Part I...We hope this finds you all well. We are experiencing unprecedented difficulties in our lives right now. We need to make sure that you as the first ... You shall love...God

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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Dear Parent and child,

We hope this finds you all well.

We are experiencing unprecedented difficulties in our lives right now. We need to make sure that you as the first

catechists in your children's lives are keeping up with their lessons and preparations for the remainder of this

2019-2020 CCD year. The next few weeks we expect your child to catch-up on their lessons and continue to

review the remainder of their book.

Below are links to Basic prayers, Basic Catechism with links to make it easy for you to find just in case your child

does not have their book.

Your child should know these fundamentals of our Catholic Faith so it is crucial that you practice with them.

Estimado padre e hijo,

Esperamos que esto los encuentre bien.

Estamos experimentando dificultades sin precedentes en nuestras vidas en este momento. Tenemos que

asegurarnos de que ustedes como los primeros catequistas en la vida de sus hijos estén al día con sus lecciones y

preparativos para el resto de este año 2019-2020 de CCD. Las próximas semanas esperamos que su hijo se ponga

al día con sus lecciones y continúe revisando el resto de su libro.

A continuación se presentan enlaces a oraciones básicas, Catecismo Básico con enlaces para que sea fácil para

usted encontrar por si su hijo no tiene su libro.

Su hijo debe conocer estos fundamentos de nuestra Fe Católica, por lo que es crucial que practique con ellos.

Part I

1. These prayers are in your child's book

2. These prayers are in this guide: (ctrl + click) each link





3. Glossary





Our Father

Hail Mary

Glory be

Sign of the Cross

Guardian Angel

St Michael the Archangel

The Great Commandment

The Ten Commandments are fulfilled in Jesus' Great Commandment: “You shall love...God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength....You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31)

The New Commandment

Before his death on the cross, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34).

Ten Commandments:

The Ten Commandments guide us in making choices that help us to live as God wants us to live. The first three

commandments tell us how to love God; the other seven tell us how to love our neighbor.

1. I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.

2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.

4. Honor your father and your mother.

5. You shall not kill.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

7. You shall not steal.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the clean in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Spiritual Works of Mercy and Corporal Works of Mercy: (ctrl + click) each link


The Precepts of the Church:

The Precepts of the Church describe the minimum effort we must make in prayer and in living a moral life. All

Catholics are called to move beyond the minimum by growing in love of God and love of neighbor.

1. Attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation

2. Confession of serious sin at least once a year

3. Reception of Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season

4. Observance of the days of fast and abstinence

5. Providing for the needs of the Church

Nicene Creed :

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Act of Contrition:

My God,

I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.

In choosing to do wrong

and failing to do good,

I have sinned against you

whom I should love above all things.

I firmly intend, with your help,

to do penance,

to sin no more,

and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.

The Sacraments: (ctrl + click to follow link)

The Parts of the Mass: (ctrl + click to follow link)

Link :


Instruction Video: (ctrl + click to follow link)


Inside a Church: (ctrl + click to follow link)


Liturgical Calendar: (ctrl + click to follow link)

The Marks of the Church:

The Church Is One

Just as God is one in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so also is the Church one. The founder of the Church

is Jesus Christ, who brought us back to God and made us into the family of God. The Church is one in the

Holy Spirit, who dwells in those who believe.

The Church Is Holy

The Church is holy because the Church lives in union with Jesus Christ, the source of holiness. Through the

Holy Spirit the Church leads others to holiness. The holiness of the Church is seen in the love that the

members of the Church have toward one another and the many sacrifices they make for the sake of the


The Church Is Catholic

Catholic means “universal.” The Church is universal in two ways. First, the Church is catholic because all

baptized people are part of the Church and the Church possesses the means of salvation. Second, the

mission of the Church is universal because the Church has been sent to proclaim Christ to the entire human


The Church Is Apostolic

The Church traces its tradition directly from the apostles; therefore, the Church is considered apostolic.

With the Holy Spirit the Church preserves and continues the teaching of the apostles. The pope and bishops

are the successors of the apostles.

The Bible: (ctrl + click to follow link)




The Catechism of the Catholic Church(ctrl + click to follow link)

For children:

For adults:



Part II

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion: Grade C-4, C-5

Use your Child's book to help complete the Review sheets; all sheets must be completed by May 2 in order to

prepare well for a Final Exam in May.

You do not have to email all of the review sheets; these are to help your child study and prepare for their Final

Exam and be ready to receive the Sacraments. Every child must be prepared and know their Faith before they can

receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.


Use el libro de su hijo para ayudar a completar las hojas de revisión; todas las hojas deben completarse antes del

2 de mayo para preparar para un examen final en mayo.

No tiene que enviar por correo electrónico todas las hojas de revisión; estos son para ayudar a su hijo a estudiar y

prepararse para su Examen Final y estar listo para recibir los Sacramentos. Todo niño debe estar preparado y

conocer su fe antes de poder recibir el sacramento de la Santa Eucaristía. • W1426



God’s Gift

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1 • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments


Chapter 1 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. Baptism frees us from a. temptation. b. salvation. c. unhappiness. d. Original Sin.

