
Step by step process of

designing my music


My final double page spread

This is what my final design of my double page spread looked like.

At this stage I was adding the last bits of text and I also titled the double page spread with “Alexi” I used and enlarged it to fill up some of the space. I kept my design quite simple.

On the second stage I set out my text and changed the colours of text.

This was the beginning of my design work. I had taken some original photographs ,uploaded them and then opened up on Photoshop. I cropped this image so you couldn’t see all of the background. I also blurred the background so the image would stand out more strong and the picture would be the main attention. I chose this picture as my main photo for my double page spread. I used to place the text on and then went on to put on more text and the interview.

My final design of the contents page with all my alterations.

I added another image that I had taken and a masthead.

I started to number my content pages and the pictures and then I titled each number with some description of what was going to be included on that particular page

Next I put on a picture that I had taken myself at a festival.

I then put some effects on it and planned the text I was going to put on and how I was going to arrange it.

First of all I started by designing a small logo in the left hand corner. Using the name of my magazine so the pages related to each other. I tried to use the same colours throughout using blue red and black mostly. I put some effects on the text and put a red shape behind the text!

Added some cover lines, the price and date, another image and more text!

Firstly I started with an image and stretched it over the page. Then added a shape with some text and effects.

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