
CEO: Eric HeuzeCFO: David Aziz


KindleOther eBook Makers:AppleMicrosoftPanasonicBeBookIrexBookeen

What is an eBook Reader and What is its Purpose?An eBook Reader is a device used to display eBooks to be viewed by

people.An eBook is an electronic version of a traditional print book.Supports HTML files but is not a web browserAllows the HTML document to fit the screen with the user’s desired layout and font.

Hardware and Software Involved in Making eBooks and readers Work

HardwareProcessorMemoryHard DriveSpeakersDisplayUSBMotherboardWiFi Adapter

SoftwareMicrosoft ReaderAdobe ReaderBookReadereMonocle ReaderHiEbook ReaderMentoract Reader

Operating SystemsWindows MobileMac OS XLinuxPalm

eBook Readers are relatively secure devicesSecure eBooks have extra requirements

oLatest reader software requiredoStops sharing with other devicesoEncrypts files and ties them to a single device

TheftDownloading unwanted books and content

oBe vigilant!Credit Card Information

oCompanies should delete after using

Copyright InfringementCracking / Altering SoftwareCredit Card FraudData MiningCustomers not getting what they paid for

•Selection Error•Bugs•Compatibility Issues

People already spend enough time on computersWhy can’t laptops possess eBook reader functionsVery costlyHasn’t been adequately promoted

Saves timeSaves paper / Good for the environmentPossible to transport hundreds of readings at a timeResource AccessibilityWorks well in different environmentsEasy to use

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