2. In the Old Testament, God promised the Israelites that he would a. make covenants. b. take care of them. c. send angels in a dream. d. wash away sin.

3. Giving in to temptation is a. losing God’s gift of original holiness and original justice. b. being freed from Original Sin. c. reconciliation with God. d. being in close relationship with others.

4. The week before Easter Sunday is a. Lent. b. Week of Feasts. c. Holy Week. d. Advent.

5. Mary was born without a. Original Sin. b. grace. c. sisters and brothers. d. salvation.

6. God promised to send us a. a Savior. b. angels. c. grace. d. solemn promises.

7. The forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with God is a. grace. b. temptation. c. salvation. d. Original Sin.

8. What is one thing that Jesus did not experience? a. friendship b. joy c. disappointment d. sin

9. Who followed their own will instead of God’s will? a. Zechariah and Elizabeth b. Adam and Eve c. Jesus and Mary d. Mary and Joseph

10. Jesus’ life, Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension are part of the a. Feast of Pentecost. b. Christmas season. c. Sorrowful Mysteries. d. Paschal Mystery.

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Chapter 1 Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Just like Mary, Joseph was aware that God promised to send a Savior.

12. When we gather to remember and celebrate throughout the Church year, we are responding yes to God’s invitation to be close to him.

13. Adam and Eve’s choice separated the human family from God.

14. Grace is a gift from God that we must earn.

15. The Church teaches us that people who seek God with a sincere heart can be saved even if they have not been baptized.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. Lent is a holy time that leads to the season of ( Christmas Easter ).

17. Through Jesus’ ( Death Birth ), we have the opportunity to experience salvation.

18. Ever since Adam and Eve turned away from God, the human family has been separated from God by ( Original Sin grace ).

19. Joseph trusted that God had spoken to him through ( his dream Jewish law ).

20. Our Catholic yearly cycle of seasons and feasts is called ( Ordinary Time the liturgical year).

Name Date

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Chapter 1 Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. Think about how you relate to your best friends. How does having a close relationship with God work?

22. Grace is a gift from God, which helps us live as God wants us to live. How can we celebrate this gift from God?

Name Date

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments


Chapter 2 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. The liturgy is sacramental, and the mystery of Christ’s salvation is made present a. by the prayers of the priest. b. by the prayers of the people. c. by the power of the Holy Spirit. d. by the pope and bishops.

2. Who are the saints? a. teenagers and monks b. kings and queens c. farmers and teachers d. all of the above

3. Something that can be known only through God’s revelation is called a. the Church. b. the New Testament. c. Scripture and Tradition. d. a mystery of faith.

4. Sacraments bring us God’s love and grace through a. sacred signs. b. loud, driving wind. c. the saints. d. tongues of fire.

5. The successors of Peter and the Apostles are a. the Trinity. b. the pope and the bishops. c. the saints. d. the Holy Spirit.

6. Those who assist the bishop to teach, shepherd the faithful, and celebrate the Eucharist are a. saints. b. priests. c. Apostles. d. disciples.

7. Who gave the Apostles the courage to proclaim Jesus to the world? a. the Holy Spirit b. the crowd of 3,000 people c. Jesus d. Peter

8. The people whom Christ has called to be with him are a. only the saints. b. the Church. c. only priests and bishops. d. the Trinity.

9. Who is called to be a saint? a. priests b. Peter c. everyone d. the Apostles

10. When the people asked Peter what they should do, he told them to a. pray the Sign of the Cross. b. bake bread together. c. repent and be baptized. d. lead saintly lives.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 2

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. After Jesus’ Ascension, tongues of fire came to rest on the disciples’ heads, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

12. Every time we pray the Sign of the Cross, we remember the community of love in the Trinity.

13. The Eucharist is the heart of our Catholic faith, and it strengthens and unites us.

14. Ordained priests, through the Sacrament of Marriage, are signed with a special character and able to act in the person of Christ.

15. The saints lived holy lives and never failed or sinned.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. Together with the Father and the Son, ( the Holy Spirit Peter ) completes God’s plan of salvation.

17. There are seven ( Traditions sacraments ), and each of them brings God’s grace to us.

18. Jesus Christ gives us his Body and Blood under the appearances of ( wheat bread and grape wine word and actions ).

19. The ( Old Testament New Testament ) tells the story of the Jewish people.

20. ( Peter Mary ) is the one saint who stands above all others.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 2

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. Sharing love of God by showing love of neighbor is important in Christianity. We reflect the image of God when we love our neighbors. How can you show your love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to others?

22. Having faith means believing in Jesus’ teaching and trusting him to guide your life. What might you do if your faith becomes challenged?

Name Date

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments


Chapter 3 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. The Church encourages us to receive the Eucharist at a. daily Mass. b. Sunday Mass. c. Mass on holy days of obligation. d. all of the above.

