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Experimentation Policy In Managing Forest Uses Game Theory

Indonesia has many natural resources in its land and its sea. The natural resources

are used to fulfill Indonesian’s requirement. It consists of two kinds are renewable

natural resource and unrenewable natural resource. One of renewable natural resources

is forest.

Forest managing involves many stakeholders who have different purpose in the

process. Each stakeholder wants to get maximum benefit from the forest, and it has

acces to the forest. It is needed to get good managing and good using in order to it can

reach its suistainable. In managing process of forest, we usually find some problems,

and it can cause conflicts.

The conflicts have to be solved, and it is found for the solution. The solution

could be a policy which is applied in true condition and is accepted by all stakeholders.

The solution will decide managing system and natural resource condition. The indicator

of natural resource condition which managed well is from its sustainability. If it is

sustain that is meant managing system same as the policy. The policy can be made of

government. The effective government policy will considere natural resources in social,

economic and enviroment side.

One way to make sure the policy is effective and exact, we can use simulation

non-computerized tool. That is a Landscape Game. Landscape Game can use to show

how should manage forest to get sustainability. Landscape Game is a game which

combain system between Monopoli and Snake Ladder. It gives learning about how to

manage our forest, conservation, competition, enviroment service, investation choice

and trading (Purnomo 2008).

Landscape Game can use as model for stakeholder to learn about effect from their

policy in forest managing that can make competition in land use and policy dinamic. So,

observation is needed to recite stakeholder interaction in making effective government

policy with Landscape Game.


1. Game Theory

Game theory is formal study about confflict and cooperation. It can be applied if

some action from agen is depended on each other. The agent are individual, group,

company or combination all of them. Game theory show way how to make concept,

analyz, and understand the strategy scenario

(Turocy et al. 2001).

Game theory explains how individu make rational decision when they are

playing the game (Romp 1997). The theory was apllied for natural resource problem

and management environment because they are involved interdepence, unpredictable,

and property right (Herath et al. 2006)

A game has some bassic assumtions if there are no assumtion, it is not called a

game. The assumtion are individualism, rationality and mutual interdepence. The first,

individualism talks about individual perception, they will cooperation or not when they

are playing the game. Their choice is not obbligation but it is their realize to do it.

Furthemore, rationality assume that individu is rational. That has mean individu do their

action based on their selfinterest. Players are included rational individu when they have

effort to get maximum their pay off. Pay off can be a prize of money for example utility

is gotten in the end of game. If players does not have it, they are called irrational

because they does not do it in their selfinterest. Tha last is mutual interdepence, it

assumes that in situation player are mutually interdepence. Welfare player is based on

half that is determined by the others in the game. Strategy decision makes player to get

anticipation for their action that will influence strategy’s the other player. Player will

decide their optimal strategy to reach result what they want. (Romp 1997)

2. Landscape Game

Landscape Game is included a game because it has some characteristic of game.

Landscape Game is non-computerize which is developmented based on game theory to

help understanding about land use competition dinamic, step by step in making policy

and sustanability of landscape. Landscape Game combain Monopoli, Simcity, American

Farmer, Snake Ladder and game theory. This game is built on use land competition

issues, maximum benefit each player and sustain of a landscape (Purnomo et al. 2008).

Landscape Game is based on game theory which is normal game because it has

parts such as player, strategy, and pay off (Romp 1997). Landscape Game could been

adult who use all fiture or children with eliminate a government as policy maker. It

could been played people who have different background such as local society, policy

maker, student, and academia. It has goal to give learning for player and adviser which

show what could been happened in landscape when players decide to apply their

strategy in certain time. The learning can give influence which change mental model of

stakeholder and policy maker in developing and conservation of landscape (Purnomo et

al 2008).

Landscape gives oppurtunity for player to invest which is based on kind of

landscape location. Define of location is based on dice throw result which use three dice

and it has 18 for maximum result. Player will get result from their investation if they

have done one cycle or two cycles. One cycle is mean periode when the player back to

or pass patche which they have done the investation. The game has duration about 1.5

hours (Purnomo et al 2008).

2.1 Patch

Landscape game describes about a landscape in 100 patches. The patch is divided

in three types of area namely forest core, forest edge, and mosaic land. One patch is

1000 ha of land so, total of landscape is 100.000 ha (Purnomo et al 2008).

Figure 1 Landscape Game Board

Total patch of forest core is 36 patches which is consist of 2 enclave patches, 2

coal minning patches, 4 HCVF (High Conservatin Value Forest) and the other are forest

core. Forest edge has 22 patches and all of them are forest edge. The last type of

landscape is mosaic land. It has 36 patches which 9 patches are setlement area and the

other are mosaic land. There is a street which makes two area in a patch. Invest are near

the street which have cheap cost.

