PITTs for Dummies

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  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    By: The MNF-W G-10 Staff

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies




    This handbook is a pocket reference for all PTT members and anyonewho works with the Iraqi Police in Al Anbar Province. It is designed to be a livingdocument that is updated and improved as the Iraqi Police in Al Anbar continueto grow.

    Created by MNF-W, G-10

    Maj Robert ChiaruttiniSgt Joseph BumguardnerIPLO George Antonell

    8 February 2007

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Table of Contents

    1. Police Transition Teams PTTs

    2. International Police Liaison Officer IPLOs

    3. Recruiting Iraqi Police IPs

    Sec. 1 RecruitingDrives and Application Packs

    Sec. 2 RecruitingDrive Planning

    4. IPTraining

    5. Iraqi Police Administration

    Sec. 1 Hiring

    Sec. 2 Termination

    Sec. 3 Pay

    Sec. 4 Promotions

    6. PSMR Training

    7. Station Financing

    8. Electronic Warfare

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Chapter 1

    PTTsPolice Transition Teams

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    Police Transition Teams

    Police Transition Teams (PTTs) are organized as Station PTTs, District HQ PTTs,or Provincial HQ PTTs. The minimum manning level directed by MNC-I is as follows:

    Station PTT District HQ PTT Provincial HQ PTT1 x Team Leader 1 x Team Leader 1 x Team Leader1 x Team Chief 1 x Team Chief 1 x Team Chief2 x IPLOs 1 x Personnel Adv 1 x Ops/Plans Adv2 x Interpreters 1 x Logistics Adv 1 x Personnel Adv8 x Security 3 x IPLOs 1 x Logistics Adv

    3 x Interpreters 1 x Communications Adv8 x Security 1 x Intel Adv

    5 x IPLOs4 x Interpreters

    8 x Security

    - 8 Marines or Soldiers assigned to the security element is the minimum. Commandersand PTT Leaders should increase this number as necessary, based on the situation.

    - The Provincial IHP HQ PTT is based on the District PTT model

    - The PTT Leader is in charge of all members of his team and responsible for all actionsof the team. He will designate all assignments and responsibilities within the team toinclude all military, IPLO, and interpreters.

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    PTT Task List

    Train, coach and mentor the Police Chief and staff to develop effectiveleadership skills.

    Develop personnel accountability procedures (administration, pay, leave,etc).

    Develop security protection measures.

    Develop criminal intelligence direction, collection, and analysis.

    Plan and execute collective training programs including:o Iraqi criminal lawo Criminal investigation and evidentiary procedures and IAW Iraqi

    law.o Community policing

    o IPS SOP Ensure all officers are cycled through formal individual training (Police


    Plan and coordinate effective police operations.

    Establish procedures for suspect and detainee handling.

    Develop logistical support systems (maintenance, supply, accountability,etc).

    Develop effective Internal Affairs investigative capabilities.

    Plan and execute PAO and Community Relations programs.

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    Chapter 2

    IPLOsInternational Police Liaison Officers

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    International Police Liaison Officers

    Mission Statement:

    From the IPLO Policy and Procedure Manual

    The mission of the Civilian Police Assistance Training Teams (CPATT)International Police Liaison Officers (IPLOs) is to assist the Iraq Ministry ofInterior by providing expertise, in the form of mentoring, monitoring and advising,to the emerging Iraqi Police Services. This will be accomplished through theIPLOs teaching at structured academy settings, formal and informal settings infield situations and in the venue of overseeing field training.

    The International Police Liaison Officers (IPLOs) and International PoliceTrainers (IPTs) will focus on the principles of the internationally recognizeddemocratic policing standards, and work towards developing the Iraqi Police intoa recognized democratic police entity.

    Mission Goals and Objectives of the IPLOFrom the IPLO Policy and Procedure Manual

    The primary objective of the CPATT IPLO Program is to act as an advisorto the PTT Leaderand to members of the Iraqi Police Service. During the mentoring

    process IPLOs willadvise, guide, demonstrate, use examples, evaluate and makerecommendationsrelative to advancing the skill sets of the individual Iraqi Police Officers.

    The secondary task of the IPLO Program will be to facilitate in all aspectsof training members of agencies and entities relative to the Iraqi Police Service.IPLOs are to be integrally involved in the Field Training and Observation (FTO)Program. IPLOs shall act as Field Training Coordinators (FTC's) to assurecontinuity and ensure quality of field training within the Iraqi Police Service.Classroom training/programs will be developed and delivered by InternationalPolice Trainers and assisted by IPLOs in a manner consistent with the principlesof democratic policing, with deference to the Arab culture, through an educational

    philosophy that is based on international human rights standards.

    The IPLO Program will support the Iraqi Police Services recruitmentefforts with respect to providing advice, guidance and individualized specialtytraining relative to the police recruiting process.

    The IPLO Program will provide specialty support in the area of the IraqiPolice Station reconstitution. While not acting in an operational role, IPLOswill guide the Iraqi Police through rebuilding Police Stations and they will, in turn,directly sustain the security function within the new Iraq.

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    Program initiatives will strive to increase citizen trust and confidence in lawenforcement, and develop the institutional foundation upon which a service-based police institution can be built.

    Use of Force for the IPLO:

    Extracted/Edited Policy 06.100 from the CPATT IPLO Policy & ProcedureManual

    6.100 PURPOSE

    It is the purpose of this policy to inform all International Police Liaison Officers(IPLOs) the parameters for the Use of Force that will be utilized while performing

    duties under CPATT while in the Iraqi Theater of Operation.

    1. Outline the application of force to be used.2. Define the authorization for use of force.


    Use of Force for the purpose of this policy shall mean any force appliedto another person by an IPLO that causes pain or injury, or requires complianceby physical restraint or control measures.


    IPLOs while within Iraq are solely in an advisory capacity; they donot have executive authority of the power of detention or arrest. As such,IPLOs are only justified in the use of force for self-defense.

    Therefore, IPLOs should not put themselves in a position where typicallythere is a reasonable probability of a requirement for the use of force. In theevent of a physical attack IPLOs will use force on if necessary, and only theamount of force necessary to evade until which time they can reach a location ofsafety. The degree of force used depends on what is reasonable and justified atthe time of the incident. Unnecessary force will never be applied.


    IPLOs serving in Iraq have the authority to act in self-defense and as suchare authorized by CPATT to use force to a degree that is reasonable dependantupon the level of threat. The right of self-defense permits the use of force in thefollowing circumstances: For self-defense or the defense of any other IPLOs,

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    Multinational Force Personnel, U.S. local national, foreign national civilianemployee with them when the IPLO reasonably believes the person at whom theuse of force is directed presences an imminent threat that could result in bodilyinjury to the IPLO or the other person.


    While IPLOs are authorized to us physical force in their own self-defenseof in defense of another IPLO or other military personnel, U.S. local national,foreign national civilian employee with the IPLO, such force must be reasonabledependent upon the level of threat. In all cases where an IPLO uses force, it willbe necessary for the IPLO to articulate the circumstances and justification of thelevel of force used.

    6.105 REPORTING

    Any incidents involving the use of physical force shall be reported as soon

    as practical by the IPLOs involved to CPATT Command. The Commander of theinvolved individual(s) is responsible to ensure this notification is accomplished assoon as possible after receiving notification of the incident.

    Additional Directive from CPATT

    IPLOs will not participate in military controlled combat operations.The IPLO mission is to train the Iraqi Police Service, not to fight. IPLOs can

    continue to coach during routine police operations. For example, an IPLO ride-along on security patrols in low risk areas is generally considered permissible;where participation in a cordon and search is not.

    Simply put, IPLOs will not participate in any missions that are offensive innature.

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    Chapter 3

    Recruiting IPs

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    Iraqi Police Recruiting

    IP recruiting is manpower intensive. It will require the efforts of the existing IPs,the entire PTT, and support from the adjacent coalition force unit. Planning andpreparation are key factors in a successful recruiting drive. The most successful

    recruiting drives have involved coalition engagement of the local leadership for support,involvement of the local IP force, targeted use of Information Operations, and constantoversight by the PTT.

