Political communication 2012

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Grades Composition Class attendance 5%Group paper and presentation 20%Individual paper 25%Mid-term test 25%Final term test 25%

Lecturers will inform the class captain for any class-related matters and the class captain should disseminate it to all class members. Student(s) who is late for more-than-15 minutes’ will not be recognized attending the session, however she/he is still allowed to join the class

Political Communication Class Rules

The class should provide a USB/flashdisk to pool the softcopies of all group and individual assignments. Every assignment should be submitted both in hardcopy and softcopy on the class USB Any assignment which is submitted later than the deadline will not be graded

Learn and apply the correct referencing system Do not plagiarise Any assignment which is containing plagiarism will be given a zero mark. A severe plagiarism could lead to the course’s failure altogether

Political Communication Class Rules

Foke: Jakarta Masih Memerlukan Kumis

Oleh: Wahyu Praditya Purnomometropolitan - Jumat, 25 Mei 2012 | 14:30 WIB

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Sebutan Bang Kumis cukup melekat dalam diri FauziBowo saat kampanye Pemilukada 2007 lalu. Bahkan pada Pemilukada DKIJakarta 2012 ini, nama Bang Kumis kembali disebut. Namun nama Kumiskini diplesetkan lawan politik Fauzi Bowo menjadi kumuh dan miskin.

Menanggapi plesetan yang diutarakan lawan politiknya tersebut, pria yang akrab disapa Foke itu menanggapinya dengan tenang. Bahkan dengan percaya diri (PD), dirinya menegaskan, sampai saat ini, Ibukota Jakarta masih memerlukan kumis. "Saat ini Jakarta masih memerlukan kumis," kata Foke sambil menunjuk kumis yang menjadi ciri kas dirinya.

Menurutnya, kumis sebagai simbol penting dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat Jakarta. "Kumis itu bukan hanya singkatan kumuh dan miskin saja. Nih saya tegasin, urusan kumis bisa digunakan sebagai pembasmi kekumuhan dan kemiskinan hidup. Dengan ciri khas kumis ini, kita akan basmi kekumuhan dan kemiskinan hidup di Jakarta," tegasnya.

Foke: Jakarta Jangan Mau Dikotak-kotakkanPenulis : Bima Setiyadi | Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012 | 14:37 WIB

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Jelang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah DKI Jakarta pada 20 September mendatang, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo mengatakan agar kebersamaan dan persatuan warga Jakarta harus tetap dijaga untuk menciptakan kerukunan antarwarga.Hal tersebut disampaikan Foke—sapaan akrab Fauzi Bowo—di sela-sela pidato sambutan acara Lebaran Ketupat di halaman kantor Wali Kota Jakarta Barat, Kamis (30/8/2012) pagi. "Warga Jakarta jangan mau dipecah-pecahkan agar kerukunan warga tetap terjaga," kata Foke, Kamis.Dia mengatakan, kata-kata tersebut dikutip dari perkataan Hidayat Nur Wahid bahwa warga Jakarta jangan mau dikotak-kotakkan. Maksudnya, hidup dalam daerah yang masyarakatnya heterogen tentunya banyak perbedaan, dan jangan sampai perbedaan memecahbelahkan atau mengelompok-ngelompokkan masyarakat yang ada.Dalam pidato tersebut, Foke juga berharap mudah-mudahan acara tradisi Lebaran Ketupat dapat berjalan terus-menerus. Ini adalah bentuk silaturahim, modal untuk menjaga kebersamaan dan persatuan agar kerukunan bermasyarakat tetap terjaga, serta semoga Jakarta lebih maju dan sejahtera.Menurut Foke, selama dia menjabat lima tahun menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta, tidak ada warga yang tidak bisa beribadah. Semua warga Jakarta boleh melakukan ibadah di mana pun, tidak seperti halnya kasus yang terjadi di luar daerah yang terjadi konflik. Editor : Hertanto Soebijoto

Political Communication Week 1

Definitions, Scope, and Concepts Achmad Supardi, S.IP, MA

Political Communication About

This course discusses the application of communication for political events and purposes. The course covers the principles of politics and the role of communication in it such as political campaigns, polls, celebrification of politicians, political marketing, and the role of media in political constellation.

Political Communication:

Communication Politics

Definition of Communication:..............................................

Bogardus defined communication as “interaction in terms of a stimulus or a gesture by one person which produces a response in the form of a verbal or silent symbol by a second person’’ (cited on Syams, N.W. 2009: 14)

As long as there is other people, man can not not communicating (Even the silence of someone –or the state of being silent-- is a form of communication)

Contoh: hang out at cafe

Definition of Politics:.................................