Landscape Game has 7 unique patches. The patches are sustanaibility fund and

risk which player can take a card and they will follow its instruction. The instruction are

payment or getting prize which the ammount is suitable on card. There are landslide and

fire patch which give punishment to the player because they do activity which is caused

kerugian. The player will pay it if they fulfill requirement which is based on pay off

tabel. Coal minning patch gives oppurtunity for player to invest, it is included in unique

patch. Altough, water resource is unique patch. Because If it has been had by a player, it

causes other player who wants to invest has to pay some money to the owner of it. The

player will give 5Þ to the owner.

2.2 Invesment

Kind of invesment is based on type of area when the player is on. The investation

can be done at forest core which is ecotourism, HCVF, logging, REDD. All of them

have one cycle. The cost of invesment is the cheapest such as REDD which is 2 Þ. It is

cheap because on landscape which has forest and it does not build forest from the first

step. Logging need cost about 13Þ and result is 50Þ. Logging is one of activity forest

which change trees and biomass in other shape. “The shape can be moved to other place

so it is usefull for life’s and economyc’s society” (Manajemen Hutan 2009). “Logging

is the most potential activity which makes enviroment damage than the others in forest

managing” (Elias 2008). “Ecoutourism has definition that has responsibility to virgin

area’s sustainability, giving economic usefull, and keep original culture of society.

Based on this definition, ecotourism type is a conservation action which is done by

people in the world” (Fandel 2000). At Landscape Game, ecoutorism makes player who

pass it have to pay to the owner. The cost of ecotourism is 10Þ and 20Þ for HCVF.

Invesment at mosaic land is Acacia Mangium, biodiessel, oil palm, albizia, teak

and carbon. All of them are one cycle except teak which is two cycles. “Teak has low

growth and low germination (less 50%) that makes propagation process naturally is

hard. The condtition causes demand of teak that can not be fullfilled. Teak has high

economyc value because it is the first class in durablement, strengness and artistic”

(Departemen Kehutanan 2008). The teak cost and result teak are the highest namely 60Þ

and 150Þ. Acacia and Albizia investment have low the cost and high result. The result

can be gotten in one cycle.

Unique patches are sustainability fund, fire, slideland, risk, coal minning and

drinking water. When the player is in sustanaibility fund patch, it will get some money

that is based on card. If the palyer is in risk patch, it will pay some cost which is based

on card that is gotten. The rule at fire patch and slide land patch will be effective if the

requirement in pay off tabel is fullfilled.

Figure 2 Kind of Invesment

2.3 Player

Landscape Game can be played by adult and childrean. Especially for children the

features and the role are made simple without the government role. Adult who has

different backgroun can be player. They are academic, student, non goverment

organization, sociaety, policy maker, company and the others. Landscape Game is

played by 5 – 6 persons. The players are divided be three parts namely:

1. Player

Player is person who can invest in area that is on. Player can also have transaction

in trading with other player and bank. In other hand, player can do negotiation about

policy which is occured with government.

2. Goverment

Goverment is person who make policy in the game. Government can not invest

anything. It only make role, how many tax which must be payed by player, giving

insentif and disinsentif.

3. Bank

Bank is manager in money rotation since the game which is strated until ended.

Bank arranges giving money to the player, payment invesment, return, reinvest, hipotec,

tax, fining, insentif, disinsentif, giving loan, interest, and periode of loan.

2.4 Role

1. Three to six persons can play. Players decide who will be land users (two to four

persons), the banker (one person) and the policy maker or government (zero or one

person). The roles of banker and government can be played by the same person.

Players agree how long to play. Recommended time of play is 60 minutes, but

participants playing for the first time may need 90 minutes to complete the game.

2. The banker distributes initial funds of 100 points to each player (we use ‘Þ’ for

points). The government holds limited funds, e.g., Þ200, to make its policy work.

Players and government may hire advisers (consultants) and they may borrow

money. The banker determines the rates. During the game, non-government

organization activists, scientists and other stakeholders, based on their own interests,

can advocate ideas and try to influence other players’ decisions when they are acting

as the government or the banker.

3. Initially, players are randomly located by tossing dice onto the landscape, which is

divided into randomly scattered patches numbered from 1 to 100. Players begin from

the patches in which their die lands. Each move is driven by the cumulative points of

three dice bearing the values 1 to 6. If a player tosses three sixes, producing 18 steps,

then the player deserves to move once more. Players move towards patch no. 100,

and then restart from patch no. 1, until the agreed time period of play is completed.