    The first section of this chapter provides the MOI standards for acceptance intothe IP training program with sample copies of the application package that will becreated for each recruit. Some of the areas in the packet are subjective and not clearlydefined by MOI. It is up to the PTT Leader and Police Chief to clarify these areas anddecide if a recruit will be accepted. The determining factor in many of these areas is ifthe recruit will be able to successfully complete all aspects of the recruit training

    program and then serve in a full capacity in the Iraqi Police Service (IPS).

    The second section provides an example overview of the screening process forIP recruits. Literacy and fake identification is the main reason that many recruits arerejected. It is recommended that these screening processes be accomplished up front.The exact order you complete the required portions of the screening will depend onpersonnel and equipment availability, logistical considerations, and the physical spaceallotted for the screening process.

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    Chapter 3

    Recruiting IPs

    Section 1

    MOI Standardsand Application Packs

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    Ministry of the Interior / CPATT

    Minimum Entry Requirements for Admission InThe Iraqi Police Service, Traffic Police, Border Police, Customs Police

    and Facilities Protection Service

    No affiliation with the Bath Party in accordance with the standards enumerated in CoalitionProvisional Authority Order Number 1.

    No reported history of Human Rights Violations or history of mistreatment or abuse of otherpersons;

    No reported history involving violence, theft or violating the public trust;

    No reported history of a propensity to engage in violence or criminal acts;

    No reported history of immoral or unethical activity;

    Psychologically fit to accept responsibilities;

    Must pass physical fitness test;

    Each applicants uncorrected vision must not exceed 20/200 in either eye and must becorrectable to 20/20;

    Each applicant must be able to distinguish normal colors as determined by a color test

    plate; Each applicant must be able to distinguish depth of field of and possess sufficient

    peripheral vision to operate a motor vehicle safely and perform normal duties.

    Each service has additional minimum requirements:

    Iraq Police Service, Traffic Police, Border Police, and Customs Police:

    Minimum age 18, but not older than 35 years of age.

    Successful completion of the Recruit Basic Literacy Test (RBLT), indicating the applicantsability to read, write, and communicate orally in Arabic.

    An applicants military and/or special skills will be taken into consideration in the hiringprocess.

    Facilities Protection Services:

    Minimum age 18, but not older than 50 years of age;

    Ability to read, write and communicate orally in Arabic,

    An applicants military and/or special skills will be taken into consideration in the hiringprocess.

    Waiverable Criteria:

    Criminal history except violent crimes and a repeated history of crimes that portray apropensity to engage in criminal activity, must be reviewed on an individual basis

    Familial relationship to a former regime member, must be reviewed on an individual basis

    Non-Iraqi citizenship must be reviewed on an individual basis Extremist organization contacts or financial situation must be reviewed on an individual


    Existing Post-War IPS hires MAY be allowed to attend basic training with priorapproval from CPATT

    Falsifying any one of the minimum or additional minimum entry requirements on anapplication will be grounds for immediate rejection or dismissal.

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    I, ___________________ (name), am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the

    Arab Socialist Renaissance Party of Iraq (Baath Party). I understand that the Baath

    Party is disestablished and abolished. I expressly reject and denounce the Baath Partyand Saddam Hussein and his regime.

    I acknowledge that any association with, or involvement in, the Baath Party or itsactivities constitutes a violation of an order by the Coalition Provisional Authority. I

    pledge to cooperate fully with the Coalition Provisional Authority in serving the people

    of Iraq and building a new Iraqi government. I will obey the laws of Iraq and allproclamations, orders and instructions of the Coalition Provisional Authority. As God is

    my witness:








    DATE: _____________________, 2004______________________4200

    _____________________ __________________

    (Name of signatory) (Signature)


    _____________________ __________________

    (Name of witness) (Signature)

    ()( (

    _____________________ __________________

    (Name of witness) (Signature)()( )

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  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    IPS Applicant Physical Fitness Test Instructions:

    Five Events:


    Sit-ups Pull-ups

    100 Meter Run

    1500 Meter Run

    Each event is worth twenty (20) points total, with no credit for attaining

    more than the maximum score in each event. The applicant must score a

    minimum of 60 TOTAL POINTS, given the following:

    - Push-ups: 2 points per repetition to a maximum of 20 points.

    - Sit-ups: 2 points per repetition to a maximum of 20 points.

    - Pull-ups: 4 points per repetition to a maximum of 20 points.

    - 100 Meter Run: A sliding scale is utilized to determine the

    appropriate point value:

    13.5 seconds or less achieves the maximum value of 20

    points. For each additional one-half (1/2) second, two (2)

    points is deducted such that a candidates run time, which is

    more than 18.5 seconds results in a score of zero (0).

    - 1500 Meter Run: A sliding scale is utilized to determine the

    appropriate point value:

    Nine (9) Minutes or less achieves the maximum value of 20

    points. For each additional thirty seconds, two (2) points is

    deducted such that a candidates run time, which is more than

    13.5 minutes results in a score of zero (0).

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  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Application for Police Employment/PART I (PERSONAL INFORMATION)/

    Name/ First/



    Number/ Street/ City Country Phone Number

    Marital Status/

    Single/ Married/ Divorced/ Widowed/

    Height meters Weight kilograms

    Date of Birth Place of Birth

    City Province Country

    Addresses for the past ten years

    Number Street City Country Phone Number

    Number Street City Country Phone Number

    Number Street City Country Phone Number

    Drivers License Number Expiration Date

    Wives Names Children's Names

    Fathers Name

    Last First Middle PrefixMothers Name

    Last First Middle Prefix

    What is your current rank?

    What Police Station do you work at?

    What is your badge number?

    Religious preference: Optional: (If Muslim, please state Sunni or Shia)

    What is your ethnicity?







    Father/ Grandfather/



    MOI 1 Page 1

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    PART III (CIVILIAN EDUCATION)List any schools that you have attended.

    School Address Dates Attended Level achievedPhone Number

    School Address Dates Attended Level achievedPhone Number


    Answer yes or no to the following questions and explain any yes in the space provided at the end of the application:

    Are you currently a member of the Baath party?

    Were you ever a member of the Bath party in the past?

    Do you disavow an affiliation with the Baath party?

    Have you ever been arrested?

    Are you currently being sought by the military or civilian law enforcement personnel for any reason?

    Have you ever been treated or hospitalized for a mental condition?

    Do you have any physical or mental problems that would limit the performance or your duties?

    Do you read English?

    Can you write English?

    PART II (EMPLOYMENT AND MILITARY SERVICE HISTORY)If you served in the military, list the dates, position held, and duties/responsibilities.

    If you held a civilian or government job, list the dates, position held, and duties/responsibilities.

    Date Position Held Responsibilities

    Date Position Held Responsibilities

    Employers Name Employers Phone Number Reason you left job

    Employers Name Employers Phone Number Reason you left job

    For Official Use Only

    Date Position Held Responsibilities

    Date Position Held Responsibilities

    Date Position Held Responsibilities






    MOI -1 page 2 Revised 31 March 04

    Military ID #____________

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    Letter of Acceptance

    NO. :

    DATE: 26 Feb 04


    FROM: John DoeRecruiting Unit Manager

    SUBJECT: Acceptance for Iraqi Police Training Academy

    1. Congratulations, you have been selected to join the Iraqi Police Service.

    2. You will attend training at the police academy from 0800 to 1700 every day, exceptFriday.

    3. You must report to the academy with this paper and your JENSIA ID and JENSIAcertificate and any other valid ID for processing at 0900 on 6 March 2004.

    4. Any questions you have will be answered on the day you report for processing.


    John DoeRecruiting Unit Manager

    Coalition Provisional Authority

    : :26/2/27


















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    Phase I Recruitment of Iraqi Police Service/ Border Police Personnel











    What i s t he count r y and stat us of your ci t i zenshi p?

    Do you hol d dual ci t i zenshi p?

    I f YES, what i s your ot her count r y of ci t i zenshi p?

    Ar e you a ci t i zen by bi r t h, or nat ur al i zed?

