
DOB – Death: February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984

Best known for Black and White photograph of America West.

He was committed to the Sierra Club

Roots, Foster Gardens, Honolulu

Dogwood Blossom

Name: Rose and Driftwood

Taken: In 1932, In Adams home, In San Francisco

The photograph is of a pale pink rose which his mother had picked from their very garden. Adam saw the beauty within the rose and decided to take a photograph of this however he could not find the right background for it. Then he remembered that he had found wave-worn driftwood he found on a nearby beach. He took the photograph with a 4X5-inch view camera and an 8-inch Zeiss Kodak Anastigmatic lens.

A delicate rose which has not been opened fully yet has been placed upon a piece on wood which shows within detail the swirls.

This image I like because it’s a picture of something so simple yet shows pure beauty and elegance. A simple rose is placed upon a hard piece of wood.

The composition of this image seems to have been thought about carefully as it doesn’t look like its just been thrown onto the wood and left to be taken a picture of. The main focus within the picture is the rose itself and the driftwood in the it seems to be lay on, is the background, showing that the image itself is a close up. The patterns of the driftwood swirl elegantly around the rose and compliment its beauty as the wood seems rough compared to the rose which is soft and gentle.

The image itself is perfect in my eyes. I do not dislike it in anyway, the layout of the image and the composition of it has been thought about carefully and I hope that any of my images look as good as that. Even though it is a black and white image, it still stands out and you can see dark areas where there would be a shadow to the rose.

DOB : Born in 1949

He spent the first ten years of his life professionally in theatre and also television before he did photography.

He was committed to the Sierra Club

Lake Como, Tremezzo, Italy

Sluga Pass, Italy

Staffin Bay, Skye, Scotland

Balchladich Bay, Scotland

Name: Marina di Alearese - Tuscany

Taken: Unknown

The photograph itself I could not find information for this particular image and have searched all over the internet and have only managed to find the name of this photograph and the artist who has done the image. Also, I have found out that the image has been taken and edited slightly to make it look like it is a painting. In order to create this effect you have to use Adobe Photoshop.

The composition of this image seems to have captured the photographers eye. The single piece of driftwood being in the middle of the beach makes it seam more peaceful even though it seems very isolated.

The image itself is perfect in my eyes. I do not dislike it in anyway, the layout of the image and the composition of it has been thought about carefully and I hope that any of my images look as good as that. Even though it is a black and white image, it still stands out and you can see dark areas where there would be a shadow to the rose.

Roots, Foster Gardens, Honolulu


Tim Parkin has discovered photography at a later age than most photographers and now he is using all his time to make up for all the time he has lost. He use to be about music and engineering and he has been an A&R for U2’s record label.

In 2007 is when he became fully obsessed with the photography approach when his wife bought him a photography holiday in Hebrides with David Ward.

An Accidental Arrangement


Mellon Udrigle

Castle Crag

Name: Encased

Taken: 30/01/2011

Location: Haus Gill, Honister Pass, Borrowdale

This picture was taken with a Ebony 45SU camera and used the lens 150mm Rodenstock Sironar S f/5.6. The ISO for this image was Fuji, the aperture was f/f/22, the shutter speed was 1/2 s sec and finally the focal length was 150mm

The composition of this image is very effective as it shows the coldness of the day. The smoke shows the coldness and it is a brilliant image. The photographer seems to have thought about the composition on how close to go to the object. The ice on the stones seem to be really detailed.

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