4. When a player arrives at a patch, various investments can be made according to patch

type (e.g., forest core (dark green), forest edge (light green) and mosaic land

(yellow)). Each investment creates a cost at the beginning and provides return after a

certain time. The banker, with help of a market adviser, for instance, can change the

investment costs and returns to meet the projected market of the products and

services. Certain patches are reserved for mining and drinking water investments. At

the patches of ‘fire’ (37, 80) and ‘landslide’ (43), the players will be charged. At the

patch of ‘sustainability fund’ (18, 84), and ‘storm’ (48), the player will take a card

from a stack of fund and threat cards.

5. Players can invest not only at the patch they are located, but also at any of the eight

adjacent patches, if these have not yet been appropriated by another player.

6. The player pays the investment cost to the banker and receives a property certificate

listing type of investment, cost, return and hypothec. The player puts a mark,

provided by the banker, on the landscape patch. Players openly display all their

certificates for other players to see. Players can sell their certificates as hypothec to

the bank. Players may rebuy their certificate at Þ10 higher than the written hypothec.

7. The banker pays investment return to the player after each completion of the cycle.

The player completes a cycle when they have progressed from a specific patch

through to patch no. 100 and passes by this patch again (100 steps). Certain

investment needs to be re-invested to sustain the return. Second and consecutive

investments by the same player on a given patch generally are Þ5 lower than the first

investment due to the existence of infrastructure. Investment on ecotourism gets a

return when another player lands on that patch.

8. A player located adjacent to an investment property can negotiate with the owner to

buy that property.

9. The government observes players’ behaviour and assesses landscape changes. The

government can deliver policy, investment incentives and rules that apply to all

players. Although players can lobby the government for specific policies, the

government must be fair to all players.

10. At the end of the game:

• Players count their cash and tally asset values.

• The government may give awards to environmental friendly good players.

• The player who collects the most money (including cash, assets and awards)


• The banker tallies all players’ money to determine players’ productivity and to

quantify the gap between the ‘richest’ and the ‘poorest’.

• Participants discuss what lessons can be learned from the game, including the

best strategy to win, policies for managing a landscape, and the art and science

of competition, collaboration and productivity.


1. Data

Collecting data uses descriptive method to get various problem about human

behavior. Descriptive method has purpose to make systematic description, factual and

accurate about facts, characteristics and phenomenon connection.

Taking and collecting data are player strategy and government policy which are

determined and used in Landscape Game. Strategy is movement of player and

government policy is role which is made and used when Landscape Game take place.

The respondens are students and lectures of Bogor Agriculture University,

delegation from LMDH KPH Bogor, delegation from government, non government

orgnization activists. They are represented stakeholders in managing forest

2. Type of government

Government in this game is arranged and made in three scenario to get analyze.

According to Dietz’s opinion government can be included in Eco-Facisme group,

Enviromentalisme group and Eco-Populisme group.

Eco-facisme concerns in enviroment problems and it will do everything to save

the enviroment. Enviroment problem is very dangerous so it is need authoritative

leadership and technocrative leadership.

Enviromentalisme has focus in enviroment sustainibility in economic growth and

capitalisme. Enviroment must be preserved because only it can save raw material

existence which causes economic grwoth go on

Eco-populisme sides with in interest’s people, enviroment to make people are

prosperous. This group has opinion that participation’s all people is possible to which is

done and it is a key to solve the problem.


1. Strategy

Based on result which is used simulation tool Landscape Game, there are some

type of palyer strategy. Each player uses different strategies in every repetition. The

palyer strategy can be seen based on kind of invesment which are choosen when the

game taking place. The player strategy will decide total money and asset invesment in

the end of game. It will determine who is the winner in each play.

Tabel 1 Player strategy in first repetition


Player A Player B Player C Player D

Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value


Teak - - 1 50Þ - - 1 50ÞCarbon - - 4 20Þ 4 20Þ - -Ecotourism 3 29Þ 2 14Þ 1 7Þ 2 14ÞOil Palm 1 16Þ 1 16Þ 1 16Þ 1 16ÞAlbizia - - 2 50Þ 4 100Þ 3 25ÞLogging 2 14Þ 1 7Þ 3 21Þ 1 7ÞBiodiesel - - - - - - 1 5ÞAcacia 1 17Þ 4 68Þ - - - -

Cash   219Þ   169Þ   287Þ   287ÞLoan   0   0   0   0Total   295Þ   394Þ   451Þ   404Þ

Notes : Player A = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University Player B = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University Player C = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University Player D = student of Economic and Management Faculty Bogor Agriculture University

In first repetition, four players and bankir are student of Bogor Agriculture

University. As government is a lecture of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University.

