthafire3ran%, an% that the fire s#rea% o2er the 1ho!e ,ity an% 3urne% it.22+ When )ria"!earne%ofthe%rea"fro"He,u3a,hesentforhissonAesa,us, for he1asaninter#reter of %rea"s, ha2ing3eentaught 3yhis "other@s father .ero#s. He%e,!are% that the ,hi!% 1as 3egotten to 3e the ruin of his ,ountry an% a%2ise% thatthe 3a3e shou!% 3e eC#ose%. When the 3a3e 1as 3orn )ria" ga2e it to a ser2ant tota;e an% eC#ose on I%a? no1 the ser2ant 1as na"e% Age!aus. EC#ose% 3y hi", theinfant 1as nurse% for fi2e %ays 3y a 3ear? an%, 1hen he foun% it safe, he too; it u#,,arrie% it a1ay, 3rought it u# as his o1n son on his far", an% na"e% hi" )aris.When he gre1 to 3e a young "an, )aris eC,e!!e% "any in 3eauty an% strength, an%1as after1ar%s surna"e% A!eCan%er, 3e,ause he re#e!!e% ro33ers an% %efen%e% thef!o,;s.22- An% not !ong after1ar%s he %is,o2ere% his #arents.After hi"He,u3a ga2e 3irth to %aughters, 4reusa, Lao%i,e,22/ )o!yCena, an%4assan%ra. Wishing to gain 4assan%ra@s fa2ours, A#o!!o #ro"ise% to tea,h her theart of #ro#he,y? she !earne% the art 3ut refuse% her fa2ours? hen,e A#o!!o %e#ri2e%her #ro#he,y of #o1er to #ersua%e.25 After1ar%s He,u3a 3ore sons,21 (ei#ho3us,He!enus, )a""on, )o!ites,Anti#hus,Hi##onous,)o!y%orus,an%Troi!us=this !astshe is sai% to ha2e ha% 3y A#o!!o.Byother 1o"en)ria"ha%sons, to 1it, .e!ani##us, $orgythion, )hi!ae"on,Hi##othous, $!au,us, Agathon, 4hersi%a"as, E2agoras, Hi##o%a"as, .estor, Atas,(ory,!us, Ly,aon, (ryo#s, Bias, 4hro"ius, Astygonus, Te!estas, E2an%er, 4e3riones,.y!ius, Ar,he"a,hus, Lao%o,us, E,he#hron, I%o"eneus, Hy#erion, As,anius,(e"o,oon, Aretus, (eio#ites, 4!onius, E,he""on, Hy#iro,hus, Aegeoneus,Lysithous, )o!y"e%on? an% %aughters, to 1it, .e%usa, .e%esi,aste, Lysi"a,he, an%Aristo%e"e.9.12.*: Bo1He,tor "arrie%An%ro"a,he, %aughter of Eetion,22 an%A!eCan%er"arrie% Oenone, %aughter of the ri2er 4e3ren.2 0he ha% !earne% fro" Rhea the artof #ro#he,y, an%1arne%A!eCan%er not tosai! tofet,hHe!en? 3ut fai!ingto#ersua%e hi", she to!% hi" to ,o"e to her if he 1ere 1oun%e%, for she a!one ,ou!%hea! hi". When he ha% ,arrie% off He!en fro" 0#arta an% Troy 1as 3esiege%, he1as shot 3y )hi!o,tetes 1ith the 3o1 of Her,u!es, an% 1ent 3a,; to Oenone on I%a.But she, nursing her grie2an,e, refuse% to hea! hi". 0o A!eCan%er 1as ,arrie% toTroyan%%ie%. But Oenonere#ente%her,an%3rought thehea!ing%rugs? an%fin%ing hi" %ea% she hange% herse!f.The Aso#us ri2er 1as a son of O,ean an% Tethys, or, as A,usi!aus says, of )ero an%)osei%on, or,a,,or%ingtoso"e, of Zeusan%Euryno"e. Hi".eto#e,herse!f a%aughter of the ri2er La%on, "arrie% an% 3ore t1o sons, Is"enus an% )e!agon, an%t1enty %aughters, of 1ho" one, Aegina, 1as ,arrie% off 3y Zeus.2& In sear,h of herAso#us ,a"e to 4orinth, an% !earne% fro"0isy#hus that the ra2isher 1asZeus.2' Aso#us#ursue%hi", 3ut Zeus, 3yhur!ingthun%er3o!ts, sent hi"a1ay3a,; to his o1n strea"s2*? hen,e ,oa!s are fet,he% to this %ay fro" the strea"s ofthatri2er.2+ An% ha2ing ,on2eye%Aegina totheis!an%thenna"e%Oenone, 3utno1 ,a!!e% Aegina after her, Zeus ,oha3ite% 1ith her an% 3egot a son Aea,us onher.2- As Aea,us 1as a!one inthe is!an%, Zeus "a%e the ants into "enforhi".2/ An% Aea,us "arrie% En%eis, %aughter of 0,iron, 3y 1ho" he ha% t1o sons,)e!eus an%Te!a"on.2&5 But )here,y%es says that Te!a"on1as afrien%, not a3rother of )e!eus, he 3eing