Primary School - Westside Christian College · 2016-12-16 · The Primary School celebrated the combining of junior and senior performance of a whole-school musical. “Melting Point”,

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Our Primary School has had many achievements again this year. In April, we had the official opening of our new state-of-the-art facilities. We are truly blessed to now have a fully devoted and purpose built Primary Campus. As part of the opening celebrations, we hosted 96five’s school excursion and Channel 7’s Bill MacDonald. The Primary School Musical, “Melting Point”, was a massive success which showcased singing, dancing and the dramatic talent of our students over two ‘sold out’ nights. Our Junior and Senior

bands have performed at special events including: the official opening of our new buildings, assemblies, Music Soiree, and lunchtime recitals. They also competed at the Silkstone Eisteddfod, achieving a silver and gold performance award for their respective categories. We continue to offer eleven different team sports to give our students a great start in their sporting pursuits, including AFL, tennis and water polo. Our Parents & Friends Association held our first ever whole primary disco, which was a huge

success in bringing our school community together and raising funds for our Primary Shades Projects. Our school family has financially donated and supported Camp Quality, Australian Cancer Research Foundation, CanTeen, and the Samaritan Purse’s Christmas box appeal to name a few. I thank our Heavenly Father for His grace and hand of provision throughout the year. Thank you also to all our staff, our students and parents for their support in making this a memorable year.

Primary School Annual Report 2014

A message from Head of Primary Mr G Dallinger

2 Annual Report 2014

Westside Christian

College is an


Christian, co-

educational College Our College provides education

from Pre-prep to Year 12.

Westside Christian College

65 Stuart Street Goodna Qld 4300

Enrolment of 883 students (Prep to

Year 12). Established in 1977.

Our Mission

The Mission of Westside Christian College is, with humble

reliance upon the grace of Almighty God, to nurture our students in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to develop towards full potential, the gifts, skills, talents and creativity the Lord has given to each student, so that our students may:

Individually confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and determine to follow and obey Him all the days of their lives;

Be morally and socially responsible before the Lord;

Be self disciplined and knowledgeable;

Be prepared for further learning;

Be employable; and

Be capable of enjoying life in God’s Kingdom.

Parent Satisfaction Westside is an outstanding school, well equipped with talented & caring teachers, & excellent support staff. They encourage a family atmosphere between students & are always willing to go the extra mile to assist students to achieve their very best. Mrs M Molkentin, Parent

Primary Student Enrolments

Year Males Females Total

Prep 38 26 64

1 30 34 64

2 29 37 66

3 30 26 56

4 24 38 62

5 32 26 58

6 28 31 59

7 15 15 30

Totals 226 233 459

Musical ‘Melting Point’: Our students shine on the stage

The Primary School celebrated the combining of junior and senior classes onto one campus in the performance of a whole-school musical. “Melting Point”, with an original script and score by staff, included every student from Years 1 to 7 in singing, dancing and acting to tell the story of how God has made a way back to Him for His people who have gone astray. Co-ordinating rehearsals, staging and costuming for over 400 performers was quite a challenge, but the help of a small army of volunteers brought about a level of excellence beyond expectation. “Melting Point” presented to two ‘sold out’ audiences at the Ipswich Civic Centre and has been enjoyed again and again by many since on DVD. Congratulations, students!

You were a hit!

Westside has CLASS: Christlikeness, Learning, Achievement, Self-control, Social responsibility Our Christian virtues are embedded in all that we say and do at school. Our Christian staff model and explicitly teach character qualities from a Biblical world view.

Our Annual Canberra Tour: Years 6 students study tour Fifty-four students and six staff participated in the educational experience of a lifetime. The tour group visited Parliament House, the Australian War Museum, the Museum of Australian Democracy and Government House. Students discovered first-hand more of our Australian democracy, identity, culture and way of life. Some of our students had the honour of meeting the Governor General.

3 Annual Report 2014

Instrumental Music

Junior Primary

String Ensemble,

Year 5 Band, Senior

Primary Band Quality music tuition for students

conducted by professional tutors.

Performances at our College Open

Night, Primary Assemblies, Music

Soiree and at the Senior Primary

Awards Evening.

After School Sport

Cricket, AFL, Touch, Soccer, Netball, Tennis After school Program with Energised Kids: Term 1– seven week program offering Cricket and Touch. Term 2– seven week program offering Soccer and Netball. Term 3– seven week program offering Soccer. Term 4– six week program offering Cricket, before or after school on a weekly basis.

Grandparents Day On Friday 20 June this year, the students in Years 1-3 celebrated Grandparent’s Day. Many grandparents travelled from interstate and overseas to spend the morning with their grandchildren. Over 250 grandparents enjoyed a concert, activities, morning tea and ‘Show and Tell’ with the students. The theme for the morning was School Days. Over 100 books were generously donated to the Primary Library by our guests. Grandparents are important people in children’s lives and building relationships across the generations is valuable for everyone.

Parent Volunteers

Invaluable In class

help, class

excursions, sport

and carnivals Parents are involved in the classroom, assisting with art, reading and Mathematics activities. They also assist on class excursions, interschool sport days and school carnivals.