2. Which sacrament completes the grace you received at Baptism? a. Reconciliation b. Confirmation c. Holy Orders d. the Eucharist

3. The completion of which sacraments marks your initiation as a full member of the Church? a. Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation b. Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist c. Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation d. Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation

4. Which sacrament is the beginning of your life as a Christian? a. Confirmation b. Reconciliation c. Baptism d. Eucharist

5. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were a. four brothers. b. important priests. c. unsure of Jesus’ teachings. d. the very first disciples.

6. Which is a visible sign of Baptism? a. a catechumen b. Chrism c. a candle d. unleavened bread

7. A disciple is someone who a. performs the Sacraments of Initiation. b. follows Jesus and tries to live as he did. c. writes prayers for the liturgy. d. transforms the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

8. Why does a newly baptized person wear a white garment? a. It symbolizes “putting on Christ.” b. It keeps the person dry. c. It keeps the person warm. d. The newly baptized do not wear a white garment.

9. Which is the central celebration of the Church? a. the Sacraments of Initiation b. the Mass c. Baptism d. Scripture

10. Besides babies, the Church also baptizes a. children. b. young people. c. adults. d. all of the above.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 3

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. The Gospel of Matthew teaches us that Peter, Andrew, James, and John hesitated to follow Jesus.

12. Baptism seals the person with a permanent spiritual mark.

13. Unlike Baptism, Confirmation can be repeated.

14. Holy Communion brings us into union with Jesus and his saving Death and Resurrection.

15. The essential signs of the Eucharist are Chrism and a candle.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. Jesus said, “Come follow me, and I will make you ( leaders fishers ) of men.”

17. Adults going through the process to enter the Church are called ( catechumens disciples ).

18. At Confirmation, we are anointed on the head with ( holy water sacred Chrism ).

19. We fast for at least ( eight hours one hour ) before receiving Holy Communion.

20. At Confirmation, the bishop says, “Be sealed with the ( Gift of the Holy Spirit Light of the World ).”

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 3

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. Imagine that, as you are fishing off a pier, Jesus approaches you and asks you to drop everything and follow him. What would you do? Could you respond yes to his invitation?

22. How do you think receiving the Eucharist at Mass will help you live as a disciple of Jesus?

Name Date

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

4Chapter 4 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. What did a voice from the great light ask Saul? a. “Have you met the disciple Ananias?” b. “Will you spread my message?” c. “Why are you persecuting me?” d. “Would you like to be baptized?”

2. The Rite of Baptism opens with a. a Scripture reading. b. the Sign of the Cross. c. anointing the person with oil. d. a special baptismal prayer.

3. In Baptism, we become a. God’s sons and daughters. b. members of the Church. c. temples of the Holy Spirit. d. all of the above.

4. Which is the essential Rite of Baptism? a. pouring water over the person’s head b. anointing the person with oil c. lighting a candle d. wearing a white garment

5. In Baptism, what does a white candle symbolize? a. the Sign of the Cross b. the Holy Spirit c. cleanliness d. Christ’s light in the world

6. What does Baptism forgive? a. Original Sin b. personal sin c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

7. After Ananias laid hands on him, Saul a. began preaching the Good News. b. was immediately baptized. c. apologized to the early Christians. d. all of the above.

8. The human tendency to sin even after Baptism is called a. Original Sin. b. concupiscence. c. personal sin. d. temptation.

9. What is used in Baptism that is essential for life? a. oil b. Scripture c. water d. prayer

10. When we are baptized, a sacramental character or seal a. is imprinted on our soul. b. can never be removed. c. happens once and lasts forever. d. all of the above.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 4

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. After a great light struck Saul, he could not hear.

12. We believe that Baptism is necessary for our salvation.

13. In extreme situations, anyone who has the intention of doing what the Church does can perform a Baptism.

14. In some cases, we can be baptized more than once.

15. Personal sins harm our relationships with God and others.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. When Ananias blessed Saul, ( scales a spiritual sign ) fell from Saul’s eyes.

17. Jesus chose ( Paul Peter ) to lead his Church.

18. The Rite of Baptism centers on the pouring of ( oil water ).

19. We are born with ( personal sin Original Sin ).

20. The light of Christ that we receive in Baptism helps us resist ( temptation salvation ).

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 4

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. In Baptism, the light of Christ comes alive in us. How do you show others your shining light?

22. Through the gift of Baptism, you became a member of the Church. It is important that you share in its mission. What part do you play in the mission?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

5Chapter 5 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. If we ignore venial sins, they can become a. forgiven. b. habits. c. worries. d. forgotten.

2. Matthew collected taxes for the a. Pharisees. b. early Christians. c. Roman government. d. disciples.

3. When we turn away from God by doing something seriously wrong, we commit a. a mortal sin. b. a venial sin. c. repentance. d. none of the above.