a son of A,taeus an% $!au,e, %aughter of4y,hreus.2&1 After1ar%s Aea,us ,oha3ite% 1ith )sa"athe, %aughter of Bereus, 1hoturne% herse!f into a sea! to a2oi% his e"3ra,es, an% he 3egot a son )ho,us.2&2Bo1Aea,us1asthe "ost#iousof "en. Therefore, 1hen$ree,e suffere%fro"inferti!ityona,,ount of )e!o#s, 3e,auseina1ar1ith0ty"#ha!us, ;ingof theAr,a%ians, 3eing una3!e to ,onHuer Ar,a%ia, he s!e1 the ;ing un%er a #reten,e offrien%shi#, an%s,attere%his "ang!e%!i"3s, ora,!esof thego%s%e,!are%that$ree,e 1ou!% 3e ri% of its #resent ,a!a"ities if Aea,us 1ou!% offer #rayers on its3eha!f. 0o Aea,us %i% offer #rayers, an% $ree,e 1as %e!i2ere% fro" the%earth.2& E2en after his %eath Aea,us is honore% in the a3o%e of )!uto, an% ;ee#sthe ;eys of Ha%es.2&&As )ho,us eC,e!!e%inath!eti, s#orts, his 3rothers )e!eus an%Te!a"on#!otte%against hi",an% the !ot fa!!ing on Te!a"on, he ;i!!e% his 3rother in a "at,h 3ythro1ing a Huoit at his hea%, an% 1ith the he!# of )e!eus ,arrie% the 3o%y an% hi% itina1oo%. But the"ur%er3eing%ete,te%, thet1o1ere%ri2enfugiti2esfro"Aegina 3y Aea,us.2&'9.12.+: An% Te!a"on 3etoo; hi"se!f to 0a!a"is, to the ,ourt of 4y,hreus, son of)osei%on an% 0a!a"is, %aughter of Aso#us. This 4y,hreus 3e,a"e ;ing of 0a!a"isthrough ;i!!ing a sna;e 1hi,h ra2age% the is!an%, an% %ying ,hi!%!ess he 3eHueathe%the ;ing%o" to Te!a"on.2&* An% Te!a"on "arrie% )eri3oea, %aughter ofA!,athus,2&+ sonof )e!o#s, an%,a!!e%hissonA7aC, 3e,ause1henHer,u!esha%#raye% that he "ight ha2e a "a!e ,hi!%, an eag!e a##eare% after the #rayer.2&- An%ha2ing gone 1ith Her,u!es on his eC#e%ition against Troy, he re,ei2e% as a #ri>eHesione, %aughter of Lao"e%on, 3y 1ho" he ha% a son Teu,er.2&/9.1.1: )e!eus f!e% to )hthia to the ,ourt of Eurytion, son of A,tor, an% 1as #urifie%3y hi", an% he re,ei2e% fro" hi" his %aughter Antigone an% the thir% #art of the,ountry.2'5 An% a %aughter )o!y%ora 1as 3orn to hi", 1ho 1as 1e%%e% 3y Borus,son of )erieres.2'19.1.2: Then,e he 1ent 1ith Eurytion to hunt the 4a!y%onian 3oar, 3ut in thro1inga %art at the hog he in2o!untari!y stru,; an% ;i!!e% Eurytion. Therefore f!ying againfro" )hthia he 3etoo; hi" to A,astus at Io!,us an% 1as #urifie% 3y hi".2'29.1.: An% at the ga"es ,e!e3rate% in honor of )e!ias he ,onten%e% in 1rest!ing1ith Ata!anta.2' An% Asty%a"ia, 1ife of A,astus, fe!! in !o2e 1ith )e!eus, an% senthi" a #ro#osa! for a "eeting2'&? an% 1hen she ,ou!% not #re2ai! on hi" she sent1or% to his 1ife that )e!eus 1as a3out to "arry 0tero#e, %aughter of A,astus? onhearing 1hi,h the 1ife of )e!eus strung herse!f u#. An% the 1ife of A,astus fa!se!ya,,use%)e!eustoher hus3an%, a!!egingthat heha%atte"#te%her 2irtue. Onhearing that, A,astus 1ou!% not ;i!! the "an 1ho" he ha% #urifie%, 3ut too; hi" tohunt on )e!ion. There a ,ontest ta;ing #!a,e in regar% to the hunt, )e!eus ,ut outan% #ut in his #ou,h the tongues of the ani"a!s that fe!! to hi", 1hi!e the #arty ofA,astus3agge%hisga"ean%%eri%e%hi"asif heha%ta;ennothing. But he#ro%u,e% the" the tongues, an% sai% that he ha% ta;en 7ust as "any ani"a!s as heha%tongues.2'' When he ha% fa!!enas!ee#on)e!ion, A,astus%eserte% hi",an%hi%ing his s1or% in the ,o1s@ %ung, returne%. On arising an% !oo;ing for his s1or%,)e!eus 1as ,aught 3y the ,entaurs an% 1ou!% ha2e #erishe%, if he ha% not 3eensa2e% 3y 4hiron, 1ho a!so restore% hi" his s1or%, 1hi,h he ha% sought an% foun%.9.1.