    I f nat ur al i zed, speci f y wher e bor n: Ci t y/ Count r y:

    Wher e di d you resi de?

    Ar e you marr i ed/ engaged/ di vorced?

    I f YES, what i s t he ci t i zenshi p of your spouse/ f i anc/ ex- wi f e?


    Ar e you now or have you ever been a member of t he Ba at h Par t y?

    I f YES, what was your Ba at h Par t y I dent i f i cat i on Number ?( Obt ai n copy of Ba at h Par t y car d i f possi bl e)

    What posi t i on di d you hol d?

    What was t he extent of your i nvol vement ?

    Have you ever been i nvol ved i n regi onal pol i t i cs or appl i ed f or empl oymentwi t h any gover nment , i ncl udi ng vol unt eer or conscr i pt edmi l i t ar y ser vi ce?

    If YES, specify:

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Have you ever been or are you currently a member of, or have you contributed to, or beenassoci at ed wi t h any mi l i t ar y, par ami l i t ar y, pol i ce, speci al pol i ce,t er r or i st , i nt el l i gence, or any ot her si mi l ar group or uni t ?

    I f YES, i dent i f y t he gr oup and i t s of f i ci al desi gnat i on:

    Have you ever r ecei ved pol i ce, mi l i t ar y, par ami l i t ar y or mi l i t i a

    t rai ni ng?

    I f YES, l i st :Dat es:Locat i ons:

    Type(s) of Tr ai ni ng:Ci r cumst ances f or Havi ng Recei ved Tr ai ni ng:


    Do you own any proper t y? Per sonal or Busi ness Real Est ate)

    Locat i on of Pr oper t y:

    Descri pt i on of Pr oper t y:

    I s t he pr oper t y cur r ent l y occupi ed?

    I f YES, by whom?

    Do you expect t o keep t hi s pr oper t y i f you t ake t hi s j ob?


    Who i s your cur r ent empl oyer ?

    What i s your cur r ent empl oyer s addr ess/ l ocat i on?

    What i s your supervi sor s name?

    What i s your supervi sor s t el ephone/ cont act number ?

    How l ong have you worked t her e? What was your st ar t dat e?

    Who was your previ ous empl oyer?

    What i s your f ormer empl oyer s addr ess/ l ocat i on?

    What i s your f ormer supervi sor s name?

    What i s your f ormer supervi sor s t el ephone/ cont act number?

    How l ong di d you wor k t her e?

    What was your st ar t dat e? What was your end dat e?

    I f you or your f ami l y i s t hr eat ened, wi l l you cont i nue t o do t hi s j ob?

    Why or Why Not ?

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    IPS Recruit Basic Literacy Test



    The IPS Recruit Basic Literacy Test (RBLT) is designed exactly for the purpose its nameimplies to test for basic reading and writing skills. It is not a suitable testing instrument

    for measuring problem-solving skills, logical thinking abilities, or aptitude for policework. The only assumption that may be drawn about individuals who pass the test is that

    they have a rudimentary ability to read and write in the Arabic language.

    The general structure of the test is such that a short paragraph must be read and five

    questions relating to that paragraph must be answered. To the greatest extent possible,

    the need for subjective judgment has been taken out of the grading process, so that anycompetent Arabic speaker can easily grade the test.

    Testing Procedure

    The RBLT packet contains ten problems, each of which is composed of a paragraph and

    its five related questions. An applicant is required to work two problems and, therefore,will answer a total of ten questions. Each question is worth ten points and a passing score

    is set at 70% (to pass the test, applicants must correctly answer at least seven of ten

    questions). Note that personnel administering the test have ten problems to choose from,but applicants are only required to work two. The extra problems allow recruiters to

    administer different tests at different times to help protect the integrity of the test. It issuggested that the problems be given in varying combinations to each group of recruits,

    so that no recruit will have learned the answers ahead of time from previous test takers.

    The answers to all the questions are very clear, but an answer key is included in the

    packet, in both English and Arabic. If any dispute arises about whether a particular

    answer is correct or not, it is left to the test administrator to use a common senseapproach and good judgment to resolve the dispute. Experience with this test in Baghdad

    has shown that very few marginal scores result. Student scores are typically very high or

    very low, which is a good indicator that the test successfully tests for literacy.

    Completed test forms are to be included in the recruits application file, along with the

    other forms, such as the application form, medical exam form, etc.

    Proof of Education Waiver

    The RBLT should be administered to all IPS applicants and the previous requirement for

    proof of secondary education is no longer required.

    CPA/MOI01 January 2004

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    Two police officers were called to the scene of a crime. When they arrived theydiscovered that one man had been shot and that a woman had witnessed thecrime. The victim told the police that two thieves had stolen his car and 35,000

    dinars. The female witness described the two criminals as being approximately20 years-old, with one dressed in a white shirt and one dressed in a black shirt.The missing car was a white 1995 Nissan sedan. The criminal who shot thevictim was armed with a 9mm pistol and the other one was armed with an AK-47 rifle. Both criminals left in the stolen car and headed south from the scene ofthe crime.

    1. How many criminals were involved in this incident?

    2. Describe the stolen items.

    3. What information did the female witness provide?

    4. With what type of weapon was the victim shot?

    5. What is the description of the stolen car?

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    First Name Father Name Grandfather Name Tribe Name Mother's Name Age DOB Duty Station ID Type





















    IPS Police Recruit Roster


    This is an example of the format that should be used during IP recruiting. This roster is submitted to MNF-W

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    Chapter 3

    Recruiting IPs

    Section 2

    RecruitingDrive Planning

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    Identify and Publicize Recruiting SitesMSC/


    Distribute & Receive Applications

    Conduct Hiring Interview and Issue

    Tentative Letter of Acceptance,Including Reporting Location, Date

    &Time, and Provide Suggested

    Packing List

    IPS New Recruit Flow

    Criminal History/RecResults Obtained;

    Recruits Packets Co

    Manifests Prep





    Transport Candidate

    BIAP Staging Site f

    Positive Handoff o

    Recruits Packets, &


    (Field Training O

    Return Graduate from

    Conduct Security Screening Interview;

    Commence Criminal History/RecordsInquiry; Execute De-Baathification

    Forms; Administer Physical Fitness,

    Medical Screening, and Literacy Tests

    Conduct Academy

    Issue Equipm

    Electronic Manifests

    to CPATT P

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    Conduct Security

    Screening Interview


    De-Baathification Forms

    Conduct Physical

    Fitness Test

    Administer MedicalScreening Exam

    Administer Recruit

    Basic Literacy Test

    Commence Criminal

    History/ Records Inquiry

    Conduct Hiring Interview


    Issue Tentative Letter

    Acceptance & Packing

    Ongoing Recruiting

    Must be sent NLT 2

    weeks from start date

    & ONLY in FRAGO

    sanctioned format

    Test inst ructions ,

    problems & answer keys

    in English & Arabic

    Recruiting efforts: A

    perpetual process

    Must include all

    information requested

    Verify Identificatio& Age 2 forms of



    Form included No longer

    need Urinalysis

    Should include high

    ranking IPS Officer

    Recruits Pac

    ManifesInform recruit of

    location and date &

    personal items



    Fitness testing i

    & complete

    Complete Recruit packets should

    contain: application, security screening

    interview, criminal history record return,

    De-Baathification form, physical fitness

    and medical fo rms, RBLT exam, & letter

    of acceptance

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Chapter 4


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    All IP in Iraq are required to attend a training program to be an IraqiPoliceman or Police Officer. Former IPs must attend the Transitional IntegrationProgram which is a three week refresher course. They also have the option toattend the full basic recruit training course. All new recruits must attend the basicrecruit training course.

    Basic Recruit Training

    The basic recruit training (BRT) course is required for all newly recruitedIP in Iraqi. Existing IP may also attend this course instead of the TIP/OTIPcourses listed below. The BRT course is 8-10 weeks depending on the locationof the academy. The two primary locations for BRT from 2004-2006 were theBaghdad Police College (BPC) and the Jordanian International Police TrainingCenter (JIPTC) in Amman, Jordan. Once a recruit successfully graduates, he ishired by MOI and assigned to Al Anbar Province.