The winner in first repetition is player C and he has total of money 451Þ, whereas

player A gets total money which is the lowest 295Þ.

Player C wins the game because he has 4 carbon investments, 1 ecotourism

investment, 4 albizia investments, 1 oilpalm investment and 3 logging investments.

Total asset is 76Þ and total cash is 219Þ.

Tabel 2 Player strategy in second repetition

  InvestmentPlayer A Player B Player C Player D

Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value


Teak - - - - - - 1 50ÞCarbon 1 5Þ 2 10Þ 1 5Þ 1 5ÞEcoutourism 2 14Þ 2 15Þ 4 36Þ 2 22ÞOilpalm - - 2 32Þ 1 16Þ 1 16ÞAlbizia 2 50Þ 1 25Þ 1 25Þ 1 25ÞLogging 3 21Þ 2 14Þ 1 7Þ 1 7ÞBiodiesel - - - - 1 5Þ 2 10ÞAcacia - - - - 1 17Þ 1 17ÞMinning 1 30Þ - - - - - -

Cash money   6Þ   44Þ   13Þ   93ÞLoan   0   60Þ   0   220Þ

Total money   126Þ   80Þ   124Þ   25ÞNotes : Pemain A = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University

Pemain B = student of Stock Faculty Bogor Agriculture UniversityPemain C = student of Economic and Management Faculty Bogor Agriculture UniversityPemain D = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture University

The players all in the second repetition are student of Forest Faculty, Stock

Faculty, Economic and Management Faculty Bogor Agriculture University whereas, the

government is a student of Forest Faculty. The second repetition is won by player A

with total money that is 126Þ. Player D gets the lowest of total money is 25Þ.

Player A wins the game because he has good strategy. He has 1 carbon

invesment, 2 ecotoutism investmnets, 2 albizia investments, 3 forest logging

investments, and 1 minning investment. The total asset player A is 120Þ and cash

money is 6Þ. Player D also has many investment but he looses in the game. It is caused

he who has many loan. Investment is had player D which is 1 teak and 1 carbon

investment, 2 ecotourism investments, 2 biodiesel investments, and 1 albizia, 1 forest

logging, 1 acacia investment. Player D has total asset and cash money that is 152 Þ and

93 Þ ,but he has loan which is 220 Þ.

Tabel 3 Player strategy in third repetition

  InvestmentPlayer A Player B Player C Player D

Total Value Total Value Total Value Total Value


Teak - - 1 50Þ - - - -Carbon 2 10Þ - - 3 15Þ - -Ecoutourism 4 36Þ 1 7Þ 2 22Þ 3 21ÞOilpalm 1 25Þ 1 25Þ 2 50Þ - -Albizia - - 2 14Þ - - - -Logging 1 5Þ - - 1 5Þ - -Biodiesel 1 17Þ - - - - 5 85ÞAcacia - - 1 30Þ - - - -

Cash money 130Þ   31Þ   22Þ   164ÞLoan   0    0   0   0

Total money   223Þ   157Þ   114Þ   270ÞNotes : Player A = delegation of LMDH KPH Bogor

Player B = student of Forest Faculty Bogor Agriculture UniversityPlayer C = non government organiziationactivistPlayer D = delegation of Perhutani Bogor

Players in third repetition are different than two repetitions because they are

stakeholders in actually forest managing. Players consists of student of Forest Faculty

Bogor Agriculture University, non government organiziationactivist, delegation of

Perhutani Bogor, delegation of LMDH KPH Bogor and the government is delegation

from Bogor Forest Department. Player D wins the third repetition and he gets 270 Þ for

total money. In other side, player C looses and gets only 114 Þ for total money.

Player D wins the game because he chooses 3 ecotourism investments, and 5

acacia investments. Total asset’s palyer D and cash money’s player D are 106 Þ and 164

Þ. Player C has 2 albizia and ecotourism investments, 3 carbon investments, and 1

biodiesel investments. His total assets is 92 Þ and his cash money is 22 Þ.

2. Government Policy

Strategy is done by players in each repetition which is different. It is depended on

goverment policy that is applied. The policy is depended on managing land use pattern

and competition of players.