&: )e!eus "arrie% )o!y%ora, %aughter of )erieres, 3y 1ho" he ha% a #utati2eson .enesthius, though in fa,t .enesthius 1as the son of the ri2er 0#er,hius.2'*9.1.': After1ar%s he "arrie% Thetis, %aughter of Bereus,2'+ for 1hose han% Zeusan% )osei%on ha% 3een ri2a!s? 3ut 1hen The"is #ro#hesie% that the son 3orn ofThetis 1ou!% 3e "ightier than his father, they 1ith%re1.2'- But so"e say that 1henZeus 1as 3ent on gratifying his #assion for her, )ro"etheus %e,!are% that the son3orne to hi" 3y her 1ou!% 3e !or% of hea2en2'/? an% others affir" that Thetis 1ou!%not ,onsort 1ith Zeus 3e,ause she ha% 3een 3rought u# 3y Hera, an% that Zeus inanger 1ou!% "arry her to a "orta!.2*5 4hiron, therefore, ha2ing a%2ise% )e!eus tosei>e her an% ho!% her fast in s#ite of her sha#een, he !o%ge% 1ith )ittheus, son of )e!o#s,1ho,un%erstan%ingtheora,!e,"a%ehi"%run;an%,ause%hi"to!ie1ithhis%aughter Aethra. But in the sa"e night )osei%on a!so ha% ,onneCion 1ith her. Bo1Aegeus ,harge% Aethra that, if she ga2e 3irth to a "a!e ,hi!%, she shou!% rear it,1ithout te!!ing 1hose it 1as? an% he !eft a s1or% an% san%a!s un%er a ,ertain ro,;,saying that 1hen the 3oy ,ou!% ro!! a1ay the ro,; an% ta;e the" u#, she 1as thento sen% hi" a1ay 1ith the".But hehi"se!f ,a"etoAthens an%,e!e3rate%thega"esof the)anathenianfesti2a!, in 1hi,h An%rogeus, son of .inos, 2anHuishe% a!! ,o"ers. Hi" Aegeus sentagainst the 3u!! of .arathon, 3y 1hi,h he 1as %estroye%. But so"e say that as he7ourneye% to The3es to ta;e #art in the ga"es in honor of Laius, he 1as 1ay!ai%an% "ur%ere% 3y the 7ea!ous ,o"#etitors.2 But 1hen the ti%ings of his %eath 1ere3rought to .inos, as he 1as sa,rifi,ing to the $ra,es in )aros, he thre1 a1ay thegar!an% fro"his hea% an% sto##e% the "usi, of the f!ute, 3ut ne2erthe!ess,o"#!ete%thesa,rifi,e?hen,e%o1ntothis%aytheysa,rifi,etothe$ra,esin)aros 1ithout f!utes an% gar!an%s.9.1'.-: But not !ong after1ar%s, 3eing "aster of the sea, he atta,;e% Athens 1itha f!eet an% ,a#ture% .egara, then ru!e% 3y ;ing Bisus, son of )an%ion, an% he s!e1.egareus, sonof Hi##o"enes, 1hoha%,o"efro"On,hestus tothehe!#ofBisus.

Bo1 Bisus #erishe% through his %aughter@s trea,hery. Aor he ha% a #ur#!ehair on the "i%%!e of his hea%, an% an ora,!e ran that 1hen it 1as #u!!e% out heshou!% %ie? an% his %aughter 0,y!!a fe!! in !o2e 1ith .inos an% #u!!e% out the hair.But 1hen .inos ha% "a%e hi"se!f "aster of .egara, he tie% the %a"se! 3y the feetto the stern of the shi# an% %ro1ne% her.&When the 1ar !ingere% on an% he ,ou!% not ta;e Athens, he #raye% to Zeus that he"ight 3e a2enge% on the Athenians. An% the ,ity 3eing 2isite% 1ith a fa"ine an% a#esti!en,e, the Athenians at first, in o3e%ien,e to an an,ient ora,!e, s!aughtere% the%aughters of Hya,inth, to 1it, Antheis, Aeg!eis, Lytaea, an% Orthaea, on the gra2eof $eraestus, the 4y,!o#s? no1 Hya,inth, the father of the %a"se!s, ha% ,o"e fro"La,e%ae"on an% %1e!t in Athens.' But 1hen this 1as of no a2ai!, they inHuire% oftheora,!eho1they,ou!%3e%e!i2ere%?an%thego%ans1ere%the"thattheyshou!% gi2e .inos 1hate2er satisfa,tion he "ight ,hoose. 0o they sent to .inos an%!eft it to hi" to ,!ai" satisfa,tion. An% .inos or%ere% the" to sen% se2en youthsan% the sa"e nu"3er of %a"se!s 1ithout 1ea#ons to 3e fo%%er for the.inotaur.