    Transitional Integration Program (TIP)

    The Transitional Integration Program (TIP) is a mandatory three-weekprofessional development program for former Iraqi Policemen (enlisted). Itapplies to policemen only. Former Iraqi Army, Border Patrol, or FacilitiesProtection Service are not authorized. This program provides these policemenwith refresher training and essential information to be better leaders and improvetheir opportunities for advancement within the IP. The first week is spent in theclassroom studying human rights, rule of law, leadership/managementtechniques, and policing in a democratic society. The second week is spenttraining on self defense and restraint techniques. The third and final week isspent on the firing range.

    Former Iraqi Policemen who fall into one the following categories mayattend the three week training program in lieu of the Basic Training Course.

    1. Policemen who have completed initial basic training before 2003 andwere hired as an Iraqi Policeman.

    2. Policemen who have not completed initial basic training, but who havea minimum of one year of police experience. All entry level candidateswho have served less than one year will complete the full basic recruittraining program.

    The former Policeman must provide documentation that proves one of thetwo above categories. The Provincial Director of Police must certify that thisindividual to be trained meets the minimum qualifications listed in items 1 or 2and the policeman is on the central MOI Payroll.

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    Officer Transitional Integration Program (OTIP)

    The Officer-Transitional Integration Program is a mandatory three-weekprofessional development program designed for former police officers. Thisprogram will provide police officers with essential information to be better leadersand improve their credentials for promotional opportunities. The OTIP course isdesigned to accelerate former Iraqi veteran officers into police roles. The firstweek and a half is spent in the classroom studying human rights, rule of law,leadership/management techniques, and policing in a democratic society. Thefinal week and a half is spent training the officers on self defense and restrainttechniques and on the firing range.

    To attend the O-TIP course, the individual must be a former Iraqi Police

    Officer. Former Iraqi Army or Border Enforcement Officer does not qualify. Hemust provide documentation proving he is a former Iraqi Police Officer. TheProvincial Director of Police must certify that this individual is a former officer,before he recommends reinstatement and attendance at the O-TIPS course.

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    Additional IP Training Courses

    The MOI offers numerous advanced training courses for its Policemen and

    Police Officers. These are offered at the Baghdad Police College or atcertain Regional Academies.

    Advanced Training1. Basic Criminal Investigation 2 Wks2. Explosive Hazard Awareness Training 1 Wk3. Election Security 1 Wk4. Criminal Intelligence 1 Wk5. Internal Controls 1 Wk6. Advanced Criminal Investigations 1 Wk

    7. Violent Crime Investigations 1 Wk8. Interview and Interrogations 1 Wk

    Management-Leadership1. Executive Leadership & Development 2 Wks2. Mid-Level Management 2 Wks3. First Line Supervision 2 Wks4. Critical Incident Management 2 Wks

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    Chapter 5

    Iraqi PoliceAdministration

    Section 1


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    All Iraqi Police are hired by MOI. Authority to hire Iraqi Police does notreside with any other entity. IPs are officially hired through the issue of hiring

    orders by MOI. Certified Police Academies submit to MOI a list of graduates atthe completion of every class. MOI issues hiring orders for these graduates thatassign them to Al Anbar Province.

    Former IP (defined in the Chapter on Training) are immediately rehired toAl Anbar Province. The receiving district submits a request for hiring orders forthese individuals. The required format is shown on the next page. The DistrcitPolice Chief submits this request to the Provincial Police Chief. The ProvincialPolice Chief endorses this request and forwards it to MOI for approval. If MOIapproves, they will issue hiring orders for these men that assign them to Al AnbarProvince. Once hired, these men can immediately begin work in their assigned

    district. This request can also be submitted in order to correct any omissionsmade on graduation hiring orders submitted by the police academies.

    Chief of Police Hiring Author ity

    Hiring authority for the position of Chief of Police is derived from theCoalition Provisional Authority Order #71, Section 6 which states in part:

    - Provincial Chief of Police vacancies will be advertised nationally by the Ministryof the Interior and the Provincial Council shall be notified of such vacancies.

    Applications for the Chief of Police position shall be sent to Ministry of Interior,which shall identify fully qualified applicants and provide the names of thoseapplicants to the Provincial Council in a timely manner. The Provincial Councilshall, upon a majority vote within two weeks following its receipt of the names offully qualified applicants from the Ministry of Interior, select the most suitablecandidate from these nominees. The Chief of Police shall be appointed to athree year term, which may be renewed.

    - See Recruiting pack for additional guidelines, applications, and testing


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    Unit Letterhead

    To the Deputy Office for Administration Affairs

    Request to Hire Paragraph, in Arabic. (This paragraph requests to hire the individual

    below. Tailor the opening paragraph to the particular case. Include brief history o

    circumstances as to why he did not receive orders with the rest of his graduating

    which he is currently serving, etc. Also identify a start date which the orders sho





    Father of





    Date of




    Type of








    Signature of Commander

    Unit And his Printed Name

    Example of a Request tExample of a Request to

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Becoming an Iraqi Police Officer

    Authority is the Iraqi 1978 Service and Retirement Law.

    There are three ways to become an Officer

    1. Attend the three year Police College in Baghdad.2. Be a former Iraqi Army Officer and have graduated from the Iraqi Military

    College.3. Graduate from a recognized four year college degree program. Normally

    in a medical, scientific, or engineering field and MOI has a need for theirdiscipline.

    There is no direct commission program. If MOI accepts an Army Officer or 4year college graduateas listed in # 2 or 3 above, he still must attend a 9 month IPshort course before theywill be appointed a police officer in the MOI.

    Former IP Officers are accepted back into the MOI under a different set of rulesand only after thorough vetting. They are treated much like military prior servicein the US.

    The statutory authority governing the Provincial police forces derives from theChief of Police broad authority to conduct law enforcement operations within hisprovince (referred to in the Coalition Provisional Authority Orders as aGovernate) is set forth in CPA Order 71, which states, in pertinent part:

    "Within each Governorate, there shall be a Chief of Police, responsible for

    overseeing all civil law enforcement activities within the Governorate."1

    This provision places Chiefs in charge of all police activity, to include thatinvolving the National Police and Border Police within their provinces. The singleexception would be during a declared emergency pursuant to the IraqiEmergency Powers Law of 2004, which places all police assets under the directcontrol of the Minister of Interior.2

    Although CPA Order No. 71 does not expressly address the hiring and firing ofpolice officers, it has been and is currently the statutory basis upon whichprovincial Chiefs of Police terminate their officers.

    The powers conferred upon provincial police chiefs are independent, and notsubject to limitation by the Ministry of Interior. The authority of the Minister ofInterior with respect to personnel matters is most recently re-stated via StructureLaw No. 11 of 1994 and Structure Law No. 13 of 1999. Each law essentially

    1 CPA Order No. 71, Section 6.1, dated 6 April 2004

    2 No contradictory or conflicting laws exist within the Iraqi Penal Code of 1969, nor are any currently

    under consideration by the new Iraqi government. Therefore, CPA Order No. 71 is unambiguouslycontrolling as to the authority of a provincial police chief to conduct law enforcement activities.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    confers upon the Minister broad discretion and authority with respect to thetermination of police officers. There is not currently a viable redress to any courtor other adjudicative body (such as a civil service system) for uniformed officers,although certain kinds are under discussion within various elements of the newIraqi government.

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    Chapter 5

    Iraqi PoliceAdministration

    Section 2


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Termination Authority

    Police broad authority to conduct law enforcement operations within his or herprovince (referred to in the Coalition Provisional Authority Orders as aGovernorate) is set forth in CPA Order 71, which states, in pertinent part:

    The statutory authority governing the Provincial police forces derives fromthe Chief of Within each Governorate, there shall be a Chief of Police,responsible for overseeing all civil law enforcement activities within theGovernorate.

    This provision places Chiefs in charge of all police activity, to include thatinvolving the National Police and Border Police within their provinces. The single

    exception would be during a declared emergency pursuant to the IraqiEmergency Powers Law of 2004, which places all police assets under the directcontrol of the Minister of Interior.