Tabel 4 Government PoliciesUlangan Kebijakan Pemerintah

II All investment have tax about 5 – 40%Drinking water is mine of governmentInvestment in settlement area is forbidden except ecoutourism and albiziaForest logging is near drinking water source and river which has tax 40%Biodiesel and albizia investments get incentive from governmentDelimitation of forest logging investments is done by increasing return tax that is 20%Giving incentive for player who has carbon invesment more 3

V Return tax is accounted from actual returnInvestment tax for biodiesel, minning and teak are 40%, 45% and 25%, whereasalbizia and acacia are 30% and 20%Carbon investments tax is free

VI Investment in settlement area does not get permissionPlayer who pass in carbon investment which mine of other player must pay 1 ÞPlayer who is in ecotourism investment which mine of other player must pay 2ÞMinning investment is far from street which is forbiddenTax of investment is various about 10% - 20%


1. Player strategy and government policy in Landscape Game

Natural resources is consist of renewable natural resource and unrenewable

natural resource. Forest is included in renewable natural resource and it needs complex

managing. Managing of forest in Indonesia is based on authority princip and useful

princip. It is in Indonesia Constitution of 1945 section 33 subsection 3. “Government is

authority for natural resource including forest and it is used for citizen welfare”

According to Law Number 41 Year 1999 regarding Forestry section 4 subsection

(1) stated that all the forests in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, including the

natural resources contained within it is controlled by the state. In subsection (2) state in

this case the government can establish and manage the planning, the designation,

provision and use of forests in accordance with its function in providing benefits to the

people and country. It can be stated in the form of government policy.

. Forest management involves many stakeholders who have access to the forest.

Management and utilization of forest resources to consider the balance and

sustainability. Stakeholders consist of businesses in the forestry sector can be a

company or individual, forestry academics, NGOs engaged in environment or forestry,

forest villages and communities around the government as a policymaker.

Landscape Game can be used as a non-computerized simulation of forest

management in the real world. Landscape Game gives an explanation of learning about

the management and landscape conservation, environmental services, the choice of

investment and trade, competition and collaboration and approach to the achievement of

"Nash equilibrium" situation in which every action or choice of optimal player strategy

(Purnomo, 2008). This game can also be used as a model for stakeholders to learn about

the impact of policies that apply to forest resource management activities that occur

trigger competition and the dynamics of land use policies.

A player is an agent that makes decisions in a game (Turocy et al., 2001). Players

can perform a variety of investments in the land where he is. Players can also perform

transactions with other players and the bank. In addition, players can also negotiate with

the government policies that is applied.

Landscape Game requires a strategy to win the game by maximizing profits

without forgetting the ecological and social sustainability. A strategy is not just a list of

alternative actions can be taken by the player, however, describe how the actions of the

player depends on what he observes the other players in game action (Romp 1997).

The strategy replicates performed on each game player is a response to the

measures taken by the government. Conflict and cooperation in the game is a study in

game theory. The concept of game theory can be applied when the actions of the players

depend on each other. So the concept of game theory to formulate, analyze and

understand the scenario of existing strategies (Turocy et al., 2001).

Strategy taken by the players on the three replications varies greatly depending on

the pattern of the game, the competition among the players and the government policies

issued. There are several common strategies undertaken by the players on the three

replications. Players who win the game choose a low-cost investments but give high

yields such as logging, acacia, oilpalm and albizia. This strategy looks at the third

replications of the game. Courage to invest is also seen in the first and second repetition.

Another investment strategy used to win the Landscape Game is to choose investments

that apply the fee system for the past investments such as ecotourism or carbon. This

strategy can be used to note that the policy issued by the government contributed to the

choice of strategy. This strategy is used by players to win the game in the first test,

second, and third.

Meanwhile, the strategy is used to win the last game that is the player to choose

Landscape investments that earn incentives from the government. The strategy is chosen

by the players because of government policies that will provide incentives to certain

investments. This strategy is carried out by the players on every test except repeat the

third game. Players who had caused the defeat did not dare to invest and take risks in

debt to the banks when capital began to thin. This happens on the first repetition, second

and third. Besides losing players due to the selection of investment with low cost and

the amount of investment only slightly. It is located on the second and third repetition.

Another strategy that led to losing the player is throwing the dice that falls on an

existing cell investment. This leads to lost opportunities to invest player. This incident

was the first and third repetition. Decision to invest in the wrong time can also result in

a player losing. For example, an investment which takes two cycles (teak) to obtain new

results when the game has been invested through one cycle. This occurred in secon


Strategy is chosen by the player which is also influenced by the type of policies

adopted by the government. In the Landscape Game, there are three types of

government policy that is Eco-Facism, Enviromentalism and Eco-populism. Each game

has a different government in policy making for several reasons such as patterns

influenced the game, the competition among the players and the strategy are chosen by

the player.