* Bo1 the .inotaur 1as ,onfine% in a !a3yrinth, in 1hi,h he 1ho entere%,ou!% not fin% his 1ay out? for "any a 1in%ing turn shut off the se,ret out1ar%1ay.+ The !a3yrinth 1as ,onstru,te% 3y (ae%a!us, 1hose father 1as Eu#a!a"us,son of .etion, an% 1hose "other 1as A!,i##e-? for he 1as an eC,e!!ent ar,hite,tan% the first in2entor of i"ages. He ha% f!e% fro" Athens, 3e,ause he ha% thro1n%o1n fro" the a,ro#o!is Ta!os, the son of his sister )er%iC/? for Ta!os 1as his #u#i!,an% (ae%a!us feare% that 1ith his ta!ents he "ight sur#ass hi"se!f, seeing that heha% sa1e% a thin sti,; 1ith a 7a13one of a sna;e 1hi,h he ha% foun%.&5 But the,or#se 1as %is,o2ere%? (ae%a!us 1as trie% in the Areo#agus, an% 3eing ,on%e"ne%f!e% to .inos. An% there )asi#hae ha2ing fa!!en in !o2e 1ith the 3u!! of )osei%on,(ae%a!us a,te% as her a,,o"#!i,e 3y ,ontri2ing a 1oo%en ,o1, an% he ,onstru,te%the !a3yrinth, to 1hi,h the Athenians e2ery year sent se2en youths an% as "any%a"se!s to 3e fo%%er for the .inotaur.9.1*.1: Aethra 3ore to Aegeus a son Theseus, an% 1hen he 1as gro1n u#, he#ushe% a1ay the ro,; an% too; u# the san%a!s an% the s1or%,&1 an% hastene% onfoot to Athens. An% he ,!eare%&2 the roa%, 1hi,h ha% 3een 3eset 3y e2i!%oers. AorfirstinE#i%aurushes!e1)eri#hetes, sonof He#haestusan%Anti,!ia, 1ho1assurna"e% the 4!u3"an fro" the ,!u3 1hi,h he ,arrie%. Aor 3eing ,ra>y on his !egshe ,arrie%aniron,!u3, 1ith1hi,hhe %es#at,he%the #assersons an% ,arrie%off Antio#e, or, as so"e say, .e!ani##e? 3ut 0i"oni%es ,a!!s herHi##o!yte.1- Wherefore the A"a>ons "ar,he% against Athens, an% ha2ing ta;en u#a#ositiona3out theAreo#agus1/they1ere2anHuishe%3ytheAtheniansun%erTheseus. An% though he ha% a son Hi##o!ytus 3y the A"a>on,9E.1.1+: Theseus after1ar%s re,ei2e% fro"(eu,a!ion25 in "arriage )hae%ra,%aughter of .inos? an% 1hen her "arriage 1as 3eing ,e!e3rate%, the A"a>on thatha% 3efore 3een "arrie% to hi"a##eare% in ar"s 1ith her A"a>ons, an%threatene% to ;i!! the asse"3!e% guests. But they hasti!y ,!ose% the %oors an% ;i!!e%her. Ho1e2er, so"e say that she 1as s!ain in 3att!e 3y Theseus.9E.1.1-: An% )hae%ra, after she ha% 3orne t1o ,hi!%ren, A,a"as an% (e"o#hon, toTheseus, fe!! in !o2e 1ith the son he ha% 3y the A"a>on, to 1it, Hi##o!ytus, an%3esought hi" to !ie 1ith her. Ho13eit, he f!e% fro" her e"3ra,es, 3e,ause he hate%a!! 1o"en. But )hae%ra, fearing that he "ight a,,use her to his father, ,!eft o#enthe %oors of her 3e%e% of the hosti!e a##roa,h of the f!eet,the 3ar3arians "ar,he% in ar"s to the sea, an% en%ea2ore% 3y thro1ing stones to#re2ent the !an%ing.9E..5: Of the $ree;s the first to !an% fro" his shi# 1as )rotesi!aus, an% ha2ings!ain not a fe1 of the 3ar3arians, he fe!! 3y the han% of He,tor.+* His 1ife Lao%a"ia!o2e% hi" e2en after his %eath, an% she "a%e an i"age of hi" an% ,onsorte% 1ithit. The go%s ha% #ity on her, an% Her"es 3rought u# )rotesi!aus fro" Ha%es. Onseeing hi", Lao%a"ia thought it 1as hi"se!f returne% fro" Troy, an% she 1as g!a%?3ut 1hen he 1as ,arrie% 3a,; to Ha%es, she sta33e% herse!f to %eath.++9E..1: Onthe%eathof )rotesi!aus, A,hi!!es!an%e%1iththe.yr"i%ons, an%thro1ing a stone at the hea% of 4y,nus, ;i!!e% hi".