Formal Interviews

Student progress

reported Parents are invited to attend Parent/Teacher interviews in June at the conclusion of Semester 1 and by parent request at the conclusion of Semester 2. These are valuable opportunities to discuss their child’s progress and achievement.

PFA Creates

Community &

Raises Funds

Parents & Friends

Association meet

monthly PFA organise fundraising initiatives including: meals for the College Open Night, Mother’s & Father’s Day stalls, Chips for Chappies, school Disco and Christmas stall. Funds raised currently are to provide shade for our students.

Local & Global

Care Raising

support to help

those in need Once again students collected gifts for Christmas Boxes for the annual Operation Christmas Child Appeal. Leukemia Foundation, Bandanna Day, Camp Quality, CanTeen, Daniel Morcombe Foundation were also supported with funds of $2652 raised.

Young Leaders

Program Students

learning to lead and

serve Our Primary Student Representatives included students from both Year 6 and 7 this year. These Reps were involved with a National Youth Leadership Day at South Bank, class involvement in each year level, Pantry baskets and the filling of Christmas Boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. They also assisted with the opening of the new campus & the hosting of IPSHA- a conference for Independent Schools Principals, Open Nights, Primary Assemblies

& Primary Awards Evening.

Pastoral Care Our

class teachers

oversee the

wellbeing of

students The explicit teaching of resilience, core values, social skills and of connectedness is essential for children to adapt to an ever-changing world. Teachers utilise both the Bounceback and The Games Factory programs. Secondary students visited classes with prepared devotions and games for students and sought to develop significant mentoring relationships with students.

4 Annual Report 2014

Primary Staff


We have 52 staff Teaching staff: 8 male, 27 female, 0 indigenous Non-teaching staff: 0 male , 17 female, 0 indigenous



Teacher attendance

100% The main professional development initiatives tor this year included (but not limited to): Australian curriculum implementation of Geography, interactive whiteboards, fire training, first aid courses and sport coaching.

Staff Retention

We retained 92% of our primary teachers

Teacher Qualifications

Doctorate 0 %

Masters 20 %

Bachelor Degree

69 %

Diploma 11 %

Certificate 0 %

Teacher Satisfaction

It’s said if you love what you do you’ll never have to work another day in your life. I love teaching at the College where I am able to push my students academically and grow with them spiritually; all in family focused community where our centre is Jesus.

Mr T Baskerville, Year 5 Teacher

Student Attendance Rate

Year Attendance%

Prep 99.7

1 93.2

2 95.7

3 93.4

4 95.2

5 94.9

6 95.1

7 93.3

Totals 95.2

Teacher Satisfaction

At Westside I experience a strong culture of close connections: personally, professionally and spiritually. God has shaped me to be a teacher and I love being in the classroom. Westside enables me to teach from a Christian Worldview and I can represent the Lord Jesus in teaching young lives that matter to him.

Mrs R Evans, Year 2 Teacher

Student Attendance The average student attendance rate is 95% At Westside Christian College student attendance is a high priority and it is a requirement that students be in attendance for the entirety of all scheduled school days.

When a student is absent the parent/carer is required to:

Contact the school, the morning of the absence, via the phone absentee line or

Provide a dated note explaining the student’s absence to their class teacher

If a message or note is not received to confirm a child’s absence, College staff will contact the family. Upon returning to school, students are responsible to check with the teachers work missed. Records of student attendance are kept on the College database and absence is reported on individual student semester reports.

5 Annual Report 2014

Reading College Average

State Average

National Average

% Above National


Year 3 416 410 419 98

Year 5 534 496 501 98

Year 7 549 542 546 96


Year 3 431 390 402 100

Year 5 493 457 468 98

Year 7 525 505 512 96


Year 3 412 400 411.9 100

Year 5 524 489 498 98

Year 7 553 537 545 96 Grammar &


Year 3 435 421 426 98

Year 5 562 500 504 98

Year 7 560 541 544 96


Year 3 399 393 402 100

Year 5 514 481 487 100

Year 7 556 544 546 96

NAPLAN Our Schools National Assessment Program Literacy And Numeracy results can also be accessed on the MySchool website

International Computer Skills

Entries 22

High Distinctions 0

Distinctions 1

Credits 7

International English

Entries 27

High Distinctions 0

Distinctions 2

Credits 6

International Mathematics

Entries 25

High Distinctions 0

Distinctions 1

Credits 4

National Mathematics

Entries 26

High Distinctions 0

Distinctions 1

Credits 5

International Science

Entries 23

High Distinctions 0

Distinctions 0

Credits 12

National and International Competitions

Skoolbo and Mathletics A fun, supportive and effective online tool Online learning has been an effective method in engaging students for consolidation and reinforcement of learning. Year 1 students have had access to Reading Eggs, Year 2 students have used Mathletics, and all students have had access to Skoolbo. Students in Years 3 to 7 have also engaged with My Big Campus. Students have been encouraged to use online learning both at school and at home.

For further information contact:

Mr Graeme Dallinger Mrs Rechelle Edwards Mrs Susan Wren

Head of Primary Junior Primary Coordinator Senior Primary Coordinator


Primary Campus

110 Stuart Street Goodna Qld 4300 Ph: 07 3437 9001

PO Box 282 Goodna Qld 4300 Fax: 07 3437 9011 Email:




Achievement. Belonging. Care.

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