Type of government policy on the first and third test have in common is

Enviromentalism wing leaning government Eco-Facism. This type of government to

preserve the forest resources in order to sustain the economy. Investment and gift tax

assessment are done so that the government has increased revenue from the

management of forest resources. Mastery of the drinking water source by government

restrictions and high taxes for investments in logging and banning the opening of the

mine away from the street is an act to preserve forest resources.

The flow of government policy Enviromentalism leaning Eco-populism can be

seen in the second repetition. Type of government policy on the repetition preserves the

forest resources in order to sustain the economy but also think about people's interests.

Type Enviromentalism visible policy of the government policy in determining the tax

imposed higher taxes to close the road investment and tourism investment restrictions.

Eco-populism policy type is seen in government policy in providing incentives for

investment in land mosaics and higher taxes to invest close to residential areas.

Government to test the game first and the third has a different flow of the Eco-

leaning populism Enviromentalism and Eco-populism. The first replication the type of

game on Eco-populism visible policy of banning investment in a residential area by

reason of the existence of disturbing public investment. Tax assessment for all types of

investments included in Enviromentalism policy. The second repetition game types of

government policies Eco-wing populism because the government uses taxes for the

welfare of the people and the settlement of investment prohibited by reason of a society

of social control in forest management.

2. The First Repetition

In second repetition the game, four players and a banker are students of the

Faculty of Forestry and Faculty of Economics, Management, Bogor Agricultural

University with a lecturer from the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University

who acted as the government. Player C can win the game because it is very brave to

invest. This is indicated by always investing in the cell where the player C to stop.

Investment choices made by the player C as carbon, eco-tourism, logging, oilpalm and

albizia. The investment cost is not too expensive but the results will be obtained after

one big round. This is consistent with the basic assumption of game theory in Romp

(1997), namely rationality. Rationality assumes that each player will maximize its

profits in the current situation by making rational decisions. Government policy that sets

all investments are taxed 10% except for logging, 15% for mining, 20% for ecotourism

and biodiessel is not taxed also influence the investment choices the player C.

Logging and mining taxes are high because of the environmental impact of the

management. Impact of mining activities that change the physical form of land resulting

in considerable environmental degradation such as loss of topsoil due to soil excavation

process, erosion, water pollution and soil by chemicals used during the mining process

and waste grounds. Pulp waste or tailings are usually referred to scour stone is usually

collected through piled or dumped into rivers that lead into shallow rivers and flooding.

In addition, the tailings can also pollute the river that would disrupt the ecosystem of the

river (Malelak 2009).

When the player is less interested in investing logging because of high taxes and

lower government logging tax to 10%. The government hopes that with the passing of

the tax can motivate players to invest so that logging of forest resources can be utilized

to the fullest. Although logging gives a great damage to the environment but the

government argues that the forest should be utilized for the welfare of the people.

According to Elias (2008) of timber and non timber would be beneficial if they can be

issued and sold to consumers or used as raw material in processing plants.

Player C is the most of income earned from investments albizia which amounts 4

and the result per invesment is 74 Þ. Government policies that allow investment in

residential albizia and incentives for players who invest the trigger player C for

investing. This is consistent with the basic assumption of game theory in Romp (1997),

namely interdependence. Government policy is encouraging land management that is

participatory. Residential land is a mosaic of forest areas, agricultural land, the

ownership of land is defined on the basis of high population density and natural forest

management often can not compete with agriculture (Chomitzs et al., 2007). Providing

incentives for investment albizia and biodiessel. Jatropha is a tax exemption for

government measures to encourage land use and management of participatory mosaic.

According to the regulations of the Minister of Forestry No. POI/Menhut-II/2004 on the

Empowerment of Local Communities in the Context of Social Forestry section 2

describes the empowerment of local communities in and around forests is to increase

the capacity and independence of the community in a forest with the aim to improve the

welfare of local communities and the realization of sustainable forest management.

. A total of money players get the lowest in second repetition because of the

investment made slightly when compared to other players. A few players of reason to

invest because player A does not dare to spend money runs out, and eventually led to

his capital he should owe to the bank. Type of investment chosen by player A is actually

a low-cost investment with high returns such as acacia, logging, oil and ecotourism. But

because their numbers are small and often through ecotourism A player other players

who have to pay a fee to owners of investment led to the player A has the lowest total

money after the game ends.