+- When the 3ar3arians sa1 hi"%ea%, they f!e% to the ,ity, an% the $ree;s, !ea#ing fro" their shi#s, fi!!e% the #!ain1ith 3o%ies. an% ha2ing shut u# the Tro7ans, they 3esiege% the"? an% they %re1 u#the shi#s.9E..2: The 3ar3arians sho1ing no ,ourage, A,hi!!es 1ay!ai% Troi!us an%s!aughtere% hi" in the san,tuary of Thy"3raean A#o!!o,+/ an% ,o"ing 3y night tothe ,ity he ,a#ture% Ly,aon.-5 .oreo2er, ta;ing so"e of the ,hiefs 1ith hi", A,hi!!es!ai% 1aste the ,ountry, an% "a%e his 1ay to I%a to !ift the;ine of Aeneas. ButAeneas f!e%, an% A,hi!!es ;i!!e% the neather%s an% Bestor, son of )ria", an% %ro2ea1ay the ;ine.-19E..: Hea!sotoo;Les3os-2 an%)ho,aea, then4o!o#hon, an%0"yrna, an%4!a>o"enae, an% 4y"e? an% after1ar%s Aegia!us an% Tenos, the soones, O%ius an% E#istro#hus, sons of .e,isteus? of the)hrygians, )hor,ys an% As,anius, sons of Aretaon? of the .aeonians, .esth!es an%Anti#hus, sons of Ta!ae"enes? of the 4arians, Bastes an% A"#hi"a,hus, sons ofBo"ion? of the Ly,ians, 0ar#e%on, son of Zeus, an% $!au,us, son of Hi##o!o,hus.9E.&.1: A,hi!!es %i% not go forth to the 1ar, 3e,ause he 1as angry on a,,ount ofBriseis, ... the %aughter of 4hryses the #riest.-- Therefore the 3ar3arians too; heartofgra,ean%sa!!ie%outof the,ity.An%A!eCan%erfoughtasing!e,o"3at1ith.ene!aus? an% 1hen A!eCan%er got the 1orst of it, A#hro%ite ,arrie% hi" off.-/ An%)an%arus, 3y shooting an arro1 at .ene!aus, 3ro;e the tru,e./59E.&.2: (io"e%es, %oing %oughty %ee%s, 1oun%e% A#hro%ite 1hen she ,a"e to thehe!#of Aeneas/1? an%en,ountering$!au,us, here,a!!e%thefrien%shi#of theirfathers an% eC,hange% ar"s./2 An% He,tor ha2ing ,ha!!enge% the 3ra2est to sing!e,o"3at, "any ,a"e for1ar%, 3ut the !ot fe!! on A7aC, an% he %i% %oughty %ee%s?3ut night ,o"ing on, the hera!%s #arte% the"./9E.&.: The $ree;s "a%e a 1a!! an% a %it,h to #rote,t the roa%stea%,/& an% a 3att!eta;ing #!a,e in the #!ain, the Tro7ans ,hase% the $ree;s 1ithin the 1a!!./' But the$ree;s sent G!ysses, )hoeniC, an% A7aC as a"3assa%ors to A,hi!!es, 3egging hi" tofight for the", an% #ro"ising Briseis an% other gifts./*9E.&.&: An% night ,o"ing on, they sent G!ysses an% (io"e%es as s#ies? an% these;i!!e% (o!on, son of Eu"e!us, an% Rhesus, the Thra,ian D1ho ha% arri2e% the %ay3eforeasana!!yof theTro7ans,an%ha2ingnotyetengage%inthe3att!e1asen,a"#e% at so"e %istan,e fro" the Tro7an for,e an% a#art fro" He,torE? they a!sos!e1 the t1e!2e "en that 1ere s!ee#ing aroun% hi", an% %ro2e the horses to theshi#s./+9E.&.': But 3y %ay a fier,e fight too; #!a,e? Aga"e"non an% (io"e%es, G!ysses,Eury#y!us, an%.a,haon1ere1oun%e%, the$ree;s1ere#ut tof!ight/- He,tor"a%e a 3rea,h in the 1a!! an% entere%// an%, A7aC ha2ing retreate%, he set fire tothe shi#s.1559E.&.*: But 1hen A,hi!!es sa1 the shi# of )rotesi!aus 3urning, he sent out )atro,!us1ith the .yr"i%ons, after ar"ing hi" 1ith his o1n ar"s an% gi2ing hi" the horses.0eeing hi" the Tro7ans thought that he 1as A,hi!!es an% turne% to f!ee. An% ha2ing,hase% the" 1ithin the 1a!!, he ;i!!e% "any, a"ongst the" 0ar#e%on, son of Zeus,an% 1as hi"se!f ;i!!e% 3y He,tor, after 3eing first 1oun%e% 3y Eu#hor3us.1519E.&.