4. Turning away from sin toward God is a. mercy. b. forgiveness. c. confession. d. repentance.

5. How did Matthew respond to Jesus’ love? a. He refused to listen to Jesus. b. He left his work and became a disciple of Jesus. c. He asked the Pharisees for their opinion. d. He confessed his sins.

6. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a. a mortal sin can be forgiven. b. we confess our sins to a priest. c. we receive absolution. d. all of the above.

7. Perfect repentance comes from a. a pure love of God. b. personal reasons. c. the Sacrament of Reconciliation. d. moral choice.

8. Matthew invited Jesus to his house to a. read Scripture. b. deliver a sermon. c. eat dinner. d. heal the sick.

9. Committing sins makes us a. more free. b. less free. c. closer to God. d. closer to others.

10. The ability to make choices is a. temptation. b. reconciliation. c. contrition. d. free will.

Name Date

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 5

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Jesus was afraid of sin and sinners.

12. When Jesus saw Matthew, he saw the goodness that all of God’s creatures share.

13. Making a good moral choice increases our freedom, brings us closer to God, and fills our lives with love and joy.

14. God will forgive any sin if we show true repentance.

15. Confessing our sins to a priest keeps our love for God clear in our minds.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. If we make a choice that draws us closer to God and to other people, we call it a ( mortal moral ) choice.

17. Jesus said, “I came to call ( sinners tax collectors ), not those who are blameless.”

18. When we make a choice that weakens our relationship with God or with others, we commit a ( venial mortal ) sin.

19. Another word for perfect repentance is ( confession contrition ).

20. ( Absolution Penance ) is the forgiveness we receive through a priest.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 5

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. There are many ways to say “I’m sorry” to God, and he will hear every one of them. How do you say you are sorry to God?

22. Why is it important to pay close attention to your smallest sins?

Name Date

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

6Chapter 6 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. When we receive God’s forgiveness, we also receive the grace to a. use the seal of confession. b. absolve ourselves. c. forgive others. d. understand Scripture.

2. Saint Mark describes four faithful men on a roof a. trying to see Jesus. b. lowering their friend through a hole to see Jesus. c. asking Jesus for forgiveness. d. judging Jesus harshly.

3. A community preparation for the celebration of Reconciliation might include a. a reading from Scripture. b. poetry. c. Baptism. d. public confessions.

4. We confess our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation to a. God. b. a priest. c. neither a nor b. d. both a and b.

5. When we feel stuck in sinful habits, where is Jesus ready to help us move? a. toward others b. toward him c. toward the Father d. all of the above

6. After forgiveness of sins, we feel a. a sense of peace. b. guilty. c. tempted. d. confused.

7. When the priest absolves us in God’s name, which sins are forgiven? a. venial sins b. mortal sins c. personal sins d. all of the above

8. What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man? a. “Only God can forgive sins!” b. “Rise, pick up your mat, and go home.” c. “I am sorry you are paralyzed.” d. “Let us all forgive each other’s sins.”

9. For Jesus to heal us, we have to go to him and ask for a. a reading from Scripture. b. the seal of confession. c. forgiveness. d. an invitation to call our sins to mind.

10. When you enter the reconciliation room, you may a. sit in a chair across from the priest. b. kneel behind a screen. c. neither a nor b. d. either a or b.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 6

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Jesus healed the man so people would know he had the power to forgive sins.

12. During the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we confess some of the sins we remember committing.

13. Priests are interested in helping people move closer to God.

14. The Sacrament of Reconciliation can be celebrated only in church.

15. When we forgive others with all our heart, our relationship with them and with God is healed.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. Jesus told the man on the mat, “Your sins are ( forgiven serious ).”

17. A priest’s duty not to share what he hears during confession is called the seal of ( confession silence ).

18. When we celebrate Reconciliation, only the priest and ( the parish community God ) hear our sins.

19. We receive ( punishment for forgiveness of ) our sins when we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

20. After Reconciliation, we are given ( strength instructions ) for the challenges of temptation that lie ahead.

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 6

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. How do you think you will continue the celebration of Reconciliation in your daily life?

22. Jesus wants us to know that forgiveness is an act of healing. What are some ways you can show someone that you forgive him or her?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

7Chapter 7 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. Feeling deep sorrow for your sins is called a. indulgence. b. penance. c. forgiveness. d. contrition.

2. The celebration of God’s love and forgiveness is a. the Mass. b. the Sacrament of Reconciliation. c. the Eucharist. d. Sacred Scripture.

3. What did the young man say to his father when he came home? a. “I spent all my money.” b. “I am very hungry.” c. “My conscience spoke to me.” d. “Father, I have sinned. I am sorry.”

4. A lessening of the effects of our sins through participation in prayer and good deeds is called a. indulgence. b. forgiveness. c. contrition. d. penance.

5. “I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” is part of a. the Holy Eucharist. b. the Sacrament of Baptism. c. the formula of absolution. d. a story from Luke.

6. How can the Ten Commandments help you prepare for Reconciliation? a. I can ask myself whether I followed each commandment. b. I can receive forgiveness for knowing each commandment. c. I can gain indulgences for studying the commandments. d. I can do my penance more quickly.

