
Planning the Back Cover of my Digipak Below are images and commentary of my ideas for the back cover of my digipak:

First I tried continuing the design of the scrunched paper, however these efforts are dull and weal so I quickly rejected the ideas.

I then tried a combination of the two text designs as I had done on the front cover, but I didn’t like this either as the scrunched paper doesn’t blend well with the solid black background and the text on it is too small and difficult to read.

I find these designs much more effective as all the text stands out clearly. Furthermore, the design affords some continuation from the design of the front cover (the text design of “The New York Fund”) however not too much so as to make it repetitive and boring.

Here I have added a fake quote similar to those added to real album covers so as to make them more appealing. While I think the quote looks quite good, it perhaps leaves a lack of space for other information, such as about the record label and a barcode. Furthermore, I am likely to use this same quote on one of the panels inside the digipak booklet anyway.

Here I have added more information about the band and the record label. The websites of both the band and the record label are featured, as well as the logo of the record label and copyright information. I have chosen to use the name and logo of Domino records, and existing record label, as they are the record label to which both The Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand, which are similar bands to The New York Fund and which are bands that I have consistently used as a basis of comparison. It is also one of the longest running and most successful independent record labels in the UK.

Here I have altered the composition of the record label information and logo very slightly.

This is likely to be the final design for the back cover of my digipak.

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