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Adapted from:

A preposition is a part of speech that shows a relationship (connection) between two things.

A preposition tells 3 things.

•Location (on, under, in)

•Time (before, after, during)

•Direction (from, toward, to, through)

Lesson One


The mouse is on the table.

Two things: mouse + table

Relationship: one is on the other

On is a Preposition!


The mouse is under the table.

Two things: mouse + table

Relationship: one is under the other

Under is a Preposition!

Common Prepositions

Here is a list of the most common prepositions:

aboard along behind by inside onto to

about amid below down into out toward

above among beneath during near outside under

across around beside for of over until

after at between from offpast


against before beyond in onthrough with

Preposition: Through

The word ‘through’ acts as a preposition. It involves movement in through one end and out through another.

Goes in through this end

And goes out from this end


1. The girl looks through the telescope.


2. David walks through the jungle.


3. Dad drives through the red light.


4. He left through the door.


5. The carpenter knocks the nail through the board.

Check It Out!

Well, now that you know how to use the Preposition ‘through’. It’s time to complete your Learning Sheet all by yourself.

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