7. After receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we complete our penance a. with the priest. b. as soon as we can. c. within one day. d. before the next time we attend Mass.

8. When we prepare for Reconciliation, we ask ourselves whether we have a. followed Jesus’ teachings. b. eaten within the last hour. c. attended Mass on Sunday. d. prayed for guidance.

9. The Act of Contrition is a prayer in which we a. admit some of our sins. b. ask other people to forgive us. c. express our intention not to sin for a while. d. tell God we are sorry.

10. Why is it a good idea to celebrate Reconciliation on a regular basis? a. It helps us stay close to God. b. It helps us maintain healthy relationships with others. c. It gives us a sense of peace. d. It helps us do all of the above.

Name Date

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Assessment • W1426

God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 7

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Our conscience helps us know the difference between right and wrong.

12. You can ask the Holy Spirit to help you avoid sin in the future.

13. The priest says, “Go in peace” at the beginning of the Rite of Reconciliation.

14. By completing our penance, we show God that we want to make up for our sins.

15. Indulgence is the forgiveness we receive from God through the priest.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. When the father saw that his son had returned, he was filled with ( joy anger ).

17. During an examination of ( contrition conscience ), the Holy Spirit guides us to think prayerfully about what we have said or done.

18. One way to examine your conscience is by reviewing the ( Our Father Ten Commandments ).

19. A ( confession penance ) is an action we perform after the Sacrament of Reconciliation is over.

20. A ( rite penance ) has parts that happen in a certain order.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 7

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. One way God makes himself known to us is through our conscience. What helps you form your conscience and know the difference between right and wrong?

22. The Holy Spirit is a great help in preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. How do you think the Holy Spirit will help you?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

8Chapter 8 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. Whenever we move away from God by making poor choices, he a. asks us to confess. b. judges us. c. calls us back. d. none of the above.

2. The Sacrament of Reconciliation a. brings us closer to the Church, our family, and our friends. b. helps us know the comfort and love of God. c. keeps us on the right path. d. all of the above.

3. When the shepherd noticed that one of his sheep was missing, he a. decided it did not matter. b. looked for it. c. prayed to God for help. d. rejoiced that it was lost.

4. Which is an example of penance? a. taking actions to mend relationships with loved ones b. performing works of love and charity toward those who are struggling c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

5. What is a sin of omission? a. a decision to turn away from God by doing something that you know is seriously wrong b. a choice you make that does not affect your relationship with God and others c. an action you take d. things you don’t do when you should

6. Salvation is a. a gift that God alone can give. b. God’s forgiveness and friendship. c. God bringing us home. d. all of the above.

7. Turning toward God means turning a. toward sins of omission. b. toward sins of commission. c. away from sin. d. toward all sin.

8. What is a venial sin? a. a decision to turn away from God by doing something that you know is seriously wrong b. a choice you make that weakens your relationships with God or others c. the sin committed by Adam and Eve d. a sin that only a bishop can forgive

9. What does the story about the good shepherd teach us? a. God loves each of us completely. b. Finding lost sheep takes time. c. Being a shepherd is not an easy job. d. God is like a sheep.

10. Conversion involves a. true repentance. b. genuine sorrow for our sins. c. a firm decision not to sin again. d. all of the above.

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Chapter 8

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. When the shepherd found the lost sheep, he scolded it for wandering away.

12. Conversion is a quick process that happens at the deepest level of our being.

13. Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis keeps us turned toward God.

14. God will come to meet you because he is always waiting for you.

15. Sins of commission are actions you take.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. When we sin and God finds us, we call it an act of ( confession salvation ).

17. When we express sorrow for our sins and ask for his ( forgiveness judgment ), God’s mercy calls us back to him.

18. ( Commission Conversion ) is a change of life and a change of heart.

19. A ( mortal venial ) sin is a decision to turn away from God by doing something that we know is seriously wrong.

20. After we confess our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest gives us a ( suggestion penance ).

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Chapter 8

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. In 2013, Pope Francis said, “When you have the strength to say, ‘I want to come home,’ you will find the door open.” What do you think he meant?

22. Every action of love we take in the world brings us a little closer to God. What works of love and charity can you perform in your world?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

9Chapter 9 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. For the Israelites, the Ark of the Covenant was a sign of a. slavery in Egypt. b. dancing and singing. c. God’s presence and love. d. Holy Communion.

2. Why is Sunday a special day for families? a. We gather together. b. We celebrate how God is working in our lives. c. We rest from work. d. all of the above

3. During the Mass, who works through the priest at the consecration? a. the pope b. the Holy Spirit c. the bishop of the diocese d. the people in the church

4. At Mass, we thank God for his mercy by singing the a. Introductory Rites. b. Gloria. c. Kyrie. d. Collect.

5. Just like the people who welcomed the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, we a. are led by our priest. b. sing and pray. c. offer gifts to God. d. all of the above.

