Partners in Action Research Evaluation (PARE) project · • SRS evaluation SA + QLD PARE project • SNAICC + IPSU partnerships • QLD PARE – Who, where, why + what Gundoo, Gooddo

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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Partners in Action Research Evaluation(PARE) project

Presentation by Cheryl Barber, Ray Burrows,Veronica Coutts, Liz Orr, Carmel Moyle, Roslyn Von Senden,Desley Thompson

QLD IPSU Conference Workshop (Sept 2008 ) PH: 03 9489 8099

Overview• Acknowledgements

• Evaluation

• PARE aims

• SRS evaluation SA + QLD PARE project

• SNAICC + IPSU partnerships

• QLD PARE – Who, where, why + what Gundoo, Gooddo + Undoonoo workshops, resourcedevelopment, accredited training + sharing learning

• Sustainability of PARE in QLD – where to next…

Why evaluate?

• Gathering feedback

• Accountability

• Cultural awareness

• Making and learning at the same time

• Capacity strengthening

• Growing what works

• Promotion and education

• Identifying gaps

SNAICC Resource Service Evaluation Poster

Partners in Action ResearchEvaluation(PARE): Growingwhat works

•Accredited training•Develop + evaluate local resources•Tools to gather + report


Members +Communityfeedback

SRS Evaluation

•Case studies•Surveys•Interviews•Internal +•External Stakeholders

PARE Project


Partners in Action ResearchEvaluation (PARE) Aims

• deliver accredited community based evaluation training

• gather feedback about SRS resources and activities

• develop evaluation tools

PARE uses participatory actionresearch• Plan-permission + involve participants

• Gather stories + information

• Make use of feedback - reflect on storieswith participants + take action

• Give information back to the communityand plan for the future

• Plan-permission + involve participants

What are we learning aboutcommunity evaluation?

• Everyday evaluation

• One size doesn’t fit all

• Yarning + dialogue

• Hands on evaluation of resources andactivities

Queensland PARE Outcomes• 12 participants completed accredited modules

of the Diploma of Community Education in July2007

• PARE presentation `Community ways ofevaluating’ Ngadluko Ngartunnaitya SNAICCConference Adelaide2007

• Community Posters made at Cherbourg,Woorabinda and Palm Island during 2008

• QLD PARE presentation to `Heart of our Childrenand People’ IPSU Conference Townsville 2008

• Further accredited training Sept/Oct on PalmIsland 2008

Celebrating accredited training

QLD PARE Evaluation Poster

• Poster about action research evaluationcreated at first workshop

• The word PICTURE is used to explain whyevaluation is important

• Aboriginal children’s services valueevaluation - words to describe this areincluded in smaller bars across the poster

Undoonoo Child Care Centre

National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day2007

Involving dads 2008

Gooddo Day Care Centre

• Parent involvement

• Involving elders

• Involve whole family

Gundoo Day Care Centre

• Day to day program evaluation• Making local posters of families

What we learnt about communityevaluation?

• We evaluate everyday

• There are many ways- one size doesn’t fit all

• Yarning + dialogue

• Hands on evaluation of resources and activitieshelps us to make even better resources

Queensland PARE• Partnership between RMIT and SNAICC

to deliver the initial training workshops

• Ongoing support facilitated throughSNAICC and QLD IPSU

• Developing partnerships with local TAFEand University providers

Where to from here?

• Future evaluation work

• IPSU, SNAICC and services ongoingpartnership work


SNAICC Resource Service- go to projects and see PARE for resourcesand links

QCOSS/Indigenous Professional Support Unit

Co-opertative research centre for Aboriginal and Tropical

The communities and families clearinghouse see action research

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