+: An%afier,efight ta;ing#!a,efor the,or#se, A7aC1ith%iffi,u!ty, 3y#erfor"ing feats of 2a!or, res,ue% the 3o%y.152 An% A,hi!!es !ai% asi%e his anger an%re,o2ere% Briseis. An% a suit of ar"our ha2ing 3een 3rought hi" fro" He#haestus,he %onne% the ar"our15 an% 1ent forth to the 1ar, an% ,hase% the Tro7ans in a,ro1% to the 0,a"an%er, an% there ;i!!e% "any, an% a"ongst the" Astero#aeus,son of )e!egon, son oftheri2er ACius?an% the ri2er rushe%at hi" in fury. ButHe#haestus %rie% u# the strea"s ofthe ri2er,after ,hasing the" 1itha "ightyf!a"e.15& An% A,hi!!es s!e1 He,tor in sing!e ,o"3at, an% fastening his an;!es to his,hariot %ragge%hi"totheshi#s.15' An%ha2ing3urie%)atro,!us, he,e!e3rate%ga"es in his honor, at 1hi,h (io"e%es 1as 2i,torious in the ,hariot ra,e, E#eus in3oCing, an% A7aC an% G!ysses in 1rest!ing.15* An% after the ga"es )ria" ,a"e toA,hi!!es an% ranso"e% the 3o%y of He,tor, an% 3urie% it.15+9E.'.1: )enthesi!ia, %aughter of Otrere an% Ares, a,,i%enta!!y ;i!!e% Hi##o!yte an%1as #urifie% 3y )ria". In 3att!e she s!e1 "any, an% a"ongst the" .a,haon, an%1as after1ar%s herse!f ;i!!e% 3y A,hi!!es, 1ho fe!! in !o2e 1ith the A"a>on after her%eath an% s!e1 Thersites for 7eering at hi".15-9E.'.2:Hi##o!yte 1as the "other of Hi##o!ytus?she a!so goes 3y the na"es of$!au,ean% .e!ani##e. Aor 1henthe"arriage of)hae%ra1as3eing,e!e3rate%,Hi##o!yte a##eare% in ar"s 1ith her A"a>ons, an% sai% that she 1ou!% s!ay theguests of Theseus. 0o a 3att!e too; #!a,e, an% she 1as ;i!!e%, 1hether in2o!untari!y3y her a!!y )enthesi!ia, or 3y Theseus, or 3e,ause his "en, seeing the threateningattitu%e of the A"a>ons, hasti!y ,!ose% the %oors an% so inter,e#te% an% s!e1 her.15/9E.'.: .e"non, the son of Tithonus an% the (a1n, ,a"e 1ith a great for,e ofEthio#ians toTroyagainst the$ree;s, an%ha2ings!ain"anyof the$ree;s,in,!u%ing Anti!o,hus, he 1as hi"se!f s!ain 3y A,hi!!es.115 Ha2ing ,hase% the Tro7ansa!so, A,hi!!es 1as shot 1ith an arro1 in the an;!e 3y A!eCan%er an% A#o!!o at the0,aean gate.9E.'.&: A fight ta;ing #!a,e for the ,or#se, A7aC ;i!!e% $!au,us, an% ga2e the ar"sto 3e ,on2eye% to the shi#s, 3ut the 3o%y he ,arrie%, in a sho1er of %arts, throughthe "i%st of the ene"y, 1hi!e G!ysses fought his assai!ants.1119E.'.': The %eath of A,hi!!es fi!!e% the ar"y 1ith %is"ay, an% they 3urie% hi" 1ith)atro,!us in the White Is!e, "iCing the 3ones of the t1o together.112 It is sai% thatafter %eath A,hi!!es ,onsorts 1ith .e%ea in the Is!es of the B!est.11 An% they he!%ga"es in his honor, at 1hi,h Eu"e!us 1on the ,hariote to the 3ra2est, an% A7aC an% G!ysses,a"e for1ar% as ,o"#etitors. The 7u%ges 1ere the Tro7ans or, a,,or%ing to so"e,the a!!ies, an%G!ysses 1as #referre%. (isor%ere%3y,hagrin, A7aC#!anne%ano,turna! atta,; on the ar"y. An% Athena %ro2e hi" "a%, an% turne% hi", s1or% inhan%, a"ongthe,att!e, an%inhis fren>yhes!aughtere%the,att!e1iththeher%s"en, ta;ing the" for the A,haeans.9E.'.+: But after1ar%s he ,a"e to his senses an% s!e1a!so hi"se!f.11' An%Aga"e"non for3a%e his 3o%y to 3e 3urnt? an% he a!one of a!! 1ho fe!! at I!iu" is3urie%, in a ,offin.11* His gra2e is at Rhoeteu".9E.'.-: When the 1ar ha% a!rea%y !aste% ten years, an% the $ree;s 1ere%es#on%ent, 4a!,has #ro#hesie% to the" that Troy ,ou!% not 3e ta;en un!ess theyha% the 3o1 an% arro1s of Her,u!es fighting on their si%e. On hearing that, G!ysses1ent 1ith (io"e%es to )hi!o,tetes in Le"nos, an% ha2ing 3y ,raft got #ossession ofthe 3o1 an% arro1s he #ersua%e% hi" to sai! to Troy. 0o he 1ent, an% after 3eing,ure% 3y )o%a!irius, he shot A!eCan%er.11+9E.'./: After the %eath of A!eCan%er, He!enus an% (ei#ho3us Huarre!!e% as to 1hi,hof the" shou!