6. At Mass, after the procession and the Entrance Chant, the priest and the community pray the a. Sign of the Cross. b. Kyrie. c. Act of Contrition. d. Gloria.

7. During consecration, the wheat bread and grape wine are transformed into a. the Body and Blood of Christ. b. praise for God. c. a family meal. d. none of the above.

8. Where did the Israelites place the ark when they arrived at their destination? a. on their shoulders b. on a rock c. on stone tablets d. inside a tent

9. Kyrie eleison is a Greek phrase that means a. “Amen.” b. “Glory to God in the highest!” c. “Lord, have mercy.” d. “Thank you, Father.”

10. What do we do at Mass? a. listen to the Word of God b. pray and share a meal c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

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Chapter 9

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. The Ark of the Covenant was a stone box that contained prayers.

12. King David was filled with joy and danced before the Ark of the Covenant to praise God.

13. Sunday is a special day for families to gather together and share the special meal of the Eucharist.

14. The prayers and actions at the beginning of Mass prepare us to hear God’s Word and to celebrate the Eucharist.

15. During the Penitential Act, we recall our sins and ask for God’s mercy.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. King David arranged a grand ( procession feast ) to welcome the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem.

17. At Mass, the ( lector choir ) proclaims the Word of God.

18. The celebration of ( Reconciliation the Eucharist ) is a special meal in which the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is represented.

19. The Mass begins with the ( Gloria Introductory Rites ).

20. The ( Kyrie Collect ) prayer gathers all our prayers into one.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 9

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. How does everyone present at Mass participate in the celebration?

22. We believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian faith. Why do you think so?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

10Chapter 10 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. Psalms are songs and poems of a. praise. b. thanksgiving. c. intercession. d. all of the above.

2. How are the readings in the Liturgy of the Word ordered? a. First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, Gospel b. First Reading, Second Reading, Psalm, Gospel c. First Reading, Gospel, Psalm, Second Reading d. none of the above

3. Which explains the Gospel message and how we can use it in our own lives? a. the Apostles’ Creed b. the Homily c. the Psalm d. the Opening Prayer

4. To sow means to a. “teach spiritual lessons.” b. “wither in the heat.” c. “plant by scattering.” d. “fall on rich soil.”

5. Which summarizes what we believe as Catholics? a. the Nicene Creed b. the Apostles’ Creed c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

6. The reading from the Gospel is from the books of a. Matthew, Mark, and Luke. b. Mark and John. c. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. d. the Old Testament.

7. How can a seed be like a person’s openness to hearing God’s message? a. Some never hear the message at all. b. Some hear the message, but it doesn’t sink in. c. Some listen but forget what they have heard. d. all of the above

8. The readings we hear at Mass come from a. stories about the saints. b. Sacred Scripture. c. creeds. d. the Prayers of the Faithful.

9. Alleluia means a. “Praise the Lord.” b. “Listen to the Gospel.” c. “Spread the Word.” d. “Pray as a community.”

10. According to the New Testament, what is the mission of the Church? a. to sing the Gospels b. to read Sacred Scripture c. to proclaim Christ’s presence in the world d. to share parables with the community

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 10

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Parables are stories that use real-life situations to teach spiritual lessons.

12. In the parable of the sower, the farmer sowed seeds, and they all grew strong.

13. The letters in the Second Reading are mostly written by Saint Paul to Church leaders and Church communities.

14. The high point of the Liturgy of the Word is when we prayerfully listen to the Gospel.

15. We stand and profess our faith by praying the Hail Mary.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. The First Reading usually comes from the ( Old New ) Testament.

17. The ( Nicene Creed Psalm ) helps us reflect and meditate on what we have heard in the First Reading.

18. After the Gospel, the priest or deacon gives the ( Homily lecture ).

19. ( Creeds Parables ) are statements of our faith.

20. The final prayer in the Liturgy of the Word is the ( Our Father Prayer of the Faithful ).

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 10

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. When God’s Word grows in us, we experience his grace. How can you open your heart to God’s Word?

22. In the Prayer of the Faithful, we ask God to hear our prayers for the Church, the world, those in need, and our parish. Write your own Prayer of the Faithful, which accepts and shares the Gospel message.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

11Chapter 11 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. God gives us the greatest gift of all: a. a sacrifice. b. the Eucharist. c. parables. d. an offering.

2. At the Last Supper, Jesus said, “Do this in memory of a. Scripture.” b. the Eucharist.” c. the Church.” d. me.”

3. What do we respond when the priest raises the bread and says a prayer? a. “Blessed be God forever.” b. “I am the living bread.” c. “Alleluia!” d. “The Body of Christ.”

4. When Jesus and his disciples did not have enough money to feed the crowd, a. the crowd got upset. b. the disciples offered baskets of food. c. a boy offered five loaves and two fish. d. everyone went home.

5. The altar is set with items the priest needs to prepare the a. Gospel. b. Eucharist. c. blessing. d. Homily.

6. The priest asks God to accept a. the gifts we are offering. b. our blessings. c. oil and food. d. our journey of faith.

