
Pinterest is a social bookmarking site. Users collect & share photos of their favorite

events, interests, & hobbies. One of the fastest growing social networks. Users browse, Re-Pin, or like boards or pins. Expanded into overseas market. Personalized media platform for businesses. Able to target an audience with similar

interest. Pinterest has 85 million viewers each month.

Companies can us social media to connect with buyers across the world.

Pinterest is a site that allows viewers to follow a company’s board and Re-Pin/like their products.

It’s a free site that you can link a direct website to, such as your business/company.

The average US Pinterest user follows an average of 9 retailers.

Cavenders Western store for example has a running board on Pinterest.

Create an account (that’s completely free) Then create a board. Add titles, description,

and categories. This makes your company searchable on Pinterest.

Cavender’s have jumped on the Pinterest network.

With a direct link to their website.

Allowing customers to follow them, like, and re-pin their board.

Logo Direct link to website

FollowersBoards for shopping

Re-Pin allows viewers to re-pin what a company pins on the boards, easy, free marketing.

It still gives credit to the company.

As shown someone repined a pair of boots to their board.

Once you follow someone with similar interests, they give you suggested pins that relate to your hobbies.

Once again giving credit to the business & access to their direct link.

Viewers can then click on the companies board or have the option to go their direct website.

Clicking on the link will take viewers directly to a companies website.

Goes straight to a product, generating business. Easy, free marketing getting your business


Not only are pinners able to pin on Pinterest, but they are also able to share and post their boards/ideas/interest on other social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter.

Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10 percent more likely to follow through with a purchase than visitors from other social networking sites.

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