Definition of POLITICS (Meriam-Webster Dictionary)1a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government

2: political actions, practices, or policies

3a : political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices

4: the political opinions or sympathies of a person5a : the total complex of relations between people living in society b : relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view <office politics> <ethnic politics>

Origin of POLITICSGreek politika, from neuter plural of politikos politicalFirst Known Use: circa 1529

Definition of politics (Oxford Dictionary)plural noun 1 [usually treated as singular] the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power: the party quickly gained influence in French politics thereafter he dropped out of active politics

the activities of governments concerning the political relations between states: in the conduct of global politics, economic status must be backed by military capacity

the academic study of government and the state: [as modifier]: a politics lecturer

a particular set of political beliefs or principles: people do not buy their paper purely for its politics

(often the politics of) the principles relating to or inherent in a sphere or activity, especially when concerned with power and status: the politics of gender

2activities aimed at improving someone’s status or increasing power within an organization: yet another discussion of office politics and personalities

Phrasesplay politicsact for political or personal gain rather than from principle: he railed against them for playing politics with the police department

Harold Lasswell "Politics is the process of who gets what, when, and how.“

David Easton "A political system can be designated as thoseinteractions through which values are authoritatively allocated for a society.“

Max Weber "A political association exists if ... the enforcement of itsorder is carried out continually within a given territorial area by the application and threat of physical force.”

Robert Dahl "A political system is any persistent pattern of human relationships that involves ... power, rule, or authority."

So, How you define

Political Communication?

Definition (by students):

Denton and Woodward (1990: 14)Pure discussion about the allocation of public resources (revenuews), official authority (who is given the power to make legal, legislative and executive decision), and official sanctions (what the state rewards or punishes)

Emphasizing rhetoric, sidelining symbolic communication acts

Graber (1981) Political communication is political language which “comprises of rhetoric as well as paralinguistic signs such as body language, and political acts such as boycotts and protests” (cited on McNair 2003)

McNair (2003: 4)Purposeful communication about politics All forms of communication undertaken by politicians and other political actors for the purpose of achieving specific objectives Communication addressed to these actors by non-politicians such as voters and newspaper columnists Communication about these actors and their activities, as contained in news reports, editorials, and other forms of media discussion of politics (p. 4)


Denton and Woodward (1990: 14)Pure discussion about the allocation of public resources (revenuews), official authority (who is given the power to make legal, legislative and executive decision), and official sanctions (what the state rewards or punishes)

Emphasizing rhetoric, sidelining symbolic communication acts

Graber (1981) Political communication is political language which “comprises of rhetoric as well as paralinguistic signs such as body language, and political acts such as boycotts and protests” (cited on McNair 2003)

McNair (2003: 4)Purposeful communication about politics All forms of communication undertaken by politicians and other political actors for the purpose of achieving specific objectives Communication addressed to these actors by non-politicians such as voters and newspaper columnists Communication about these actors and their activities, as contained in news reports, editorials, and other forms of media discussion of politics (p. 4)


Denton and Woodward (1990: 14)Pure discussion about the allocation of public resources (revenues), official authority (who is given the power to make legal, legislative and executive decision), and official sanctions (what the state rewards or punishes)

Emphasizing rhetoric, sidelining symbolic communication acts

Graber (1981) Political communication is political language which “comprises of rhetoric as well as paralinguistic signs such as body language, and political acts such as boycotts and protests” (cited on McNair 2003: 3)

McNair (2003: 4)Purposeful communication about politics All forms of communication undertaken by politicians and other political actors for the purpose of achieving specific objectives Communication addressed to these actors by non-politicians such as voters and newspaper columnists Communication about these actors and their activities, as contained in news reports, editorials, and other forms of media discussion of politics (p. 4)

Presiden Barack Obama berbagi kue stroberi dengan anak saat makan siang di restoran Corners Kozy di Oak Harbor, Ohio, 5 Juli 2012.

Presiden Barack Obama menyambut siswa kelas dua di Sekolah Dasar Long Branch di Arlington, 17 Desember 2010.

Presiden Barack Obama berbicara dengan orang-orang di luar restoran Corners Kozy di Oak Harbor, Ohio, 5 Juli 2012

Photos: The White House/Pete Souza

Presiden Barack Obama membungkuk ketika Jacob Philadelphia, anak seorang anggota staf Gedung Putih menyentuh rambutnya saat berkunjung ke Ruang Oval, 8 Mei 2009.

SBY asked his staff to reprimand children who fall asleep during his speech..

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