Type of investment chosen by player A is actually a low-cost investment with

high returns such as acacia, logging, oil and ecotourism. But because their numbers are

small and often through ecotourism A player other players who have to pay a fee to

owners of investment led to the player A has the lowest total money after the game


When a player D stops at cell 52 which is a source of water and want to invest the

government does not approve it. Source of water is a public good and all the people are

very dependent on the water so as to avoid the privatization of water resources by the

players, the government issued a policy that the water source controlled by the

government and every player who stopped in the cell 52 must pay 2Þ to the government

that is obligated to pay for the use of water resources. This is in accordance with the

Article 33, section 3 of the 1945 "Earth and water and natural resources contained

within it are under the state and utilized for the welfare of the people". So the only water

resource management by the government, as a consequence of state responsibility to the

people. Availability of water which tends to decrease with increasing water needs of

water resource management requires attention to the preservation of the social,

environmental and economic (Riyanto 2008). Obligations for players who quit in the

cell 52 to pay 2Þ to the government in line with Law no. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources

Article 26, subsection (7) "utilization of water resources carried out by emphasizing the

social function to achieve justice by paying attention to the principles of water use and

water resource management services by involving the community". In addition, the

government also issued a tax policy logging near water sources and flow of water to

40%. This is not to protect the water sources so that water quality is awake and able to

meet people's needs for water. According Chomitzs et al. (2007) state in this case the

government needs to decide who has the right to manage resources and how big a role

the government to regulate these rights in order to protect the public interest.

Efforts to achieve ecological sustainability by looking from the issuance of

government policy on logging restrictions by increasing the logging tax to 20% from

10% for players who have an investment logging> 2 and the provision of incentives to

players who have a carbon investment> 3. In addition to thinking about the welfare of

the people, the government also seeks to achieve ecological sustainability. Some theory

and evidence suggests that deforestation can cause changes in weather patterns locally

and globally, flood, smoke pollution, and reduce the availability and quality of water.

Direct economic benefits from forest conservation such as pollination and pest control

may be very large but visible in the mosaic of land, there is no physical or economic

calculations are clear about it (Chomitzs et al., 2007).

Based on the policies made by government policies including the type of

government into a stream of skewed Eviromentalism Eco-Facism. Enviromentalism

became clear in setting tax policy on the utilization of the resources that will be used for

public welfare. Natural resource conservation policy can be seen from the water source

is controlled by the government, tax and logging around the source of water flow by

40% and limiting the amount of investment logging. Eco-Facism embodied in natural

resources to protect the investment restrictions and high taxes.

3. The Second Repetition

In second repetition players are from the Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Animal

Science and Faculty of Economics and Management. Government is a student at the

Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. The player who wins the game is

player A. Player A is in early round games and he invest albizia and ecotourism.

Ecotourism investment in second repetition are charged a fee for 15Þ. Therefore, player

A invests ecotourism because of the money gained from tourism levy large and small

investment cost of 10Þ. A player's strategy choice is choosing to invest ecotourism is

also supported by government policy that sets a 10% tourism tax.

Ecotourism is taxed because of charges that are determined according to the

consensus player of 15Þ also. Utilization of forest concessions in the form of nature

tourism should be conducted with not a lot of damage potential and its beauty in order

to obtain the maximum benefit and sustainable (Riyanto 2008). Based on the Decree of

the Minister of Forestry No. 441/Kpts-II/1990, contributions of business on the business

activities in the nature conservation area is 6% of the turnover of the relevant financial


Government policy is set at 30% albizia tax on the grounds where the investment

is located near the settlement of the well-being must be considered. In the mosaic of

land, agriculture and forests are located close together, the challenge is to ensure that

land managers already take into account the benefits of forest maintenance for people

living in the vicinity (Chomitzs et al., 2007).

A player also has a carbon investment because of government tax relief for

investment in carbon. Government investment liberate carbon from the tax because they

support government policies in the development of land management practices that are

environmentally friendly. According to the FAO in the FWI (2001) land cover changes

produce more carbon than saving it, thus giving a big contribution to the warming

global. Based on studies conducted by the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural

University (1999) in FWI (2001) concluded that the economic theory of biodiversity

and carbon storage currently far exceeds the revenue earned from timber production.

When the money starts running low A players he decided to take on debt to the

bank of 100Þ and successfully restore it. A player willing to take risks in order to

continue to invest in the next round. The money from loans used to invest in logging

and mining that gives great results, namely the 50 Þ and 75 Þ. The Government set a

high tax for logging and mining which is 20% and 45% for both the investment

detrimental impact on the environment. This is in accordance with the opinion Chomitz

et al. (2007) which states that the impact of forest loss causes floods, smoke pollution

and declining water availability and quality.

Player D actually has a number of investment more than player A. In the initial

round of player D with the cost of investing teak 60 Þ and give the results after 2 cycles.

