
LocationFront Cover = Caversham Court I chose Caversham Court as it is a very natural atmosphere and I wanted to convey the ‘Festival Theme’ through my front cover and I believe this location helped me do so.

Contents/ Double-Page Spread = Charlottes GardenAgain I chose an outside location as it is a very natural atmosphere and I wanted to keep the ‘Festival Theme’ flowing. I also wanted to use as much natural light as possible, and keep the focus on the models.

Charlotte props/ costumes -

• I chose this outfit for Charlotte as it as quite ‘indie alternative’ which is the type of audience I’m aiming at with the Pete Doherty signature trilby I should really connect with the audience.

• I chose to use the black guitar to stand out and really draw attention to it so the reader can see if this is the genre of music they like. Matching it with a black striped top to match with the black guitar but also adding colour to the picture.

Conor props/ costumes -

• My outfits for the girls were quite plain as i wanted them to wear red lipstick so it would draw all the attention to there faces with a close up shot of them both I hope I achieved this.

Daisy /Bethan props/ costumes -

Thinking of names for my magazine…

• Flame• Tune• Note• M• Howl• Fresh• Focus• Zest• You• Pulse• Own Stunts• Ask• Awake my soul• Basic Space• Inside• In Between Dreams• Is this it• Rush• Forever and Ever• What If• Sway• Towers

• The Sound• Sahara• Tonight’s Today• Ultimate• Young• Blinding• Bright• Captain• Crazy• Wave• Daylight• Dreaming• Echoes• Expectations • Fantasy• Fix• Flightless Bird• Fluorescent• Moon• Wide Eyes• Disposition• Breeze

• Young Blood• Future• Stand Up• Ghosting• Hey• Howl• If You Wanna• Infinity• Intro• Jamming• Joy Ride• Love is Noise• Never Know• Own Stunts• Possibility• Roll With It• Soul• Shine• Shock• Shuffle• Situations• Song Bird

I have chosen…

• Own Stunts

• I have chosen this to be the name of my music magazine because although it isn’t anything to do with music, it can be targeted at a very large audience. Also when this is on the shelf no magazine has a name like this so it will stand out to the reader. Finally by using ‘Own’ in the title of the magazine it uses synthetic personalisation and makes the reader feel like it’s their ‘Own’ magazine.

• Out of the fonts that I have chosen some of them don’t stand out to the reader enough or are hard to read, e.g.

• So I have ruled out having these fonts because I need my font to be bold and really eye-catching to the reader and I don’t think these fonts will be able to do that.

The font I have chosen to use...

• I have chosen to use this font because although it is quite simple, it is very bold and eye-catching for the reader hopefully grabbing there attention. I’m going to keep the font in black so it really stands out to the reader and doesn’t look cheap it has a classic feel about it.

Colour Scheme for all pages...

• Of course I won’t use all these colours at once but I have decided to use them throughout my magazine making it exciting and bright for the reader instead of it being plain.

Mode of Address

• Own Stunts will be written in an informal style of writing to try and connect with the readers on a certain level. I feel that if I use formal writing I wouldn’t be able to connect with my readers very well as my target audience is 16-22 year olds and they should feel that they’re reading a cool new music magazine not a formal newspaper. Although my writing will be informal I won’t be using any abbreviated words such as ‘cool’ to ‘kl’ or ‘you’ to ‘u’. I won’t be doing this because I feel it will loose the classiness of the magazine even though it is quite informal.

Shot types of Conor -

Main Image


Sub Headings

Sub Headings

Sub Headings

Main Image

Sub Headings

Sub Headings

Sub Headings

Sub Headings














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Body of TextMain Image


Pull Quote

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