    Although CPA Order No. 71 does not expressly address the hiring and firing ofpolice officers, it has been and is currently the statutory basis upon whichprovincial Chiefs of Police terminate their officers.

    The powers conferred upon provincial police chiefs are independent, and notsubject to limitation by the Ministry of Interior. The authority of the Minister ofInterior with respect to personnel matters is most recently re-stated via Structure

    Law No. 11 of 1994 and Structure Law No. 13 of 1999. Each law essentiallyconfers upon the Minister broad discretion and authority with respect to thetermination of police officers. There is not currently a viable redress to any courtor other adjudicative body (such as a civil service system) for uniformed officers,although certain kinds are under discussion within various elements of the newIraqi government.

    Chief of Police Termination Authority

    Coalition Provisional Authority Order #71 Section 6 states:

    - Chief of Police may be removed by the Ministry of Interior, or by theGovernorate Council upon a two thirds majority vote for cause asdescribed in Order #71 section 7.

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    Chapter 5

    Iraqi PoliceAdministration

    Section 3


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  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    IP Pay - 101

    IPs are paid each month by the Baghdad Treasury, located at the Ministry ofFinance, through the Ministry of the Interior. It is an Iraqi process that CoalitionForces facilitate due to its high importance.

    The PayIP pay consists of a base pay and any possible supplemental pay such as

    hazardous duty pay, position pay, etc.

    The Process-1. Each station and HQ drafts a pay roster for the month and submits it to

    their higher HQ.a. Stations will submit to their District HQ for reviewb. District HQs compile their stations rosters as well as their own

    HQ roster2. District HQs submit the rosters for their entire district to the Provincial

    HQ after completing their review and making any necessarycorrections

    3. The Provincial HQ scrubs and compiles pay the rosters for the entireProvince

    4. Rosters are signed by the Provincial Police Chief and the ProvincialGovernor

    5. Pay rosters are submitted to the Baghdad Treasury, at theMinistry ofFinance (MOF), in Baghdad.

    6. Pay rosters are audited and verified at Baghdad Treasury (MOF).7. Provincial HQ Committee of Three (CoT) submits Form 36As to

    request payment, based on the submittedrosters

    8. MOF processes the Form 36As and drafts a check for pay for eachForm 36A. One Form 36A is submitted for each IP District

    9. Checks are received and taken to the Rafidain Bank in Baghdada. The Rafidain Bank, as a courtesy, will assist with having each

    check stamped by the Central Bank of Iraq.b. When required, checks will be cashed at the Rafidain Bank.

    10. Pay roll is distributed in the form of cash or a check to each district.

    Pay Rosters- All IP stations and headquarters must submit a pay roster everymonth. An example roster is attached for reference. This roster must adhere tothe following:

    - Be in Arabic and include the names and appropriate information forevery Iraqi Policeman and Officer who belongs to that unit, has hiringorders, and is supposed to be paid.

    - Separate rosters should be completed for each station and District HQ.- The roster must be in order of rank, from highest to lowest. Preferably

    the names within each rank are listed in alphabetical order, but this isnot required.

    - Do not separate the ranks into different rosters. All IP from the Chief tothe lowest Shurtah at each station will be on the same roster.

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    - This pay roster should ideally be typed to ensure clarity and reduce theamount of potential errors. Due to the current lack of computers ortypewriters some stations may have to draft their rosters by hand. Ifthis is the case, please ensure that every line is written as neatly aspossible.

    - The roster must be completed in black ink.

    - There is a maximum of 20 names per page on the pay roster.- Included with this info sheet is an example of the IP pay roster with all

    of the required information columns. The included format must befollowed with all of the columns included.

    - Any new additions to the pay roster must be marked with an asterisk(*) on the right side of the pay roster next to the row where theindividual IP was added. Next to the asterisk and using the belowshort-hand, indicate where the new IP originated.

    o J-XX To indicate that the IP was a graduate of JIPTC classXX. Use the two digit class number in place of the XX.

    o BXX-XX To indicate that the IP was a graduate of BPC class

    XX-XX. Use the actual four digit class number in place of theXX-XX.

    o T-XXXXX To indicate that the IP was a recent transfer fromthe indicated station. Write the station name in place of theXXXXX. For example: If an IP had transferred from the Dulabstation, you would write T-Dulab

    o H-XXXX To indicate that the IP was a former IP who wassubmitted and approved for hiring orders. Write the date of thehiring orders in place of the XXXX. For example: If the set ofhiring orders was dated 23 Oct 2006, you would write H-23 Oct06

    When complete, the roster is verified and signed by the station or DistrictHQ Committee of Three (CoT) for pay.- The CoT must sign the bottom of each page and print their name and

    title beneath their signature.- Once signed, these original rosters must be kept and used during pay

    call and then submitted for pay reconciliation the following month.(More on pay reconciliation below).

    - Copies of this roster will be submitted to the District Headquarters forreview and then to the Provincial Headquarters for final processing.Ensure that copies or scans of the document are clearly legible. This

    is especially important for hand written rosters. Carefully review thescanned roster or copy to ensure that each item is legible. If it is notclearly legible, the roster may be returned for corrections or the IP maynot be paid.

    - The Provincial HQ will compile the rosters from every district, and willprovide a cover letter that is signed by the Provincial Police Chief thatcertifies each of the included rosters.

    - The Provincial Finance section then submits all of the rosters, withcertifying cover letter, to the Ministry of Finance.

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    The following are the required columns for the pay roster and an explanation foreach:

    1. Line number The roster is a sequential listing of individuals. Startwith the number 1 and continue through all Imps to the end of roster.

    2. Rank Current approved rank of the Iraqi Policeman or Officer.

    3. Base Pay Base IP pay according to the MOI IP pay scale. Based onprevious experience

    a. IPs that returned to work prior to October 2003 are entitled to ahigher pay rate

    i. Noted at the bottom the pay scaleii. IPs are authorized a total of 539,000 Iraqi Dinar (different

    from pay scale)4. Hazardous Duty Pay Additional pay that is granted by MOI based

    on the area that the IP is serving. This pay is given in percentages andAl Anbar Police is entitled to 100%.

    5. Fedayeen Pay Not authorized for IPs

    6. Living Allowance Rarely authorized. Must be requested throughthe Provincial HQ to MOI.

    7. Position Pay Pays the recipient an additional percentage of theirhazardous duty pay. Two levels 25% and 10%.

    a. 25% - Provincial Police Chief, District and Area Chiefsb. 10% Deputy Provincial Police Chief, Station Officer

    8. Total Pay Sum of all authorized pay9. Retirement Amount taken from each IP for retirement

    a. BGen = 49,000 IDb. Colonel = 16,000 IDc. LtCol = 15,000

    d. Lt Major = 12,000e. Policeman WO = 2,000

    10.Taxes Derived from a standard tax tablea. Based on rank, hiring date, marital status, and number of

    childrenb. Old IPs receive more pay and pay higher taxes than new IPs

    11.Donation Standard sum of 1,500 Dinar per individual IP is deductedfor Martyrs Pay.

    12.Total withheld The sum of all deductions, retirement, taxes, anddonations

    13.Take home Amount remaining after total withheld is subtracted from

    the total pay14.Signature Every IP signs this block at the time he receives his pay.

    This verifies that he received the amount indicated on the pay roster.15.Comments Can be used to record any other deductions, such as

    funds taken for days missed, fines for conduct, etc.16.Thumbprint Goes to the left of the comments column. Must be the

    left thumb of the IP receiving the pay.

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    Attendance IPs are supposed to work 15 days out of the month to receivetheir full salary. The reality is that this is somewhat subjective and the Chief mustsimply set rules and be consistent.