In addition to investing teak, player D is also investing logging and oil palm. Because

capital is less then the player D to the bank to borrow money at 100 Þ. Player D in the

next round of investment through ecotourism's a lot of other players. So he must pay a

fee for each ecotourism 15 Þ passed. On lap-8 player D back into debts to the bank at

100 Þ. Players D does not get a true return true because the game ends before reaching

the two cycles. But if the identity of up to 2 cycles of D player will get a result at 150 Þ.

Although the total value of the assets but as a player D has an unpaid debt, the total

money in the end only the 25 Þ game.

On second repetition of this long debate between the players and the government.

In the early determination of the tax, the government did not explain that the tax was

calculated from the results after reinvestment. Players who objected to the way the

calculation of trying to negotiate for reduced taxes, however, insisted the government

would not reduce the amount of tax. Finally, it was agreed that the tax is not reduced

but, calculated from the gross proceeds. This is a reflection of real life, government

regulations often not socialized before applied so often overlapping forest resource

management rights with other interests.

Type of government policies including the flow Enviromentalism Eco-leaning

populism. Government policies that environmentalism looks great and the tax

assessment is calculated from the net but, finally calculated from the gross proceeds.

Determination albizia high taxes because of its proximity to the settlement led to

government policies biased toward the type of Eco-populism.

4. The Third Repetition

Players at third repetition is different the previous two replicates for the

stakeholders in forest management in the real world. Players consisted of students of the

Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor Perhutani KPH, KPH Bogor

LMDH community, NGOs, while the government is representative of the Department of

Plantation and Forestry Bogor

Player D wins the game because it has a lot of investment acacia and ecotourism.

Player D prefer investing acacia than other investments because they thought that the

demand for wood is high and good quality wood is acacia. In addition, a large acacia

provides a cost benefit must be paid a small investment. Investment in land of mosaic

has great results when compared with the core forest and forest edge. This is due to

investment in the mosaic of land devoted to production. Government policy is set at

10% acacia taxes also affect the selection of investment by player D. The tax is used to

finance the government budget in carrying out their duties, the construction of public

facilities and infrastructure.

A reason players choose ecotourism investment because of low investment cost,

using the forest without having to change its physical form and generate a lot of money.

Government policy on the provision of a player who quit on ecotourism investments are

charged a fee by the other players also support the 2Þ player A invests ecotourism. This

is done by the government to provide motivation for players to want to invest in

ecotourism because players tend to choose investments that generate carbon levy every

player who passes by. Genesis is a portrait of real world events that the entrepreneurs

are reluctant to invest in tourism because of the complicated licensing and infrastructure

costs are large (Riyanto 2008).

Player C get a total cash investment as low as a result many choose low as

biodiesel, carbon and eco-tourism. Investment is only giving a yield of 2th-8th so it

does not really affect the amount of money earned by the player C. Although the results

of low carbon investment, player C still choose the investment because of government

policies that determine the amount of levy 1th for other players who belong to the

carbon investment over other players. 1Þ magnitude as the amount of tax levy not more

than 10%. This is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number

441/Kpts-II/1990 which states that the contribution of business on the business of

business activities in the nature conservation area which is 6% of the turnover of the

relevant financial year. Determination of the policy also aims to encourage the players

to invest without having to change the physical form of the forest.

Another policy adopted by the government is banning investments in residential

areas and mining investment away by road. The prohibition in residential areas aim to

protect society and prevent land disputes. According to Chomitz et al. (2007) challenges

beyond the agricultural frontier is to recognize and maintain the certainty of the rights of

indigenous people that they already have for a long time and keep the conflict from the

seizure of property rights when those limits are set. Mining investments have much by

way of the high investment cost of having to open the forest area and create

infrastructure that can cause harm to the environment. Coordination in regional

development interventions by government such as the construction of the road network

is intended to minimize the gap between the goals of environmental and human

livelihoods (Chomitz et al., 2007).

Type of government policy, including Environmentalism flow skew Eco-Facism.

Government policies skewed Eco-Facism environmentalism can be seen from the

determination of the tax, the tax on gifts and the prohibition of mining investment away

from roads.


Landscape in the form of non computerized tools can effectively present their

game dynamics of forest resource management in real life.

Strategies is needed to win the game that is to choose low-cost investment but

have high yield such as logging, acacia, oilpalm, and albizia. In addition, players

courage to take risks and take advantage of every opportunity to invest as well be one

strategy to win the game. Type of investment chosen will affect the productivity and

sustainability of the land.

Type of effective government policy for the management of forest resources is a

leaning Enviromentalism Eco-Facism that the end condition is more sustainable

landscape at the end of the game


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