Personalizing teacher pd with digital tools to self direct learning

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Personalizing PD: Digital Self Directed Learning Kelli Mallory,

+Why a need for change?

The Current Reality

District leaders offer PD sessions they design at a time convenient for their calendars.

Teachers don’t sign up, or sign up and do not actually attend

Those that do attend are the same teachers who attend everything else.

Discussions in sessions become monologues instead of dialogues without a diverse group of teachers attending

Little classroom follow through is observed by leaders, while little support is available to teachers

+Why a need for change?

The Preferred Reality

District leaders and teachers collaborate on choices, including teacher led learning, both on and offline.

Teachers learn anytime, anywhere, to meet their own needs and their students needs

Engage more teachers in professional learning Discussions are rich, relevant, meaningful, and

collaborative. Classroom follow through increases as teachers support

each other in applying learning together

+How can we change?Increase teacher choice and control and provide options for teachers to connect to the learning outcomes for students.

Makes learning relevant and more meaningful Increases likelihood of sustained change in classrooms Positively impacts student performance Increases the quality and quantity of professional

development for all teachers

+What Guides Professional Learning Decisions?

+How do we decide what to offer for credit?

Review student data to drive focus areas.

Examine how the options fit the district needs and initiatives.

Explore the potential impact of the learning on students.

Ask teachers what they need or what interests them and compile a set of choices.

+What learning choices can we give teachers?

Book or article study

Digital research

Videos and Demonstrations

Websites that support best practices or teaching ideas


MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Digital collaboration for planning and improvement aka working in a true PLC

+Tools for Products of Learning

After teachers have sought learning, have them share their learning through collaborative tools and make a plan for how to apply learning in their classroom.

Use a Lucid Chart to share action steps for a plan to implement learning.

Use a poster format on Edu Glogster to visually show learning or capture images of applications in the classroom.

Create a SMORE newsletter to share with others and connect new learning to prior knowledge or other known applications. Add photos of students enjoying the new methods.

+Tools for Collaborating about Learning

Teachers can collaborate virtually in many ways. These tools can be used for lesson planning and refinement, or can be leveraged to share learning together.

Share lessons, documents, presentations, and worksheets in Google Drive or use Google Hangouts to have a virtual on-demand session around a topic of interest, or try a Google Group such as this group on Digital PLCs.

Create lessons and share them for editing by users of a common community, including allowing commenting by global user groups to gain feedback and refine lessons for students. Programs such as Edusmart and other curriculum products have user communities for this reason.

+More Tools for Collaboration and for Digital PLCs

A few other ideas for collaboration around a discussion topic or continual improvement: Join Me – a site for online meetings and screen sharing in a team Twitter chat - a live conversation on Twitter usually filtered with a

hashtag. Click here for a schedule of current chats on education topics.

Padlet (formerly WallWisher) – a virtual post-it note board to brainstorm and store lots of ideas. Each wall can be a question or topic forum. The school version is called Backpack.

Today’s Meet – create a backchannel to any PD session, or use it as a classroom tool to elicit feedback from students on the lesson or student learning.

Edmodo – A social network in education. Collaborate in learning communities as adults, and set up student communities in classrooms.

Wikispaces – A hosting site for a classroom community blog, or to set up a PLC group for collaborating around lesson development with a team.

+How Can You Change the Definition of Professional Learning in your District? What are some of your ideas. Take this exit survey and lets collaborate!

All responses will be shared on a public site through the Google form.

Contact Information: Kelli Mallory, Ed.D. Twitter Handle: @mathcutups

Jon Maxwell, Ph.D. Twitter Handle: @M0301587

Sandeep Kumar Twitter Handle: @ES_STEM

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