    Martyr Pay Exists for the family of Iraqi policemen who are killed in the line ofduty. When an IP is killed, the next of kin of an IP continues to receive the IPs

    full salary (pay continues as if the IP was still alive). Concurrently, the PoliceChief for that Station or HQ begins a line of duty investigation to determine thatthe IP was in fact killed in the line of duty. The report is forwarded, through thechain of command, to the Provincial IP legal Department. The legal Departmentreviews this and submits it to MOI Administration (Martyrs Section) for thecreation of Martyr Orders. Once the MOI Martyr Orders are approved, the martyrpayment stops at the station level and the Department of Retirement assumesresponsibility for the payments. Martyr payments are then paid from MOF fundsrather than MOI funds upon approval of Martyr Orders. Once the orders areapproved:

    - A one time lump sum payment of 3.75 million Dinars is paid to the

    Martyr family.- The martyr pay is now handled by the Department of Retirement.- The Department of Retirement will distribute the martyr pay to the next

    of kin at a designated location in Al Anbar. Currently martyr pay isdistributed at the Rafidain Bank in Ramadi.

    Hiring Orders Hiring Orders are issued by MOI for every IP that is hired. AnIP cannot be paid unless he has been issued hiring orders. Hiring orders areissued one of two ways:

    1. One week prior to graduation from a certified training academy, theschool submits a roster to MOI along with a request for hiring orders.

    MOI processes the request and issues hiring orders that assign eachnewly graduated IP to Al Anbar province.

    2. For former IPs who have not been through one of the recent trainingprograms and do not have hiring orders, the District Chief must submita letter to the Provincial Chief requesting Hiring Orders. The ProvincialChief sends this request through the Provincial Governor to the MOI.MOI then will issue hiring orders. An example request for hiring ordersis included as an attachment to this information sheet.

    Hiring Orders must be issued for an IP to be paid. The pay rosters that aresubmitted at the beginning of the pay cycle are checked by MOF. MOF will verify

    every name against current MOI hiring orders. Anyone without hiring orders ismarked as a discrepancy and must be removed from the roster. Any errors tothe roster or any item on the roster that is not legible will be marked as adiscrepancy and must be corrected or removed. Rosters with discrepancies orerrors are returned for correction. Every discrepancy must be corrected beforethe roster will be accepted. Therefore rosters must be neat, legible, andaccurate. It is especially important to ensure that scans or copies are also clearlylegible. PTT's must help ensure that all names placed on a roster have hiringorders. The G-10 will announce when hiring orders have been issued. If there isa question if Hiring Orders have been issued, please address this to the G-10.

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    Pay Reconciliation Process

    Every month, the IP pay for the previous month must be reconciled. To completethe reconciliation process, three items must be submitted from each IP Station orDistrict HQ.

    Items submitted:1. The completed pay roster from the previous month. The completed

    roster consists of the original pay roster from the previous month withoriginal signatures from the station/HQ Committee of Three (asdescribed above) and the original signatures and left thumb prints fromall Imps that were paid. Signatures, thumb prints, and any commentsare placed on the roster as indicated above. The roster must besubmitted with original signatures and thumb prints for all IP. Copieswill not be accepted.

    2. A cover letter, signed by the Station or District HQ Police Chief. The

    letter must include the following:a. A list of any IP on the pay roster that were not paid or not paid

    the full amount listed. The names listed on this letter mustmatch the names on the roster that do not have signatures orthumb prints.

    b. The amount of money not paid to each IP. This must be listedper each IP on the list along with a total amount.

    c. The reason why each IP was not paid.3. The actual money (cash or check) that was not paid to these IP . The

    amount listed on the cover letter, the amount shown on the pay roster,and the total amount of actual money returned, in cash or check, must

    all match exactly.

    Miscellaneous Information-Signatures required on the 36A prior to submitting to the treasury are: PDoP,Finance Officer and remaining CoT members. The PDoP doesnt have to signthe Form 36As. Only the CoT is required to sign. The PDoP does have to signthe cover letter for the rosters along with the Governor.

    The time between IP HQ submitting the completed 36A packets and picking upthe checks is dependent on the Baghdad Treasury auditing the documents.Checks will not be ready the same day that the 36A packets are submitted.

    New recruits are paid half pay at school by MOI through the school.

    Former IP sent to school will be paid by the station or HQ to which he isassigned. He will receive full pay for this time, but will likely not receive it until hereturns. Stations need to submit them for hiring orders.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    MOI Pay Scale (Base and Special Pay

    MOI modified its previously existing pay scale to loosely conform to CPA O

    Previous Regime Officers and Enlisted who returned prior to 1 Oct 03 rece

    (older pay scale) until they are promoted; they then revert to the current pa


    1 1

    Minister 1 A : 1 2,250,000 - -

    Deputy Minister 2 B : 5 1,833,000 - -

    Advisor 3 B : 4 1,750,000 - -

    Asst Dep Minister 4 B : 3 1,666,000 - -

    General Manager 5 B : 1 1,500,000 - -

    Major General 6 2 : 5 636,000 605,000 544,500

    Brigadier 7 3 : 10 552,000 590,000 531,000

    Colonel 8 4 : 7 398,000 575,000 517,500

    Lieutenant Colonel 9 4 : 3 361,000 560,000 504,000

    Major 10 5 : 5 292,000 545,000 490,500Captain 11 6 : 10 253,000 530,000 477,000

    First Lieutenant 12 7 : 10 196,000 515,000 463,500

    Lieutenant 13 7 : 7 183,000 500,000 450,000

    Commissioner 14 8 : 8 149,000 485,000 436,500

    Senior Sergeant 15 9 : 10 127,000 455,000 409,500

    Sergeant 16 9 : 8 121,000 425,000 382,500

    Corporal 17 9 : 7 118,000 395,000 355,500

    Policeman 1 18 9 : 6 116,000 380,000 342,000

    Policeman 19 9 : 5 113,000 380,000 342,000

    Brigadier thru Major General NA NA 700,000 by grade by gradeLiuetenant thru Major NA NA 300,000 by grade by grade

    Policeman thru Warrant NA NA 200,000 by grade by grade

    Previous Regime Pay Carryover (for those returning prior to 1 Oc

    Hazardous Duty

    MOI RankMOI


    CPA Order



    Base Salary

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Police Medical/Line of Duty Death Pay and Care

    Reference is the 1978 Iraqi Police Service and Retirement Law articles 26 &27

    -A policeman (officer and enlisted) will receive his full salary as long as he stays in

    hospital ifhisinjury or sickness was a result of his duty in service.

    -An officer or commissioner deserves his salaries fully paid, as long as he stays inthe hospital, for a period not exceeding (120) days if his sickness was not as a resultof his duty in service.

    -A policeman (officer and enlisted) can be granted a sick leave permission notexceeding one year witha full salary pay in addition to the period he spends inhospital if he becomes sick, injured, fractured or of emerging maim because of his

    duty in service.

    -A policeman will be medically treated inside Iraq in their hospitals &medical establishments on the expense of the government & he can be medicallytreatedoutside Iraq also on the expense of the government if he cannot receive theproper care in Iraq. This must be verified by a medical report from a medicalcommittee andwith the approval of the Presidentof the Republic of Iraq.- A policeman, who is sick with a chronic or contagious disease that was resultedfrom outside official service, is exempted from the above provisions and his sickleave permission is given with a full salary for a period not exceeding two

    years which includes the period of his stay in hospital and if he does not recoverfrom his illness, he is then pensioned to retirement.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Chapter 5

    Iraqi PoliceAdministration

    Section 4


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    MOI Officer Promotion Process

    1. Police Officers who meet promotion requirements submit personnel informationupdates to their supervisor who in turn submits applications for promotion to theProvincial Police Chief.

    2. The Provincial Police Chief reviews Officer Applications to verify that they meet therequirements of the service law. He forwards the officers names with his writtenrecommendation requesting promotion to MOI.