% "arry He!en? an% as (ei#ho3us 1as #referre%, He!enus !eft Troyan%a3o%e inI%a.11- But as 4ha!,as sai% that He!enus ;ne1the ora,!es that#rote,te% the ,ity, G!ysses 1ay!ai% an% ,a#ture% hi" an% 3rought hi" to the ,a"#?9E.'.15: an% He!enus 1as for,e% to te!! ho1 I!iu" ,ou!% 3e ta;en,11/ to 1it, first, ifthe 3ones of )e!o#s 1ere 3rought to the"? neCt, if Beo#to!e"us fought for the"?an% thir%, if the )a!!a%iu",125 1hi,h ha% fa!!en fro" hea2en, 1ere sto!en fro" Troy,for 1hi!e it 1as 1ithin the 1a!!s the ,ity ,ou!% not 3e ta;en.9E.'.11:Onhearingthesethingsthe$ree;s,ause%the3onesof )e!o#sto3efet,he%, an% they sent G!ysses an% )hoeniC to Ly,o"e%es at 0,yros, an% these t1o#ersua%e% hi" to !et Beo#to!e"us go.121 On ,o"ing to the ,a"# an% re,ei2ing hisfather@s ar"s fro" G!ysses, 1ho 1i!!ing!y resigne% the", Beo#to!e"us s!e1 "any ofthe Tro7ans.9E.'.12: After1ar%s, Eury#y!us, son of Te!e#hus, arri2e% to fight for the Tro7ans,3ringing a great for,e of .ysians. He #erfor"e% %oughty %ee%s, 3ut 1as s!ain 3yBeo#to!e"us.1229E.'.1: An% G!ysses 1ent 1ith (io"e%es 3y night to the ,ity, an% there he !et(io"e%es 1ait, an% after %isfiguring hi"se!f an% #utting on "ean attire he entere%un;no1n into the ,ity as a 3eggar. An% 3eing re,ogni>e% 3y He!en, he 1ith her he!#sto!e a1ay the )a!!a%iu", an% after ;i!!ing "any of the guar%s, 3rought it to theshi#s 1ith the ai% of (io"e%es.129E.'.1&:Butafter1ar%shein2ente%the,onstru,tionof theWoo%enHorsean%suggeste%ittoE#eus,1ho1asanar,hite,t.12& E#eusfe!!e%ti"3eronI%a, an%,onstru,te% the horse 1ith a ho!!o1 interior an% an o#ening in the si%es. Into thishorse G!ysses #ersua%e% fifty Dor, a,,or%ing to the author of the Little Iliad, threethousan%E of the %oughtiest to enter,12' 1hi!e the rest, 1hen night ha% fa!!en, 1ereto 3urn their tents, an%, #utting to sea, to !ie to off Tene%os, 3ut to sai! 3a,; to !an%after the ensuing night.9E.'.1': They fo!!o1e% the a%2i,e of G!ysses an% intro%u,e% the %oughtiest into thehorse, after a##ointing G!ysses their !ea%er an% engra2ing on the horse anins,ri#tion 1hi,h signifie%, IAor their return ho"e, the $ree;s %e%i,ate this than;on.1+59E.*.1/: A"#hi!o,hus son of A!,"aeon, 1ho, a,,or%ing to so"e, arri2e% !ater atTroy,1as%ri2eninthestor"totheho"eof .o#sus?an%, asso"esay,theyfought a sing!e ,o"3at for the ;ing%o", an% s!e1 ea,h other.1+19E.*.25: The Lo,rians regaine% their o1n ,ountry 1ith %iffi,u!ty, an% three yearsafter1ar%s, 1hen Lo,ris 1as 2isite% 3y a #!ague, they re,ei2e% an ora,!e 3i%%ingthe" to #ro#itiate Athena at I!iu" an% to sen% t1o "ai%ens as su##!iants for athousan% years. The !ot first fe!! on )eri3oea an% 4!eo#atra.9E.*.21: An% 1hen they ,a"e to Troy they 1ere ,hase% 3y the nati2es an% too;refuge in the san,tuary. An% they %i% not a##roa,h the go%%ess, 3ut s1e#t an%s#rin;!e% the san,tuary? an% they %i% not go out of the te"#!e, an% their hair 1as,ro##e%, an% they 1ore sing!e gar"ents an% no shoes.9E.*.22: An% 1hen the first "ai%ens %ie%, they sent others? an% they entere% intothe ,ity 3y night, !est, 3eing seen outsi%e the #re,in,t, they shou!% 3e #ut to thes1or%? 3ut after1ar%s they sent 3a3es 1ith their nurses. An% 1hen the thousan%years 1ere #asse%, after the )ho,ian 1ar they ,ease% to sen% su##!iants.1+29E.