

TIC Americas 2010Lima, Peru3 / Jun / 2010

Optimizing transportation industry

Over 40% of shipping trips come back empty (dead freights).

Bad for Carriers(Lost revenue)

Bad for Shippers(Increased prices)

I have available space

I need a transport supplier

I’ll try to find one through this BIG directory!!!

Hopefully someone finds me, I paid a lot to be on that directory!!!

I need a transport supplier

Hard to find reliable suppliers Lot of time making phone calls Hard to find a good offer

I have available space

Hopefully someone find me, I paid a lot to be on that directory

Big marketing and sales costs Hard to allocate available space Customers need to pay for round trip

LACK OF INFORMATION On time Precise I have available space

I need a transport supplier

I have available space

I need a transport supplier

Pay Per Contact(subscription model)

We charge carriersFor shippers is FREE

Similar sites in the US

Classified ads

No competition in Latam

Easy to use

Mobile app

International reach

Easy to use

Mobile app

International reach

Mexican market test: passed

1,565 carriers (+3 every day)3,256 shippers (+5 every day)300 loads available every day

Easy to use

Mobile app

International reach

Mexico: > 100,000 carriers

US: > 600,000 carriers

Argentina: > 350,000 carriers

Integrate US, Canada and other countries

Increase marketing efforts

Keep improving product from customer feedback

TIC Americas 2010Lima, Peru3 / Jun / 2010

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