    Requirements Include:

    Must have completed 4 years of continuous service in current rank (this appliesto all ranks)

    Must have no record of punishments (minor infractions normally will not prevent apromotion although they may result in a 6 month delay)

    Must be physically fit (meets min requirements and documented on a MOH form

    IAW medical committee requirements for vision, weight, etc., no PT test required) Must have a supervisory recommendation

    Pass Promotion Exam (currently waived due to security situation)

    Reference: Articles 4 through 11 of the Service Law

    3. Promotion applications are held at MOI until the Promotion Board/Committeeconvenes. Two Promotion Boards are held annually (January and July). TheBoard/Committee consists of senior representatives from various MOI Directorates whoreview the applications, recommendations, and the requirements for promotion. Thiscan include a special seniority grant of one year by the Minster of Interior which isapplied to the service time required for promotion reducing it from four years to three

    years. Officers completing a Masters degree may be promoted 6 months early andthose completing a PHD may be promoted up to a year early. The Promotion Boardprovides its promotion recommendations to the Prime Minister for approval. Additionallythe Prime Minister may waive some or all time in grade required for promotion.

    4. Promotion to MG will be made if approved and there is a vacancy or if the officer is ina job which requires the rank of MG. If there is no vacancy or if the officer's current jobdoes not call for a MG, an officer who otherwise meets requirements receives the pay ofthe higher rank but not the promotion. A vacancy is not required for any position belowMG.

    Note: Police Officers, who were previously policemen (enlisted) and do not possess a

    bachelors degree, cannot be promoted above the rank of Colonel but can receive thepay of the higher rank.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Iraqi Police Promotion Process (Enlisted)

    Iraqi Police are promoted based on time in grade (TIG) and successful completionof promotion exams.

    Policeman - 1stPoliceman = 1 year TIG1stPoliceman - Corporal = 2 years TIGCorporal - Sergeant = 3 years TIG + Promotion ExamSergeant - Commissioner = 4 years TIG + Promotion Exam +

    Sergeant to Commisioners Course

    - Currently the requirement for the promotional exam is waived due to the security situation.

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    Chapter 7

    PSMR Training

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    The PSMR / TRA MS Excel Workbook contains ni

    is required to complete a monthly PSMR for assign

    MSCs are required to complete a station assessm

    station in the MSC AOR NLT 21 April 2006. The PPSMR Tab of the workbook. Slides 3 through 10 o

    show the PSMR. The boxed sections (in red) are

    Station Inventory.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies



    M17: Station-Employed IP

    M17: Station-Employed Civilia


    StationFFID: Station / Facility Name: #N/A

    Station /

    Province: #N/A District: #N/A

    Police Station Monthly Report (PSMR)(Version 0306.G)

    Report Status

    (Number of Errors)

    Mil Grid Ref: #N/A Facility Co-Located With: #N/A N

    Station Commander:

    PTT Team Leader: Phone:



    Personnel & Training Authorized On Hand Trained LeadeRequired

    M60: # TIP Trained Personnel

    M13 / M60: Total Personnel #N/A 0

    M60: # Basic Academy Trained Personnel

    M16 / M63: Executives #N/A

    M15 / M62: Mid-Level Managers #N/A


    M64: Special Skills Trained Personnel

    M14 / M61: First-Line Supervisors #N/A Type of Report (PSMR

    (Use Drop Down

    AFRN Radio Equipment

    M89: Vehicles #N/A

    Equipment Authorized On Hand FMC

    M117: Base Station Radios

    M90: Patrol Boats #N/A M119: Vehicle Radios

    M91: Motorcycles #N/A M120: Hand Held Radios

    M101: Pistols #N/A UHF Radio Equipment

    M102: Rifles #N/A M117: Base Station Radios

    M103: PKC/PKM Light machine Guns #N/A M119: Vehicle Radios

    M104: Pistol Ammunition (9 MM) #N/A M120: Hand Held Radios

    M105: Rifle Ammunition (7.62 X 39) #N/A M118: UHF Radio Repeater

    M106: Light Machine Gun Ammunition (7.62 X 54) #N/A HF Radio EquipmentM95: Ballistic Vests #N/A M117: Base Station Radios

    M96: SAPI Plates (Pairs) #N/A M119: Vehicle Radios

    M98: Winter Coats #N/A Info Technology Equipment

    M97: Uniforms & Accessories #N/A M108: Computers (With Monitor)

    M99: Iraqi Police ID (Badges) 0 M109: UPS

    M100: Temporary Police ID / Weapons Card 0 M110: Printers

    M88: Generators #N/A M125: Cell Phones

    This entire section (administrative and

    resources) is required for the Station


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies




    Force Protection Utilities H

    M126 (5): Entry Control Points M130 (3): Facility Connected to Public Electric Grid M134 (9

    M127 (5): Perimeter Defense M131 (5): Back-up Electrical Power (Generator)

    M128 (5): Barriers / Blast Protection M132 (3): Facility Connected to Public Water Sys

    M129 (3): Response Team Armory M133 (3): Facility Connected to Public Sewer Sys

    Communications Facility ArmoryM116 (5): Landline M138(4): Armory

    Comments (Facilities & Force Protection):


    This (Facilities) section is required for the

    Station Inventory.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A




    Comments (Training):


    M19 (6): Budget M20 (8): Headquarters Budget & Budget

    M26 (5): HQs Performs Intelligence Collection Management & Dissemination M27 (6): HQ Performs Criminal Analysis to

    M29 (10): Police Possess Basic (Tactical) Investigative Questioning Skills M34 (3): Exploit Available Data Sources a

    M30 (8): Recruit and Manage Confidential Informants M35 (8): Conduct and Manage Criminal I

    M31 (10): Police Possess Ability to Write Basic Reports M36 (6): Assemble and Manage a Case

    M32 (11): Collect and Document Evidence at a Crime Scene M37 (5): Maintain Information System

    M33 (6): Maintain the Chain-of-Custody of Evidence M38 (4): Coordinate Investigations Between Sta

    Command & Control

    M39 (6): Roll Call Formation at Shift Change (Orders, Briefing, Inspection, Accountability) M42 (3): Use crime tracking and analysis inform

    M69 (10): Collective Training - Joint Exerc


    M66 (8): Sustainment Training M70 (13): Process for Tracking Training

    Station Training

    M40 (4): Perform synchronized tracking - maintain operational picture M43 (6): Reporting Procedures

    M41 (6): Operations / Dispatch Center - Assess the Service Call system M44 (8): NCC, NJOC, PJCC, & JCC operatin

    M67 (5): Rule of Law (PETL) Training M71 (3): HHQ's process for tracking subo

    M68 (9): Collective Training - Joint Exercises with Iraqi Army

    M65 (6): Apprenticeship / Sponsorship Process

    This section is not required for the Station


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    Comments (Operations):

    M48 (3): Identify if a crime has occurred (dispute or crime?)? M51 (7): Collect & Prepare Evidence (documentary

    Comments (Logistics):

    M49 (1): Identify the suspect? M52 (4): HQ - Ensure Subord. Performing Adeq.


    M107 (11): Computer & Automation Systems

    M47 (5): Respond to a Complaint? M50 (3): Apprehend the Suspect?

    M72 (11): Collective Training - Force Protection Exercises M77 (9): Station Defense - Quick Reactio

    M73 (1): Force Protection Checklist / SOP / TTPs / Battle Drills (written or unwritten) M78 (11): HQ designates and synchronizes sub

    M74 (12): Station Defense - IP Ground Force Drills M79 (3): PHQ HQ inspects / checks subo

    M75 (7): Station Defense - IP Station Response Team (RT) Drills M80 (9): Station Defense - ERF - if const

    M81 (3): DHQ or PHQ HQ has procedures for u

    M82 (6): Equipment Accountability - Receipt Procedures M84 (4): Maintain a Maintenance Trackin

    Logistics & Maintenance

    M83 (2): HHQ Command Supply Discipline Program - of Subordinates M87 (2): Supervise Subordinate HQ / Statio

    M114 (6): Voice Communications Network Plan M115 (5): Voice Communications Mainte



    Force Protection

    M76 (3): Response Team / Guard Force Command and Control

    This section is not required for the Station


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    GO NO-GO N/A

    M5 (3): Disciplinary Action Program For Station Personnel? M12 (6): PHQ Ability to Recruit, Coordinate Tra

    Personnel / Finance

    M11 (4): Are all Local, DHQ & PHQ Pers

    M21 (12): Investigate IA Complaints from the Community

    Internal Affairs

    M23: Number of SustainedCommunity Complai

    Comments (Personnel):

    M53 (10): Health, Welfare, and Human Rights of Detainees

    Information Operations

    Detention Operations

    M6 (5): Personnel Records Maintenance? M3: Assigned Personnel (On Hand This P

    M8 (3): Staffing Adequate to Manage the Personnel & Finance Departments?