7. Jesus offered himself as spiritual food, which we know as a. a blessing. b. the Body and Blood of Christ. c. a gift. d. loaves and fish.

8. As the wheat bread and grape wine are being placed on the table, there is a a. psalm reading. b. prayer of the Our Father. c. parable reading. d. collection.

9. The gifts are brought to the altar a. in a procession. b. to show that all are offering themselves to honor God. c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

10. Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will a. be nourished.” b. live forever.” c. not be hungry.” d. be stronger.”

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 11

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. From five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed thousands of people.

12. The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with a reading from the New Testament.

13. The preparation of the Eucharist is simple so that the focus stays on the wheat bread and grape wine.

14. The collection supports the work of the Church and helps the parish care for those in need.

15. A blessing is a story that teaches a lesson.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. The ( offering blessing ) is the bringing forward of the bread and wine with the contributions of the people.

17. After the large crowd had eaten, the disciples collected ( 5,000 12 ) baskets of food!

18. Jesus gave us the ritual of the Eucharist to remember the ( sacrifice offerings ) he made for us.

19. The wheat bread and the grape wine are the same things that Jesus took into his own hands at the ( mountain Last Supper ).

20. During the Preparation of the Gifts, the priest prays prayers of ( blessing sacrifice ).

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 11

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. Jesus said, “The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” What do you think he meant?

22. When you use your gifts to serve God and others, what are you showing?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

12Chapter 12 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. The Eucharistic Prayer helps us remember and give thanks for a. the New Testament. b. Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. c. being Catholic. d. being baptized.

2. Before he died, Jesus said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will a. become wine.” b. become a sacrament.” c. be shed for you.” d. be part of our supper.”

3. How is Christ present in the Church? a. He is in the priest. b. He is in the assembly of people. c. He is in the Word of God. d. all of the above

4. Christ is present to us most especially in the a. Bible. b. Eucharist. c. Resurrection. d. Last Supper.

5. On the night before he was crucified, what did Jesus share with the Apostles? a. a powerful sermon b. a sacred secret c. loaves and fish d. one last meal

6. What are the signs of the Sacrament of the Eucharist? a. wheat bread and grape wine b. loaves and fish c. a cross and a cup d. the altar cloth and the Eucharistic Prayer

7. At the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, we acknowledge the mystery that we have just witnessed by saying, a. “Amen.” b. “Holy, Holy, Holy.” c. “Do this in memory of me.” d. all of the above.

8. The Eucharist is a pledge of a. prayer to God. b. bread and wine. c. the glory of heaven. d. recognizing our sins.

9. The Church community joins with Christ in thanking God our Father for all he has done as we pray the a. Hail Mary. b. Holy, Holy, Holy. c. Act of Contrition. d. none of these.

10. During the consecration, the priest repeats the words that Jesus said at the a. first Mass. b. Eucharistic Prayer. c. transubstantiation. d. Last Supper.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 12

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. Jesus and the Apostles had gathered to celebrate the Passover, a little-known feast in the Jewish calendar.

12. With Jesus’ sacrifice, we receive the gift of salvation.

13. As the Eucharistic Prayer begins, the priest calls on us to remember our sins and feel sorrowful.

14. All the baptized people who are gathered at Mass offer the Eucharistic Prayer.

15. After transubstantiation, the bread and wine look like bread and wine but are now the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of the risen Christ.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. During the ( teaching on the mountain Last Supper ), Jesus explained the meaning of his promise to us.

17. The ( Eucharistic Prayer Our Father ) is the center and high point of our celebration of the Mass.

18. During the ( consecration Homily ), a priest calls on the Holy Spirit to transform the gifts of wheat bread and grape wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.

19. The mystery by which wheat bread and grape wine become the Body and Blood of Christ is called ( the Holy, Holy, Holy transubstantiation ).

20. The way in which the risen Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine is called ( Soul and Divinity of Christ real presence ).

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 12

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. In the Eucharistic Prayer, we do many important things. What are some things that hold special meaning for you?

22. At the Passover, when Jesus said he was fulfilling his promise, what did he mean?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

13Chapter 13 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. When we hear, “The Body of Christ,” we respond, a. “Amen.” b. “I believe.” c. “Our Father, who art in heaven.” d. “Lamb of God.”

2. What did Jesus tell the Apostles to do on the night of the Last Supper? a. share bread and wine in remembrance b. gather together to share lives and thank God c. give witness to others that Jesus was the Christ d. all of the above

3. How can we receive Christ fully? a. as the Precious Body only b. as the Precious Blood only c. as both Precious Body and Precious Blood in a more perfect sign d. all of the above

4. As we pray the Our Father, we are united in our beliefs and our mission to follow Jesus’ instructions to a. do unto others. b. love God and one another. c. receive Holy Communion. d. be peaceful Christians.