*.2: After Aga"e"nonha%returne%to.y,enae 1ith4assan%ra, he 1as"ur%ere% 3y Aegisthus an% 4!ytae"nestra? for she ga2e hi" a shirt 1ithout s!ee2esan% 1ithout a ne,;, an% 1hi!e he 1as #utting it on he 1as ,ut %o1n, an% Aegisthusreigne% o2er .y,enae.1+ An% they ;i!!e% 4assan%ra a!so.1+&9E.*.2&: But E!e,tra, one of Aga"e"non@s %aughters, s"ugg!e% a1ay her 3rotherOrestes an% ga2e hi" to 0tro#hius, the )ho,ian, to 3ring u#? an% he 3rought hi"u# 1ith )y!a%es, his o1n son.1+' An% 1hen Orestes 1as gro1n u#, he re#aire% to(e!#hi an%as;e%the go%1hether he shou!%ta;e2engean,e onhis father@s"ur%erers.9E.*.2': The go% ga2e hi" !ea2e, so he %e#arte% se,ret!y to .y,enae in ,o"#any1ith )y!a%es, an% ;i!!e% 3oth his "other an% Aegisthus.1+* An% not !ong after1ar%s,3eing aff!i,te% 1ith "a%ness an% #ursue% 3y the Auries, he re#aire% to Athens an%1as trie% in the Areo#agus. He is 2arious!y sai% to ha2e 3een 3rought to tria! 3y theAuries, or 3y Tyn%areus, or 3y Erigone, %aughter of Aegisthus an% 4!ytae"nestra?an% the 2otes at his tria! 3eing eHua! he 1as a,Huitte%.1++9E.*.2*: When he inHuire% ho1 he shou!% 3e ri% of his %isor%er, the go% ans1ere%that he 1ou!% 3e ri% of it if he shou!% fet,h the 1oo%en i"age that 1as in the !an%of theTaurians.1+- Bo1theTaurians area#art of the0,ythians, 1ho"ur%erstrangers1+/ an% thro1 the" into the sa,re% fire, 1hi,h 1as in the #re,in,t, 3eing1afte% u# fro" Ha%es through a ,ertain ro,;.1-59E.*.2+: 0o 1hen Orestes 1as ,o"e 1ith )y!a%es to the !an% of the Taurians, he1as %ete,te%, ,aught, an% ,arrie% in 3on%s 3efore Thoas the ;ing, 1ho sent the"3oth to the #riestess. But 3eing re,ogni>e% 3y his sister, 1ho a,te% as #riestessa"ongtheTaurians, hef!e%1ithher,,arryingoff the1oo%eni"age.1-1 It 1as,on2eye% to Athens an% is no1 ,a!!e% the i"age of Tauro#o!us.1-2 But so"e say thatOrestes 1as %ri2en in a stor" to the is!an% of Rho%es, . . . an% in a,,or%an,e 1ithan ora,!e the i"age 1as %e%i,ate% in a fortifi,ation 1a!!.1-9E.*.2-: an% ha2ing ,o"e to .y,enae, he unite% his sister E!e,tra in "arriage to)y!a%es,1-& an% ha2ing hi"se!f "arrie% Her"ione, or, a,,or%ing to so"e, Erigone, he3egat Tisa"enus,1-' an% 1as ;i!!e% 3y the 3ite of a sna;e at Oresteu" in Ar,a%ia.1-*9E.*.2/: .ene!aus, 1ith fi2e shi#s in a!! un%er his ,o""an%, #ut in at 0uniu", ahea%!an% of Atti,a? an% 3eing again %ri2en then,e 3y 1in%s to 4rete he %rifte% fara1ay, an% 1an%ering u# an% %o1n Li3ya, an% )hoeni,ia, an% 4y#rus, an% Egy#t, he,o!!e,te% "u,h treasure.1-+ An% a,,or%ing to so"e, he %is,o2ere% He!en at the ,ourtof )roteus, ;ing of Egy#t? for ti!! then .ene!aus ha% on!y a #hanto" of her "a%e of,!ou%s.1-- An%after1an%eringforeightyearshe,a"eto#ortat.y,enae, an%there foun% Orestes,1ho ha% a2enge%his father@s "ur%er. An% ha2ing ,o"e to0#arta he regaine% his o1n ;ing%o",1-/ an% 3eing "a%e i""orta! 3y Hera he 1entto the E!ysian Aie!%s 1ith He!en.1/59E.+.1: G!ysses, as so"e say, 1an%ere% a3out Li3ya, or, as so"e say, a3out 0i,i!y,or, as others say, a3out the o,ean or a3out the Tyrrhenian 0ea.9E.+.2: An% #utting to sea fro" I!iu", he tou,he% at Is"arus, a ,ity of the 4i,ones,an%,a#ture%it in1ar,an%#i!!age%it, s#aring.aroa!one, 1ho1as#riest ofA#o!!o.1/1 An% 1hen the 4i,ones 1ho inha3ite% the "ain!an% hear% of it, they ,a"ein ar"s to 1ithstan% hi", an% ha2ing !ost siC "en fro" ea,h shi# he #ut to sea an%f!e%.9E.+.: An% he !an%e% in the ,ountry of the Lotus

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