    Public Affairs

    M18 (6): Community Engagement Plan

    M57 (8): Operations - Information Operations (IO) Other than Public Affairs

    M1 (6): Accurate Personnel Accountability? M10 (4): HHQ Verifies Accuracy of Subo

    M9 (9): HHQ Verifies Subordinate Personnel Accountability?

    M54 (4): Detention FacilitiesM55 (4): Detainee tracking system

    M7 (2): Are Station Personnel Properly Trained, Training Arranged? M3: Assigned Personnel (On Hand This P

    M2 (11): Accurate payroll?

    M4: Total Personnel Receiving Pay (inclu

    M22 (5): Supervise Subordinate Station IA Complaints from the Community

    Comment Block - Types of IA Complaint Categories:

    M23: Total Number of Community Complaints Directe

    M56: What is the Stations Detention Faci

    M56: How Many Detainees Are Being He

    All Detention Facility capacity information is required fo


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies



    M24: How Many Station Employees Were Treated Within The Last Month?

    M24: How Many Beds are in the Medical Space?


    QtyMedical - Station Capabilities

    M24: Size of the Medical Space (Infirmary, Dispensary, Etc.) in square feet?

    M24: How Many Functional / Complete C

    M24: How Many Physician Assistants or

    M24: How many Doctors Are Assigned to

    M24: How many Station IPs are Combat

    M25: How Many Clinics or Hospita

    Medical - Local Capabilities (Outside the Station)

    M25: What is the Distance (In Km) to the Nearest Local Clinic?


    M25: What is the Distance (In Km) to the Nearest Local Hospital That Treats IPs?


    This section is not required for the StationInventory.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    The Number of Attacks, KIA, and WIA

    information is required for the Station


    This important information will be used to

    prioritize facilities for construction,

    renovation, and refurbishment.

    The station AOR demographics is desired

    for the Station Inventory. This information

    should be used to determine the number of

    police needed at the station.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Projected # of Months Until Stat

    Projected # of Months Until Stat

    M140: PTT Team Leader's Justifi cation of Subjective Assessment:

    PTT TL's Subjective Assessment of Station

    Overall TRA Level (M139)Projected # of Months Until Stat


    This section is not required for the StationInventory.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    The Master Facilities List is the single source reference for all MOI facilities in Iraq. It is maintain

    information provided from PTTs and MSCs using the PSMR. The Master Facilities List is used a

    Force Generation (manning, training, equipping, and basing) and Transition Readiness. The FF

    Identification) is a unique code assigned to each station. The FFID is required on equipment an

    the FFID eliminates the inherent confusion in transliterating Arabic place names into English.

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    IPS TRA Definitions

    TRA Level 1: A level 1 police unit is capable of planning, execsustaining independent law enforcement operations.

    1 - Capable

    TRA Level 2: A level 2 police unit is capable of planning, execsustaining law enforcement operations with the support of Cor ISF.

    2 - Capable with Support

    TRA Level 3: A level 3 police unit is partially capable of planniand sustaining law enforcement operations.

    3 - Partially Capable

    TRA Level 4: A level 4 police unit is forming or incapable of plaexecuting and sustaining law enforcement operations

    4 - Forming / Incapable

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Chapter 8

    Station Financing

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    MOI Expenditure Rules30 September 2006

    Goods will be purchased from the Government of Iraq whe Purchase Approvals:

    Less than 100,000 Dinar: No purchase committee approval req

    100,000 to 5,000,000 Dinar: Purchase committee approval req

    5,000,000 to 50,000,000 Dinar: Purchase committee approval independent bids required.

    Greater than 50,000,000 Dinar: Official contract law must be f

    Payment Authorization: Less than or equal to 20,000,000 Dinar: PDOP approves paym

    20,000,000 to 40,000,000 Dinar: Deputy Minister approves pa

    40,000,000 to 60,000,000 Dinar: Deputy Minister of Finance a

    60,000,000 to 500,000,000 Dinar: Minister of Interior approves

    Greater than 500,000,000 Dinar: Minister of Finance approves

    Special contracts greater than 1,500,000,000 Dinar: Deputy MAdministrative Affairs and Contracting Committee (Ministers C

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    Chapter 9

    Electronic Warfare

  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    EW for Training Teams

    All ECM systems should be check prior to each use.-All cables should be checked for any nicks, cuts or abrasions.-Connectors should be tight and free of dirt and debris.-Antennas should be tight and clean.

    OPTEST your system prior to going outside the wire. You can keep your systems in Standbywhile on the FOB and radiate once you leave the wire.

    Only operate your system on the FOB for PCC/PCI.

    Ensure your Comms are checked prior to every convoy in the same fashion.

    Never have your Comms cables near that of an ECM cable as it will degrade Comms.

    All HUMVEEs will be equipped with the Chameleon system. If you trucks currently do not havethis system, please contact the G-10 Electronics Warfare Officer.

    Chameleon Operations:

    Turning the system on:1. Inspect all cables and connections.2. Raise the SAS Dome Antenna completely and ensure the locking devices are engaged.3. Start the vehicle. Wait approximately 2 minutes for the electronics to settle.4. Turn on the RCU (Palm Pilot) by pressing the on/off switch and releasing it quickly.5. You will see a blue Windows screen. Select Start in the upper left portion of the screen.6. A drop down menu will appear, select the Chameleon Remote Program.7. You will see a screen that says JAMMER NOT CONNECTED

    Note: This is normal, you have just turned the RCU on and now you must turn the actualChameleon system on.

    8. Flip the Master On/Off Switch (Red Switch) down into the ON position.Note: It should take about 20 seconds for the system to conduct its built in test.

    It may take longer depending on a variety of factors.9. Once the BIT is complete, you will see a screen that says JAMMER OFF.10. To begin Jamming, select JAMMER ON, a window will pop up to ask if you are sure you

    want to start Jamming, Select YES.11. You will now see a screen that says JAMMER ON with a green box around the words

    ON. You are now jamming.12. Your load set is displayed on the right hand column above the JAMMER OFF button.13. Allow the system to run for approximately 30 seconds prior to securing.

    Securing the System:1. Select the JAMMER OFF button on your RCU. A second Window will appear that ask if

    you are you, select YES.2. You should now see a JAMMER OFF Screen. Flip the Master ON/OFF Switch UP to the

    OFF Position. Ensure the big red switch is up or else it will default to the ON position forthis switch.3. You should now see the JAMMER NOT CONNECTED Screen.4. Click the OK circle in the upper right hand side of the RCU.5. You will now see the original blue Windows screen.6. Press and release the ON/OFF button on the RCU to turn it off7. Lower the SAS Dome Antenna while on the FOB.8. Ensure cables are tight and there is no damage9. Use pressurized air to clean dust and dirt from the front of the Chameleon box in the



  • 8/10/2019 PITTs for Dummies


    RCU Lock up:Press and hold the ON/OFF button on the RCU for approximately 10 seconds to reboot.When it reboots you will be brought back to the blue Windows screen and will need toselect start and Chameleon Remote to begin Jamming.

    All other Faults:

    1. On the RCU Select JAMMER OFF2. Then select JAMMER ON3. If fault remains, perform proper shut down procedures.4. Perform proper start up procedures5. If fault still remains see an EWO or an FSR.6. If you must go on a convoy with a hard fault, turn the system off and ensure the

    vehicle is protected by another vehicles in the convoy.

    NOTE: If the fault display is YELLOW, you are still Jamming but in a degraded mode.Keep the system ON if the fault is a soft YELLOW fault.

    *****IMPORTANT***IMPORTANT***IMPORTANT****IMPORTANT******ECM Systems are NOT Silver Bullets.No ECM System can protect you against Command Wire or Pressure Plate IEDs.

    Only a well trained Marine and Soldier will defeat all IEDs.

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