5. In the New Testament, where can we find the Lord’s Prayer? a. Gospel of Matthew b. Gospel of Luke c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

6. One of our responses during the Communion Rite is “For the kingdom, the power, and the a. glory are yours, now and forever.” b. Our Father, we pray.” c. peace of Christ is ours.” d. daily bread and wine we receive.”

7. We are ready to share at the table of the Lord after we pray the a. Holy, Holy, Holy. b. Lamb of God. c. Lord’s Prayer. d. none of the above.

8. The part of the Mass when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion is the a. Lord’s Prayer. b. Sign of Peace. c. Communion Rite. d. Liturgy of the Word.

9. What does Holy Communion give us? a. It unites us with Christ and all members of the Church. b. It forgives our venial sins if we are repentant. c. It helps preserve us from more serious sin. d. It gives us all of the above.

10. As believers in community, the early Christians a. lived in community and shared all they had. b. built separate temples to pray alone. c. held on to their possessions. d. turned away from nonbelievers.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 13

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. The early Christians shared Jesus’ story and teachings.

12. Just as the early Christians did, we still gather to share a special meal.

13. After the Lord’s Prayer, we share a sign of peace with one another.

14. The Church requires us to receive Holy Communion at least four times a year.

15. We receive the Precious Body or the Precious Blood, but not both.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. The ( Communion Rite Eucharistic Prayer ) is the part of the Mass when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.

17. The petition made for our daily bread and for forgiveness of our sins as we prepare to receive Holy Communion is called the ( Sign of Peace Lord’s Prayer ).

18. After the Sign of Peace, the priest breaks the ( bread host ).

19. The priest places a piece of the host in the ( chalice tabernacle ) to signify the unity of the Body and Blood of the Lord.

20. The ( chalice tabernacle ) is a lockable container in which the Blessed Sacrament is kept so the Eucharist remains safe and available for adoration.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 13

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. At the Sign of Peace before Communion, we ask God to grant us peace and unity. How can you offer peace and unity to others?

22. “Holy Communion is food for our faith journey.” How will receiving the Eucharist help you on your faith journey?

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

14Chapter 14 AssessmentDirections: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.

1. What did the man on the road remind Jesus’ disciples that Scriptures said? a. God would send a Savior who would suffer, die, rise from the dead, and then enter heaven. b. We are all on a journey. c. Having faith takes courage. d. God would send a stranger on the road to meet them.

2. What should we do after Holy Communion? a. pray as a community b. pray silently c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

3. What does the Eucharist do? a. It draws us closer to Jesus. b. It helps us recognize our commitment to the poor. c. It empowers us to care for others. d. all of the above

4. What did the two disciples admit to the man as they were talking? a. They weren’t sure what to believe. b. They saw Jesus walking down the road. c. They were losing their faith. d. They thought they were on the wrong road.

5. How did the disciples feel after encountering Jesus on the road? a. discouraged b. encouraged c. confused d. afraid

6. How do we respond after the priest’s final prayer at Mass? a. “Alleluia.” b. “Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” c. “Amen.” d. “Thanks be to God.”

7. We are sent from Mass to a. bear witness with our lives to the love of Jesus Christ. b. glorify the Lord. c. serve God and others. d. all of the above.

8. “Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society.” Which area of social concern is this? a. Solidarity b. Rights and Responsibilities c. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers d. Call to Family, Community, and Participation

9. “The responsibility to care for all that God has created is a requirement of our faith.” Which area of social concern is this? a. Rights and Responsibilities b. Care for God’s Creation c. Solidarity d. Life and Dignity of the Human Person

10. “The basic rights of workers must be respected because work is an important way in which we participate in God’s creation.” Which area of social concern is this? a. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers b. Life and Dignity of the Human Person c. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable d. Rights and Responsibilities

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 14

Directions: Write T if each statement is true or F if it is false.

11. When the disciples realized the man was the risen Jesus, he vanished.

12. When we receive Holy Communion, the Mass has just begun.

13. We are first given the call to discipleship at Baptism.

14. We experience the Kingdom of God now, but we will not experience it in heaven.

15. Through the Gospels we learn that Jesus wants us to care for those in need.

Directions: Circle the word or words that best complete each sentence.

16. The ( Opening Remarks Concluding Rites ) include time for announcements and parish information.

17. ( Discipleship Dismissal ) is the willingness to answer the call to follow Jesus.

18. The ( Church’s Mission Kingdom of God ) is God’s rule over us, which Jesus preached about in the Gospels.

19. The principles of ( the Kingdom of God Catholic social teaching ) guide us to follow Jesus’ example in the way we treat others.

20. The bishops of the United States have defined ( twelve seven ) areas of social concern for today’s Church.

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God’s Gift: Intermediate • Assessments

Chapter 14

Directions: Thoroughly answer the questions below, using information you have learned in the chapter.

21. Like that of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, your own faith journey can sometimes be confusing. How do you encounter Jesus in order to stay on the path?

22. How can you work for the Kingdom of God and bring Jesus’ love to others?

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